The App Guy - Marketing Strategy

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Your Marketing Strategy for a mobile world

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Table of Contents

1. Table of contents

2. Introduction

3. Your business

4. Our business

5. This strategy

6. Marketing channels

7. Website

8. Apps iPhone, iPad & Android

9. Video email drips

10. Social Media Nathan Kelly -

Helping you engage a loyal tribe of customers for your business.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281


The mobile revolution

So much has changed in business since the onset of the internet revolution and subsequent mobile internet revolution.

I say revolution because it is exactly the same as what occurred in the industrial revolution in the early 1800’s. Our whole society has shifted in it’s use of technology and it is transforming everything we do, especially in business.

Its a fact that over 75% of Australians use smartphones and tablets and 90% of them use them to engage with local businesses. That;s awesome for your business because it gives you a direct strategy to attract engage & convert local prospects and turn them into lifetime customers.

Responding to change

As business people we all know that if local consumers change their behaviour that we need to respond to these changes. The fact is that if we fail to adapt to these changes then our clients can move to a competitors.

This Mobile Marketing Strategy will help your business make this transition and to be the local business which consumers turn to rather than the one they turn away from.

Taking the right steps forward.

Unfortunately in the IT and marketing industry many providers simply build or supply local business people with individual tools such as graphic packages, business cards, flyers, websites, apps, advertising space and a myriad of other services. The issue with this approach is that local businesses continue to throw good money after bad because none of these elements are attached to any marketing strategy at all.

The old wisdom rings true “ if you fail to plan then you plan to fail”

A new approach to marketing

As a marketer & developer I don’t just build great marketing tools and materials, I use them as apart of a overall mobile marketing strategy which can respond over time to the unique changes in customer behaviour and technological advances.

Sticking with you all the way

In the same way as many businesses have a part time book keeper or financial planner your business can now have it’s own marketer who will help you with your mobile marketing strategy including building and managing your marketing with you.

I will assist you wi the the right mobile marketing tools & management strategy to help your business thrive in this mobile marketing age and I’m with you all the way…

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Your business in the mobile age.

A new concept for some…

You need to imagine your business, not just as a supplier of products or services but as an entity which sits in an enormous network of people which are all interconnected with each other with directly or indirectly.

What you need to do is to connect each part of this network to yourself and business using both online and offline techniques. You need to put yourself in the centre of this network and make as many connections as possible and keep them alive for as long as possible.

You may say “sure that’s a bit basic” but so many business owners miss one very valuable point. “The more connections you can develop, the more business you will have in your lifetime”. Business owners are often hell bent on today’s earnings at the expense of building their network. Thats why we often experience bad service or a business person who doesn’t bother to return your calls.

I believe that if you run both a short and long term strategy then your business will continue to thrive. You can take traditional business principals and accelerate them with the use of technology.

Building your network with technology…

Network building using technology will take your business so much further than you ever thought possible. This strategy is far more than signing up for every social media site and marketing tool available. It’s about coordinating your efforts and tapping into the centre of your network. Your business becomes the hub of the wheel and you end up with thousands of direct and in direct connections running through your business.

Where to from here?

As you think about this strategy remember that every tool, every message and every step of this process to designed to connect you with an ever increasing number of connection who will see you, mention you, purchase from you, recommend you and even vouch for you and your business to thousands of people from thousands of networks all over your community.

It is amazing what technology has done to good old fashioned networking.

It really has put the world at your finger tips.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Two marketing approaches

Your marketing strategy will consist of both interruption and inbound marketing techniques which increase your network reach. Combining both sets of techniques will build you network and increase your business.

Interruption Marketing

This strategy takes your central marketing message, products & services and pushes them to your target market. This is a more traditional yet still very effective marketing method. Without interruption marketing strategy your business would most likely not even exist today. The term interruption is not about rudeness, simply about getting someone’s attention.

Inbound marketing

The principals of inbound marketing is that your prospects “find” you rather than you “find” them. Inbound marketing is the modern equivalent of a shopping mall where you wander in and ask for a product or service as apposed to a salesman coming to your door to ask you if your interested.

Marketing Approaches

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Marketing Channels Summary

Your Strategy focuses on your main identity and essence as a business.

From there we create all your communication tops with this focus , not just in terms of graphics but also in terms of search-ability.

Each communication tool, appeals to different individual, their behaviours, their tastes and their relationship with your brands, your people, products and services.

Publishing on all these communication channels including websites, apps, social media sites, email, video and hundreds of locations throughout the web culminates in the consumer viewing your business as an authority in the industry and the location in which you work.

This marketing strategy summary shows how each communication channel works in co-operation with the other.

Our services simply creates the communication tools and coordinates your marketing messages out through each of the channels to your target markets.

Without this integrated approach to marketing your business you as a business owner are left with tools rather than a co - ordinated marketing strategy.

The following pages will show how each element works in your business.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Customer Relationship Management

We use and recommend Less Annoying CRM because although it has a silly name it really is LESS ANNOYING!

Apart from the loads of useful features that it does have, it keeps things really simple and the best part about it is the price.

Just $10 USD per month? That’s Just Awesome !

The fact is that most CRM systems are too complicated and too expensive so we think this on fits the bill for most SME’s

About Less Annoying CRM

What we do…

If you would like us to help you set up and account and get it running for your business we can do so remotely or we can visit your office and run you through how to use the software.

The software only cost $10.00 per month when ordered from

Set up $99 +$15 per month

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Leads Gathering / Leads Capture

The Importance of leads…

From our experience leads are probably one of the most disrespected commodities which businesses have.

We’ve worked companies big and small where reps and staff complain about cold leads, chase better leads or somehow ave magical sense of what the best leads are. In the end leads need to generated, logged in and acted upon immediately. But that’s not the end of the story with leads.

We will take your leads (or show you how to) and recycle them so that at some stage, if the prospects are treated with respect these leads can be converted into sales again.

Lead Capture

We will create and post leads capture forms into your website, apps, email campaigns and social media.

We will design in consultation with the business owner relevant incentives such as Free reports, consultations, free offers, discounts etc.

Not just for leads but if you would like to qualify the serious leads,we can simply adjust the information we ask for or narrow down exactly what the prospect is requesting.

Your lead capture form will be hooked into your email marketing software or to be downloaded into a spreadsheet.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Keyword Research and SEO

The only way to target the customers you need is to find out how they use the internet and what terms they use when they are looking for your products and services.

Without quality research your shooting into thin air without any planning and ultimately you will be disappointed with your results.

During our initial and continuing relationship with you we will discuss the root keywords you think you should use.

From these we will develop a master keyword list which we will use in your website, social media pages, advertising and search search engine optimisation.

Because people change, your keyword research should be conducted and measured on a regular basis. We should experiment with a variety of terms and measure the results with analytics.

Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine Optimisation (SEO) refers to getting your website and marketing efforts to the optimal performance for in terms attracting the right people to your website. This optimisation is achieved by combining your human intelligence and search engine intelligence.

SEO is a constantly changing process because your competitors are getting smarter and constantly changing their approach to reaching your customers and search engines are constantly.

changing to improve search results for consumers and search engine companies profits of course

We set up your website with an initial and comprehensive keyword set using Googles keyword tool.

We optimise the layout and the structure of your website to appeal to both humans and search engines.

We set up your page headings, images and background keywords to attract your customer based on your selected keywords and generated similar keywords based on the Google Keyword tool.

What’s NOT included when we develop a site for you.

Keyword research, page content and a few back links to your website in not sufficient to compete online these days.

You simply can not set up a website and walk away. Therefore your site must be continually optimised through connecting your site to other relevant sites and website directories.

Off page optimisation is not included with your website and must become part of your online marketing strategy.

While most web developers are happy to build a pretty looking site and leave you with a lack of results, we think it is unethical to lead our clients up the garden path.

The next page will introduce you to the concept of off page optimisation and increase your online success.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Off Page Optimisation and Internet Dominance

Taking it all the way

Once your initial keywords are set over a period of months you will gradually see your website come hop through the search results based on a variety of factors. Google for instance use over 200 metrics to judge how relevant and popular a website is and where to place it in the search results.

Some keyword areas are extremely competitive such as “florists” around St Valentines day or “Christmas gift” at Christmas time so in these areas you will be competing with a lot on other companies for top results.

So what should you do?

1. Use niche and local search terms for your business and compete where it is less competitive. Your ranking results will be quicker and more effective. i.e. florist and your suburb rather than florists in Australia.

2. Promote your business off line using your business name, flyers, business cards, signage ext and have people go straight to your site. This is how most people will find your site but it will not attract new customers who are looking for search terms rather than business names on the internet.

3. Have more back links (other important sites linking to your site) than your competitors in your local and competitive keywords. The more sites which link to you, the more important search engines see you site as and the higher you will rank based on your keyword selection.

Back links and Page Authority

One of the best things we can do for you is to have 100’s or thousands of sites linking back to your site based on keywords and relevant subjects.

This does two things:

1. Tells search engines your site is popular and ups your page ranking.

2. Tells consumers you are popular and know what your talking about.

The best way to do this.

We will write articles about your business and submit them to relevant directories and article websites under niche headings which are relevant to your business type and location.

What this does is lead people to see your articles, enjoy your unique content and visit your website to find out more.

This article submission strategy is like having your very own press releases all over the internet, laying a path top your door for both potential customers and search engines.

The more articles you have on the internet the better and more authoritative your business becomes. When your a leader in your industry people sit up and take notice.

We have softer which will multiply your articles and submit them to 1000’s of websites and directories for you.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Pay Per Click, Banner Advertising and Retargeting

Google Adwords Management

Your Google Adwords account controls the content, time and budget which you will use in the paid section of the internet as shown in diagram #1

Using the keyword research we started in your SEO campaign, we set yo your ads which are placed on the right hand side of the google page or on the Top of the Google search in the paid section.

The great thing about Google Adwords is that you only pay for the clicks people actually make. So unlike Yellow pages where you play to display and have little idea of is it actually worked for you. PPC allows you to set a starting budget divided by the price per click gives you the actual cost per lead.

Your ads and website can be adjusted until you are getting an optimised result and you are receiving a constant flow of qualified leads which you can convert into sales.

Google Analytics

We will track your success in Google analytics which will help us make decisions and adjustments on your monthly spend. You will be able to see exactly whats going on at all time.

Banner Advertising and Retargeting

Banners & retargeting lets you advertise on others websites and directly to the computers of your clients. Once a client visits your website, next time the are looking on the internet, your banner advertising will appear on the website they are looking at. Its a simple but effective way to retarget your customers.

We can organise all of your Google Adwords, banner advertising and retargeting needs.

Diagram # 1

*We charge you monthly management fees but Google will bill you directly for your advertising spend.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Your Website Strategy

Website Design Foundations

The start of any website should be :

1. Your Marketing Message - more than just products & services but your real message to the people you really want to do business with.

2. Your Keywords - researched keywords about what your target market is actually looking for. This is the basis of your websites success.

3.Your Content - writing meaningful content to your target market based on your keywords

4. Your Leads Capture - once you have attracted your target market, how you get them to take action

5. The devices of your clients - your website must be viewable on the devices your clients use this includes desktop, mobile and tables devices.

Who your website targets

The main objective of your website should be to attract, connect and convert prospects into life time customers.

Your website primarily is about ATTRACTING NEW BUSINESS

Because of this you should view your website as a conversation about what you do, why you do it and how your customers will benefit from doing business with you.

Combining email communications with changes occurring on your website will alert customers to the changing conversation which is occurring on your website.

We will work with you to construct this conversation and help you in all your customer communications.

Website Management

Your website must be maintained on a monthly basis because Google checks your site and will give preference to sites which have new content.

Having new content on your website also make it more interesting for your clients. Having your website fully of offers, news and interesting new photos and content gives your clients something to come back and see. New content also out classes your competition because most of them DON’T USE THEIR WEBSITES THIS WAY.

Our website management services are taken care for you but in conjunction with you so we will be in touch with you every month with some fresh ideas and to get fresh photos, offers and content from you.

Tracy Kelly will coordinate your monthly management

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Your Mobile App Strategy

Marketing your mobile app.

Let your clients know you have an app and that they should download it,

You can do this by :

- printed signs in your business ( we provide the artwork)- printed app ads on all printed materials- regular email send outs - with app adverts- SMS marketing blasts with link to the app store- Displaying “ download our app” ads on your website- Telephone - every time you talk to a client add “ why don’t you download

our app?

You App will be updated for you whenever you contact us through our monthly management program.

How iPhone Marketing works

Your clients download your app to their smartphone / device

Here we display communicate with your VIP’S (Loyal Clients) about events, news, special offers and incentives which are happening in your business each week.

Your app is their personal portal into your business which incentivises ten to take action and return to you rather than your competition.

In essence its a private place for your business and your clients can connect, its where they will remember you every time they open their phone.

Tracy will assist you in designing and sending regular marketing messages.

Who your mobile app targets

Your mobile app strategy primarily is about RETAINING AND BUILDING LOYAL REPEAT CUSTOMERS.

Your mobile app is jammed full of interesting info, deals, offers and news which your current clients are interested in. The conversation you are having with your customers is about using your products & services better, upgrading your products & services and receiving special incentives to keep you at the top of their mind.

The issue with sending your regular customers back to find you via a website search or website address is that your competition can tempt them into being disloyal to you and you may ultimately lose their business. The old adage “ If your not talking to your customers, then your competition is” rings really true in the mobile marketing age.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Your Social Media Strategy

Social Media’s Main Function

Social media has connected our communities more than ever and it’s affects have become global.

But when it comes down to local businesses, your social media strategy should be about engaging your clients with interesting content which THEY WILL SHARE with their network.

Your social media content is not about making necessarily sales or bookings but about increasing your network until it connects with people who select your brand, products and services. Let your network do the job of sharing

Social media is basically what we use to call “word of mouth” and it’s reach can amaze you.

We will transfer your marketing message onto your Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter page making sure that your covered on all social media sites.

Social Media’s other function

Your website ranking is largely based on how many and how popular your social media footprint is.

So it is important that we sign you up and add content to all major social media sites as well as many which are not so popular with local customers.

Tracy will assist you with your Social Media Strategy.

Remember this…

All your entire Mobile Marketing Strategy increases your network authority and your network size leading in a constant flow of inbound marketing leads.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Video Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing

Email marketing has been awesome BUT it has done its day and now many of us simply ignore emails from advertisers and we defiantly don’t want that happening to your email (or mine for that matter !)

While there are still advantages and I still send out text emails I have noticed a reduction in my response rate through my analytics. So thats why during 2013 I started using Video Emails and the response has been awesome.

Video Emailing

Video email allows you to communicate with your clients in person. They see your face, hear your voices and get to connect with the real you and your values.

Most people love to do business with someone they trust so wherever possible build that trust using a genuine video email message in all your marketing.

Email Drip Campaign

Using a video email campaign which is automatically triggered when someone someone is added to your email list, is a great way to stay connected with the prospect and bring them gradually and gently towards the goal of having them take positive action with you.

This email campaign can be recorded once and can continue working for you year after year. This saves you literally hours of time building emails and sending yen out each month.

Here’s how it works.

Week 1 Introduction VIP List (New)

Week 2 Offer / Incentive Offer / Incentive - Free gift or appraisal

Week 3 News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

Week4 Offer / Incentive Offer / Incentive - send a discount coupon.

Week 5 News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

Week 6 Offer / Incentive Offer / Incentive - offer a significant on off discount which is TIME LIMITED.

Week 7 News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

Week 8 Offer / Incentive Offer / Incentive of a different product.

Week 9 News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

News / Interest Piece / Education Piece

Week 10 Offer / Incentive Offer / Incentive

We can help you design, produce and send out your video email strategy which will speak directly to your customers and help you build their test in your values, abilities, products and services.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

by Nathan Kelly The App Guy ph 1300 599 281

Bringing it all together

As you can see from the strategy, it combines the old and the new into one approach to give you be best chance at growing your reach and influence in the market place.

Everything in marketing has changed and you will need the guidance of a seasoned professional to navigate these changes and to grow your business in this new era

The fact is that you can no longer survive without an online strategy in business. Gradually you will lose customers as their behaviour has completely changed.

People check EVERYTHING online these days, so building your reputation is critical to your survival.

The good news is that if you get the right advice and build your business daily then you can your business online and stay up with or ahead of the curve.

If you would like to chat with us further about your strategy, feel free to call us or check out our other FREE content on our website.

Till then, I wish you all the best,

Nathan 1300 599 281

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