The 11-11-11 Stargate Worldwide Linkup Package a4version

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  • 8/3/2019 The 11-11-11 Stargate Worldwide Linkup Package a4version


    Sriama Qala Phoenix 2011 1

    WORLDWIDE PACKAGE FOR THE 11:11:11 STARGATE LINKUP Sriama Qala Phoenix, 2011. All rights reserved.

    Blessings beautiful hearts,

    This document is being offered to you so it may aid you as you facilitate the 11:11:11 Stargate

    Linkup on 11th November, 2011 at 11:11am your local time, where many other groups are linking

    with you from around the world.

    May you, your friends and your beautiful community have a beautiful journey as you anchor a

    Temporary Stargate that connects to the 33 Primary Stargates of the Earth, and you work

    through your hearts and your pure love to open the higher mind connection of your souls here.

    Blessed Be your Heart, Blessed Be your Mind, Blessed be all Beings, Blessed Be the Earth Mother!

    All my love, Sriama Qala


    Within this package, we have included 7 items:








    The 11:11:11 Stargate Activation that you will be linking with, is created by the group focus of

    many Ascended beings from many realms of light. All 33 Primary Stargates of Gaia will be

    activated by Mother Gaia, the celestial and earth guardians and the enlightened masters in

    activation of the Celestial Star Earth Matrix of Mother Gaias lightbody, and in support of

    humanity opening their minds to receive their higher consciousness or higher mind.

    11:11:11 is a sacred frequency or specific divine connection, made available by linking in group

    consciousness with others, to raise ones vibration and the consciousness of the collective. The

    11:11:11 frequency travels through a universal stargate or portal that accelerates and initiates

    the grounding of the holy spirit into the body. This is known as the 11:11:11 Stargate.

    There are 33 primary stargates anchored through the physical plane of the Earth. Some of these

    have been dormant for hundreds or thousands of years, recently reactivated sometime in the

    last 40 years. The 33 primary stargates are anchored through specific sacred sites - specific

    ancient pyramids which were built to ground the higher dimensional technology of the

    stargates or secretly held in specific mountains, canyons and lakes. 30 of these 33 star gates

    have been reactivated over the last 40 years by many groups, working in unity with the earth

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    and star guardians. The last 3 stargates in the Yucatan Mexico, have been fully activated more


    These 33 star gates directly connect to ascension portals in the heavens via each sacred site,

    and also connect into the inner earth. The earth gates (doorways to the inner earth) within

    these stargates, have held wounded or trapped ancient guardians and karma within them

    from times when some of the sacred sites were disrespected.

    Between Oct 24th

    to November 11th

    , 2011 a group of representatives of humanity have beenworking with Gaia, the ancient guardians of each of the specific sites, the ancestors,

    Enlightened Masters, Archangels and Angels and Mayan timekeepers from the spirit world, in

    planetary service at the 7 Stargates in Mexico to support the reactivation of the earth doorway

    aspect within the final 3 primary stargates so all 33 primary stargates of the Earth may work in

    unison together.

    They have been interdimensionally travelling through the stargates in meditation, and

    supporting the ancestors connected to these sites to release and receive their earth-star

    reconnection process. This has opened a new connection in each of these stargates as the

    ancestral guardians of these sites gave permission to fully reactivate and open the stargates for

    humanity to journey through again. This has been done in preparation for this 11:11:11 planetaryportal activation of the Stargates.

    As you connect to the 11:11:11 linkup, the 33 Primary Star gates of Gaia will be activated for the

    first time together by Mother Gaia, the celestial and earth guardians and the Enlightened

    Masters in activation of the Celestial Star Earth Matrix of Mother Gaias lightbody, and in

    support of humanity opening their minds to receive their higher consciousness or higher mind

    connection. As the Worldwide 11:11:11 Star gate Linkup takes place, Sriama Qala and a group

    will be in Chichen Itza, Mexico linking with you.

    As many groups around the world also open a star gate in their sacred space simultaneously

    with you and with this group in Mexico, you and all others will be representing humanity toreceive dispensations so your mind may raise into a higher state, so it can be freed from any

    aspects of the collective karma of humanity that is not your personal karma. This is a process of

    releasing ones mind from the karma of the collective mind of humanity, and involves the full

    acceptance that you have a higher mind that you may access at all times.


    Stargates are interdimensional doorways or direct conduits for a soul to journey into the higher

    dimensional realms both within and beyond the earth realms. They hold both a heavenly

    celestial portal and earth portal within them which light beings use to travel between theworlds/or the dimensional realms. Stargates supports souls to journey to the ascended realms

    within stars, including other galaxies, as well as to the inner earth. They also can support the

    interdimensional travel of a souls higher consciousness from other realms (Higher Self) to ground

    into the physical plane.

    The primary 33 stargates anchoring within the physical plane of the Earth, extend up through

    the mountains, lakes or ancient sacred sites. They are all held or anchored within the physical

    plane via a specific number of solar and lunar discs that ground the stargate into the body of

    the Earth. The stargates exist and can only be seen in the fifth dimension of the space they are

    in, and can only be worked with through permission from the Guardians of the Stargate The

    Celestial Earth Guardians.

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    The stargates on Earth are a doorway for all ascended fifth dimensional beings and beyond, to

    make contact with Gaia. The stargates are protected and only able to be accessed for a

    higher purpose with permission from the stargates ancient guardians. These guardians are

    known as the Celestial Earth Guardians of which the Mayan Timekeepers are one group within

    these guardians.


    11:11:11 offers you the invitation from the Celestial Earth Guardians to be supported to open a

    stargate within your community.

    To open the Stargate in your Community, you will need at least 3 people in a group.

    There are five steps for opening the 11: 11:11 Stargate in your community.

    STEP 1. Create a beautiful sacred space for yourself and others to gather in, with an altar in the

    centre that all can sit around, in a circle. We recommend that you print out the document on

    the 33 stargates and place these as images on your altar, with crystals, rocks, flowers, and any

    other sacred objects or images. This way, all members of your group can connect more deeply

    with the sacred sites that hold the 33 primary Stargates on Earth.STEP 2. Ask all of your group to connect their hearts together while standing in a circle and

    holding hands around the altar.

    STEP 3. Read the Opening Prayer. This is very important as it anchors the stargate in your

    community and prepares all to receive the linkup meditation which is a very powerful

    meditation. (Takes approximately 15 mins)

    STEP 4. Ask all of the members of your group to sit down and be comfortable.

    STEP 5. As a group, sit and receive the 11:11:11 linkup meditation, either via listening to the

    audio recording or by receiving the guided meditation (written).



    (Spoken by the Facilitator of the Linkup)

    Beloved Mother/Father/God/Goddess/Source of All That Is, Universal Spirit of Love

    We call for the celestial and earth portal of our sacred space to now open, so we may ignite

    and open our hearts more deeply in group consciousness as one. We call forth to Mother Gaia,

    all her sacred guardians and portal keepers, The Divine Mother and Divine Father, The

    Enlightened Masters, our Divine Presences, our Higher Selves, all Ascended Emissaries of Light,

    Archangels, Angels and all of our guides to activate and energise our hearts and this sacredspace, in preparation for the 11:11:11 Stargate Linkup we are here to receive at this time. We

    call for a Stargate Temple to anchor in this sacred space to carry us into a higher state of

    connection at this time.

    We invite Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Chamuel, Jophiel, Uriel and Tzadkiel and the

    legions of light to open the 7 directions for us now. We call on the sacred dispensations and

    blessings, the love elixirs and light frequencies that will support our hearts and minds to open

    and interconnect in oneness at this time.

    We call forth to our higher selves and Divine Presences, our ascended starry selves to merge

    with us and support our souls and energy bodies to receive the highest potential clearing,healing, illumination or activation of our higher minds. We invite our minds to receive all healing

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    dispensations for the raising of our consciousness into the fifth dimension and we offer to

    surrender all we may hold within that does not serve us as light beings, that we may have

    inherited, or that sources from our minds connection to the collective mind of humanity. We

    call forth all of our ancestors, our blood families and soul/star families to receive all that we

    receive throughout this sacred linkup, in higher consciousness.

    We call on the Holy Mother and all her divine mother emissaries to bring the elixirs of love into

    our hearts and primary chakras to assist us to anchor our hearts and pillars more into the Earthcore. We give thanks for this, asking for all obstacles to our hearts opening, filling and

    overflowing with love, to be lifted now.

    As we go inside, let us breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth with the

    intention to let go of all in the outer world, all our responsibilities, all that has taken place over

    the last few days of our lives, giving over all of our worries, needs, life challenges, all held within

    our soul, body and mind, to our Divine Presences and to the Holy Spirit to care for so we may

    simply be a bridge of love and light during this linkup. We call on the universal laws of grace,

    love, divinity, oneness, forgiveness, karma and liberty to flood through us and ground 7 pillars

    around us to support us to be more at peace, to support us to open our pillar of light now and

    ground it into Mother Gaia.

    Let us close our eyes and focus on the eternal flame inside our heart chakras, breathing in to

    expand this flame of love so we may raise in vibration. With each breath we take, the light and

    love inside of our hearts begins to concentrate. We call on all of our Divine Presences to open

    the 12 dimensions of our heart and we ask for the Violet Flame to blaze through all dimensions

    of our heart to purify and clear our hearts in the highest way now.

    As we breathe and expand the eternal flame of our hearts, let us send our love to all beings.

    Inviting all beings we love into our circle, our family and friends to receive all that we receive

    with us now. Let us send the divine energy of our hearts to all those in need, all suffering or in

    some form of difficulty, and ask that they benefit from the healing energy we will be grounding.

    We invite their souls, Divine Presences and higher selves to journey with us through the 11:11:11

    stargate linkup in accordance to their heart wish and divine will. We call on all of their guides to

    create this in the highest for all beings, as we ask that we are also protected and this sacred

    space is sanctified and blessed as a pillar of love.

    We also call on all of humanity and the Divine Presences of all of humanity to join us now. We

    invite all of our ancestors to be with us, the nature spirit guardians of the land, representatives

    from all kingdoms of nature inviting the devas, plant spirits, animals, crystals, nature spirits, the

    spirit of the trees, rocks, mountains and all water ways, the spirit of fire, earth, air and water to

    come into our circle as we build a stargate here in our community to open the earth and starry

    portals on Earth. We call to all members of our monad, multidimensional nature and the innerearth and celestial guardians to be with us.

    We call on the Angels, Archangels, the Emissaries of the Galactic Federation of Light, the

    Pleiadian, Arcturian, Andromedan, Chiron, Venusian and Sirian Emissaries and Archangels to

    assist us now by bringing diamond light chambers to each one of us so we may receive all in

    the highest heart connection. We ask for the diamond light chambers to infuse divine love into

    our hearts and minds and central pillar as we receive all through our stargate journey.

    As we open ourselves to receive more love, as representatives of humanity, our family and

    community, let us send the light and love of our hearts down into the heart of Mother Gaia.

    Sending the love and light like a large cord down into the earth core and wrapping our heartcord three times around Mother Gaias heart core to create our hearts and souls to fully Earth

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    with Gaia. As we complete this, draw Gaias light and love back up through you and into your

    heart. Breathing Gaias love and light to ignite your heart now.

    As we do this, a large emerald and silver crystal grounds in the centre of our circle as the

    Enlightened Masters anchor this for us now. We are asked to connect our hearts to it, sending a

    heart cord of love and light from our hearts to the crystal now. Then imagine or intend your

    central pillar of light that runs from your feet up to your crown to be fully activated and glowing

    with divine energy, love and light.

    To strengthen this, breathe the love and light from Gaia up through your chakras, through your

    crown to the Sun, and then through the Sun to the Central Sun in the Pleiades and then through

    this Sun to the Andromedan Sun in the Andromedan Galaxy.

    As you extend your light, opening your heavenly connection, the emerald silver crystal

    activates in our sacred space and we are all lifted into a higher dimensional temple to begin

    our sacred journey.

    We call on the celestial and earth guardians of the star gates of:

    Uluru, Kata Juta, & Attila in Central Australia,

    The Great Pyramid in Egypt, The Grand Canyon in Arizona (Transmission and Creation Portal) Emai Shan, China Shambhala, Gobi Desert, Mongolia Mt Kailash, Tibet Lake Louise and Mt Banff in the Rocky Moutains, Canada Mt Shasta, California (Receptivity Portal) The Island of the Sun and Island of the Moon, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (Receptivity and

    Creation Portal)

    Easter Island

    Table Mountain, Capetown, South Africa Mt Kilomanjaro, Tanzania Palenque, Mexico Chichen Itza, The Yucatan, Mexico Tikal, Guatamala Machu Picchu, Peru Luxor and Karnak Temple, Egypt Haleokala, Maui Lake Taupo, New Zealand Mt Aconcangua, Argentina Lake Baikal, Russia

    Mt Arunachela, India Petra & Mt Hor, Jordon Cathedral Gorge & Bungle Bungles, The Kimberleys, Australia Avebury, England Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico Angkor Wat, Cambodia Mount Blonc, The Alps, France Mt Elberus, Caucasus Ranges, Russia Denali,(Mt McKinley) Alaska Jbel Toubkal, The Atlas Mountains, Morrocco Mt Fuji, Japan

    Mt Agung Agung, Bali

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    We call for all the 33 stargates of the Earth and the stargates solar and lunar discs to activate

    through all dimensions of the Earth Mothers body. We ask for a rainbow bridge from all 33

    stargates to anchor in our sacred space, and into the heart of Gaia.

    We invite the 11:11: 11 stargate to activate for our community and through the collective

    consciousness of our humanity, so any lost aspects of any soul and of the ancestors, held as

    fears in the collective mind of our community can gently release into the light with love, as we

    journey and reactivate our higher minds.

    We choose now to anchor the new codes, healing energy and a fifth dimensional bridge for all

    to receive the clearing of their minds, and release from the lower thoughts of the collective

    mind and activate their minds connection to their higher consciousness here.

    We call for the activation of all solar and lunar discs held in these stargates to purify, illuminate,

    energise and liberate the collective consciousness of humanity, our collective mind and all held

    in our collective mind that no longer serves us. We gently invite these solar and lunar discs to

    spin through the pathways of our minds and the bridge of our higher consciousness.

    We call on our higher minds to ground into our hearts, and for our higher dimensionalconsciousness to be bridged to our minds, as we journey through the Stargate Activation for

    Earth and humanity. We ask to be held in the Violet Transmuting Flame and by the Holy

    Mothers love as we journey deeply now. Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Blessed Be all Beings!


    After doing the linkup via the recording or written linkup, it is important to support your group to

    complete and ground.

    To complete the linkup with your group, it is recommended you ask all with you to sound OM

    from their hearts, asking for all they have received, to be blessed, consecrated, sealed and

    protected so it may be held in the light until all is integrated.

    To assist them to ground, you can then ask them all to stand and bring their hearts together in a

    group hug. Asking them all to ground the energy and frequency they received through their

    hearts now. Explain that this is the most important thing, to ground it through their hearts by

    opening their hearts to each other, their fellow humanity by remembering the love and

    community, the feeling of this. Letting them know the hug represents all of our hearts as one, a

    time when we can feel this, and drop all barriers created by the mind, just to connect soul to

    soul, heart to heart as one.

    As they come into a close group, ask them to place their arms around each other. Placing

    some in the middle and all others surrounding them in a very close love puddle or love pod.

    Then inviting them to hum and create the humming bee of their hearts together humming for

    five minutes to complete... mmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. which will

    create a lovely feeling of heart resonance and allow all to ground in their hearts after such a

    powerful linkup journey.

    You may wish to complete your love pod with the words, spoken slowly

    Blessed Be,

    Blessed Be,

    Blessed Be all Beings!

    Blessed be the Earth!

    Blessed be the Collective of Humanity!

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    THE PRIMARY 33 STARGATES OF THE EARTH Sriama Qala Phoenix, 2011

    The 33 stargates that are described in this document are held within 33 specific sites on Earth.

    These stargates were anchored within the Earth by the Ancient Guardians as a conduit

    between the worlds. Each one connects to every other planetary portal on Earth and is an

    interdimensional bridge to the stars and inner earth. As you work with these 33 stargates, as theyare connected to all planetary portals, you also work with all planetary portals of the Earth. The

    collective mind of humanity extends through all planetary portals of the Earth as a field of light.

    The planetary portals are the doorways between the 7 worlds of the Earth. The planetary portals

    facilitate dimensional travel between the 7 worlds of earth for all beings from all realms. These 7

    worlds are the inner earth, middle earth, physical realm, angelic realm, Christ realm, celestial

    realm and enlightened realm of the Earth. In other words, a souls consciousness is not

    contained only in the physical realm, but also in other dimensions of the earth. The planetary

    portals and stargates support a soul to access their higher dimensional consciousness.

    These 33 primary stargates specifically raise the vibration of all planetary portals throughopening the celestial bridges into the heavens and earth gates into the core of Earth so the

    higher frequency and higher consciousness of all beings can ground through all beings on

    earth. When all 33 star gates are activated and open, the celestial bridges can also be opened

    in every planetary portal of the Earth.

    The celestial bridge is also an aspect of the human energy field, also known as the higher

    chakra bridge, which extends from the heart into 12 chakras above the head. When the

    celestial bridge of the human energy field is opened, the mind of a human being can

    reconnect to their higher mind (higher consciousness) and release from the collective minds


    The stargates and images of these sacred sites can be found in the accompanying document

    called The Primary Stargates of the Earth. You may wish to print this document and place the

    images of the 33 sacred sites on the altar for your linkup to empower the connection to the 33

    primary stargates.



    You have two options to join or facilitate the 11:11:11 Linkup

    1. Say the Opening Prayer and play the 90 min audio recording.2. Say the Opening Prayer and read or guide the linkup through the support of the written

    meditation linkup found in the next section.

    If you wish to use the audio recording, which was created specifically for the linkup, download

    the audio recording via this link.

    You may wish to read the following to see what the audio recording holds within it. It is a very

    powerful high frequency recording created by Sriama Qala so if you use this, please explain to

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    all in the group that it is a powerful activation and for each person to say the opening prayer

    with you so they may open their hearts to receive and journey with this powerful activation.

    The 11:11:11 Linkup Transcript of The Audio Recording

    This is the transcript of the audio recording for the 11:11:11 worldwide linkup on November 11 th, 2011at

    11:11am (your local time). Sriama Qala Phoenix, The Divine University Project, 2011

    And let us close our eyes now, and go inside and intend to link our heart energy with the many

    beings around the world who are gathering in groups and individually, to open a stargate for

    the holy purpose of deepening the higher self connection, clearing the collective mind of

    humanity, releasing ones mind from limitations, attachments, fears that may be held in the

    collective mind of humanity and opening the higher mind connection through ones higher self


    And as you go within, see the beautiful light inside of your heart. Focus and meditate upon it

    now by taking your minds focus to the eternal flame inside the centre of your chest now. And

    as you do this, breathe in the light, the love from the unified field that extends infinitely from the

    very core of your heart connecting you to every star in the heavens, every ancient tree,

    mountain, river on the earth, every crystal, every forest, every glacier, valley, lake, ocean

    throughout all of nature every human being, every animal, every flower. Take your

    consciousness and awareness to the very essence in all of nature now - the heart chakra of

    every human being, every animal, every tree, and just become aware of the light love lines

    and grids that connect these ones to your heart, your heart centre now this field of oneness.

    And breathe the love and light into the very core of your heart as you meditate on this great

    field that you live within. Simply asking now to be linked spiritually and through the heart,

    through the 11-11-11 stargate as you breathe the love, the light into your heart Concentrating

    it now, like a golden ball inside the centre of your chest. Drawing it in from this infinite field that

    all beings live within, may source from, the oneness of all beings.

    And as you do this beloveds, invite your ancestors to be with you now in your circle of light to

    step forward and form the circle of light with you in the sacred space you are in. And as you

    call them in, ask for a divine pillar of grace, love and divinity to ground through your being from

    the heart of the central sun in the Pleiades system, from the heart of Sirius, Andromeda, Chiron,

    Venus and Arcturus and Maya of the Pleiades, inviting each of these Christ portals in the

    heavens to open now, activate, energise, illuminate and ground a divine pillar through you,

    through your heart chakra.

    And as you call for this, call on all your higher selves to be with you, your ascended forms, your

    ascended consciousness from the stars and all of your star ancestors to come into the circle of

    light with you to support you in this higher purpose of opening a stargate for your community,

    family, for humanity, for your world to support the mind to open, expand, be liberated, ignited

    with its higher consciousness so all may see the light, the truth, the love, the divinity, create from

    this vision, and illuminate peace on earth through this vision.

    As you receive these pillars from the heavens, 12 archangels come around you now from these

    star systems and they begin to place a chamber around you made of a soft, golden rainbow

    light and they begin to place small spheres now into each of your chakras to ignite them now

    to begin to receive this soft, rainbow golden light.

    And you are asked to see a beautiful, white pillar of light running from the centre of the earth

    up through you, through your base chakra, through all your chakras, through your heart and up

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    through your crown, and through your crown to the sun, and from the sun to all the stars and to

    the Andromedan sun.

    And as you breathe into that white light pillar that the archangels are grounding down through

    you, and as each of your chakras begin to ignite with these spheres of platinum, violet,

    ultraviolet light that the archangels are placing in each of your chakras now into your heart,

    your thymus, your throat, brow, crown and soul star above your head, these spheres of

    platinum, violet, ultraviolet light are beginning to illuminate, purifying these chakras above yourheart and you are asked to breathe this pillar down through each of them now.

    Call on the power of the Andromedan sun, the sun, your own heart, your Divine Presence now

    to invoke your holy spirit to merge with you to ignite the holy love inside of you - this eternal

    flame that lay in the very centre of your being. You are asked to breathe into it, expand it out,

    acknowledge it, accept it, your divine energy now, the eternal nature of your soul, your

    oneness with all beings through the field of light and to expand the eternal flame, the divine

    energy in the very base of your heart with your own consciousness, to focus on it to expand it


    Asking for the power of the Andromedan sun and the sun in the heavens to activate your heartnow and the original star connection of your soul, your higher dimensional connection that

    gives you the ability to travel as a soul into higher dimensions.

    And as you do this, the Arcturian archangels gather around you now with great white wings,

    and a council of elders known as the Elohim come in and you are gently being lifted in this

    chamber of golden rainbow light by these winged ones, the Arcturian archangels of light. And

    they are lifting you into the higher spiritual planes of the earth. Just as your physical body rests in

    the sacred space, is held in the light, your soul is raising in vibration into a higher dimension of

    the earth and you are asked to send the white light pillar down into Mother Gaias heart now.

    With your consciousness become aware of the eternal flame expanding in your heart like a

    beautiful sun. As you expand it, you are asked to send it down into the core of Mother Gaiasheart to merge your heart with her heart, as one.

    Call on Mother Gaia now to open the earth portal underneath you now, as her white, platinum

    light from her heart rises up from her core into you now. She asks you to breathe it up and to

    call on the universal law of love, the universal law of grace (say inside you now) I call on the

    universal law of divinity, I call on the universal law of oneness, I call on the universal law of

    forgiveness, I call on the universal law of karma, and I call on the universal law of liberty to

    expand, expand, expand my consciousness within my mind now to illuminate, illuminate,

    illuminate, illuminate the love within my mind now. To open the celestial stargates in the six

    directions around my brow chakra now, to purify, purify, purify, purify any lower thought forms I

    may carry in my mind that have been sourced from the collective of humanity now. Toactivate, activate, activate, activate and energise my brain chemistry to align to the higher

    function of my mind. To open and release any fear that I may carry in my mind that is sourced

    from my genetic inheritance in life or from the collective mind of humanity. I call on the

    universal laws to purify these energies.

    As gently the Arcturian archangels of light begin to open the six doorways to the left, right, in

    front, behind, above, below your head beloved they say vortexes of light, six feet in every

    direction from the very centre of your brain, they begin to spiral a pure platinum, violet,

    ultraviolet light frequency to open the star doorways, the star vortexes, heavenly vortexes to be

    able to feed your mind and brain chemistry.

    And as they begin to do this, golden angels come to you now. One stands directly before you.

    This angel offers you a soft pink and golden pearl of love made of spiritual energy. This angel

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    shares that this pearl of love is for you to place inside any part of your body that may need love

    presently. And as this angel gifts this to you now, placing it in your right hand, see yourself take

    this pearl of love and move this divine energy where you are guided now, to any area of your

    body that is needing a high concentration of love in each molecule, atom of your body.

    As each of the archangels begin to ground a rainbow bridge between each of these star

    vortexes, six feet from the centre of your brain in every direction, they begin to place rainbow

    bridges of love, beginning to ignite the rainbow flames. Soft, pastel rainbow flames of divineenergy in high concentration begin to saturate, flowing into the very core of your brow chakra

    now and this rainbow pastel flaming energy begins to spiral clockwise around your head now,

    opening the field of light around your head. As each of the archangels, these 12 with you, ask

    you to open the flame in your heart again, to send the eternal flame of your heart up into your

    brow, to connect your heart chakra to the centre of your brain now.

    And as you send your love and divine energy upwardly, the golden angel before you shares

    you may wish to move the pearl of love, to send it up through your heart into your brain, to

    open the higher dimensional connection between your mind and heart again This

    connection that all star beings hold; this original star connection that unites the feminine and

    masculine brain as one.

    Ask now as you do this beloved one, call on all your ancestors from the stars and from the

    earth, ask them to receive this with you now, the opening of the original star connection

    between the heart and mind now, as you call on the 11-11-11 stargate to activate your heart

    again, asking for every member of your family, every ancestor, all of your star family to travel

    with you now through this stargate that is beginning to open above you - this stargate that has

    12 vortexes above you, 12 feet out in every direction above your head. In 12 directions, this

    stargate is beginning to open now like a beautiful crystal of pure golden light. In the field

    around your head region, the 11-11-11 stargate is beginning to open now.

    Continue to breathe the love up from your heart into your brain. Call on your angelic bodies toopen now, all of your angelic higher selves to merge with you as one, all ascended forms of

    yourself, your higher consciousness, to now come to activate, energize, illuminate, magnify the

    love within your mind and within your collective consciousness beloved, within your minds

    consciousness, awareness of all others.

    Ask now as the Pleiadian Mothers now come to you, for any aspect of your child, your inner

    child to open and receive with you, this higher mind connection through the 11-11-11 stargate.

    As the Pleiadian Mothers come with golden wings, they wrap their arms around you, calling

    you, your family, your ancestors to now come to travel through the 11-11-11 stargate with them

    through a great rainbow golden bridge of light that rises above you into the heavens, they say.

    And they place you on a large golden disc of light that they step upon and stand upon with

    you now. As these three Pleiadian mothers share with you that through opening your higher

    dimensional connection of your mind, you will be free from the collective fears held by the

    collective of humanity.

    They begin to activate each of the 12 celestial crystals above you that are the generators of

    the 11-11-11 stargate doorway above you. They ask you to travel with them in your angelic

    body now, to expand your heart energy out through your wings, to accept that you have an

    etheric body that has celestial wings. They share that this is one of your star bodies you may

    travel in as they gently lift the golden crystal disc of light and you begin to travel through this

    rainbow, golden bridge of light through the stargate, through a great archway of light.

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    This emerald archway that they take you through now takes you into the stars and your soul

    begins to soul travel now. Your merkaba begins to activate a star tetrahedron around your

    body now as you fully merge through the 11-11-11 stargate now. And as you do this, they ask

    you to leave all the fears behind to open your mind to the universe being much larger than

    you know to your own divine connection being much more powerful than you know to

    your family of light being so many more beings than you know, so much more than the known

    world of your mind.

    As they infuse the higher bridge of your energy body now with crystals of light to open and

    activate your higher mind, you ground in a beautiful temple in the starry realms of light. You

    are surrounded by your star family in this temple of light. In this world everything is made of pure

    light and here in this temple you are receiving clearing now through your mental body, through

    your higher mental body, and through the original star connection of your being now.

    Special elixirs of light are being infused into you as you are placed in a golden pyramid of light

    and a blue stone is placed in your brow, a ruby stone in your base, an emerald stone in your

    heart, an obsidian stone in your hara now, yellow topaz in your solar plexus, aquamarine in your

    throat, citrine in your sacral now, rose quartz in your thymus chakra, diamond in your crown

    and each of these stones are activated now, as 33 more stones are placed above your crownin rings of 7 stones and 5 higher stones that reach 12 feet above your brow. Each one is a

    diamond with a different shade of colour within it now, and these are being activated through

    the higher bridge of your chakras now.

    As the golden pyramid that you are resting in begins to stream golden light down through each

    of the stones, the 33 stones and then each one through your chakras of your body and this

    golden light, begins to spiral around each stone, transformation is occurring within your energy

    now and you are not alone. You are surrounded by spiritual beings in this temple in the higher

    dimensions of the stars. You are being asked to open your heart and remember them.

    Remember your oneness with all that is physical and non-physical in the universe so you may

    fully own your higher dimensional bodies of light that feed your physical body, that connectyour mind to the star grids that feed the earth to this higher frequency of light consciousness.

    And you are asked to send out your love now to 33 beings who stand in a circle around you.

    These are your star ancestors, elders from the stars who know you in the heavens, who watch

    over you. A council of light that has no right to interfere in any way in your life but does witness

    your life, send love to you. And at times, sends messengers and guides to support you to

    remember who you are, and most importantly to remind you of your divinity.

    Your mental body is being recalibrated now they say, but if any attachments are held between

    your chakras, your mind and any other beings on the earth, these need to be released at this

    time. Are you willing to give away all of your attachments that create fear, control, or any formof limitation in your consciousness? Archangel Michael comes to you now and asks you this

    Are you willing to give away all attachments you may hold to what others may do for you, or

    what they will say about you? Are you willing to give away all attachment to outcome in your

    life and allow the flow of your heart and love to feed your mind to become a partner to your

    soul in life?

    Michael is asking your mind now, are you willing to step down from being the director of all that

    occurs and to share this role with the true nature of your soul, the inner wisdom that lives within?

    Are you willing to step down so the vibration can raise in the energy body and the soul can slow


    If you say yes, Michael is asking your mind now Are you willing to receive the love to

    experience divine visions in your life, divine awareness, divine knowing, divine truth? Would you

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    give away attachments to what others say, what others do, what they wish from you, or

    attachments to what others will do for you? Are you willing to release them from this now, all

    old contracts you may have made in any lifetime, dimension now to perform, to be successful,

    to be non-truthful to your true nature here? Any attachments to being something more than

    you are truly here, that may come from a lack of acceptance of the true you? Are you willing

    to release these now, have them purified through karmic absolution granted by Archangel

    Michael? He says this to you.

    Are you willing to receive divine dispensations now from Kuthumi, Sananda, Mother Mary,

    Maitreya, Quan Yin and Liberty as they step forth into the temple with you and they bring

    ancient, golden scrolls of light, placing them by your feet now, asking you to carry the mantle

    of wisdom as a light being on the earth. They wish to ignite the inner wisdom of your mind but

    share that this will be a powerful activation and you may need to shed some fears from your


    Are you willing to release these fears they say, that may limit you and hold/controlyour

    awareness in some way to lower its vibration and its witnessing of life to a limited view? If you

    say yes, call on Maitreya to assist you now, to bless and open, expand your mind with the

    divine dispensations of the Enlightened Masters from Shambhala.

    And as you receive this now, Maitreya brings a rod of light down through all of these chakras,

    through your mental body, beginning to activate your higher mind connection through your

    mental body. He shares with you now that the greater collective of humanity, the group mind

    is changing, evolving rapidly, but to rise above, to pierce a hole through this, you are needing

    to release your mind completely from the collective into a higher dimensional energy. Would

    you be willing to raise your mind into a higher octave of light, he says?

    And if this is that which you wish, he says, would you be willing to allow all of the inherited fears

    to be purified now through divine dispensation? But you must call on your grandfather,

    grandmother through both of your lineages now, asking their permission. Would they be willingto work with you now to support the transcension of the mind through your genetic line?

    As you call to your grandparents through both your mother and father lineage now, invite them

    to stand on the left of you and on the right of you now. In spirit form, there they will be. Ask

    them to forgive anything that may have occurred in their life that may have in any way

    stripped their belief in themselves or in the higher power of love, of light, of truth, of oneness, of

    god within themselves. Whatever this may be, ask them now, will they forgive this with you so

    you and all of your family may be free?

    Call for the karmic absolution for your family, for your familys genetics within the mind and any

    fears or inherited energies that may blind you or others at times, create ignorance in any wayand loss of connection to the inner wisdom of your soul. And as you do this, send love to all of

    your grandparents now, honour them, calling on the universal law of forgiveness to flood

    through your heart and between your heart and them. Asking that the forgiveness flame, the

    holy flame of forgiveness to blaze now through the genetic body of your soul, the genetics of

    your family through the hearts of all grandfathers, grandmothers in your family.

    As we call to Saint Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel, Amethyst and all violet flame angels to blaze

    activate, energise, illuminate, concentrate, magnify now the violet flame to purify any fear

    inherited or manifested by your ancestors here that may in any way be held within your mind

    As you are asked to call to your grandparents again and ask them once again, will they fully

    forgive all that has taken place in their lifetime, that in any way created a loss of higherconnection through the mind or a loss of the minds connection to the heart in any way? As

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    the ancient prayers are now sung, spoken, for your being now, for all who are in sacred

    ceremony with you now.

    (Light language)

    In ancestral language we have simply asked for thee, that all within your mind that holds

    boundaries, creating limitation in your awareness be lifted at this time

    (Light language)

    And for all of humanity to receive this with you, for this to pierce the holes, pierce the veils in

    the collective mind to release many others from the old fears of the collective mind.

    (Light language)

    As many of the original caretakers of the earth, guardians, elders, ancestors, indigenous

    peoples gather now in sacred circles around the earth

    (Light language)As their star ancestors travel through the 11-11-11 stargate to them

    (Light language)

    To bring the blessings to them.

    (Light language)

    And you are taken back now through the 11-11-11 stargate by your ancestors. Your

    grandparents now travel with you.

    (Light language)

    And you are taken to one of the 33 stargates on the earth, sacred sites, where there is a great

    stargate of light

    (Light language)

    Where many guardians of the earth, ancient star beings who live within the earth are

    gathering now with many, many beings.

    (Light language)

    And as you land in this sacred place with these many beings around you now, you are being

    brought forth now a gift of grace from the elders of the land, from the ancient guardians who

    have been caretakers of the earth for millenniums we say, who have lived and stayed on the

    earth as the original guardians.

    (Light language)

    As they bring a triangular blue tablet to you now.

    (Light language)

    Placing it in your hands to receive this now.

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    (Light language)

    This is an original tablet of knowledge, they say.

    (Light language)

    It connects you to the stars and into the inner earth.

    (Light language)

    To the true knowledge, the true wisdom of Gaia that she holds for you here on earth. It

    connects you to the libraries of light of earth.

    (Light language)

    It connects you to the higher truth.

    (Light language)

    It connects you to your higher self, they say.

    (Light language)

    And they say, you know where to place this tablet within your being now,

    (Light language)

    To empower your mind, your body, your spirit and soul

    (Light language)

    To be able to hold this higher mind connection as a soul.

    (Light language)

    This tablet will heal you of any memory they say, that may try to trick you one day, to say that

    you do not have this connection in any way.

    (Light language)

    Any memory that will feed illusion to you.

    (Light language)

    This is the tablet that takes you beyond the veils, they say.

    (Light language)

    When your soul connects to it, meditates upon it,

    (Light language)

    Your higher mind is open to the truth within it

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    (Light language)

    And to the truth of all around you.

    (Light language)

    Use it they say, to connect to those around you,

    (Light language)

    To this sacred place upon the earth,

    (Light language)

    That you know is the important place for you to earth.

    (Light language)

    This special, sacred place you are in

    (Light language)

    That is the portal to anchor you in

    (Light language)

    To ground your higher mind through now

    (Light language)

    As these ones begin to bless you now.

    (Light language)

    As this takes places beloveds, the Enlightened Masters, your Divine Presence, the Divine

    Presences of all beings in this sacred link-up and all of those ancestors from the stars, from the

    inner earth, the original guardians, the ancient ones, the elders, the Galactic Federation, the

    Archangels and angels, begin to illuminate the collective mind of humanity through the light

    grids of Mother Earth as they begin to activate all 33 stargates, the primary stargates of Mother

    Earths body and great pillars begin to ground through these stargates, these 33 stargates onthe earth, from the very heart of the great central moon and great central sun through

    Andromeda, Sirius, Arcturus, Venus, Chiron and Maya of the Pleiades, through your sun, moon,

    into each of these sacred stargates now that exist above the sacred sitesas 12 vortexes above

    each sacred site, three miles above the earths physical surface.

    And each of these star vortexes are activated by higher dimension frequencies now and blue

    celestial spheres are activated into each of the star vortexes around the 33 gateways, opening

    the stargates of the earth for planetary illumination.

    And as Mother Earths stargates open now, many beings from the stars begin to travel through

    them into the earth, the physical plane, they begin to support many physical beings, these lightbeings. Some are the higher selves of humanity, begin to contact the physical beings in the

    physical plane now, illuminating them with the light, a rainbow golden light now

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    You are asked to place the triangular tablet in your heart and to transmit from it, send your

    eternal flame through it to all of humanity as this stargate you are in, activates fully and you are

    in a great circle with the ancestors, the guardians, the star beings in service to Mother Earth,

    transmitting into the collective mind of humanity. Sending it out through the field to the mind of

    all people, this love, and asking the collective mind of humanity to receive love from all beings

    now so it may release all fear, transform the fear to love and let go of all attachment to fear.

    (Light language)

    And let us call for the Buddha, the Buddha within every being to activate, illuminate, energise,

    manifest the divine peace within the minds of all beings.

    (Light language)

    As you are asked to breathe through your nose now, placing the tip of the tongue on the back

    of your teeth in the ridge between the gum and teeth and breathe in through your nose and

    out your nose now.

    (Light language)

    As we ask for the Buddhic flame of light, of enlightenment to ground through the crystal core of

    your mind into the heart of each of these sacred sites on earth, these stargates now

    (Light language)

    As each of the fields of your mind is beginning to release now beloved, you are asked to

    continue to breathe in through the nose and out the nose for five more minutes to complete

    this now. To place your hands upon the earth or the ground beneath you, to send your energy

    down now into Mother Gaia to ground all that you have received as you are now grounding

    back into this sacred space of the room you are in, calling in all of your consciousness to yourbody again. Asking all of this work to be sealed now, for the guardians, the ancient ones to

    protect your mind, for your star ancestors to continue to bless your mind, for Mother Gaia to

    remind you of your wisdom each day, for your higher self to illuminate your soul and bring the

    divine truth to you each day.

    For you to live in this higher dimensional connection through your heart and mind, set your

    intention, I AM of the higher mind. I AM of the higher mind. I am of the higher mind, I am of the

    higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of

    the higher mind, I am of the higher mind and mantra this within your mind now to ground this

    into all of your awareness.

    Blessed be, blessed be all beings.

    Blessed be, blessed be the earth.

    Blessed be, blessed be humanity.

    Blessed be, blessed be your mind.

    Blessed be your divine mind.

    Blessed be, blessed be your soul.

    Blessed be, blessed be all children.

    Blessed be all ancestors.

    Blessed be all beings.

    Blessed be the star mothers and fathers of the children.

    Blessed be your star family.Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be the Earth Mother.

    Blessed be the star portals of the earth that serve the Earth Mother.

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    Blessed be the star guardians.

    Blessed be, blessed be your community and the stargate you have opened for your


    Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be you, as a guardian now of this stargate in your community.

    Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be your path.

    Blessed be, blessed be your service, your heart.

    Blessed be, blessed be

    We thank thee, we thank thee, we thank thee.



    Note: Please say the opening prayer before leading this meditation. Please note this is the

    transcript of the recording slightly altered for a facilitator to use whilst leading their group


    Even if you are not reading this meditation, you may like to read what has been inserted intothis meditation that was not in the audio recording as it translates all that is spoken in the

    language of light, love and creation (via ancient mantra and language spoken by Qala in the

    audio recording)

    Let us close our eyes now, and go inside and intend to link our heart energy with the many

    beings around the world who are gathering in groups and individually, to open a stargate for

    the holy purpose of deepening the higher self connection, clearing the collective mind of

    humanity, releasing ones mind from limitations, attachments, fears that may be held in the

    collective mind of humanity and opening the higher mind connection through ones higher self


    And as you go within, see the beautiful light inside of your heart. Focus and meditate upon it

    now by taking your minds focus to the eternal flame inside the centre of your chest now. And

    as you do this, breathe in the light, the love from the unified field that extends infinitely from the

    very core of your heart connecting you to every star in the heavens, every ancient tree,

    mountain, river on the earth, every crystal, every forest, every glacier, valley, lake, ocean

    throughout all of nature every human being, every animal, every flower. Take your

    consciousness and awareness to the very essence in all of nature now - the heart chakra of

    every human being, every animal, every tree, and just become aware of the light love lines

    and grids that connect these ones to your heart, your heart centre now this field of oneness.

    And breathe the love and light into the very core of your heart as you meditate on this great

    field that you live within. Simply asking now to be linked spiritually and through the heart,through the 11-11-11 stargate as you breathe the love, the light into your heart Concentrating

    it now, like a golden ball inside the centre of your chest. Drawing it in from this infinite field that

    all beings live within, may source from, the oneness of all beings.

    And as you do this beloveds, invite your ancestors to be with you now in your circle of light to

    step forward and form the circle of light with you in the sacred space you are in. And as you

    call them in, ask for a divine pillar of grace, love and divinity to ground through your being from

    the heart of the central sun in the Pleiades system, from the heart of Sirius, Andromeda, Chiron,

    Venus and Arcturus and Maya of the Pleiades, inviting each of these Christ portals in the

    heavens to open now, activate, energise, illuminate and ground a divine pillar through you,

    through your heart chakra.

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    And as you call for this, call on all your higher selves to be with you, your ascended forms, your

    ascended consciousness from the stars and all of your star ancestors to come into the circle of

    light with you to support you in this higher purpose of opening a stargate for your community,

    family, for humanity, for your world to support the mind to open, expand, be liberated, ignited

    with its higher consciousness so all may see the light, the truth, the love, the divinity, create from

    this vision, and illuminate peace on earth through this vision.

    As you receive these pillars from the heavens, 12 archangels come around you now from thesestar systems and they begin to place a chamber around you made of a soft, golden rainbow

    light and they begin to place small spheres now into each of your chakras to ignite them now

    to begin to receive this soft, rainbow golden light.

    And you are asked to see a beautiful, white pillar of light running from the centre of the earth

    up through you, through your base chakra, through all your chakras, through your heart and up

    through your crown, and through your crown to the sun, and from the sun to all the stars and to

    the Andromedan sun.

    And as you breathe into that white light pillar that the archangels are grounding down through

    you, and as each of your chakras begin to ignite with these spheres of platinum, violet,ultraviolet light that the archangels are placing in each of your chakras now into your heart,

    your thymus, your throat, brow, crown and soul star above your head, these spheres of

    platinum, violet, ultraviolet light are beginning to illuminate, purifying these chakras above your

    heart and you are asked to breathe this pillar down through each of them now.

    Call on the power of the Andromedan sun, the sun, your own heart, your Divine Presence now

    to invoke your holy spirit to merge with you to ignite the holy love inside of you - this eternal

    flame that lay in the very centre of your being. You are asked to breathe into it, expand it out,

    acknowledge it, accept it, your divine energy now, the eternal nature of your soul, your

    oneness with all beings through the field of light and to expand the eternal flame, the divine

    energy in the very base of your heart with your own consciousness, to focus on it to expand itnow

    Asking for the power of the Andromedan sun and the sun in the heavens to activate your heart

    now and the original star connection of your soul, your higher dimensional connection that

    gives you the ability to travel as a soul into higher dimensions.

    And as you do this, the Arcturian archangels gather around you now with great white wings,

    and a council of elders known as the Elohim come in and you are gently being lifted in this

    chamber of golden rainbow light by these winged ones, the Arcturian archangels of light. And

    they are lifting you into the higher spiritual planes of the earth. Just as your physical body rests in

    the sacred space, is held in the light, your soul is raising in vibration into a higher dimension ofthe earth and you are asked to send the white light pillar down into Mother Gaias heart now.

    With your consciousness become aware of the eternal flame expanding in your heart like a

    beautiful sun. As you expand it, you are asked to send it down into the core of Mother Gaias

    heart to merge your heart with her heart, as one.

    Call on Mother Gaia now to open the earth portal underneath you now, as her white, platinum

    light from her heart rises up from her core into you now. She asks you to breathe it up and to

    call on the universal law of love, the universal law of grace (say inside you now) I call on the

    universal law of divinity, I call on the universal law of oneness, I call on the universal law of

    forgiveness, I call on the universal law of karma, and I call on the universal law of liberty to

    expand, expand, expand my consciousness within my mind now to illuminate, illuminate,illuminate, illuminate the love within my mind now. To open the celestial stargates in the six

    directions around my brow chakra now, to purify, purify, purify, purify any lower thought forms I

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    may carry in my mind that have been sourced from the collective of humanity now. To

    activate, activate, activate, activate and energise my brain chemistry to align to the higher

    function of my mind. To open and release any fear that I may carry in my mind that is sourced

    from my genetic inheritance in life or from the collective mind of humanity. I call on the

    universal laws to purify these energies.

    As gently the Arcturian archangels of light begin to open the six doorways to the left, right, in

    front, behind, above, below your head beloved they say vortexes of light, six feet in everydirection from the very centre of your brain, they begin to spiral a pure platinum, violet,

    ultraviolet light frequency to open the star doorways, the star vortexes, heavenly vortexes to be

    able to feed your mind and brain chemistry.

    And as they begin to do this, golden angels come to you now. One stands directly before you.

    This angel offers you a soft pink and golden pearl of love made of spiritual energy. This angel

    shares that this pearl of love is for you to place inside any part of your body that may need love

    presently. And as this angel gifts this to you now, placing it in your right hand, see yourself take

    this pearl of love and move this divine energy where you are guided now, to any area of your

    body that is needing a high concentration of love in each molecule, atom of your body.

    As each of the archangels begin to ground a rainbow bridge between each of these star

    vortexes, six feet from the centre of your brain in every direction, they begin to place rainbow

    bridges of love, beginning to ignite the rainbow flames. Soft, pastel rainbow flames of divine

    energy in high concentration begin to saturate, flowing into the very core of your brow chakra

    now and this rainbow pastel flaming energy begins to spiral clockwise around your head now,

    opening the field of light around your head. As each of the archangels, these 12 with you, ask

    you to open the flame in your heart again, to send the eternal flame of your heart up into your

    brow, to connect your heart chakra to the centre of your brain now.

    And as you send your love and divine energy upwardly, the golden angel before you shares

    you may wish to move the pearl of love, to send it up through your heart into your brain, toopen the higher dimensional connection between your mind and heart again This

    connection that all star beings hold; this original star connection that unites the feminine and

    masculine brain as one.

    Ask now as you do this beloved one, call on all your ancestors from the stars and from the

    earth, ask them to receive this with you now, the opening of the original star connection

    between the heart and mind now, as you call on the 11-11-11 stargate to activate your heart

    again, asking for every member of your family, every ancestor, all of your star family to travel

    with you now through this stargate that is beginning to open above you - this stargate that has

    12 vortexes above you, 12 feet out in every direction above your head. In 12 directions, this

    stargate is beginning to open now like a beautiful crystal of pure golden light. In the fieldaround your head region, the 11-11-11 stargate is beginning to open now.

    Continue to breathe the love up from your heart into your brain. Call on your angelic bodies to

    open now, all of your angelic higher selves to merge with you as one, all ascended forms of

    yourself, your higher consciousness, to now come to activate, energize, illuminate, magnify the

    love within your mind and within your collective consciousness beloved, within your minds

    consciousness, awareness of all others.

    Ask now as the Pleiadian Mothers now come to you, for any aspect of your child, your inner

    child to open and receive with you, this higher mind connection through the 11-11-11 stargate.

    As the Pleiadian Mothers come with golden wings, they wrap their arms around you, callingyou, your family, your ancestors to now come to travel through the 11-11-11 stargate with them

    through a great rainbow golden bridge of light that rises above you into the heavens, they say.

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    And they place you on a large golden disc of light that they step upon and stand upon with

    you now. As these three Pleiadian mothers share with you that through opening your higher

    dimensional connection of your mind, you will be free from the collective fears held by the

    collective of humanity.

    They begin to activate each of the 12 celestial crystals above you that are the generators of

    the 11-11-11 stargate doorway above you. They ask you to travel with them in your angelicbody now, to expand your heart energy out through your wings, to accept that you have an

    etheric body that has celestial wings. They share that this is one of your star bodies you may

    travel in as they gently lift the golden crystal disc of light and you begin to travel through this

    rainbow, golden bridge of light through the stargate, through a great archway of light.

    This emerald archway that they take you through now takes you into the stars and your soul

    begins to soul travel now. Your merkaba begins to activate a star tetrahedron around your

    body now as you fully merge through the 11-11-11 stargate now. And as you do this, they ask

    you to leave all the fears behind to open your mind to the universe being much larger than

    you know to your own divine connection being much more powerful than you know to

    your family of light being so many more beings than you know, so much more than the knownworld of your mind.

    As they infuse the higher bridge of your energy body now with crystals of light to open and

    activate your higher mind, you ground in a beautiful temple in the starry realms of light. You

    are surrounded by your star family in this temple of light. In this world everything is made of pure

    light and here in this temple you are receiving clearing now through your mental body, through

    your higher mental body, and through the original star connection of your being now.

    Special elixirs of light are being infused into you as you are placed in a golden pyramid of light

    and a blue stone is placed in your brow, a ruby stone in your base, an emerald stone in your

    heart, an obsidian stone in your hara now, yellow topaz in your solar plexus, aquamarine in yourthroat, citrine in your sacral now, rose quartz in your thymus chakra, diamond in your crown

    and each of these stones are activated now, as 33 more stones are placed above your crown

    in rings of 7 stones and 5 higher stones that reach 12 feet above your brow. Each one is a

    diamond with a different shade of colour within it now, and these are being activated through

    the higher bridge of your chakras now.

    As the golden pyramid that you are resting in begins to stream golden light down through each

    of the stones, the 33 stones and then each one through your chakras of your body and this

    golden light, begins to spiral around each stone, transformation is occurring within your energy

    now and you are not alone. You are surrounded by spiritual beings in this temple in the higher

    dimensions of the stars. You are being asked to open your heart and remember them.Remember your oneness with all that is physical and non-physical in the universe so you may

    fully own your higher dimensional bodies of light that feed your physical body, that connect

    your mind to the star grids that feed the earth to this higher frequency of light consciousness.

    And you are asked to send out your love now to 33 beings who stand in a circle around you.

    These are your star ancestors, elders from the stars who know you in the heavens, who watch

    over you. A council of light that has no right to interfere in any way in your life but does witness

    your life, send love to you. And at times, sends messengers and guides to support you to

    remember who you are, and most importantly to remind you of your divinity.

    Your mental body is being recalibrated now they say, but if any attachments are held betweenyour chakras, your mind and any other beings on the earth, these need to be released at this

    time. Are you willing to give away all of your attachments that create fear, control, or any form

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    of limitation in your consciousness? Archangel Michael comes to you now and asks you this

    Are you willing to give away all attachments you may hold to what others may do for you, or

    what they will say about you? Are you willing to give away all attachment to outcome in your

    life and allow the flow of your heart and love to feed your mind to become a partner to your

    soul in life?

    Michael is asking your mind now, are you willing to step down from being the director of all that

    occurs and to share this role with the true nature of your soul, the inner wisdom that lives within?Are you willing to step down so the vibration can raise in the energy body and the soul can slow


    If you say yes, Michael is asking your mind now Are you willing to receive the love to

    experience divine visions in your life, divine awareness, divine knowing, divine truth? Would you

    give away attachments to what others say, what others do, what they wish from you, or

    attachments to what others will do for you? Are you willing to release them from this now, all

    old contracts you may have made in any lifetime, dimension now to perform, to be successful,

    to be non-truthful to your true nature here? Any attachments to being something more than

    you are truly here, that may come from a lack of acceptance of the true you? Are you willing

    to release these now, have them purified through karmic absolution granted by ArchangelMichael? He says this to you.

    Are you willing to receive divine dispensations now from Kuthumi, Sananda, Mother Mary,

    Maitreya, Quan Yin and Liberty as they step forth into the temple with you and they bring

    ancient, golden scrolls of light, placing them by your feet now, asking you to carry the mantle

    of wisdom as a light being on the earth. They wish to ignite the inner wisdom of your mind but

    share that this will be a powerful activation and you may need to shed some fears from your


    Are you willing to release these fears they say, that may limit you and hold/controlyour

    awareness in some way to lower its vibration and its witnessing of life to a limited view? If yousay yes, call on Maitreya to assist you now, to bless and open, expand your mind with the

    divine dispensations of the Enlightened Masters from Shambhala.

    And as you receive this now, Maitreya brings a rod of light down through all of these chakras,

    through your mental body, beginning to activate your higher mind connection through your

    mental body. He shares with you now that the greater collective of humanity, the group mind

    is changing, evolving rapidly, but to rise above, to pierce a hole through this, you are needing

    to release your mind completely from the collective into a higher dimensional energy. Would

    you be willing to raise your mind into a higher octave of light, he says?

    And if this is that which you wish, he says, would you be willing to allow all of the inherited fearsto be purified now through divine dispensation? But you must call on your grandfather,

    grandmother through both of your lineages now, asking their permission. Would they be willing

    to work with you now to support the transcension of the mind through your genetic line?

    As you call to your grandparents through both your mother and father lineage now, invite them

    to stand on the left of you and on the right of you now. In spirit form, there they will be. Ask

    them to forgive anything that may have occurred in their life that may have in any way

    stripped their belief in themselves or in the higher power of love, of light, of truth, of oneness, of

    god within themselves. Whatever this may be, ask them now, will they forgive this with you so

    you and all of your family may be free?

    Call for the karmic absolution for your family, for your familys genetics within the mind and any

    fears or inherited energies that may blind you or others at times, create ignorance in any way

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    and loss of connection to the inner wisdom of your soul. And as you do this, send love to all of

    your grandparents now, honour them, calling on the universal law of forgiveness to flood

    through your heart and between your heart and them. Asking that the forgiveness flame, the

    holy flame of forgiveness to blaze now through the genetic body of your soul, the genetics of

    your family through the hearts of all grandfathers, grandmothers in your family.

    As we call to Saint Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel, Amethyst and all violet flame angels to blaze

    activate, energise, illuminate, concentrate, magnify now the violet flame to purify any fearinherited or manifested by your ancestors here that may in any way be held within your mind

    As you are asked to call to your grandparents again and ask them once again, will they fully

    forgive all that has taken place in their lifetime, that in any way created a loss of higher

    connection through the mind or a loss of the minds connection to the heart in any way?

    As rivers of love flow to you from Mother Mary, Germaine, Archangel Michael and

    Christ/Sananda who now step forth to you and place a beautiful flaming ring of love around

    your crown, brow, throat, thymus, heart, solar plexus,

    And they begin to light the flame of love inside each of these chakras. Inviting you to accept

    many dispensations that will support all held within your mind that holds boundaries, creatinglimitation in your awareness to be lifted at this timeas they sweep the flames of purifying light

    and flames of love through your mental body, mind and all connections through your mind that

    connect you to the collective mind of humanity.. and your ancestors fears that were held

    mentally by their beings.

    As they invite you to call for all of humanity to receive this with you, for this to pierce the veils in

    the collective mind to release many others from the old fears of the collective mind. For you to

    call for all the dispensations available to also flood through your collectives mind.. to begin to

    open the mind of humanity to be able to receive love with you.

    As many of the original caretakers of the earth, guardians, elders, ancestors, indigenouspeoples gather now in sacred circles around the earthin the stargates and portals of the

    earth.. gathering to receive an opening beyond the collective mind, and what is known now

    by the collective.. calling forth for the divine consciousness to shine through their minds and

    hearts as they begin to say prayers for all beings on the earth, and prayers for the collective

    mind of humanity beloved heart.

    As many star ancestors begin travel through the 11-11-11 stargate to them from the celestial

    portals in the heavens.. as these star beings arrive in coloured bodies of pure light, they begin to

    connect their hearts with you via the stargate and connect their hearts to all of the original

    caretakers, guardians elders and all gathering in the portals and stargates nowthey begin to

    bless them as they ground starbridges down from many higher dimensional planes and realmssourced from the stars in the heavens.. activating the celestial star matrix of the earth the

    grids and portals, activating the stargates on earth.. as they ground the bridges from the stars

    through the portals and stargates of the earth into the core of Mother Gaia.. opening all

    dimensional doorways on Earth.

    As this occurs, a starbeing- star elder comes to you as a representative of your ancestral

    lineage from the stars.. and gently they lift you now onto the bridge .they carry you on their

    wings of light through the 11:11:11 stargate your ancestors and grandparents travel with

    you.. .

    They take you into the stars where you are blessed by a circle of light, and bathed in a soft pinklight.. gifts are brought forth to you and you are asked if there be anything you need to let go

    of, that creates your mind to not open to the light and love of your being.. and the infinite

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    potential you hold inside as a divine being.. anything you are carrying for your collective, or

    that you may have received as a belief held by your collective that no longer serves your being

    to acknowledge your gifts and the light and love of your soul.

    They ask that you leave this in the pink light, as they activate a pink crystal of light and place it

    in your heart.. and gently guide you back through the bridge where you are taken to one of

    the 33 stargates on the earth, sacred sites, where there is a great stargate of light

    An interdimensional doorway, archway into a temple, where there is a very beautiful and large

    aquamarine blue crystal inside emanating an immense light..

    You stand next to the crystal now in the temple, where many guardians of the earth, ancient

    star beings who live within the earth are gathering with you.

    All are connecting their hearts to the crystalsharing this crystal creates the light to bring

    oneness into the mind. Inviting you to connect your brow and heart to it now by sending a cord

    of light from your brow and heart chakras to the aquamarine blue crystal.

    And as you connect to the crystal with all others now, you are being brought forth a gift of

    grace from the ancestral star elders, ancient guardians who have been caretakers of the earthfor millenniums we say, who have lived and stayed on the earth as the original guardians.

    As they bring a triangular blue tablet to you now. Placing it in your hands to receive this now.

    This is an original tablet of knowledge, they say. It connects you to the stars and into the inner


    To the true knowledge, the true wisdom of Gaia that she holds for you here on earth. It

    connects you to the libraries of light of earth.

    It connects you to the higher truth. It connects you to your higher self, they say.

    And they say, you know where to place this tablet within your being now, You are self guided

    by the light of your soul. You have all you need within you at all time. Just access and accept

    you know the truth for you, where it is that you need to place the blue tablet to activate it

    inside of you.

    To empower your mind, your body, your spirit and soul

    To be able to hold this higher mind connection as a soul.

    This tablet will heal you of any memory they say, that may try to trick you one day, to say that

    you do not have this connection in any way. Any memory that may feed illusion to you.This is the tablet that takes you beyond the veils, they say.

    When your soul connects to it, meditates upon it,

    Your higher mind is open to the truth within it.

    And to the truth of all around you.

    Use it they say, to connect to those around you,

    To this sacred place upon the earth, where the stargate is you have travelled to..

    That you know is the important place for you to earth.

    This special, sacred place you are in

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    That is the portal to anchor more of yourself , more of your light and love, more of your soul and

    ground into Gaia more deeply now..

    To ground your higher mind through now higher consciousness and awareness

    As these ones begin to bless you now.

    As this takes places beloveds, the Enlightened Masters, your Divine Presence, the Divine

    Presences of all beings in this sacred link-up and all of those ancestors from the stars, from theinner earth, the original guardians, the ancient ones, the elders, the Galactic Federation, the

    Archangels and angels, begin to illuminate the collective mind of humanity through the light

    grids of Mother Earth as they begin to activate all 33 stargates, the primary stargates of Mother

    Earths body and great pillars begin to ground through these stargates, these 33 stargates on

    the earth, from the very heart of the great central moon and great central sun through

    Andromeda, Sirius, Arcturus, Venus, Chiron and Maya of the Pleiades, through your sun, moon,

    into each of these sacred stargates now that exist above the sacred sitesas 12 vortexes above

    each sacred site, three miles above the earths physical surface.

    And each of these star vortexes are activated by higher dimension frequencies now and blue

    celestial spheres are activated into each of the star vortexes around the 33 gateways, openingthe stargates of the earth for planetary illumination.

    And as Mother Earths stargates open now, many beings from the stars begin to travel through

    them into the earth, the physical plane, they begin to support many physical beings, these light

    beings. Some are the higher selves of humanity, begin to contact the physical beings in the

    physical plane now, illuminating them with the light, a rainbow golden light now

    You are asked to place the triangular tablet in your heart and to transmit from it, send your

    eternal flame through it to all of humanity as this stargate you are in, activates fully and you are

    in a great circle with the ancestors, the guardians, the star beings in service to Mother Earth,

    transmitting into the collective mind of humanity. Sending it out through the field to the mind ofall people, this love, and asking the collective mind of humanity to receive love from all beings

    now so it may release all fear, transform the fear to love and let go of all attachment to fear.

    And let us call for the Buddha, the Buddha within every being to activate, illuminate, energise,

    manifest the divine peace within the minds of all beings.

    As you are asked to breathe through your nose now, placing the tip of the tongue on the back

    of your teeth in the ridge between the gum and teeth and breathe in through your nose and

    out your nose now. Twelves times beloved.

    As we ask for the Buddhic flame of light, of enlightenment to ground through the crystal core ofyour mind into the heart of each of these sacred sites on earth, these stargates now

    As each of the fields of your mind is beginning to release now beloved, you are asked to

    continue to breathe in through the nose and out the nose for five more minutes to complete

    this now. To place your hands upon the earth or the ground beneath you, to send your energy

    down now into Mother Gaia to ground all that you have received as you are now grounding

    back into this sacred space of the room you are in, calling in all of your consciousness to your

    body again. Asking all of this work to be sealed now, for the guardians, the ancient ones to

    protect your mind, for your star ancestors to continue to bless your mind, for Mother Gaia to

    remind you of your wisdom each day, for your higher self to illuminate your soul and bring the

    divine truth to you each day.

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    For you to live in this higher dimensional connection through your heart and mind, set your

    intention, I AM of the higher mind. I AM of the higher mind. I am of the higher mind, I am of the

    higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of the higher mind, I am of

    the higher mind, I am of the higher mind and mantra this within your mind now to ground this

    into all of your awareness.

    Blessed be, blessed be all beings.

    Blessed be, blessed be the earth.Blessed be, blessed be humanity.

    Blessed be, blessed be your mind.

    Blessed be your divine mind.

    Blessed be, blessed be your soul.

    Blessed be, blessed be all children.

    Blessed be all ancestors.

    Blessed be all beings.

    Blessed be the star mothers and fathers of the children.

    Blessed be your star family.

    Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be the Earth Mother.

    Blessed be the star portals of the earth that serve the Earth Mother.Blessed be the star guardians.

    Blessed be, blessed be your community and the stargate you have opened for your


    Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be you, as a guardian now of this stargate in your community.

    Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be your path.

    Blessed be, blessed be your service, your heart.

    Blessed be, blessed be

    We thank thee, we thank thee, we thank thee.

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