
GCSE Geography AQA A

Coastal Zone Exam Preparation


How can I successfully answer a GCSE case study question on coasts?

Connection: Describe what you can see in the photograph

Big Picture

WHAT? Describe how the coastline has been


HOW? Learn how to answer an 8 mark case

study question

WHY? So I can achieve my target grade or higher on my formative assessment

Unit 1: Physical Geography

• Exam – 1.5 hours (90 minutes)

• Must complete 3 questions!

• How many minutes per question?

• Questions -1 each of the following:

1) The Restless Earth (earthquakes, volcanoes)

2) Water on the Land (rivers)

3) The Coastal Zone (coasts)

Don’t be confused by page break!

Always check number of

marks awarded! Use extra paper

if necessary!

Read question

carefully and underline ‘command’


Command word E.g Describe, explain, compare


• Simply say what you can see. DO NOT use because in your answer.

• Refer to … size, amount, colour, vegetation, height, shape, material, direction, location, etc.


• You must give reasons … this is BECAUSE …

• Try and give ‘links’ between points in your sentence E.g. very few people live in the south because the cliff face is receding at a rate of 2.5 meters a year this means that...


• Say what is similar and what is different – you MUST use CONNECTIVES … whereas, however, on the other hand.

Using figure 2/photo 5 etc.

• You MUST refer to something on the source as directed by the question

For an example you have studied ..

• You MUST give case study data – place names, numbers, etc.

Activate: Read the following exam question and underline or highlight the key words. You will be answering this question for your formative assessment 2.

Study Figure 2: a photograph of how part of the UK coastline has been managed through hard engineering. With the help from the figure and case studies explain the economic and environmental impacts of hard engineering as a method of managing the coast. (8 marks)

Activate: What are the command words?

Study Figure 2: a photograph of how part of the UK coastline has been managed through hard engineering. With the help from the figure and case studies explain the economic and environmental impacts of hard engineering as a method of managing the coast. (8 marks)

Impact Definition Positive Effects Negative Effects




REFLECT: Explain the positive and negative effects of the

one fold mountain land use

The domino effect

How to link answers and explain relationships

For example…

• The case studies I will discuss are…

• The positive social impacts are…

• This has meant that…

• The long term impacts suggest that…

• However, the negative social impacts are…

• The short term effects of this are that…

• The scheme is/isn’t sustainable because… • Key terms: sustainable, engineering, management

• Tip: include exact details, costs, examples

Level 1


• Basic answers! Little information

• Simple understanding

• Little organization; few links; little or no detail; uses a limited range of specialist terms

• Reasonable accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar

• Text is legible.

Level 2


• Accurate information

• Clear understanding

• Organised answers, with some linkages; occasional detail/exemplar; uses a good range of specialist terms where appropriate

• Considerable accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar

• Text is legible.

Level 3


• Accurate information is contextualised and/or at correct scale

• Detailed understanding, supported by relevant evidence and exemplars

• Well organized, demonstrating detailed linkages and the inter-relationships between factors

• Clear and fluent expression of ideas in a logical form; uses a wide range of specialist terms where appropriate

• Accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar

• Text is legible

1-4 Marks GRADE F-D



5-6 Marks GRADE C-B

7-8 Marks GRADE A-*A


Now it’s your turn!



How do I get to

the highest


Reflect: A, B, C or D??????


1.Swap books.

2.Use the level descriptors.

3.Underline points that are well made

4.Squiggle points that don’t make sense or are incorrect

5.Give a level mark

6.Identify a target from the list on the right

Stay focused on the question

Write in detail about more than one case study

Learn the terms of the case study

Use the words, ‘which meant..’ to make sure you are explaining

What GCSE grade is my level worth?

• A*= 8

• A = 7

• B= 6

• C= 5

• D= 4

• E= 3

• F= 2

• U= 1 or below

I achieved ??? Grade

Reflect: How did you get on? • Look back at the level marks

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