
MercuryBy : Teressa Lee

What does Mercury mean in Greek?

Mercury means in astronomy mythology, Mercury was the Roman Version of the god Hermes. He was the messenger for the other gods, and for this reason Mercury is often depicted in pictures with winged sandals. In addition to delivering messages, he was also the protector of travelers and merchants.

Hermes god

Where is it located?


It is the first planet from the sun.

It is an inner planet.

Inner planetsMercury

Is it an inner or outer planet?

What is Mercury made of?

Mercury is made out of iron.

What is Mercury’s atmosphere made up of?

Mercury don’t have atmosphere. It has hydrogen,helium but it is quickly blown away by the Sun’s solar winds.

What is the average temperature on Mercury?

Day is 427°CNight -73°C

How many moons Mercury have?

Mercury don’t have any moons.

What is the diameter of Mercury

Mercury’s diameter is 4876 kilometers.

4876 diameter

How long does it take Mercury to orbit the sun?

It takes 87,969 days to orbit the sun.


Interesting Facts

Mercury don’t have an molten core.


What does Neptune mean in Greek?

Neptune was originally only the god of water, but later extended to the ocean when he became associated with the Greek god Poseidon.

Where is it located?

Ti is 8 planets from the sun.

Is it an inner or outer planet?

It is an outer planet.

What is Neptune made of?

It is made out of water, liquid hydrogen and rocky core.

What is Neptune’s atmosphere made up of?

Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane.

What is the average temperature on Neptune?

-218°C at Neptune’s surface.

How many moons does Neptune have?

Neptune have 13 moons. Neptune’s moon is called : Caliban, Sycorax, Prospero, Setebos, Stephano, and 1986ul0.

What is the diameter of Neptune? It is 49,527kilometers.

How long does it take Neptune to orbit the sun?

It takes 60,190 days.

Interesting Facts

Neptune has 6 rings which circle the planet.


1.Mercury is inner planet and Neptune is outer planet.

2.Their god is different.

3.Mercury is hot and Neptune is cold.

4.Mercury’s orbit is smaller and Neptune’s orbit is bigger.

5.Mercury don’t have moon and Neptune have moon.


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