Tensor splats

Post on 15-May-2023






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Tensor Splats

Werner Benger*,** and Hans-Christian Hege*

* Zuse Institute Berlin, D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany** Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, D-14476 Golm, Germany


A new general-purpose technique for the visualization of time-dependent symmetric positive definite tensor fields of ranktwo is described. It is based on a splatting technique that is built from tiny transparent glyph primitives which are capableof incorporating the full orientational information content of a tensor. The result is an information-rich image that allows toread off the preferred orientations in a tensor field. It is useful for analyzing slices or volumes of a three-dimensional tensorfield and can be overlaid with standard volume rendering or color mapping. The application of the rendering technique isdemonstrated on numerically simulated general relativistic data and a measured diffusion tensor field of a human brain.

Keywords: tensor field visualization, metric, splatting, volume rendering, general relativity, diffusion tensor images


Tensor fields are the primary computational quantities in general relativity. They also occur in material sciences as wellas in computational fluid dynamics. With the recent advances in magneto-resonance equipment, they are also encounteredin medicine from diffusion tensor images. Unfortunately, appropriate visualization tools are not widely available. Evenpeople working with tensor fields sometimes think of them as purely abstract objects or as a collection of numbers, whichare inspected individually. However, a tensor should be treated as an entity and visualized without reduction to single scalaror vector fields, as all such reductions result in information loss. Visualizing tensor fields therefore poses the difficulty ofcommunicating six quantities per point in a data volume, even in the simplest case of a symmetric three-dimensionaltensor field of rank two. Consequently appropriate visualization methods are required, both for the scientist who needs toinspect data quantitatively or qualitatively for data-mining purposes in huge data sets, and also for public outreach, whichis especially difficult for abstract sciences like general relativity.

In this paper a rendering technique for tensor fields of rank two on three-dimensional manifolds is described. Section 2starts with a review of current tensor field visualization strategies. Section 3 explains the idea to replace point-wise glyphsby transparent splats. The resulting images are interpreted in Sect. 4 on the basis of tensor fields from general relativity: inSect. 4.1 the analytically known Schwarzschild metric describing the gravitational field of a static black hole, in Sect. 4.2 arotating black hole (Kerr metric), and finally in Sect. 4.3 a numerical solution of two orbiting black holes. To demonstratethat the developed technique is not limited to relativistic data, it is applied to the diffusion tensor field of a human brain inSect. 5.


Usually tensor field visualization concentrates on symmetric tensor fields of rank two in three dimensions. Only fewapproaches exist to deal with general three-dimensional tensors of rank two or even higher.1 Even more, most visualizationmethods are constrained to the domain of positive definite tensors. The most straightforward way of visualizing these usesellipses (in 2D) and ellipsoids (in 3D). Alternative icons have been invented to enhance certain properties more clearly, likethe Haber Glyph2 and the Reynolds Glyph.3

A problem common to all visualization techniques using icons is visual clutter, an experience which is tackled in vectorfield visualization by displaying low dimensional field characteristics like critical points and integral lines, e.g. streamlines, streak lines and path lines. Hyperstream lines4 are stream lines of the maximum (or minimum) eigenvector “field”

E-mail: [benger|hege]@zib.de

Copyright 2004 SPIE and IS&T. This paper was published in the proceedings of the Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis 2004 (EI10), part of IS&T/SPIE’s International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2004 and is made availableas an electronic reprint with permission of SPIE and IS&T. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of anymaterial in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.

with an elliptical cross-section encoding the median and minor eigenvalues. Together with color coding of the maximumeigenvalue they depict all6 independent components of a symmetric tensor field. It may also be extended to asymmetrictensor fields by drawing a cross instead of an ellipsoid. However, integration of an eigenvector “field” runs into problemsin isotropic regions of a tensor field, where the maximum eigenvector becomes undefined (similar “isotropy artifacts” alsohappen with the previously mentioned glyph methods that are designated to enhance anisotropy) – an integral line of themaximum eigenvector field may therefore wildly jump from point to point. Tensorlines5 intend to cure this problem byweighting the influence of the eigenvector field along an integral line by the isotropy of the tensor field at each integrationpoint. The quality of integral lines strongly depends on the initial seeds and depicts just a subset of the complete datavolume. Volume rendering of tensor fields6, 7 by mapping tensor field quantities to colors and shading parameters providesa complete, smooth overview of the entire data set, but requires some learning of the visual effects and user interactionwithin the parameter space.

The keystrokes of Van Gogh inspired a technique8 to draw two-dimensional slices of a tensor field by small normalizedellipses, encoding the trace of the tensor field as a stripe texture on the ellipses. The result is a texture pattern that providesa qualitative overview of the tensor field properties when viewed from a distance, but also provides quantitative detailswhen inspected closely. Drawbacks are its limitation to slices and the built-in assumption that two eigenvalues are similar.Smearing some spot noise9 along the dominant orientations contained in a tensor field yields images like volume LIC,10

but appears to be computationally expensive and the artificial noise structure adds visual information that is not reallycontained in the original data.

Another way to look at tensor fields is to interpret them as metric tensor fields, describing physical distances in space(and possibly time). An intuitive interpretation is provided by isometric embeddings.11–14 Unfortunately, a direct geomet-rical visualization of isometric distances by shifting grid points is not possible globally. Even two-dimensional surfaces,e.g. planar slices through a data volume, cannot necessarily be embedded into flat three-dimensional space globally.

Deformation fields15, 16 make use of the interpretation of a tensor field as a map between vector fields and provide anintuitive vision by showing the deformation of surfaces under the action of a tensor field. This technique also works forasymmetric tensor fields and can be extended to volumes.17 However, it can only display a fraction of the tensor field atonce as it requires some user-chosen input vector field. The full information content is not visualized before the tensor fieldhas been probed with three linearly independent vector fields, resulting in three views that have to be mentally combined.

The equivalent of vector field integral lines in a metric field are geodesics.18 The consideration of lightlike geodesicsopens the path to a physically correct and coordinate independent way of visualizing a metric tensor field by photo-realisticimages via raytracing objects in curved space.19, 20 However, this approach is computationally very expensive and oflimited usability when studying numerical simulation data because too many visual effects conglomerate. An alternativeraytracing approach was recently used21 by treating integral lines of deviated vector fields as light paths.


3.1. Mathematical Background

A covariant tensorG of rank two on a manifoldM is a bilinear map of two tangential vectors~v, ~w ∈ Tp(M) to a number:

G : Tp(M)× Tp(M)→ R

wherebyTp(M) denotes the tangential space of the manifoldM at a pointp ∈ M . A straightforward way to look at atensor in a coordinate independent way is to consider the set of tangential vectors~v ∈ Tp(M) which are mapped to thesame numberG(~v,~v) = C with C ∈ R. Physically,G(~v,~v) tells us how fast some propagation of light or fluid occurswith the orientation~v; the set of neighboring pointsp + ~v can be intuitively interpreted as a surface of equal propagation,like the set of all points in a distance of one light second, a “unit sphere” as measured with the tensorG. The coordinateexpression in a chart with basis{~∂x, ~∂y, ~∂z} and a tangential vector~v = x~∂x + y~∂y + z~∂z is given by

G(~v,~v) = Gxxx2 + (Gxy + Gyx)xy + Gyyy2 + (Gyz + Gzy)yz + Gzzz2 + (Gzx + Gxz)xz (1)

wherebyGij := G(~∂i, ~∂j) are the components of the tensor fieldG in the given chart. They can be written as a matrix(Gij). Eq. (1) corresponds to the equation of a quadric surface, i.e. an ellipsoid or an hyperboloid, depending on the signs

of Gij . It can be computed in any coordinate system by mapping unit vectors~u ∈ Tp(M), |~u| = 1, to

~v =~u√

G(~u, ~u)/C. (2)

If the tensor is not positive definite, then~v becomes complex in specific orientations and the quadric surface is hyperbolic.The alternative mapping~w = ~u ·

√G(~u, ~u)/C leads to “inverse ellipsoids” and is the basis of Reynolds glyphs.3 However,

the quadric surface does not display the full information content of a general tensor, but only its symmetric part, becausean antisymmetric part ofG does not contribute toG(~u, ~u). For now, we will limit ourselves to symmetric tensors becausethese are the primary data of interest when a metric tensor field in general relativity is inspected, as well as diffusion tensordata are symmetric either. Furthermore, as far as general relativistic spacetimes22 are considered, we will only inspect thespatial three-dimensional metric of a four-dimensional spacetime here.

3.2. Shape Classification

The properties of the ellipsoid described by eq. (1) can be analyzed by determining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of thetensor. A symmetric positive definite3×3 matrix will reveal three real eigenvalues, denoted byλmax ≥ λmed ≥ λmin ≥ 0.Its three orthonormal eigenvectors describe the orientation of the ellipsoid, whereby the length of thei-th axis is given by1/√

λi, i.e. the largest extent of the ellipsoid is determined by the smallest eigenvalue and vice versa – this is sometimesconfused, but is clear from eq. (2). Representing a tensor by its eigen decomposition, we notice that the quadric surface ofthe inverse tensor(Gij)−1 = (Gij) by inverting the eigenvaluesλi → 1/λi.

(a) Linear Shape (b) Planar Shape (c) Spherical Shape

cp = 1

cs = 1

cl = 1

cl = 0 cp = 0

cs = 0� -





(d) Barycentric classification

Figure 1. Classification of a tensor ellipsoid by its shape. The dependency between these shape parameters constitutes barycentriccoordinates in a triangle. The left edge corresponds to zero linearity, bottom edge to zero sphericity and right edge to zero planarity.

An intuitively useful classification of tensor ellipsoid shapes was given by Westin.23 We may distinguish among thefollowing dominant cases depending on the relationships of the inverse tensor’s eigenvalues (we employ the inverse tensor’seigenvalues here for consistency with Westin’s definitions):

• Linear case: λmax � λmed ≈ λmin, one eigenvalue of the inverse tensor is dominant. The tensor’s ellipsoid is aneedle (Fig. 1(a)), the inverse tensor reveals a disc (Fig. 1(b)).

• Planar case: λmax ≈ λmed � λmin, two eigenvalues of the inverse tensor are dominant. The tensor’s ellipsoid is adisc (Fig. 1(b)), the inverse tensor a needle (Fig. 1(a)).

• Spherical case: λmax ≈ λmed ≈ λmin, all eigenvalues are of approximately the same size. No orientation ispreferred (isotropic case), the tensor and inverse tensor ellipsoids are both spheres.

Westin23 introduced shape factor indicating which of the three cases is dominant. They only depend on the ellipsoid shape,independent from its size:

cl =λmax − λmed

λmax + λmed + λmincp =

2(λmed − λmin)λmax + λmed + λmin

cs =3λmin

λmax + λmed + λmin.

The scaling numbers2 and3 are used such that each shape factor is in the interval[0, 1]. Other normalization choices arepossible as well. The three shape factors obey the relationshipcl + cp + cs = 1 and can thus be interpreted as barycentriccoordinates within a triangle, as illustrated in Fig. 1(d). The spherical factorcs is a measure of the anisotropy. The shapefactors of the inverse tensor are computed easily by exchangingcl ↔ cp while keepingcs. Other shape and anisotropyclassifications are possible as well,24 which may even avoid solving the cubic eigenvalue equation.25 In our case we areinterested in the eigenvectors as well, so solving the eigenvalue equation is required anyway.

3.3. Splatting Technique

Our idea is to employ flat, planar but transparent icons that are able to encode the same information as an ellipsoid. Theseicons resemble splats which fade out smoothly. They may also overlap, similar as in the spot noise technique,26 butsustaining the orientational information provided by the tensor field. In contrast, splats utilized for volume rendering arealways oriented parallel to the view plane and cannot communicate orientational information. Keeping in mind that weare primarily interested in this information, it is reasonable to render isotropic regions completely transparent. As theeigenvectors have no meaning there, the only information available in isotropic regions is the trace of the tensor field, asingle scalar, which can be displayed via standard volume rendering, if of interest at all. Otherwise, in regions with planartensor field where two main orientations are to be displayed, a transparent disc with Gaussian-like spherical transparency isan appropriate icon, while in regions with linear tensor field a line segment is appropriate. To blend these two cases in thetransition region we may impose a one-dimensional periodic texture, e.g. some sinusoidal intensity, on the disc orthogonalto the largest eigenvector. The texturing emphasizes the orientation of the more dominant eigenvector within the plane ofthe two dominant eigenvectors. The texture coordinate is scaled by the factor1 − cp, thus the texture becomes infinitelystretched in regions withcp = 1 and occurs exactly once per splat whencp = 0. The resulting icons are shown in Fig. 2.

(a) Tensor Ellipsoids (b) Transparent Discs (c) Textured Splats

Figure 2. Ellipsoids (a) incorporating the tensor field’s value at each point in space are substituted by transparent discs (b), which areequipped with an sinusoidal texture (c). Isotropic regions are rendered transparently to discard any visual orientational preference.

By interchangingcl ←→ cp it is easy to switch among a visualization of the tensor field and the inverse tensor field.Both might help to understand the properties of the tensor field, although the physical interpretation is different. Forinstance, the tensor field shows the shape of “metric unit spheres” and displays “grid compression”, whereas the inversetensor stands for “grid stretching” or “flow speed”. Switching from a tensor to its inverse visualization maps linear toplanar regions and vice versa, leaving freedom for more pleasing visual appearance to the user.

If the splat diameter is an integer multiple of the cell size – which is constant only on a uniform grid –, secondarymaxima of the periodic splat texture will coincide, thus smoothly forming a line, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The visual resultlooks like an integral line along the dominant eigenvector, but without performing actual integration at all.

The one-dimensional texturing on each splat can be freely scaled by a user-adjustable parameters to obtain the mostpleasant overall appearance. In regions with non-zero linearity there is thus the freedom to specify how many stripes persplat, or visually “needles per voxel” shall be used for a fixedcl value. In any case, regions with higher linearity will be builtfrom more and smaller needles, whereas regions with lower linearity will fade out to smoother appearance. Consequently,

Figure 3.Ellipsoids of the inverse tensor, and with tensor splats of the original tensor. Glyphs of the inverse tensor are always orthogonalto the original tensor, whereby linear and planar shape factors are exchanged. They provide an alternative view.

Figure 4. Tensor field on a22× 2× 22 grid (axial section along the Kerr metric from Sect. 4.2), which is highly linear at the center andmostly planar at the left and right border, as well as in the background. Transition from separate icons to continuously smooth lines viascaling of the transparent splats: scale factors = .2 (top left), s = .4 (top right),s = .8 (bottom left),s = 1.6 (bottom right). Splatsfrom the region with increasing planarity in the background pile up, providing information about the change of the tensor field in depth.

since the structural information is rendered with a higher resolution than the original data source, the resulting image shouldbe inspected with higher pixel resolution as the data source.

To enhance the visual perceptibility of transitions from linear to planar regions, we additionally use a colormap de-pending on

cf :=cl

cl + cp≡ λmax − λmed

λmax + λmed − 2λmin

that corresponds to the location of a tensor shape on the bottom edge of Fig. 1(d). The colorization factorcf becomesundefined in completely isotropic regions where all eigenvalues are identical. However, this does not harm, becauseisotropic regions are rendered completely transparent (i.e. without issuing any OpenGL directives, thereby also improvingrendering speed), such that an eventual color value is irrelevant. Our primary encoding is to use complementary colors,e.g. mappingcp = 1 to red andcl = 1 to green (see Fig. 5). The actual mapping interval can also be scaled to a subintervalsuch that even slight variations of the shape factors can be enhanced strongly. Other color codings are possible as well, andespecially encoding the trace of the tensor field as luminosity together with color hue as linearity measure is an option.

planar linear

Figure 5. Color encoding ofcf , i.e. thecs = 0 line in Fig. 1(d).

3.4. Benefits of the Rendering Technique

The tensor splat technique offers the following advantages:

• No isotropy artifacts: in contrast to many anisotropy enhancing visualization methods, nothing “weird” happensin isotropic regions where the eigenvectors become undefined. Alternatively expressed, no orientation is suggested

where none is preferred. However, a minor isotropy artifact remains when inspecting splats of the inverse tensorin regions with no linearity, due to the ambiguity of the two major eigenvectors there. This results in an undefinedorientation of the disc plane. In practice, this drawback is not overwhelmingly disturbing as it occurs just locally invery limited regions, and a 3D interactive view easily exhibits the actual behavior.

• Grid independence: The rendering technique works point-wise. Thus, it is independent from the connectivity ofthe underlying data grid and is not limited to uniform cartesian grids. It can be applied directly to tetrahedral gridsor adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data.

• Applicable to dynamic data: The technique is completely deterministic, i.e. it does not make use of random noiselike LIC,10, 27 and thus is very well suited to time-dependent data, revealing smooth animations.

• Fast: The graphics primitives can be put into OpenGL display lists, thus achieving interactive rendering speeds andhigh-speed interactive animations of large data sets. Furthermore, some rendering parameters – e.g. the number ofstripes per splat – can be set outside the display list. Fine-tuning of the visualization can be done interactively inrealtime.

• Adjustable: By changing the diameter of the tensor splats, the number of texture stripes per tensor splat andtransparency parameters, the image can be adjusted from a globally smooth appearance providing a raw qualitativeoverview of large structures into fine, point-wise icons. These can be inspected point by point for data debuggingand quantitative analysis of tensor values.


4.1. Schwarzschild MetricAs a first test case we inspect the Schwarzschild metric. It describes a static black hole with massm. In matrix notation, itreads in four-dimensional polar coordinates:

1− 2m/r 0 0 00 − 1

1−2m/r 0 00 0 −r2 00 0 −r2 sin2 ϑ


whereby for our visualization purposes we are only interested in the spatial part. We immediately see that the radialeigenvector~∂r is dominant with eigenvaluegrr = 1/(1 − 2m/r), whereas the angular eigenvalues are exactly like on asphere, so no orientation on concentric spherical shells is preferred. The anisotropy is highest forr → 2m, the “eventhorizon” of the black hole.

The resulting mostly planar light propagation is easily depicted by the tensor splats as radially oriented planar discs,Fig. 6 (center left), whereas the radial grid stretching is displayed by the inverse metric in Fig. 6 (right) as radial needles,indicating the high linearity close to the event horizon.

4.2. Kerr MetricThe Kerr metric describes a rotating black hole with massm and angular momentuma. In matrix notation, the 4-metricreads:

1− 2mr%2 0 0 mra sin2 ϑ


0 −%2

∆ 0 00 0 −%2 0

mra sin2 ϑ%2 0 0 − (r2+a2)−∆a2 sin2 ϑ

%2 sin2 ϑ


whereby∆ := r2 − 2mr + a2 and%2 := r2 + a2 cos2 ϑ. Fora > 0 the Kerr metric is no longer spherically symmetric,but just axially symmetric around the rotation axis. We can see this property in Fig. 7 and expect linear regions fora > 0.Tensor Splats are able to exhibit the contrast among linear (in the equatorial plane) and planar regions (at the poles) quiteprominently. We find spherically oriented discs close to the poles; in the equatorial plane they morph to needles parallel tothe rotation axis, Fig. 7, right. We easily read off that light traversal toward the pole is easier and thus latitudal distances areshorter than longitudinal ones. In other words, the axial stretching close to the equatorial plane indicates that a coordinatesphere is actually a flattened “bubbloid”11, 13 with large equatorial and short polar circumference.

Figure 6. A two-dimensional slice of the spherically symmetric Schwarzschild metric. Tensor ellipsoids (left) visualize light propa-gation, the same behavior is indicated more clearly by tensor splats (center left). Inverse tensor ellipsoids (center right) visualize gridstretching, which become “needles” when viewed with tensor splats (right). The sphere indicates the event horizon of the black hole.Note that the visible discretization artifacts are due to data sampling on a low-resolution uniform cartesian grid. Also, we see the re-maining minor isotropy artifact in regions withcl = 0 when tensor splats of the inverse tensor field are plotted, caused by the ambiguityof the two dominant eigenvectors in this case.

Figure 7. Kerr Metric. It is hard to see anything when visualized using ellipses, but with good will we can spot that the ellipses flattenradially and are squeezed longitudinally while stretched axially at the equator. Tensor splats (one axial slice, center, and 3D view, right)expose linear and planar regions, both exhibiting axial linear stretching in the equatorial plane.

4.3. Numerical Data

For numerical purposes, the four-dimensional field equations are often split into spatial and temporal components. Thefour-dimensional metricg (10 independent components) is formulated by a scalarα, called the lapse function, a three-dimensional vector fieldβ (3 components), called the shift vector field, and a spatial metricγ (6 components). In matrixnotation with indicesi, j ∈ {1, 2, 3} the four-dimensional spacetime metric is of the formα2 −


βiγijβj −βi

−βi −γij

. (5)

In numerical relativity,28 α, β andγ are the primary computational quantities. The spatial metricγ needs to be providedfor some initial time and is then evolved with Einstein’s equations of the gravitational field. Tensor splats feature a directvisualization of the spatial metricγ.

A current research topic is the numerical computation of the final orbit of two black holes before they collide. Ofspecial interest in numerical relativity is the occurrence of “grid stretching”, the physical distance between neighboringpoints on the numerical grid, which is determined by the numerically computed metricγ. Due to physical or coordinatesingularities they lead to numerical instabilities, ultimately killing the entire simulation sequence. Their early detectionand propagation properties are thus essential for the development of evolution schemes.

Figure 8. Kerr black holes spinning at 30%, 60% and 96%. The linearity around the equator increasing with the angular momentum ofthe black holes becomes easily visible.

Figure 9. Tensor splats are well suitable for time-dependent data. Two snapshots of a numerical black hole merger sequence, revealinga region of highly linear grid stretching within a region of rather planar grid stretching. Grid resolution is33× 33× 17 points.

A quadrant of a dataset just after the merger of two black holes may be analysed using the tensor splats technique.Inspecting the region that is rendered in red in Fig. 10, we find the planar splats oriented radially, thus indicating mainlyradial grid stretching, similar to what we know from the Schwarzschild metric. Additionally we see linear grid stretchingin the equatorial plane, indicating that light can hardly propagate with axial∂ϑ orientation. This linearity, a “longitudinaldrag”, is stronger close to the black hole, visible as the change of color to green and splat stripes becoming straiter.However, no such green region occurs close to the rotation axis, indicating that there is only radial planar grid stretching.At the pole itself, all tangential orientations are equally stretched (no linearity), a symmetry around the rotation axis whichwe know from the Kerr metric and that is nice to find in the numerical data as well.

The outcome of this is that equatorial circumferences are shorter than polar circumferences, i.e. the true shape of acoordinate sphere is like a cigar along the axis of rotation. Note that computing the actual shape would require determiningthe embedding,11, 14 which does not necessarily exist. Even if, it could provide insight only for a surface, whereas thetensor splat technique allows to read off geometrical properties of an entire volume, if the data set is not too complex.


The tensor splats have been specifically developed for huge, time-dependent data originating from numerical computations.However, as the technique described here is of quite general purpose, we also show its application to diffusion tensor datasets stemming from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW MRI).25, 29 The inspection of diffusion tensordata is relevant for the segmentation and classification of MRI data to detect the white matter tracts that form the “wiring”of the human brain.7 Inspection of the measured matrix elements by themselves is not reasonable, because they are notinvariant under rotations, hence depending on the scan measurement’s orientation. Invariant visualization methods are thusimportant here.

Several methods exist to extract certain features of such medical data sets.30–34 Recent methods32, 33 employ stream-tubes to visualize linear structures and stream surfaces to visualize planar structures. However, this approach results in

ll Axially:

l cross many stripes

l large distance



cross few stripes

small distance

Figure 10. A quadrant of a metric tensor field from a numerical simulation of colliding black holes. At the rotation axis the grid isstretched only radially, whereas in the equatorial plane grid stretching also occurs axially. The real shape of a coordinate sphere is thusa cylindrical shape, similar to the right figure.

an abrupt change between linear and planar structure visualization, whereas our method provides a smooth transition,which is more appropriate to the data. Also, our method is intrinsically free of integration artifacts, but instead acceptsthe drawbacks of discontinuity of the splats. This is not a big impact, because due to their smooth shape they still provideorientational information even in regions where they do not exactly line up. Still, they are able to yield the impression oflines without performing any integration at all, thus avoiding any artifacts, as reported by ref.35 Our method is especiallysuitable for time-dependent data, whereas streamline/streamsurface methods cannot cope with these. Moreover, it is ableto provide information-rich images of two-dimensional slices as well, with a smooth transition among 2D and 3D views.The preprocessing cost of our method is very low and 2D slices can be computed in real time on a sufficiently fast PC.

Figure 11.A slice through the brain, displaying diffusion “obstacles”, and the inverse tensor, displaying the possible diffusion velocities.Linear regions are easily detectable, planar regions appear smoother. Please note that the tensor classification has been done entirely in3D, without prior projection of the tensors onto the plane.

Fig. 11 demonstrates the tensor splats technique applied to a two-dimensional slice of a diffusion tensor scan of thehuman brain with a resolution of148 × 190 × 160 points. While the coloring provides a rough overview to distinguishamong regions with highly linear (water diffusion happens mainly with one orientation) and highly planar diffusion (waterdiffusion may occur with two orientations), the finer detailed texture also shows theorientationof the dominant diffusion.

Interactive rotation of a 3D image on a compute screen or stereo viewing in a virtual reality environment provide a betterperception of the actual orientation of planar structures. Alternatively, we can also inspect the inverse tensor field, rightimage in Fig. 11, to map planar splats to linear ones and vice versa. The comparison of both views clearly displays theorientation of the planar diffusion. The high-contrast colors were chosen to emphasize the transition between linear andplanar regions. However, the colors are just used as enhancement of information that is already contained in the texture.Using a black-white color transition as in Fig. 12 (or another arbitrary other colormap) is possible as well, provided thathigh image resolution is possible to reveal the fine grass-like structures in the data sets.

Figure 12.Using a black and white colormap, the tensor field looks like grass on a meadow, indicating the preferred orientation in thefield. If two orientations are equivalently preferred, the stalks “smear” into planar leaves (which are color-coded darker in this example).

The tensor splats method extends easily to three-dimensional data sets, although it might require some fine-tuning ofthe visualization parameters to hide more of the isotropic regions than needed for two-dimensional slices. The full three-dimensional view of the brain data is shown in Fig. 13. The visual impression is of course increased by high resolutionimages and direct user interaction with the three-dimensional geometry on a computer screen or VR projection device. The

Figure 13.Tensor Splats are capable to visualize an entire 3D volume of the Brain. We see each splat separately because relatively few,but large splats have been used to achieve good, interactive rendering performance and in order to reduce visual clutter.

orientational information as provided by the tensor splats technique also easily coexists with standard volume rendering.So beside color coding some scalar or vector field on the tensor splats themselves, a smooth volume rendering may be usedin addition to display other scalar quantities. Useful examples are the trace of the tensor field, or thecl shape factor field,as shown in Fig. 14 to display the coincidence of highly linear regions and the orientational information provided by thetensor splats.


The visualization routines were implemented as an extension to the Amira36 visualization environment. The data setof orbiting black holes was computed with Cactus37 by the numerical relativity group at the Max-Planck-Institute for

Figure 14.While volume rendering of the anisotropy shape factorcl (right) gives a notionwheresome highly linear regions occur, thetensor splatting (left) also gives a notion inwhich orientationsuch a linear diffusion takes place. Both rendering techniques can be usedtogether in the same image (center).

Gravitational Physics in Golm, Germany, using computational resources at the National Center for Supercomputing Ap-plications. We especially thank Gordon Kindlmann, University of Utah, and Andrew L. Alexander, currently at Universityof Wisconsin-Madison, for providing the tensor field data of the human brain.


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