
Tennis Elbow


• Tennis Elbow is a painful condition involving the tendons, which attach to forearm muscles on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow.

• Individuals, between the ages of 40-60 years, have a higher risk

• Any activity that involves a repetitive overuse of the wrist or arm, increases the risk of Tennis Elbow.

• Tennis Elbow is caused by muscle strain and repetitive injury, resulting from repeated forearm muscle contractions.

• A sign and symptom of Tennis Elbow is slow progressive pain.

• An magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to diagnose Tennis Elbow.

• A complication that may occur if Tennis Elbow is left untreated is chronic elbow pain.

• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory oral medications, can help reduce the pain and swelling, in the elbow

• Surgical methods may also be used to treat Tennis Elbow.

• When properly treated, a high percentage of individuals regain their full strength and range of motion in their affected elbow.

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