Template Matching - Pattern Recognition

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Template matching is a technique in computer vision used for finding a sub-

image of a target image which matches a template image. This technique is

widely used in object detection fields such as vehicle tracking, robotics ,

medical imaging, and manufacturing .

The crucial point is to adopt an appropriate “measure” to quantify similarity

or matching. However, this method also requires extensive computational

cost since the matching process involves moving the template image to all

possible positions in a larger target image and computing a numerical index

that indicates how well the template matches the image in that position. This

problem is thus considered as an optimization problem.

A reasonable first step to approaching such a task is to define a measure or

a cost measuring the“distance”or the“similarity”between the (known)

reference patterns and the (unknown) test pattern, in order to perform the

matching operation known as template matching.

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2. Template Matching Types

Template matching has been performed at the pixel level and also on higher


A. Pixel Level Template Matching:

Pixel templates come in four types:

a) Total templates: Template is the same size as the input image.

There is no rotation or translation invariance.

b) Partial templates: Template is free from the background. Multiple

matches are allowed. Partial matches may also be allowed. Care

must be taken in this case -- an F template could easily match to

an E.



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c) Piece templates : Templates that match one feature of a figure.

These templates break a pattern into its component segments so,

for example, "A" can be broken down into "/", "\" and "-". The

order in which templates are compared to the scene is important:

the largest templates must be tried first, since they contain the

most information and may subsume smaller templates.

d) Flexible templates: These templates can handle stretching,

misorientation and other possible deviations. A good prototype of

a known object is first obtained and represented parametrically.

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B. High Level Template Matching

A problem with pixel based is that although fairly cheap and simple to

implement; rotation and translation is a problem, also images are rarely

perfect suffering from blurring, stretched and other distortions and

peppered with noise.

High level template matching methods operate on an image that has

typically been segmented into regions of interest. Regions can be described

in terms of area, average intensity, rate of change of intensity, curvature and

also compared -- bigger than, adjacent to, above, distance between.

Templates are described in relationships between regions. Production rules

and other linguistic representations have been used. Also statistical methods

(relaxation based techniques) have been applied to perform the matching.

a) Feature-based Matching: When the template image has strong

features, a feature-based approach may be considered; the approach

may prove further useful if the match in the search image might be

transformed in some fashion. Since this approach does not consider

the entirety of the template image, it can be more computationally

efficient when working with source images of larger resolution.

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b) Template-based Matching: For templates without strong features, or

for when the bulk of the template image constitutes the matching

image, a template-based approach may be effective. Template-based

template matching may potentially require sampling of a large

number of points, it is possible to reduce the number of sampling

points by reducing the resolution of the search and template images

by the same factor and performing the operation on the resultant

downsized images (multi-resolution, or pyramid, image processing).

Image Pyramid

Image Pyramid is a series of images, each image being a result of

downsampling (scaling down, by the factor of two in this case) of the

previous element.

Pyramid Processing

At each level of the pyramid, we will need appropriately downsampled

picture of the reference template, i.e. both input image pyramid and

template image pyramid (Pyramid Processing) should be computed.

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Grayscale-based Matching

Although in some of the applications the orientation of the objects is

uniform and fixed (as we have seen in the plug example), it is often the

case that the objects that are to be detected appear rotated. In Template

Matching algorithms the classic pyramid search is adapted to allow multi-

angle matching, i.e. identification of rotated instances of the template.

This is achieved by computing not just one template image pyramid, but a

set of pyramids - one for each possible rotation of the template. During the

pyramid search on the input image the algorithm identifies the

pairs (template position, template orientation) rather than sole template

positions. Similarly to the original schema, on each level of the search the

algorithm verifies only those (position, orientation)pairs that scored well on

the previous level (i.e. seemed to match the template in the image of lower


The technique of pyramid matching together with multi-angle search

constitute the Grayscale-based Template Matching method.

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Edge-based Matching

Edge-based Matching enhances the previously discussed Grayscale-based

Matching using one crucial observation - that the shape of any object is

defined mainly by the shape of its edges. Therefore, instead of matching

of the whole template, we could extract its edges and match only the

nearby pixels, thus avoiding some unnecessary computations. In common

applications the achieved speed-up is usually significant.

3. Template Matching Measures

Measure of match between two images is considered to be a metric that

indicate the degree of similarity or dissimilarity between them. Unless it is

specifically stated otherwise, this metric can be increasing or decreasing with

degree of similarity. Where the metric is specifically stated to be a measure

of mismatch, it is a quantity that is increasing with the degree of dissimilarity.

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3.1 Measures of Match (similarity)


Representation: Represent the template by a sequence of measurement



Test pattern:

Form a grid with I points (template) in horizontal and J points (test)

in vertical

Each point (i,j) of the grid measures the distance between r(i) and t(j)

Path: A path through the grid, from an initial node

(i0, j0) to a final one (if, jf), is an ordered set of nodes

(i0, j0), (i1, j1), (i2, j2) … (ik, jk) … (if, jf)

Each path is associated with a cost

Where K is the number of nodes across the path

)(),...,2( ),1( Irrr

)(),...,2( ),1( Jttt




kk )j,i(dD

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The optimal path (blue) is constructed by searching among all allowable

paths. The optimal node correspondence, between the test and reference

patterns, is unraveled by backtracking the optimal path.

2) Euclidean Distance

Let I be a gray level image and g be a gray-value template of size n X m.

In this formula (r,c) denotes the top left corner of template g.

3) The Edit Distance

Deals with patterns that consist of sets of ordered symbols. For example,if

these symbols are letters,then the patterns are words from a written text.

Such problems arise in automatic editing and text retrieval applications.

Other examples of symbol strings occur in structural pattern recognition.

Once the symbols of a (test) pattern have been identified, for example, via a

reading device, the task is to recognize the pattern, searching for the best

match of it against a set of reference patterns.

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■ Wrongly identified symbol (e.g.,“befuty” instead of “beauty”)

■ Insertion error (e.g.,“bearuty”)

■ Deletion error (e.g.,“beuty”)

The similarity between two patterns is based on the “cost” associated with

converting one pattern to the other. If the patterns are of the same length,

then the cost is directly related to the number of symbols that have to be

changed in one of them so that the other pattern results.

The Edit distance between two string patterns A and B, denoted D(A, B), is

defined as the minimum total number of changes C, insertions I ,and

deletions R required to change pattern A into pattern B,

Where j runs over all possible variations of symbols, in order to convert A


Computation of the Edit distance with (a) an insertion, (b) a change, (c) a

deletion, and (d) an equality.

)]()()([min),( jRjIjCBADj

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Allowable predecessors and costs

1. Diagonal transitions:

2. Horizontal and vertical transitions:

1),1,( jijid


The major task here is to find whether a specific known reference pattern

resides within a given block of data. Such problems arise in problems such as

target detection, robot vision, video coding. There are two basic steps in

such a procedure:

Step 1: Move the reference pattern to all possible positions within the

block of data. For each position, compute the “similarity” between the

reference pattern and the respective part of the block of data.

)()( ,1

)()( if ,0)1,1,(



1)1,,( jijid

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Step 2: Compute the best matching value.















i i



x is the template gray level image















i i



is the average grey level in the template image

y is the source image section

y is the average grey level in the source image

N is the number of pixels in the section image

(N= template image size = columns * rows)

The value cor is between –1 and +1,

with larger values representing a stronger relationship between the two images.

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3.2 Measures of Mismatch (dissimilarity)

These measures of match are based on the pixel-by-pixel intensity

differences between the two images f and g.

1) Root mean square distance (RMS): The RMS distance metric is a

common measure of mismatch between two digital images. It is given


2) Sum of absolute differences (SAD): compare the intensities of the

pixels to handle translation problems on images, using template


A pixel in the search image with coordinates (xs, ys) has intensity Is(xs, ys) and

a pixel in the template with coordinates (xt, yt) has intensity It(xt, yt ). Thus

the absolute difference in the pixel intensities is defined as

Diff(xs, ys, x t, y t) = | Is(xs, ys) – It(x t, y t) |.

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4. Problems with template matching

1) The template represents the object as we expect to find it in the image

2) The object can indeed be scaled or rotated

3) This technique requires a separate template for each scale and


4) Template matching become thus too expensive, especially for large


5) Sensitive to:



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5. Template Matching Applications:

1) Template matching with various average face pyramid levels.

2) 3D reconstruction.

3) Motion detection.

4) Object recognition.

5) Panorama reconstruction.

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1. G.s.cox,1995. “ template matching and measures of match in image

processing”,July 12 . cape town university.

2. https://www.adaptivevision.com/pl/dane_techniczne/dokumentacja


3. http://numerics.mathdotnet.com/docs/Distance.html

4. http://www-cs-


mplate Matching

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_matching

6. http://www.lira.dist.unige.it/teaching/SINA/slides-current/interest-


7. OpenCV documentation.htm

8. Jain. D, Tolga. H, and Meiyappan. S, “Face Detection using Template

Matching”, , EE 368 – Digital Image Processing, Spring 2002-2003.

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