Technopolis References Presentation

Post on 13-Jan-2015



Real Estate



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Technopolis is proud to have happy customers as its clients. The following companies share their experiences on why Technopolis is a great place to be at. The companies are: TWID, Suomen Verkkomaksut, Axco Motors, Atostek, Codenomicon, Nordic CF Advisory (NCFA), Istekki, Ellego Powertec, Index Ventures, DFJ Esprit, Statfinn, Webmedia, iResponse and Order.



Technopolis Plc provides the best addresses for

companies to operate and succeed in five

countries in the Nordic-Baltic region. The company

develops, owns and operates a chain of 21 smart

business parks that combine services with flexible

and modern office space.

The company’s core value is to continuously

exceed customer expectations by providing

outstanding solutions to 1,700 companies and

their 40,000 employees in Finland, Norway,

Estonia, Russia and Lithuania. The Technopolis

Plc share (TPS1V) is listed on NASDAQ OMX



”With financing, we have been able to hire more support

and R&D personnel in Jyväskylä, which makes it

quicker to launch new products.”

Jari Kaitera, CEO

”Technopolis is very cooperative

and helps you in many ways!”

Lennu Keinänen, Managing Director

”Technopolis can take the different phases of business

activity into account and offer the services best

suited for them to support the customer.”

Asko Parviainen, Managing Director

“It has been easy to increase the premises hand in

hand with the growth of the company. The moves

and associated work have been painless.”

Juha Lemmetti, Managing Director

“Technopolis has flexibly offered us premises

and services that meet our needs. The extensive

networks and support provided by Technopolis

have also helped us in our business activities.”

Tuija Postari-Kivistö, VP Operations

”With its Smart City concept and variety

of services and events, Technopolis Ülemiste

is far more to us than just a landlord.”

Jako Kruuse, Partner

“Technopolis offers superior customer service! In addition,

its comprehensive selection of services is available under

one roof. For us as a customer, this is invaluable.”

Urpo Karjalainen, CEO

”Innovation Mill was the best thing that could have

happened to us. With the funding we received,

we can begin our international growth.”

Mauri Haapasaari, CEO

”Technopolis helped us find competent

collaboration partners from its networks

for different areas in the project.”

Rami Arvonen, CEO

”Technopolis has helped Index get much better

coverage of the Nordic landscape.”

Nate Mitchell, Senior Associate

”We’ve worked with Technopolis on many projects,

form research, events, networking and deals.”

Paul Murray, Managing Partner

”Technopolis has helped us obtain financing from the start.

In addition, Technopolis advised us when planning

financing and the structure of the company.”

Pasi Korhonen, CEO

”Technopolis Ülemiste is a conveniently located business

environment with activities and innovation-oriented

reputation that are a perfect match for Webmedia’s profile.”

Priit Alamäe,

co-founder and CEO of the Webmedia Group

”Täytyy sanoa, että toimipaikkavalintamme osui nappiin.

Etsimme sopivaa toimitilaa pääkaupunkiseudulta noin

parisen kuukautta.

Olemme olleet erittäin tyytyväisiä Technopoliksen

tarjoamiin joustaviin ja monipuolisiin palveluihin. Talossa

on mukava ja innostunut meininki.

Kaikki työntekijämme ovat viihtyneet erinomaisesti.

Suosittelen lämpimästi toimipaikkaa hakeville


Jarmo Himma, Partner

Technopolis Kuopio

Technopolis tarjosi nopeasti tarpeisiimme parhaan ratkaisun.

Valoisat ja nykyaikaiset tilat tukipalveluineen tarjoavat hyvän

kasvualustan ja luovan ympäristön suunnittelijoillemme.

Ympäristö ja palveluineen luo meille tukikohdan ollessamme

itse liikkeellä ympäri Suomea.

Kokoustilat ja jaetut resurssit mahdollistavat suurienkin

asiakastilaisuuksienkin pitämisen. Täältä on hyvä ponnistaa

kansainvälisille areenoille!

Janne Mustikkamaa, toimitusjohtaja

”We highly value the modern green working

environment at Technopolis Ülemiste.”

Helje Nurga, Executive Director of Fortum,

Corporate Financial Services Eesti OÜ

Technopolikselle muuttaminen on säästänyt

organisaatioltamme aikaa ja vaivaa, sillä tukipalvelut

löytyvät samasta rakennuksesta. Koska merkittävä määrä

jäsenyrityksistämme toimii Technopoliksella, asiakkaiden

kohtaaminen on luontevaa ja helppoa.

Silja Huhtiniemi, toimitusjohtaja,

Kuopion alueen kauppakamari


Finnish Medicine Agency Fimea is renting over 3200 m2

of permanent premises from Technopolis Kuopio.


Technopolis’ largest investment in the health sector

customer segment is the health technology and well-being

campus FinnMedi in Tampere.


Technopolis and Savonia established a long-standing

partnership in 2000. Savonia has decided to centralize

all operations in Technopolis premises.

University of Jyväskylä

University of Jyväskylä required trouble-free and

presentable facilities for more than one of its units.

Technopolis was able to offer them the right kind of



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