
By Nora Jackson

Standard 4, Objective 3, Indicator B: Spell correctly grade level compound words, words with plural endings, and common phonograms.

Students will make words plural by adding either an S,ES, or IES.

Mac Laptop Promethean Board A program on the Promethean Board

The students will have to use the Promethean Board Pen to write in the correct plural endings (S, ES, or IES).

They will also have to drag words to their correct column.

Because students get so excited to use technology, technology can help with management. Students are motivated to be good to get a chance at the Promethean Board.

The Promethean Board is great to use to teach students because it is one of the best visual aids and it is a great way to have student interaction.

The students had to learn how to make words plural. Their tasks on the Promethean Board included: First Task: Students had to take the Promethean Board

Pen to come add an S to common nouns and make them plural (ex. Pen = Pens).

Second Task: Students had to take the Promethean Board Pen to come add ES to words that end in BUZZING, HISSING, AND SHUSHING sounds (ex. Buss = Busses, Fox = Foxes, Church = Churches).

Third Task: Students had to use the Promethean Board Pen to come and replace Y with I and then add ES, to words that end in Y (ex. Baby = Babies).

Fourth Task: Students had to use the Promethean Board Pen to dag words into their appropriate column based on what ending we would use to make each word plural.

It is easier to upload things like pictures and clips onto a Promethean Board Program then having to hand-make charts and print off pictures.

The students prefer using the Promethean Board to write things out than using the black boards or white boards.

Students get more familiar with the technology.

Promethean Board Pen

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