
Technology Tricks and Treats to wordle but better. You can take a song,

poem, vocabulary words, phrase, etc. and recreate them in a chosen shape.

To create a tagxedo:• Click “load”• Three ways to add text:• Type your own words in the “enter

text” box. Or you can copy and paste. (This is the easiest)

• Type in a webpage www.• Browse for a file

Don’t forget to choose a shape.

Here I Copy and pasted the words

to DKG song

Typed in

Great blog Shirl shared with me. Good for beginner technology users. Highly recommend you view and join. site is a good resource for teachers. It has podcast, app reviews, livebinders, etc.

www.pinterest.comBest thing since ice cream.

This site can be used for personal stuff or school. Through the use of boards and pins you can organize everything from recipes to vacation spots. AND find just about anything. I planned my cousins wedding using pinterest. We created a board and shared ideas on the board.


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Once you have created an account start with creating boards. Boards are where you organize or categorize you pins. For example…recipes, things for the house, my wedding, school ideas, vacation ideas, etc.

My boards

Open board

How to pin????Start with adding the Pin it button to your favorite bar. Once

the button is added you simple click the button and the pictures/images on that page will appear in a new window

and SIMPLY PIN IT to a board.OR

Look for the Pin it button on webpage and CLICK to PIN

How to add “Pin It” Button

Pin It ←  Right-click and select “Add to Favorites > Favorites Bar” To install the “Pin It” button in Internet Explorer: Display your Favorites Bar by clicking Tools > Toolbars > Favorites BarRight-click the “Pin It” button and select “Add to Favorites”On the pop-up window, select “Create in: Favorites Bar”

When you are browsing the web, push the “Pin It” button to pin an imageOnce installed in your browser, the “Pin It” button lets you grab an image from any website and add it to one of your pinboards. When you pin from a website, we automatically grab the source link so we can credit the original creator.



Other TREATS (This is for creating presentations. A change from power point. I think I shared this last year.) (Someone at workshop shared this. It’s a site of tutorial videos for just about everything.)

Geoqpons (Got this at workshop too. This is a coupon app. You enter you zip code to find coupons in that area)

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