Teaching of Reading and Writing

Post on 05-Feb-2016






Click to see full reader


year 3


Maidwell Primary School



To highlight the methods used in school to teach the children to read

To assist you in supporting your child at home

The Past

My experience (of school):

Standing around the teacher’s table taking it in turns to read

Endless comprehension activities of a written nature

My experience (of teaching):

Reading with children on an individual basis

The Pure Sound

Let’s try it out!



Progression of Sound Phase 1

Phase 1 involves development of Listening Skills and word knowledge. This can be achieved by:

Learning rhymes

Inventing new rhymes

Recognising rhyming words

Playing with alliteration – juicy jelly, sizzling sausages

Learning tongue twisters

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 1

m a s d t

i n p g o

c k u b

f e l h sh

r j v y w

th z ch q x ng nk

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 1

m – a – t segment

mat blend

mat segment and blend

write mat

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 2

ay ee igh ow oo oo

ar or air ir ou oy

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 2

ch – i – p segment

chip blend

chip segment and blend

write chip

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 3

ee ea oy oi ay a-e igh

i-e ow o-e oo u-e or aw

air are ir ur er ou ow

ai oa ew ire ear ure

tion cious tious

Progression of Sound Speed Sounds Set 3

s-i-gh segment

sigh blend

s igh segment and blend

write sigh

Key Words 1-10

the and a to said

in he I of it

Key Words 11-20

was you they on she

is for at his but

Key Words 21-30

that with all we can

are up had my her

Key Words 31-40

what there out this have

went be like some so

Key Words 41-50

not then were go little

as no mum one them

Key Words 51-60

do me down dad big

when it’s see looked very

Key Words 61-70

look don’t come will into

back from children him Mr

Key Words 71-80

get just now came oh

about got their people your

Key Words 81-90

put could house old too

by day made time I’m

Key Words 91-100

if help Mrs called here

off asked saw make an

Shared Reading

The concept of shared reading involves the teacher sharing a text with the children and the lesson having specific objectives

Guided Reading

The children during guided reading will read as part of a focussed group and practise and reinforce the skills taught in a shared reading session.

The guided reading books are graded to ensure progression in both fiction and non-fiction reading skills and give the children exposure to a wide variety of text types and topics.

How to help your child at home Early Years

Encourage an early interest in books by reading a wide range: rhyming stories, poetry books, non-fiction books, number books

Use “book language” – title, page, cover, word, front cover, letter, picture

Encourage your child to handle books carefully and correctly, turning the pages properly and joining in with the story

Develop ‘favourite’ books to enable your child to fully participate in the story, rhyme, poem

Point (on occasions) to the text to develop an understanding that text carries meaning

Create opportunities for your child to retell the story

How to help your child at home Key Stage 1

Learning to read can be challenging for some children and to encourage your child always be as positive as possible

Find suitable times in the day

Encourage your child to use these strategies for working out unfamiliar words:

Sound out the initial letter of the word Push your sound buttons – segment and blend, eg: cat shop three Read to the end of the sentence to help you find out what a word could be Look at the length of the word Use the picture for clues

Discuss the story characters and plot

Predict the ending

Re-tell the story

Answer simple questions about the story

How to help your child at home Later in Key Stage 2

As your child becomes more fluent you should encourage an interest in a wide range of books. Visits to the Library are important and finding non-fiction books to support topic work is very useful

Encourage prediction

Silent reading

Finding favourite authors

Develop skimming and scanning for quick retrieval of information

Read comics/newspapers

Develop a love of particular genre: Historical novels Science Fiction/Adventure Stories Humorous stories Sport

Answer more complex questions eg: with regard to characters’ emotions and motives

What to keep doing

• Read to and with your child • Visit the Library • Allow your child to read their own

choice of book • Be a good role model • Encourage a daily reading time


With each hand in air, draw imaginary bubbles of different sizes as they float up Trace circles in the air with two hands held together. Follow hand movements with eyes only. Keep head still. Keep lips and teeth together

Screw up scrap paper (enthusiastically). Straighten them out (without using anything to rest on or the other hand)

And the greatest tip ever!

How to hold a writing implement properly …

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