Post on 20-Jan-2023






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Hesti Linarti, Bambang Wijaya, Luwandi Suhartono

English Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Education Department,

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University, Pontianak

E-mail: anfield11@ymail.com

Abstract: This research focused on teaching descriptive text writing

through photograph as a media and guided question as a technique. Based

on the writer’s interview to the English teacher of tenth grade students in

SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak, most of students had difficulties in writing

descriptive text. The form of this research is pre-experimental study. The

data had been collected by using measurement technique. The tool of data

collecting was written test. The sample of this research was 30 students

from Class XF. The result of this research showed that the use of

photograph as a media and guided question as a technique in teaching

descriptive text writing improved students’ writing ability. Students’ pre-test

mean score is 54.66 and students’ post-test mean score is 76.66. Meanwhile,

the effect of treatment (ES) was 1.95. Based on the result (ES > 0, 8), it was

categorized as highly effective. In conclusion, the use of photograph as a

media guided questions as a technique in teaching descriptive text writing to

the tenth grade students of SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak in academic year

2011/2012 is highly effective.

Keywords: descriptive text writing, photograph, guided question

Abstrak: Penelitian ini terfokus kepada pengajaran menulis teks deskriptif

dengan foto sebagai media dan pertanyaan panduan sebagai teknik.

Berdasarkan hasil wawancara penulis dengan guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 10

di SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak, kebanyakan siswa mengalami kesulitan

dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Format penelitian ini adalah Pre-

Eksperimental. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik pengukuran. Alat

pengumpulan data adalah tes tertulis. Sampel penelitian adalah 30 orang

siswa kelas XF. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan foto sebagai

media dan pertanyaan panduan sebagai teknik dalam pengajaran menulis

teks deskriptif meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Nilai rata-rata pre-

test siswa adalah 54.66 dan nilai rata-rata post-test siswa adalah 76.66.

sementara itu, efek dari treatment adalah 1.95. Berdasarkan hasil (ES > 0,

8), dapat dikategorikan sangat efektif. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan foto

sebagai media dan pertanyaan panduan sebagai teknik mengajar menulis

teks deskriptif untuk siswa kelas 10 SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak tahun

ajaran 2011/2012 sangat efektif

Kata Kunci: menulis teks deskriptif, foto, pertanyaan panduan


nglish is an international language which is used commonly around the world.

To acquire English easily, language learners have to be proficient in writing.

Writing is a very important skill to be learned. Boardman (2002: 11) states that

writing is a continuous process of thinking, organizing, rethinking, and

reorganizing. By mastering writing, students will continuously thinking and they

can organize their idea before convey it in their communication in English,

especially in written form.

Writing encourages thinking and learning for it motivates communication

and makes thought available for reflection (Grenville, 2001). Writing more often

can help the language learners in acquiring the language, because students’

thinking will be enhanced and if students using the targeted language more often,

language learners or students can get used to it and might be able to use the

language well. Writing consists of some elements such as vocabularies, grammar,

organization, spelling, and punctuation.

Descriptive text writing skill should be mastered by students in tenth grade

because it is a requirement to achieve the standard of competence in the

curriculum of Senior High School, that is “Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

(KTSP)”. Based on that curriculum (KTSP), descriptive text is one kind of text

that should be mastered by the tenth grade students in senior high school.

Descriptive text is a type of text whose social function is to describe a particular

person, place, or thing. One of purposes in writing descriptive paragraph is to

describe things or persons. In describing thing or a person, the students should

know the object of description and be able to identify its features distinctively.

Thus, the paragraph which consists of adjectives or adverbs in order to describe

picture as object of writing is defined as descriptive paragraph.

In teaching learning activity, teacher needs a media to assist his/her in

delivering the information and knowledge to students. Finocchiaro (1981: 275)

mentions that media can help the learning process simpler and make it

perfect. One example of media is photograph. According to Raimes (1983),

pictures (drawings, photographs, posters, slides, cartoons, magazine

advertisement, diagrams, graphs, tables, charts, and maps) can be valuable

resources for teaching writing. In line with this idea, teacher might choose

photograph in the classroom. By providing contextual photographs, which

including the surrounding and familiar scenery, students can be helped in

developing their writing.

Teaching with objects and photographs is a natural way to work towards

meeting a variety of curriculum standards at the state and national level (Sieber

and Hatcher, 2012: 7). It means that object of photograph which was taken from

surrounding environment can be helpful for teacher to achieve the goal of

teaching in the curriculum. Learning from contextual example is easier to do.

Based on the idea mentioned above, the writer used photograph as a media

and guided questions as a technique in teaching descriptive text writing to the

tenth grade students of SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak in the academic year

2011/2012. Photograph as a media and guided question as a technique of teaching

were hoped to be able to help the students in writing descriptive text.



Related to the English in education field where teaching becomes a very

important aspect, Brown (2003: 7) defines, “Teaching refers to showing or

helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding

knowledge, and causing to know or understand.” It means that in the process of

teaching, teacher has to be able to fulfill what the students need to reach the

teaching learning goals. If students need guidance and a model, teacher has to

become one and do the role accordingly.

In line with the idea, Chauhan (1983: 12) states that teaching is a process

organized to achieve some predetermined goal in systematic way system that

works well. Teaching students means that teacher helps the students to reach the

educational goal. Working together, providing learning materials and sources, and

help students to overcome the difficulties founded in teaching learning process.

Furthermore, Lado (2003: 11) defines “learning as a process by which

changes in behavior result from experience to practice. Thus behavior includes

action, emotion, thought, and responses as muscles and glands. Learning can be

practiced in any of these forms of behavior.” Students would experience

something new every meeting while practicing the knowledge, they will also get

new knowledge and make the acquisition of English becomes easier.

Writing is an activity to express ideas by means of written language. The

idea for writing can be our feelings, opinion, or experience. It is supported by

Wagner (2002) who points out that students need to “write in the language”

through engaging in a variety of grammar practice activities of controlled nature.

It means that to communicate in written form well, students need to have enough

writing practice, because practice is believed to be the easiest way to enhance

students’ writing.

Oshima and Hogue (1997) explain steps in writing process as follows: (1)

Prewriting: gathering ideas to write about. It refers to the kinds of things that we

want to write; (2) Organize the ideas: making a list of ideas as a guidance to write;

(3) Composing: the writer tries to compose the writing by connecting the ideas;

(4) Editing: checking the grammar, mechanics, and sentence structures, then the

writer edits the text by checking whether there were errors in the grammar,

mechanics or sentence structure; (5) Revising: write the final draft. This is the last

step in writing where the writer revises and makes the final draft of the writing.

In writing descriptive text, a writer should be able to describe everything

clearly. Description helps the reader through his/her imagination to visualize a

scene or a person and to understand a sensation or an emotion. Description text is

a text which describes particular place, thing or person which is explained are

details according to the object being described. Descriptive text can be divided

from its purpose, generic structure and language features. The purpose in

descriptive writing is to engage a reader’s attention, to create characters, to set a

mood or create an atmosphere to bring writing to life (Grabe and Kaplan

1996:187). In short, descriptive text gives the details of a particular object.

The teaching writing in SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak in tenth grade

students tends to be teacher centered and does not encourage students to be more

creative. Most techniques are arranged jumble words into good sentence and


making simple sentences based on the photograph given. Teaching descriptive

text the teacher in tenth grade students of SMA Panca Bhakti steps as follows:

First, the teacher gives some picture to be described by the students. The

picture was unfamiliar for students. It is difficult to students write descriptive

text. Secondly, the teacher did not give explanation briefly about the picture. And

the last, students asked to write descriptive text. This make some students

frustrated because stumble and cannot find many things to write. The boredam is

also bcame the cause while students will not interested in the teaching learning

process. And the result is that the students score is very low.

To make teaching learning process in the classroom interesting, the teacher

should apply a teaching media. Most of students can easily bored which might

lead them to feel the difficulty to understand English lessons. Therefore, the

teacher has to find out a media which are suitable to apply in teaching English,

especially writing descriptive text. It helps the students to get rid of their boredom

and solve problems in learning. Jonathan (2009:19) stated that the media that we

use to present our practice activities should be capable of providing the same

condition as described in our object. In accordance with the idea, the writer

applied guided questions as technique and photograph as a media to make

students understand easily. Meanwhile, the definition of photograph is as follows:

Using photograph as media can make students express their idea and

information which is more clearly that what is expressed by words to write

(Burden and Byrad, 1999: 12). Photograph can explain many things which might

lead the students in developing their idea before started writing. Photograph can

help the teacher to introduce a new teaching point in materials and find interesting

way of getting the student to write themselves.

Teaching writing through photograph as a media can be good option,

including descriptive text. According to Sudjana et al (2005: 1), there are some

benefits in teaching through photograph as a media as follows: (1) Photograph can

motivate, pay attention, and take part students in teaching learning process; (2)

Photograph can help student in developing language skills, art activities, and

statement of creative story telling, dramatization, reading, writing, painting, and

drawing; (3) Photograph can help students to interpret and remember the content

of reading material from text-books.

Guided question is one of techniques in guided writing to help students be

easier in descriptive text. In fact, the students still have difficulties to express their

ideas especially in writing because of their lack of vocabulary, grammar and

structure. So that, it is a task for the students to overcome this problem, that is

using guided question. Wilhem (2007) said that guided questions can make the

difference between a class of students who are passive, confused, frustrated, and

mentally unchallenged, and a class of students who are active, stimulated, and

reflective. The kind of questions which writer uses in this research is WH

questions. Furthermore, Pieter (1992:41) concluded that question words are

questions that are formed by using question words such as what, who, where,

when, which, whose, why and how.

In this research, the writer used guided questions as a technique, to support

and make students understand easily. Guided questions would lead the students so


they would not get confused and depressed to start the writing and the answer is

expected quite long. Guided question and photograph helped the students to

develop their writing, to generate ideas into organized way, and to explore all the

creative possibilities of a given subject so that the important issues or information

will not be lost.

One of the central process in using guided question and photograph is when

students feel confused to develop their writing, guided questions help them with

answering the question based on the photograph. The use of guided question and

photograph also forces their brain to add the text. By guided question and

photograph writing can develop their writing.


In accordance with the problems, the appropriate method to be used in this

research is pre experimental research or single group pre-test and post-test design.

This design is written as X1 and X2 which indicates a pre-test is given to all

participants; they are given the experimental treatment and the post-test. In this

research the writer decides to apply pre-experimental research in order to

investigate the effectiveness in teaching English through guided questions and

photograph as media to effective students’ achievement. The research is described

as follows:

Table 1:

Pre-Experimental Design Table

Pre-test Treatment Post-Test

X1 T X2

Population is a group of people who have common characteristics within

them. According to Cohen, et al (2007: 92), population is all members of any

well-defined class of people, events, or objects. There are six class of Tenth grade

in SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012. The total number of

population is 204 students.

The sample used by the writer in this research is taken from the population.

Cohen, Manion, & Morrison (2000: 93) state that sample is the small group that is

observed. In this research, the writer used purposive random sampling to choose

the sample. As Vockell and Asher (1995:172) explained that purposive sampling

as another type of non-probability sampling, this is characterized by the use of

judgment and a deliberate effort to obtain representative samples by including

typical areas or groups in the sample. From the situation in that school, the writer

had discussed with the English teacher about the condition of the students. She

suggested the writer to do the research in class XF which consists of 30 students.

This research used measurement technique in collecting data. Besides that,

the technique measured the result of students writing ability through guided

questions and photograph arranged in one class. Pre-test is given to collect the

data before treatment, in other word, to know students’ pre-conditioning to the

writing ability. Post-test is used to collect the data after conducting the treatment


in experimental group and the result will be analyzed. The data analysis were

done by the writer through these formulations:

1) Analysis on the students’ individual score of pre-test & post-test.

A = 𝑅



A = the students’ individual score

R = the right answer

N = the maximal scores

2) Analysis on the students’ means score of pre-test & post-test.

X = ∑X



X = the mean score

∑X = the sum of individual score

N = the total number of individuals

3) Analysis on the students’ interval score of pre-test & post-test

D = X2 – X1


D = the interval score of pre-test and post-test

X 1 = the means score of pre-test

X 2 = the means score of post-test

4) The standard deviation of the students’ score:

∑ x2d = ∑d2- (∑d)2



∑d2 = the sum of squared difference between pre-test & post-test

N = the number of students

d = the sum of difference students’ score between pre-test & post-test

5) Analysis on the students’ significance different score of pre-test & post-test

t = D

√𝚺𝐃𝟐 − (𝚺𝑫)2




t = students’ significance different score of pre-test & post-test

D = the interval of post-test & pre-test

∑D = the difference of students’ score between pre-test & post-test

∑D2 = the sum of the squared different score

N = number of students


6) The Effect Size analysis

Effect size is a measure of the effectiveness of the treatment

ES = t √1



ES = Effect size

T = the result of t-test

N = number of the student.

The criteria in determining the qualification of effect size taken from Cohen

(1988: 25) can be seen in this following table:

Table 2:

Table of Effect Size

Effect Size Qualification

ES < 0,2 Low

0,2 < ES < 0,8 Moderate

ES > 0,8 High

The interpretations of the result of post-test can we seen from the criteria in the

table as follows:

Table 3:

Students’ Score Criteria and Qualification


80-100 Good to Excellent

60-79 Average to Good

50-59 Poor to Average

0-49 Poor

Adapted from Harris (1969:135)



The writer conducted a Pre-Experimental Research by using photograph as

a media and guided questions as a technique in teaching descriptive text writing to

the tenth grade students of SMA Panca Bhakti Pontianak in academic year

2011/2012. The writer gave pre-test and post-test as the measurement.

Pre-test was held on May 7th 2012 to know the students’ achievement before

receiving the treatment. Students’ were weak in all aspects that are identification,

description, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. In Identification aspect, 9

students got 3 and 13 students got 2. In Description aspect, 1 student got 3 and 21

students got 2. In Grammar aspect, 1 student got 3 and 17 students got 2. In

Vocabulary, 1 student got 3 and 12 students got 2. In Mechanics, 0 students got 3


and 9 students got 2. Students’ mean score in pre-test was 54.67 and classified as

“Poor to Average”.

Post-test was held on May 21th 2012 to know the students’ achievement

after receiving the treatment. Students improved in all aspects. In Identification

aspect, 18 students got 3 and 12 students got 2. In Description aspect, 13 students

got 3 and 15 students got 2. In Grammar aspect, 4 students got 3 and 26 students

got 2. In Vocabulary, 4 students got 3 and 26 students got 2. In Mechanics, 8

students got 3 and 22 students got 2. Students’ mean score in Posttest is 76, 67 or

classified as “Average to Good”.

Another calculation was: (1) Interval score of pre-test and post-test was 22;

(2) The Standard Deviation of Students’ Score was 3568.89; (3) Test Significance

of Students’ Score was 10, 86; and (4) The Analysis of Effect of The Treatment

was 1.95, meanwhile the interpretation of Effect Size is 1.95 and it is higher than

0, 2 (ES > 0, 8). Based on the criteria of the effect size (ES) is categorized high.

Based on the result of the data computation, the writer found that the t-test

score (1,95) was higher than the t-table (1,697) at 10% the degree of freedom (df)

= N = 30). It could prove that teaching descriptive text writing using photograph

guided question technique was improved to develop the students’ achievement.

Meanwhile, the effect of treatment (ES) was 1.95. It was used to answer the

problem of does the use of photograph as a media guided questions as a technique

in teaching descriptive text writing to the tenth grade students of SMA Panca

Bhakti Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012. Based on the result (ES > 0, 8), it

was categorized as high improve. Therefore, the Alternative Hypothesis is

accepted, and the Null Hypothesis is rejected.


From the data analysis, descriptive text writing achievement was influenced

within the process of teaching and learning by the students. Teaching descriptive

text writing by using photograph as a media and guided question as a technique

improved students’ writing score. It is shown by the result of post-test, which is

higher than pre-test. Before the treatment was given, the mean score of the

research class 54.67 which categorized “poor to average”. Afterwards, the

students had been given the treatment, the mean score of the class improved. The

mean score of post-test was 76.67 which categorized “average to good”. The

interval of pre-test and post-test mean score was 22. Furthermore, the effect of

using photograph as a media and guided question as a technique in teaching

descriptive text writing is categorized “high”. It is concluded from the calculation

of t-test (1.95) and the calculation of effect size (0.8) which is categorized “high”.

The writer applied this research in five meetings and participated by 30 students

from class XF. There were pre-test, three times of treatment, and post-test. The

treatments were given continually.

The pre-test was held on May 7th, 2012 in class XF as the sample of the

research. In the first session, the writer asked students to write descriptive text

about Pasir Panjang Beach. Students were very enthusiastic when they wrote

about Pasir Panjang Beach, because they knew and liked the place. The writer

gave students some chances to ask if there was unclear information. After


analyzed the score, the writer found a lot of mistakes from it. For example: about

choosing of words, adjective, pronoun, and grammar. The mean score of pre-test

was 54.67 which categorized as “Poor to Average”.

After conducted the pre-test, the writer conducted the treatments to the

students. The writer gave three times of treatment on May 10th, and May 14th and

May 17th 2012. In each treatment, the writer gave photograph as a media guided

questions as a technique and students had to answer the questions based on what

they had seen in photograph. The writer gave the descriptive text, the writer

showed some texts. In the first meeting, the writer showed photograph of Candi

Borobudur and also guided question. The writer explained about descriptive text

and generic structure (identification and description). Then, the writer asked the

students to make descriptive text and analyze the text. As the result some of them

make the text is bad, and the writer gave explanation about how to make good

text. Next, the writer gave guided question to help students make descriptive text

In the second meeting, the writer showed photograph about Bali. This

photograph made students interested. The writer asked some questions related to

the photograph before they started to write the text. In the second treatment, the

writer explained about simple present tense that used in writing descriptive text.

Because they confused when using simple present tense, related to photograph.

Finally, the writer helped them to solve this problem.

The third meeting was the last treatment. Students were given photograph of

Eiffel Tower. In this treatment the writer explained adjective, because some

students had problem with writing adjective. For example “menara tinggi” they

are writing tower tall instead of tall tower. The writer helped them to choose good

words categorized as adjective.

The post test was held on May 21st, 2012. The writer gave the similar topic,

time allocation, and the length of the text as the pretest. The mean score of

posttest was 76, 67. It was categorized as “Average to Good”. The following

explanation describes the students’ progress in writing descriptive text, which

covered the aspect of the text organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics:

1. Text Organization

On the pretest, most of the students could not perform good text organization

which deals with the generic (schematic) structure of descriptive. They did not

use suitable question; what and where to introduce the place. Then, the way in

presenting problem of identification was simple and made the text less

interesting. For example: “Pasir Panjang in Singkawang. It is an interesting

beach”. Most of the students even did not write the description of text. During

the treatments, the writer guided the students to write good generic (schematic)

structure of descriptive text. The students shared their knowledge about that

place, especially Pasir Panjang Beach, shared their knowledge about grammar,

and they tried to make descriptive text as interesting as they could. They

learned to describe characteristics of that place. They don’t write description.

On the post test, the students showed their ability in writing descriptive text.


2. Grammar

A tense used in descriptive text is simple present tense. On the pretest, there are

some points to concern about students’ grammar aspect. First, some of the

students did mistakes in forming the tense. For example:

- Pasir Panjang have a beautiful view

- It have banana boat

Second, some of them could not add the verbs into correct form, especially the

regular verb. They simply added -s or -es to the verbs. The last point is the

students did not use suitable tense to describe the events. During the

treatments, the writer explained to the students’ use of simple present tense.

The writer also asked the students to check the regular verb forming. On the

post test, the students wrote descriptive text by using the correct grammar,

especially the tenses.

3. Vocabulary

The writer gave a photograph and guided question to the students’ for writing

descriptive text. On the pretest the students were still difficult to express their

ideas, because they were not ready and did not have enough vocabularies to

support their ideas. The example of students’ text in identification: “Pasir

Panjang is a beautiful”. Then, the writer gave the students a technique to

develop their descriptive text namely photograph as a media and guided

questions as a technique and explained what was the photograph as a media

and guided questions as a technique mean and how it could help students in

developing their descriptive writing. So the students finally are able to express

their ideas easily in the post-test.

4. Mechanics

From the pretest to the treatment, the writer found that some students used

incorrect capitalization. The example of students’ writing: “pasir panjang is a

beautiful place. it has a banana boat ”. They ignored how to write sentences

following the correct rule of capitalization. The writer asked the students to

consider about this aspect. However, in conducting this research the writer also

faced difficulties, as follows: (1) It needed well preparation to have a

demonstration by using photograph as a media and guided question as a

technique. The teacher has to prepare the material such as text and some

pictures related to the topic; (2) Many students were still poor in grammar.

They wrote incorrect present tense form; (3) Students did not have a lot of

English vocabularies and it was shown by their writing.

To overcome those problems, the writer took some steps. First, the writer

selected the descriptive text based on the students’ knowledge and interest.

Second, the writer prepared some photograph related to the text. Third, the

writer asked every student to answer the guided question to help them develop

their writing. Next, the writer always emphasized the students to use present

tense and write correct form of the text. From the discussion above, it can be

said that teaching descriptive text using photograph as a media and guided


question as a technique can be an effective way to improve students writing in

descriptive text.

To make the scoring process easier, the writer created a table which

covering the four evaluation items.

Table 4:




3 Excellent

Writer shows the mastery of grammatical

features that are: Introduction the place,

location and part of the place.

2 Good

Introduce the place and location.

1 Poor

There is no introduction of the place.

Grammar 3 Excellent

Writer shows the mastery of grammatical

features that are: simple present tense,

adjective of present tense (there are 0-2 errors

in grammar).

2 Good

Writer makes occasional errors of forming

grammatical features (there are 3-10 errors in


1 Poor

Writer has no mastery of grammatical features

( there are more errors in grammar).

Vocabulary 3 Excellent

Correct word choice that are adjective, noun,

verb (there are 0-2 errors in vocabulary).

2 Good

Occasionally incorrect word choice (there are

3-8 errors in vocabulary).

1 Poor

A lot of incorrect word choice. Little

knowledge of English vocabulary (there are

more errors in vocabulary).

Mechanics 3 Excellent

Writer demonstrates mastery of spelling,

punctuation and capitalization (there are 0-2

errors in mechanic).

2 Good

Writer makes occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation and capitalization (there are 3-5


errors in mechanic).

1 Poor

Writer has no mastery of spelling, punctuation

and capitalization (there are more errors in


Modified from Writing English Language Test by J.B Heaton (1988:146)



Based on the findings of the research, the writer drawn the conclusion as

follows: (1) Teaching Descriptive text by using photograph as a media and guided

question as a technique is effective, shown by the Effect Size 1.95 which is higher

than 0, 2 (ES > 0, 8) and categorized as “High”. Furthermore, mean score of the

students’ post-test result (76.67) is higher than the result of the students’ pre-test

(54.67). Moreover, the classification of the students’ mean score changed from

“Poor to Average” to “Average to Good”; (2) The Alternative Hypothesis is

accepted and Null hypothesis is rejected. This statement is made based on the

proof that the value of t-observation (t=1.95) is higher than the value of t-table for

degree of freedom 30 (1.697); and (3) the use of photograph as a teaching aid in

supporting this technique had helped the students to increase their writing and to

ease them in gaining and developing their imagination.


Referring to the findings of the research, the researcher offers some

suggestions as follows: (1) Teacher should be well prepared for using photograph

as a media and guided questions as a technique by preparing the students and the

environment so that the students can focus on their writing, explaining the

students clearly about the media and technique; (2) Photograph as a media and

guided question as a technique is suggested to be use by English teachers to help

students to increase their descriptive text writing as alternative technique for

teaching writing; (3) The teacher should use photograph which the content has

detail panoramic of the place, activity from the people, facilities from the place.

When teacher uses contextual and familiar photographs, students can be more

interested because they can easily develop their idea to describe about the

photograph; (4) the teacher should use guided question which contain some

questions where to help students in writing. In means that when the student cannot

develop their idea to write, they need guided questions to help; (5) the teacher

should pay attention by guiding the students so that they will not lose their

attention during writing text.


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