Tasmanian devils

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Tasmanian Devils

By Jonathon

How much does a Tasmanian Devils weight and length ?

A Male Tasmanian Devil weight and length is 18 pounds and 2.1 feet and the female is 13 pounds and 1.9 feet

What is a Tasmanian Devils Habitat ?

A Tasmanian Devils habitat is The forest and they live in the Australian island state of Tasmania

What Tasmanian Devils eat ?

Tasmanian Devils are carnivores and they eat birds,snakes,fish,insects and they eat carcasses called carrion .

How do Tasmanian Devils protect itself ?

Tasmanian Devils protects itself by having sharp teeth and very strong jaws when threatened ,they can release a powerful grab and a repulsive scent .

How many babies do a Tasmanian Devils have ?

Tasmanian Devils have 50 babies called joeys. The unusual thing about a Tasmanian Devils is that they lay eggs. Tasmanian Devils are like a native cats , both are classified in the family Dasyuridae .

Are Tasmanian Devils endangered or not ?

Tasmanian Devils are endangered because of a disease called the Facial Tumour Disease .

What did you like or not like about the Tasmanian Devils ?

I liked that the Tasmanian Devil were born in a egg and not born alive . I did not like that they were endangered because of a disease .I hope you liked it!

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