
Task 5 Music Video Production Photo Diary

These are photographs of Isis, who was the camera person, as well as one of actors &Director. In this photo she is shooting long shots of the graveyard, which is in parts of the music video, she did this so then we could have a good view of the entire area we were shooting in from the outside of the graveyard to get a better view of the entire graveyard from different angles.

In this photograph Isis shooting close ups of the different graves , this is so we could get the details on the grave into the shot clearly as well as the rest of the graves in the background, but mainly focusing on the some of them and then having a somewhat blurry effect on the other ones in the background.

In this photograph another Camera person Danny is shooting the last scene of the music video which features both me and Isis sat on the wall at the end of the video.

This photograph Isis was practising shooting the final scene , to see which angles , to use on the camera to get the long shot and medium shot of the both of us, and which setting she had to change to get clearer shot.

This pictures shows the main part of the graveyard which we filmed the music video in, from the outside of the graveyard to give a better idea& view of where we were filming.

This is a picture of the other side of the graveyard were we filmed some parts of the video, which featured the Church, to show a better way of the other side we were shooting in, and shows the entire church and the rest of the graveyard from a distance.

These pictures show a close up and a long shot of the grave which was featured in the music video to show the details of the grave we used.

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