
How does your media product represent particular social


By Aaron Bradley

Social Group• My magazine represents its audience, as

throughput the magazine it’s main aim is to please the customers therefore by containing it with all the appropriate features and pictures which the audience are interested in then it expresses the similarities between the producers and readers of the magazine.

Front Cover• Within my front cover the central image

is portrayed across to the audience in an intriguing way. The model is looking directly into the camera therefore creating a sense of involvement and connection with the reader. The facial expression of the model is kept very serious, it includes no smiling but a facial expression which shouts out ‘dedication’ and ‘inspiration’. The model looks like ‘he means business’. This hasn’t been chosen randomly, we have specifically changed the facial expression and make-up on his face in order to create a different sense of involvement with the audience. It comes across in an intriguing manner therefore the reader will see the central image and be enticed into buying the magazine to see what the article will be about etc.

Angle and connotations:• The angle of the photograph

which has been taken of the model helps to see the body posture as well as just the facial expression. He is situated in a comfortable and laid back manner, this portrays the social group which the magazine is going for. The reason for this is because stereotypically teenagers are laid back and relaxed therefore having an image of someone who fits that criteria helps customers within that age range to relate. As well as the age range the music genre (Indie) is very casual and chilled therefore the image fits the magazine perfectly.

This man specifically fits what the model looks like within my magazine due to him looking extremely casual and relaxed but with a serious facial expression and no hint at that he is

going to smile.

Lighting:• Within the main picture on the

double page spread the lighting was edited in order to help the model stand out over the road sign. This was due to the bright colours of the road sign therefore we needed to make sure that the model didn’t blend into the background. The way of stopping this from happening is by increase the light on the model’s face and body. This was what I did in order to make it look more attractive on the customers eye. This then represents the social group of indie fans and singers to be lively. This can be portrayed through one single photograph due to amount of light shining on the model.

Difference:• Within my pictures it is clear that

mine aren’t professionally taken although they were taken with a high quality camera. This can be the difference between buying and not buying a massive. As if the central image isn’t good quality then it shouldn't be on sale. Even though we took a great deal of consideration in making sure the models hair is perfect you still get the difference in ability of the models. This is because magazines like NME will have a bigger budget therefore spending more money on the make-up artists etc just to make sure that they look that bit more professional.

This image contrasts against my final front cover as even though NME and myself have

similar target audiences we don’t have similar

budgets therefore they can pay to make sure

everything is to its best standard.

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