
In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media

products ? 

Sophie Blank

Caesar: Love them back -2013 AdvertThis is a similar shot to the one we did. A lot of dog food adverts show a dog’s daily journey and what they do. And the shots taken in these adverts were very similar to the ones we shot for our sequence. All that footage of the dog sniffing and running around was very useful for us.

• This type of motivated pan shot is used at the beginning of our sequence when we see the inside of the house so that the target audience understand where the story is set. This type of shot is effective especially at the beginning because it introduces the story and gives a clear opening. After a few seconds of showing the location the pan is very useful because it develops suspense and introduces one of the characters. Compared to the Breaking bad motivated camera movement, we didn’t use dark lighting because we wanted our audience to have a clear sense of what was happening and already look for clues that might lead to the upcoming events in our sequence. However, you could agree that the suspicious and pitched black kitchen support the elements needed in a thriller.

Ceasar food advert 1990

We didn’t watch dog food adverts before we had our final idea. But whilst researching for some existing shots, we found some shots that were comparable to ours.

We didn't use all the shots we shot in the forest when Tosh was sniffing around but we thought that they would be quite useful when creating our opening sequence because they show his journey and make the audience forget about the fact that it is a thriller and that there is probably a twist at the end.

• Most of our shots were based on the dogs journey and how he traveled from the house to the backyard and back to the house. We wanted to shoot as many footage as possible so that when we created our opening sequence we could always add some extra material if something was missing on the timeline. We decided to use as many shots as possible to test and see which would look better in our sequence. So we used low, high, eye level shots, birds eye and many others to have a wide range and it was better to have more than less.

• We also wanted to shoot from his perspective so a lot of the shots we from a low level and were a bit wobbly to make the dog movement realistic. However, when we reviewed these type of shots we decided not to use them because they were not clear enough. In most of our opening sequence, the shots are specifically taken to show the dog’s actions and reactions. The beginning and the end show the woman but the camera focuses on the dog mostly. A lot of shots of the dog almost take the entire screen because this was purposely done to grab our target audience’s attention. Others present a wider shot to display the background and setting for the audience to understand the storyline as well as the dog’s journey.

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