
Brussels, 10 September 2012

This user manual is intended to illustrate how to use the TARIC website via multiple examples of its functions.

In case of questions or comments, please use the link "Mail box" on the TARIC website ( ).


1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................4

2. REFERENCE DATE ...................................................................................................4

3. LAST UPDATE ...........................................................................................................6

4. SEARCH FOR MEASURES .......................................................................................6

4.1. Goods code .........................................................................................................6

4.2. Browser ..............................................................................................................7

4.2.1. Search for husked brown rice ...............................................................8

4.2.2. Search for sea bass .............................................................................21

4.3. Origin/destination ............................................................................................29

4.3.1. Goods code 0303770010 and the origin the United States ................30

4.3.2. Goods code 0303770010 and all possible origins/destinations .........32

4.4. Additional criteria ............................................................................................34

4.4.1. Text search .........................................................................................35

2/137 Multilingual text search .....................................................38

4.4.2. Search for a measure type ..................................................................41 Search for additional duties ...............................................42 Search for anti-dumping duties ..........................................45 Search for countervailing duties ........................................47 Search for tariff preferences ...............................................50 Search for preferential tariff quotas ...................................52 Search for import control measures ...................................54

4.4.3. Search for a measure start date ...........................................................57

4.4.4. Search for an order number ................................................................66

4.4.5. Search for a legal base ........................................................................67

4.5. TARIC measure deferred request .....................................................................70

4.6. Meursing table and additional duties ...............................................................80

5. TARIC MEASURE INFORMATION .......................................................................87

5.1. Third country duty and control measures .........................................................88

5.2. Closed measures ...............................................................................................91

5.3. Sort of measures ...............................................................................................93

5.3.1. Goods code 0401301110 ....................................................................93

5.3.2. Goods code 2009691190 ....................................................................95

5.4. Links to databases ............................................................................................98

5.4.1. Link to goods description .................................................................101


5.4.2. Link to the binding tariff information ..............................................103

5.4.3. Link to chemical substance information ..........................................107

5.4.4. Link to suspensions in force .............................................................110

5.4.5. Link to suspensions in preparation ...................................................114

6. SEARCH FOR GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS ...........................................................117

6.1. Search by an ISO code or by a country name.................................................117

6.2. Search by a country group ..............................................................................124

7. SEARCH FOR REGULATIONS ............................................................................129

7.1. Search by the Official Journal number ...........................................................129

7.2. Search by the publication date .......................................................................130

7.3. Search by the regulation date .........................................................................132



The TARIC consultation screen of the TARIC website contains three tabs: the measure tab, the geographical area tab and the regulation tab. In the

TARIC consultation screen the measure tab page is set as the default page.

The measure tab allows searching for a measure. A measure is mainly the application, during a certain period of time, of an aspect of the community tariff

and commercial legislation to goods imported from a certain origin or exported to a certain destination.

For example, the third country duty (MFN tariff clause duty) for the yellowfin tunas (code 030232) is 22%. Or the third country duty rate for the fillets

(code 03041110) is 18% and the preferential duty rate for the same product for the EEA is 5.40%.

The geographical area tab allows finding a country or a country group. For example, the United States can be found by using the ISO code of the country

(US) or by the country name.

The regulation tab allows searching for a regulation by indicating the Official Journal number, the publication date or time span, or the regulation date or

time span. A link to the relevant measures is provided and allows to go to the measure tab page with additional criteria and the legal base field pre-filled.

A link to eurlex provides the complete text for the regulation in question. For example, it is possible to search for all the regulations published in the

Official Journal on 25 March 2010 or all the regulations published between 20 March 2010 and 25 March 2010.


The TARIC website system indicates the current reference date for a query. By default this reference date is the current calendar date.

The reference date is the date whose values you want to see. It shows the measures, regulations and geographical information valid on that date. In order

to modify the reference date you must click on "change" after the displayed reference date.


Click on "change" and a pop-up appears.

Choose a date and click on "ok" or click twice

on the date whose values you want to see or

click first on the month and then on the date. To

go back to the current date click on "today" and



If you search for information in the future, the search is based on what is known at the current calendar date. Therefore it is possible that the information

looked for can change between now and the future date.


The last update provided in the TARIC website gives the last time when the TARIC website was uploaded.


All the goods to which tariff and commercial measures can be applied must be described and identified. The identification is achieved via a codification

system. In the TARIC website goods are coded according to the TARIC nomenclature. The TARIC nomenclature is divided into 21 sections, further

subdivided into 97 chapters grouped according to material and use. The TARIC code has 10 digits.

In order to search for measures you need to determine the goods nomenclature code and the origin/destination.

4.1. Goods code

Enter the goods nomenclature code when you know the code. A TARIC goods code consists of a 10-digit TARIC code which includes 6 HS digits (digits

1-6) and 2 CN digits (digits 7-8) as well as the two TARIC digits (digits 9-10).


4.2. Browser

If the goods nomenclature code is not known, the nomenclature browser can be used. The browser allows searching for a goods code from a TARIC

nomenclature by providing the descriptions of the goods. To search for the goods code you first have to identify the appropriate section, then the

appropriate chapter and lastly the appropriate subheadings for HS, CN and TARIC by choosing the correct goods nomenclature description. The browser

intends to provide the same structure as is displayed in the regulation reproducing the complete version of the Combined Nomenclature with rates of duty.

Below you can find two examples of a search for a product by using the nomenclature browser.

A goods code 0303770010 is



4.2.1. Search for husked brown rice

Click on "browse" in order to find "rice".


Choose Section II Vegetable products.


Click on Chapter 10 Cereals.


Choose "Rice".


Click on "Husked (brown)



Choose "Parboiled" and click on it. Note that in front of "Parboiled" and

"Other" there are no codes since "Parboiled" and "Other" are just titles

and a way to break down "Husked (brown) rice".


If you click on "Other" the codes under

"Parboiled" are not anymore displayed. Click on



Click again on "Parboiled" and the codes

under "Other" are not anymore displayed.


As indicated earlier the browser intends to provide the same structure as is displayed in the regulation reproducing the complete version of the Combined

Nomenclature with rates of duty.

This is the display of "Parboiled" and "Other" in

the relevant regulation.


Choose "Long grain" and click on it.


Click on "of a length/width ratio equal to or

greater than 3".


Click on "Basmati rice".


Click on "Of the varieties Basmati 370, … A code in blue and

underlined is a declarable code whereas a black code can still

be broken down in more detailed codes and cannot be declared

in a customs declaration.


4.2.2. Search for sea bass

Since 1006201713 is a declarable code that cannot be broken down in more detailed codes

the TARIC website system goes back to the starting search page for measures.



Click on "browse" and the

sections appear.


Click on Section I and the chapters appear.


Then click on Chapter 03 and the headings appear.


Then click on Heading 0303 and the HS subheadings appear.


Then click on "Other fish, excluding livers and

roes" and the CN subheadings appear.


Click on "sea bass" 03037700 and the

TARIC subheadings appear.


Then click on the TARIC code 0303770010. A code in

blue and underlined is a declarable code whereas a black

code can still be broken down in more detailed codes and

cannot be declared in a customs declaration.


4.3. Origin/destination

The country of origin/destination can be selected from the dropdown list that provides all the countries and groups of countries at the reference date. In

case of import the country of origin is searched for whereas in case of export the destination is looked for. If no country of origin/destination is chosen

and the country of origin/destination field is left empty the TARIC website system automatically provides all possible origins/destinations.

Since 0303770010 is a declarable code that cannot be broken down the

TARIC website system goes back to the starting search page for measures.


4.3.1. Goods code 0303770010 and the origin the United States

The United States of America is chosen from the dropdown

list. Click on "Retrieve Measures" to search for applicable

duty rates, restrictions on import/export and other measures.


TARIC measure information is provided for the goods code 0303770010 and

for the origin the United States of America.

This icon stands

for measures for


This icon stands

for measures for

import and



4.3.2. Goods code 0303770010 and all possible origins/destinations

Leave this field empty.


The applicable duty rates, restrictions on import/export and other measures are further explained under "Search for a measure type" (see point 4.4.2.) and

"TARIC measure information" (see point 5).

Measures for all possible origins/destinations are displayed,

sorted by imports/exports, then by alphabetical order of

origin/destination, but always starting with Erga Omnes (all

origins/destinations), then by measure type: prohibitions,

restrictions, tariff measures, etc...


4.4. Additional criteria

On the measure tab page a function called "Additional criteria" can be found. This function includes searches according to a text, a measure, an order

number, a legal base, a measure start date. It is possible to do a search using several criteria at the same time.

Click on "Additional criteria".


4.4.1. Text search

Using the text search criterion displays all the searched words in the text description of goods nomenclature.

The different criteria according to which a search can be done are



Write "sea bass" in the "search text" field and click on "Retrieve



All the words "sea bass" that can be found in the text

description of goods nomenclature are displayed.

The previous version of the TARIC website only displayed

the lines containing "sea bass".

In this version, all the nomenclature structure containing

these lines is displayed as well for better readability.

38/137 Multilingual text search

In the TARIC website it is possible to stay on a page in one language but do the search in another language when using the text search criterion.

The main language for the page can be selected by using the dropdown list on the top of the page, which includes 21 official EU languages. The Gaelic

and Maltese languages are not in use in the TARIC database.

The search language dropdown list for a text search consists also of a choice of 21 EU languages excluding Gaelic and Maltese.


Write "sea bass" in German in the "Search text" field

and choose German as the search language.

The main language chosen for the

page is English.

The search language selected here is German.


If you search in another language than the main language of the

page, a bilingual display is provided. Click on the goods code

0302 84 10 in order to see the measures linked to the goods



4.4.2. Search for a measure type

Using the measure type criterion shows all the measure types searched for. The measure type is a classification of all possible measures applicable to a

declaration. It can be used as a search criterion to narrow down the results. Ex: only show the antidumping duties.

Even most information

concerning the measures and

certificates is now displayed


42/137 Search for additional duties

An additional duty is a duty levied in addition to the third country duty in the context of trade policy measures applied to WTO member countries which

impose additional customs duties on products coming from the EU.


Choose "Additional duties" in the "measure type" field and click on "Retrieve measures".


All the goods to which additional duties are applied are displayed.

Only a limited number of these goods can be displayed by page

(here 25 out of 45) and therefore by clicking on "Next" the following

page containing more of these goods (from 26 to 45) is shown.

In order to see the additional duties levied on the various products

and the countries of origin you have to click on the relevant goods


45/137 Search for anti-dumping duties

Anti-dumping duties are customs duties in addition to the normal duties imposed on imports from certain countries where the export price is below the

normal value and such imports cause or threaten to cause material injury to the EU producers of like products.

Choose the goods code 6403511599 for shoes and choose

China as a country of origin. Then choose a definitive anti-

dumping duty as a measure type. Click on "Retrieve



Two anti-dumping measures are potentially applicable to

the shoes with the goods code 6403511599 originating

from China. One of the anti-dumping duties is of 9.70%

and the other one is of 16.50%.

47/137 Search for countervailing duties

Countervailing duties are customs duties in addition to normal duties imposed on imports from certain countries where a subsidy is granted by the export

country and such imports cause or threaten to cause material injury to the EU producers of like products.

Choose the goods code 3907602000 for plastics and choose India

as the country of origin. Then choose a definitive countervailing

duty as a measure type. Click on "Retrieve measures".


There are six different countervailing duties that are

applied to plastics with the goods code 3907602000

originating from India. In order to see the footnotes

click on CD499 and on TM518 or look at the

bottom of the page.


The footnotes are used to communicate

further information that has to be read by

an operator. The footnote CD499 concerns

exemptions from these specific

countervailing duties and the footnote

TM518 gives explanations concerning

damaged goods and the duty reductions

applied accordingly.

50/137 Search for tariff preferences

Tariff preferences are reduced import duty rates from the MFN duties. The EU has provided tariff preferences in the context of preferential agreements

concluded with partner countries and in the framework of GSP.

Choose the goods code 1516209880 for vegetable fats and

choose Mexico as a country of origin. Then choose a tariff

preference as a measure type and click on "Retrieve



The tariff preference for vegetable fats of the goods code 1516209880 originating from

Mexico is 0%, whereas the tariff preference for the same goods coming from the GSP

countries (including Mexico) is 7.40%. Indonesia and Malaysia are excluded from the

preferential duty rate granted in the framework of the GSP.

52/137 Search for preferential tariff quotas

Preferential tariff quotas are tariff concessions provided for a pre-determined volume of goods in the context of agreements that the EU has concluded

with third countries.

Choose the goods code 0401301110 for cream and

choose a preferential tariff quota as a measure type.

Click on "Retrieve measure".


A preferential tariff quota for cream is applied for two

countries. For cream coming from Switzerland 0%

rate is applied and for cream from Moldova 0 EUR/

100 kg is applied.

54/137 Search for import control measures

When documents such as certificates are to be presented at the customs, import control measures are applied.

Choose the goods code 0101109010 for asses and

choose an import control measure as a measure type.

Click on "Retrieve measures".


Click on "Show all information" or on

"Show conditions".


The conditions can be read as follows:

Y1: If the goods are accompanied by the CITES certificate, coded as C400 in Box

44 of the Single Administrative Document (SAD), the import is allowed.

Y2 The declared goods are not concerned by the control, then the declarant must

enter code Y900 in Box 44 of the SAD and import is allowed.

Y3 The declarant entered neither C400 nor Y900 in box 44 of the SAD. The

declared goods are concerned by the control and not accompanied by the

necessary certificate, import is not allowed.

The footnote CD370 applies to the goods code 0101109010. It provides a textual


More help on how to read the

conditions is available by clicking on

"specific help".

The format of the examples given in

"specific help" has changed but the

information given is still valid.


4.4.3. Search for a measure start date

Using the measure type and the measure start date criteria displays the chosen measure whose measure publication start date is contained in a specified

time span.

Choose a definitive anti-dumping duty as a measure type and choose the measure start

date. The measure start date is the date at which the measure enters into force.

Click on "Retrieve measures".


All the goods codes to which a definitive anti-dumping duty is

applied starting on 01-Jan-2010 are displayed. Click on these

goods codes and the relevant anti-dumping duties are shown.

Click e.g. on goods code 2931009981.


By clicking on the code 2931009981 all the relevant

definitive anti-dumping duties whose start date is 01-

Jan-2010 are displayed. First the anti-dumping duty for

Erga Omnes is displayed, then the anti-dumping duties

for the relevant countries in alphabetical order.


When searching for a measure start date the reference date must be taken into account since there is a link between the two dates. It is possible to find

only measures that are active on the reference date.


Choose a measure start date, e.g. 01-02-2012, and

the goods code 0800000000. Click on "Retrieve



All the measures the validity start

date of which is active on the

reference date are shown. Some

examples are displayed here.


When indicating, instead of a specified date, a specified time span for the measure start date only measures that are active on the reference date are

provided. Therefore it is not possible to find all measures, e.g. as regards standard import values only the measure active on the reference date is shown,

not the other SIV active on other dates during the time span.


Choose the goods code 0700000000 and a

time span from 01-02-2012 to 30-06-2012.

Click on "Retrieve measures".


All the measures the validity start

date of which is active during the

time span are shown. Some

examples are displayed here.


4.4.4. Search for an order number

Using the order number criterion provides the relevant goods and measure information related to a tariff quota.

Choose the order number 092841.

Click on "Retrieve measures".


4.4.5. Search for a legal base

Using the legal base criterion displays the goods and measure information relating to the regulation in question.

The relevant goods and measure information is

displayed. A non preferential tariff quota is applied to

the goods with the code 2712909910.


Choose R1215/09 and click on "Retrieve



The relevant goods information for the regulation is displayed. Click

on the goods code 0101109010.


4.5. TARIC measure deferred request

The TARIC measure deferred request is a function that allows receiving a large quantity of information that is too large to be displayed interactively.

When clicking on "Show all information" the information requested is too large, you are redirected to a deferred request system.

The relevant measure information for this

goods code and the regulation is displayed.


Click on "browse" to search for goods



Choose "Section XX Miscellaneous

manufactured articles"


Choose Chapter 95.


Click on "Retrieve measures".


Click on "Show all



Since the quantity of information requested is too large, the TARIC

measure deferred request page is displayed. By indicating your email

address you will receive the information requested. Fill in your email

address and click on "Confirm".

First you will receive an

email asking you to

confirm your request.


Once you have confirmed the

request, it will be processed.

You are informed by

another email when the

information is

available. Click on the

link to see the result of

your request.


You are redirected to the TARIC

measure information page to see the



Not all goods codes with their measures

are explicitly displayed since the limit

number of measures for the deferred

request has been reached.


4.6. Meursing table and additional duties

The EU has developed a Meursing table to calculate additional duties on certain food preparations.

The Meursing table indicates the combination and percentage of four components of a product: milk fat, milk proteins, starch/glucose and sucrose/invert


On the basis of the four above-mentioned components in a product an additional code is determined. The Meursing additional code type is always 7 and

thereto is added a 3-digit Meursing additional code. It is this 3-digit additional code that has to be entered when searching for the amounts of agricultural

components and of additional duties imposed on a product.

The additional duties include additional duties on sugar (AD S/Z) and reduced additional duties on sugar (AD S/ZR), additional duties on flour (AD F/M)

and reduced additional duties on flour (AD F/MR) as well as the agricultural component (EA) and reduced agricultural component (EAR).

The agricultural component and the additional duties on a product are to be levied at the customs in addition to the third country duties.


Enter the goods code 1905 31 99 00 and

click on "Retrieve measures".


For the goods code 1905 31 99 00 the third country duty

is 9% and the agricultural component is 24.2% at

maximum plus the additional duties on sugar are to be


If you know the additional 3-digit code for your product

you can enter it in the "Additional Code" field. Then click

on "Calculate" in order to find the amounts of the

agricultural component and the additional duties relevant

to your product.

Enter e.g. 126 in the "Additional Code" field and click on



The third country duty for the product is 9% and

the agricultural component is 36.54 EUR /100kg

plus the additional duty on sugar is 10.06 EUR

/100 kg.


If you do not know the Meursing additional code for

your product you can find it and the additional duties

by clicking on "Find from composition".


When clicking on "Find from composition" a pop-up

appears. It displays the four components of a product

necessary to determine the Meursing additional code and

the additional duties.


Indicate the values of milk fat, milk proteins,

starch/glucose and sucrose/ invert sugar

/isoglucose of your product and click on




After specifying the goods nomenclature code and the country of origin/destination the relevant measures can be searched for. If searching for a specific

measure for a certain goods code and for a certain country it is possible to use the measure type criterion search under additional criteria (see point 4.4.2.).

Now you can find the additional duties as well as the

additional code for your product.

In this case the third country duty for the product is 9%

and the agricultural component is 36.54 EUR /100kg

plus the additional duty on sugar is 10.06 EUR /100 kg.

The Meursing additional code for the indicated values

of the four components is 126.


The icon "arrow pointing to the right" stands for a measure of import whereas the icon "arrow pointing to the left" means export. The icon with two

arrows – one pointing to the left and the other one pointing to the right – stands for measures for import and export.

5.1. Third country duty and control measures

Choose the goods code 0303770010 and the country of

origin United States of America. Click on "Retrieve



The goods and measure information is shown. The third

country duty that applies to the United States of America is

15%.The footnote CD590 is explained at the bottom of the

page. In order to see the conditions in detail click on either

"Show conditions" or on "Show all information".

This icon stands for

a measure of import.

This icon stands for

measures for import

and export.


The conditions can be read as follows:

Y1 If a declaration is accompanied by the catch

certificate, coded as C673 in box 44 of the SAD,

import is allowed.

Y2: the declared goods are not concerned. To

declare that, the declarant enters C673 in box 44 of

the SAD. Import is allowed.

Y3 Neither C673 nor Y927 are declared in the

customs declaration. The declared goods are

concerned and not accompanied by the necessary

certificate, import is not allowed.


5.2. Closed measures

A measure is valid from its validity start date to its end date. A closed measure is a measure that is no more valid.

Choose a goods code 0708200020 and Switzerland as a country of

origin. Click on "Retrieve Measures".


The measure preferential tariff quota is valid from

1 January 2010 until 31 December 2010. This

measure is closed on 31 December 2010.


5.3. Sort of measures

Measures are sorted according to goods nomenclature code, trade movement code (import, then export), geographical area, measure type series and

measure type.

5.3.1. Goods code 0401301110

First choose the goods code 0401301110 and choose

all origins/destinations. Click on "Retrieve measures".


The trade movements - in this case import - and geographical areas and measures

are displayed. The geographical areas are presented starting always with Erga

Omnes. The measures displayed here are the third country duty and the Customs

Union duty with San Marino. Click on "Show conditions" or "Show all

information" in order to see the conditions. The footnote linked to the Customs

Union duty with San Marino is shown at the bottom of the page.


5.3.2. Goods code 2009691190

Choose the goods code 2009691190 and choose all

origins/destinations. Click on "Retrieve measures".


The trade movements - in this case import - and

geographical areas and measures are displayed. The

geographical areas are presented starting always with Erga

Omnes and then the countries in alphabetical order of ISO

code. The measures displayed here are the entry into free

circulation (prior surveillance), the third country duty and

Customs Union duty. Click on "Show conditions" or

"Show all information" in order to see the conditions.

Click e.g. on the "Show conditions" under Erga Omnes.


The conditions E above are read in the following way

On this screen only the measures under Erga

Omnes for the entry into free circulation

(prior surveillance) are displayed.


E1: if the quantity declared is equal to or less than 100 Litres, the entry into free circulation is allowed.

E2: if VI 1 document, coded as C014 in box 44 of the SAD, is declared, the entry into free circulation is allowed.

E3: if VI 2 document, coded as C015 in box 44 of the SAD, is declared, the entry into free circulation is allowed.

E4: The quantity declared is greater than 100 Litres and neither VI 1 nor VI 2 documents are presented. The entry into free circulation is forbidden.

5.4. Links to databases

On the TARIC measure information page links to other databases are provided. Links to binding tariff information, chemical substance information,

suspensions in force and suspensions in preparation databases as well as to goods description information are included.


Click on the arrow after the code 0303770010.


A popup appears including links to goods

description, BTI, chemical substance

information, suspensions in force and

suspensions in preparation.


5.4.1. Link to goods description

Click on "Goods description".


The goods description is



5.4.2. Link to the binding tariff information


Click on " Binding tariff information".


The binding tariff information

consultation page is displayed.



5.4.3. Link to chemical substance information


Click on "Chemical substance in



The ECICS consultation page is



5.4.4. Link to suspensions in force


Click on "Suspensions in force".



A link to the suspensions in force database is



5.4.5. Link to suspensions in preparation


Click on "Suspensions in preparation".


A link to the suspensions in

preparation database is displayed.



A country can be found by indicating its ISO code or the name of the country. The result of the geographical query always indicates the country ISO code,

the country name, all the possible country groups to which it belongs, and the geonomenclature code. The geonomenclature code is only used for


6.1. Search by an ISO code or by a country name

Enter the ISO code "NO" and click on



Or enter the name of the country "Norway" and click on "Search".


It is also possible to enter the first letter of the country ISO code or of the country name and all the possible country ISO codes or country names that start

with that letter are displayed in alphabetical order according to the ISO code.

Entering "NO" or "Norway" shows relevant geographical information on

Norway: Norway's ISO code, the country name, the country group codes and

geonomenclature code.


Enter "N" in the ISO code field and click on "Search".


All possible countries whose ISO code starts with

"N" are displayed.


Or enter "N" in the country name field and click on "Search".


Leaving the fields of the ISO code, the country name and the country group code empty shows a list of all possible countries in alphabetical order

according to the ISO code.

All possible countries starting with "N" are displayed.


6.2. Search by a country group

Countries belonging to a country group can be sought by indicating the code of the country group.

Leave the fields of the ISO code, the country name

and the country group empty and click on "Search".

All the countries are displayed.


Enter "EEA" in the country group

field and click on "Search".


It is also possible to enter the first letter of the country group code and all the possible country groups that start with that letter are displayed as well as the

countries that belong to these country groups.

All the countries or groups of countries belonging to the EEA are



Enter "L" in the country group

field and click on "Search".


All the country groups whose code starts with "L" are displayed as well as

the countries belonging to these country groups.



A regulation can be found by using three criteria: the Official Journal number, the publication date or time span or the regulation date or time span. The

regulation information provided includes the regulation identifier (code and year), the regulation type, the regulation start date, the regulation end date, the

publication date of the regulation, the journal number and the journal page. A link to measures, and when relevant, a link to eurlex are provided.

7.1. Search by the Official Journal number

Entering the Official Journal number displays all the regulations falling under this criterion.

Enter the OJ number L148 and click on



7.2. Search by the publication date

Regulations published on a certain date or during a certain time span can be found by providing the publication date or the publication time span.

Regulations included in L148 are found.


Enter the publication date 31-03-

2010 and click on "Search".


7.3. Search by the regulation date

A regulation can also be found by indicating the regulation date, i.e. the date of entry into force of the regulation.

Regulations published on 31-03-2010 are displayed.


Enter the regulation date 31-03-2010 and click on "Search".


A link to the relevant measures is provided.

The regulations whose date of entry into force is 31-03-2010 are

shown. Click on "measures" of the regulation 274/2010.


A link to eurlex provides the complete text for the regulation 274/2010.

The TARIC website system goes to the measure tab page with

additional criteria and the legal base field pre-filled with the code

of the regulation 274/2010.


Click on "eurlex".


The text of the regulation

274/2010 appears.

top related