Tanaman Makanan Food Crops AGR3502. Corn = Maize Zea mays family:Poaceae.

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Tanaman MakananFood Crops


Corn = Maize

• Zea mays• family:Poaceae

Maize Taxonomy, Morphology and Reproduction

• Maize (Zea mays L.) is a member of the grass family, Poaceae (Gramineae)

• It is unique among the cereal crops because it is monoecious (it bears separate male and female inflorescences on the same plant).

• The main stem terminates in a tassel (male inflorescence), and the grain is borne on lateral shoots (ears).

Maize - morphology

• Maize generally has one main stem, but some varieties can produce tillers.

• The maize stem is round and erect, with conspicuous nodes and internodes.

• Unlike many grasses, the stem is solid rather than hollow. The leaves are borne in an alternate pattern on opposite sides of the stem.

Morphology – corn ear

• Most commercial varieties of field corn produce a single ear.

• Ear shoots grow in the leaf axils below the top ear, but generally do not develop unless the top ear is removed, or the plants are widely spaced in the field. Sweet corn and popcorn varieties are often prolific (have more than one ear per plant).

Corn grains

• Maize is a large-seeded plant that can be rapidly multiplied.

• A single cob of maize can produce about 800 seeds, which would be enough to plant about 100 m2 of corn

Importance, history and adaptation

• The crop that is grown widely throughout the world in a range of agroecological environments.

• The grains are rich in vitamins A, C and E, carbohydrates, and essential minerals,

and contain 9% protein. They are also rich in dietary fiber and calories which are a good source of energy.


• In industrialized countries, maize is largely used as livestock feed and as a raw material for industrial products.

• In some countries, consumed as a vegetable although it is a grain crop.

• Biofuel for the future

Brief history of corn

• The likeliest primary center of origin is Central America and Mexico. Based on diverse types of corn found there.


• Can be grown from latitude 58oN to 35oS. From sea level to 4,000 m altitudes.

• Crop cycle from 50-330 days.• Modern varieties mature between 90-120


Corn producer

Percentage contribution by countries

Climatic requirement

Ideal temp. 20-27oCnot less than 10oC not more than 30oC

Water requirement as low as 150 mm to5100 mm of rainfall annually.

Uses of CornTypical uses of maize grain in the USA • 0.2% Seed• 1.2% Food• 2.6% Starch• 5.0% Alcohol• 8.0% Sweeteners• 50.1% Animal feed• 22.6% Exports• 10.3% Ending stocks

Corn use in developing countries

• In developing countries, an average of 30% of maize produced is used for direct human consumption.

• In sub Saharan Africa, about 70% of the maize crop is used for human consumption. Green maize (fresh, on the cob) is an important food source early in the rainy season.

Any questions

Types of corn

Classification of maize based on endosperm

Flint, floury and dent maize varieties(a = flinty endosperm; b = floury endosperm; c = germ and d = dent)Source: IITA, Nigeria

The endosperm consists of starch granules embedded in a protein matrix. Flinty endosperm has a more rigid protein structure and is also higher in protein content than floury endosperm.

Types of corn

Seven types or groups based on endosperm characteristics:

Dent Flint Flour PopSweetWaxypod

Types of corn Dent (indentata) When the grain dries, a pronounced wrinkle or dent forms on top of the kernel.

The shrinkage of the soft starch.


UsageAnimal feedCooking oil

Types of corn Flint (indurata) The endosperm is soft and starchy. Usage: human and animal feed

Types of corn Flour (amylaceae) The seed composed almost entirely of soft

starch and can be white, blue or variegated. Usage: human food.

Types of corn Pop (Everta) The endosperm is hard and small size kernel. Usage: human as snack

Types of corn Sweet (saccharata) The kernels are tanslucent and wrinkled at

maturity. Usage: human

Sweet Corn

• Sweet - Sweet varieties have one or more genes which interfere with the conversion of sugar to starch. Most of the genes controlling sweetness are recessive, so production fields must be well isolated from normal (field) corn

Types of corn Waxy (ceratina) The kernels contain high amylopectin.

Resembles tapioca starch Usage: special food and adhesives

Types of corn Pod Each kernel is enclosed in a pod or husk. The

endosperm characteristics can be any of the above.

Usage: primitive corn

Corn Production in Malaysia

• Malaysia does not grow enough corn for its use

• It imports a large amount of corn especially for livestock feed – poultry and swine production

• Most of the local corn planted is for human consumption – mainly sweet corn

Area & Production of Field Crops in Malaysia

Corn in Malaysia

Malaysian Corn Production

Malaysian Corn Imports

Book on Prospects of Grain Corn Production in Malaysia

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