Tan tock seng

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Who is tan tock seng

Born in Malacca in 1798  In 1819, Tan moved to Singapore to sell fruit, vegetable and fowl. He worked diligently and was able to set up a shop in Boat Quay

 and became a notable businessman. He was famous for contributing money to build a hospital called "

Tan Tock Seng Hospital[5]“ Tan died in 1850 at the age of 52, after catching an unknown


What did he did?

 In 1844, he contributed $5,000 to the construction of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital on top of Pearl's Hill as he saw many poor and sick people.

 He built a temple for the Chinese. This shows that he cares for the Chinese and wants the Chinese culture to be passed on from generation to generation. This is a significant contribution as it enriches the Chinese culture we have now.

He was appointed the Justice of Peace. This made a social impact as he stopped disputes and resolved the problems of the Chinese immigrant. As doing such, Singapore was a better place to live in as fights seldom lasted long

Impact on what he did

He built the Hospital to cater for the poor his contribution is the most significant as the people, especially the Chinese

then were too poor to see the doctors which were operated by the British Hence, Tan Tock Seng wanted to help them and did not want to see so

many dead bodies lying on the ground This was bad for Singapore as trade would go down the slope . This is

because the traders would not want to trade in a place with dead bodies lying around. This could also spread contagious diseases and attract pests such as rats and cockroaches

 As a result, Tan Tock Seng cleared the corpses away and opened the hospital, which is Tan Tock Seng Hospital or TTSH

Till today, it still serves as a government hospital and it is a major serving hospital during times like SARS or H1N1 flu now.


Sources : :http://queer-aura.blogspot.sg/2009/05/how-did-tan-tock-seng-

contribute-to.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Tock_Seng

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