Talk Back and You'Re Dead by Wang Gi Dae

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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Talk Back and Youre Dead ( ) by (Wang Gi Dae) translated by ellcha, swtkrnbabiez, riano, and adidasyeah

= Chapter One = Hey! Why do I have to meet your boyfriend?! Come on~ I promised Jong Ho I was gonna let him meet you~ ^O^ =_=^ Dragging me all over the place, we were going to meet my friends boyfriend. But why does she have to take me? *sigh* What was I doing all my life? I long for a man. -.,-; Hey! Park Jong Ho, whatever his name is, hes a GongGo, right? [A type of high schoolnot really a high school, but something like that. =_=] GongGo kids are scary Dont go too close to them. Those are the words of mine because Im worrying about my best friend, not because Im jealous. Sigh. Min HaWon, you pathetic woman. =_= . JongHos different.

Different my butt. GongGos live in shacks. -,.-; -__-^ Shut up! I bet you guys are gonna probably break up by the end of this week.

Whatever. -__- Look at you, just jealous so youre saying all this crap! Wahahahahah~~~~! Your laugh probably scares all the guys away from this place. =_= From my point of view, youre just a yapping ET-_-^ Suddenly Jang SuYoon! ^-^ Say hello. Im usually like this. O_O? In front of me and my friend, SuYoon, was GongGo Park man with his arms wrapped around some slut. JongHo.JongHo. What is this. What does that mean? ^-^ Well, if I knew that you were a THAT kind of high schooler I wouldnt have met her. ^^; So its happening again. The truth comes out . That were high schoolers. -__-^ Our high school was far by the most different high school there ever was. All the guys from other high schools hated us. They hated us. Especially GongGo and SangGo people They hated us too. *HUK* _ Still, this was too harsh _ *huk huk* Poor SuYoon~~~~ 0

O_O My animal SuYoon SuYoon left the room alone. That GongGo Park man was *kakakaka* laughing with that other slut Walking away from us. Suddenly HaWon Min HaWon. Someone called out. Someone behind me someone behind me was calling my name. =_= SuYoon. - ________ What. Youre laughing at me, right? _ No. Then? Are you giggling at me? =_= =_= You crazy woman. How sad I dont need your fricken pity!!!!!! Go! Go away!! Go! GO!!!! . =_==_= Because of that crazy woman pushing me to go away I went straight home. When I came in making a =ddal kkak ddal kkak= noise I smelled something strange. Whatever. I dont care ., When I came in =_=! *Jjjjjjjjae kang!!!!!!!*

In the kitchen was a loud noise *sigh*. What could it be this time? Awwww crap Man. This is so slippery This is why you need to buy the good brand named rubber gloves. Min HanBum. =_=^ When did you come home? Came already? I skipped school today. That show off Min HanBum was washing the dishes as I came in. -.,-; How could he have such interest in washing the dishes when hes such a jerk and talks back that little ants poop =_= .-_-^ Hey did you even go to school? Nope. Crap. Mommy told me to do the dishes. Just because he had English school when he was young, he began calling our mother Mommy [ instead of ] Not even going to school and just rotting in the house all he could do was the chores. But HanBum ah Can you take off that ugly strawberry apron?=_= I dont want to. I bought it yesterday Because it was pretty -__-^ -0-;; You little jerk, you Arent you going psycho because youre doing so much of the house chores? *sigh* .=_=^

Ahhhhhhhhh! >__< Fuck!! Where is that little jerk!!

Look around. O_O Aiishi~~~ I cant this anymore HaWon, should we just wait in there first? SuYoon dragged me inside a karaoke room. Aigoo I cant take this Its so small Im going to burst -__-. Hey But its nice coming in the arcade once in a while, right? >____< Huh? Huh? Comon~ Wanna hear them, HaWon? Sure tell me. =_= Actually I kinda wanna know them >_< Okay. See se that one on the right the tall one is Eun Jin Ho and then Lee EunGoo. Lee EunGoo. >_< Isnt that name funny? kakak >_< and that guy playing the arcade game is Oun Ha.

Yea who else .=_= Who do you want to know? *huk* You caught up with me-.,-. I mean I dont want to know Just That guy. That one. =_= That yellow haired guy, with the cigarette in his mouth Playing Tetris I mean that one. The one saying Ahh fuck! Why did that one came out! that person -,.-// Oh him??. Hes a SangGo 2nd year HaWon ahyou like those kind of people? What do you mean those kind of people=_= Him he doesnt like girls. Especially us. GongHak people Remember that guy whose lips were busted. he was hit by that man Wow hes scary Even his looks were a bit scary and his hair was so bright o_o. his pale face And even his attitude was discomforting His uniform was all messed up biting the cigarette in his mouth. =_= Actually Those kind of men dont attract me too muchBut for some reason I really wanted to find out his name I

I just wanna know who he is And what his name is

= Chapter Two = SuYoon~ Tell me his name Him Tell me his name .BanJi. =_=What? BanJi. [Shes saying what because BANJI in Korean is a ring. -.,-] What? Oh my gosh~ You retard! Its BanJi! Lee BanJi!-__-^ =_=Ohokay. Because she said it so randomly and so casually, I thought she was just saying it out of the blue-.,- Aigoo. Shes saying that that persons name is BanJi Gold BanJi [Gold Ring] Lee BanJi. -0-; His name. Lee BanJi. =_= So when someone says Lee BanJi it wont be an accessory but itll be a person. =_=A SangGo stuck-up jerkHis name is Lee BanJi. Haha.

Whatever~ All I could think of was his nameand what itll mean and what Ill think when I hear his name .O_O!! Thats Park JongHo!! SuYoon shouted, as she crashed opened the karaoke door dragging me in her hand. =_= Hey!!!!! Park JongHo!! You bastard!! Come here!! *huk*-- Oh SuYoon it seems like that the end of your life isnt far-.,HEY! Park JongHo! You dogfood jerk! -0-; That little GongGo Park JongHo jerk was ignoring SuYoon and I as we were right behind him. -__-^ Hey!! Stand up Cant you see me?! SuYoon seemed really really mad Well, she was blown off by him for a different slut [=_=] . A really long time must past until she would forgive-.,-; GongHak people come here too? Why dont you go study~ . Those words were the first words of that Park GongGo jerk to SuYoon -___-^ Maybe because us GongHaks was the smartest school-.,- Still hes going a little too far on the jokes!! -0-; I was gonna let you go You bastard!! Yea you!! Why do you always play with people!!

-.,-. SuYoons face became bright red saying those words, I could feel smoke coming out her nose. -,.,Answer me!! Am I that funny to you?! ^_____^ Yup. Youre funny Park JongHo youyou little jerk Even Im all stressed out because of this kid. =_=;; You ParkJongHo You you trashgarbage ^-^ What did you just say? -__- I told you that youre just a piece of dirty trash Ew. Youre so smelly. Ewwww. *HUUUUK* o_o Jang SuYoon How can you say that to him now hes going to beat us up *sigh* Were losing. Terribly losing. You Honestly, you kind of people are sad Its sad. ^-^ If it wasnt for me you probably had no guys to go to, right? Kakaka >_0__________< Me too. ^-^~ Maybe everyone thinks that when youre young *huk* no~ Nope. HanBum. = Flash back = -___-^ So if a cow drinks water that you washed your laundry with, youll get laundry milk and if you feed a cow baby lotion then youll get lotion milk right?

= End of flash back = *sigh* I remember the times when my little brother HanBum said that before_______-^ However it was worse~ = Flash back = Teacher~ *-__-* If a cow eats so much grass all the timehow come they dont give us grass milk?! = End of flash back = Yup. *sigh* Oh HanBum=0= Why would I even want to embarrass myself by telling SuYoon these stories?! Its probably smarter to keep your mouth shut then to make someone laugh right? >_______< Lets run before Lee BanJi and his gang comes and tackle me-0- Suddenly However . What the?! Min HaWon. WWhy are you here?! Are you gonna make me wash the dishes again?!.? Did Mommy tell you to pick me up?! Does she want me to do the laundry again!!? .!!!!!!!!!!! You fricken drunk man Min HanBum!!! In result, I turned around HanBums drunk and hes already embarrassing me _.!! Um Um I dont know who you are -.,- I tried to camouflage my resemblance between me and my brother and tried to pretend like I didnt know him. T___T Just kill me. I wanna die~~~~~ >____< Really?! No that cant be true You guys dont look alike!! This nunas weird>_< Her nostrils are flaring .That little freak >________.,,.__< I cant take this anymore! I wanna go home!! UmYou, you there. ^O^ Im going to go I dont think you have anything to say to me anyways^-^ Crap. I laughed again-0- He better not hit me. >___< Its NOSTRIL ANGEL!! Her nostrils flare too much You cant forgive her.!! =_= DIE Whoops. It slipped out of my mouth to the yellow horseshoe guy -0-!! Hes fricken annoying Oh. My. Goodness!! Hrm. So, I can go now right? I probably can. I began walking away from them, towards the door, but suddenly, one of the SangGo guys grabbed my shirt. .Huh? What do you want?

His bright and happy face annoys me. -___-^ If its alright with you lets drink together! ^-^;;; O_O. Together? >___< I didnt even know myself that I was staring at himand I quickly glanced away

Sorry. =_= Do you want to drink? In his hands were a soju [Korean strong really strong beer>__< Wow. Dangerous. He said. -0- Who cares Moahahahah~~ Lets drink until we die!! I chugged and chugged and chugged >_< I didnt drink for a long time so this will be. . Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

= Chapter Seven = O_o. Ohmygosh Why am I like this AHHK!! HanBum and the SangGo kids and me got really drunk. Lets take a napIm so tired>_< My headahhk!!

What is this What the fuck?!! Lee BanJi said thatI think. Who cares. =_=!! Im so tiredTT_________TT . What did you do to me!! Did you do this on purpose? >.,__< Come on!! We have to get our second round of beer! ^O^ Lets go to my house!! [Es/N - Second round of beer in Korean is 2 . >_< !! 2 . 2 !!!! !!!] -0- In front of me was the yellow horseshoe kids hand suddenly Ahhfuck!! Do something, will you? Why is she doing this to me this little GongHak girl!! Ahhh!! Get her off me!! . My sweet Lucky was saying words. Again. -____-????? Ahhk. Im so dizzy >_________< This was weird I followed Lucky, and HanBum to the yellow horseshoe kids house. No ones saying anything -.,-. The yellow horseshoes house was plain, just like any other house. And again the kids went inside his room to drink more Im not even supposed to be here *sigh* Stupid HanBum>_< As long as Im with my Lucky ^___^

Every time they drank more and more I got less comfortable by each minute. Lucky, do you think that, too? =_= Do you think Im funny? Whats wrong with my stuffed animal!! Luckys getting meaner and meaner every minute-0- Luckyyoufricken octopus poop crap man!! >__< Its so dark My heads getting worse and worse

Man I guess Ill have to do what HanBum says If I go home nowmy mom will fricken kill me. -.,-!! Probably shell kill me when I go home tomorrow Oh God almighty >_< Help me again Suddenly A dark shadow!! Ahhk!! >__< Dont sleep by yourself I feel bad>_< All by yourself *Yawn* I should sleep, too~~~ I cuddled next to my large and wonderful stuffed animal~~ Ill just wake up really early tomorrow and go home. Then they might now find out>__< Nostril Angel raped BanJi?! O______O!!! No -0- Thats not it. The thing is I thought he was my stuffed animal 0 Shut up, you yellow looking horse shoe guy! >___< Its probably better to just have all your

blood dry up and die, you scary mommy!! Next to me was HanBum with his ski outfit out How sadhow sad T___T Whats wrong with today First, it was the SangGo guys and now its my moms punishment. In the middle of summer>_< My life is so screwed up That night. All day I walked around dragging my feet along the streets with HanBum, sweating like crazy while my mother was at home with the air conditioning. --; Shhhhhhhit. My stomachs crying. What?? My stomach is *snif snif* crying Go make me some food -__- If it was a different day I wouldnt have made him food, but right now Im hungry too And my mother, my crazy mother was lazy sleeping in her room. ++ Hey the foods ready I went inside HanBums room, and as soon as I opened the door, I heard YesYes oh Okay Yes HanBum trembled as he talked on the phone. Hey, the foods ready Yesum yup. Shes right here next to meYes Ill hand her the phone so you can talk to her HanBum was using a serious tone in his voice, and suddenly he quickly handed the phone over to me. =_= What do you want me to do with this? Talk.

That was howHanBum quickly ran out the doorAnd I took the phone and put it on my ear. -0Helloooo. =_= Who is this? Im going to hang up . What the Hm. No ones answering did it disconnect? What the heck. If you have anything to say, then say it right now! Hey, Its me *HUK*!! O_O That voice!! O_O!!!! My heart began to thump and thump even louder Lee BanJi.

= Chapter Nine = Why is Lee BanJi that man calling, ME? =_= Its so scary if you think it like that Hahaha ^O^. Hi I said, trying to be happy. =_= I cant say Hi back Still. Hi. -__-^ Are you okay? -__-^ =_= NNo What did you wanna say to me? Are you okay with everything? You dont feel anything? What?= =!! Beforeyyou know,

OH!! Before? You and me sleeping together?? Fuck!! I told you not to say that!! Kakaka Weirdo. -0- *sigh sigh* Lee BanJi ^O^ Um Its not like anything happened. I dont do that kind of stuff D Do you want me to take responsibility of you? . . O_O What. The What?! Responsibility?! OF WHAT? What the heck is he talking about?!?!?!? . Do you want me to? ButBut Im the one who did it. O_O Whatever. It doesnt matter. Doesnt matter? Is he breathing different air than I am? Whats wrong with him???!! Um-___- I dont think that its such a big deal for you to take responsibility over me Sojust let it go? If you want to. =_= Ahh Fuck~~ Make up your mind!!

Im such a girl. -0-;; My heart was pounding so hard that Id had to cut it off. =_=? Um you know I began, but suddenly Ahhhhhh!! AH AH AH!! >_< MIN HAWON!!!!! The big arse loud mouth HanBum shouted so loud Min HaWon!! Min HaWon!! >_< Come here!!!!!!!!!!! And suddenly, BanJi began to talk on the phone again. Aww what the say itwhat do you want? UmBanJi >_< right nows not a good Do you want me to take responsibility? >.,_< Im coming!! Umsure!! >.,< Take responsibility, so Ill talk to you later okay?! *Ddddddoook. ddoo doo dddooo* I quickly hung up the phone after I stopped talking-.,o_o. Hell probably think Im joking, right? I hope he gets it that I dont want him to take responsibility of me-.,- Min HaWon!!! Hey! Okay! Okay, Im coming!! I went to the living room as fast as I could, and for the first time What The

On the floor was a big bug And on top of a chair, was afraid HanBum. His face described everything. -.,- He looked like as if he was gonna cry-0 Retard. -__^ Did you step on it? Fuck~~ Its so gross so sick Quick! Throw it away! Kill it!!! =_=! I took some toilet paper and wiped the bug on the floor slowly and carefully, I took the paper wad and put it in the garbage. However, HanBum was still on the chair, afraid. Hey! Hey hey hey! >_< Why are you throwing it in there!! Smear it outside!! Make sure its dead!! Youre crazyyou psycho-__-^ Throw it away! OUTSIDE!! Do you love bugs? -___-^ [Elles note. I dont get it. o_o]

= Chapter Ten = The next day. KYAAAAAA~!!! So thats what really happened?? Oh my gosh!! >O_< Lee BanJi always hated girls though!! Wow. You must have really surprised him~ -.,- Surprise Well, of course -.,- Who else would in our GongHak school go to a SangGo guy and sleep with him? Not like I meant to, butstill. -0-!!

But wait he knows your phone number? SuYoon replied. Yea HanBum probably gave it to him the other night. What about you? Arent you gonna call him? >________________< the days go so fast. -.,-] I ran all the way to the bus stop as soon as I woke up, Thinking that he meant meet him there in the morning However, he didnt appear =_= So does that mean he wanted to see me after school? That afternoon after school, I went back to the bus stop to meet Lee BanJi ( If he ever comes =_= ) You retard!! You cant find him anywhere!!!! Fuck-0-. Actually, it wasnt Lee BanJi, the idiot, but it was more of the voice of Jang SuYoon who followed me here after school. Just making a whole commotion about it. -.,-! Gosh. Its pissing me offAre you lying?! SuYoon replied-0[Elles Note - Okay, this part, where SuYoon and HaWon are conversing together is a bit weird for me, cuz I cant explain it in English what SuYoon is saying. _< Her Nostril Angel!! >_< -All of a sudden, I heard someone elses voice on the phone. Hm. I guess hes with his friends - Nostril? Oh GongHak Yea. Im a GongHak.

- Why are you calling me? - He asked, with his deep and rusty voice-0Oh. Um You see SuYoon was next to me, trying to listen on the phone. -oo- I cant tell him that I wanna meet him Crap-.,- Itll sound too weird. Um I just suddenly told him as I held my breath. Ahhk!! >_< Why didnt you come yesterday?! GULP. - Where. You told me to wait at the bus stop So I did!! =_=^ - -__- Oh. OH?! OH???? Wait a second Please dont tell me you forgot - Sorry. I forgot. Oh. ^O^ Its okay That happens I quickly replied YOU FRICKEN BASTARD!!! Im going to fricken kill you, you fricken BANJI!! Do you know how LONG I waited for you?!?!? T___T!! Um Okay ^O^ - Okay. Tomorrow Tomorrow The words to meet him tomorrow wouldnt come out of my mouth. =.+ Tomorrow Tomorrow Suddenly. Silence. -.,- Hey. O_O Huh HUH?

- Do you want to meet with me?! O_O Oh. Um No Shit!! T0T!! I said as if I DIDNT want to meet him No,. I mean, Not like that but um You see - Its okay. -__-^ What do you mean its okay?! Its NOT okay!! - Im going to come to the GongHak school in a little bit so meet me there. No Wait. Um, I mean What?! -_____________-!! - Your voice has it written all over. You want to meet me. o_o Um No, its not that-- - Shut up. Dont tell me that you dont want to. Shut up and hang up!! *DDAL KKAK!!* Doodooodooodoo Hey, what did he say??!!!!! =_+!! Is he going to meet with you?! SuYoon interrupted. Yea In a little bit Hes coming here

= Chapter Eleven = Hey, is he really coming? Huh? Really? REALLY? No. Hes not. -___-! Sarcasm. -.,-

Talking with SuYoon was a pain. She kept asking me if he was coming -.,- He better. >___< Why are they so many?! Wonder why he brought so many people. =_=! Huh? Its her, right?! BanJi, its that girl youve been waiting for, right? -.,- Out of all the SangGo friends there was one who pointed towards me, sitting down on the ground tapping Lee BanJi. But suddenly, BanJis eyes suddenly turned to mine. -______-^ =0= hi HEY! You retard, couldnt you come early?! T_T Why is he yelling at me!! Aww fuck!! Gosh, Im pissed off why did you come so late!! If you were so embarrassed to come to this GongHak school you shouldve just stayed where your little friends go to!! I never said to come-.,I thought you were going to meet me in the gym sorry. =_=^ What kind of idiot waits for some GongHak at the doors of the gym?!! So pissed off!! Yea whatever you freak. -.,- stop being so conceited -0-!!I just wanna chop off your little head -_______-^ Fuck, lets go. Why the swearing=_= He took my by the collar and began to drag me, and began to walk faster than usual.

. KKKKKYA!! >_< HaWon Save me, help me!! Ahhk!! >__< Even though he kind of fluttered his eyelids a bit, I went back to myself and chilled. Phew. >__< O_O But Suddenly. Suddenly. AHHK!! >_O_< That wont happen. LEE BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled, not thinking of what I was saying. I needed help! TT___TT. Yelling out BanJi and hoping SuYoon was there, too, I opened room number five, which was the room BanJi was in. Hahahah fuck!! Do you think if you go in a room you wont get away with it?! =_= I grabbed BanJis hand But not that tightly, because I think hell think I like him or something -0- Park JongHo and his other GongGo kids started to come inside Like dust everywhere, the room was packed. Fuck!! What is this!! Hopelessly, all the SangGo guys began to stand up from their chairs and gave them to the GongHaks surprised. My hand was still in BanJis hand, And BanJi began to look throughout the room. >_< And he began to squeeze my hand tighter and tighter As though if he was mad at me. -_____-++ Please dont break this poor girls hand. -0She only has two. >__< Park JongHo!! Why are you here?? Across from me was SuYoon sitting down next to the Yellow Horseshoe-looking kid SuYoon stop it I said. Even though I tried to stop SuYoon from making things more worse, She stuck up her middle finger to him Which made Park JongHo explode=_+!!!!!!!!!! HEY!! Finish them off, you fucktards!!!! Fuck man is this your guys living room?! Just coming in here and bashing the whole damn place like that Lets beat the living hell out of them you fuckerssss!!!!!!! Hahaha what shit hahaha losers BanJi replied back none of SangGo kids not even a single head seemed scared of this situation

actually they looked like they were gonna have some fun with these retarded GongGo kids_ *ROWDY ROWDY* *crash boom shatter bam!* *thump thump*=_=. sure go ahead break anything and everything-_- rip, break, tear each other apart-_- yes this is what you LITERALLY call a rumble- _ - . EH??=_=??. I FIND SOMETHING VERY WEIRD!!_ all of the GongGo kids are 110% into this chaos _ HOWEVER, the Yellow hair kid and Ban Ji are just sitting there doing nothing with EXTREME ARROGANCE. =_= hMm I wonder WHY. WHY OH WHY are they just SITTING THERE? especially the Yellow hair kid I question his identity-_-.

=_= . *PULL*!! _!!!!!!!!! who the hell is this kid that just grabbed my arm?!!! -*DRAGGING DRAGGING* !!!!!!!!!!. This son of a biatch quickly snatched me out of Ban Jis hand and dragged me to God knows where_.-_-_ . JONG HO PARK!!!! LET GO! LET GO NOW!!! why the hell is this GongGo bastard so freaking strong? no matter how hard I try to get out of his hand, I can NOT seem to move an inch away from this man whore!!! !!!!! Ban Ji Ban Ji Lee! HELP ME!!!. this Ban Ji guy -__- he just stared straight at me and did absolutely nothing didnt move a fucking inch. ., I knew it you were just waiting till I get raped by this GongGo bastard, huh?

., _*sniff sniff*let me go Im sorry PLEASE let me go ^-^ are you psycho? I dont think Ill consider that as an apology. _*SNIFF SNIFF*. motherHan Bumfather Ill be the first one to go to the other world so hurry and come with me _ _ so tell me^-^ should I accept that as your apology? . .uh huhthat should be plenty. _!!!!!!!!!!!!! who does this sweet sweet voice belong to??? OH MY SAVIOR? WHO ART THOU? ., HUH?? _ .BAN JI LEEEEE.., so you are not ignoring me till the very end _ what a kid Ban Ji was walking quite rapidly towards me

he glanced at me sitting (more like laying) on the floor _ and opened his lips to throw couple of words at the GongGo kid Jong Ho park when are you gonna stop acting like a loser? .damn This is none of your business is it?^-^ and I know that this biatch isnt your girlfriend . who said that she wasnt.? . who the fawk said that shes not my girlfriend haha Did you guys plan this or something?^-^;; .better wipe that smile off of your face.-_-^ Two things I hate the most: staring at people like a stupid idiot and seeing someone I hate laugh right in front of my eyes got that? _ OoO I see THATS why hed always tell me not to laugh_ note to self: never ever laugh again_ hehe. PUHAHAHA., this little bastard was trying to play it off with his idiotic smile as he let go of my hand

and just when he was about to turn around he said a little something in a very low tone_ yes, he must have been very mad .Ban Ji Lee arent you just a little biatch in front of Ha Ree Kim?oh wait was it a biatchs shit? *BAM*!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as that dickhead finished his sentence, Ban Ji threw him a hard punch. . It would send a shiver up your spine if you had seen it he fights like a madman Its as if hes fighting himself. -0-. BAN JI!!! FaWK! Someone stop Ban Ji NOW!!!!! that blushing kid from Sang Go tried to stop Ban Ji from fighting but I think he needs a little help in that area-_- and here again is the literal definition of a rumble -_-.

now everyone except the yellow hair kid =_= was punching, kicking, tearing, ripping, etc. etc. etc Outside the room there were kids staring at this mess like it was a some form of an entertainment =_=^ and there also were more of SangGo kids trying to get in the room to beat the hell outta the GongGo faggots ., _damn If I hadnt gotten up to go to the bathroom_ _ if I didnt leave the fawking room, then none of this chaos would have happened!! _!!!!!! OH NOOOO~!!! >,.< PSYCHO MONSTER BIATCH~ youre DEAD now!!!! *SLAM SLAM SLAM* !!!!!..>< FREAKIN DIE ALREADY!!!!!! =_=^?. I was happily slamming the song book against the monsters head until Ban Ji turned around to look at me

=_=^hey you. what the hell are you doing he stared me with a face full of confusion=_- oh uMm this kid here was sneaking up behind you to crush your head with a microphone so I stepped in and took charge ^^v as soon as Ban Ji heard me, he grabbed the monster and punched him hella times =_= yes with his own fist=_= UUHK!!!. =_=Psycho bastard Ban Ji punched you on your ugly face but tell me why youre grabbing your blub of fat?? -_- ehehehe., anyway the victory is OURS!. ., and soon, all of the GongGo kids were fussing and cussing -__- as they exited our room. and of course, since the fight is over all the spectators were also leaving the place damn whenever Im with you crazy shit happens-_-^ Ban Ji Lee threw me those effin words., but I cant say anything since its true=_=

we left the karaoke place and the Yellow hair kid was the only one in a HAPPY HYPER MOOD-_-^ >__< why do you always forget >_< the nostril girl must be sad >__< Yes of course twos always better than one .,hey Soo Yooneehehehe kekeke..,. NO!!!!! NO I DO NOT WANT TO!!!!!! >_< CMON!! HEY PLEASE!!! Were already here so might as well just wait for them, yeah?! Besides youll get to see your yellow head kid!! How can I see him with my hair looking like shiet?!! >< HEY NOSTRIL GIRL!!!!! SOOO YOOOOOOON!!!!!!!! yohey theres yellow head student-_-^ Why arent you calling me by MY NAME??-_-^ Yellow head kid ran rapidly towards us and stood in front of Soo Yoon=_=^ psh. DAMN -_-^ psh. FAWK -_-^ .youre here?you actually came cuz I told you to come?.-_-^ Ban Ji LeeIm not in the greatest mood right now so PLEASE PLEASE dont get me heated? Got that?-_-^ -_-^ whats this Why are you dogging me with a shitty face Do I look that easy to you?? =_=^ Why the HELL is he like this?. I pointed towards Ban Ji and asked the blushing kid -__- Oh ^-^;Its cuz he got his phone taken away during class .,!!! OING!!!! Did I call him during class=_=yes I did. .==awww thats just too bad -_-^Damnnow you cant call me anymore Arent you hella disappointed?

its okay to think whatever you want its a free country.=_= (actually, I was just a TINY LITTLE BIT disappointed=_=) ., how about you arent you hella sad.? More like hella happy. -_-^ shiet. .,Well then CONGRATULATIONS to you stupid accessory (jewelry) bastard.-_-^psh (get it? cuz his name Ban Ji means a RING in Korean?? ^^) -at the bar/club/drinking place -__-;;this place where I came with Ban Ji and our crew GGO JANG its really expensive here>__< long long time ago this guy worked at a small snack shop and Soo Yoon and I went there everyday to see him>< just bring the usual stuff please>__< LOOK AT ALL THE DRINKS!!!! ALCOHOL!!!!! >____< .>___.,__< I bought a bag of melon jelly >__< Nostril Ha Won!!!!! Where you going dressed like THAT?!!! >__< NOSTRIL HA WON!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!! You just ignored Ban Jis question?!!!!!! _yesindeed I did ignore Ban Ji and ran. but tell me why a sense of great fear is rousing up inside of me., I thought itd be safer -__- for me to go back so I slowly turned around _ . and I saw it huh . as soon as I turned around I saw SangGos Il-Jin girls sprinting towards Ban Ji and his friends (Il Jin girls are like the HARD, MEAN, and POPULAR girls of Korean high school) and I saw the Internet queen-ka girl bowing to them . Ban Ji, who was throwing killer glances at me, turned around to meet the SangGos Il-Jin girls I think hes mad at me for ignoring his question - _ - a;sldkfj just then my eyes met with that queen-ka girls eyes and me being the stupid girl that I am. couldnt do anything but to turn aroundawwww shit.-_-^ .so this is it right?. . Theres no place for me in that groupright?. theres no place for menear Ban Ji?

my heart. keeps on beating and hurting and its in pain. so I I just left everything behind and ran. and I even ignored Ban Ji as he furiously screamed my name across the street -home Did you go out to the country side and kill a cow to make fresh beef or something?!! Why are you so late!!!! yo!!!! Where are my shrimp crackers?!?!!!.awww dammit! You whore you bought Pringles so you can eat them all by yourself, huh?!!! ._ Im in no mood to handle your crap right now I ran all the way home dammit I threw the Pringles to Han Bum (knowing that he wouldnt even touch them) and marched straight to my bed and laid down .Ban Ji Lee. you worthless accessory bastard-_-^ You said you hated girls. you said. YOU SAID YOU HATED GIRLS!!!!!!! !!!!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO TO SLEEP YOUNG LADY!!!!! wanna go stand outside with your winter clothes on!?! that night I comforted myself by hugging my croc. Lucky TT.TT and cried to sleep. -the next daySOO YOON!!! _ lets just go home!!! Please?!!! leave me alone!!! Oon Ha Cho!! Youre SO DEAD!!

Fuckshitassbiatchdamn it all =_= why oh why did I tell Soo Yoon about what happened last night_ _Soo YoonI cant see Ban Jis face not today I dont think I can _ WHY!!! HES THE ONE WHO WENT OUT WITH ANOTHER BIATCH AND STROLLED AROUND THE CITY!!! Then why are YOU afraid to see HIM?!!! ., please please calm down And it was definitely my bad to tell Soo Yoon that another girl was clinging on to Oon Ha- _ heeeey _ If youre gonna go see them then go by yourself!! Dont drag me into it!!! ._ she answered me in silence as she dragged me out towards the school gate and just as I had imagined Ban Ji and his crew were firmly standing in front of our schools back gate =_= -_-^ you guys are NOT welcomed today-_- Hey!!! >_< SOOO YOOOOOOON~!!!! hey Yellow head this is NOT the time to look so happy =_= and definitely NOT the time to throw one of your killer smiles at Soo Yoon., ( i have to admit he had a pretty nice smile=_=^) oOOh!!!!! Hey my LOVELY OOON HAA!!!!!!!!-_-^ My best friend Soo Yoon called him with a voice FULL of sarcasm -_- Soo Yoon Do NOT hold anything back just punch the kid here and there couple of times-_-.

Just teach him a SMALL TINY WITTLE bit of a lesson.- _ -. and I turned myself around to see Ban Ji- _ - well I didnt turn around on PURPOSE to see him but he was just standing there so it was impossible NOT to see him, got it? =_= . And Ban Ji looked back at me And finally he opened his mouth to say

#19 did you fall on your way home last night? .=_=.what?. seeing you run like that made me feel so sorry for you-_-^ .,^. well Im just a sorry girl, thank you~ =_=^ I know okay., huh?-_-this is NOT how its supposed to go=_= .., NO~ Im not a sorry girl!!! You know how PRETTY and SEXY I can be if I wanted to, huh? I can look SO MUCH BETTER than that queen-ka girl you were with last night!!!!!! >____< lets just blab on to change the mood>_< . I said Ill trust you>___< everythings just awesome I was so happy that I failed to notice That So Jin girl starring at us from the other side of the street -_-^ Ban Ji OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#20 CRAP. =_=!!!!!

That girl tell me why shes yelling my precious Ban Jis name all the way from the other side of the street -_-^ its the queen-ka biatch!! -_-^!! Ha Won that girl has a name and its So Jin Eun. ^-^; Dont worry Eun Goo, I know her effin name -_-^ >_< OPPA!!!!! -_-^ So Jin was calling Ban Ji with the most annoying voice ever possible as she sprinted -__-;; her way towards us I took a close look at So Jin and she had the most flawless face Ive ever seen bright clean elegant sweet LOOKING- _ - (doesnt mean that she IS!!!) Arent you. the enemy of all average looking girls on this earth~? ^ ^ Nice to meet you, unnie This girl just bowed straight down to me-0and thanks to her. -_I was so shocked that I couldnt say anything, but cough the whole time- _ *cough*=_=Umm hi why oh why do I have to stand right across from her and actually associate with her

=_= Someone please tell me why~~.=_= while I was lost in my train of deep thought my lovely Soo Yoon past by me and stood directly in front of So Jin.-_- -_-^So Jin Eun? I heard a lot about you. ^ ^ Huh?oh .-_-^ I heard that you are the biggest biatch at SangGo high, right? and youre only in your first year everyone knows that you live up to your appearance. Soo Yoon. lets not forget that she goes to SangGo and that WE go to a ghetto ass school-_- you.must have gotten the wrong person and I saw it right then I saw So Jins eyes turning straight cold it was quite a sight to see =_= ^^ haha Dont worry I was just joking. Dont dog me like that if you want to start something, why dont you just hit me or something. -_-^ Soo Yoon must think-_- that So Jin was trying to seduce Oon Ha or something-_- um wrong guy, honey - _ - Soo Yoon was about to get started with So Jin when So Jin just turned around from Soo Yoon to face Ban Ji =_= she gave Ban Ji a bright smile -_-^ and she said

Youre gonna come to Ggo Jang (the bar) later, right? Ill be waiting for you WHY would Ban Ji go to Ggo Jang?? -_-^ And WHY will YOU wait for Ban Ji, huh?? .-_-^. dont dog me like that I was gonna tell you. Ban Ji I wasnt really dogging you-_-^ maybe I was just STARRING at you with anger??=_=^ psh =_=^ you two are gonna have a date at the bar or something? its a get together for SangGo kids-_-^ -_-^ Then ALL THE SangGo girls are gonna be there too? uh huh -_-^ but why does that matter. -_-^Nothing just nothing You said that youll trust me -_-^-_-=_=.huhoh yeah I do trust you . how much-_-^ I dont know ., I guess a little -_-^ suddenly, Ban Ji face became hard as a stone -_and I had to quickly change my words=_=

. youre the only person that I trust, Ban Ji hehe .-_- finally, his face returned to normal status youre impossible to figure out you know that you piece of accessory-_do you trust ME??! HUH???.,^ anyways =_= So Jin said bye to Ban Ji with that incredibly annoying voice of hers -_-^ and walked by me to cross the street *push*!! Crazy biatch since she whispered those words she must have wanted for me to hear it ALONE-_- aww daaamnn shes so freaking bony that it hurt when she pushed me_ .^ ^ hope to see you later, unnie. - _ - WTF just happened is it me or is everything spinning around and around and I couldnt do anything but wave my hands at So Jin like an effin retard.-

_bye bye ~ ~=_= didnt I mention it before that I must be the greatest and the biggest retard ever on the face of this earth -__- GRRR THAT BIATCH!! She thinks shes the sweetest thing alive or something!!!!! Soo Yoon. do me a favor and go beat the shit outta that girl -_because of her I turned into a total retard_ shit you like her that much?-_-^ since when were you two such good friends? =_= Stop pissing me off Ban Ji JUST THEN. .AW FAWK!!! I cant stand it!!!!! -0- my lovely Soo Yoon yelled out of nowhere Were going to your little get together!!! Were going and thats that!!!!!

I had no idea that she would say such a thing-_-. where do you wanna go, sweetie? The place where all the SangGos scary ass girls will be?.-0- .=_= and Ill just go home WHAT!!!?!! Are you freaking blind?? Didnt you see that slut So Jin trying get a piece of Ban Ji??? Didnt you hear her say, Ill be waiting? how the hell are you gonna tell me that youre just gonna go home, HUH?!!! Um its not that Soon Yoon I think youll feel WAY~ outta place, if you know what I mean itd be real uncomfortable for the both of you Were only gathering to discuss some stuff inside of our school oOoOO Yellow-headed kid just butted in outta nowhere, pretending to actually care for Soo YOon~ =_=. I DONT CARE!!!! Im gonna be next to you the whole time whether you like it or not!! >_< umm but Im not a little kid I feel uneasy that youre gonna be with all those girls!!!! >_____< Why did you just LEAVE yesterday!!!! You know how scared I was?? I thought those SangGo girls kidnapped you or something! >__ __< from now on I wont ever doubt you I really DO trust you -_--_- THATS what Im GOING TO SAY -_- to Ban Ji I repeated those words again and again and approached him .huh? out of NOWHERE that So Jin biatch appeared in front of Ban Ji

No no no Trust him TRUST HIM. .hMm?arent you Ban Jis new girl? I was walking towards Ban Ji while sending a text to Soo Yoon, when that DANGEROUS WAVY HAIRED girl stepped up to me-_-^ What is thisare you a freaking stalker or something? =_=nah thats what you do I came here cuz i FELT Ban Jis presence. effin psycho.-_-^ why dont you just go home when I say it nicely =_= what if I dont wanna trust me honey Ill never be scared of someone like you why dont you just go somewhere yeah? -_-^ .ahahawtfyou dont wanna??. Youre really impossible youre the one who stole someone elses boyfriendand now you say you dont wanna go away? . someone elses boyfriend. Ban Ji and So Jin were going out before YOU came into the picture stupid biatch youre just a little toy while So Jins the real dealgot it? no Ban Ji said he hated girls. he was really mean to me when we first met- _ - .yah! Are you listening to me? -_-^. Todays Ban Ji and So Jins 100th day. . dont listen to her. dont listen to her

I shook everything off and continued my way towards Ban Ji . and just then I saw Ban Ji giving a real cute teddy bear to So Jin haha. .I like teddy bears too WTF what are you saying-_-^ is there something wrong with your brain or something? -_-THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH MY FAWKIN BRAIN YOU WHORE!!!! I firmly pushed the wavy haired biatch away and ran towards Ban Ji. YOOOOUUUU!!!!!! .huh?.hey unnie^-^ what are you doing Ban Ji Lee . You act like nothings wrong hahayoure quite a guy. is it your fawkin hobby to play with peoples feelings? why the HELL did you ask me to trust you if you were going to act like this. how am I acting like what? You and So Jinhaha. you guys look real cute together . good luck to the both of you

even then I wanted to hear his excuse. because you didnt say anything I have nothing to do but turn around. Ill be going *TAAK!* Suddenly Ban Ji grabbed me by my hand. his hand felt weak. he didnt say anything but just stood there staring at me My eyes met with Ban Jis eyes for a split second and I slowly pushed Ban Jis hand away from mine. bye and I heard Ban Jis voice It was unusually low. and somewhat. sad. .I guess this is endfor you and me.

#24 .I guess this is the endfor us

. Ban Jis deep yet clear voice was ringing inside my ears. for some reason. once I saw Ban Ji turn around and walk away from me . I knew that this couldnt be the end No. I dont want this to happen I never didbut why. I took a step towards Ban Ji but suddenly ^-^ So Jin, who was walking right next to Ban Ji, looked back at me and smiled A confident and icy cold smile her smile told me that I lost youre right I lost so there was an awkward and weird relationship between Ban Ji and I we didnt exactly break up, but we never really went out. so some weird kind of relationship The next day. Soo Yoon wanted to see if the guys were here today, but I just walked on towards the front gate

. Soo Yoon gave me a confused look and just stared at me Soo Yoon Ban Ji wont be waiting for me at the back gatenot anymore Its really.the end for us The next day and the day after that I didnt even bother to go towards the back gate on purpose and of course Ban Ji didnt call me or made any form of contact so this. this is the way it ends Just like this -front gateHA WON!.^-^ huh?.Eun Gu?. it was obvious that our lovely Eun Gu ran his way here- _ - Hey why are you schoolgirls staring at me? Its kinda uncomfortable =_= =_= Whats up? wheres Soo Yoon?^-^ .oh she went home already shes kinda mad at me=_=. but anyways whats up? .uM I dont think we should talk on the street

Lets go out to downtown, k? ^-^.Ill buy you something to eat -downtownwe were at a nearby food court it was full of loud and obnoxious high school students. =_= We should have gone to a better place, huh? my bad .=_= Nah~ sometimes, I feel like going to a restaurant full of people and noise only sometimes we just sat in our seats without a single word - _ - WTF. wheres the freaking waitress? Whos gonna take our orders???_ Its so awkward. this waters really cold=_= I just said something in random to brighten up the mood a bit but our lovely Eun Gu SUDDENLY got up and said - _ REALLY? Wait a second Ill be back with some warm water! huhumnoits okay_ our sweet lil Eun Gu threw me a warm smile =_= as he brought a cup filled with warm water ^-^Here, warm wat-- AAAHHHHH!!! AAAH!!!! ., HOOOOTTT!!!!!!

I think Eun Gus a bit careless sometimes he accidentally pour the war water all over my uniform it was ACTUALLY QUITE HOT_^. ARE YOU OKAY?! Is it REALLY HOT?!! no Its just TINY BIT HOT my eyes were getting watery as I stared at my wet skirt and Eun Gu got a handful of napkins and started to wipe my skirt off in a speed of light - _ - - _ - Poor thing he looks so helpless - _ -.Eun Gu your hairs wet are YOU okay? Is it still hot? .=_=no no but your hairs a bit wet .=_=. I grabbed couple of napkins myself and started to wipe off the little bit of water on his light brown hair- _ -. wait Im not supposed to be acting this way at a time like this JUST THEN they have REALLY FUN food here >_< I brought Soo Yoon here last time who the hell cares about FUN FOOD its all about the TASTE loser -_- >_< SHADDUP SHADDUP!!!. Were here today to cheer Ban Ji up! So you just keep your freaking mouth shut Jin Ho!!!>__< EUN GU!!!What are you doing here!!!!! You said you had some important family matters today!!!! Did you ditch us to go on a date with some girl??!! finally Eun Gu stopped wiping my skirt and looked up. his eyes became so wide and at the same time Oon Ha walked towards us and grabbed my shoulders to turn me around. >_< lets see~ who stole our Eun Gusheart? .Ha Won.? NO .Ban Ji and my eyes met Ban Ji but Ban Ji quickly looked away from me and set his eyes on Eun Gu.

Eun Gu Lee is this considered a family matter? .Ban Ji. I called on Ban Ji one more time he looked at me with his icy cold eyes and he slowly opened his mouth Luck huh? . good luck with Eun Gu.

#25 Ban Ji just walked away he didnt even look back. why why do I feel like holding on to him. that I need to hold on to him Maybe its really the end. if I dont go after him now everythings over. .Ban Ji!!!. I was just about to go after Ban Ji when TAHK! Eun Gu grabbed my hand and didnt let me go lets just pretend that we ate and stuff, k?!!

even if you go after him now you two wont be able to forgive each other *freeze* please Eun Gu let me go .just not NOW. if not NOW then when? Never? TAHK! I pushed Eun Gus hand away from mine, but he grabbed it one more time . Are you stupid? Even if you go after Ban Ji now nothing will be done! You guys are misunderstanding each other so no matter what you say he wont listen and no matter what he says you wont listen either and nothing will get accomplished.nothing Eun Gus words made me stop myself from walking any further. .misunderstanding.each other?? What are you talking about? lets sit down I asked you to meet me today so I can tell you whats really going on with Ban Ji Ill tell you on Ban Jis behalf Eun Gu sat in front of me and remained silent. finally he looked at me directly and said Ha Won you saw So Jin and Ban Ji kiss. that night right.? uh huh. but do we have to talk about that yeah we do. as long as I know that Ban Ji only kissed So Jin to protect you we have to talk about it at Eun Gus words my heart started to thump rapidly.

. what did he do.for me? So Jin shes more dangerous than she looks She likes Ban Ji and they were just about to go out until you came into the picture WAIT but I thought they were ALREADY going out? today was their 100th day anniversary . now what are YOU talking about I was fooled Im so stupid. I cant believe I trusted that wavy haired biatch .anyways listen to me, Ha Won So Jin forced Ban Ji to kiss her that shed leave him alone for good only if he kissed her just once and if he didnt kiss her she said that she wont leave YOU alone .HA. thats so stupid she wont leave me alone? Shes all talks just a simple threat with words theres no such thing as talks or simple threats according to So Jin shes able to kick you out of the school for just sleeping next to Ban Ji shes able to ruin your reputation for the rest of your life. everything was blurry all of a sudden and Eun Gu was just sitting there. biting his lips in uncomfort Ha Won. Ban Ji was just trying to protect you from any harm He was afraid that So Jin would start spreading fake rumors about you sleeping with Ban Ji and afraid that So Jin would ruin your reputation. he didnt want you to get hurt in any way Hes so freaking stupid So Jins basically got him wrapped around her finger hes just her puppet as of now. whatever she

wants hell do as long as you stayed unharmed saying that if you get hurt he wouldnt know what to do. . I remember What Ive said to Ban Ji one day that I trusted him that I WILL trust him. and he said - . Stop stating the obvious youre supposed to trust the person youre going out with . Eun GuI thinkIm really retarded. When Ban Ji. held my hand in front of So Jin and just looked at me without a word. I just threw his hand away from mine not knowing his true feelings I thought he played me so I said and did things that hurt him so much Tears were slowly forming in my eyes and everything seemed unclear Everything must have been unclear for Ban Ji. all this time. all this time Ban Ji and I should have never met Ha Won Min if I had never met him then he would have never been hurt He wouldnt have gone through all of this crap. Ha Won please tell me that youre going to hold on to Ban Ji.

. HOLD ON TO HIM dont be stupid the restaurant was still full of noises but Eun Gus last words were ever so clear in my ears. .okay. .hey Eun Gu Im gonna go to your school tomorrow, k? .aiite Ill make sure to have Ban Ji waiting for you so dont worry. thanks.oh and. would it be possible to meet So Jin anytime soon? HER? WHY? You have something to say? no.I dont have anything to say with my lips but my hands they wanna see her pretty face.

#26 -next dayIve never ran so freaking fast in my entire life. I thought I ran HELLA fast when I first met Ban Ji and ran away from him_- Well thats nothing compared to the speed I ran today I sprinted as fast as I could and arrived at SangGo high. Because it was my fault. because I didnt trust him

Ill be the one to hold on to him I have to. ask for Ban Jis forgiveness B U T. -_maybe I came a bit too early there was no one around the school no blushing kid, Eun Gu no yellow head, Oon Ha no expressionless Jin Ho bastard and no Ban Ji I swear Eun Gu told me to wait at the front gate Ban Ji was no where to be found and stupid little biatches were dogging me as they walked by I wish Soo Yoon was here with me right now - _ - ( I have no freaking idea why shes mad at me-_-) Ha Won be confident. believe in yourself!!! You have to strong so you can apologize to Ban Ji and slap So Jin couple of times and punch her here and there. huk! JUSTTHEN. Ban Ji and his friends were walking out of their school ground towards the front gate. -_There was no need to think. I just called Ban Jis name as soon as I saw him

BAN JI!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I yelled a little too loud-_- Ban Jis friends PLUS everyone else around me stopped and looked at me. - _ . And among the crowd I saw that extreme wavy haired biatch and So Jin Eun So Jin Eun Im gonna wipe that confident and disgusting smile off of your face VERY SOON Prepare yourself WTF!!! Why is that biatch here again dammit?!!!! wavy haired biatch literally ran towards me. -_-^ Get out of my way =_=^ Im not here to see you WTF Who the hell do you think you are!! I SAID MOVE!!!- SHUT THE FAWK UP!!!!!!! you biatch I cant see Ban Jis face cuz of you dammit!!!!!! MOVE!!!! --^ ^_^ what if I dont wanna? wipe that ugly smile off of your ugly face and move you trash!!!- I dunno why. but this girl doesnt really scare me-_- I feel like I can take her out in couple of seconds-_-^

Besides. So Jins right next to us theres NO WAY I can look WEAK right now-_-^ so as a result I had a little talk with that wavy haired biatch for a while and during our talk Ban Ji and his crew just passed us by wait this is not why Im here. WAIT BAN JI.!!!!! Ban Ji and his friends were already crossing the street to the other side just as I screamed his name - _ ( Eun Gu was holding on to Ban Jis sleeve to make him wait but Ban Ji didnt move an inch-_-) BAN JI!!!!!! BAN JI LEEE!!!!!!! I thought my throat was going to split any second but Ban Ji just ignored me. but no matter how much you ignore me right now I dont no I cant hate you. I dun wanna waste my time hating you Id rather hate that So Jin biatch whos responsible for this mess I turned to cross the street but the light turned red SHIAT I called on Ban Ji once again as loud as I possibly could. BAN JI!!!! BAN JI LEEE!!!!!!!

he didnt reply neither did he even look at me still I dont hate you I cant hate you youre not a mean bastard Ban Ji I wanted to approach Ban Ji. but Ban Ji was walking away from me no. I cant let this happen if I dont do anything now itll REALLY be the end of us .I .I will . NEVER EVER let that happenI swear it on my life =_= Suddenly. - _ I had no idea where the hell I got such confidence from =_= but I just stepped on to the street where the cars were rapidly passing by A step by step I was walking towards Ban Ji. I can only see Ban Ji right now. I dont care about all the cars honking at me I dont care about all the SangGo kids screaming

No I dont know anything but Ban Ji Ban Ji.Ban Ji. STOP!!! HA WON STOP!!!!! Eun Gu youre the one who told me. to stop acting like a retard to hold on to Ban Ji. and Im doing that just now Just like that thanks to my feet for walking carefully across the street Ban Ji was almost in front of me >_< Ban Ji was close enough to catch me if I fell right now =_= He was so near so close just a little more just a few more steps

Ban Ji.>__< and kissed him ON THE CHEEK - _ - JJJOOOOOOKKKK!.=_= (Yes that IS the sound of her giving him a peck on the cheek --;;) next.= _ =

the atmosphere was beyond silent it was DEAD SILENT SUPER AWKWARD and yes I can NOT stand that kind of atmosphere =_= so I decided to hide my face and turn around BUT == TAHK! Ban Ji grabbed me by the arm =_= his face looks quite RED=_=. .you call that a sterilizing?. =_=uhhuh .I told you before. Dont play with me or else Im gonna go crazy =_=. this is my final warning .0_0 AND. JUST LIKE THAT Ban Ji lowered his head to kiss me AAAHHHHHHH!!!! OPPPPPAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I THINK I heard that So Jin biatchs death-defying scream =_=.=_= I THINK I heard Oon Ha yell FIGHTING!!!! somewhere in the crowd .eh who cares

I just closed my eyes and accepted his kiss

#28 sharing a kiss. a sweet kiss with someone you like . is impossible to describe NO!!!! NO OPPA!!!! DONT!!!! GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!!! =_= *blank* Everythings a blur. my minds complete blank. I can barely hear that incredibly loud and annoying voice of So Jin= _ = I was in Ban Jis arms until he pushed me away. - _ Well he didnt really push me away. he was actually REALLY careful. so I was VERY. happy *RUB RUB*

I rubbed my lips in disbelief of what had happened =_=.=_= Ban Ji stood right in front of me, looking at me if i was actually mentally challenged .=_=^retard you a perv or something? he asked so very friendly - _ - .=_=Ban Ji you must really really like me=_= retard =_=^ I know I know -_hes just saying all those rude things just to hide his REAL feelings deep inside of his heart=_= ( theres absolutely NO evidence. =_=) hehe.Ban Ji.Im sorryit was my bad. what I asked for his forgiveness in a small voice and he just responded in a simple way. Sorry for not trusting you. Sorry for making you sad. Sorry for breaking your heartIm so sorry oh nOoo my hearts hurting all over again._.

Ban Ji, do you not know that your silence makes me feel guilty even more? _

-_-^ loser my hearts perfectly normalits as healthy as it could be. = _ =Ban Ji.what Im saying I really dont wanna hear what youre saying. -_-^ since.Im okay. you have to be okay too - _ -Eh? dont cry cuz of me you tard. Ban Ji must have seen the damn tears forming in my eyes =_=^ Ban Ji I thought I was falling for you but now I realize that Im not WHAT?-_-^ WHAT DID YOU SAY?.-_-^ WTF DID YOU SAY?!?!!!! .heyhey=_=. Must you be so freaking scary You didnt even let me finish dammit=_=. =_= Im not FALLING for you. Ive already fallen for you

. eh.-_nows the good time to say something- 0 was it too corny? or was it just nasty - _ Ban Ji turned his face away from me and pushed me away.=_= go away-_- dont come near me until I say that you can. - _ -I wont say such a thing anymore Im sorry=_=. go away. yes sir I turned and walked towards Eun Gu =_= and Eun Gu threw me one of his brightest smiles But why does he look so sad at the same time EH?!! LOOOOOOOKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! suddenly Oon Ha, who was near Ban Ji, screamed VERY excitedly -_- - _ -?? COME HERE AND LOOK AT BAN JI!!!!! >__< HIS FACE is SOoOoO FREAKIN RED!!!!!! His cheeks look like tomatoes >__< .-_-^ go and see another guy NOW. oh dont worry I WILL. I lifted my head up high =_= and walked into the cafe but as soon as I stepped in I was immediately pulled out WHAT? .GO -_-^ why did you come back? =_=let go of me I said go. i said let go =_=. yes-_- It was none other than Ban Ji, who pulled me out of the cafe and he was grabbing me by my shirt VERY VERY TIGHTLY - _ -

but he kept on telling me to go inside his words and his actions were contradicting each other. =_=^ GO IN. -_-^ REALLY? you REALLY want me to go in? dont-_-^ =_= DONT .=_=. GO =_=^. - _ -.what are you saying -_-^ you cant even buy some decent clothes and youre gonna go eat a parfait? I dont think so. at Ban Ji words I quickly turned around and walked into the cafe. -_-^ and just as Soo Yoon and I were about to be seated Ban Ji and his crew came in and sat at table closest to ours.,^ and Ban Ji dogged each and every guy who entered the cafe. he didnt miss a single guy he shot each and every one a deadly look =_= IF there was a guy walking towards my table, Ban Ji would quickly stand up and dog the guy. -_-

=_=^hey what are you doing SERIOUSLY -_-^ Ban Ji stood up from his seat, and walked over to my table and sat across from me..,. -_-^ the chair at that tables hella retarded. My ass hurts =_=^ - _ - -_-^. it hurts! todayfor the first time in my life.- _ - I learned how scary a guys jealousy can be.

#30 -at the cafeall of a sudden everyone in Ban Jis crew was seating at our table-_-^ We were just talking with each other as we ate our parfaits when Ban Ji opened his mouth to say I hate girls you see me as a guy? .dont cut me off or die -_-^ and he continued to say-_=^

I hate girls who cheat on their boyfriends-_-^ =_= . you. Youre mine as of now. so just stay next to me. Ill go crazy if someone takes you away from me for a moment I swear I saw tears forming in Ban Jis eyes. hey=_= Dont worry about such a thing theres no guy on the face of this earth who would like a girl like me. -_-.I know. I KNOW?-_-^. must you piss me off=_=^. JUST THEN. Through the window, I saw a little girl holding a big ol teddy bear as she happily walked across the street awwww I LOVE teddy bears=_=. -_-^so did I ask you to buy it for me? =_=. .even if you did I wouldnt have-_- - _ - Aw shiat Im just a BIT pissed I SoOoOOO~ REMEMBER you buying a big ol teddy bear for So Jin last time!!!!! ^

WITH A RIBBON AROUND ITS NECK!! .you bought one for So Jin. but why not one for me do you like So Jin better than me or something? I just blurted out what I was thinking BUT. Everyone became silent and I finally realized that I made a HUMONGO JUMBO mistake of mentioning So Jins dirty name uMmBan Ji Ban Ji threw my hand away from him and left the cafe. through the window. I saw Ban Jis small figure disappearing before my eyes what am I gonna do I dont know how to handle this. everyone gave me a pitiful and worried look and I couldnt do anything but to lower my head in embarrassment later Ban Ji didnt bother to return to the cafe so we just left our unfinished parfaits behind and exited the building Ha Wondont worry Im sure Ban Jis not THAT mad.

I forced myself to smile for Eun Gu, who was always there to comfort me to the best of his ability. suddenly. HEY!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!!!!! FAWK!!!!!! it was Ban Ji._. Ban Ji appeared out of no where with a big black plastic bag in his hands =_= he was sprinting towards us- _ -. wtf. whats that in your hand Jin Ho bastard pointed it out -_-^ and I took a closer look into the bag and there was a big ol stuffed animal in it butit wasnt a teddy bear no way He DID NOT leave the cafe to go buy this for medid he? Yah-_-^Youre going to see that guy whos supposed to buy you some food or something right now huh? -_- Ban Ji approached me as he gave me a threatening look=_= and he threw me the stuffed animal =_= This is more expensive than the one I bought So Jin. -_-^

and this one has my voice recorded on it no no no. you cant be so sweet like this or else Ill cry_. - _ -But but Ban Ji.-_- thisisnt a teddy bear.-_- YEAH IT IS! -_- =_= No its nota teddy bear doesnt look like this. THING=_=^ .-_-^.youre a human but you look like a retard, right?. aww damn. -_-. ANYWAYS =_= the stuffed animal Ban Ji gave me was very very out of this world =_= kind of extraordinary THING - _ - it had ears of a bunny -_a beak of a duck -_and the feet of bears -_lets not think about it- _ - = _ = Thanks anyways you made my day pressed the hand. eh?., press that teddy bastards hand.-_-^

I did as he wished and pressed the hand of this unidentified specie =_=. and I heard the great big voice of Ban Ji himself out of this THINGs hands - SHIT!!!!!! IF YOU EAT A PARFAIT WITH SOME OTHER BASTARD ILL SERIOUSLY KILL YOU!!!!! JUST LOOK AT ME AND ONLY ME!! His voice sounded quite pissed hehe.,yes sir., Ill look at only you. I did say that with my own lips. but do you think its possible for me to look at JUST YOU my whole entire life -_- I have TWO EYES I have to see my mother my father bastard Han Bum even that nasty and disgusting student advisor of mine=_= Yes Im VERY joking.= _ = -that nightHA WON MIN!! BAN JIS ON THE PHONE!!!! - _ -yah you call him by his name just cuz hes not HERE RIGHT NOW? (Koreas very strict w/ older and younger students) Ban Ji Lee pisses me off -_- He jacked my strawberry apron .=_=huh?? .I took my apron to school and Ban Ji jacked it -_-^

I cant find a single difference between the person who took his apron to school (you, Han Bum Min) and the person who jacks a hoo-baes apron (hoo-baes a younger student) I swear both of you are abnormal-_-^ Anyways, I grabbed the phone and =_=^Hello. -its me. =_=Yeah yeah. tell me why you jacked Han Bum apron - wtf are you talking about what apronretard =_=hahaso it wasnt you, right?of course it wasnt youmy bad>___< Is it CHUL SOO? DUK GOO? YONG MIN? I GOT IT- its YOUNG SOO! I named some random guys names and waited for Ban Jis response=_=^ hehe I wonder what hell say he didnt say a thing AND *CLICK*!! He hung up just like that What kind of a guy are you that you cant even take a simple joke. LATER. My phone rang again and I was SURE that it was Ban Ji >< that I quickly answered the phone >_< BAN JI!! Im sorry!! -.-_-^ its Soo Yoon retard wake up kiddo. .=_=. oh whats up

- Im in downtown right now Im going to the beauty shop with Oon Ha~ ^^ =_=^ called to show off or something? - no-_-^ just to let you know =_= - _ - want me to give you a facial with a ddong mask?? - _ -^ (DDONG=CRAP if you didnt already know) BYE. -_-^ - Didnt Ban Ji call you? He went outside to call you a while ago. Ban Jis there? - uh huh he came with Oon Ha. Where are you? -_- Im on my way. some beauty shop in downtown. I didnt come to see Ban Ji NO SIR. I wanted to change my hair style to a VERY RADICAL AND NEW STYLE =_= WELCOME~ ^^ an employee with an afro (what I like to call a BOMBED HAIR =_=) kindly greeted me I looked here and there to find Soo Yoon and Ban Ji =_=. hMM? HA WON!! You actually came~ >__< SOO YOON!! -_-^ as soon as I hugged Soo Yoon. I felt someones strong presence dogging me behind my back

=_=ehehe how are ya Ban Ji-0- bad go away =_= Do I look like a flame to you? Im NOT gonna just GO AWAY .-_-^ I heard that joke in kindergarten. I just said it for fun to honor the great 80s. - _ -. ehehe .,Ban Ji I was just joking=_= -_-^about. =_= I dont know anyone by the name of Young Soo OR Chul Soo I dont know any Duk Goo either=_= -_- then why dont you go look for them psh. - _ -. You accessory bastard=_=^ -_-^WHAT? - _ -. oh that youre VERY VERY HOT. -_-^ retard I know I know. you know??? I swear youre gonna get jumped if you say that in front of anyone else. =_= THEN. I saw the yellow headed kid getting his hair done WAAAIIIIT!! No no Hes not a yellow headed kid anymore hes just a normal black headed Oon Ha now =_= he was screaming at the worker hMM hes cuter with a blonde/bleached/yellowish hair.=_=. AAAHHH!!!! AACKK!!! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME WITH THAT NUNA!! _ !! NOT THAT BOONG~ thing!!!!!! >__< I sat down on an empty chair -_UNNIE~ just trim it a LITTLE bit, k?=_= I was GOING to ask her to cut it nicely with pretty layers and etc but I saw Ban Ji staring at me through the mirror =_=. so I couldnt possibly manage to say those words- _ - =_=hahahaBan Ji your hairs too long in the front I think itd be better if you cut it short=_= I just muttered those words to draw his attention AWAY from me. but he actually got up and sat in an empty chair next to mine - _ - _ -HUH? . AH JOOM MA! Cut my hair!!!.-_- (Ah joom ma= old/married woman) Ban Ji yelled at that one unnie to cut his hair AN AH JOOM MA??= _ = (The unnie =_= walked over towards Ban Ji with an indescribable expression on her face) you want to cut the front part only? -_-^

Just leave the rest alone. -_- - _ - you could have just said YES for the comfort of all of us ANYWAYS =_= Ban Ji and I left the fate of our hair in the hands of the unnie and maintained our silence honestly who would actually want to share a sweet conversation with his/her bf/gf as youre BOTH GETTING YOUR HAIR CUT- _ - JUST THEN Ban Ji opened his mouth to say_ Did you keep that teddy bastard I bought you in a safe and comfortable place? -_- .- _ -uh huh did you give it a name? =_= =_=why would I do that you name your stuffed animals dont you-_- OH Y E A H he must be talking about my precious LUCKY =_= ( my lovely crocodile stuffed animal =_=) uMm should I name it LUCKY TWO?=_= LUCKY THREE?.how about LUCKY SE7EN?? =_= and Ban Ji. with an actual SERIOUS tone of a voice said. .-_- call it LOCKER ..,LOCKER

that LONG and RECTANGULAR thing American kids use to put their stuff in at school??=_= Ban Ji must have been proud of himself for coming up with such a name since he was quietly smiling to himself in satisfaction -_and I couldnt do anything to protest so I just nodded my head in agreement =_=

#32 the unnie was busy taking care of both Ban Ji and my hair at the same time =_= and to break the awkward silence, she politely asked me a question ^-^ Is he your boyfriend?. she pointed towards Ban Ji and I nodded in response suddenly Ban Ji seemed unsatisfied and raised his eyebrows. -_-^ wtf whats the problem now -_-^ Dont just nod your head say YES in a loud and clear voice. -_-^ Oh so that was the problem hahahaI was getting worried for a sec Just then. the unnie glared at me and said-_-^ It must be uncomfortable to have such a hot boyfriend. =_=^. actually that was the truth so I couldnt really say anything

so I just dogged her with all my might =_=^ wtf are you abnormal you dun have any eyebrows where the hell did you sell them-_- my love -__- Ban Ji. is definitely the worlds most confident guy_. *Exactly thirty minutes later. Ban Jis haircut was barely noticeable since he only cut a centimeter of his hair=_= and my hair well. MY HAIR WAS THE VERY OPPOSITE . It was seriously screwed up like hell- _ - Id be a perfect fit for a hobo in the street if I just had a can to complement my haircut .did youask her for a hobo style haircut or something?-_-^ indeed it DOES look like a hobo street style even to Ban Jis eyes _I asked you to just trim it a LITTLE BIT UNNIE! ^-^ I DID just trim a little bit you made her an official retard-_-^. the eyebrow-less unnie turned her head to glare at Ban Ji But he just ignored her and stood up.=_=

shiat dammit why me. must I go through this ultra retarded transformation I swallowed my tears and walked towards the exit But to seek my revenge -_I turned around and went to the counter to grab a handful of candies in the basket-_-^ Ban Ji, who was standing right next to me, stared at me and opened his mouth to say .-_- have you gone insane?. I think so.=_=^ this guy =_= made a quick pay ( he even paid for my haircut.,.) and power walked =_= down the stairs. and I had to RUN to catch up with him (short legs thank you) Damn just cuz Im poor. Soo Yoon and black headed =_= Oon Ha was already outside they each had a corn dog in their hands and was laughing hysterically Were gonna go to a PC bang wanna come? (Im sure EVERYONE knows what PC bang is but just in case its a place where there are lines and rows of computers and you can use them to play games, take pics, chat, etc.) .=_=. is your corn dog good?. -_- I asked you if you wanted to come with us to PC bang.

.=_= is the ham inside BIG and TASTY? retard.-_-^ demon possed biatch the first line belonged to Ban Ji (starting from the corn dog question) and the second line belonged to Soo Yoon. (She actually called Ban Ji a retard) -PC BANGthere was no more seats available, so I had to sit all by myself away from the three of my beloveds *Sniff sniff* EH? Someone sent me a message. _. - yah. Youre Ban Jis girlfriend?. wtf Whos this how does he/she know Ban Ji - yes I am and you are? -_-^ My confidence level rises 110% when Im sitting in front of the computer. -_-^ - shiat having a lot of fun w/ Ban Ji? are you happy?. - the hell? What are you talking about. I shared a very interesting conversation with this nameless biatch. -_-^ This biatch went to the same ghetto school as me -_-^ and she knew everything about Ban Ji and I

from the incident with So Jin to Ban Jis present, locker =_= she even knew about the kiss in front of SangGo high =_= - WTF.,^ who the hell are you. State your name dammit. - keke dont worry youll see - WHO IS THIS Suddenly Everything around me was blurry I dont know why. but I have a real bad feeling about this - youll find out soon enough. -.I DONT WANNA KNOW!! I HOPE YOU DIE CHATTING YOUR WHOLE LIFE AWAY BIATCH!! - keke youre a funny girl go ahead laugh while you can soon Ban Ji will come to me Ill take him away from you so have fun and laugh while you can At that moment. I quickly turned my head towards Ban Ji unconsciously. he was raising his brows up and down as if he was in the middle of a serious COMPUTER GAME. -__-;; and another message had arrived. - its me your husband. Having fun on DAMOIM? (DAMOIM is a chatting/messenger service in Korea) its Ban Ji

Ban Ji sent me a messege Ban Ji I trust you from now on Ill trust you freals. But I have this terrible feeling. This is way~ different from So Jin my heart is beating too fast

#33 for past couple of days I couldnt take my mind off of that unknown biatch =__= and I signed on and off of the messenger to find out who she was but there was no sign of her since that day It was probably just. a simple joke but if it was. I wouldnt feel this uncomfortable Next day at the arcadeAAHH >_< BAN JI DIED AGAIN!!! You can NEVER beat the third level!! >_____,.__< OH FA SHO!!! I SAID BYE. - _ -. -Im pretty sure that So Jins still after Ban Ji-_-^ . what time do I have to be there? NEXT DAY. I arrived at Soo Yoons at exactly seven. thirty =__= I asked for some food but Soo Yoon totally ignored me -_-^ as she rummaged through her closet yah isnt this your aunts room?., her clothes are super hot/sexy. -_- - _ - can I just wear yours? . I wonder if So Jins with Ban Ji right now. =_=^ - _ - Which one should I wear? LATER. I saw myself in front of the mirror and closed my eyes TIGHT.- _ - Some kind of thin material in the color of light green =_= was BARELY covering my upper body= _ = I wanted to take it off immediately BUT OMGGSSSHH!! >_< You look soOooO HOT!!!! Soo Yoon encouraged me so much that I just decided to wear it.

Hey seriously isnt this skirt a little too short?., its okay.>_< Ban Ji Lees mouth is going to open so wide that you can probably fit two of his hand in there!!!! I fell for her words=_= and just watched Soo Yoon call Oon Ha on the phone =_= uh huh~ >_< Oon Ha! >_< Come to Ggo Jang (the bar/club) with Ban Ji HUH? youre already there?WHY? GIRLS?!!!??!! WHAT!!! OKAY!!! WELL BE THERE! =_= what do you mean girls, Soo Yoon? hey we gotta hurry!!! Theyre there meeting some hyungs of Ban Ji (hyung is a term for older guys as said by younger guys) but I guess there are lots of girls there also!!! Soo Yoon grabbed me tight by the arms, and sprinted towards Ggo Jang without a stop., Ggo Jang entrance. =_=.fawk why am I so nervous dont worry you look soOO good. Hell fall head over heels all over again. -_-^

I took a deep breath, and entered Ggo Jang with Soo Yoon AND We stopped in front of a familiar table

Ban.Ji hehe . HUK! My heart was beating so fast =_= that I couldnt look at Ban Jis face yah.what are you doing? Ha Won? Oon Ha was drunk as hell. and Ban Ji and Eun Gu looked directly at me=_= .I said what are you doing. its weird again Eun Gus the only one greeting me not Ban Ji=_= Ban Ji sounded so cold and his tone was so low. Its okay Hes just probably shocked. Ban Ji>__< so I thought that you didnt feel the same way anymore and. I dont feel the same. huh? .who the hell said you can come out of your house dressed like that Are you embarrassed?

he didnt respond, but he just stood up from his seat and covered me with something WTF? Am I that much of an embarrassment to you that I cant even show myself in front of other people. Is that it?. GO. no I said go no I wont I cant go and Ban Ji suddenly pulled me towards me and sat me down right next to him. . just stick by me and dont put your head down what is going on. = _ =. I have a headache and Ban Ji just kept on drinking. Ban Jis sun baes (sun bae= a term to address older students) along with. some real trashy looking girls, who were wearing extremely skanky clothes =_=^ were laughing. damn

just then Ban Ji, who was drinking without a single word looked up and dogged every single one of his sun baes dont laugh dont you dare laugh Ban Ji Lee already wasted? Ban Jis sun baes looked quite shocked at his words but none of them were laughing no they werent even smiling anymore aaahhh Im helllla confused. - _ -. Ban Jis actions. hahahha. look at her shes so fawkin ugly suddenly. One of the girls, with a bright red hair pointed towards me =_= and . Ban Ji slowly got up from his seat

#35 .yah get up Ban Ji ordered the bright red chilli pepper haired girl =__= to stand up and. he turned and looked at me.

Ha Won Min, come here.-_-^ I dun wanna. =_=^ COME HERE.-_-^ .=_=Youre gonna send me home, huh? .no I wont. Just come so I had to get out of my seat and limped towards him (damn high heels) =_= this Ban Ji kid placed that red chilli pepper haired biatch -_- right next to me. And what he said was probably the worst question Ive ever heard in my life.-_-^. whos prettier her or Ha Won?-_-^ no one responded not even Eun Gu.-_- because that super red haired biatch was. -_-^ YES she was pretty dammit =_=^ You. look at me-_- Ban Ji suddenly grabbed that red chilli peppers shoulders =_= and turned her around towards him. why~?

WTF why does she sound so cute fawk. -_- is it me or is it freaking hot in here just. THEN Ban Ji placed his thumb on the lower lips of that biatch WTF.what is he doing I just stood there completely lost. and Ban Ji smeared that red chilli peppers bright red lipstick all over her face. wow. - _ -. Its so perfectly smeared. WHAT THE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!!!!!?!! the red chilli pepper suddenly frowned =_= and dogged Ban Ji and Ban Ji being the most fearless guy in the world said .-_-^ stop yelling aiites? my fawkin ears are gonna fall off. he didnt really care about what she had to say. =_=. He was too concentrated on ruining that red chilli peppers pretty face- _ -. He pressed her perfectly curled hair FIRMLY DOWN =_= and grabbed one of her pretty hair pins out of her hair=_= ( Ban Ji TRIED to pull it out of her hair but it wouldnt really come out so it was just loose at the bottom of her hair. =_=.) oh dear she looks quite ugly

she suddenly changed from a very pretty girl into an indescribable monster. yet Ban Ji was still not done -_-^heytake your fake eye lashes out. . he spitted those words directly at the girl hahaha-_-^ red chilli pepper biatch just laughed it off. and at the sight of her laughing, Ban Ji immediately put a frown on his face and said fine just pull one of them out.-_-. uM dont you think that would look worse??- _ - Consequently Ban Ji took out the fake eye lash on the left side of that poor red chilli peppers eye ._. and to her own embarrassment she couldnt even lift her head up=_= Ban Ji opened his mouth once again and asked Whos prettier now tell the truth. as soon as he finished his sentence, everyone single person at the table.

pointed to me aaahh =_=this indescribable feeling it kinda feels nice and bad.- _ it doesnt feel right yet my mouth is open wide in happiness= _ = yah come and sit.-_- - _ - Ban Ji had already found his seat and told me to come sit right next to him and I was just about to go and sit next to him when=_=. I found a lighter on the floor I bent down to pick it up but DONT BEND DOWN DAMMIT!!!! YOU CAN SEE IT!!!! omgsh I thought I was gonna go deaf for a sec you bastard=_=^ .you can see WHAT?=_= =_=^ WHAT?.=_= I dont know dammit =_=^ just dont bend down again!!!!! .= _ = and shortly after. I was able to find out that

he was talking about a certain revealing part of my upper body - _ - but I pretended that I didnt know- _ - It was just way too embarrassing=_= and. Ban Ji turned towards me and whispered fawk. whenever Im with you. Its hella embarrassing suddenly tears filled my eyes for no reason I quickly stood up from the seat and ran towards the door first of all I just need to. get out of Ban Jis sight Go somewhere I cant see him. somewhere I cant even hear him I need to get out of here. I wanna get out of here YAH!!!! HA WON-!!!!! I heard Soo Yoons frantic voice behind me. I stopped and turned around Yahcome back. Ban Ji was standing right next to Soo Yoon

I hate him His tone of voice. I hate it. and I hate him. so I ran YAH!!!! HEY!!!!! HA WON MIN!!!!!!!!!! maybe I was running too fast without seeing where I was going OR. Maybe I was too caught up on Ban Jis voice which ever reason it may be *PLOP* = _ =. I fell straight to the ground yes I didnt just TRIP I literally FELL to the ground.- _ -. aw shiat I felt pain all over my body even in an embarrassing moment as this. E H?!! HOLY SHIAT. the heel of my stilettos were loose -!!!!! and Soo Yoon was walking towards me.!!!!! SHIAT FAWK DAMN what do I do what the fawk do I do Soo Yoon had already found her place right next to me - _ -.

and when she saw the broken heel of her aunts shoes =_= She didnt fail to dog me with all of her might.= _ = AAHHHH!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO!!!! IF MY AUNT FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS. SHELL SERIOUSLY KILL ME!!!! SHELL MAKE ME BUNGEE JUMP OFF OF A MOUNTAIN WITHOUT A BUNGGE CHORD!!!!! - _ -hey that doesnt sound too bad? ._^wtf did you just say? . that Im SUPER DUPER SORRY with all of my heart= _ =. but Soo Yoon was definitely pissed off she just pushed me aside and ran off while crying out loud like an animal.=_= Therefore only Ban Ji and I were left alone on the street. Ban Ji was standing in the middle of the street and he approached me, who was pitifully fallen on the street. He stopped in front of me. P S H. I dont even wanna look at you right now-_-^ Get up . dont tell me what to do =_=^ I dont wanna get up -_-^ Why are you talking back? . cuz youre embarrassed of me dont talk back is it embarrassing for you when I talk back.?.

He didnt say a thing .he just. let out a great big *SIGH* AND hey get on my back=_=^ As of this moment, I was on his warm back. o_o Yes. =0=^ He was piggy-backing me >_< And even thought I thought of it as weird and embarrassing It was rathernice. We were walking, er, at least BanJi was walking, and I was on his back, and the stilettos were in my hand, dangling from one to another, clashing into each other. =0=^ -____-^ *Chi* Put me down arent you even embarrassed being with me? Just shut your mouth okay? Im about to die because Im so tired right now. - __ - . Lee BanJi [Lydia translated as the Last name in the end, but in Korea it comes first. ^^]. Why in the world are you doing all these weird things =_=^ HeyIf youre embarrassed or something Just put me down. Even if you dont do these things I I think Ill be. alright I think I quickly spoke. Min HaWon He replied in a soft, whispering tone. Huh? I was on BanJis back, not able to look at his face; hence I couldnt see the expression he was expressing on his face. However, I didnt need to see his face to feel what he was feeling He probably has that sexy glare as he said my name so deeply. - _ -. I.-- Shoot I didnt want to even say this yet -.,- What did you want to say?

Retard ^ . What did I do!!!!! Do you really want to act so retardedly?! I tell you not to come near me and you do. =_= *HUK* . Youyou person. =_=^ Oh Oh yea. =.,= and what the freak does Acting like a retard MEAN?! Dont yell! I quickly shouted. =0=^ Youre making me yell you retard. - _ - ^ - _ - ^ What did I do!! If you think and predict stupid things and dont trust me and misunderstand then youre seriously going to die. What did I think!! You think Im embarrassed by you. And? Im not. . Its just, he continued, its just that my confidence pisses me off.

=_=^ What does that mean Fuck I mean If I lay my hand on you My heart. I get nervous =_= What?!! I mean I mean SoUm ReTard! - __ - ^ His nervous words However, BanJis lips opened again. My heart I mean. If I touch youmy heart beats =_=^ Your heart is supposed to beat all the time I KNOW!! Its just that it beats really fast!! Rreally? Its because every time I touch you or Im near you my heart beats so fastand I get pissed off So thats why. - _ -. Oh. Soit was that. It wasnt because you were embarrassed by me It was just because you were nervous around me Because of my your mind didnt work correctlyand your heart So you wereshy So that was why you didnt touch my hand? = _ = . Before. at the arcade Is that also why you acted strange because you heart was beating fast, too? Because my heart was pumping rapidly -______-^ Hey Isnt that the same thing, retard. =_=^ Anyways_. So that was why

I know know That was why BanJi Im Im sorry, BanJi. I spoke as I was wrapped around BanJis back Waitno Instead of saying like I was being carried Lets just say that I really liked it and I held around so tight there was no need to be carried. =_= You cant touch me anymore. dont even go near my hand=_=^ Because if you do Youll get hurt. =_= Stop laughing it ruins the moment. - _ - ^ As I spoke those words BanJis ears . For some reason it became spicy red. =_= It was very very dark in the streets and alleys near my houseo_o. BanJi I want to sleep =_= Dont sleep!! Your drools going to be all over my shirt, then!! -__-^ . What kind of ~~~~~~~ Im so sleepy though>_< Im going to sleep=_= I dug into BanJis back and buried my face into it. Suddenly, however, BanJi gave me a nudge in the back. .?? YYou. If you even dream about another guy while youre sleeping Im going to throw you off and kill you =_= Hey!!!!!!! . Since when did I have another guy except you!!! OhOh yea. You get caught and you get caught over and over again. -0-^

Min HaWon. What. Dont play with EunGu -.,- What? Dont play with EunGu . I never played with him Then dont be next to EunGu. Why -.,- JUST DO IT!!! Just then. Far away, however I could still see from my eyes, my houses front porch lightI began to see. Its weird, though for some reason. . I began to look harder and harder, moving my head in different directions, left, right, left, right, trying to see what was going on. I began to look many ways - _ - O_O!! Suddenly. What my eyes just saw . It was two men that look like high schoolers The streetlights shined upon the two people hm. I guess they really love each other deeply? o_o Both of them were talking to each other. BanJi I wanna get down. =.,= Why? My fast-beating heartwhat if your back could feel it If you ever felt it then Id be so shy Id die. =_= BanJi quickly put me down gently. And trying to at least walk in the heels so I dont have to go barefoot. =_=^ At least it was sturdy.? >_< I didnt even know it, but I was looking at the couple around my house I felt like I was eavesdroppingbut who cares. =_= Hey Its nastylets stop watching. =_= I came back to reality as BanJi spoke -.,- You were watching too? . =_= Ill go on my own now Bye Ill go now?? I turned around, so that BanJi would be facing my back so I didnt have to face him. =_= Suddenly, however. BanJis hand grabbed my arm and *feuuuuung* I flung aroundfacing him again. So quicklymy lips . He put his pinky finger on my lips o_o. But as we waited there, his finger pressed gently down on my lips And with his pinky finger on my lips, he gently went ahead and took his lips and patted them down Are you happy now? =_= WhWhat? Retard you said you wanted it! SINCE WHEN!! You said it with your eyes -0-^ BanJis eyes stared deeply into mine.

Thenum go safe bye. -.,- I quickly said to take away this deadly silence. Umhey. Huh?? Yea. The two gay men=_= That was so random it was funny? >_< I turned around to face BanJis face once more, with my face scrunched up like I was pissed off he was calling my name so many times. -.,-^ .Whats wrongagain=_= I quickly replied to his calling. From now own, if you wear those underclothes then Im going to kill you. Im not gonna see you anymore =_=^ This isnt underclothes ThenUh If you wear that bathing suit outside then Ill kill you=_=^ =.,=^ Fine then. Then YOU cant wear those kind of boxers [I dont know what is. Black? O_O] in front of other girls!! Retard -_-^ -.,-^ Ehhhehehehe>_< BanJi Am I Pretty? No. Im pretty, right? RIGHT? NO!! PshtT_T Yea Youre one of those guys for sure He looked at meand began to laugh Youre not prettybutYoure pretty

What? Never mind I said it wrong -.,-^ Lee BanJi Its okay BanJithose words you spoke already went inside my ears =_=. BanJi _ Youre handsome, too You were born well I know Yea you probably knew already -0-^ But cant you just pretend like you didnt notice?! - _ - Ill go now >___.,< What? My dad? >_< < Sure sure >_< I like you a hundred times more than my dad-.,- =_= Go inside but dont turn around BanJi left with those words, turning around and leaving away. Wonder why he would say that I slowly turned around from my curiosity and there stood the person who created birth for me Yes. My father was there, standing in front Father, I love you. - ___ - That guy before you talked too really had the guts to say all that crap, didnt he. =_=. *Bbeeedudududk* The sound of me going inside quickly-.,-^ I couldnt stand the glaring eyes of my father LEE BANJI! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!! Its all your fault Inside the Living Room. My dad was there, bored, sitting on the couch And my mother=_=What kind of clothes are those-.,-^ Quickly I went up the stairs inside my room Just like my routine, I turned on the

computer and went on the Internet Clicked on DaMoIm [Chatting messenger like AIM] Time went by until I was on it for a very long timejust surfing around and whatnot. And suddenly something popped up from DaMoIm. The screen name was I love you BanJi???! Some reason this is getting reallysneakysneaky sneaky Kakakka Do you remember me? -__-^ NoIt cant becould it? The person from before -- Its me. BanJis girlfriend ITS HER!!HER! That DaMoIm bitch!!!!!! I quickly replied --- HEY YOU HAHAHH BanJis girlfriend?! Yea yea whatever -___-^ Im the only person that BanJi knows that goes to GongHak High School. Retard =0=^ Crap He knows SuYoon too=_= But. BanJi and SuYoons relationship between each other isnt that greatThey never talk So lets just say they dont know each other. -__-- Hahaha YeaWhatever BanJis girlfriend is definitely me. =_=^ This girl seriously is getting on my freaking nerves Seriously why is the girl doing this=_= GOSH! I shouldnt have even when on DaMoImI shouldve just went with my feeling before and just shut it down -.,-^ --- Shut up. Hey, shouldnt you be sleeping? Are you THAT bored to be doing this

all day? -- Then why arent YOU sleepingkakaka --- m e ?! kakaka=_= . R E V E N G E moahahah =_= --- I just came home from snuggling up with BanJi So Im not that tired kakaka MOAHAHAH!! I put the kaka on the end just to make her irritatedpueheheheh =_= -- You what with BanJi?! PSHHHT. You think youre all that now right?! --- K.i.s.s.e.d -__-^ I separated the letters purposely to make her even more irritated -- That cant even happenPsht that didnt even happen, right? BanJino BanJis mine What the. =0=^ This girl is seriously insane right?! --- Whatever whateverAhh gosh this is making me pissed Just end itBye Im gonna go to sleep. Thats how I quickly exited the box between our chat But suddenly, I love you BanJi suddenly appearedonce more=_=

-- COUNT START. What the -- 5 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- GO. -- Min HaWon. Its game over for you knowBanJiBanJi Im going to take him now . I stood there in awe looking at my computer screen. Hahahaha What a joke I laughed at this *prank* this girl was doing Its so corny seriously But I becamemore and morenervous . I was lying on my bed, not even moving, but tightly squeezing the one and only present that BanJi ever gave to me My LOCKER . =_=^ And I pressed the hand of my Locker Just one last time. It spoke again FUCK!!!!! If you ever eat a parfait with some other guy youre DEAD!! ONLY LOOK AT ME!

AhahaBanJi OkayIll only look at you. butyou do too I spoke out loud, You can only look at me, toookay?

CHAPTER 36 The next day at school. SuYoon! I told you that Im sorry!! _______ Kang SuYoon. You selfish biaaaaaaaaatchT_T Why wont you forgive me Just because I broke your aunts high heel stilettos doesnt mean you can ignore me forever =_= . HEY! Then IllBuy a new pair for you!! Ill buy the same exact pair!! ___ Youre going to buy those expensive luxury heels?!!! - _ - ^ Even if you save up money for 1300 years you STLL cant buy it!! =.,= Just because I broke your heelsbig dip man-.,-^ Im your friend, you big loser!! Youre supposed to forgive me with these things!! .I said Im sorry O_O! OonHa!! >___< Suddenly, his voice suddenly screamed out and interrupted our phone conversation. It was heard, from my side, like someone grabbed Banjis phone=_= - HAWON!!!!! OonHa.? =_= - BanJis not cheating on you >_< Your friend called and told him to meet so thats why he went!!! My friend?? SuYoon? =_=.

- O_O SuYoons here though? -- HEY! Oh my gosh I told you not to tell her that Im here! >_< She thinks Im pissed off at her and Im having no fun, but if you tell her that Im here she knows that Im having the time of my life! >_< >_< I heard Jang SuYoons voice through the phone^You rotten rotten biaaaaaatch! OonHa, forget about SuYoon butbut Who called BanJi? Tell me. - Youre friend called so he left~~~~~ I ONLY HAVE ONE FRIEND AND THATS SUYOON!!!! - _ - ^ !!!! - HuhWaitno She said that shes one of your friends from HagWon [a/n A place to study] She said it was something about you and it was an emergency so h

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