Tales of Morakius

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/4/2019 Tales of Morakius


    Tales of Morakius

    [ Diagnoses: missing link ]( 2011 End of Time Karol Pitek

    (in English Charles Friday)

    You can reach me at: karol_piatek@data.pl

    Written before 2004,

    presented to public audience

    as well at that time


  • 8/4/2019 Tales of Morakius


    Scene 1:

    [Chris comes into the discotheque, where thick air irritates with unpleasant

    odor of decomposing human bodies, music is quite loud, he turns to the bar

    and sits at it.]

    Bartender: Whats your order?

    Chris: One holy water.

    Bartender: I dont hear ya. Speak more clearly.

    Chris: One unholy water.Bartender: You're making fool of me?

    Chris: May I take Your order, sir?

    Bartender: Eh, another one haunted by human soul.. Here You go. This

    will clear You.

    [Bartender takes bottle of water, opens it with knife and gives it to Chris]

    Bartender: Tonight they pay.

    [Bartender points at the pair sitting near by;For this kind of behavior reacts a pair of vampires: women (Sivler)

    she is dressed in a cheap skirt, shoes with high heels, she has strong

    make-up, man (V2) has black widow tattoo on the neck and wears black suit,

    red shirt, his shoes looks as they were made of expensive material.]

    Chris wears black cheap shirt, blue jeans and is barefooted.

    He has a scar on the neck, which looks similar to a sign after a bite.

    V2: Do you smell what I ...?

    Sivler: Maybe?.

    V2: This dude [he points at the Chris], this beggar,

    I was so upset that this party was co crappy and pathetic, but at the end we are

    going to celebrate tonight. I feel fresh meal, which cannot be wasted.


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    [V2 rises from the sofa and comes to the Chris, grabs him by a neck

    and pulls him to the counter.]

    Chris: Hey dude, what are you doing?

    V2: I sense a human.

    Chris: Haven't you known humans died years ago?

    V2: I dont care. You stink like a human, so you ARE a human.

    Besides no mortals are allowed in my Tavern.

    Chris: What? Only rigid ones are here expected?!

    V2: Shut up!!! Before I have my feast with her [ he points at Sivler ]

    I give you last wish, cause Im a cool vampire!

    Chris: OK. You want good blood, so Ill give you the warmest and fresh.

    I need glass and knife.

    V2: So, be my guest!!!

    [V2 looks at the bartender, who gives a knife and a glass to Chris,

    V2 releases him.]

    Chris: Thanks a lot.

    [He takes knife and cuts himself through the shirt at the level of a heart,

    then puts the glass and blood starts to fill it. When it is barely full,

    he gives V2 the glass and tries to stand still, but he barely holds

    on his legs, Chris tries to stem the bleeding by hand.]

    V2: Babe [ he looks at Sivler ], I drink to your life.

    Sivler: For our destiny, sweet heart!

    Chris: To the bottom

    [V2 drinks very spontaneously, after he finishes]

    V2: Babe, you should taste this. It so fresh and war..

    Chris: ...mmmmmm

    [Chris takes a look at V2s face, so V2 spots that Chris does not move his

    eyes. Chris directs his look at V2 ache, which starts to decay, then decay

    spreads to the throat, head, which turns into wet blood puddle with arms


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    and legs. Every vampire in the discotheque watches V2 agony.]

    Chris: Who wants blood? Fresh blood just from the bottom of the heart.

    [Three vampires, which look like regular body guards come in front

    of the Chris.]

    Chris [with a demonic smile]: Give me time to rest in peace,

    or you will meet your boss in no time.

    [They return to their table, Chris takes a piece of V2 shirt and uses it

    instead of bandage and then leaves the place.]


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    Scene 2:

    [Chris walks down the road from the tavern with his head directed to the

    ground. The only light is generated by the half-fool moon and some rarely

    standing street lanterns. After few seconds of walk he notices four shadows -

    3 body guards of V2 and Sivler stand in his way.]

    Sivler: [through the teeth]: Youll die as my friend wanted.

    Chris: Friends dont leave. Besides I dont think your BODY guards can

    move. Their backbones do BURN!

    [During words burn gorrilas backbones get burnt, so they fall on the

    ground, Sivler tries very slowly to move backwards. Chris looks at her and

    comes so close that he can reach her by one move of the hand. She stops.

    Their conversation takes place in such mentioned distance hand.]

    Chris: What, another vampire wants to taste my blood?

    Chris: You shouldmove.. far away from mebecause

    Sivler: It doesnt really matter now?

    Chris: What a hero.

    [He starts to cough, blood comes from his mouth with a pieces of

    a bandage, none of the blood lands on Sivler]

    Chris: I told you to stay away

    Voice: Dont listen to this mad man

    [Its quite harsh, old womans voice, like from the grave]

    Chris: Go away!!!

    Sivler: You speak to me, bastard?

    Chris: To you both. None of you beneFIT for this world to. be.

    [Chris falls down on the road..


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    Scene 3:

    and awakes in small hotel room with a one burning candle,

    no windows, one door, one small table, one chair, one bed in which Chris

    lies bonded with the cords made of a leather. He does not wear a bandage.]

    Sivler: I see're you awaken, jerk. Why did you kill my sponsor?

    Chris: Theres nothing to discuss. And thanks for leaving me in one piece.

    Sivler. Listen, as*hole. One night, one initiation and I could even

    rule the world for the end of my days.Chris: You vampires have FATAL sense of humour. I tell You, fatal.

    If I didnt happen to appear this would be your last day,

    Or should I say --- night.

    Sivler [grabs him by the throat]: Speak more clearly.

    Chris: For your information I know more than average vampire eater.

    And could you kindly release me? I need more space to live.

    Sivler: When you will burn, it's better for me to have you in one place.

    [She takes the candle.]

    Chris: Ax was right, regular vampires are real idiots.

    You save them and they want to

    Sivler: Shut up! [She hits Chris with a burning candle directly into the cut,

    he doesnt yell, stays conscious.]

    Sivler: What the?Voice: Hit him again!!! Kill him!!! Burn him, child!!!

    [Sivler repeats the burning, but this time also fails.]

    Voice: You are really miserable vampire!!!

    Beside it is I whom should kill Morakius!!!

    Dont you know it dwitch!!!


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    [When voice speaks last words, Sivler falls on the Chris dropping the candle.

    The flame starts to burn the bed along with cords.]

    Sivler: I cannot move What is happening?

    Voice: Ill kill you for making me disappointed, child!

    Chris: Come on, quit with this childish jokes.

    Voice: Be doubt in me, as I have to be doubt in you.

    [All flames disappear, Sivler still lies]

    Sivler: Who are you? [shes scared]

    Chris: Help me with those cords.

    Sivler: Icant. move. [shes still scared till the end of the scene]

    [Chris gets free by himself]

    Chris: You will feel a bit of strange now

    [He turns Sivler, so she is now lying on the bed in the same pose as he was,

    he lifts her head and with the other hand punches her face, he stands over


    Chris: Do you feel, how the blood is going through your body?

    Sivler: yeessss

    Chris: Thats not good.

    Sivler: Why did you hit me? What was that voice?

    Chris: Calm down. [He leaves her head on the bed and starts walking]

    You vampires dont know much about this world-

    And this is menace to you.

    Sivler: Do you think I enjoy this situation?

    Chris: I still would enjoy to stop the world from spinning

    [tries to take a deep breath]

    Are you able to reach your lips with fangs?

    Sivler: I think so.

    Chris: So try to suck as much blood as you can imagine.


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    Sivler: But?

    Chris: If you want to live, do at least half of this, what Im asking for.

    [Sivler drinks her blood for a while]

    Chris: Do you feel your blood pressure?

    Sivler: It is fading.

    Chris: Fading, you say. Thats starts to be worse

    Tell me one thing. Do you really need the truth?

    Sivler: For sure.

    Chris: Stupid, unrecognizable stupid.

    Nobody knows the truth. It is the great abstraction.Sivler: Spare me this nonsense. I want to live.

    Chris: The truth is that you need to get a medicine, which is

    actually the tasty real blood from the human, right?

    Sivler: Right.

    Chris: I can give you it, but

    Sivler: Cost doesnt matter

    Chris: Foolish one, we need to go on compromise

    As for now, I dont really know how much its gonna cost you.

    Chris: First I need to take you to the Germany or the Russia.

    Sivler: Where are these cities located, on the south?

    Chris: [looks at her with a polite]: Countries in Europe and Asia.

    Dont bother to say sorry. Where were we?

    Sivler: You were about to say you could explain to me many things.

    Chris: During the trip

    [He takes her from the bed as a drunk person is taken, she seems to flow in a

    air just right from the floor - it looks like she was walking, but she doesnt

    move legs.]


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    Scene 4:

    [On the ship, in the cabin, Sivler is lying in a bed, she looks more

    like ordinary human than a pale vampire, she breathes time to time,

    Chris is sitting on the floor in front of the bed with his legs crossed

    like a Turkish. Noises of a play comes from an outside,

    Sivler takes a look at the place where Chris cut himself]

    Sivler: How come?

    Chris: That I am still live? I can regenerate, including the blood.

    I just only need sleep, nothing more.

    Sivler: Why are you speaking all the time, you?

    Chris: For the first and last my name is not you, but Christopher.

    Sivler: For the second time, Chris? [she becomes weaker]

    Chris: Try to avoid long speeches, they can kill.

    Sivler: I will.

    Chris: Do you want me to hit you again?

    [She moves the head to show disagreement about Chris suggestion ]

    Chris: So remain silent. It can help you.

    Meanwhile Ill try to explain some details,

    which may make you useful for yourself.

    So from the end I mean beginning.

    [During his story telling the whole story has to be shown]

    As probably you remember, some things happened, because with theory

    of evolution, or should I say its practice, no one has ever won.

    Especially people.

    Are you aware, why you are a vampire? Because evolution? Maybe.

    For sure you are familiar with the subject of news broadcasted

    all over the world, that one man killed another to acquire blood.


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    Almost everything indicated that this problem would have end very soon,

    but adults had remained as stupid as their children.

    In the centers of the entertainment, pubs, bars, it became very modest

    to be prickled with a Branch. It was supposed to give strength and heal

    from every disease.

    Man took injury during some wicked rituals, where leader took the drug

    on its teeth and pulled into humans head, neck, or whatever they wished


    Branch was really specially prepared fluid that during the tests gave result

    as it was a speedball or some other shit. But those, who joined this wicked

    ritual started to feel better until they found the desire to taste blood.

    So everyone was searching for the producers of Branch, meanwhile

    the tree of vampires instantly grew up.

    First wave flooded your continent, then Asia and Africa, than mine

    and of course Australia and the rest of the world.

    Unfortunate, to the voice came different type of vampires; source

    of their life was in every living matter.

    They formed a small group to propagate feeding with the Sun's energy

    instead of having regular meal. This even sucked to me as blood-sucker,

    but it became mostly popular in Asia and Africa, but it reaped the harvest

    across whole planet. They were called Brotherhood of the Early Dawn,

    what a name, bleeh...

    As for the third one, the most dangerous of all vampire races, which

    happened to appear, were Black Widows.

    They began to exist, when regular vampire and energetic mixed their

    genetic materials. The first parents of Black Widows didnt live for long.

    During its birth it drained energy from father and mother.

    Today they eat all types of vampires, including Black Widows.

    You had a chance to meet one of those creatures.

    [view comes back to the cabin]


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    Sivler: Can I interrupt?

    Chris: It is unnecessary.

    Sivler: Th.

    Chris: [with a smile] What, FANGS itch you?

    Sivler: [with a smile] Very funny Chris, very funny. But thanks.

    Chris: Thanks or fangs? Anyway your welcome.

    Sivler: Why You are telling me this whole story? I already know

    Chris: Eh, I just happen to prove myself to be an ignorant. Sometimes it is

    better not to show what monster I may appear to the others. ---- Just let's

    get some rest for a while.


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    Scene 5:

    [They get out of the cabin; Sivler is in the same paralyzed condition as

    before, they follow seven people who wear only rugged trousers and chains

    on their necks and are guided from the ship by the tall young vampire,

    dressed in casual worker clothes (Ax) to the truck near the docks]

    Chris:Welcome to Russia.

    Sivler: It is quite cold in here

    Chris: Its not the Africa and since the last time I have been here Sundidn't showed its face

    Sivler: How can it be?

    Chris: Rest of the things will be explained to you by people,

    whom I should trust.

    [They both come to the truck, where people are taken.]

    Chris: Good day to you sir. Are you going to the factory?

    Ax: You want to take a ride? But its going to cost you sir 8 portions.

    Chris: Ill give you 50 when we will reach the factory.

    [Ax helps Chris and Sivler to get inside the rear of the truck

    and separate them from people with a cage.]

    Sivler: 50? Even eight is quite expensive and hard to get

    Chris: Black market always lights up my soul

    [Ax goes into a driving cabin, starts the engine, during the trip through

    the town they do not speak, because of a terrible noise made by engine

    and wheels. After leaving town Ax drives the truck to the nearby forest,

    which due to the sun lost is quite smaller than average, rides using long

    path, he stops the car at the small building. Ax turns off the engine, opensthe doors, gets out and goes to the rear of the car]


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    Chris: Were home

    [Sivler and Chris get out of the truck with a help of the Ax. They leave people.

    They come to the door of the small building, Ax knocks one time, and the

    door opens]

    Ax: Cant she walk without a support?

    Sivler: You want to leave me?

    Chris: [he acts as he didnt here Sivler] Better help her. Shes an


    [Ax takes Sivler from Chris]

    Chris: Dont worry. This is my second home.

    If you meet Alexander, tell him that Morakius went home.

    Ax: Yes, sir.

    [Ax takes Sivler into the compound, the door gets locked]


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    Scene 6:

    [In the compound]

    Sivler: Ax?

    Ax: Yes milady. I tell you

    Sivler: What it is all about?

    Ax: Just try to trust Christopher. He is a violent and wicked man,

    but newcomers he treats as family. And in family we dont lie.

    Sivler: From what world are you?

    Ax: From Earth, milady.

    [They are going down the hall towards the light above the lift, they enter the

    lift, Ax pushes 4th button, the lift goes down and stops at level 4]

    Ax: Welcome to the black market

    [They stay at the one end of the hall; on the other end can be seen

    another passage, along the two walls of the hall beds, in which

    normal women and men lie; they are having a transfusion of the blood

    to the small packages, 8 beds remain free, at some of the transfusion

    stations stays medical personnel; hall is lighted with the glow-discharge


    Ax: Let us not waste more time

    [They both go through the hall, Sivler is hardly stopping her appetite to take

    one human and eat.]

    Ax: I see milady is quite hungry. Thats good But before you can eat,

    we must examine your blood group.

    [Sivler looks at Ax with unbelieving.]


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    Ax: Vampires have different groups of blood, more likely the same as the

    human beings. Some groups of human blood mixed in vampires body

    mean certain agony to us.

    [They reach the passage to the next room. It is blocked with a black door.]

    Ax: Survivors sir

    [Ax opens the doors. They enter the dark room with the stairway leading only

    down, they go that way and enter another small room with one lighten candle

    positioned in the left-right corner of the room, it is the only source of light, in

    the opposite cornet sits old man around 50, he wears old shirt,old trousers, he is bare footed, his eyes dont move, on his face should

    be noticed by all time that he is happy of his life that is Alex]

    Ax: I return with this girl, as you wished.

    Alex: Spare me this acting Ax. I know Christopher brought her here.

    Alex: You all the time forget I can penetrate your mind.

    But back to our guest

    [He gets up very slowly and comes to the candle]

    Alex: Welcome to our home Mrs Alexandra Sivler.

    Before you ask how in the world how we know

    Sivler: My name? You can read in mind, thats obvious.

    Alex: Wise girl, wise girl. But weve learned about you not from your mind,

    but from the other sources.

    Sivler: I still dont understand.Alex: Do you want to be cured from paralysis?

    Sivler: Stupid question!!!

    Alex: Wrong answer Mrs Sivler, wrong,

    But for now lets forget about this big argument.

    Lets change the room. It is too dark

    Oh, yes.

    This room gives every living creature a bit of energy

    to move. So please Ax leave us.


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    Ax: Yes, sir.

    [Ax instantly releases Sivler, but she does not fall down. Ax leaves the room]

    Alex: Please, try to follow

    [Alexander goes to another room through the passage in the wall slightly

    lightened by the flame of the candle. Sivler tries to move, but only right hand

    appears to be out of control. When they enter, the room becomes lighten with

    four huge torches positioned on the ceiling. Walls of this big room are

    covered with the tomes placed on the shelves. In the middle of the room are

    small 4-leg table and a blanket]

    Alex: This is what we call a training ground

    Sivler: Ground?

    Alex: Please do not interrupt me.

    Sivler: But I . I dont have much time.

    Alex: I know, that you had changes in your life, as we say evolution.

    As I was saying we are present at the training ground.

    Now, as you have all necessary information, I can leave you.

    Sivler: But you were suppose to heal me!!!

    Alex: Who told you such a thing? You arent dreaming child.

    It is real life, real danger.

    [Alex turns to Sivler with a back.]

    Alex: On the blanket youll find three vials with different groups of blood,

    blood tester and one book, which includes interesting subjects

    from the medicine.

    Sivler: But you were supposed to help me!!!

    [The books starts to shake as it was small earthquake, one light goes out]

    Alex: See you at the sunrise!!!

    [Alex disappears in the entrance to the training ground. She tries

    to follow, but she cant get out.]


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    Sivler: Let me out, you bastards. Help me. Help me....

    [She screams and cries only using left eye.]

    Alex [only voice]: Go to hell.

    Sivler: I want to live


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    Scene 7:

    [Ax and Alex are on the stairs between two levels. Alex holds a book,

    which looks like it was torn from the bigger one, he moves pages from

    the end to the front, where a draft of the Alexandra Sivler is placed:

    first name is positioned on the top, last name at the bottom of the page,

    Ax holds burning torch]

    Ax: Is she the one of the links?

    Alex: Even subhuman cant answer to your every question, this book also.


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    Scene 8:

    [At the training ground Alex (Alexandra Sivler) takes the book,

    titled Blood-a-way-to-live by doctor Christopher Morakius.]

    Sivler: This young dude doesnt look, as he was a doctor.

    [ She opens it and on the first page it is written

    to gather information you need one thing - information]

    Sivler: What a bullshit.

    [ She speaks this in the thoughts, but is heard by spectators.]

    [ She turns the page and looks at the second one. There is written:

    If you turned thus page, not necessary for the cause of your life

    and for your death, there is a hope that you understood what

    I wrote before, although you think otherwise.

    She turns to the next page and it is blank and this situation

    happens again till she reaches the end of the book.]

    Sivler: Cool!

    [On the cover of the book she spots something written with a small italic font.

    She takes a closer look and reads it in mind:

    If you traveled till this moment with chaos,

    try to reverse the process to make chaos logical;;;;;;

    Alexandra turns the page in the opposite direction than she had read

    the book; she is surprised, because the page is blank, she does rapidly

    turn other pages the same direction she did with the last, but they are blank.

    She reaches the front cover with title Blood-a-way-to-die by doctor

    Christopher Morakius. ]


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    Sivler: This was supposed to help me?

    [She rends the book into the half and throws two pieces to her front.

    Two parts of the book land on the shelf and makes one book fall down,

    but from the opposite site. Alex stands and directs her moves to the book,

    which moment ago landed on the floor. She notices it is torn into

    2 separate pieces.]

    Sivler: Can I give you a life, doctor?.

    [She searches the library with letter B (title with letter B), but there are

    no books with such a letter only Y, she turns around and goes straightto another shelf, where the books with letter Y should be positioned.

    She takes one book from it and opens it on the last page,

    then turns it to another page, where is written:

    Blood everything what we need transcribed from Latin by Ch.M.]

    Sivler: I seek to understand, what you are up to.

    [She turns the page (the same as before); there is an illustration with

    3 phials and description: It looks a bit like this:

    [She takes the book and puts it on the table, takes blood testers,

    opens the phials and uses blood tester on herself.


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    The machine shows V. Next she takes out the needle and the hole

    in her hand starts to regenerate. She searches for the next needle

    to use, but she cant find another one]

    [She turns the page again:

    Blood testers.

    To ensure the blood test is correct , use only one needle

    for one blood tester. A needle is made of powdered

    and dehydrated blood of subhuman specially designed to eliminate

    tested blood after showing its results.]

    Sivler [in thoughts]: Subhumans, what are they?

    [Alexandra continues to test; she opens the phials one by one

    and the diagnosis looks like this:

    1 - Rh+ 2 Rh- 3 V]

    Sivler [in thoughts]: You cheated me, or I should reverse the process? I

    wonder who made this device.

    [She takes a look at the back, Alexander Serg]

    Sivler [in thoughts]: I dont trust this old man.

    [She closes the book and takes the blood tester.]

    Sivler [in thoughts]:Ill make my own way.

    [She takes the phials and pours out its contents on the floor, so no blood

    reaches her. Then she takes the blood tester and diagnoses the phials. They

    are for sure empty. Alex takes the testers needle and cuts the same as Chris

    in Scene 1. She takes the phials and fills them, after which she throws the

    tester, sits on the blanket and drinks]

    Sivler [in thoughts]: I am eating myself! How pathetic! It is like eating a



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    [Her eyes stop moving for a moment,

    then she sees all of her life in a way of fast flashing shutters,

    she gently lies down having her eyes moving again.]


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    Scene 9:

    [In the training ground, four torches burn, on the floor theres a blood from

    phials, book is closed, tester lies on the floor, Alex sits on the blanket, she

    has different cloth on her than a day ago, she looks straight at the shelf,

    Chris sits on the table; Sivler looks as she does not notice him,

    Chris wears all the same clothes including ripped shirt.]

    Chris: Hi there.

    Sivler: Chris, am I dead?

    Chris: No, not for today.

    Sivler: Tell me, who changed my clothes?

    [Chris stands up and uses the table as a support, crosses his hands.]

    Sivler: You didnt answer.

    Chris: I can answer only for the smaller part of your question.

    Im not the leader around here.

    Sivler: So tell me [she turns face to Chris],

    why do I have to read backwards?

    Chris: Its a system of coding made before we were born.

    It was developed by nomadic tribes, who knew a bit

    of human magic, which is a mixture of white and black

    in any proportions you wish.

    Sivler: So you telling me we are using magic?

    Chris: Id rather say we use brain, but we can stay at your opinion.

    Sivler: Now I would like to know

    Chris: Youre learning fast, but my time has run out. Better ask those

    [He points at the entrance, 9 people-looking creatures stand there.]

    Chris: You can treat them with any matter, but only for

    9 questions they will answer.


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    Sivler: Only 9?

    [Chris goes out by the entrance, at which 9 people stay]

    1-st: That was your first question.

    [She takes out a pocket a syringe with the blood-type fluid

    and puts it directly into the neck. She dies immediately looking

    at eyes of the Sivler with an anger. Eyes of the Sivler during

    the agony of the 1-st become astonished. She stands up.]

    Sivler [in thoughts]: Why has she done it?

    2-nd: There is one life as one question and one answer as death.

    That was your 2-nd question.

    [He tries to get the syringe, but Alexandra suddenly appears behind 2-nd and

    instantly happens to re-appear back at the table having 2-nd as a hostage

    pointing the needle from the syringe at 2-nd neck]

    Sivler: What is

    [3-rd is trying to say something, but Sivler interrupts him]

    Sivler: Dont even think of telling anything or I kill him.

    Now, hand over the syringes.

    [All of 7, who are at the entrance, take out the syringes and throw them

    on the floor towards the Sivler]

    Sivler: Now everyone remains silent, till I ask.

    [She looks at the syringes, they start to burn and instantly change into ash.]


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    Sivler: What is happening? Tell me.

    Hostage: As it was said before the ages, the world evolves along with its

    creatures and you.

    Sivler: I barely understand this gibberish.

    Sivler: Tell me about the Alex.

    Hostage: Alex is a subhuman as well as Chris.

    Sivler: Subhuman, interesting, isnt it? Now, you [Sivler points to the

    direction of 7 standing in one line] try to clear my doubts.

    Hostage 1: Subhuman is a creature, that stands at the same time

    in front of the life and agony. As for the past

    of every submortal, it remains that at the age of 8

    one meets person, who hates one from the first sight

    Sivler: Go on

    Hostage1: [this story has to be shown]

    Alex was 14, when his friends and enemies were finally

    turned into ordinary bloodsuckers, his worst enemy

    attacked him and bite, but in the same time Alex

    used pile, which had broken during the insertion.

    After this accident Alex didnt turn into a vampire,

    didnt die, but felt down into coma for about 1 day.

    After awaking his forehead was too much grown,

    if you compare it to the ordinary man.

    He started gathering information from all types of books,

    his brain was giving all the signals, that it can absorb


    Alex was spending most of his time on learning, sleeping

    after 20 hours of reading.

    Thanks to such a life style he started to use these parts,

    which are inaccessible even to us, vampires.

    Humans used to use 10%, we 35%, those lunatics from

    the Early Dawn 45%, Black Widows 46 to 48%.

    At 55% starts the subhuman form.

    They dont need to eat or drink anything. They just needto sleep.


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    Sivler: If they are so powerful, why they brought such a weak to train?

    Hostage 2: You are one of those kind that is suppose

    to reconstruct this world and ignore the living of all

    creatures like vampires and submortals.

    We learned about you from the Book of Therapy,

    which was written as well as the other three books

    by Jewish and Egyptian monks.

    The Book of Therapy describes you, your past,

    your actual behavior, but no prior destiny.

    Hostage 3: You came here to gain knowledge and become

    good assistant in finding three other books

    to Mr. Morakius. Before you appeared in our home,

    we had learned that The Nest Book is held in the temple

    of the Early Dawn, The Definitions is well guarded

    by monks or their new incarnations in Tibet.

    As for the Prophets Past Book it is hidden

    in the Vaticans library.

    Sivler: Sounds to mecool. Ye, I mean it. But one more thing.

    Why this man had to die? Dont you enough wasted

    time and man?

    Hostage 4: We had to decide die or survive because of this trail or be

    killed by Morakius.

    Sivler: I think Im something missing. Youre free to leave.

    [She releases the hostages, syringe becomes dust.]

    Sivler: This really kills me. They are so boring

    [The last hostage, who leaves the room carrying the dead body says]

    Hostage: The test is done. You are free to leave.

    [She looks distinguished. She doesnt know what to do,

    but after few seconds she tries to force the passage to another room,

    but it appears to be solid wall with book shelf.]


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    Sivler: I forgot to ask, how to get out of this place?!

    [Suddenly she feels the wind on her back, she turns around.]

    Chris: They werent right. The test hasnt finished yet.

    You are too slow for the 1-st element.

    Sivler: Mighty subhuman comes to teach me.

    What do you think, that I am the thing?

    Chris: My thoughts are not that important at all

    Sivler: Yes, yes.

    Chris: Do you think I am perfect?

    Sivler: You pretend to be.Sivler: Am I wrong?

    Chris: Let me tell you something. I also dont like my way of living. I am

    simply tired of deciding what's not justice and what's good, I would like to

    have wife, kids, house, sun and so on or I really prefer to be killed by my

    worst enemy or by ...ANY... SEVERE... MORTAL.

    Sivler: So whats the big deal?

    Chris: You have to learn, who are our enemiesI know, sounds stupid,

    like from the law budget movie, but that's now the basis of Your existence

    Yooourrr enemies.

    [They sit on the floor.]

    Sivler: I dont care for the enemies. I care for

    Chris: Yourself. As anyone on this planet

    And believe me, I really count on your egoism.Have you survived the previous night just to lose another?

    Sivler: And you say its all about evolution

    Chris: Not exactly. First of all we need you existing,

    to be concrete your fresh blood, as one of the elements

    to force the barrier between our world and one living human,

    she is now about 80.

    This barrier is situated under the temple of the Early Dawn

    in Greece.


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    The leaders of the Brotherhood and also masters of Phoenix,

    imprisoned her to make sure that if the supplies of the blood

    disappear from the Earth, they will be able to produce

    the finest blood and recruit new worshipers.

    As for now try to read in my mind. It is as easy as

    understanding Alexander.

    Sivler: Read in your mind? I feel only void..

    Chris: Try to focus on your eyes. Try to imagine you look into them

    and then you come through yourself.

    [She looks at his eyes and sees his life in a flash, after that she starts

    to vomit with dark red blood.]

    Sivler: ..I feel sick. I think you had the same symptoms.

    Thats what you want to say.

    And you want to continue the story

    [Chris smiles, Alexandra speaks in her mind]


    You want to take her out, cause her blood can be obtained as a raw

    material to make any type of blood including the formula to turn vampires

    back to the human form?

    What about the Phoenix? I thought it was the [the vomits repeat]

    myth? It is not the myth? Greeks really have seen this creature,but the truth seems to put a contrast on a common picture.

    Phoenix was enslaved by the Rituals Leader to cross every star system

    and search for its main star. In our the main role plays the Sun.

    The performance of the task ended in other system, when the star

    became burned out due to the process of rising from the ashes.

    It was suppose to make a black hole out of the star and make a way

    to new sources of an energy.


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    This ritual repeats very often, for about 8000 years counted in earthlings

    time. The process of destroying the Sun will end in approximately 100

    years, but we dont have time to waste.

    Chris: As I was saying, I count on your egoism.

    Sivler: You should better count on my conditions.

    Chris: They can always be improved.

    Sivler: So whats next for the day or night?

    [Chris makes a displacement and lands at the bookshelf,

    Takes four books and throws them to the Sivler,

    books change their course and try to hit Alex,

    but she does the displacement and catch them.]

    Sivler: Splendid. I like learning, especially [she reviews the titles]

    ancient tortures, anatomy of the weak and the strong,

    dagger and blood of Morakius and self-motivation.

    Chris: The choice I made will give You the choice.

    Sivler: Now what?

    Chris: Try to get out of here.

    Sivler: What about the passage?

    Chris: Passage is there, where you want. Try to think it OVER.

    [They both do the displacement and suddenly stand at the door

    of the bunker in the forest.]

    Sivler: Where to now?Chris: All roads lead to the , you already know that, don't You?

    But try to read those books before reaching the destination.

    Sivler: I thought..

    Chris: Yes, yes, we will meet in that place

    Sivler: What subhumans say, if they leave friends?

    Chris: Good death to you.

    [Chris disappears leaving Sivler harmless]


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    Scene 10:

    [Alexandra walks alone; she wears a belt with a dagger and a phial with

    a blood, she wears rug clothing on her arms, her head is covered with a dirty

    hood, she steps into ruins of the Vaticans temple and she crosses the path

    with the omega sign]

    Sivler: Anybody here?

    [8 vampires appear at the entrance to the ruined temple, the smallest oneis an old woman, dressed as old women are, the rest are men dressed

    in black clothes.]

    Old woman: What are you looking for child?

    Sivler: I need something to eat, Madam.

    Old woman: We also child. So get lost, because we have nothing to offer,


    Sivler: I dont understand

    Old woman: Boys, bring me the prey

    [Alexandra tries to escape, but 7 vampires are blocking her way out.]

    1-st: I havent eaten flesh for ages.

    2-st: Dont worry,child. It will be in a flash.

    (He jumps forward to reach her, but she uses the dagger (its blade is

    covered half with dark blood and half of the light blood)

    and cuts vampire from ache to the top of the head. He collapses.]

    Old woman: Get her!!!

    [2 vampires, who are the nearest to Sivler try to attack her,

    but she takes a deep look into their eyes and veins of the 2 vampires


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    start to bleed along with the hearts, which they vomit.]

    [Alexandra looks at the rest of the assailants and attacks them

    cutting out their throats with four hits. After killing 7 vampires,

    she turns to old woman and is using the displacement to not move,

    but grab the old vampire and throws her on the dead bodies.]

    Sivler: Where Ill find the library in these ruins?

    Old woman: You killed my sons. You killed my sons, witch.

    Sivler: Do I know you?

    Old woman: Dont you recognize my voice

    I was hoping that you kill Morakius, but I

    Sivler: You are suppose to be dead

    [Old woman is eating the dead bodies.]

    Old woman: I am not ordinary vampire. During Morakius coma

    I was an easy prey to the Widows. But one of them

    only bit me, because I was not in good condition

    to be eaten. SurprisedSivler: [she goes to the entrance]: Not for long. Don't You understand that

    youve just eaten poisoned bodies?

    Old woman: Poisoned?

    [Alex takes out a phial with blood.]

    Sivler: I expect that you like Morakius blood.

    Its very tasty, refreshing, just advantage to your lifeOld woman: Foolish vamp. I gave him the powers, I am immune to his blood

    [Old womans body starts to collapse.]

    Sivler: I forgot to tell you. There is also my blood in your sons veins. I put

    it also on this dagger. So good death to you, sucker, bloody sucker!

    [Old womans dying, Alexandra stops at the blocked entrance,

    she takes a look at the temple and suddenly the entire place loses black


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    color and all ruins turns into its original size and construction.

    She enters the complex and directs her steps to the hall and stairs, that lead

    through the temple to the popes library. She enters the room with a cross

    sign, which is above the door. She spots small child, which is lying

    on the book.]

    Sivler: Is that a guardian? I didnt expected so young.

    In this form he cannot help us. And heres the book.

    [She reads it and takes it to the right hand.]

    Sivler: I hope it is the original Prophets Past or you will be dead.

    [Alex moves left hand in a way that she would try to extinguish fire,

    but the whole room starts to burn along with the tomes.

    She evacuates from the room leaving the child.

    She hears the laughter of a child, which becomes second after

    second more mature. When laughter stops she again enters the room.

    There is no fire and no child, only half-naked 28-year-old man and so on

    and so on, he has blond hair (James).]

    Sivler: Hello.

    James: You speak my language?

    Sivler: Just instance. [Takes off the rugs and throws them to the James]

    Sivler: Put those on or youll loose too much energy.

    [James puts the rugged clothing on.]

    James: Wheres my mother?

    Sivler: She died, because she profaned bodies of your brothers.

    James: What about my book?

    Sivler: You think you can read it?

    James: Give me the book or I kill !!

    Sivler: [she uses the voice of his mother]: You dont stand a chance

    son, go with her.

    James: What about my father?


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    Sivler: [using her own voice] It is said in this book that you are black

    widow, so your father was killed after being used to bring you a life.

    But you posses his last name and first

    James: You really can read my book?

    Sivler: Yes, but I am not the only one.

    James: What about my name?

    Sivler: You are [she opens at the drawing] James Morid.

    So James, you want me to read you a whole book?

    James: I sure would be interested

    Sivler: Yes, but I wonder wheres Morakius?

    James: He is in Tibet.

    Sivler: How do you know ah yes, you are the breed of his

    mortal enemy. That explains everything


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    Scene 11:

    [Tibet, without the sun and snow, on the temples stairs sits

    guy in a monks suit, his face is covered by a long hood,

    his voice sounds like old mans (Old Monk).]

    Sivler: Let me in, monk!

    Old Monk: I am not the obstacle; you just need to pass beside me.

    [Alexandra and James go into the temple and close the doorJames is dressed in shirt, pants, he is barefooted and he wears a bag

    on his back and a sword.

    9 monks are praying, two of our heroes come through hall temple

    to the monk, who prays at the ruined statue with 10 burning candles.]

    Monk: I see you travelers search for the right path!

    You can ask whatever you want, but only 9 questions are

    possible to speak!

    Sivler: I dont like counting to nine. We came for Christopher Morakius.

    Monk: Dont lie young one. You came here for the Definitions

    and its guardian. As you dont like 9, maybe 10 will be a chance

    to leave us alone.

    Sivler: I dont like counting, but ten works fine.

    Monk: You can join us, brother Morakius.

    [Door opens, the Old Monk enters, and doors close itself,

    he takes off the monks habit; he looks as the Morakius,

    but has pointy teeth; his shirt is torn in the same place

    as heart is his steps make in parallel small wholes in a roof.]

    Sivler: James. Dont even think of asking anyone.

    Old Monk [speaks Chris' voice]:

    In this game anyone can ask. So, how are you doing, my dear Alex?


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    [Old Monk starts to attack along with other monks, who take small daggers

    of the sleeves.]

    Sivler: Jump!!!

    [Alex says it and stops James with a hand from going up, Monks and Old

    Monk hang with their heads directed down just right above our heroes.]

    Sivler: Its not a Chris!!!

    [All monks fall from the roof; James catches one of the monks

    and instantly rips him; Alex makes a displacement to the door,so all attackers land on the floor. Then the attackers start to engage

    only James. Old one stays behind them.

    James grabs two monks by hand and fingers and brakes them,

    so they kneel. After this small victory the rest of the attackers

    without Old try to strangle James, but suddenly their shoulders become

    broken, so they fall on the floor having terrible pain. Sivler at the same time

    takes Fake from the back and puts en-blooded dagger just right at the place of

    the heart cut. When all monks are eliminated James takes 2 candles.]

    Sivler: Now lead us to the Book!!!

    Old Monk: TOWER

    [They instantly happen to be affected by the displacement and find

    themselves in a room of some tower, which has a window with

    a view of the surroundings of the temple. James has all the time

    two candles, which start to burn with a purple flame.]

    James: Now Chris, wheres the book?

    [Suddenly Chris comes from the dark; he has no pointy teeth,

    he has new shirt, holds the Book of Definition and the Book

    of the Therapy in his hand.]

    Chris: Come James, try to take it.


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    [James instantly attacks Chris with candles and tries to avoid

    his sight, but suddenly James starts to yell, because his ear

    becomes torn using psycho kinetics by Chris.]

    Chris: [having irregular breath]: Thats for attacking me.

    Dont worry. It will be rebuild in a flash.

    [James ear starts to grow out from the head and in few seconds it looks

    like the one, which lies on the towers floor.]

    Chris: As for you, Fake, I need to take a closer look.

    [Chris gives James books and takes candles. James hides them in a bag.

    Chris comes so close to the Fake that he can penetrate him with his sight.

    Instantly Fakes eyes becomes black and his lips becomes torn in way smile

    from ear to ear. Sivler drops the Fake. Fake does not appear to receive pain.]

    Sivler: Hey, maybe some explanation?

    [Chris takes scornful look at Alex.]

    Sivler: What? Again some evolution tricks.

    Chris: Leave me for a moment

    [his voice becomes weaker]

    Sivler: You are pathetic!

    [They do the displacement and land at the entrance of the temple.]

    Chris: What shall we do now? Do we have a plan at least for a second ?.

    [He takes closer look at the stone stairs, from which instantly grows out the

    stone blocks which covers the entrance and whole temple.]


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    Chris: Pathetic? Besides you know the explanation.

    James does not know. Come on, James, try to read in my mind.

    James: But? I dont know

    Chris: I will have to torn your ear along with all your insides, if you do not

    even try.

    [His breath becomes even more irregular.]

    [James starts to vomit with his own blood, Chris also.]

    Chris: Now, speak up

    James: You are subhuman, which its definition comes from

    the thing, that every time you kill anyone you become

    older in you inside. The next disadvantage of such living

    form is also that you dont see black colour.

    Sivler: That means I am turning into?

    James: Not only you, Sivler, are able to become submortal.

    The Fakes like this one. met in the temple,

    can become subhuman and it needs only to watch

    his prey subhuman - for 5 minutes.

    [Chris starts to vomit again.]


    He was watching us for about 3 minutes, so. But there are many more,

    About 5 thousand waiting for a prey at the Temple of the Early Dawn

    and they are more dangerous, trained.vampires, who are able

    to make an energetic barrier and anyone, who touches it, may be drained

    out at seconds. So what now, Mrs Genius?

    Sivler: We need to take a rest, especially some pathetic guy.

    But tell me, how do you know?

    Chris: I read interesting.tomes.


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    Scene 12:

    [They all go down from the hill, where temple stood.]

    Sivler: So you are trying to say we are not able to get through them

    Chris: The purpose of a knife on your throat is to use it.

    [Suddenly they feel someone is watching them.]

    James: I sense rats. Poor creature, can die so easily!!!Chris: Greenhorn. If someone was sent after us,

    that means its protector is much stronger than we are

    Sivler: What a brilliant explanation. Cant this spy be assassin?

    Chris: No, not this timeSivlernot this time

    [They find ahead a deserted camp; they do the bonfire out of the candles,

    which Chris carries and few trees, which lie chopped down probably

    by the monks].

    James: Now what?

    Chris: You both need a good sleep. Ill have to leave you.

    Sivler: Again? So

    Chris: Expect me in one piece.

    [Chris looks at Alex and James and they fall asleep.

    He leaves them and follows the spy by foot for about half of the mile.

    The spy is surrounded by 4 wolves with two quarter-moons on their

    foreheads crossed as it is shown bellow:


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    This sign illuminates.]

    Chris: Do you mind if I interrupt your journey?

    [Spy turns to him, she is dressed in a habit, has dark hair with

    a blonde curled stripe in the middle, she wears a band on the head

    with a sign of one quarter-moon turned as on a drawing above.]

    Spy: I have orders to follow; besides my life doesnt lie in your hands.

    Chris: You read in my mind, but two of my companions can kill you easily.

    So leave now and join your people.

    Spy: Why, am I useless to you?

    Chris: Without the Nest Book absolutely, but not for me. For this world.

    Spy: Same as ever, monotonous as life and death.

    When you will change Morakius?

    Chris: Take those creatures and tell your leaders, they will have

    to face the real life which particularly changes destination.

    Spy: Id rather say death.

    Chris: Let the sunrise fall on your head, sister!!!

    [Chris does the displacement and lands in the camp, where Alex

    and James are asleep, he sits at the fire and watches how flames

    goes purple.]


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    Scene 13:

    [James and Alex wake up, Chris sleeps, they are at the bottom of the

    mountain like it is shown just right on the script beneath:

    1-Temple of the Early Dawn

    2-army of the Early Dawn

    3-Alexandra, James and Chris

    [On the top of the mountain can be seen army of 5000 trained vampires,

    wearing rugged clothes, some of them are carrying swords,

    some of them have amulets on the necks, they are having differenttypes of skin: black, red, yellow, white. All 5000 carry torch, which are

    burning with purple flame. The army structure looks a bit like this:

    1 000

    1 000 1 000 including the Spy

    2 000

    [Between them stands the Spy with the Nest Book in the bag. The wolves stay

    at the entrance of the temple, which is surrounded by the flaming torches. The

    sky remains dark.]

    [Alex starts to observe the army and tries to awake Chris, but hes still


    Sivler: Come one, awake.

    James: No necessity. We already lost it.

    Sivler: Hey, are you nuts? Nothings really mentioned in the books


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    about our failure.

    James: It doesnt matter. Have you ever read the Nest Book?

    [One close zoom in at the book in Spys bag, which pages are turned,

    but in the casual direction.]

    Sivler: How come?

    James: Remember the spy? Shes here on the top of the hill

    and she possesses the book. You cannot wake Christopher.

    He is hypnotized.

    Sivler: This cant be [she hits in the same way as she was by Chris

    when they met. Only blood appears on submortals face.]

    James: You better try to take a look at his eyes.

    [Alexandra uses hands to lift Chris eyelids, but she cant, additionally she

    starts to swept on the face.]

    James: That was the last fine news that I could read.

    Sivler:How could he be such a fool to be hypnotized? Wait .a.. .moment

    James: What?

    Sivler: Leave him and the books!

    [She starts going directly to the temple.]

    James: What are you doing? We dont stand

    Sivler: We stand and we will stand

    [she speeds up her walk]

    Sivler: If you could read from the book, that means theres a break

    in the barrier, which surrounds the army.

    [James starts to follow her, he is more nervous than before]


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    James: Wait!

    [She turns to James, she starts to see him without a black,

    James also starts to loose black colour from his view, his fangs shorten.]

    James: What is happening?

    [They both starts to see their eyes, which stopped moving]

    James: It might be worth to leave that spy alive, don't you think?


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    Scene 14:

    [Whole army starts to march and after 8 seconds they start to run towards,

    Alex and James are standing back to them.]

    Sivler: Is this a problem? You will protect the spy, as for the rest

    James: Remember the time is running out. We have about 4 minutes,

    before they will turn into .. us.

    [Alex takes out her dagger and cuts the hand, so blood floods her blade.]

    James: What are you doing?

    [Army is coming.]

    Sivler: Counting on the miracle.

    [James takes his sword and does the same. The barrier becomes visible with

    a hole just above the Spy. Alex displaces the hole to the front of the attacking

    army. She and James stand still and they are turned back to the engaging


    Sivler: I hope Ill bury you alive. [she speaks it through the teeth.]

    [All of a sudden barrier stops along with army, because front 2 000 are driven

    into the cascade of stone piles, which arose from the mountain.

    The hole in the barrier instantly makes bigger.

    The rest 2000 from the middle wings stop themselves on the piles being also

    crushed from behind by the ending 1 000. The survivors try to get through

    between stone piles, but when they enter this maze spikes come out from the

    stone piles. Alexandra and James jump on the hanging bodies and go directly

    to attack the survivors.]


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    [James finds the Spy and protects her from the Early Dawn blinding them and

    burning their lungs. He is using the sword as an extreme. Alex is using

    the dagger and crushes enemies backbones, heads and shoulders. Suddenly

    James misses one enemy, who cuts off the bag with the Book and takes it.

    James stays as a pillar and takes hard damage, but he instantly regenerates

    attack after attack.

    Alex sees the condition and does the displacement burning few opponents

    and lands at the place, where Spy and James are.

    She forms a barrier of dead bodies, which is quite difficult to crush.]

    Sivler: Now what?

    James: Without the Nest she is useless. Lets just kill her!

    [The barrier becomes in one place weaker and finally it is broken,

    4 wolves (those from the Spy) come under the barrier along

    with Chris, his eyes are moving, he has fangs, he holds the Nest Book.]

    Chris: Ill eat you if you do this!

    Sivler: Look, whos here? Mr. No Influential.

    Chris: I gave you the power and I can take it back!

    [James does the displacement and takes out Chriss fangs

    along with the part of his brain and face.]

    James: See you friend!!!

    [Chris dies; James completes the barrier with Chris's body.]

    Sivler: Now, lets finish the spy.

    [Alex tries to kill the Spy, but wolves attack her and foil a killing,

    they bite Alex by the hand; she falls on the ground,

    wolves do the same with James and Spy, they fall unconscious.

    Then wolves crush the barrier by eating part of it.]


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    [There are no enemies around, just dead bodies.

    They take the sleeping heroes to the temple along with the Book.

    After they enter, a pit can be seen in a floor. Wolves surround the pit

    and throw every human-like creature into it. Then wolf pack comes out

    of the temple and does the displacement and lands at the camp, where

    Chris lies asleep. They take him and the bag with three Books, change

    place to the pit and throw the bag and Chris into it.]


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    Scene 15:

    [They all wake up in the some kind of dungeon, where five torches burn

    on the walls, there is a cage hanging in the middle of the room with old

    woman, when everybody awakes Spy is at the cage, this dungeon looks

    a bit like this:

    1-the pit

    2-the cage

    3-the torch

    Spy: Welcome to my home, lost travelers.

    James: Spare me or I wont spare such Where are?

    James [looks at Chris]: ButI.killedyou.

    Chris [looks at James]: Really?

    Spy: You killed Christophers brother, as it is now written in the Nest Book.

    Sivler: brother?

    Spy: The Book changes it contents anytime someone dies from our pack.

    [Sivler takes the Nest Book and reads it]

    Sivler: You lie, as all spies do

    [Chris stands up, takes all four books and links them.]

    Chris: Now, read it as James all the time does

    [She is reading. Her face starts to become pile.]


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    Spy: Now you understand most everything

    Sivler: The woman in the cage is already dead.

    We're still live. So we failed

    Spy: World is not made of one side, theres always another...

    Read this book as Rituals worshipers do

    [Sivler opens the book on the last pageshe reads]

    Sivler: Rituals Leader writes and speaks truly:

    Machines are to be built, but their purpose

    can be even better than to build, it can destroy,

    but it can repair.

    I built by my own hands prison for the weak Phoenix,

    so that I could train this creature as a slave.

    But I had to built another one,

    thus slaves know what freedom is.

    This machine I imprisoned in Earths temple,

    because this creature becomes more stronger

    and is predilected with the power of the Sun.

    James: You are trying to say we are close to the machine,

    which can destroyPhoenix?

    Chris: We are in this machine, arent we? [he looks at Sivler]

    James: I want to get out of here.

    [He tries the displacement, but it doesnt work.]

    James: What the

    Sivler: Who ever reaches this machine can be sure,

    that no escape to be found, or to be built.

    But if that someone has been more powerful than me,

    one can start the machine and escape my beast

    of drivels and anger.

    James: So for what were waiting?Chris: For Sivler to continue?


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    Theres a second advantage of my plan. It should never happen again

    that such creature as Rituals Leader be born again. As I wrote there are

    machines to build, to destroy, but also for the reconstruct.

    If someone dares to destroy mighty Phoenix, it also can eliminate me

    and all creatures, who tend to be like me or even better and bring them

    back to its primeval form.

    Just kill my slave and the wave of purifying electricity heal your brain

    from every thought.

    It will leave you at the primitive form of living, eating and ability to surviv,e

    that means that way, that should be from ages...

    [She takes deep breath.]

    Sivler: The text ends here

    James: What now?

    Chris: Someone mentioned it is her home, or was I dreaming?

    [Spy is going to one torch, she puts her hand into the flame and her blood

    extinguishes the flame.]

    Chris: As easy as life.

    [Alexandra, James, Chris do the same thing as Spy did.]

    Sivler: What's with the last one?

    Chris: The last one you say

    [He takes old woman from the cage and does the same with her hand as

    everyone in the dungeon have done and puts back her body

    into the cage.]

    Chris: Im just a fool.

    James: What about the Phoenix?


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    Chris: She is imprisoned, as someone wanted.

    [Walls disappear, instead of four walls are four mirror-like plates, the pit

    moves above the cage.]

    Sivler: I see you know more than we

    Chris: Practice makes perfect Now, give me the Book and my dagger.

    [She gives him the dagger and the Book, he puts the Book under

    the cage with Phoenix.]

    Chris: [holds the knife]: Now, I want to stay for a moment alone

    Sivler: I feel sorry for your brother.But.

    Chris: I am from Earth, no universal man. He wasnt my brother at all.

    As you can see, in any time you can find someone who lies!!!

    Sivler: Hmm?!!! [Spy, Alex and James are displaced by Chris

    to the top of the temple, outside.]

    Chris: [sitting down]. Ill explain it to you, when we will discover lost

    civilizations. Or just become family one day, so I could say after night:

    You yawn pretty, pretty. Good day to you, my dear naughty fool.

    [Chris throws the dagger with closed eyes directing to the woman, which

    actually goes through Chris's solar plexus. Suddenly Phoenix's body

    vanishes and the electricity-like wave comes from the vanishing Phoenix in

    the cage. All energy just blasts in the room and it uses pit to blast away into

    the sky. ]


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    Scene 16:

    Sivler: I see.

    [The storm begins to hype the smog from the sky and it goes through

    the whole planet, penetrating every living creature, every building

    and the sun appears on the sky it is still burning, not weaker

    than before]


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    Appendix for imagination:

    As for the appearance of the characters, its up to the actors and director

    with huge exceptions:

    1) Chris has to look as someone not powerful, his eyes can be gray

    or green, hair can be dark brown, pointy ears; he should be around 22-24,

    nothing more, nothing more,

    2) Alexandra has to be around 20-22 years old.

    3) For the purpose of showing staring crew, it should be done like this

    In movie staring:





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