Take Your Direct Marketing from Good to Great

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Take Your Direct Marketing from Good to Great

Your Direct Mail10X


“Greatness first and foremost

is a matter of conscious

choice and discipline.”

Jim Collins


In the book Great by Choice, Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen asked the question,

They studied companies that beat their industry indexes by a minimum of ten times over fifteen years in environments that leaders could not predict or control. They gave these successful companies a name—10Xers.

Nine years of research went into writing the book, and the findings are very powerful when applied to direct mail marketing. Why? 10Xers understand that market forces cannot be controlled, only managed to.

“Why do some companies thrive in uncertainty, even chaos, and others do not?”


10Xers rely on three key behaviors to thrive in uncertain environments:

Fanatic Discipline

Empirical Creativity

Productive Paranoia


Fanatic Discipline = extreme consistency of action without overacting to events and consistency is at the core of every great direct mail campaign.

nConsistency over Time—It takes about seven to nine touches to turn a prospect into a customer.

nConsistency of Action—A steady cadence to keep your company top–of–mind when your customer is ready to buy.

nConsistency of Method—Keep your colors, fonts, graphics and message consistent across all of your mail pieces to increase brand recognition.

Fanatic Discipline

20 Mile March Your Direct Mail

The 20 Mile March is Collins’ and Hansens’ theory that

states you should “march your 20 miles” consistently

regardless of the conditions. Companies who have the

fanatic discipline to consistently march their 20 miles

have more successful outcomes than those who go all

out in good times but hold back in bad times.

By investing consistently in your direct mail campaign over

time you will yield better results than sending out randomly

timed mailers when you have extra time or money in budget.


A Case Study in Fanatic Discipline

The Industry: Mortgage lending

The Goal: Create inbound responses from customers interested in refinancing their home mortgage.

The Strategy: High–open, government–like, snap pack pressure sealers mailers with personalized variable consumer data are sent out in large volume using a consistent methodology to highly targeted lists.

The Results: An average of about three–quarters to one percent overall response rate per mailing which in turn generates a ten to twenty percent closing ratio.

10X Note: Fanatic discipline is at the core of this client’s strategy. It is a perfect example of consistency of action, consistency over time and consistency of method. In addition, this client illustrates the 20 Mile March with his understanding that you must keep moving even when the conditions or outcome are not optimal.

“Mailing is about volume. You have to stick to the

plan if you want success. You can’t just dip your toe into the water. You

have to commit. It is what happens in the long

run that matters.”—AMG client


Empirical Creativity = creativity combined with discipline based on empirical evidence

Test, test and test some more, or in Collins’ words, “First fire bullets then cannonballs.” What is a bullet? According to Collins, “a bullet is low cost, low risk, and low distraction test or experiment.”

Successful direct mail marketers understand that testing never stops. You can (and should) cost effectively test your list, offer, size, color, copy, layout, images, timing, and more so that when you are ready to fire cannonballs you know they will hit the mark.

Keep these three things in mind when creating your test.

nUse the knowledge that you have about your business and customers to decide on your “control” piece.

nTest one thing at a time or it will be difficult to make sense of the results.

nMake sure the sample size is large enough.

Empirical Creativity

“First you fire bullets to figure out

what will work. Then once you have

empirical confidence based on

the bullets, you concentrate your

resources and fire a cannonball.”

—Jim Collins


A Case Study in Empirical Creativity

Creativity combined with empirical evidence gathered from experimentation leads to cost effective innovation.

The Industry: Telecommunications

The Goal: Increase foot traffic at sale events

The Strategy: A promotion was constructed to elicit a response through cash and prize giveaways, free upgrades and more. The message was repeatedly sent out using a unique, high–impact mail piece designed to garner attention and incite curiosity.

The Results: Hugely successful mailings which typically generate 15% and above response, significantly increasing foot traffic at their events.

10X Note: A great example of empirical creativity. The client was apprehensive when the idea was first presented; however, decided to fire bullets (run a test) to measure interest. After analyzing the data and determining the campaign was successful, they have been launching cannonballs ever since.

“AMG really tries hard to bring us new ideas so our direct mail doesn’t

become stagnant. They are constantly

thinking of creative and innovative concepts and coming up with ways in which we can use them.”

—AMG client


Example:A fast–casual restaurant has had great success mailing a

postcard offering a 20% discount. They are about to send

out the same offer when they discover a new restaurant is

about to open across the street. As a 10Xer, they recognize

that the original offer may not have the same impact with

the increased competition and quickly re–evaluate it.

After adjusting the offer, they send out a low–cost and

low–risk test run (fire bullets) to a small, but targeted group

of customers. They only mail it to their complete list once

testing has proved it works (launch a cannonball).

Productive Paranoia = staying alert even when things are going well

Successful companies are keenly aware that unpredictable events happen and are always preparing for when, not if, the next one occurs. Asking the question “what if…” allows you to continue your 20 Mile March even when the unexpected happens.

Direct Mail 10Xers realize a campaign that worked in the past may not always work in the future and pay attention to outside forces that might signal a need to change.

Productive Paranoia


A Case Study in Productive Paranoia

Stay alert to forces that can impact business.

The Industry: Political Campaign

The Goal: A victorious candidate on Election Day

The Strategy: Work within the allotted budget, filter lists through “intelligent voter grade” system and drop hardest hitting pieces closest to election date.

While most elements of the campaign are preplanned and mapped out ahead of time, that doesn’t mean there are no surprises. For a variety of reasons, a mailing can be added at the last minute.

The Results: 80% success rate at the polls.

10X Note: Productive paranoia keeps this political consultant prepared and agile. She asks “what if” and then creates a plan to manage those scenarios should they arise. She has a keen understanding that unpredictable events happen and knows that they best way to weather the storm is to be prepared ahead of time.

“I have literally called

them at 11:00 a.m. or

noon on a Friday and

had a piece of mail

designed, printed and

mailed by that night.”

—AMG client


It is impossible to predict the future; however, incorporating the 10X skills into your business strategy will help you thrive regardless of the conditions. Here’s how:

nFanatic discipline keeps you moving through successful and less optimal times

nEmpirical creativity uses data to drive innovation

nProductive paranoia ensures survival turning fear into action

10X Leadership in Action

Fanatic Discipline



Level 5 Ambition


About Allegiant Marketing Group (AMG)AMG is a full service mail provider able to help you 10x your mail and achieve the results you want. AMG works as an extension of your business. While you focus on running your business, we operate in the background

nProviding you with a list of high revenue generating in–market buyers

nMaximizing response rates and closed sales revenue by applying our secrets of influence

nPrinting your high quality campaign with a focus on timely delivery

nLeveraging our extensive knowledge to garner you the lowest possible postal rates.

www.MailAMG.com 800–648–3107


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