Taj Mahal - Time to Tell the truth ?- Is the Taj a Hindu Palace Temple- asks Dr Godbole

Post on 27-Apr-2015






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English translation of this report was available since 1925. And yet no Historian refers to it. Why?... In 1626, Pelsaert has said that 10 ½ mile stretch of the river-bank was full of palaces, Raja Mansingh’s Palace being the last one. Badshahnama says that Shahjahan took over this palace for burying his wife Mumtaz. What we call Taj Mahal today is nothing but Late Raja Mansingh’s Palace- the truth which Historians have kept away from us.


Taj Mahal – “Time to Tell the Truth”Says- Dr. V. S. Godbole


English translation of this report was available since 1925. And yet no Historian refers to it. Why?... In 1626, Pelsaert has said that 10 ½ mile stretch of the river-bank was full of palaces, Raja Mansingh’s Palace being the last one. Badshahnama says that Shahjahan took over this palace for burying his wife Mumtaz. What we call Taj Mahal today is nothing but Late Raja Mansingh’s Palace- the truth which Historians have kept away from us.

A generation which ignores History has no past and no future-said Robert Heinlein. (1907-1988, American Science Fiction Writer)

This is not the Taj Mahal but the breathtaking Muktagiri an ancient Palace-temple that proves that the blueprint for Taj exists in its Hindu past.

In this issue of Aronite Thinking we study the disquieting questions that Dr.Godbole has asked – regarding what that wonder of the world that stands in Marble Majesty as Taj Mahal at Agra really was?

The plenteous figurine works that adorn its pristine are Un-Islamic and overtly suggestive of Hindu symbolism in its inspiration. What

the apologetics of this Islamic cover up of an usurpation of an Infidel Palace Temple by the Moghul Emperor- put forth as a rationalization does not go down smoothly with the Islamic forbiddance of depicting human or animal motifs and Idolatrous craftworks of Infidels.

But such Hindu motifs and even complete works of Hindu ornamentation stand in testimony tell the contrary truth, that they were never built to order to be incorporated in those mosques and masjids, but were simply hastily usurped, taken over and converted to become secular and Islamic edifices.

Otherwise it makes little sense that the fiercely iconoclastic Muslim rulers would pay for and watch over the painstakingly meticulous adornment of Hindu motifs and embellishment, which are strictly forbidden in Islamic traditions as Shirk- motifs of elephants, Lotus, Star of David and in the case of Taj Mahal- Snakes and the Trident Spire!

Things -that they have gone on record they held to be the worst Shirk and as reasons for their demolishing the Pagan Hindu places of worship.

The Octagonal Tanks are a hall mark of Pagan Sacred sites all over, even the Kaba which was an ancient Pagan site of Worship has one.

The Octagon is the sign of Brahma, denoting his Four Heads and the angular Vision of omniscience- no wonder the Islamic traditions associate it with Abraham, the Patriarch in the line of Brahma the arch Angel of Hindus and progenitors.

If anyone is dodging the issue whether Taj Mahal was a Hindu Palace Temple- Complex, then it is the school of Leftist and pseudo-secular historians and their political Historiography, for they have called for a

blanket ban on any further archaeological digging in such ‘disputed structures’-

So much for the scientific Spirit!

It also shows the good deal of panic in their camps lest the truth surfaces out after all the years of the cover-ups.

There are enough material that exist above the ground, in writings and chronicles of the Islamic Period of India that takes little enterprise to ‘dig out the sordid truth about this dark and macabre saga of Indian History and what was done to the Hindu Nation, even if the hatchet men of Islamic Imperialism succeed in hushing up and suspending the excavations.

In Babur nama- the auto-biographical chronicles of Babur the founder of the Islamic Mogul Empire openly boasts his reason for invading India-thus:

All the Hindus were scattered and confounded,* With stones,* like the warriors of the elephant.Many hills of their bodies were seen, and from each hill flowed a rivulet of running blood.From the dread of the arrows of the ranks full of grandeur, They were flying and running*to every field and hill.

After this victory I used the epithet Ghāzi,* in the imperial titles. On the Fatehnāmeh (or official account of the victory), below the imperial titles (inscribed on the back of the despatches), I wrote the following verses:

(Tūrki)— For love of the Faith I became a wanderer in the desert, I became the antagonist of Pagans and Hindus,I strove* to make myself a martyr;—Thanks be to the Almighty who has made me a Ghāzi (victorious over the enemies of the Faith).

He also admits to Iconoclasm for the simple reason that it was deemed Un-Islamic by him.

These documents gaining currency among students who are used to the hogwash of a tolerant Islamic Rule of India, frightens the School of Historians with Leftist leanings who have handed them out their own sanitised version misusing the University chairs.

They realise this would discredit the ‘Secular version’ of Indian history – as a made up story and would trash them in one heap.

Hence, they have taken upon themselves an enormous undertaking of Negationism of Indian History, especially the Muslim Rule.

A fall out of this is the refusal to consider the case for revision of Taj Mahal.

Let us then continue then our study in this matter setting aside the bed time stories of our Historians and weigh the matter directly from first hand sources.

Babur is not only candid about his iconoclasm but leaves an easy trail behind in his own words.

He also tells in detail how he converted the Temples in Gwalior in a ritualised annual visit and survey of Hindu temples and palaces that he re-laid as secular Royal Palaces and Mosques.

Babur would reveal in the following lines three things.

That he would only be beautifying, by the way laying a garden and a water wheel driven artificial stream, in order to ‘ lay out an elegant and regularly planned pleasure-ground’.*

Pay attention to what he says-

‘In consequence of the want of beauty, and of the disagreeable aspect of the country, I gave up my intention of making a chārbāgh; but as no better situation presented itself near Agra, I was finally compelled to make the best of this same spot.

I first of all began to sink the large well which supplies the baths with water’

I next fell to work on that piece of ground on which are the ambli (or Indian tamarind) trees, and the octangular tank;

Which means the tamarind trees and Octangular Tank were already in place.

I then proceeded to form the large tank and its enclosure;

I then proceeded to form the large tank and its enclosure; and afterwards the tank and

tālār* (or grand hall of audience) that are in front of the stone palace.

Read carefully, and you see that he nowhere mentions he built the stone palace and clearly mentions that such a stone palace was already there in place.

and afterwards the tank and tālār* (or grand hall of audience) - that are in front of the stone palace- which alone he takes credit in building.

I next finished the garden of the private apartments, and the apartments themselves, after which I completed the baths. In this way, going on, without neatness and without order, in the Hindu fashion, I, however, produced edifices and gardens which possessed considerable regularity.*

In other words he was relaying the landscape, just the edifices and bringing some alterations up to his tastes upon already existing stone palaces with tamarind trees and Octagonal Water tanks.

Such stone-palaces, often with octogonal water tanks were in Jamuna’s banks, built by the Hindus as Royal palace temples.

Inverted water-pots on top. Their number is always odd, 11 in this case, typical of the Vedic system. Notice also the cobra design in pairs below the gallery. Koranic inscriptions were a graffiti added by Shahjahan.

(The eleven are the Rudras- EkaDasa Rudras, and the Cobra is a strict no, no to any Islamic structure.)

He even resents frankly that he was compelled to follow in the Hindu fashion implying instead he would have built it in the Islamic fashion if it were actually to be built from scratch.

Babur mentions the same about others, as merely laying out the gardens and baths.

Khalīfeh, Sheikh Zein, Yunis Ali, and several others, who procured situations on the banks of the river, made regular and elegant gardens and tanks, and constructed wheels after the fashion of Lahore and Debālpūr, by means of which they procured a supply of water.

The men of Hind, who had never before seen places formed on such a plan, or laid out with so much elegance, gave the name of Kābul to the side of the Jumna on which these palaces were built.

Note he boasts of places formed and not Palaces built.

Babur clearly says- side of the Jumna on which these palaces were built. Not palaces we built.

This will become more apparent as you read further.

There was an empty space within the fort (of Agra), between Ibrahīm’s palace* and the ramparts. I directed a large waīn to be constructed on it, ten gaz by ten.* In the language of Hindustān they denominate a large well, having a staircase down it, waīn. This waīn was begun before the chārbāgh was laid out; they were busy digging it during the rains, but it fell in several times, and smothered the workmen.

After my holy war against Rāna Sanka, as is mentioned in the Memoirs,* I gave orders for finishing it, and a very excellent waīn was completed. In the inside of the waīn there was constructed an edifice of three different stories. The lowest story has three open halls, and you descend to it by the well; the descent is by means of a flight of steps, and there is a passage leading to each of the three different halls.* Each hall is higher than the other by three steps. In the lowest hall of all, at the season when the waters subside, there is a flight of steps that descends into the well.* In the rainy season, when the water is high, the water comes up into the uppermost of these halls. In the middle story there is a hall of carved stone, and close by it a dome, in which the oxen that turn the water-wheel move round. The uppermost story consists of a single hall. From the extremity of the area that is at the top of the well, at the bottom of a flight of five or six steps, a staircase goes off from each side to this hall, and proceeds down to its right side.*

If it makes you suspect as earlier about the Stone palaces of white stone, with Octagonal tanks and tamarins groves, by the banks of the Jamuna, here comes the shocker.

Straight opposite to the entrance is a stone, containing the date of the building.


Babur is describing an already existing structure, and the translators have been taking down as if he was building himself stone palaces and mighty complicated stuff like the ones he described just now, all in such a short while since his landing here.

There was an empty space within the fort (of Agra), between Ibrahīm’s palace* and the ramparts. I directed a large waīn to be constructed on it, ten gaz by ten.* In the language of Hindustān they denominate a large well, having a staircase down it, waīn. This waīn was begun before the chārbāgh was laid out; they were busy digging it during the rains, but it fell in several times, and smothered the workmen. After my holy war against Rāna Sanka, as is mentioned in the Memoirs,* I gave orders for finishing it, and a very excellent waīn was completed. In the inside of the waīn there was constructed an edifice of three different stories. The lowest story has three open halls, and you descend to it by the well; the descent is by means of a flight of steps, and there is a passage leading to each of the three different halls.* Each hall is higher than the other by three steps. In the lowest hall of all, at the season when the waters subside, there is a flight of steps that descends into the well.* In the rainy season, when the water is high, the water comes up into the uppermost of these

Halls. In the middle story there is a hall of carved stone, and close by it a dome, in which the oxen that turn the water-wheel move round. The uppermost story consists of a single hall. From the extremity of the area that is at the top of the well, at the bottom of a flight of five or six steps, a staircase goes off from each side to this hall, and proceeds down to its right side.* Straight opposite to the entrance is a stone, containing the date of the building. By the side of this well a shaft or pit has been dug, in such a way that the bottom of it is a little higher than the middle of the well.* The cattle, moving in the dome that has been mentioned, turn a water-wheel, by which the water is raised from the one well into the other well or shaft. On this last-mentioned shaft they have erected another wheel, by which the water is raised to a level with the ramparts,* and flows into the upper gardens. At the place where the staircase issues from the well they have built a house of stone; and beyond the enclosure that surrounds the well, a stone mosque has been built; but it is ill built, and after the style of Hindustān.

An ill-built stone mosque? Fashioned earlier in a Hindu style?

Or a Hindu temple ? Converted by the Delhi sultans earlier within the palace to a mosque?

A well within a stone palace, like the one he describes here, exist also by the Jamuna-with similar Hindu motifs, made of marble stone and an Octagonal water tank and tamarind trees and gardens- they call it the Taj Mahal.

What was Babur finishing? When, an elaborate structure he is describing to be already there?

The Hindu approach to such places were spiritual and sacred and not sensuality, and thus they lacked these fit outs-such as pleasure baths and gardens, that they don’t require.

Tamarind trees and octagonal tanks go together with Hindu palace temples for Shiv Mandirs.

Yet, our comrades want the status Quo of their Old Version of History to be left undisturbed, and if needs be suspend any further scientific study of the matter to enable us to get an unbiased and better understanding- even ridiculously ban all Archaeological Excavations themselves....something most mind boggling.

In order go by their ‘scientific version of History- which is in reality scientific socialist version, we must suspend all science and enquiry.


About this subterfuge and obfuscation of many Hindu historians Elliot gives a piece of his mind thus- though it was written a full century before it became the official historians’ school thriving on State patronage of this intellectual inadequacy-

“ The few glimpses we have, even among the short Extracts in this single volume, of Hindūs slain for disputing with Muhammadans, of general prohibitions against processions, worship, and ablutions, and of other intolerant measures, of idols mutilated, of temples razed, of forcible conversions and marriages, of proscriptions and confiscations, of murders and massacres, and of the sensuality and drunkenness of the tyrants who enjoined them, show us that this picture is not overcharged, and it is much to be regretted that we are

left to draw it for ourselves from out the mass of ordinary occurrences, recorded by writers who seem to sympathize with no virtues, and to abhor no vices’

Elliot also painfully observes of them -“Other nations exhibit the same atrocities, but they are at least spoken of, by some, with indignation and disgust”.

Let us take short look at Octagon in Pagan architecture, its religious sites and especially its close relation to Shiv- Mandirs.

The Temple Mount, another sacred site that is a disputed structure also has this Octagon-the sign of Brahma and Islamic association with Abraham.

Solomon’s temple – layout- compare with the ancient Shiv Mandir that stands even today.

This Jewish Stone Temple, predictably had even a Shiv Ling or aniconic Stone, wrongly considered phallic. Linga stands for Stamba or the Cosmic Pillar of Light.

The Church of Holy Sepulchre has that Omphalos- even today, chained to pillar.

This historical temple site in Israel is called Shivta !

Teshub, the Godhead of pre-islamic Jews.

Kaba ? No, this is the archaeological reconstruction using computers of a Greek Octagon of EPHESOS.

Breathtaking post on Mayapur’s Vedic architects, incidentally exposing the Vaastu Blueprint of Taj Mahal.-

By Jai Om at Skyscraperpage.com

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Sacred Geometry:

In Hindu philosophy, geometry is seen to exist everywhere in creation: its order underlies structure of all things from molecules to galaxies. As such, Geometry is symbolized as a sacred language -- normally hidden in the Lord’s own design work of the natural world.

The ancient Vedic science of Vastu Shastra, the canon of , the ancient codes of town planning and architecture that had been transmuted to China via Buddhism as "Feng shui," is concerned with the natural geometric laws of the Universe. A temple constructed according to Vastu, and related Vedic sciences, it is said, will enhance the devotional experience of the pilgrim.

The Temple is both a place of worship and a Vedic Planetarium, that will teach people the ancient traditions as well as modern astrophysics, and how it relates to the Hindu worldview. As such, many elements of Sacred Geometry have been incorporated within the Temple.

^ An overlay of the floor plan of the Temple complex on a field ion micrograph of metallic atoms.

The floor plan of the Temple is based on the Vastu Purusha Mandala grid. The square in the centre of the mandala is presided over by Brahma. Encircling it are a number of squares called ‘padas’, or seats presided over by lesser deities, who form a hierarchy. Around it in the boarder of the mandala are 32 divinities that preside there.

^ Pursha Mandala and the floor plan

It had already been known Indian astronomers long before Nicolaus Copernicus that there are 9 major planetary bodies that orbit the Sun. This fact plays a major role in traditional Hindu theologic-geometic concepts. In Vastu Purusha Mandala design, the eight cardinal/diagonal directions are presided over by the eight planets (the 9th one being Earth.)

In this way, the mandala symbolically represents sacred space and

the cyclic movement of time. With these affinities, this mandala embodies an all-inclusive, contained image of the ordered cosmos and is a potent architectural mechanism that provides a blueprint for the building.


The objective height for the Temple's design was set by Srila Prabhupada for a temple of ‘about thirty stories’, whilst keeping beauty, buildability and costs in mind. The criteria for scale is based, for example, on the large proportions and number of the main deities, the magnitude of the structure required to fulfil the 1000 year longevity brief and the floor area required to hold the large number ofpilgrims. Temple height and proportions of the structure are rooted so many sacred geometries, scales, and mandalas.

Compare this with the Vaastu Blueprint that we have already discussed above.

Compare this Trident, of Shiva -with the Jewish Staff of Moses in Bible in the coin, and the Spire of Taj Mahal.

The inverted look at the Spire Design on the floor.

Elephant motifs in Taj-Mahal.

Animal forms are forbidden in Islamic architecture.

This Octagonal water Well inside the palatial structure is already described by Babur in Babur nama !

Babur was the great grandfather of the supposed builder!

There are hidden rooms in the Basement of Taj, and the Government and our comrades of Scientific Historiography are afraid that Archealogical Science may bust their myths- and bring out the cat.

They have violently protested and shut down any Archaeological activity in that direction!

The Basement had been walled up by Scientific crowd against the’ communal’ possibility of finding out the truth!

Stephen Knap writes -

The dome of the Taj Mahal bearing a trident pinnacle made of a non-rusting eight-metal Hindu alloy. The pinnacle served as a lightning deflector too.

This pinnacle has been blindly assumed by many to be an Islamic crescent and star, or a lightning conductor installed by the British. This is a measure of the careless manner in which Indian history has been studied till now. Visually identifiable things like this pinnacle too have been misinterpreted with impunity. The flower top of the dome, below the pinnacle, is an unmistakable Hindu sign. A full scale figure of this pinnacle is inlaid in the eastern courtyard.

The apex of the lofty entrance arch on all four sides of the Taj Mahal bears this red lotus and white trident--indicating that the building originated as a Hindu temple. The Koranic lettering forming the

middle strip was grafted after Shahjahan seized the building from Jaipur state's Hindu ruler.

A Mausoleum?- No. A Gaura Desh –Benglai style Temple Archetecture.

The Moguls simply took over such monuments in spite of Hindu embellishments and ornamentations, overnight pasted with marble engravings of the Koran and declared them as Mausoleums and Mosques.

This is the Dhatura flower essential for Hindu Shiva worship. The flower is depicted in the shape of the sacred, esoteric Hindu incantation 'OM.' Embossed designs of this blooming 'OM' are drawn over the exterior of the octagonal central sanctorum of Shiva where now a fake grave in Mumtaz's has been planted. While perambulating around the central chamber one may see such 'OM' designs

Let us now dwell on the following write up of Godbole and see whether a revaluation of the Secular History is called for due to its short changing of the Hindu’s Past and their present heritage, and whether full justice done to their right to know their own history .

Dr Godbole presents the case for revising our historical knowledge about the Taj Mahal- world over associated with the Indian image as an incomparable marvel of World’s Architectural Heritage.

‘There are many legends about the Taj Mahal. But one sentence is common in all of them. “For the construction, 20,000 men worked for 22 years.” This is well known throughout the world. The simple question is – where do these figures come from?

These figures come from a book called "Travels in India" by J B Tavernier, a French jewel merchant. He was a great adventurer who made six voyages to India in the days of Shivaji (1638 to 1668). Tavernier says, "I witnessed the commencement and completion of this monument (Taj Mahal) on which 20,000 men worked incessantly for 22 years.”

Tavernier’s book was first published in French in 1675. In those days, it was a great adventure for a single man to travel over such a long distance, face many difficulties, deal with peoples of many cultures and languages, adjust to their customs and traditions, and come home safely – that in itself was incredible. In addition Tavernier carried out a trade in precious stones like diamonds. He completed such voyages, not once but six times. His book was therefore a great sensation at that time. It was naturally translated into English and

during 1677 to 1811; nine editions of the English translation were published, whereas during the same period twenty-two editions of the French book were printed.

In 1889, Dr. Ball translated the original French book into English, corrected some mistakes in earlier translation and provided extensive footnotes. He also studied Tavernier’s movements thoroughly and provided details of his six voyages. From this it is clear that Tavernier came to Agra only twice – in the winter of 1640-41 and in 1665. This raises another interesting question.

Historians say that Mumtaz, wife of Shahjahan died in 1631 and the construction of Tajo Mahal started immediately. But if that is the case Tavernier could not have seen the commencement of Taj Mahal, as he came to Agra nearly 10 years later.

Aurangzeb had imprisoned his father Shahjahan in the Red Fort of Agra since 1658 and usurped power. No historian claims that Aurangzeb completed Taj Mahal. So, Tavernier could not have seen the completion of Taj Mahal either. And that being the case his statement that 20,000 men worked on it incessantly is meaningless.

Why have historians kept this truth from us for the last 117 years? The reason is simple. It strikes at the heart of the legend.

Badshahnama – What Does it Say?

British Historians have proclaimed that in India, Hindu Kings had no historical sense. Historical records were kept only by the Muslim

rulers. Fair enough, then let us turn to the Badshahnama which was written during the reign of Shahjahan.

The Asiatic Society of Bengal published the Persian text of Badshahnama in two parts, part I in 1867 and part II in 1868. The compilation was done by two Maulavis, under the superintendence of an English Major.

The funny thing is that no one quotes Badshahnama to explain how the Taj Mahal was built. Why?

Elliot and Dowson, two English gentlemen undertook the formidable task of writing history of India from the attack on Sindh by Mohammed bin Kasim in the 8th century to the fall of Marathas in the 19th century.

A period covering, some 1200 years. But it was written, based on chronicles of Muslim rulers only. Elliot and Dowson’s work was published in 8 volumes during 1867 to 1877.

Volume 7 deals with the reigns of Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. And yet in the entire volume we do not find the word ‘Taj Mahal.’

The authors should have said, “Though we have presented history of Shahjahan based on his official chronicle Badshahnama, we did not find any reference to Taj Mahal in it.”

They did no such thing. And Historians have kept even this information from us for the last 130 years.

In 1896 Khan Bahaddur Syed Muhammad Latif wrote a book entitled "Agra Historical and Descriptive." He refers to Badshahnama many times but does not quote specific page numbers.

On page 105 he says, “The site selected for the mausoleum was originally a palace of Raja Mansingh but it was now the property of his grandson Raja Jaisingh.” Many authors have referred to Latif in their bibliography but have not cared to see what he has said.

This truth was also hidden away from us by our Historians.

In 1905, H. R. Nevill, ICS, compiled Agra District Gazetteer. In it he changed the words "Raja Mansingh’s Palace" to "Raja Mansingh’s piece of land." Ever since all historians have followed suit and repeated "Shahjahan purchased Raja Mansingh’s piece of land, at that time in the possession of his grandson Raja Jaisingh." This deception has been going on for more than a century.

One may ask, “Why would an English officer be interested in playing such a mischief?” Well if we look at the events of those times the reason is clear cut.


Viceroy Lord Curzon separated some districts from Punjab to create a Muslim majority North West Frontier Province. Hindus became an insignificant minority in this province and that marked the beginning of their misfortune.


Curzon declared his intention to partition Bengal to create a Muslim majority province of East Bengal.


Curzon resigned but put into effect the partition of Bengal.


A Muslim delegation led by Agakhan called upon new Viceroy Lord Minto. Muslims pleaded that in any political reforms they should be treated separately and favourably. This move was obviously engineered by the British rulers.

December – Muslim League was started in Dacca.


In the Morley - Minto reforms, Muslims were granted separate electorates.

We should also remember that during 1873 and 1914, some English officers had translated into English the Persian texts of Babur-nama. Humayun-nama, Akbar-nama, Ain-e-Akbari and Tazuk - i - Jehangiri, but NOT Badshahnama.

Judging from above events it is obvious why Mr Nevill played the mischief when compiling Agra District Gazetteer in 1905.

It is astonishing that though Maulavi Ahmad (History of Taj, 1905) and Sir Jadunath Sarkar (Anecdotes of Aurangzeb, 1912) repeat that Raja Mansingh’s piece of land was purchased by Shahjahan, they also provide a reference - Badshahnama.

Volume I page 403. Strange as it may sound, no one had bothered to

see what is written on that page.

In 1964, Mr. P. N. Oak of New Delhi started having his doubts about Taj Mahal. He put forward an argument that it was originally a Hindu Palace. Oak had to cross swords with many historians. One of his opponents was a Kashmiri Pandit. Eventually they went to Government of India Archives. At the suggestion of the Librarian there the Pandit started to read Badshahnama, soon he came to Volume I page 403. One line read – "va pesh azin manzil-e-Raja Mansingh bood, vadari vakt ba Raja Jaisingh." He confessed that Shahjahan took over Raja Mansingh’s palace for burial of Mumtaz. We owe so much to this honest opponent of Mr. Oak. He gave word by word translation of pages 402 and 403 to Mr. Oak who promptly published it in his book "Taj Mahal is a Hindu Palace" (1968). However, Mr. Oak never stated that the translation was NOT his. It was done for him by a Persian expert. That made life of his opponents easy. They said, “Mr Oak’s translation is wrong.”

I obtained Oak’s book in London in 1977. I made a study for one year. First of all I read all the references generally quoted by Historians and writers.That was made possible by my being in England. Mr. Oak did not have that facility. All the references led to the same conclusion that the Taj Mahal is a Hindu Palace and it was NOT built by Shahjahan. My booklet entitled – "Taj Mahal: Simple Analysis of a Great Deception" was published in 1986. In 1981, while going through some references, I started suspecting that the British knew the true nature of the Taj Mahal for a long time but had deliberately suppressed the truth. Eventually, my research was published in 10 parts in the Quarterly "Itihas Patrika" of Thane (India). I collected all the information available on Taj Mahal over the 200 year period from 1784 to 1984, and shown how the British suppressed vital

pieces of evidence or twisted the truth. My research continued and was published in 1996 under the title – "Taj Mahal and the Great British Conspiracy."

Taj Legend Exposed in England in 1980

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a reputable Institution in London. In1980, in their monthly Journal, they published two letters challenging the validity of the usual Taj Legend. One was by Mr. Oak, the other by me. No one has refuted our arguments. Mr. Oak refers to Badshahnama, Volume I page 403. What have I disclosed in my letter?

What was Agra City like before Shahjahan came to power? That is the question dodged by all historians. In the 17th century, the Dutch like the English were trying to trade in India. They had a Factory (trading post) in Agra. Fransisco Pelsaert was their Senior Factor (Merchant) at Agra from 1620 to 1627. In 1626, he prepared a commercial report for his directors in Holland. By strange coincidence, he describes Agra City at that time. He says, “The city is narrow and long, because all the rich and influential people have built their palaces on the river bank and this stretches for 10 ½ miles. I will mention some of the well known ones. Starting from the North there is the palace of Bahadur Khan, Raja Bhoj, ……. Then comes the Red Fort. (Pelsaert then describes the Fort) beyond it is Nakhas – a great market, then follow the palaces of great Lords – Mirza Abdulla, Aga Naur …… Mahabat Khan, Late Raja Mansingh, Raja Madho Singh.”

English translation of this report was available since 1925. And yet no Historian refers to it.


The reason is simple. In 1626, Pelsaert has said that 10 ½ mile stretch of the river-bank was full of palaces, the late Raja Mansingh’s Palace being the last one.

The Badshahnama says that Shahjahan took over this palace for burying his wife Mumtaz. Thus, what we call Taj Mahal today is nothing but Late Raja Mansingh’s Palace.

That is the truth which Historians have kept away from us.

My efforts had one effect. In 1982, the Archaeological Survey of India published a booklet entitled "Taj Museum."

Though the authors repeat the usual legend, they say “Mumtaz died in Burhanpur and was buried there. Six months later Shahjahan exhumed her body and sent her coffin to Agra, on that site until then stood Late Raja Mansingh’s Palace……"

Today that palace is called the Taj Mahal.

Nothing could be simpler. What building work is needed for burying a corpse in a Palace?

Dr. V. S. Godbole, April 200714 Turnberry Walk Akshaya TritiyaBedfordMK41, 8AZU.K.v.godbole3@ntlworld.com

Also with grateful thanks to

Stephen Knapp.com


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