Tactile Transducer Setup Guide for IRacing 2013.02.12

Post on 08-Oct-2015






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Learn what is needed and how to setup a tactile experience to compliment iRacing.


  • Tactile Transducer

    Setup Guide

    By Jeremy Paterson


  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 1 Jeremy Paterson

    Introduction A tactile transducer is a relatively cheap (

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 2 Jeremy Paterson

    Tactile Transducer

    There are a few options available. As of the time of this writing, the two that seem most popular are the Aura

    AST-2B-4 Pro Bass Shaker, and the Dayton Audio TT25-16 PUCK Mini Bass Shaker 4-pack.

    Here is a comparison chart:

    Product Aura AST-2B-4 Pro Bass Shaker Dayton Audio TT25-16 PUCK Mini Bass Shaker 4-pack

    Photo (Relative sizes are approximated)

    Price ~$40 each $30 for 4 transducers

    Wattage 50w RMS / 100w Max 15w RMS / 30w Max each 60w/120w total

    Impedance 4 Ohms 16 Ohms each

    Usable Frequency Response 20-80 Hz 20-80 Hz

    Peak Force 30 lbs/foot 30 lbs/foot total (all 4 combined)

    Dimensions 6.2 Diameter, 2.5 High 3.4 Diameter, 1 High each

    A big plus to the Dayton Minis is that they are a lot more configurable (impedance, wattage, placement, etc.)

    due to the fact that you have 4 transducers instead of one. However, there is more wiring involved compared to

    a single Aura Bass Shaker. You can also use the popular Buttkicker brand amplifiers and transducers.

    Sound Card

    You will need to have a sound card that can be dedicated to the transducer. This can be your motherboards

    sound device, a PCI sound card, or an external USB sound device. If you dont already have a sound device that

    you can dedicate to the transducer, you will need to buy and install one. Most sound cards will work with X-Sim;

    however avoid the cheap USB thumb-style sound cards as they may not be compatible with the software. PCI

    sound cards are easy to find for

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 3 Jeremy Paterson


    The signal coming out of your sound card will not be strong enough to drive the transducer, so you will need a

    way to amplify the signal.

    The two most important things when deciding on an amplifier is the wattage, and the impedance. The amplifier

    must have enough power to handle the number of transducers you plan to run, and it must also be set up for

    the correct impedance (ohms.) If you dont understand how to get the right impedance, see the section on

    Designing Your System.

    You can buy a new 70w Subwoofer Amplifier for around $60 - $70. A cheaper solution might be to search for a

    used Home Theater subwoofer, disconnect the speaker, and just use the amplifier to drive the transducer.

    The amplifier does not have to be a subwoofer amplifier as long as the wattage and impedance is correct.

    However, depending on your application, you may or may not need to add a crossover filter if you go this route.

    See below for more information.

    Crossover Filter (Only necessary if using sim, game, or movie sounds to drive the shakers)

    If you are using a subwoofer amplifier, it most likely has a crossover built in (look for a crossover knob on the

    amplifier), so you can skip this section. However, if youre using a standard amplifier that does not have its own

    crossover then read on.

    A crossover filter takes a full-range sound signal and filters out unwanted frequencies. In the case of a tactile

    transducer, you only want to use lower frequencies (typically

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 4 Jeremy Paterson

    Mounting Hardware

    You will want to have as much of the surface of the transducer as possible in contact with your seat.

    Obviously, the exact mounting hardware youll need will be based on your specific arrangement.

    You will also want to try to isolate your chair or sim rig from the floor using rubber pads or feet for best results.

    People have reported positive results from mounting them near the pedals as well.

    I have experimented with different placements and have discovered that the strongest effect will be felt if the

    transducer is mounted directly to the bottom of your seats cushion and springs. The effect is more

    concentrated to a smaller area, so you may need to try different ways of mounting it to distribute the vibrations

    to a larger area. You can also mount it elsewhere on your rig, but may need to amplify the signal a little more to

    achieve the same effect.

    SimVibe Software

    I HIGHLY recommend the SimVibe Software to run your transducers. It is the cleanest, easiest, and best solution

    for driving your shakers.

    The software takes Telemetry data straight from iRacing and converts it into a low-frequency sound wave

    proportional to the bumps and vibration the driver should be feeling. It is very easy to configure and customize

    to your preferences. It also supports multiple channels so you can have different vibrations coming from

    different shakers if you have a multiple-channel setup for a 3-dimensional effect.

    The software is available from Simxperience and more information can be found at their website:


    X-Sim Software

    An alternative to SimVibe is a program called X-Sim. Although it is free to use, the software is very complex and

    can be difficult to set up in comparison to SimVibe. It also doesnt provide the accuracy of SimVibe. For

    example: you will not feel the rumble strips when using X-Sim, but SimVibe is very good at providing this effect.

    See the Setting Up X-Sim section for instructions on setting it up.

    The software is available at www.x-simulator.de

    Do I really need software?

    Using SimVibe or X-Sim is optional. If youd prefer to get the transducers signal from the sound alone instead of

    telemetry, then the software is not necessary. However, the experience from using sound alone is not nearly as

    immersive or rich as using software to extract the telemetry.

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 5 Jeremy Paterson

    Designing Your System So, now that you know what components you need its time to design your system.


    How you design your system will depend on a couple factors. These are some good questions to answer before

    getting started:

    Do I want to use sound or telemetry for the vibration data?

    Do I plan to use it for other games or movies?

    What equipment do I already own that I can design my system around to minimize cost?

    How many transducers do I want?

    How much am I willing to spend?

    SimVibe, X-Sim, Sound, or X-Sim mixed with Sound?

    NOTE: There is no option for mixing SimVibe with Sound because SimVibe provides ALL the necessary feedback

    from the sim, so mixing with sound is unnecessary. However, you may still want to set up the sound part for use

    with other games or movies.

    Method SimVibe (Best Choice) X-Sim Only Sound Only Mix X-Sim & Sound

    Pros Extremely Accurate feedback using telemetry

    Easy to set up

    No need for a crossover filter

    Very customizable

    Multi-channel capabilities

    No need to mix with sound to get full effect

    Uses telemetry

    No need for a crossover filter

    You can adjust the X-Sim profile to your liking

    Software is free

    Can be used with movies and games that arent supported by X-Sim

    No extra software to deal with

    Gives you feedback on some things that X-Sim cant (like rumble strips)

    X-Sim cannot provide some effects (like rumble strips). Mixing sim sounds with the X-Sim signal can provide some of the missing effects.

    Can be used with movies and games that arent supported by X-Sim

    Cons Payware Not as accurate or immersive as SimVibe

    X-Sim software can be tricky to setup

    Cant feel some things like rumble strips

    X-Sim software may conflict with other Force FeedBack devices. Fanatec wheel owners have reported a temporary loss of FFB when using X-Sim.

    Not as immersive as using telemetry

    If you use a USB headset, you will have to use software to send sound to two different devices

    You will need to have a crossover filter somewhere in your signal path

    Cant customize the feedback for different events

    Have to run X-Sim software

    If you use a USB headset, you will have to use software to send sound to two different devices

    You will need to have a crossover filter somewhere in your signal path

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 6 Jeremy Paterson

    Amplifier Wattage

    Speakers and transducers have watt ratings. The watt rating tells you how much power it needs for optimal

    performance. Speakers and transducers will still work if theyre under or over-powered, but not optimally. If

    theyre underpowered, youre not able to get the full effect. If theyre over-powered you risk damaging them.

    You want to make sure that your amplifier has enough power for all of the transducers you intend to use but not

    so much that you will damage them. For instance, if youre going to use 2 Aura Bass Shakers, youll want to limit

    your power to 100w to prevent possible damage. You can usually overpower speakers somewhat with no

    detriment, but for the purposes of this guide keep within the correct power ranges unless you really know what

    youre doing. You can safely under-power them though. You can run 2 Aura Bass Shakers off of one 70w amp;

    you just might not get as strong of an effect.

    NOTE: Amplifiers typically have two watt ratings. They are Watts RMS and Peak Watts. Watts RMS is the

    rating you want to use. Think of RMS as the average ocean level, and Peak Watts at the height of the highest

    wave (its a little more complicated than that, but the explanation is beyond the scope of this guide.)


    All speakers and tactile transducers have an ohm rating to tell you their impedance (or resistance to changes

    in current.) The amplifier output also has an impedance rating. It is important that the amplifier sees the

    correct amount of impedance. If you do not match up your amplifiers impedance rating to the total load, you

    could damage the amplifier, the transducers, or both.

    If youre only using one transducer, this is very easy. For instance, you could hook up one Aura Bass Shaker (4-

    ohm) to a 4 ohm amplifier and youre all set.

    If the transducers are wired in series, as shown below, then you add their impedances to get the total

    impedance. In this example, you have a 4-ohm transducer in series with another 4-ohm transducer, giving you a

    total impedance of 8 ohms (4+4=8)



  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 7 Jeremy Paterson

    If transducers of equal impedance are wired in parallel, then you divide the impedance of ONE transducer by

    the total number of transducers*. In this example, you have two 4-ohm transducers in parallel, giving you a

    total impedance of 2 ohms (4/2=2)

    * All transducers in the parallel circuit must be of equal impedance for this method of calculation to work.

    You can also make a combination of series and parallel transducers to get a different value. In the example

    below, you have a pair of transducers in series with each other, and in parallel with another pair of transducers.

    You can consider the ones in series to be a single transducer whose impedance is equal to the sum of the two.

    So this would be like having two 8-ohm transducers in parallel with each other, giving you a total impedance of 4

    ohms (8/2=4)



  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 8 Jeremy Paterson

    In the case of the Dayton Mini Bass Shakers (16 ohms each), you could wire all 4 in parallel for a 4-ohm load, or 2

    in parallel for an 8-ohm load. If you have a 2-channel amp at 8-ohms, you could put 2 Mini Shakers on one

    channel in parallel with each other and the other pair on the other channel in parallel with each other for two

    separate 8-ohm loads. There are many, many possible configurations. The more transducers you have, the

    more options you have for impedance.

    Do not try adding resistors to the circuit to get the speaker load to the right impedance. Its not that simple

    and you could damage components or even start a fire!

    Signal Path

    On the following pages are some block diagrams of the signal path for a few possible configurations.

    NOTE: On the configurations that use Sound Data from iRacing, a stereo splitter is used to send sound to both

    the speakers and to the secondary sound card so you can hear the sim and feel it too. However, if you are using

    a USB device then a stereo splitter is not an option. The only solution is to split the sound signal using software.

    There are programs available to do this and Ive included a link to one at the end of this guide. I do not

    recommend this type of setup because the splitter software can induce a noticeable delay in the sound due to

    the time it takes to process the signal. Because of this limitation, if you plan to use a USB device to hear the in-

    car sounds, I recommend using a Telemetry Only setup to drive the transducers.

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 9 Jeremy Paterson

    Telemetry Only In this configuration, you are using software to convert iRacings telemetry to a usable signal. Note: You could also use a subwoofer amp here, though its not necessary to use the crossover filter.

    Sound Only In this configuration, you are using sound data and splitting the output signal from Sound Card. Send one signal to your speakers and the other to Sound Card 2, and ultimately to the Bass Shaker. Note: There must be a crossover filter in the signal path from Sound Card 2

    X-Sim + Sound Ensure the microphone is enabled on Sound Card 2.

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 10 Jeremy Paterson

    Sound + USB Solution You can use software such as VAC to send the sound signal to two devices. This setup is not ideal because the software can induce a delay in the sound. Also notice the use of a standard amplifier with a crossover filter instead of using a subwoofer amp.

    Notice that in every configuration, the ultimate goal is to get a High-Power / Low Frequency sound signal to the

    transducer. You could make many configurations that are different than these examples, but these examples

    should illustrate the concept well enough to get you started.

    Using X-Sim NOTE: After the release of SimVibe, I stopped using the X-Sim software. As a result, some of the instructions

    may no longer apply to the latest versions of the X-Sim software. I will leave the X-Sim instructions in this guide

    as a reference for anyone who wishes to use it, but be aware they may not be accurate anymore.

    This guide was written using X-Sim Version (Aluminum Edition.) This portion of the guide is written for

    setting up X-Sim with iRacing and a tactile transducer. It doesnt encompass the whole program.

    Basic Concepts of the X-Sim programs

    X-Sim Extractor reads the telemetry data from iRacing and sends that data to the Converter program.

    X-Sim Converter takes that data and converts it into a low frequency sound signal and sends it to your


    Initial Setup for Version

    Download one of the .rn2 profiles from the forum or from the old X-Sim forums under Forums > Motion

    Profiles > iRacing > X-Sim profiles

    Download the X-Sim software from http://www.x-sim.de/

    Install the program. You will not need to install the Video Plugin or Pneumatic/Hydraulic USB Drivers

    Move the .rn2 profile that you downloaded to the folder xsim3/MyProfiles

    Start the Extractor program - You may get an error saying The requested operation requires elevation. If

    so, right-click the programs icon > Click Properties > Click the Compatibility tab > Check the box that says

    Run this program as an administrator.

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 11 Jeremy Paterson

    You will be prompted to login or register. Make sure that your password does not contain any special

    characters (!@#$^&*...) or you wont be able to log in.

    After logging in the Heuristic Games Wizard will pop up

    Click the button and locate the iRacing executable (iRacing install folder/iRacingSim.exe)

    In the plugin dropdown box, select iRacing

    Click Add this game to the list

    Select Do not configure. Manual Setup

    Click Close.

    Click the Motion Driver button (lower right)

    In the popup window, click the Telemetry Plugin button on the left menu

    In the list just to the right of that menu, select the round iRacing button (dont worry about the checkbox)

    Click the button in the upper-right that says Standard Setup for Left Dialog.

    Close this window (Motion Driver Setup window)

    Start the Converter program

    Intro Wizard will start and you'll hear a voice explaining the program. To disable this, Click "Don't show intro


    You can disable all voice notifications by clicking "My Simulator" at the top, then un-checking "Enable

    speech output."

    Click "Interface Settings" on the left menu

    In right-most column, double-click "Bass Shaker"

    Bass Shaker plugin settings window pops up

    Select appropriate soundcard from the dropdown list

    Click "OK" on the notification for re-scan

    You will be taken back to the Interface Settings screen.

    Un-check all boxes except Bass Shaker in the right column

    Click "Scan Hardware."

    Double-Click on Bass Shaker again

    This menu is where you adjust the output to your shaker. These settings work well for me:

    o Minimum Frequency: 20

    o Maximum Frequency: 119

    o Minimum: 50%

    o Startup Volume: 0%

    o Startup Frequency: 50 Hz

    You can use the Test Minimum/Maximum/Silence buttons to test your settings. If you click these buttons

    and don't get any output from your shaker, then something is not set up properly. Verify you've selected

    the correct soundcard, and then check your soundcard's settings, Windows Volume mixer, physical

    connections, amplifier, etc.

    After testing, click "Close Dialog."

    On the top of the Converter, click Profiles > Load, and select the profile you downloaded in the first step.

    In the Load Dialog box, ensure all boxes are checked and click "Accept."

    A group of sliders will pop up on the screen. The top row is for Frequency, and the bottom row is for

    Volume. Use these to adjust the profile to your liking.

  • iRacing Tactile Transducer Setup Guide 12 Jeremy Paterson

    Go back to the Extractor and click "Try send data." The green "Start" button on the profiler will change a

    couple times and eventually end up being red with the word "Stop" on it. This indicates that the profiler is

    sending sound to your Bass Shaker.

    You may feel a constant vibration. If you do, then your Minimum Volume may be set too high. You need to

    go back to the Bass Shaker plugin settings (Interface Settings > Double-click Bass Shaker in right column) and

    adjust the Minimum % setting. You can make adjustments then click "Start" as many times as you need in

    the profiler to get the right level. I prefer to have a vibration that's just barely noticeable.

    This completes the setup portion. You can now close the Converter and Extractor programs and all of these

    settings will be automatically loaded each time you lauch the program.

    Using X-Sim after initial setup

    Launch the Extractor and click the Try send data button

    Launch the Converter

    Click the green Start button (upper left of Converter program) if it doesnt start automatically.

    You can now minimize the programs and run iRacing like normal

    Using a 2nd PC to run the Profiler

    X-Sim can cause a performance hit in the simulator due to the extra CPU load. To alleviate this, the Profiler can

    be run on a secondary PC thats networked with your iRacing PC. (Thanks to Brent Bundy for these instructions.)

    Signal: iRacing Telemetry > Force Sender > LAN > Force Profiler on 2nd PC > Sound Card > Amplifier > Transducer

    Hook up your transducers and amplifier to your 2nd PC's soundcard.

    Set up the X-Sim Converter on the 2nd PC using the instructions above.

    Run X-sim Force Extractor on your iRacing machine

    Open the Extractor and click on the Settings > Manage cluster list

    Enter your 2nd PC's IP address and click Add ip address to list.

    (to find your IP address in Windows: Start > Run > CMD. Type ipconfig in the prompt)

    Click Quit Dialog

    Click the "Try Send Data" button and run everything as you normally would on one machine

    Now the only extra load on the iRacing PC is the Extractor (very small load) which sends the telemetry data to

    the 2nd PC. The 2nd PC is now handling the extra CPU workload of converting the telemetry into sound data and

    driving the Bass Shakers, minimizing the load on your iRacing PC.

    Useful links: http://www.simxperience.com

    http://www.x-sim.de/ - X-Sim website

    http://www.parts-express.com/ - Parts Express sells tactile transducers and amplifiers

    http://software.muzychenko.net/eng/vac.htm - Virtual Audio Cable software that allows a program to send

    sound data to more than one sound device. Useful if youre using sound data instead of Telemetry.

    http://www.amplifiedparts.com/tech_corner/speaker_impedance_power_handling_and_wiring - Explanation of

    speaker impedances.

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