Sympathy and Empathy in Writing

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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Sympathy and Empathy in Writing


Empathy :Understanding what others are feeling

because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Ex: I know it's not easy to lose some weight because I have faced the same problems


Definition of Terms

Sympathy Acknowledging another person's emotional

hardships and providing comfort and assurance.

Example: I’m sorry for your loss.

Definition of Terms

Empathy vs. Sympathy• Sympathy: I am sorry for your loss. What can I do to

help you during this difficult time?• Empathy: I feel and understand your pain; my

grandmother passed away last year as well.• Sympathy: A doctor may feel sympathy and

understands a patient's illness and try to alleviate the pain, but she may not feel his/her distress and pain.

• Empathy: A cancer support group can empathize with the radiation therapy of a member and understand his/her fear because they have experienced the procedure as well.

How to put this into writing?

Empathy in writing means being aware of the effect your words will have on the reader. Especially when editing, you need to think not only from your own perspective, but also from the reader’s.

• What will go through their mind as they read your prose?

• What kind of reaction might they have?

As you read your piece, constantly gauge this potential reaction.

• Does that digression entertain or confuse?• Is your elevated diction scholarly or haughty? • Do you sound defensive or passionate?

Cautious or waffling? • What kind of assumptions do you seem to be

making about your reader? Are they warranted?

How to improve your empathy

• Observations• Know your audience• Personal experience• Exposure to life• Imagination• Read a lot

How to Write a Sympathy Note

• Use nice stationery. Casual notes can be written on whatever is handy.

• Keep it short and simple. • Start off by expressing your sadness at

hearing about the death.• Share a memory.• Don’t try to explain the loss.• Don’t try to explain the loss.

• Show your solidarity.• Close by offering your help. Empathetic sympathy messages might include statements,

such as:- I will never forget Molly’s smile.- Your mom had such a wonderful voice that I think of her

every time I hear the choir.- It’s hard taking my walk without Kevin, but I use the time

to think about the positive influence he had on my life.- You gave your dad such loving care and I know you meant

the world to him.

How to Write a Sympathy Note

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