Sylvia beatriz2

Post on 07-May-2015






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Sylvia Mararía Del Pino Rodríguez Currás.Beatriz Bandrés Colmena.

3ºA ESO.


Where does this energy

come from?

The wind is in the atmosphere. Wind is simply air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s

surface by the Sun.

Is it Renewable or Non-Renewable?

Wind is a renewable energy that does not need anything to work. It never ends. The wind farms need no fuel.

What kind of energy

transformation takes place?

Wind energy, pass kinetic energy to electric energy.

How do we transform the energy?

Transform kinetic energy through windmill blades for electric energy.

Environmental Impact

The blades of the windmills can kill birds, but overall, the effect would haven't major consequences.

Is this a good energy source for the Canary Islands? Why?

Yes, because it is renewable. It gives us electricity by wind. The Canary Islands have an advantage, because the islands have more wind.

Pros and Cons

Pros:Wind energy is a clean energy type.Another advantage is the long life of

a turbine.

Cons:The first big problem are the visual effects. Another big problem is the noise it makes.

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