SYLLABUS FOR COMBINED COMPETITIVE ... - · PDF file20. Indian History (Pre-Muslim, Muslim Period and British Rule) 15 21. ... Role and objectives of Muslim Ummah. 6. Quranic

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S.NO. NAME OF SUBJECT PAGE 01. English General & Essay 1 02. Current Affairs and Pakistan Affairs 1-2 03. Islamiat 2-3 04. U0072du General & Essay 4

Optional Subjects

05. Commerce 5 06. Agriculture 5 07. Applied Mathematics 5-6 08. Arabic 6 09. Botany 7-8 10. British History (From 1699 to Present Time) 8 11. Civil Law 8 12. Criminal Law 9 13. Chemistry 9 14. Economics 9-10 15. English Literature 10-11 16. European History (From 1789 to Present Time) 11-12 17. Forestry 12-13 18. Geography 13-14 19. Geology 14-15 20. Indian History (Pre-Muslim, Muslim Period and British Rule) 15 21. International Relations 15 22. Islamic History (From Holy Prophet to Present Muslim World) 15-16 23. Muslim Law and Jurisprudence 16 24. Persian 16-17 25. Philosophy 17-18 26. Physics 18 27. Psychology 18-19 28. Political Science 19-20 29. Public Administration 20-21 30. Pure Mathematics 21-22 31. Sociology 22-23 32. Statistics 23-24 33. Urdu Literature 24 34. Zoology 25-26



Marks Part-A: 100 Part-B: 50

Total: 150 0

PART-A Precis & Composition

The examination will be based upon Precis & Composition and will be geared to test the candidates’ ability to handle grammatical structure, reading comprehension and analysis, and precis writing and composition. The candidates should be capable of:

(a) Using English correctly and efficiently as a vehicle of communication.

(b) Reading, comprehending and analyzing advanced texts.

Grammar and Vocabulary The candidate’s ability to handle the structure of English will be tested by framing items based upon grammatical categories that usually creat e problems for foreign students. There shall be no prescribed course for this purpose. Reading Comprehension and Analysis Two unseen passages shall be given with a fixed reading time and multiple choice questions would be placed at the end to be answered. The passage for comprehension shall be fairly technical. The passages would be selected from writings on economic, social, cultural subjects and international affairs. Precis writing The candidates will be required to present an acceptable precis of a given passage. The unseen passage will be selected from current, economic, social, cultural and international affairs.


Candidates will be required to write one or more essays in English. A wide choice of subject will be given.


Title Author/Publisher

1. A communicative grammar of English

Leech & Svartik

2. A Practical English grammar

Thomson & Martinet

3. A Comprehensive English Grammar for Foreign Students.

Eclersley & Eckersley (Long-mans)

4. Modern English Vol. I & II Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.


5. A University English Grammar R. Quirk & S.Greenbaum (Longmans)

6. Practical English Usage

Swan (OUP)

7. English Idioms McMordie

8. Mastering Modern English Etherton


AFFAIRS (COMPULSORY) Marks Current Affairs: 75 Pakistan Affairs: 75

Total: 150



(Current Affairs)

Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of History, Geography and Politics as is necessary to interpret current affairs.

1. Pakistan’s relations with its neighbors. 2. Pakistan’s relations with Middle Eastern, African and

Far Eastern Countries. Pakistan relations with big powers.

3. International Economic issues and Pakistan. 4. Pakistan’s role in regional and international

0rganizations. 5. Nuclear politics in South Asia. 6. Structure of Pakistan’s Economy, economic planning

and development strategies. 7. Central Issues and problems in the Educational

Systems. 8. Issues in Pakistan Politics. 9. Super powers and the Issues of World Order. 10. Major Contemporary Crises. 11. Major Economic, Social and Political issues of the

world as reflected and discussed in periodicals and newspapers.


Title Author/Publisher 1. India, Pakistan,

Bangladesh and Great Powers.

G.W. Choudhry

2. Main Spring of Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policy

S.M. Burke

3. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. S.M. Burke. 4. Pakistan and the Great

Powers. Mohammad Ahsan Choudhry

5. Pakistan and the U.N. Mohammad Ahsan Choudhry,

6. Pakistan the long view Lawrence Ziring et. al

7. Political System of Pakistan.

Khalid B. Sayeed, Concept Publishing Co. New Dehli, 1995.

8. Politics in Pakistan. Khalid B. Sayeed

9. World Politics Since 1945

P. Calvocrassi

10. Conflict and Cooperation in the Indian Ocean: Pakistan’s Interests and Choices

Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema

11. The Security of South Asia.

Stephen P. Cohen

12. The Military and Politics in Pakistan.

Hassan Askari Rizvi

13. Development strategies of Pakistan.

M.L. Qureshi

14. The Management of Pakistan’s economy 1947 to 1982.

Ahmad, V., Rashid Amjad



(Pakistan Affairs). 1. Evolution and growth of Muslim Society in the Sub- continent. 2. Ideology of Pakistan-Definition and Elucidation, Historical

aspects: Muslim rule in the sub-continent, its downfall and efforts of renaissance. Movements for reforms- Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, Anjamun Hamiat -e-Islam and other Educational Institutions- Sind Madressah and Islamia College Peshawar. Ideology of Pakistan in the lights of speeches and saying of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam.

3. Pakistan Movement-Historical developments, important event, role of various individuals, Communities and groups.

4. Political Developments in Pakistan since 1947 and efforts for promulgation of Islamic system.

5. Land and People of Pakistan-Geography, Society, Natural resources, Agriculture, Industry, Education with reference to characteristics, trends and problems.


Title Author/Publisher

1. Ideological Orientations of Pakistan

Al Mujahid Sharif.

2. Letters of Iqbal to Jinnah Iqbal, Mohammad. 3. Muslim Separatism in

India (A brief Survey 1858-1947).

Hamid, Abdul.

4. Modern Muslim India and the birth of Pakistan

Akram, S.M.

5. Quaid-i-Azam and Pakistan.

Dani, Ahmed Hassan

6. Struggle for Pakistan. Qureshi, I. H. 7. The case for Pakistan. Rafiq, Afzal M.,

National Commission on Historical & Cultural Research, Islamabad. 1997

8. The Making of Pakistan. Aziz, K.K., Sang-e-Meal Publication, Lahore 1998

9. The Muslim Community of the Indo -Pakistan Sub-continent.

Qureshi, I.H.

10. The Emergence of Pakistan.

Mohammad Ali Ch.

11. Towards Pakistan Waheed-uz-Zaman 12. Pakistan A study of

political development (1947-97)

Hameed Yousaf

13. Ulema in politics Qureshi, I.H, Maroof, Karachi, 1972

14. World Scholars on Quaid-e-Azam

Dani, Ahmed Hassan




1. Basic Problems of Human Life and their Solutions

Various sources of knowledge-revelation (Wahy) as a source of knowledge and solution to human problems. Divinity and Supremacy of Wahy. 2. Need of Religion and its role in Human Life .

Islam and other religions.

3. Islam.

Its concept and meanings, Deen and Muzhab, Islamic concepts of Universe and Humanity, Place of Humanity in Islam, Man as Vicegerent of Allah, Ch ief Characteristics of Islamic Ideology.

4. Fundamental Beliefs and Practices of Islam (a) Tauheed (Unity of Allah), Risalat (Finality of the

Prophethood), Akhirat (Day of Judgement). (b) Salat, Soum, Zakat, Hajj, Jehad.

5. Islamic way of life.

(a) Sources of Shariah: The Qu’ran, Sunnah, Ijma (Consensus), Qiyas and Ijtihad (reasoning).

(b) Social system in Islam: Responsibilities and mutual relationship of members of family, separate role of man and woman in an Islamic Social set up, concept of Woman’s freedom in Islam, Responsibilities of man and woman in character-building of new generation.

(c) Morality in Islam: Concept of morality, Relationship of morality and Faith, Islamic Principles and methods of character-building, Moral values in Islam.

(d) Islamic Political System:- (i) Legislative System (ii) Judicial System

(e) Muslim Ummah: Role and objectives of Muslim


6. Quranic Ayat and their Translation. Following last 10 surrah of the Holy Quran with their translations:-






Title Author/Publisher

1. Introduction to Islam Dr. Hamidullah

2. Islamic Ideology

Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim

3. Ideology of the Future.

Dr. Muhammad Rafiuddin

4. Islam: The Misunderstood Religion.

Muhammad Qutub

5. Islam: Its meaning and Message

Khushid Ahmed, Book Promotions, Ibd, 1980.

6. Islam the Religion.

Syed Anwar Ali

7. The Religion of Islam.

Ahmad A. Galwash

8. Outlines of Islamic Culture.

A.M.A. Shushterys





a. Accounting Equation, Transactions, Balance Sheet, Recording the business transactions, the Journal, Ledger and Trial balance. Accounting of Sales, Purchases, Cash and Banking Transactions. Income Statement, P & L Account & Balance Sheet.

b. Functions of Banks, Importance of a Commercial

Bank, Management & Organization of a Commercial Bank, Credit Instruments, Banker & Customers Relationship. Features of Saving/Non-checking, Current, fixed Term and Profile and Loss Showing Accounts, Bank Credit, Revenue Sheet, Interest free Banking, Functions and Powers of a Central Bank, The Control Bank as the Government’s Banker, Agents and Advisors, Roll of Central Bank in the under developed money market. Money and its Forms, Fundamentals of Monetary theory.

c. Nature, Scope and Importance of Business, Qualities of a Businessman, Organization-Meaning, Types, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships. Co-Ownership Vs Partnership: Classification of Partners, Duties Rights and Liabilities of Partners, Dissolution of Partnership, Forms and Business Partnership under Islamic Law, Joint Stock Company: Formation and incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association; Prospectus; shareholders, Financial Needs of Business Types of Financing. Basic Patters of Capital Structure.

d. Principals of computing taxable income and total income for the purposes of Income Tax, Universal Self-Assessment.

Specialized Knowledge of Income Tax will not be expected. Candidates will be required to have a sound grasp of the provisions of Section 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 39(3) and (4), 40, 72, 87, 92, 93, 98A, 98B, 98C, 101, 114(1), 114(3) and (4) 120, 122, 123, 124, 147, 176, First Schedule and 2nd Schedule of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 as amended upto date and the connected Rules contained in Income Tax Rules, 2002.


Marks–150 1. Natural Resources (Land, Water, Biological, Environmental, Solar and Energy) as bases for agricultural production. Agriculture as integrated system of components like Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry, Range Management, Socio -economics etc. Role of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in Pakistan. 2. Elements of climate and their relationship with crop growth, Factors of soil, Soil formation and development of soil profile, Soil texture and structure and their management, Soil fertility and fertilizer requirement of various soils and crops, Role of organic matter in soil; Water requirements of crops and water use efficiency, Cropping pattern and crop relations, Systems and types of farming; Nature, formation and reclamation of salt affected and water-lodged soil, Soil erosion and conservation. 3. Physiology of Growth and development, growth curves, growth regions, RGR, NAR and LAR in relation to biomass production seed growth and assimilate partitioning. Harvest index. Photoperiodic and thermoperiodic responses of crop plants, photorespiration. Nirtrogen fixation, Nitrogen cycle, factors affecting biological N-fixation. 4. The modern concept of genetics, gene and gene function, application of genetics for the improvement of crops. 5. Modern concept of Horticultural Industry, Plant propagation. Major management and breeding problems in fruits and vegetables. 6. Pests and diseases of agricultural crops, Principles and methods of pest and diseases control, Pesticides--their application and actgion. Modern concept and principles of insect pest management. 7, Role of agriculture in the national economy. Agricultural mechanization. Land tenure and Land reforms. Population

problems of rural Pakistan. Major issues in agriculture and agricultural development in Pakistan.


Title Author/Publisher

1. Agriculture in India Vol. I & II Kamar, L.S.S. 2. An Introduction to Tropical

Agriculture Temporary H&D Grit, H.

3. A treatile in Horticulture Gilani, M.A. 4. An Introduction to Animal

Husbandry King Black Well, J.O.L

5. Breading Field Crops Poehlman, The AVI Publishing Co. West Port, 1978.

6. Disease of Field Crops. Dickson, J.G.

7. Agricultural Insects Pests of Tropic and their control.

Hill, S.D

8. Forest Ecology. Spurr, S. H.

9. Fundamentals of Soil Science Foth, Joh Willey & Sons, New York, 1951.

10. Irrigation Principles and Practicals. Isrealson,O.W

11. Manual of Plant Production. Abdul Manan

12. Principles of Agronomy Mudliar, W.T.S.

13. Principles of Field Crop Production.

Martin, J.H. & Leonard, W.H.

14. Principles of Genetics. Gardner, E.J

15. Physiology of Crop Plants Gardner, Peares and Mitchal

16. The Nature and Properties of Soil Buckman, H.O. & Bready, N.C., Macmillan, New York, 1990.

17. Physiology of Growth and Willking

18. Plant Pathology Agrioes.G.N.


7. APPLIED MATHEMATICS Marks Part ‘A’: 75 Part ‘B’: 75 ___

Total: 150


Vector Analysis Vector algebra, scalar and vector product of two or more vectors, Function of a scalar variable, Gradient, divergence and curl, Expansion formulae, curvilinear coordinates, Expansions for gradient, divergence and curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s Stoke’s and Gauss’s theorems. Statics Composition and resolution of forces, Parallel forces, and couples, Equilibrium of a system of coplanar forces, Centre of mass and centre of gravity of a system of particles and rigid bodies. Friction, Principle of virtual work and its applications, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions. Dynamics Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Rectilinear motion with constant and variable acceleration, Simple harmonic motion, work, Power and Energy, Conservative forces and principles of energy, Principles of linear and angular momentum, Motion of a projectile, Ranges on horizontal and inclined planes, Parabola of safety. Motion under central forces, Apse and apsidal distances, planetary orbits, Kepler’s laws, Moments and products of inertia of particles and


rigid bodies, Kinetic energy and angular momentum of a rigid body, Motion of rigid bodies, Compound pendulum. Impulsive motion, collision of two spheres and coefficient of restitution.


Differential Equations

Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients. Non-linear equations. Systems of equations. Variation of parameters and the power series method.

Formation of partial differential equations. Types of integrals of partial differential equations, Partial differential equations of first order. Partial differential equations with constant coefficients, Monge’s method. Classification of partial differential equations of second order. Laplace’s equation and its boundary value problems. Standard solutions of wave equation and equation of heat induction.

Tensor Definition of tensors as invariant quantities. Coordinate transformations. Contravariant and covariant laws of transformation of the components of tensors. Addition and multiplication of tensors. Contraction and inner product of tensors. The Kronecker delta and Levi-Civita symbol. The metric tensor in Cartesian, polar and other coordinates. Covariant derivatives and the Christoffel symbols. The gradient, divergence and curl operators in tensors in tensor notation.

Elements of Numerical Analysis

Solution of non-linear equations, Use of x=g (x) form. Newton Raphson method, Solution of system of linear equations. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Method. Numerical Integration. Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule. Regula falsi and iterative method for solving non-linear equation with convergence. Linear and Lagrange interpolation. Graphical solution of linear programming problems.


Title Author/Publisher

1. Classical Mechanics Goldstein

2. Lecturers on Ordinary Differential Equations

Hille, E.

3. Lecturers on Partial Differential Equations

Petrovosky, I.G.

4. Mechanics Symon, G.F.

5. Mechanics Ghori, Q. K

6. Mathematical Physics, An Advanced Course

Mikhin, S.G.

7. Ordinary Differential Equations Easthan, M.S.P.

8. Principles of Mechanics Synge and Griffith

9. Principles of Mechanics Hauser

10. Partial Differential Equations Sneddon. I.N.

11. Theoretical Mechanics Beckker

12. Theoretical Mechanics Bradsbury

13. Theory of ordinary differential equations

Goddirgton, E.A. and N. Livenision

14. Vector and Tensor Methods Cartesian Tensors

Charlton Jeffreya




1. (a) The Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature.

(b). The Quran, its language, contents and style; its influence on the subsequent literature.

(c) Quranic, semantics and etymology with special reference to Ibn-Manzoor’s Lisan al’ Arab and Raghib al-Asfahani’s Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran.

(d) Literary History and Literary criticism-literary movements, classical background, socio -cultural influences and modern trends. Origin and development of modern literary genres, including drama, novel, short story, essay.

(e) Contribution of Arabs in the fields of science, philosophy and linguistics with special reference to the views of the Ibn Khaldun, Albiruni, Al-Jahiz, Ibn Maskawaih, Ibn Maja, Al-Kasai and Sebawaih.

(f) A short introduction to Pakistani Arabic literature in the fields of prose and poetry.

(g) The contemporary Arabic literature in Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq with special emphasis on the literature of Al-Mahjer and its out -standing representatives such as Jabran Khalil Jabran, llia Abu Mehdhi, Mckhail Naeema, and Umer Abu Risha.

2. A short Essay in Arabic. 3. Poetry 1. Imarul Qais: His Maullaqah:-

“Qifaa Nabki mim Zakraa Habibin Wa Manzili” (Complete) 2. Zahair Bin Abi Sulma: His Maullaqah:-

“A Min Umme Aufaa Dimnatun lam takalami” (Complete). 3. Hassan Bin Tabit : The following five Qasaid from his

Daiwan:From Qasidah No. 1 to Qasidah No. IV and the Qasidah:- Lillahi Darru Kaaba....Nadamtuhum.

4. Labeed : Afatiddiyaru Mahalluha Wa Maqammuha Mahmud Timur: Story: “Ammi Mutawalli” (From:)

5. Taufiq Al-Hakim: Dramas: Sirrul Muntahiraa” from his book “Masra-hiyaatu Tufiqal Hakim”.

6. Dr. Rana M.N. Ehsan Elahie: Nafais Al-adab (P.U.B.A. (Hons) Course.

7. Dr. Jalal al-Khayyat and others: Jarikh-ul-Abad-il-Arabi-Hadith

8. Dr. Taha Hussain: Hadith al-Araba’a 9. Isa an-Na’uri: Adab al-mahier 10. George Saidah: Adabuna wal-Udaba fi Adab al-Mahjer 11. Dr. De Boer: The History of Philosophy in Islam.


Title Author/Publisher

1. The Contribution of India to the Arabic Literature.

Dr. Zubaid Ahmed.

11. Litrary History of the Arabs Nicholson 12. Arabic Grammer Thatcher


____________ 9.BOTANY


Part ‘A’: Morphology of Plants 75 Part ‘B’: Anatomy, Cytology

and Genetics Morphology and Taxonomy of Angiosperms Physiology and Ecology



___ 150


Definition, scope and classification of the plant kingdom. 1. Viruses

(i) Their structure and biochemical nature. (ii) Introduction to Viral diseases: Tobacco mosaic

disease. 2. Bacteria

(i) General structure, classifications and Biological

importance (Role of Bacteria in Rhizosphere Nodulation).

(ii) Role of Bacteria in Nitrogen Cycling. (iii) General economic importance of Bacteria.

3. Fungi General structure, Occurrence, reproduction and classification, life cycle, economic importance and methods of control of pathogenic forms (Smuts and Rust).

(i) Mastigo Mycotina: Albugo (ii) Asco Mycotina: Penicillium, Yeast

4. Algae General structure, occurrence, reproduction and classification

(i) Cyanophyta: General account with special emphasis on nitrogen fixation and soil building; life cycle of Nostoc.

(ii) Chlorophyta: General account economic importance, life cycle of volvox spirogyra and chara.

(iii) Xanthophyta: General account and life cycle of vaucharis.

(iv) Bacillariophyta: General account, economic importance: life cycle of pinnularis.

(iv) Rhodophyta: General account, economic importance, life cycle of Batrachospermum.

5. Lichens General account: structure and life history of Physics. 6. BRYOPHYTA: (ATRACHEOPHYTA) General account, reproduction, classification, affinities and ecological importance with special reference to the life cycle of Marchantia. 7. PSILOPSIDA:

(i) General account of fossils and methods of fossilization, geological time scale. (ii) General structure and life history of Psilotum, and

its affinities. 8. LYCOPSIDA General account, structure and life history of Selaginella and its affinities. 9. SPHENOPSIDA: General account, structure and life history of Equiseturn.

10. PTEROPSIDA: Ferns: General account, structure and life history of Adiantum and Marailes. 11. GYMNOSPERMAE:

General account with reference to structure and life history of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra, and their affinities.


Morphology and Taxenomy of Angiosperm. 1) PLANT ANATOMY:

a) Scope of plant Anatomy. b) Cell Wall: Middle Lamella, primary, secondary and

tertiary wall layers. c) Structure and function of root and shoot apical

meristem. d) Tissue systems: Parenchyma, collenchyma,

sclerencyma and sclereids epidermis, xylem, phloem, vascular cambium.

e) Primary structure; of a dicot and monocot root, stem and leaf.

f) Secondary growth of dicot ybdonous stem. 2) CYTOLOGY: i) The ultra structure of plant cell with a brief description of the following compeneats.

a) Cytoplasm

b) Plasmalemma

c) Mitochondria

d) Plastids

e) Ribosomes

f) Dictyosomes

g) Vacuole

h) Nucleus ii) Mitosis and Meiosim in diploids including details of different phases. iii) An elementary knowledge of physical and chemical structure for chromosomes. iv) Changes in the number of chromosomes. Aneuploidy and Euploidy. v) Changes in the structure of chromosomes, deficiency, duplication, inversion and translocation 3) GENETICS:

a) Introduction, Scope and brief history of genetics. b) Mendelian inheritance: laws of segregation and

independent assortment, backcross; testcross, Dominance and incomplete dominance. Inheritance of simple Mendelian characters such as albinism.

c) Sex linked inheritancel sex linkage in Drosophila and man (colour blindness), XO, XY, WZ mechanism, sex limited and sex-linked characters sex determination.

d) Linkage and crossing over; definition; linkage groups, construction of linkage maps

e) Structures and Function of Nucleic acid (RNA, DNA) f) Application of genetics in plant improvement (Plant

Breeding) g) Evolution, the concept of evolution, causes of

variability, gene mutation and recombination, selection. 4). ANGIOSPERMS:

a) General account of the life history b) Binomial nomenclature. c) System of classification: Engler and Prantl. d) Terms used to desctibe root, stem, leaf, inflorescence

and flower. e) Study of the following families (distribution, diagnostic

characters and economic importance).


i. Brassicaceae ii. Euphonbiaceae

iii. Fabaceae iv. Mimosaceae v. Cesalpinaceae

vi. Rutaceae vii. Malvaceae

viii. Cucurbitaceae ix. Solanaceae x. Asteraceae

xi. Apiaceae xii. Lamiaceae

xiii. Poaceae xiv. Liliaceae

PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY 1. PHYSIOLOGY: 1. Types and properties of solutions. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes Methods of expressing concentration of solutions. Acids, Bases and Salts. pH, definition of buffers and their roles in Biological system. Colloidal systems, their nature, properties and biological significance. 2. Diffusion, imbilition, osmosis and osmotic quantities (Osmotic potential, pressure potential, water potential) absorption, translocation and Transpiration. Factors effecting transpiration. Stomatal physiology. 3. Mineral uptake: Soil as source of minerals. Passive and active absorption. Essential mineral elements, their role and deficiency symptoms. Translocation of solutes (inorganic and organic). 4. Enzymes: Definition, nature, properties and classification. 5. Photosynthesis: Measurement, factors affecting this process, concept of limiting factors; absorption and action spectra. Mechanism (dark fixation of Co2 and photophosphorylation) on the basis of the two pigment system concept. Productgs of photosynthesis. Brief introduction to biological compound (Carbohydrate, lipid and protein). 6. Respiration: Definition and mechanism,l Glycolysis (anaerobic respiration). Krebs cycle. Electron transport system and oxidative phosphorylation. Respiratory substrate and respiratory quotients. 7. Nitrogen Metabolism: Protein synthesis, nitrification denitrification, ammonification, Biological nitrogen fixation. 8. Growth: Definition; role of auxins, gibberaellins and Cytokinins in controlling growth. Introduction to plant tissue culture. 9. Photoperiodism: Definition, historical background, short day, long day and day neutral plants. Night interruption experiments. Hormonal concept in photoperiodism, role of phytochromes. 10. Dormancy: Definition and causes of dormancy, methods of breaking dormancy. 11. Vernalization: Annual and biennial forms-Hormonal Concept and phasic development theory. 12. Plant movements: Tropic movement, phototropism, geotropism and their mechanism-Nastic and tactic movements. 2. ECOLOGY: 1. Ecology: definition, scope and applications. 2. Species and population: level of organizations (organism, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere- definitions only). 3. Factors responsible for plant grouping with reference to Pakistan. 4. Methods of study of plant communities: Quadrat method. 5. Plant succession and Climax Concept (Hydrosere and Xerosere). 6. Ecosystem: concept of an ecosystem, pond, forest and grassland. 7. Productivity and Different methods to measure the productivity of an ecosystem. 8. Ecological Energetics: Efficiency pyramid, food chains and food web, trophic levels. 9. Biogeochemical Cycles of P and N. 10. Soil: Definition of soil,different soil, parent materials, soil texture and classification, soil micro-organisms, soil organic matter (humus, properties of humus and its accumulation and loss). Importance of organic matter; water logging and salinity causes, reclamation, soil erosion (different types of erosion, methods of control and conservation).


1. Smith, G.M, Cryptogamic Botany, Vol I&II National Book Foundation, Islamabad.

2. Mclean, R.C. and Ivemey Cook, B.W.R. Text Book of Theoretical Botany. Longman Green & Co., London.

3. Bolt, H.C. Morphology of Plants, sec.ed. Harper & Row N.Y..

4. Webster, J.W. (1980). An Introduction to Fungi, National Book Foundation, Islamabad.

5. Cronquist. S. Basic Botany. 6. Lowson and Sahni, Text Book of Botany, University

Tutorial Press, London, 1972. 7. Esau, K., An introduction to Anatomy of Seed Plant. 8. Eames, A.J. An introduction to Plant Anatomy. 9. Sinnot, E.W. & Dunn, L.S., Principles of Genetics,

McGraw Hill Book Co. 10. Serband and Owen, General Genetics. 11. Jenkins, J.B., Genetics, Boston Houghton, Mifflin Co.,

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 12. Eric E. Conn. and P.K. Stumpf. Outlines of Bio-

Chemistry. ________



British History - The history of the British Isles and of the British Empire and Commonwealth. PART–I Marks

From 1699 to 1850 75


From 1850 to the present time. 75 Total: 150


Title Author/Publisher

1. A Text book of Modern English History

Southgate, G.W.

2. A Text Book of European History

Southgate, G.W.

3. England in the Eighteenth Century

Serlley, W.T.

4. Europe Since Napoleon Harmondswarth

Thompsen, David, Penguin Books, London, 1992.

5. English Social History Trevelyan, G.M.

6. History of Britain Carter, E.H. Surjeet Publication, Dehli, (nd)

7. History of England Wood, E.L.

8. Modern Britain Derry, J.K. & Jarman T.L.

9. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848-1918

Taylor, A.J.P.

10. The Penguin Dictionary of English and European History

Williams, E.N.

11. Britain Between the Wars Movat, Charles l.

12. Democracy: Great 1815-1914 Bentley, Michael.


11.CIVIL LAW Marks-150

Qanun -e-Shahadat Order, The Civil Procedure Code, The

limitation Act. Note: Bare copies of the law will be provided.





The Pakistan Penal Code, Qanun-e-Shahadat Order. The Criminal Procedure Code. Note: Bare copies of the law will be provided.

_____________ 13. CHEMISTRY


Part “A” Physical Chemistry 50 Part “B” Inorganic Chemistry Part “C” Organic Chemistry Total:

50 50 150



Note: - All units should be expressed in SI System.


Gases, Thermal Energy, Liquids, Solids, Colloids, Solutions, Atomic and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Phase Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry.


INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Atomic Structure and Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of p-block Elements, Transition Elements (d block elements), Modern Materials.



Basic Concepts, Hydrocarbons, Stereoisomerism, Alkyl Halide, The Hydroxyl Group and Ethers (Nature of hydroxyl group in alcohol’s and phenols), The Carbonyl Group, Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives, Nitrogen Compounds, Carbohydrates.


1. Text Book of Physical Chemistry for B.Sc students by Ali Mohammad and Ghulam Rasool Chaudhry, Ameen Publishers, Urdu, Bazar, Lahore.

2. Text Book of Physical Chemistry for B.Sc. students by G. Nabi, Publishers; IImi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.

3. Physical Chemistry by W.J Moore, Longman Scientific and Technical.

4. Principles of Physical Chemistry by Marron and Prutton, The Macmillan Company.

5. Physical Chemistry by Atkins, Oxford University Press.

6. Text Books of Inorganic Chemistry (for B.Sc. students) by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Ilmi,Kitab Khana Lahore.

7. Inorganic Chemistry, edited by Dr. Badar-ud-Din and Syed Maarghoob Ali Feroze sons, Lahore.

8. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J, D. Van Nostrand Company Limited, London.

9. Fundamental concepts of Inorganic Chemistry by Esmarch S. Gilreath, Macgraw Hill.

10. Inorganic Chemistry by T. Moellor, John Wiey Interscience.

11. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by F.A. Cotton: and G. Wilkinson, John Wiley Interscien.

12. Systematic Inorganic Chemistry by R.M. Cavan and G.D. Landay, B Lakie and Sons Ltd.

13. M. Younas, “A Textbook of Organic Chemistry” Illmi Kitab Khana, Laore.

14. T.R. Morrison and R.N. Boys, “Organic Chemistry”, Allya and Basonics, USA.

15. T.W.Graham Solomons, “Organic Chemistry” John Wiley & Sons, Inc.USA.

16. I.L. Finer, “Organic Chemistry”, Long man group Ltd., U.K.

17. P. Sykes, “A guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, Longman Group Ltd., U.K.



Marks Part “A: Basic Mathematics and Micro 75 Economics Part ‘B’ Macro Economics and Economic

Development of Pakistan. _75 Total: 150



Functions: Relation vs Function. Variables, Constants and

Parameters. Types of Functions: Liner and Non-Liner; Exponential and Logarithmic. Graphical Presentation of Functions. Examples from Micro and Macro Economics: Partial Market Equilibrium; Linear and Quadratic Models. Equilibrium in National Income. DERIVATIVES: The concept of Derivative. The concept of Limit and its relevance to Derivatives. Slope Vs Elasticity of a Function. Rules of Differentiation: A constant, A power, Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient Function Rule. The derivation of Marginal Quantities in Economics. The calculation of Elasticity of Demand and Supply. 3. MAXIMA AND MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS: Criteria for Relative Maxima and Minima. First order condition and Second order condition. Constrained Optimization. Problems of Optimization in Economics: Profit, Utility and Revenue Maximization. Cost Minimization. The Equilibrium of a Consumer and a Firm. The least cost combination of inputs. 4. THE NATURE AND IMPORTANCE OF MICRO ECONOMICS: Basic problems of Micro Economic Theory. The Determination of Output composition. The Allocation of Resources. The Distribution of the Product and the Maintenance and Expansion to the Productive Capacity of the Economy. Market Economy and the Treatment of Basic Economic Problems. The Relatived Importance of Mark Mechanism in Capitalism, Socialism and Islamic Economic System. 5. THE THEORY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: The Utility Theory of Consumer Behavior. Indifference Preference Analysis. Indifference Curves and Marginal Substitution. Cons Consumer Equilibrium. Income Substitution and Price Effect of a Normal, Inferior and Geffen Good. Derivation of Demand Curve from Price-Consumption Curve. Revealed preference Theory, Price Income and Cross Elasticity Demand and their Measurement. 6. THE THEORY OF PRODUCTION COSTS AND

REVENUE: The Concept of Production Function, Iso-Quant and Iso -Cost Curves .Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution. Optimal Combination of Resources. The Costs and Revenue of a Firm.


1. A FRAME-WORK FOR MACRO ECONOMICS Macro Economic vs Micro Economics. Macro Economic Problems: Unemployment, Inflation and Growth. 2. DETERMINATION OF NATIONAL INCOME AND

EMPLOYMENT: (Two sector Economy). (i) The Classical Theory Employment. Say’s Law of Markets. Aggregate Demand and the

Quantity Theory of Money. Real Wage Function.


Classical Macro Economics System, its Diagramatic representation. Keynesian Critique of the Classical System.

(ii) Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment: Equilibrium Level of National Income: Saving and

Investment Approach; Consumption and Investment Approach. Relation Between Investment and Income. Investment Multiplier. Inflationary and Deflationary Gaps and Full Employment Level.


Sector Economy): (i) Consumption: Consumption and Saving Functions. Keynesian

Prychological Law of Consumption. Determinants of Consumption. Explanation of the Observed Relationship between consumption and Income Relative Income, Permanent Income and Life Cycle Theories of Consumption.

(ii) Investment: Investment and Capital Determinants of Investment.

Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC) and Marginal Efficiency of Investment (MEI). Optimal Level of Investment. The Principals of Acceleration.


MONEY MARKET: The Derivation of IS Function in the Goods Market. The Slope and position of IS Curve. The Derivation of LM Function in the Money Market. The Demand for and Supply of Money. The Interest Rate. The Slope of position of LM Curve. Simultaneous Equilibrium in the goods and Money Market. Adjustments towards Equilibrium. 5. FLUCTUATIONS IN NATIONAL INCOME:

Business Cycles and their main Features. Interaction of Multiplier and Accelerrator. Counter-Cyclical Measures. 6. MONETARY INFLUENCE ON INCOME

DETERMINATION: Monetary Policy: Its Nature, Objectives and Instruments. Influence of Monetary Policy on Income Determination (by affecting C+I+G). Money and Inflation Stagflation. 7. FISCAL POLICY AND INCOME DETERMINATION:

Fiscal Policy: Its Nature, Objective and Instruments. The Impact of Government Expenditure, Taxes and Transfer Payments in the Equilibrium Level of National Income. 8. INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INCOME DETERMINATION:

Theory of Comparative Advantage. Classical and Hackcher-

Ohlin Thlin Theory, Balance of Payments. Disequilibrium and Adjustment Policies. Devaluation and Revaluation, Depreciation and Appreciation of Exchange Rates. Determination of National Income in a Four Sector Economy. The Foreign Trade Multiplier and Changes in the Level of Income. 9. THE CONCEPT AND MEASUREMENT OF

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Main Features of Developing Economy with Special Reference to Pakistan. 10. AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY: Relative Importance of Agricultural and Industrial Sectors in the Economic Development of Pakistan. 11. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH


Need and Role of Development Planning. Market Imperfections and Price Distortions. Short Term Medium Term and Long Term Plans. Formulation of Objectives, Targets and Strategy in Development Planning.

12. ECONOMIC PLANNING IN PAKISTAN. Planning Machinery in Pakistan. Justification of Economic Planning in Pakistan. Factors Probibitive in Effective Planning in Pakistan. Critical Evaluation of the last Five Year Plan (Seventh

Five Year Plan) with reference to its Strategies, Objectives, Target and Achievements. Role of Annual Planning in Economics Development. 13. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION FOR PLANNED

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN: (i) Financial Resources: Domestic and Foreign Resources of Pakistan. Extent of

Pakistan’s Dependence on Foreign Aid and Debt Servicing Problem.

(ii) Human Resources: Human Resource Mobilization in Pakistan. The Need and Role of Manpower Planning.


1. Chieng, Alpha C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics’ 3 rd Edition.

2. . J. Parry Lewis “An Introduction to Mathematics” and 2nd Edition.

3. Ferguson & Gould’s “Microeconomic Theory” 6 Edition.

4. Glahe, Fred R.” Macroeconomics” 2nd Edition.

5. Prof. Abdul Ghani Chaudhary ???�???? � ????

6. Dr. Muhammad Hussain Chaudhary ?? ????? ????? ________________


Marks Part-A: 75 Part-B: 75

Total: 150


Detailed study of a literary age (19 th century) The paper will cover the study of English literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to the works of W. Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Byron, Charles Lamb, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Hardy, George Eliot, J.S. mill, Ruskin and Oscar Wilde. Evidence of first -hand reading will be required. The paper will be designed to test not only the candidates knowledge of the prescribed authors works but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural back-ground of the period also be included.


The paper will require first hand knowledge of the text

prescribed as well as general awareness of the authors major works, and will be designed to test the candidates critical ability. 1. Shakespeare Hamlet 2. Swift Gullivers Travels 3. Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice 4. Shaw Pygmalion

5. Yeats The Second Coming, sailing to Byzanthium,Among School Children.

6. T.S. Eliot The Waste Land 7 D.H. Lawrence Sons & Lovers

8. Earnest Hemingway Old Man & The Sea 9. Samuel Backet Waiting for Godot 10. Robert Frost The Pasture,

Revelation. The Tuft of Flowers, After-Apple— Picking Mending Wall, The Road not Taken, And Old Man’s Winter Night, Birches, Fire and Ice, Stopping by Woods, West - running brook, Desert Places.



Title Author/Publisher 1. After Strange Gods Eliot, T.S. 2. A Guide to English Literature

Ford,B.Pelican Series 7 Vols

3. Common Pursuit Leavis, F.R 4. D.H. Lawrence Leavis, F.R. 5. Dickens, the Novelist Leavis, F.R. 6. Gulliver and the Gentle Reader Rowson, C.J. 7. George Eliot:The Critical

Heritage Caroll, D. (ed)

8. History of English Literature

Legouis and Cazamian, Oxford, New York, 1956.

9. History of English Literature Hudson 10. Hardy, the Novelist Cecil, D. 11. Hardy: The Critical Heritage Cox, R.G. (ed) 12. In Memorium in Essay Ancient Eliot, T.S. And

Modern 13. Lawrence Kermode, F. 14. Romantic Poetry Abrahams, M.H 15. Robert Browning

Amstrange, J. (ed).

16. Swift

Steel, P. Preacher and Jester

17. Shakespeare’s Later Comedies; anthology of Modern Criticism

Parlmer, D.J (ed)

18. The World of Swift Vickers, B.(ed). 19. The Art of Swift Probyn, C.T. 20. The Dark Sun, a Study of

Lawrence Hough, Graham

21. The Love Ethics of Lawrence Silk, M. 22. The Lonely Tower Studies in

the Poetry of Yeats. Henna, T.R

23. The Last Romantics Hough, G. 24. The Wheel of Fire

Knight, G. Wilson

25. The 19th Century Back Ground Basil Willey 26. The Great Tradition Leavis, F.R. 27. The Odes of Keats Holloway, T.

Camb 28. Tennyson Ricks, C. 29. Tennyson: The Critical Heritage

Jump, J.D.

30. The Poetry of Browning Drew, P. 31. Use of Poetry & Use of

Criticism Eliot, T.S.

32. 20th Century Views Abrahams, .M.H. 33. The Romantics Image Kermode, F.





Part-A: 75 Part-B: 75 Total: 150



I. French Revolution: Background, Old Regime, Philosophers, Estate General, National Assembly; England’s Reaction, Parties in the Legislative Assembly. The fall of Monarchy, European coalition against France and the War, the second and the third partition of Poland, the Terror and the end of Terror, France and Europe 1793--95 II. Napoleon Bonaparte: The rise of Napoleon to power, Napoleon as Emperor, statesman and warrier, Napoleon and Europe, the continental system, the fall of Napoleon, England’s role in the catastrophe of Napoleon. III. Vienna Settlement and concept of Europe:

Treaty of Chaunmont, First treaty of Paris, Second treaty of Paris, Treaty of Vienna, Holy Alliance. Quadruple Alliance, Congress System and failure of congress system, British Leadership. IV. England 1814 to 1833: Effects of War period, constitutional development, progress in Industry, Agriculture and Culture. V. Europe 1815 to 1848: The forces of continuity and reaction, Metternich system, the force of change and progress, nationalism, Democracy, Liberalism, Socialism, Revolution in France 1830, Revolution in France in 1848 and the sequence of revolutions in Europe. VI. The Eastern question 1820 to 1878: Background the Greek Revolt 1820 to Independence 1832, the Crimean War 1853 to 1856 and Peace Treaty of Paris, Pan Slavision, the Russo-Turkish War 1877, the treaty of San Stefano. The Congress and the treaty of Berlin 1878. VII. Risorginmento and the Union of Italy: Revolutionary movements in Italy, Mazzini, Cavour and other architects of Italian unification, Napoleon III and Italian Unity, Foreign Policy of Italy after unification to 1914. VIII. Unification of Germany: Background, Napoleon and Germany, Rise of Prussia, Zollverein, revolution of 1848 and Germany, rise of Bismark and his role as architect of German Unity, Wars with Denmark, Austria and France, Domestic and foreign policy of Bismark from 1870 to 1890. Foreign Policy of Germany from 1890 to 1914. IX. The growth of Colonisation and of Overseas Empire 1815—92: Different forms of colonisation, British Colonial policy and expansion, The French Colonial Policy and expansion, The French in North Africa, Suez Canal, Anglo French Control in Egypt, Russia in the Caucasus and Turkistan, Anglo -Russian results of Colonial development. X. England 1893 to 1910: Social and constitutional reforms, material progress, social thought and culture. XI. Road to the First World War: Alliances and counter alliances, Drickaiserbund, Austro German alliance 1879, Triple alliance 1882. The formation of Dualalliance 1891-93, Anglo-Japanese alliance, French British and Russo British Entente, their crises—Algeeiras, Bosnia Agadir, German Navy, Baghdad Railway, Balkan crises. The cause of First World War.


I. First World War:

Events—U.S.A.’s entry into the War, wilson’s 14 points, the choice of the Turks, War in the Middle East Britain’s Middle East Policy during the War, Balfour Declaration, Defeat of Germany, Austria and Turkey, effects of the War. II. Peace Treaties: The Treaty of Versailles, The big four, The basis of the Treaty, The Treaty of Versailles and the U.S. The treaties of St. Germain and Trianon, the Treaty of Serres, the Treaty of Lausanne. III. The League of Nations: The Covenant, the League between the two Wars, causes of failure.

IV. Marxism and the Soviet Union:

The Russian Revolution 1917, Lenin, The Third International 1919, Civil War in Russia, Trotsky. The Constitution of the


U.S.S.R. Stalin, First Five year Plan, Pruges, The Russian foreign policy between the two wars. V. Italy ad Fascism: Effects of the War on Italy, Mussolini’s rise to power, Fascist party ad Principles, Italy’s foreign policy between the two wars. VI. Germany and Nazism: Germany from the Versailles Treaty to Hitler, Origins of Nazism, ‘Mein Kamph’, Hitler’s rise to power, Domestic Policy of Hitler, the Totalitarian Stat e, Hitler’s foreign policy. VII. France between the two Wars: Defects of the French Constitution, collapse of the Third republic, Foreign Policy of France between the Wars. VIII. England between the two Wars: Disadvantages of Parliamentary Government, Cabinet Government in England. Depression of 1929 and England, Stability of British Common Wealth, Foreign Policy of England between the Wars. IX. The Second World War: Causes, the events, Atlantic Charter, Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences, the allied victory, effect of the war. X. The U.N.O.: Origin, the Charter of the U.N.O., U.N.O. as peace keeping force. XI. The Political State of Europe 1945—50: The new Balance of Power in Europe, Russian domination of Eastern Europe, Decisions on Germany’s Future, Economic Collapse of Western Europe and recovery, Marshall Plan, Cold War, the Blockade of Berlin, N.A.T.O. XII. The Rise of Russia as a Great Power: The effects of the War on Russia, the fruit of victory, Warsaw Pact, Russia’s effort s to spread its influence in Eastern Europe Asia, Africa and Latin-America 1945 to 1960. XIII. France after the Second World War: Fourth French Republic, French Colonial Policy after Second World War, Algeria, Indochina, De Gaule’s domestic and foreign policy. XIV. England after the Second World War: The rise of Labour Party, Economic Policy of the Labout Party’s Government, England’s Colonial Policy after the Second World War, Decline of England as World Power, British Common Wealth, England and the Common Market, England and the Middle East 1945 to 1960. XV. Europe and common Market: The origin and evolution of the European Common Market upto 1960.


Title Author/Publisher

1. An Intellectual History of Modern Europe

Stromberg, R.N

2. A History of Modern World Palmer, R.

3. A History of Modern France 1871-1962

Cobban, Afred

4. Europe Since 1815 Craig, G.A.

5. Europe in the Ninteenth Century 1789-1905

Agatha Ramm

6. Europe in the Twentieth Century Agatha Ramm


7. Europe Since Napoleon

Thompson, D.

Penguin Books, London, 1992.

8. Europe Since 1870 Toll, James.

9. International Relations Between the Two World Wars

Carr, E.H.

10. Modern Europe in the Making from the French Revolution to the Common Market

Fasal, G.

11. The Age of Progress Colins, Irene

12. The Norton History of Modern Europe

Gilbert, F.

13. The European Powers and the German Question 1948-1971

Mosse, W.E.

14. The History of Modern Europe 1889-1917

Nicolson, H.

15. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848-1918

Taylor, A.J.P

16. The First World War Taylor, A.J.P

17. The Origions of the Second World War

Taylor, A.J.P

18. Western Civilization 2 volumes Burns, E.M.

19. The Eve of European Era 1890 to the Present

Gilbirt, Flix

20. The Age of Revolution and Reaction 1789-1850

Breving, Charles

21. The Age of Nationalism and 1850-1890

Rich, Norman




(i) Ecology and General Silviculture. (ii) Forest Statistics, Mensuration and Research

Methods. (iii) Forest Management and Economics. (iv) Water Shed Management. (v) Range Management. (vi) Forests surveying and Engineering. (vii) Forest Policy, Law and Protection. (viii) Forest Biology, Wildlife and Natural Park



Title Author/Publisher

1. Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan

Champion, Seth & Khattak, G.M

2. Forest Types of Pakistan -do-

3. Principles of Silviculture Daniel, T.W. Helm & Baker

4. Plant & Environment Daubenmire, R, John Willey & Sons, New York, 1984.

5. Elementary Forest Mensuration Jerram, M.R.K.

6. Natural Reso urces Measurement Avery. T.E.

7. Forest Management Khattak, G.M.

8. Fundamental of Forestry Economics

Duerr, W.A.

9. Surveying and Levelling Kanetkar, T.P, and Kulkarni

10. Rasul Manual for Subordinate Engineers, Surveying Part-I



11. Material of Construction Syed Z. H.

12. Forest Engineering (Roads & Bridges)

Harrison, J.L.

13. The Pakistan Forest Act, 1927

14. Principles of Forest Policy Worrell

15. Forest Protection Hawley & Stickle

16. Forests & Forestry in Pakistan Sheikh, M.I. & Hafeez, M.

17. Range Management Stoodart, Smith and Box

18. Vegetation & Watershed Management

Colman, E.A.

__________ 18. GEOGRAPHY.

Marks Part ‘A’: Physical Geography; 75 Part ‘B’: Human & Regional Geography : 75 Total: 150

PART — A 1.THE EARTH AND ITS ORIGIN The Universe, the Solar System and the Earth, Earth’s origin, shape and size, rotation and revolution, composition and structure, distribution of land and water. Earth’s geological history; Origin and evolution of life on Earth. 2. ATMOSPHERE. Composition and structure of Atmosphere, Atmospheric temperature and pressure, Air masses and fronts. Cyclones and weather disturbances, Atmospheric moisture and precipitation Climatic classification: Koppen’s classification with special reference to the following types: Af, Am, Bsh, Cs and Df. 3. LITOSPHERE Internal structure of the Earth, Rocks-Origin, formation and types (Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic),Plate Tectonics, Mountain building, volcanic activity, Geomorphic processes-internal and external, Weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition, cycle of erosion, Landforms produced by surface water, ground water, wind and glaciers, Formation and types of soils. 4. HYDROSPHERE Configuration of ocean floor, Ocean deposits, Composition, temperature, and salinity of ocean water, Movements of the ocean water; waves, currents and tides. PART — B HUMAN GEOGRAPHY (a) Man-environment Interaction: Themes of environmental determinism, and perception (b) Population: Distribution, age and sex structure, population hange (natural increase and migration). (c) Settlements: Rural, urban; location, form and function of settlements, Central Place Theory. (d) Economic Activity: Locational characteristics of primary, secondary, tertiary and quateranary activities,

(e) Environmental Problems: Ecosystem and environmental degradation.

(f) Regional Geography Study of South Asia with special emphasis on Pakistan under the headings: Resource base (Physical, human and economic), transport, trade and International relations.


Author Title/Publisher

1. TAYLOR (1993) Integrated Physical Geography London, Longman

2. THORONBURY, W (1991) Principles of Geomorphology, New York; John Wiley

3. MCLLVEEN, L.F.R. (1991) Fundamental of Weather and Climate London: Champan & Hall.

4. MONKHOUSE, F.J. (1988) Principles of Physical Geography London: Holder & Stoughton.


(1982) Modern Physical Geography 4th Ed. New York, John Wiley.

6. MILLER, E.W. (1985) Physical Geography Columbus: Charles E. Merrill.

7. KIMNG, C.A.M. (1980) Physical Geography Oxford: Basil Blackwell.



Physical Elements of Geography 5 th Ed.

HAMMOND, E.H. New York: McGraw Hill


(1993) Physical Geography of the Global Environment. New York, John Wileg

10. BRADNOCK, R.W. (1982) Agricultural chainge in South Asia. London John Murray.

11. JOHNSON, B.L.C. (1979) Pakistan London: Heinemann.



India and Pakistan London: Methuen.

13. DE BLIJ, H.J. (1996) Human Geography Cultural 5th Ed. New York: John Willege.

14. GOUDIE, A. (1994) The Human Impact on the Natural Environment Oxford: Blacksell

15. HORNE, B. (1993) The Integrated Human Geography London: Longman.



Horizons in Human Geography. London. Macmillan.

17. BARRETT, H. (1992) Population Geography London: Longman.

18. BRADNOCK, R.W. (1992) Hand Book of South Asia. London.

19. KURESHY, K.U. (1986) Geography of Pakistan Lahore: Hafeez Press.



Human Geography O.U..P.

21. RUBENSEIN, J.M The Cultural Landscape: An


BACON, R.S. (1983) Introduction to Human Geography. New Delhi Prentice Haees.

22. DEBLIJ H.J. (1982) Human Geography. New York, John Wiley.




Part ‘A’: General Geology: Mineralogy Petrographo


Part ‘B’: Geomorphology: Palaeontology/ Stratigraphy


75 150

PART —A GENERAL GEOLOGY: The earth as a planet, its place in the universe and its origin. Introduction to Geomagnetism and the earth’s gravity field. Earthquakes, the internal structure of the earth the age of the earth. Volcanism, the material and Chemistry of the earth crust, plutonic rocks, metamorphic rocks. Faulting and Folding epeirognenic forces and Isostacy, Nature of Jointing and cleavage. Introduction of modern trends and techniques

Mineralogy And Petrography

(i) Elementary Crystallography. Formation of crystals, development of the science of Crystallography. Regular arrangement of point in space, the space lattice, Elemeuts of symmetry, relation of crystal lattice to the crystal symmetry, Crystal forces, each figures and solution pits, crystal axes and Miller Indices, Crystal edges, lattice rows and zone axes. The choice of axes in crystals. The crystal classes. Symmetry Operations, Triclinic System, Monoclinic System, Hexagonal System, Tetragonal System and Cubic System. Crystal aggregates, twinned asrystals, effect of twinning, causes of twinning. (ii) Physical properties of Minerals: Colour, Streak: Cleavage Parting, fracture: hardness, tenacity: specific gravity properties depending upon light, electricity, magnetism and heat. Classification and description of common mineral groups, namely: Native Elements, Sulphides, Sulphosalts Oxides, Halides, Carbonates, Nitrates, Borates, Chromatek, Sulphates Molyosdtes, Tungstateat, Phosphates, Vanadates, Sillicates. iii) Elementary Classification of rocks and their Petrography: Forms Igneous Rock Bodies, nature of magma, sequence of events in the systallization of magma, textures and classification of igneous rocks on the basis of filed, textural mineralogical and chemical criteria. The clan concept and Petrography of common rock types in (i) Ulteramafic Clan (ii) Cala-Alkali Gabro Clan (iii) Diorite Monzonite and Syenith Clans (iv) Granodiorite, Adamellite and Granite clans. Introduction to petrogenesis of Igneous. Rocks structures in Igneous rokes. Pyroclastie Rocks: Classification of volcanic ejecta according to size, mode of origin and composition, Alteration Metamorphic Rocks:

Concepts of regional contact and dynamic metamorphism, petrography of common types(Gneiss schist Quartzite, slate narble, serpentine, hornfelse, cataclastic and myllmites), Sedimentary Rocks:

Petrography of common varieties calcareous, arenaccous, rudaccoas argillaecous sedimentary rocks. Texture, size sorting, sphericity, roundoens packing and orlentat ion minerani grains in sediments.

Introduction of modern trends and techniques.



Weathering and soils: Processes of physical and chemical weathering: their effects: growth and nature of soils.

Fluvel Processes: Valley development: Base level and its types: drainage Patterns and their significance; Concept of a Geomorphic cycle; Rejuvination and its evidence; Aggregation; River Terrance and their significance.

Glaiation: Types of Glacier; Giacial Erosional Feature; the undistratified Deposit (Till).

Wind Action; Wind Erosional land forms, Dunes and Locess. Introduction of modern trends and techniques.

PALAEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY. (i) Palaeontology: Fossils and their preservation. Morphology, evolution and geologic distribution of major invertebrate phyla. Micropaleontology of Foraminifera. Vertebrate and plant fossils. (ii) Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic nomenclature, and stratigraphic codes. Principles of correlation. Sedimentary basins of Pakistan and detailed stratigraphy of type sections .l Geological Significance . Protozoa: Morphological features of the forminiferal test, characteristics features of Nummulites, Discocycline, Operaculina Assitiana, Leagena, Nodosaria, Lenticulina, Textularia, Uvigerina, Globigerina, Triloculina, Ammonia, Geological Significance of forminifera, Coelenterata: Morphology of Rugose, Seleractonian (Hexadorals) and Tabulate Corals and their geological distribution characteristic features of Calceola, Zephrentls, Heliophyhum, Parasmilia, Streptelaema, Lithostrotion, Lonsdaleia Fevosites, Halysites. Graptozoa: Morphological features, evolution and geological importance of Graptolites, characteristic features of Monograptus, Diplogeraptus, Tetragraptus Phylograptus Didymograptus, Bryoaoz: Salient features of Brozoans and their seological importance. Echinoderma: Morphology of the ancient and modern Echinoid Tests and their geological range, Characteristic features of Cidaris, Micraster, Clypeus, Scutelle. Hemicidaris Conulus, Morphological Features of the crinosds and their geological distripution characteristic features of Encrinns. Pentacrinus, Apiocrinus. Salient features of Blastoid genus Pentremites Brachlopodda: Morphology of the Brachiopod shells and their geological distribution, characteristic features of Productus, Spirifer, Terebratula, Atrypa, Derbyia, Atgyis, Hebertella, Streptorhynchus, Spirigerella Mollusac: Morbhology of the Lamellibranch shells, characteristic feature of Area, Glycime is, Trigonia Venus, Pect en, Ostrea, Exogyra, Gryphaea, Gervillea, Inceramus, Hippuritis, Morphologieal features of the Gastropod shall, characteristic features of Bellerophin, Trochuis, Nerinea, Fusus, Turritella, Cerithium. Murex Voluta, Conus, Motphological seatures and geological importance of Caphalopods, Characteristic feature of Nautilus, Orthoceras Harrisoceras, Goniatites, Ceraties, Baculites, Hildoeceras, Bouleiceras Perisphinctes, Belemnopsists. Arthopoada: Morphological fearures of Trilobbotes and their geologlcol significance characteristic feature of Trmuicleus, Paradoxides, Calymene, Redlichia, Phacops.


1. Principles of Physical Geology 2nd Edition, Holmes.

2. Introduction to Physical Geology: Longwell and Flaint.

3. Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy: Hurlbut.

4. Minerals and the Microscope: Smith revised by M.K. Wells.

5. Principles of Petrology; G.W. Tyroll.


6. Petrology for Students; A. Horkar.

7. Petrology of the Igneous Rocks; F.H. Hotch and M.K. Wells (11 th Edn.)

8. Metamorphism: Harkar.

9. The study of Rocks in this Section; W.W. Moorhouse, 1964 (I.S.E.)

10. Invertcprate Fossils; Niirem Kakucker/Fischer.

11. Stratigraphy an Introduction to Principles: D.T. Donovon, 1966.

12. Petrology: Haung.

13. Optical Mineralogy: P.F. Kerr.

14. Minerology : Berry and Mason.

15. Recognition of structural features and their orientation.

16. Geological Raw material, Mining and Industry.





1 Sir Wolsely Haig, The Cambridge History of India(Relevent

Volumns), Oxford History of India, Books IV-X. 2 R.C. Majumdar, An Advanced History of India, Part II-III. 3 S.M. Ikram, A History of Muslim Civilization in India and

Pakistan 4 S.M. Ikram, History of Muslim Rule in India 5 Stanley Lane-Poole, Medieval India Under Mohammadan

Rule 6 Edwards and Garrett, Mughal Rule in India 7 Rushtrook-Willims, An Empire Builder of the Sixteenth

Century 8 R.R. Tripathi, Some Aspects of Muslims Administration 9 N.N. Law, Promotion of Learning in India Under

Muhammadan Rule 10 I.H. Qureshi, The Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi 11 P.E. Roberts, History of India 12 Thompson and Garratt, British Rule in India 13 Sir C. Ilbert, The Government of India, A Historical Survey 14 A.B. Keith, Constitutional History of India 15 P.J. Griffiths, The British Impact on India 16 Yusuf Ali, A Cultural History of India During the British

Period 17 J.N. Farquhar, Modern Religious Movements in India 18 Sayyid Ahmad Khan, The Causes of the Indian Revolt 19 W.C. Smith, Modern Islam in India 20 K. Ingham, Reformers of India 21 E.A. Horne, Political System of British India 22 W.R. Lumby, Transfer of Power in India 23 Abdul Hameed, Muslim Separatism in India



Marks 150 PART A

1 The modern state systemhistory, basic features, evolving forms. 2 International Relations as a field of study, Basic ApproachesPower, Balance of Power, Imperialism, Nationalism. 3 Interaction between statesdiplomacy, International Law, international economic and trade linkagespressures in world politics.

PARTB 1. Evolution of the International System since 1815 (Congress of Vienna) Historical Overview. 2. World War I. II. Decolonization. Rise of the Third World Alliance System (NATO, SEATO, CENTO, WARSAW PACT) Peaceful coexistence: Non-Aligned Movement, Theories of Peace

and Security in Nuclear Age (Deterrence, Limited war, Crisis Management etc). Détente.

PARTC 1. Foreign Policies of the Superpowers, major powers (USA, USSR, China) with special reference to South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.). 2. Issues in global Politics.

i) Nuclear Proliferation. ii) Superpower rivalry in the Indian Ocean. iii) International economic order. iv) Regional Security issues and crises

(Afghanistan Crises. ranIraq war. Palestine problem, Aparthied and South Africa. Namibia, Polish crises, Eurocommunism, Central American crises etc.)

v) Arms Control and disarmament.


Title Author/Publisher 1. International Politics K.J. Holsti,

Prentice Hall, INC, New Jersey, 1977.

2. Politics Among Nations Hans Morgenthan, Vanguard, Lahore, 1991.

3. World Politics: An Introduction James N. Rosenau 4. An Introduction to International

Politics: Power and Justice Theodor Contobius and Thomas Wolfe, Prentice Hall, INC, New Jersey, 1978.

5. Contending Theories of International Relations

Tames Dougherty

6. Issues in Global Politics Gavin Boyd 7. World Politics Since 1945 Peter Caluocorassi 8. International Relations: Peace or

War Richard Rosecrance

9. Relations of Nations Frederic Hartman 10. Indian Ocean and Superpowers:

Economic, Political and Strategic Perspectives

Rasul Bux Rais

11. Sanctuary and War Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema

12. Contemporary Strategy: Theories and Policies

J. Baylis, K. Booth. P. Williams, J. Garnet




Holy Prophet at Mecca and Madina (570-632)

Sociopolitical Conditions of Arabia Before Islam. Biography of the Holy Prophet (S.A.S). Preservation of Quran and Hadith. Formation of Islamic State at Madina. Moral, Political, Socioeconomic and Judicial System of Islam. The Pious Caliphate (632-661)

Foundation of Islamic State. Expansion of Islam Outside Arabia.Administration of the Conquered Lands. Socioeconomic Contacts Between Arab and non-Arab Muslims. Character and Achievements of the Pious Caliphate. The First Civil War (656-661) and Rise of Sectarianism The Umayyads (750-661)

Establishment of the Umayyad Dynasty. Conquests, Political Administration and Reforms. Intellectual Life Under the Umayyads. Rise and fall of Muslim Rule in Spain. Rise of Higher Education in Muslim Spain


Egypt and North Africa (600-1300)

Conquest of Egypt and the Arab Expansion in North Africa. Arabicization of Africa. Egypt Under the Fatimids and the Mamluks The Abbasids (662-1258)

Foundation of the Abbasid Dynasty. State and Society Under the Abbasids. Intellectual, Literary and Scientific Progress. Art, Architecture and Education. Caliphate Dismembered, Rise of Petty Dynasties. The Ghaznavids, the Saljuqs, the Timurids. The Crusades. The fall of Baghdad (1258). Great Muslim Leaders and Scholars From 10 th to 14 th Century.

The Ottoman Empire (1300-1923) Ottoman Conquests in Eastern Europe, Middle East and

North Africa.Ottomans’ Rivalry with The Saffvids. Salient Features of Ottoman Administration. Western Imperialism and Ottoman Empire.Ottomans’ Attempts at Reforms. World War I and Dismemberment of Ottoman Empire. Modern Middle East and North Africa (1914-Present)

European Colonization of North Africa.Arab Nationalism. Establishment of the Turkish Republic. Modern Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria-Lebanon and Jordan. Independence and Self-Rule in the Middle East. World War II and the Middle East. Jewish Immigration in Palestine. Arab-Israeli Conflicts, and the Question of Palestine. Modern Arab Political Thought. Socioeconomic and Political Impact of Oil, and the Gulf Countries. The Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Conference. The Muslim World after 9-11-2001




1. Life and work of the Holy Prophet (S.A.S)

Dr. M. Hameedullah

2. Introduction to Islam “ 3. The Emergence of Islam (edited

and Translated by Afzal Iqbal). “

4. Muhammad. The Prophet of Islam

Dr. Khalid Alavi

8. The Spirit of Islam S. Ameer Ali

9. Studies in Islamic History

Amir Hassan Siddiqui

10. The Origins and Development of Muslim Institutions

11. Muslim thought: its origin and achievement

Muhammad Hanif Nadvi

12. The Oxford History of Islam. (Latest edition)

J. Esposito (ed)

13. History of the Arabs P.K. Hitti 14. The Middle East in World

Affairs George Lenczowski

15. Spanish Islam R. Dozy 16. Islam in the Modern World A.K. Brohi 17. Islam and the Modern World.

Ab-ul-Hasan Ali Nadvi

18. Discovering Islam-Making Sense of Muslim History and Society.

S. Akbar Ahmad

19. A History of the Arab Peoples, 1991.

A. Hourani

20. History of Modern Middle East,(2002)

W. Cleaveland

21. Between Two Worlds; The Construction of the Ottoman State, (1995)

C. Kafdar

22. Atlas of the Islamic World, since 1500, 1982

F. Robinson

23. History of Modern East, 2000. G. Schmidt 24. The Art and Architecture of S.S. Blair and J.

Islam, 1994. Bloom 25. Scholars, Saints, and Sufis:

Muslim Religious Institutions in the Middle East since, 1500, 1982

N.R. Kiddie, (ed)


23. MUSLIM LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE Marks—150 1. The Islamic Law as Administered in Pakistan. 2. Principles of the Islamic Jurisprudence.

Candidates will be expected to show some familiarity with the original sources.

SUGGESTED READINGS Title Author/Publisher 1. Principles of Mohammadan Law Mulla, D.F. 2. The Principles of Mohammadan

Jurisprudence. Sir Abdur Rahim

_____________ 24. PERSIAN

Marks 150


PROSE: 1 1. Translation of passages into Urdu. 40 2. Critical and biographical questions relating to the prose-writers 15 3. Translation from Urdu into Persian: 20



Marks Part ‘A’: Greek Philosophy 75 Part ‘B’: Ethics 75

Total: 150



From earliest beginnings to Aristotles.

(i) Philosophy of nature: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoreant.

(ii) The problem of change: Heraclitus, Parmenides, Zeno. (iii) Systems of compromise: Empedocles, Anazxagoras,

Democritus. (iv) Problem of knowledge and conduct: The Sophists,

Socrates. (v) The age of reconstruction: Plato and Aristotle.



(i) Problem and scope of ethics, Relation of ethics to

Psychology, Sociology, Logic, Aesthetics and religion. (ii) Evolution of conduct and the growth of moral

judgement, General Comparison of customary and reflective morality.

(iii) Psychological basis of conduct, desire, wish, will and character. The nature of moral judgement. The subject and object of moral judgement.

(iv) A critical analysis of the theories of moral standard: (a) Hedonism, Bentham, Mill and Sidgwick. (b) Standard as Law; Butler, Shaftesbury

Hutcheson and Kant,

(c) Perfectionism: Spencer, Hegel, T.H. Green and Iqbal.

(d) The standard as Value: intrinsic and extrinsic values.

Commensurability of values: Rashdall, Moore and Ross Applied ethics: duties and virtues, casuistry, moral freedom, moral progress, crime and punishment. The significance of different theories for practice.


Author Title/Publisher 1. Stace, W.T. A Critical History of Greek



Cassin, C.C, An introductory History of Greek Philosophy.

3. Ahmad, Naeem The Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.

4. Chohan. M. Rafiq The Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.

5. LilliS,W. Introduction to Ethics

6. Mackenzie, J.S. Manual of Ethics

7. Qadir, C.A.

8. Dar, B.A. Quranic Ethics.

9. Sheikh, M.S. Studies in Muslim Philosophy.





i. Vector Operations ii. Particle Dynamics

iii. Work and Energy iv. Power v. Conservation of Energy

vi. Systems of Particles vii. Collisions

viii. Rotational Dynamics ix. Angular Momentum x. Gravitation

xi. Bulk Properties of Matters xii. Special Theory of Relativity


i. Simple Harmonic Oscillations ii. Waves

iii. Sound iv. Light



i. Statistical Mechanics ii. Heat

iii. Heat Entropy & second law of Thermodynamics 4. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM

i. Electrostatics ii. Electric Field

iii. Electric Potential iv. Electric Current v. DC Circuits


i. Ampere’s Law


ii. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction


i. Inductance ii. Alternating Current Circuits

iii. Maxwell’s Equations iv. Electromagnetic Waves


i. Semiconductor Material ii. Junction Diode

iii. Transistor 8. MODERN PHYSICS

i. Quantum Physics ii. Waves Nature of Matter

iii. States and Energy levels iv. Atomic Structure of Hydrogen v. Atomic Physics.

vi. Nuclear Physics


Author Title/Publisher

1. A Beiser Perspectives of Modern Physics.

2. Halliday & Resnick. Fundamental of Physics 3. D. Corson & P.

Lorrain. Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

4. J.D. Ryder Engineering Electronics 5. J.F. Gibbons Semiconductor Electronics 6. Barkeley. Physics Course 7. W. Zemanasky Heat and Thermodynamics 8. W. E. Burcham Nuclear Physics 9. Kaplan Nuclear Physics

27. PSYCHOLOGY Marks Part – A General Psychology 75 Part – B Abnormal/Social/Industrial & 75

Criminal Psychology ___ Total: 150



(a) Historical background of modern Psychology. (b) Brief introduction to structuralism; Functionalism;

Behaviorism Psychoanalysis; and Cognitive Schools of Thought.

(2) METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (a) Nature – Detailed Discussion of (i) Survey Method (ii) Daybook Method (iii) Biographic Method (iv) Clinical Method (v) Field Study Method (vi) Experimental Method (3) LEARNING (a) Definition (b) Types of Learning (i) Trial and Error (ii) Observational Learning (iii) Conditioning (iv) Insight Learning

(c) Factors Influencing Learning; Methods of Study of Learning; Efficiency and Economy in learning.

(d) Transfer of Learning & its types factors influencing learning.


(a) Definition (b) Types of Perception (i) Object/Form Perception (ii) Depth and Space Perception (iii) Perception of Movement. (iv) Perception of Time

(c) Role of Constancy in Perception (Size Constancy; Brightness Constancy; shape Constancy).

(d) Illusion (i) Nature and types of Illusions. (ii) The unidentified flying objects (U.F.O’s)

and illusion- The Autokinetic effect. (5) MEMORY (a) Definition, Kinds. (b) Major Theories of Memory. (c) Measurement of Memory. (d) Memory of Disorders. (6) THINKING

(i) Natured. Image, Idea, Imagination and ideation

(ii) Types of Thinking (a) Autistic (b) Problem Solving (c) Reasoning (d) Creative Thinking

(iii) Formation of Concepts, types of concepts, tools of thinking.


(i) Neurons – Nerve impulse; Synaptic Transmission

(ii) Nervous System: Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System.

(iii) The Endocrine Gland System. (8) SENSORY PROCESSES

(a) Nature and Characteristics of Sensation. i. Structure and Function of a human eye. Light

perception; Rods and Cones; Pathways to Brain: Dark adaptation; Colour vision

ii. Structure and function of human ear, characteristics of sound, locating sound.

(9) BASIC OF GENETICS (i) Biochemistry of Genes

(ii) Structure and Functions of Chromosomes; Mutation; Down;s syndrome; Amniocentance.

(iii) Mechanism of Heredity. (10) EMOTIONS (i) Nature (ii) Verbal and Non-Verbal; Communications of

Emotions (iii) Bodily and Physiological Change in

Emotions with reference of Adren, land. (iv) Major Theories of Emotions. (v) Measurement of Emotions.

(11) MOTIVATION (a) Need, Drive, Incentive, Motive.

(b) Classification of Motives (Biological Secondarp)

(c) Motivation for Work. (d) Strength and Measurement of Motives.

PART—B (1) FRUSTRATION (a) Nature of Types

(b) Reactions of Frustration (Defence Mechanisms). (c) Psychological Disorders.

(i) Psychoneuroses, Etiology, Symptomotology, Kinds given in DSM

(ii) Psychosis, Etiology, Symptomotology, Kinds given in DSM IV.



(a) The early views and the development of modern

concept of Mental Health. (b) Contributions of Muslim Scholars to Mental Health

Movement. (3) PSYCHOTHERAPY (a) Introduction (i) Psychoanalysis. (ii) Behavior Therapy. (iii) Roger;s Therapy (iv) Reading Theraphy. (v) Psychodrama. (vi) Hypnosis. (4) PERSONALITY (i) Defining Personality.

(ii) Theories of Personality (Freud, Jung, Adler and Rogers).

(iii) Measurement of Personality. (Brief Introduction to important Projective and Objective Tests of Personality).


(i) The History of Intelligence Testing, IQ concepts. (ii) Theories of Intelligence (Brief Introduction of

Spearman’s Thurstone’s and Guilford’s Theories). (iii) Classification of Intelligence. (iv) Measurements of Intelligence.


(i) Group Dynamics (Structure of the Group, Norms, Roles); Convormity Factors influencing conformity.

(ii) Attiudes, Nature, Formation and Measurement of Attiudes.

(iii) Projudice and Discrimination (iv) Public Opinion and Propaganda


BEHAVIOR (i) Selection of Personel.

(ii) Relationship of Labour and Management. (iii) Morale and Productivity in Industry. (iv) Accidents, Strikes, Lockout. (v) Advertising and Salesmanship. (8) CRIMINAL AND CORRECTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (i) Classification of Criminals. (ii) Theories of Crim inal Behaviors.

(iii) Psychological Causes of Crime and Their Control


1. Psychology and Introduction 6th Edition by Jerome Kagan, Julius, Segal.

2. Psychology and Life 7 th Edition by F.L. Ruch.

3. Psychology and Life 8 th Edition by F.L. Ruch.

4. Psychology and Life 14th Edition by Zimbardo, P.G.

5. Reading Theraphy by Dr. S. Azhar Ali Rizvi.

6. Psychology International Edition 4th Edition by Camille B. Wortman Elibeth F. Loftus.

7. Psychology III Edition by Douglas A Bernstein and other.

8. Understanding Psychology IV Edition by Robert S. Feldman.


28. POLITICAL SCIENCE Marks Part ‘A’ Principles of Political Science: 75 Part ‘B’ Government and Politics U.K., U.S.A., 75

U.S.S.R. and Pakistan ___ Total: 150


1. Political Science: Definition, scope and utility of Political Science and approaches to the study of Political Science. 2. The State: Definition and elements; state and government; and Society; State and Association. 3. Sovereignty: Definition, Characteristics, Kinds of Sovereignty – Monism versus Pluralism- Islamic concept of sovereignty. 4. Liberty

1. Nature, kinds and safeguards of liberty, Liberty and equality; liberty and law.

2. Definition, meanings and kinds of rights, Fundamental Human Rights in Islam Rights of Non-Muslim in an Islamic State.

5. Law: Definition Meanings, kinds, sources of Law-Law and Morality-Islamic concept of Law; Sources of law in Islam. Importance: of Ijtehad. 6. Organization of Modern State (a) (1) Democracy: nature, attributes and reconditions (2) Islamic concept of Democracy. (3) Dictatorship; kinds and features. (b) Unitary and federal systems. (c) Parliamentary and Presidential systems. 7. Structure of Government: Executive, legislature and judiciary. 8. Political Participation: Elections and Electorate: (a) Adult and restricted suffrage-Methods of voting-

Direct Legislation (Referendum, initiative plebiscite and Recall. Qualifications of Voters and candidates in an Islamic polity. Role of an elected representative.

(i) in a modern secular state. (ii) in an Islamic state.

(b) Free elections and its pre-requisites. Direct and indirect election – electoral districts – representation of minorities – proportional Representation-Functional representation.

9. Political Dynamics:

(a) Political parties; Types, functions and role. (b) Interest groups; types role in a modern policy; Methods of political action.

(c) Public opinion Definition – Development of the concept – public opinion polls. Methods of measurement.

10 Theories regarding the nature and purpose of state: Idealist View – utilitarian view – Socialism, Communism. Fascism Welfare concept of state; Western and Islamic.


1. United Kingdom


(a) Nature and evolution of English Constitution; its sources and Salient feature s.

(b) Structure of the government.

(i) Kingship; its role and reasons for its survival.

(ii) Cabinet; features and role; Cabinet Ministry and Privy Council.

(iii) Parliament: Composition and powers; procedure of law making. Supremacy of the parliament.

(iv) Judiciary: organization and jurisdiction; rule of law.

(c) Civil Service; Local Self-government – Political Parties.

2. United State:

(a) Constitution growth, nature and salient features. (b) Federal system: Division of power in theory and

practice. (c) Presidency: theory and practice. (d) Congress: Composition, powers, procedure of law

making; Role of Committees in the Congress. (e) Federal Judiciary: organization and Jurisdiction;

judicial review. (f) Separation of power. (g) Political Parties.

3. U.S.S.R.

(a) Ideological basis of the Soviet system. (b) Constitutional development; Main features of the

present Constitution. 3. Governmental structure:

Supreme Soviet: Council of Ministers; Presidium Law and the Courts.

4. The Communist Party.

2. Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Ideological basis of Pakistan.

(a) Constitutional development since 1947. (b) A detailed study of the Government system under 1973



1. Select Modern Constituions: by A.C. Kapur

2. Introduction to Political Science, New York, 1967 by Rodce, Anderson and Christol

3. Principles of State and Government in Islam by Muhammad Asad .

4. Muhammad Sarwar:

5. Farooq Aktar Najib

6. Struggle for Pakistan by I.H. Qureshi

7. Modern Political Systems by Mecridis and Ward

8. Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan by S.M. Ikram

9. Modern Foreign Governments by Ogg and Zink

10. Syed Hasan Riaz:

11. Muhammad Sarwar:


29.PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Marks—150 1. Public Administrat ion- Its nature and scope, the role of

Public Administration in a modern Welfare State. 2. Major Schools of thought in Administration-Scientific

Management Movement, Human Relationists; Behavioural School; Systemic theory.

3. Bureaucracy-Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of Bureaucracy, Ecology of Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a Change Agent.

4. Administrative Leadership -Approaches to the study of

Leadership, Forms of Leadership, Leadership qualities. 5. Administrative Accountability-Internal and External

Controls; Executive Control, Legislative Control, Judicial Control, Ombudsman, Public Opinion and Pressure Groups; Problems of Administrative Accountability in Pakistan.

6. Planning-Types of Plans, Planning Process, Principles of

Planning, Planning Machinery; the system of planning and programming in Pakistan, Planning Machinery in Pakistan.

7. Organization-Types of Organization, Theories of

Organizations, Principle of Organization, The Organization of Federal and Provincial Governments in Pakistan, Public Corporations in Pakistan.

8. Personnel Administration-Nature and scope of Personnel

Administration; Personnel Functions, Tools of Personnel Management, Salient Features of the System of Public Personnel Management in Pakistan.

9. Controlling and Co-Ordination-Forms of Controls, Control

Mechanism, the process of Control, Principles of Controlling; Principles of Coordination; Machinery for Coordination; Problems of Coordination in Public Administration in Pakistan.

10. Communication.—Types of Commun ication,

Communication Channels, Communication Process, Principles of Communication.

11. Financial Administration.—Elements of Financial

Administration, Performance and Programmed Budgeting, Capital Budget, Principles of Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting.




1. A Handbook of Public Relations. United Nations

2. An Introduction to the Public Administration

E.N. Cladden

3. Administrative Behaviour Herbet, A Simon

4. Bureaucracy: Modern Society Pebr, M. Blau

5. Human Relations Administration Robert Dubir, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey, 1959.

6. Introduction to the Study of Public Administration

L.D. White

7. Public Administration Simon, Smithuburg & Thompson

8. Public Administration Pfiffner and Presthus

9. Public Administration for a Welfare State

Paul Abbleby

10. Public Administration theory and Practice

Fesler, James W.

11. Pakistan in Search of Democracy, 1947—77

Yusuf, Hamid

12. Pakistan The Enigma of Political Development

Ziring, Lawence, Frederick A. Paeger Publisher England, 1980.

13. Research on the Bureaucracy of Pakistan

Braibanti, Raplh

14. The Human Side of Enterprize Douglas Mc Gregor.

15. The Bureaucracy of Pakistan Charles F.




30. PURE MATHEMATICS Marks Part ‘A’: 75 Part ‘B’: 75 Total: 150

PART-A Modern Algebra Groups, subgroups, Lagrange’s theorem, cyclic groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups. Fundamental theorem of homomorphism Isomorphism theorem of groups, Inner automorphisms. Conjugate elements, conjugate subgroups. Commutator subgroups. Rings, Subrings, Integral domains, Quotient fields, Isomophism theorems, Field extension and finite fields. Vector spaces, Linear independence, Bases, Dimension of a finitely generated space. linear transformations, Matrices and their algebra Reduction of matrices to their echelon form, Rank and nullity of a linear transformation. Solution of a system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations. Properties of determinants. Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Reduction to canonical forms, specially diagonalisation. Geometry Conic sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates and their use to represent the straight line and conic sections. Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates in three dimensions. The plane, the sphere, the ellipsoid, the paraboloid and the hyperboloid in Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates. Vector euations for Plane and for space-curves. The arc length. The osculating plane. The tangent, normal and binomal. Curvature and torsion. Serre-Frenet’s formulae. Vector equations for surfaces. The first and second fundamental forms. Normal, principal, Gaussian and mean curvatures.


Calculas and Real Analysis Real Numbers, Lim its, Continuity. Differentiability, Indefinite Integration. Mean value theorems. Taylor’s theorem. Indeterminate forms. Asymptotes. Curve tracing. Definite integrals. Functions of several variables. Partial derivatives. Maxima and minima. Jacobians. Double and triple integration (techniques only). Applications of Beta and Gamma functions. Areas and Volumes. Riemann-Stieltje’s integral. Improper integrals and their conditions of existences, Implicit function theorem. Absolute and conditional convergence of serial of real term. Rearrangement of series, Uniform convergence of series. Metric spaces. Open and closed spheres. Closure, Interior and Exterior of a set. Sequences in metric space. Cauchy sequence convergence of sequences. Examples. Complete metric spaces. Continuity in metric spaces. Properties of continuous functions. Complex Analysis Functions of a complex variable; Demoiver’s theorem and its applications. Analytic functions, Cauchy’s theorem. Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’series. Singularities. Cauchy residue theorem and contour integration. Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Analytic continuation.


Title Author/Publisher

1. Advance Calculus Kaplan, W.

2. Analytic Function Theory Vol..I Hille, Ec.

3. An Introduction to Differential Geometry

Wilmore, T.S.

4. Complex Analysis Goodstein, G.R.G.

5. Calculus with Analtic Geometry Yusuf, S.M.

6. Differential Geometry of Three Dimensions

Weatherburn, C.E.

7. Elements of Complex Analysis Pennisi, L.L.

8. Theory of Groups Majeed, A.

9. Mathematical Methods Yusuf, S.M.

10. Mathematical Analysis Apostal, T.M.

11. Principles of Mathematical Analysis

Rudin, W.

12. The Theory of Groups Macdonald, I.N.

13. Topics in Algebra Herstein, I. N.



Marks Part ‘A’: General Sociology: 75 Part ‘B’: Sociological Theory 75

and Research and Social Problems ___

Total: 150


GENERAL SOCIOLOGY 1. Introduction:

(a) Definitions of Sociology. (b) Subject Matter. (c) Relationship of Sociology with other Social Sciences:

Political Sciences, Psychology, Economics, History and Anthropology.

(d) Utility and Application of Sociology. 2. Social Group:

(a) Definition. (b) Types of Groups: Primary Groups, Secondary Groups,

In Groups, Out Groups, Formal Groups, Informal Groups.

(c) Distinction between Social Groups and Social Categories.

(d) Other Related Concepts: Reference Groups, Locality Groups, Society.

3. Social Interaction: (a) Definition. (b) Importance of Social Interaction. (c) Processes of Social Interaction: Cooperation,

Competition, Conflict, Assimilation, Accommodation and Acculturation.

4. Social Norms: (a) Definition. (b) Types of Social Norms: Folkways, Mores (Amar-o-

Nehi), Laws. (c) Other Related Concepts: Deviancy, Social Control,

Social Sanctions, Toboos, Values and Beliefs. 5. Statutes and Role: (a) Definitions. (b) Types of Status and Role: Achieved and Ascribed. (c) Related Concepts: Role Conflict, Role Playing 6. Culture: (a) Definition. (b) Element of Culture: Traits, Patterns, Complexes, Ethos.


(c) Types of Culture: Non-Material and Material; Ideal and Real.

(d) Cultural Uniformity and Cultural Variability. (e) Other Related Concepts: Sub-Culture, Cultural Relativism, Ethnocontrism, 7. Socialization and Personality: (a) Definition. (b) Personality: Important factors in personality formation e.g., Heredity, Socio-Cultural and Unique Experiences; Interplay of these. (c) Socialization: As a Process; Role Taking; Role-Playing. (d) Concept of Self: Theories of George Mead and C.H. Cooley. 8. Social Stratification: (a) Definition. (b) Caste, Bradari and Class. (c) Social Mobility and its Types; Factors Affecting Mobility. 9. Social Institutions: (a) Definition.

(b) Types of Social Institutions: Political, Economic, Religious, Education. Family and Kinship and Recreational.

(c) Interrelationship of Social Institutions 10. Social and Cultural Change: (a) Definition. (b) Factors of Socio -Cultural Change. (c) Resistance to Socio-Cultural Change. (d) Socio-Cultural Change in Pakistani Society.



1. Social Thought and Sociological Theory: (a) Meaning and Nature of Social Thought. (b) Meaning and Nature of Sociological Theory: 2. Brief Introduction to Muslim Social Thought: Ibn-e-Khaldun, Imam Ghazali, Shah Wali Ullah. 3. Sociological Theories: Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber. 4. Research Methodology: (a) Scientific Method and its application to Sociology. (b) Types of Sociological Research: Descriptive, Explanatory and Experimental. (c) Relationship between Theory and Research. (d) Different Methods of Sociological Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. 5. Research Design: (a) Selection of Problem (b) Concepts. (c) Variables. (d) Hypotheses. 6. Universe and Sampling: (a) Definition of Universe. (b) Definition of Sampling. (c) Types of Sample: Simple Random Sample, Stratified Sample. 7. Data Collection

(a) Techniques of Data Collection: Interviewing and Observation.

(b) Tools of Data Collection: Interview schedule and questionnaire.

8. Data Analysis

(a) Frequency Distribution and Tabulation. (b) Ratios and Percentages. (c) Measure of Central Tendency (Average): Mean,

Median and Mode.

9. Social Problems (a) Over Population (b) Illiteracy (c) Crime & Delinquenty (d) Environmental Pollution


Author Title/Publisher

1. Baqai, M.S. Social Order in Pakistani Society, Karachi: National Book Foundation, 1975.

2 Chaudhry, Iqbal M.

“Umraniyat” Lahore: Aziz Publishers, 1981.

3. Horton Paul B. and Hund, Hester L.

Sociology - Singapore, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1990.

4. Koening, Samuel

Sociology – An Introduction to the Science of Society, New York: Bames and Noble Bo oks, Horper and Row Publisher, 1957.

5. Malik, Abdul Hamid

“Ibtidal Moasheryat” Lahore: Standard Book House, 1994.

6. Rao, N. Shaukar Sociology, New Dehli: S. hand Company Ltd., 1990.

7. Baker, Therese L.

Doing Social Research, New York: The Free Press, 1988.

8. Goode, William, J. and Paul K. Hatt:

Methods in Social Research, London: Mc Graw-Hill, 1952.

9. Young, PaulineV:

Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Tokyo: charles E. Tutritle o.

10. Ali. Dr. M. Basharat:

Muslims: The First Sociologists, Lahore: Maktaba-i-Miliya.

11. Taga, Abdul Hameed

Umrani Nazria wa Tahqeeq: Lahore: Ismail Brothers Publishers, 1991.

12. Ahmad, ahmida Masood

“Moashrati Masael ki Omraniat” Karachi: Illmi Kitab Ghar, 1992.

_________________ 32. STATISTICS

Marks Part-A 75 Part-B 75 ___

Total: 150


1. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. Meaning of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. Population and Sample. Types of variables. Measurement Scales Description of data by frequency tables and graphs. Stem and Leaf plots and Bon plots. Measures of Central Tendency. (A.M., H.M.G.M. Mode, Median, Quartiles). Properties of Mean with proofs. Weighted Arithmetic Mean. Empirical Relation between Mean, Median and Mode. Relative Merits and Demerits of various averages. Measures of Dispersion (Absolute and Relative Measures) (Range, Semi-Inter Quartile Range, Mean Deviation, Variance, Standard Deviation). Coefficient of Variation, Coefficient of Mean Deviation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviations. Properties of Variance and Standard Deviation with proofs. Standardized variables. Moments, Moment Ratios, Sheppards Correction, Kurtosis and Skewness. Sources of Statistical data in Pakistan. 2. INDEX NUMBERS AND TIME SERIES.


(a) Construction and application of wholesale price Index Numbers. Fixed and chain base methods. Weighted Index Numbers (Laspeyre’s. Paasche’s, Fisher’s Ideal and Marshall-Edgeworth Indices). Tests for the consistency of Index Numbers. Construction of Consumer price Index Numbers. Sensitive price Indicator. (b) Time Series, Components of a time series. Analysis of time series. Measurement of secular trend and seasonal variations by various methods. Deseasonalization of data. 3. SIMPLE REGRESSION AND CORRELATION. Logic of regression and correlation. Scatter diagram, simple linear regression. Model, least square estimators and their properties, standard error of estimate. Meaning and application of linear correlation coefficient. Properties of correlation coefficient. Correlation coefficient for bivariate frequency distribution, Meaning derivation and application of Rank correlation. Tied ranks. 4. PROBABILITY. Random experiments, sample space and events. Counting techniques. Definitions and axioms of probability. Basic laws of probability. Independence of events. Bayess Theorem (proof not required) and its application. 5. DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES AND DISCRETE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS. Random variable, Distribution Function, Discrete Random Variable. Probability Distribution of a Discrete Random Variable. Joint Distribution of two Discrete Random Variables, Marginal and Conditional Distributions, Mathematical Expectation and its Properties, Mean, Variance, and Moments. Concepts of m.g.f. and its Properties. Uniform, Bernouli, Binomial, Hypergeometric and Poisson Distributions: Mean, Variance and shape of these distributions and their properties. Application of these distributions with examples from various fields. Multinomial Distribution (only application). 6. CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES AND

CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS. Continuous random variables. Probability distribution of a single continuous random variable, probability density function and distribution function. Mean, variance and moments of continuous random variables. Uniform and Normal distributions. Mean, variance and shape of these distributions and their properties. Application of these distributions. Normal approximation to the Binomial and Poisson distribution (just application). Fitting of Normal distribution by area method.


1. SAMPLING AND SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION. Sampling designs of Simple Random, Stratified, Systematic and Cluster Sampling, Judgement and Quota Sampling. Random Numbers and their uses in Sampling. Advantages of Sampling. Probability and Non-probability Sampling, sampling and non-sampling error, Calculation of Sample Mean, Proportion and Variance of Simple Random Samples And Stratified Random Samples. Sampling Distribution of a statistic and its standard error. Distribution of Sample Mean, Sample Proportion, difference between two proportions and means. Central Limit Theorem with illustration (Proof of theorem not required). 2. STATISTICAL INFERENCE. Nature of statistical inference, point and interval estimation of a parameter, properties, of point estimator, confidence interval and its interpretation, Null and alternative hypothesis, simple and composite hypothesis. Type I and Type II errors. Level of significance. P-value and power of test (only concept and definition). Acceptance and rejection regions, one sided and two sided tests, test procedure. Inference about single mean and difference between means for paired and unpaired observations, inference about proportion and difference two proportions. Determination of sample size (Application of Z-distribution and t-distribution).

3. INFERENCE ABOUT VARIANCE. Introduction and application of Chi-square distribution. Interval estimation and test of hypothesis about population variance (Interval estimation for variance – single sample). Introduction and application of F-distribution test of hypothesis for equality of two variances. 4. ANALYSIS OF COUNT DATA.

Chi-square test of Independence. Chi square test of fit. Chi-square test of homogeneity. 5. REGRESSION AND CORRELATION ANALYSIS. Multiple linear regression with two regressors, coefficient of multiple determination. Partial and multiple correlation upto three variables. Inference of simple correlation and regression, partial and multiple correlation. Interval estimates and test of hypothesis about parameters mean prediction and individual prediction. 6. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND BASIC EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS. Analysis of variance for one-way classification and two-way classification Multiple comparison tests least significant difference (L.S.D) test and Duncan Multiple Range Test. Basic principles of experimental design Completely Randomized, Randomized Complete Block and Latin Square designs. Descriptions, layout, statistical analysis, advantages and limitations of these designs. Application of these designs (Analysis of all these designs for single observation in each cell).


Clark G. & Cooke D (1998). A basic Coure in Statistics, Arnold Publisher, London, 4th Edition. Chase W Bown F (1997). General Statistics, 3rd Edition, Jhon Willy & Sons, New York. Wonnacott T.H. and Wonnacott R.J. (1981). Introductory Statistics, Jhon Willy & Sons, New York. Graybill, lyer & Burdick (1998). Applied Statistics, a first course in inference. Prentice Hall, New Jersy. Chaudhry, S.M. & Kamal, S. (1999), Introduction to Statistical Theory Parts I & II Illmi Kutab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. Beg, M.A. and Mirza M.D. (1997). Statistics, Theory and Methods, Volumes I & II, Carvan Book House, Kutechery Road, Lahore. Moore D S, McCabe G.R., Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 3 rd Edition, Will Freeman & C0., New York. Blumen 1997, Elementary statistics, 3 rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. Chaudhry, R.M. (1998). Polymer Modern Statistics, Polymers.




Marks Part A: Invertebrata 50 Part B: Chordata 50 Part C: Principles of Biology





INVERTEBRATA Classification (upto orders) and general organization (Structure, function, mode of life, reproduction and life cycles, adaptations, distribution and economic importance) of the following groups. Types, wherever mentioned, shall be used for understanding the structure-function problems in the group.

1. Protozoa: Type: Paramecium caudatum. General organization with emphasis on Locomotion,

Nutrition, Reproduction, parasites of medical importance.(Plasmodum, Leishmania, entamoeba, Giardia, Trichomonas.)

2. Porifera: Type: Scypha (Sycon) General orghanization with emphasis on canal system, skeleton,

Reproduction. 3. Ceolenterata: Type: Obelia geniculata. General

organiztion with emphasis on Polymorphism, Corals and Coral reefs.

4. Ctenophora: Diagnostic features only. 5. Platyhelminthes: Type: Fasciola hepatica, General

organization with emphasis on parasitic adaptations(entire chapter). Life cycle

Variations, Taenia saginata, helminth diseases 6. Ascheiminthes: Type: Ascaris lumbricoides. Diagnostic

reatures only. Nematodes of economic importance. 7. Annelida: Type : Hirudinaria sp. General organization

with special emphasis on coelom, excretory system and Reproductive system.

8. Minor Phyla: Diagnostic features only. Onychophora, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Chaetognatha, Sipunculids, Entoprocta, Ectoprocts 9. Arthropoda: Type: Periplaneta americana General Organization with emphasis on metamorphosis

and ecdysis, appendages, feeding, respiration, social insects,

economic importance 10 Mollusca: Type: Andonta sp. General organization with emphasis on shell, basic form

of foot, locomotion, gill, torsion, economic importance. 11. Echinodermata: Type: Astrias Sp. General organization with emphasis on skeleton, water

vascular system, larval forms and their evolutioning significance



1. Study of the following types (a) Amphioxus including development (b) Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) (All systems). The object of the detailed account of above types is to

give a clear picture of the various systems with reference to a typical chordate, and a representative tetrapod. For a meaningful study of comparative an anatomy of various vertebrate system a good comprehension of structure in typical animals is essential.

2. (a) Characteristics of the following (i) Hemichordata (ii) Urochordata (iii) Agentha (excluding extinct groups)

(b) Characteristics and classification of the following

(i) Chondrichthyes (upto order excluding extinct

groups). (ii) Osteichthy

Sarcopterygii (upto order) Actinopterygii (Upto Superorder)

(iii) Amphilbia (upto order) (iv) Aves (upto Superorder), Archaeoptery. (v) Mammalia (upto Order), (excluding extinct


3. Comparative vertebrate morphogenesis: Egg types, cleavage, blastula, gastrulation, detailed account with support from Spemann’s experiments. Comparative anatomy and function of integumentary,. Skeletal (General details such asstructure of bone, cartilage, limb, evolution limbs to be done in theory. The detailed comparative study should be undertaken in the practicals), digestive, circulatory respiratory, excretory, nervous (including sense organs), hormonal and reproductive system. 4. Biology of chordates: Adaptation to different modes of life, Migration, parental care, Breeding habits, Defence mechanisms, Distribution of various groups of chordates.



(Cell Biology, Genetics, Environmental Biology) 1. Cell Structure and Function: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Physical structure and chemical composition of cellular components (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids). Metabolic pathway: Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, Electron transport chain, Fatty acid oxidation, Amino acid metabolism. Morphology, chemical composition and function of cellular organelles (palasma membrane, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, ribosome, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum, plastids). Structure and functions of nucleic acids. DNA replication in prokaryotes. Transcription. Translation. Gene regulation. 2. Genetics: Life cycle of Drosophila as genetic model. Segregation of Sex-linked inheritance (inheritance of X and Y chromosomes, white eye colour in Drosophila, Heamophilia). Linkage and recombination. Crossing over: genetic and cytological proofs. Genetic basis of inheritable diseases. Oytoplasmic inheritance. DNA as the genetic material. Genetic code. Transfer of genetic material in bacteria and viruses (bacterial transformation, conjugation, transduction). DNA recombination in prokaryotes. Mutagenesis, site-directed mutagenesis. Introduction to Recombinant DNA technology: plasmids, restriction endonucleases; applications of genetic engineering, transgenic plants and animals. 3. Environmental Biology: Biological diversity. Major ecosystems of Pakistan. Productivity. Attributes of population, population dynamics, growth and management. Energy resources and energy crisis. Environmental pollution, biodegradation and biofowling, degrading factors.


1. Engemann, J.G. & Hegner, R.W. Invertebrate Zoology, Mcmillan Co., New York.

2. Barnes, R.D. (1980). Invertebrate Zoology (4th ed.). Saunders. Philadelphia.

3. Parker, T.J. & Haswell, W.A. Textbook of Zoology (Vol. I), Mcmillan & Co., New York.

4. Barrington, J.W. (1974). Invertebrate Structure and Function. The English Lenguage Book Society, London,

5. Borradaile, L.A., Potts. F.A. Eastham, L.E.S., Saunders, J.T and Kerkut, G.A. (1961). The Invertebrata. Cambridge University Press.

6. Bhatti, H.K. and Hashmi, T.H. Invertebrata Zoology Caravan Book Corporation, Lahore.

7. Kent, G.C. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates,

8. Hashmi, T.H. and Bhatti, H.K. Chordat Zoology, Carvan Book House, Lahore.

9. Romer, A.S. (1962). The Vertebrate Body. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphis.


10. Marshall, A.J. (Park, T.J. and Haswell, W.A.). A textbook of Zoology, Volume II Vertebrata. Mcmillan Co., New York.

11. Loewy, A.G. and Siekevitz. Cell structure and Function, Helt -Reinhart, N.Y.

12. Lovine, R.P. Genetics. Holt -Rinehart and Winston, N.Y.

13. Odum, E.P. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.

14. Avers, C.J. Basic Cell Biology, D. Van Nostrand Co. New York.

15. Scheeler, P. and Bianchi, D Cell and Molecular Biology, John Wiley and Sons New York.

16. Srb. A.M., Owen, R.D. and Edgar, R.S. General Genetics WW. H. Freeman & Co. New York.

17. Strickberger, M.W. Genetics. Mcmillan Co., New York.

18. Winchester, A.M. Genetics. Haughton-Miffin Co.

19. Odum E.P. Fundamental of Ecology. W.B. Saunders, New York.

20. Macfadyen, A. Animal Ecology: Aims & Methods, Pitman Publishing Co.


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