surfing the long waves of global capital with chang rae-lee's native

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Narkunas 327


MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 54 number 2, Summer 2008. Copyright © for the Purdue Research Foundation by the Johns Hopkins University Press. All rights to reproduction in any form reserved.






J. Paul Narkunas

Chang-rae Lee's 1995 novel, Native Speaker, offers an interest-




Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital328






Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 329





Native Speaker


Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital330

Native Speaker -



in potentia,


America's Asia

Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 331

dispositif dispositif





Native Informants

Native Speaker-


Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital332


Native Speaker




Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 333





Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital334

5 -







A Critique of Postcolonial Reason


Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 335






Native Speaker -

Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital336




The Philosophy of Right


Native Speaker

Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 337




Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
on the other hand, Kwang would like to be "face to face", to memorize the names, to "make them into a part of you" (326)
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital338



-Native Speaker


Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 339


Native Speaker




Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital340







Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
empathy as annihilating difference
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 341




Native Speaker


9 ggeh




Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital342

of the ggeh ggeh has

ggeh -


Native Speaker



to the ggeh

Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Narkunas 343




Dead Presidents

Native Speaker



Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco
Serena Fusco

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital344




Narkunas 345


Grundrisse -



Native Speaker



Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital346



Conclusion: Beyond Dead Presidents

Narkunas 347




Native Speaker



Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital348

Lee's Native Speaker




ggeh --



is -ggeh

-Native Speaker


Narkunas 349


Native Speaker-




The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism-

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital350







Native Speaker


Narkunas 351


Who Are We?: The Chal-lenges to America's Identity

Works CitedHomo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life

Imagined CommunitiesGerminal Life: The Difference and Repetition of


Speaker Modern Fiction Studies

Ethics after Idealism

———. The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism

as Space of Cultural ProductionPluralism

Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations at the End of the Century

Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy

A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

Society Must Be Defended

Against Race: Imagining Political Culture beyond the Color Line

The End of the Nation-State

Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies

The Clash of Civilizations

Surfing the Long Waves of Global Capital352

———. Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's Identity

Native Speaker

The Futures of American Studies


Parables of the Virtual

Shattered Windows: Promises and Prospects for Asian American Studies

-Critical Inquiry

-Asian North American

Identities: Beyond the Hyphen -

A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present

———. Cities without Citizens

boundary 2 The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public


Serena Fusco

between the work of Cisneros and of the Cuban American writer Ruth Behar. She is also author of the poetry collection Speak to Me from Dreams (Third Woman Press).

LINDA S. KAUFFMAN has written numerous essays on contemporary Bad Girls and Sick Boys:

Fantasies in Contemporary Art and Culture (1998); Discourses of Desire: Gender, Genre, and Epistolary Fictions (1986); and Special Delivery: Epistolary Modes in Modern Fiction (1992). She is editor of three volumes, including American Feminist Thought at Century's End (1993). She teaches in the English Department at the University of Maryland, College Park.

RANDALL KNOPER teaches as the University of Massachusetts Am-herst. He is the author of Acting Naturally: Mark Twain in the Culture of Performance (1995). He is now working on a book project about American literature of the late nineteenth century and sciences of the brain and nervous system.

J. PAUL NARKUNAS is an Assistant Professor of Literary Theory in the Department of English at John Jay College, City University of New York. He has published articles in Theory and Event and Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory as well as in several collections. He is presently completing two manuscripts: Flotsam and Jetsam in Global Capital Flows: Global English and the Future of Literature and The Ahuman: Thinking Beyond the Global Human.

JESSICA PRESSMAN researches the intersection of electronic litera-ture and literary modernism. Her essays have appeared in Studies in American Fiction, Dichtung-Digital, and The Iowa Review Web; an essay on Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries is forthcoming in Rim Modernisms (University of Toronto Press). This fall she joins the faculty at Yale University as an Assistant Professor of English.

BERTHOLD SCHOENE <> is Director of the English Research Institute at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is the author of Writing Men (2000), co-editor of Posting the Male (2003), and has recently edited The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature (2007). His current work in prog-ress includes an essay on gay men and romance and a study on the cosmopolitan novel.

ALEX SEGAL <> lectures in English at Charles Sturt University. His articles, mostly on literary theory and on litera-ture and philosophy, have appeared in Critique, Philosophical Investi-gations, The Critical Review, Auto/Biography, and Meridian. The topic of literature and secrecy is a particular focus of his research.

Reproducedwith permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibitedwithout permission.

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