

يوسف سورة

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Circumstances in which Surah was revealed? --- Question from unbelievers in Makkah --- Why did

the Israelites go to Egypt?

• Resemblance between story of Yusuf(AS) and unbelievers in Makkah -- Proof of Prophet hood of

Muhammad(SAW), good can come out of an evil, announcement of forgiveness, Whatever Allah

wills, He fulfills it any how.

• Why language of Quran is Arabic? ----- The best narrative; Yosuf(AS)’s story

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• What should we do to implant and propagate the love of fathers in our kids heart?

• Justice among siblings, their jealousy ---- How Satan’s take advantage from it?

• Yosuf(AS)’s dream and its reality.

• ث� ي� ث� ح�ا ح ي ا ث� ث ي� يا ح� ---- the comprehension of the deeper meaning of things ----full understanding of the

problems of life and their solutions and the insight to reach at the reality of every matter.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Great signs and instructions in Yusuf(AS)’s story.

• The dialect used by sons for their father.

• Fulfill the lust of heart by doing a certain evil thing, then repent and become good again.

• Why Jealousy is bad? --- Harmful to one’s self and others --- How we can prevent it?

• Conspiracy by brothers ---- Throwing into the well ---- Inexpert criminals(blood on un rip shirt)

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Seduction of inner desires ---- evil souls have made it easy to commit a heinous act.

• �‌ ل� ي� ث� ح� ل� ح�ي� ح� ---- Patience in good grace ---- a patience that enables one to endure all kinds of

troubles and afflictions in a calm, self-possessed and unemotional manner, without complaining or

crying or weeping.

• Trust in God( Tawakul Ilallah) comes from patience and it’s a quality of faith.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Establishing Yusuf(AS) in Egypt ---- Allah’s Plan and arrangements for his training.

• ث� ي� ث� ح�ا ح ي ا ث� ث ي� يا ح� -- comprehend the deeper meaning of things, interpretation of events, experience and

insight , interpretation of dreams

• Yusuf’s trials --- Zuleikha --- Youth living in North America goes through the same trial.

• The strongest defense against sins(indecency and immodesty) is the seeking of protection from

Allah Himself ---- Taoozat

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Unlawful lustful desires = Animalism

• Aziz’s wife act was not spontaneous emotional act but a planned act.

• Safety from Indecency and Immodesty ---- Surah Nur and Surah Ahzab

• Accusing Yusuf (AS) but circumstantial evidence were in His favor.

• Fitna --- Women trying to seduce but when unsuccessful accused them

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4:• Gossips of the ladies in the city ---- Moral depravity ---- Immoral atmosphere of elite class;

comments on affairs, taunting each other, spreading lewdness, sly talk, magazines etc.

• Banquet arrangements and women’s behavior ---- Confidence or impudent( offensive boldness)

• Moral condition of the higher class of the Egyptian society ---- Current situation of Obscenity

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Self control shown by Yusuf(AS) during all charms and allurements set by Satan.

• Obscenity or Prison ---- Two choices ---- Yusuf(As) ask Allah for help, His supplication

• Imprisonment of Yusuf(AS) --- Pressure of elites on courts

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5:• Yusuf(AS)’s way of preaching ---- Right procedure of presenting the message.

• Before telling the interpretation of dreams , he told the basic principle of deen ---- made

full use of opportunity, preaching only when other is ready to listen.

• Another principle of Dawa ---- Talking with people according to their mental level, an

example of Lord and slave to an employee

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Instead of criticizing other’s religion, announce your own faith ---- Avoid argumentations

• Inviting people to ponder on Allah’s Grace upon us and our thankfulness.

• What kind of planning we do to prepare ourselves for delivering the message?

• Polytheism --- pursuance of forefathers ---- idle fabricated names (fascination)

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6:• Every thing will happen at its appointed time ---- Wine maker forgot about Yusuf(AS)

• King’s dream and it’s interpretation by Yusuf(AS).

• Along with the interpretation he also gave good counsel based on wisdom and fellow feeling , a

solution for events to come.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 7:• Good morals and reputation is more important than freedom.

• Consideration of the house where He(AS) lived, he talked about women who cut their hand.

• Acceptance of guilt by all women.

• Patience and forbearance by Yusuf(AS) ---- No self praising but instead told the reality of

tempting pressures of evil on human soul.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• The three states of human soul .

• Seeking an office is not permissible except under particular conditions --- Volunteering himself

to establish deen of Allah ---- Utilizing your skills for a just cause.

• Allah’s plan --- Good coming at end out of evil , trials for training, reward for faith,

taqwa and patience here and hereafter.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 8:• Encounter with brothers --- trying to met Benjamin

• Purpose of returning back the capital they paid.

• Supplication Ayah 64 for protection --- When someone is departing

• The way Yaqub(AS) talks with his sons --- Remembrance of Allah(SWT) in between dialogues,

glorifying Him --- Connect your kids with Allah(SWT)

• Allah is the Best Protector and is the Most Merciful.

ن� مي م� ن��ا ال م� ن� رر ن�ا نو م� ن� ظ�ا م� ن�ا ر� ري �ن �م �� ن ن�ال

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Taking pledge from kids --- Making Allah witness --- Trying to reform conduct of kids.

• Great qualities of character as a father --- Good dealings and good manners.

• Instruction of entering the city different gates ---- . Prevention from an evil eye.

• Allah’s will, destiny --- Necessary precaution, admonition and practical measures should be done but

trust on Allah is compulsory.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 9:• Planning of Allah(SWT) for Yusuf(AS) to detain Benjamin.

• Difference between ث� ث� ح� ي� ا �ث ي� ث� (King’s Law) and �ث ي� �د --- (Islamic Law) ا�

Law of land ; Allah’s law

• Deen is not just rituals, it include dealings, relations, morals, social, economical and political

laws . Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone and he made these laws its His right that His

obedience is obligatory.

• Accusation of theft on Yusuf(AS) from his brothers and his patience.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 10:• The role of Biggest brother.

• ل� ي� ث� ح� ل� ح�ي� ح� ---- Gracious patience ---- Yaqub(AS) ; patience in pain and its merits and rewards.

• Seduction of inner desire --- Soul made it easy to engage in evil, dighting the fact.

• Tawakul Ilallah ---- Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

• ل� ي� ث ح! --- Choked up with sorrow but suppressing anger and grief -- effect on Yuqub(AS)’s sight

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Addressing sorrow and grief only to Allah.

• Despair of Allah's mercy is Kufr.

• Third meeting between Yusuf(AS) and his brothers ---- Announcement of forgiveness.

• Admission of Allah’s favors --- Fear of Allah, Taqwa , Mohsin

• Ayah 92 --- Rasolallah(SAW) recited this Ayah at victory of Makah --- magnanimity ; forgiving

others as we need forgiveness from Allah(SWT)

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 11:• Smelling the fragrance of Yusuf(AS) ----- Miracle of return of sight

• Allah’s will --- Ponder on the whole story.

• Request of Yusuf(AS) to his father for praying for forgiveness of his brothers.

• Dream comes true.

• Avoiding further embarrassment of his brother ---- blaming Satan for stirring discord between


ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Instead of boasting or bragging, remembrance of blessings and favors from Allah(SWT) , glorifying

Him, bowing on Allah’s graciousness --- Increase of love for Allah and Iman.

• Ayah 101 --- Supplication for obedience till death and company of pious in Hereafter.

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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 12:• Shirk is biggest crime.

• Why the messenger have to be human?

• Three characteristics of Quran.

• Lessons in stories for people of understanding.

1. Guidance for man.

2. Detail exposition of everything.

3. Mercy

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