

النجم سورة

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1:• Characteristics of Surah Najm --- First Surah in which a verse of Sajdah is revealed, Rasolallah along with

believers prostrate so as disbelievers.

• Holy Prophet(SAW)’s words are revelation from Allah --- Both Quran and Hadith.

• Rasolallah(SAW) saw Angel Gabriel twice in his real shape and nature.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Rasolallah(SAW) had not seen Allah but His wonderful Signs at Mirage --- Ayah 18

• Lat, Manat, Uzza (Made up names of Idols) -- Following their conjectures just to follow their desires so

no restrictions of Halal and Haram, no moral limitation and they will receive intercession.

• Does man imagine that whatever he wishes for is right for him?

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2:• Islamic concept of Intercession.

• Those who turn away from the remembrance of Allah ---- who seek nothing but the life of the world -----

Limited knowledge, thought and belief ---- Personal Interests.

• If the Mohsineen abstain from Major sins and shameful acts Allah will forgive their Minor sins.

• �َم�َم�ؕ‌� small quantity, or its slight effect, or its mere closeness ---- Small sins ----- الَّل

ICNA Sisters' Wing

• Difference between Major and Minor sins ---- Every such act is a major sin which has been forbidden by

a clear ordinance of the Divine Book and the Sharia of the Prophet, or for which Allah and His

Messenger have prescribed a punishment in the world, or have held out a threat of punishment in the

Hereafter, or have cursed the one guilty of committing it, or given the news of infliction of punishment on

those guilty of committing it.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3:• Clauses of Law of Retribution(Punishment/Reward) ---- Offering Rewards of Good Deeds to others

---- Ayah 38 --- Isal thawab

• Destruction of transgressors is blessing for Mankind.

• Prostration of disbelievers along with believers ---- Background of the end of this surah.

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