SUPPLEMENT DATED 2 AUGUST 2019 TO THE EURO MEDIUM … · discussion with ARAFER, (ii) a possible transfer of Gares & Connexions out of the scope of SNCF Mobilités following the consultation

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Euro 12,000,000,000

Euro Medium Term Note Programme

This second supplement (the Second Supplement) is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with, the

Base Prospectus dated 10 April 2019 as supplemented by the first supplement dated 28 June 2019 (the Base

Prospectus) prepared in relation to the €12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme (the Programme) of

SNCF Mobilités (the Issuer). The Base Prospectus as so supplemented constitutes a base prospectus for the purpose of

the Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended or superseded, the Prospectus Directive). The Autorité des marchés financiers

(the AMF) has granted visa n°19-146 on 10 April 2019 to the Base Prospectus and visa n°19-304 on 28 June 2019 to

the first supplement dated 28 June 2019.

Application has been made for approval of this Supplement to the AMF in its capacity as competent authority pursuant

to article 212-2 of its Règlement Général which implements the Prospectus Directive. This Supplement has been

prepared pursuant to Article 16.1 of the Prospectus Directive and Article 212-25 of the Règlement général of the AMF

for the purposes of inter alia (i) incorporating by reference the Half-Year Activity Report and Condensed Half-Year

Consolidated Financial Statements of the Issuer (the CCFS 2019), (ii) amending the Summary, (iii) updating the

"Description of the Issuer" and the "Risk Factors" sections of the Base Prospectus, and (iv) updating the list of the

recent developments.

Terms defined in the Base Prospectus have the same meaning when used in the Supplement.

Save as disclosed in this Supplement, there has been no other significant new factor, material mistake or inaccuracy

relating to information included in the Base Prospectus which is material in the context of the Programme since the

publication of the Base Prospectus. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between (a) any statements in this

Supplement and (b) any other statement in, or incorporated in, the Base Prospectus, the statements in the Supplement

will prevail.

Copies of this Supplement (a) may be obtained, free of charge, during normal business hours at the specified office of

the Issuer and of each of the Paying Agents, (b) will be available on the website of the AMF ( and

(c) will be available on the website of the Issuer (

In relation to any offer of Notes to the public, and provided that the conditions of article 16 (2) of the Prospectus

Directive are fulfilled, investors who have already agreed to purchase or subscribe for Notes to be issued under the

Programme before this Supplement is published, have the right under article 16 (2) of the Prospectus Directive, to

withdraw their acceptances within a time limit of two (2) working days after the publication of this Supplement, i.e.

until 6 August 2019.



SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................. 3


RISK FACTORS ............................................................................................................................................. 17

DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE................................................................................... 19

DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER ................................................................................................................. 24

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 30

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 31



The subsections B.10 entitled "Audit report historic financial information observations" and B.12 entitled

"Selected historical key financial information" of the section entitled "SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME" on

pages 11 to 16 of the Base Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

"B.10 Audit report





For the financial year ended on 31 December 2018, the consolidated financial

statements were prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European

Union and were audited. The auditors' report included the following emphasis of

matter paragraph:

"Without qualifying our opinion, we draw your attention to the matter set out in Note

2.1.9 “United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit)” to the

consolidated financial statements, which describes the uncertainties related to this


For the financial year ended on 31 December 2018, the (non consolidated) financial

statements were prepared in accordance with French generally accepted accounting

principles and were audited. There are no qualifications or observations in the audit

report relating to the (non consolidated) financial statements for the financial year

ended on 31 December 2018.

For the financial year ended on 31 December 2017, the consolidated financial

statements were prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European

Union and were audited. The auditors' report included the following qualification:

"As indicated in Note to the consolidated financial statements, in connection

with the drafting of the ten-year performance contract between the French State and

SNCF Mobilités and its financial trajectory, the Gares & Connexions strategic plan

was revised during the second half of 2016, resulting in a €273 million reversal of

the impairment recognised for the Gares & Connexions CGU as at 31 December

2016. The Group did not identify any new indications of impairment or increases in

value as at 31 December 2017.

The recoverable amount of these assets remains highly sensitive to the economic and

financial assumptions as at 31 December 2017. Various major risks and

uncertainties continue to weigh upon the economic and financial outlook of the

Gares & Connexions CGU, namely, (i) a business and pricing model, and

consequently a draft Document de Référence des Gares 2018-2019, still under

discussion with ARAFER, (ii) a possible transfer of Gares & Connexions out of the

scope of SNCF Mobilités following the consultation organised by the French

government with a view to defining an overall strategy for overhauling the rail

transport model, the implications of which for the activity’s operating, economic and

financial framework are difficult to gauge at present, (iii) and a financial trajectory

that, as shown over the past few years, is subject to adjustment to take into account

changes in the economic and regulatory environment.

These factors could be realised in the near future, leading to interactions that cannot

be precisely determined, which could affect the value in use of the Gares &

Connexions CGU’s assets as measured by SNCF Mobilités.

Accordingly, we are unable to assess the reliability of the projections underlying the

carrying amount of the Gares & Connexions CGU’s assets, and are therefore unable

to give an opinion on that carrying amount, which totalled €1,681 million as at 31

December 2017".

For the financial year ended on 31 December 2017, the (non consolidated) financial

statements were prepared in accordance with French generally accepted accounting

principles and were audited. The auditors' report included the following


"As indicated in Note 8.2.3 to the annual statutory financial statements, in

connection with the establishment of the ten-year performance contract between the

French State and SNCF Mobilités and its financial trajectory, the Gares &

Connexions strategic plan was revised during the second half of 2016, resulting in a

€233 million reversal of the impairment recognised for the SNCF Gares &

Connexions CGU as at 31 December 2016. The company did not identify any new

indications of impairment or increases in value as at 31 December 2017.

The recoverable amount of these assets remains highly sensitive to the economic and

financial assumptions as at 31 December 2017. Various major risks and

uncertainties continue to weigh upon the economic and financial outlook of the

SNCF Gares & Connexions CGU, namely, (i) a business and pricing model, and

consequently a draft Document de Référence des Gares 2018-2019, still under

discussion with ARAFER, (ii) a possible transfer of Gares & Connexions out of the

scope of SNCF Mobilités following the consultation organised by the French

government with a view to defining an overall strategy for overhauling the rail

transport model, the implications of which for the activity’s operating, economic and

financial framework are difficult to gauge at present, (iii) and a financial trajectory

that, as shown over the past few years, is subject to adjustment to take into account

changes in the economic and regulatory environment.

These factors could be realised in the near future, leading to interactions that cannot

be precisely determined, which could affect the value in use of the SNCF Gares &

Connexions CGU’s assets as measured by SNCF Mobilités.

Accordingly, we are unable to assess the reliability of the projections underlying the

carrying amount of the SNCF Gares & Connexions CGU’s assets, and are therefore

unable to give an opinion on that carrying amount, which totalled €1,579 million as

at 31 December 2017."

The condensed half-year consolidated financial statements of the Issuer as at and for

the six months ended 30 June 2019, were subject to a limited review by the statutory

auditors who issued a limited review report. Such limited review report included the

following emphasis of matter paragraph:

"Without qualifying our conclusion, we draw your attention to:

- Note 2.1.4 “United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit)”,

which describes the uncertainties related to this withdrawal;

- Notes 1.3.2 and 1.3.3, which describe the change in accounting policy as a result

of the first-time application of IFRS 16 "Leases"."

B.12 Selected historical key financial information

The below selected historical key financial information of the Issuer are extracted from the

consolidated financial statements of the Issuer as at 31 December 2018 (including for information as at

31 December 2017 for which some of the financial information below was restated) and from the

Issuer's condensed half-year consolidated financial statements as at and for the half year ended 30 June

2019, which were subject to a limited review by the statutory auditors.

Income Statement

The table below sets out summary information extracted from the Issuer's audited consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2018 (including comparative information for the year ended 31 December 2017 for which some of the financial information below was restated) and the Issuer's consolidated income statement for each of the two half years ended 30 June 2018 and 30 June 2019:

In € millionsFor the

six months

ended 30 June 2019

For the six

months ended 30

June 2018 (*)

For the year ended

31 December


For the year ended

31 December


Revenue 16,960 15,252 31,681 31,831

Infrastructure fees -2,308 -2,045 -4,304 -4,431

Purchase and external charges excluding infrastructure fees

-6,244 -6,373 -13,030 -12,890

Taxes and duties other than income tax -757 -754 -1,117 -966

Employee benefit expense -5,827 -5,595 -11,249 -11,206

Other income and expenses 68 164 376 421

Gross profit 1,892 649 2,358 2,759

Depreciation and amortisation -1,281 -733 -1,687 -1,422

Net movements in provisions 43 185 127 32

Current operating profit/(loss) 653 101 798 1,369

Net proceeds from asset disposals 46 51 751 302

Fair value remeasurement of the previously held interest

- 16 170 31

Impairment losses -6 3,309 3,250 -36

Operating profit/(loss) 693 3,477 4,969 1,666

Share of net profit/(loss) of companies consolidated under the equity method

11 17 32 39

Operating profit/(loss) after share of net profit of companies consolidated under the equity method

704 3,493 5,002 1,705

Net finance cost of employee benefits 19 4 7 -18

Net borrowing costs and other costs -277 -130 -194 -272

Finance cost -258 -126 -187 -290

Net profit/(loss) before tax 446 3,368 4,815 1,415

Income tax expense -214 -129 -240 -245

Net profit/(loss) from ordinary activities 231 3,239 4,574 1,170

Net profit before tax of discontinued operations

- - - -

Net profit/(loss) for the year 231 3,239 4,574 1,170

Net profit/(loss) for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent

221 3,202 4,502 1,136

Net profit/(loss) of the year attributable to 10 37 73 33

non-controlling interests (minority interests)

Recurring net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent (1)

164 -90 320 895

(*)The benchmarking exercise has not been restated following the implementation of the Lease Agreement IFRS 16 standards.

Statement of Financial Position

The table below sets out the Issuer's consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December

2018 (and comparative information as at 31 December 2017 for which some of the financial

information below was restated) and the Issuer's consolidated statement of financial position as at 30

June 2019:

In € millions 30 June 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017

Goodwill 2,357 2,330 2,339

Intangible assets 1,792 1,805 1,776

Rights of use in relating to

lease agreements

3,408 - -

Property, plant and


16,707 16,725 13,546

Non-current financial


5,169 4,964 5,474

Investments in companies

consolidated under the

equity method

864 864 671

Deferred tax assets 1,402 1,358 969

Non-current assets 31,699 28,045 24,775

Inventories and work-in-


754 663 682

Operating receivables 7,948 7,525 6,906

Operating assets 8,702 8,188 7,588

Current financial assets 1,488 1,229 1,074

Cash and cash equivalents 4,341 4,954 6,394

Current assets 14,532 14,372 15,056

Assets classified as held

for sale

0 0 1

TOTAL ASSETS 46,231 42,417 39,831

Share capital 3,971 3,971 3,971

Consolidated reserves 4,453 877 188

Net profit/(loss) for the

year attributable to equity

221 4,502 1,136

Equity attributable to

equity holders of the


8,646 9,350 5,295

Non-controlling interests

(minority interests)

126 137 134

Total equity 8,772 9,487 5,428

Non-current employee


1,709 1,571 1,572

Non-current provisions 981 998 1,164

Non-current financial


15,157 15,430 15,883

Non-current lease


2,718 0 0

Deferred tax liabilities 383 399 373

Non-current liabilities 20,948 18,398 18,991

Current employee benefits 95 97 97

Current provisions 150 164 175

Operating payables 11,555 11,080 10,446

Operating liabilities 11,800 11,341 10,717

Current financial


3,999 3,191 4,693

Current lease obligations 712 0

Current liabilities 16,511 14,531 15,410

Liabilities associated with

assets classified as held

for sale

0 0 1



46,231 42,417 39,831

(*) The benchmarking exercise has not been restated following the implementation of the Lease Agreement IFRS 16 standards.

Statements of no significant or material adverse change

Save as disclosed in Elements B.4b, B.10 and B.13 above, there has been no significant change in the

financial or trading position of the Issuer since 30 June 2019 and there has been no material adverse

change in the prospects of the Issuer since 31 December 2018.

The subsection B.13 entitled "Recent events particular to the Issuer which presents a material impact to an

evaluation of its solvency" of the section entitled "SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME" on page 16 of the Base

Prospectus shall be supplemented with the following:

"B.13 Recent events

particular to

the Issuer

which presents

a material

impact to an

evaluation of

its solvency

"TER" Agreements with Sud, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Grand-Est, Hauts de

France and Bretagne Regions: The 2019-2023 Sud Region (PACA) and the

2019-2024 Nouvelle-Aquitaine agreements approved by the Board of

Directors of SNCF Mobiltiés were signed on 9 April and 29 April 2019

respectively. These agreements set out the operating terms and conditions for

the TER lines with a view to improve system performance and prepare for

the opening of certain TER services to competition.

The operation of TER lines was partly opened to competition, as certain

Organising Authorities published information notices in the first half of


Furthermore, on 28 June 2019, a framework agreement was signed with the

Bretagne Region to determine the terms and conditions of the future 2019-

2028 TER agreement.

Creation de StatioNord (formerly SEMOP): As part of the Paris Gare du

Nord 2024 project, SNCF Mobilités, through Gares & Connexions, set up a

single purpose semi-public company (société d’économie mixte à opération

unique) called StatioNord with CEETRUS. The purpose of this company,

which is 34% owned by SNCF Mobilités, will be to carry out the

transformation work at Paris Nord station and ensure the operation and

management of the commercial activities in the station. A work concession

agreement and an agreement for the temporary occupation of public land

were signed on 22 February 2019.

Sale of the Ouibus subsidiary: During the half-year, the Group sold its

subsidiary Ouibus to Blablacar (BBC), both mobility players seeking to

propose an inter-modal offering to passengers. The transaction did not

generate any significant disposal gain.

Signing of a renewable power purchase agreement: On 21 June 2019, the

subsidiary SNCF Energie and Voltalia signed an agreement for the direct

purchase of 150 MW of renewable electricity over 25 years for around €210

million. This long-term agreement is the first of its kind in France and one of

the ten largest deals in Europe.



The subsections B.10 entitled "Observations sur les informations financières historiques contenues dans le rapport

d'audit" and B.12 entitled "Informations financières historiques clés sélectionnées de l'Emetteur" of the section


to 43 of the Base Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

"B.10 Réserves sur les

informations financières

historiques contenues

dans le rapport des

Commissaires aux


Les comptes consolidés annuels pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2018 ont

été préparés selon les normes IFRS telles qu’adoptées par l’Union

européenne et ont été audités. Le rapport des commissaires aux comptes

contient l'observation suivante:

"Sans remettre en cause l’opinion exprimée ci-dessus, nous attirons votre

attention sur la note 2.1.9 « Sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne

(Brexit) » de l’annexe aux comptes consolidés qui expose les incertitudes

liées à cette sortie."

Les comptes non consolidés annuels pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2018

ont été préparés selon les règles et principes comptables français et ont été

audités. Il n’existe aucune réserve ou observation dans les comptes non

consolidés annuels pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2018.

Les comptes consolidés annuels pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2017 ont

été préparés selon les normes IFRS telles qu’adoptées par l’Union

européenne et ont été audités. Le rapport des commissaires aux comptes

contient la réserve suivante :

"Comme mentionné en note de l’annexe aux comptes consolidés, dans

le cadre de l’établissement du contrat opérationnel décennal entre l’État et

l’EPIC SNCF Mobilités et de sa trajectoire financière, le plan stratégique de

Gares & Connexions avait été modifié au cours du second semestre de

l’année 2016, conduisant à une reprise de la perte de valeur des actifs de

l’UGT Gares & Connexions à hauteur de 273 millions d’euros au 31

décembre 2016. Au 31 décembre 2017, l’entreprise n’a pas identifié de

nouveaux indices de perte ou de reprise de valeur.

La sensibilité de la valeur recouvrable de ces actifs aux hypothèses

économiques et financières reste très élevée au 31 décembre 2017. Plusieurs

aléas et incertitudes importants continuent de peser sur les perspectives

économiques et financières de l’UGT Gares & Connexions, à savoir, (i) un

modèle économique et tarifaire, et par conséquent un projet de Document de

Référence des Gares 2018-2019, qui sont toujours en cours de discussion

avec l’ARAFER, (ii) un transfert possible des gares et de leur gestion hors de

l’EPIC SNCF Mobilités, notamment dans le contexte de la mission de

concertation menée par le gouvernement en vue de préparer une stratégie

d’ensemble pour refondre le modèle du transport ferroviaire, dont il est

aujourd’hui difficile d’apprécier les éventuelles conséquences sur le cadre

opérationnel, économique et financier de cette activité, (iii) et une trajectoire

financière qui, comme illustré sur ces dernières années, est sujette à des

adaptations pour tenir compte des évolutions de l’environnement

économique, réglementaire et de régulation.

Ces éléments pourraient se réaliser dans un avenir proche, avec des

interactions ne pouvant être précisément déterminées, affectant la valeur

d’utilité des actifs de l’UGT Gares & Connexions telle qu’établie par l’EPIC

SNCF Mobilités.

Dans ce contexte, nous ne sommes pas en mesure d’apprécier le caractère

probant des projections soustendant la valeur nette comptable des actifs de

l’UGT Gares & Connexions, et en conséquence de nous prononcer sur la dite

valeur s’élevant à 1 681 millions d’euros au 31 décembre 2017."

Les comptes non consolidés annuels pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2017

ont été préparés selon les règles et principes comptables français et ont été

audités. Le rapport des commissaires aux comptes contient la réserve

suivante :

"Comme mentionné en note 8.2.3 de l’annexe aux comptes annuels, dans le

cadre de l’établissement du contrat opérationnel décennal entre l’État et

SNCF Mobilités et de sa trajectoire financière, le plan stratégique de Gares

& Connexions avait été modifié au cours du second semestre de l’année

2016, conduisant à une reprise de la perte de valeur des actifs de l’UGT

SNCF Gares & Connexions à hauteur de 233 millions d’euros au 31

décembre 2016. Au 31 décembre 2017, l’entreprise n’a pas identifié de

nouveaux indices de perte ou de reprise de valeur.

La sensibilité de la valeur recouvrable de ces actifs aux hypothèses

économiques et financières reste très élevée au 31 décembre 2017. Plusieurs

aléas et incertitudes importants continuent de peser sur les perspectives

économiques et financières de l’UGT SNCF Gares & Connexions, à savoir,

(i) un modèle économique et tarifaire, et par conséquent un projet de

Document de Référence des Gares 2018-2019, qui sont toujours en cours de

discussion avec l’ARAFER, (ii) un transfert possible des gares et de leur

gestion hors de SNCF Mobilités, notamment dans le contexte de la mission

de concertation menée par le gouvernement en vue de préparer une stratégie

d’ensemble pour refondre le modèle du transport ferroviaire, dont il est

aujourd’hui difficile d’apprécier les éventuelles conséquences sur le cadre

opérationnel, économique et financier de cette activité, (iii) et une trajectoire

financière qui, comme illustré sur ces dernières années, est sujette à des

adaptations pour tenir compte des évolutions de l’environnement

économique, réglementaire et de régulation.

Ces éléments pourraient se réaliser dans un avenir proche, avec des

interactions ne pouvant être précisément déterminées, affectant la valeur

d’utilité des actifs de l’UGT SNCF Gares & Connexions telle qu’établie par

SNCF Mobilités.

Dans ce contexte, nous ne sommes pas en mesure d’apprécier le caractère

probant des projections sous-tendant la valeur nette comptable des actifs de

l’UGT Gares & Connexions, et en conséquence de nous prononcer sur ladite

valeur s’élevant à 1 579 millions d’euros au 31 décembre 2017."

Les comptes consolidés semestriels résumés pour la période de 6 mois close

le 30 juin 2019 de l’Emetteur ont fait l’objet d’un examen limité par les

commissaires aux comptes qui ont émis un rapport d’examen limité. Ce

rapport contient l'observation suivante :

"Sans remettre en cause la conclusion exprimée ci-dessus, nous attirons votre

attention sur :

- la note 2.1.4 « Sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne (Brexit) » qui

expose les incertitudes liées à cette sortie ;

- les notes 1.3.2 et 1.3.3 qui exposent le changement de méthode comptable

lié à la première application de la norme IFRS 16 «contrats de location»."

B.12 Informations financières historiques clés sélectionnées de l'Emetteur

Les informations financières historiques clés sélectionnées de l'Emetteur sont extraites des comptes

consolidés annuels de l'Emetteur au 31 décembre 2018 (y compris des informations comparatives relatives à

l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2017 pour lequel certaines des informations financières ci-dessous ont été

retraitées) et extraites des comptes consolidés semestriels résumés pour le semestre se terminant au 30 juin

2019, qui ont fait l'objet d'un examen limité de la part des commissaires aux comptes.

Compte de Résultat

Le tableau ci-dessous présente un résumé des informations extraites du compte de résultat consolidé audité

de l'Emetteur pour l'année se terminant au 31 décembre 2018 (y compris des informations comparatives

relatives à l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2017 pour lequel certaines des informations financières ci-dessous

ont été retraitées) et le compte de résultat consolidé de l'Emetteur pour chacun des semestres se terminant le

30 juin 2018 et le 30 juin 2019 :

En millions d'euros Semestre clos

le 30 juin


Semestre clos

le 30 juin

2018 (*)

Exercice clos le

31 décembre


Exercice clos le

31 décembre


Chiffre d'affaires 16 960 15 252 31 681 31 831

Péages -2 308 -2 045 - 4 304 - 4 431

Achats et charges externes hors

péages -6 244 -6 373 - 13 030 - 12 890

Impôts et taxes -757 -754 -1 117 -966

Charges de personnel -5 827 -5 595 -11 249 -11 206

Autres produits et charges 68 164 376 421

Marge opérationnelle 1 892 649 2 358 2 759

Dotations aux amortissements -1 281 -733 -1 687 -1 422

Variation nette des provisions 43 185 127 32

Résultat opérationnel

courant 653 101 798 1 369

Résultat de cession d'actifs 46 51 751 302

Réévaluation à la juste valeur

de la participation

antérieurement détenue

- 16 170 31

Pertes de valeur -6 3 309 3 250 -36

Résultat opérationnel 693 3 477 4 969 1 666

Quote-part de résultat net des

entreprises mises en


11 17 32 39

Résultat opérationnel après

quote-part de résultat net des

entreprises mises en


704 3 493 5 002 1 705

Coût financier net des

avantages du personnel 19 4 7 -18

Coût de l'endettement financier

net et autres -277 -130 -194 -272

Résultat financier -258 -126 -187 -290

Résultat avant impôts 446 3 368 4 815 1 415

Impôt sur les résultats -214 -129 -240 -245

Résultat net des activités

ordinaires 231 3 239 4 574 1 170

Résultat net d'impôt des

activités abandonnées - - - -

Résultat net de l'exercice 231 3 239 4 574 1 170

Résultat net – Part du groupe 221 3 202 4 502 1 136

Résultat net attribuable aux

participations ne donnant pas

le contrôle (intérêts


10 37 73 33

Résultat net récurrent - Part du

groupe (1) 164 -90 320 895

(*) L’exercice comparatif n’a pas été retraité à la suite de l’application de la norme IFRS 16 Contrats de



Le tableau ci-dessous présente un résumé des informations extraites du bilan consolidé de l'Emetteur pour

l'année se terminant au 31 décembre 2018 (y compris des informations comparatives relatives à l'exercice

clos le 31 décembre 2017 pour lequel certaines des informations financières ci-dessous ont été retraitées) et

le bilan consolidé de l'Emetteur pour le semestre clos le 30 juin 2019 :

En millions d'euros 30 juin 2019 31 décembre 2018


31 décembre 2017

Ecarts d'acquisition 2 357 2 330 2 339

Immobilisations incorporelles 1 792 1 805 1 776

Droits d'utilisation relatifs aux

contrats de location

3 408 - -

Immobilisations corporelles 16 707 16 725 13 546

Actifs financiers non courants 5 169 4 964 5 474

Titres mis en équivalence 864 864 671

Impôts différés actifs 1 402 1 358 969

Actifs non courants 31 699 28 045 24 775

Stocks et en-cours 754 663 682

Créances d'exploitation 7 948 7 525 6 906

Actifs d'exploitation 8 702 8 188 7 588

Actifs financiers courants 1 488 1 229 1 074

Trésorerie et équivalents de


4 341 4 954 6 394

Actifs courants 14 532 14 372 15 056

Actifs détenus en vue d'être cédés 0 0 1

TOTAL DE L'ACTIF 46 231 42 417 39 831

Capital 3 971 3 971 3 971

Réserves consolidées 4 453 877 188

Résultat Groupe 221 4 502 1 136

Capitaux propres – Part du


8 646 9 350 5 295

Participations ne donnant pas le 126 137 134

contrôle (intérêts minoritaires)

Capitaux propres totaux 8 772 9 487 5 428

Engagements envers le personnel

non courants

1 709 1 571 1 572

Provisions non courantes 981 998 1 164

Passifs financiers non courants 15 157 15 430 15 883

Obligations locatives non


2 718 0 0

Impôts différés passifs 383 399 373

Passifs non courants 20 948 18 398 18 991

Engagements envers le personnel


95 97 97

Provisions courantes 150 164 175

Dettes d'exploitation 11 555 11 080 10 446

Passifs d'exploitation 11 800 11 341 10 717

Passifs financiers courants 3 999 3 191 4 693

Obligations locatives courantes 712 0

Passifs courants 16 511 14 531 15 410

Passifs relatifs aux actifs détenus

en vue d'être cédés

0 0 1

TOTAL DU PASSIF 46 231 42 417 39 831

(*) L’exercice comparatif n’a pas été retraité à la suite de l’application de la norme IFRS 16 Contrats de


Déclarations relatives à l’absence de changement significatif ou de changement défavorable significatif

A l'exception de ce qui est mentionné aux Eléments B.4b, B.10 et B.13, il n'y a eu aucun changement

significatif dans la situation financière ou commerciale de l'Emetteur depuis le 30 juin 2019 et il n'y a eu

aucun changement défavorable significatif dans les perspectives de l'Emetteur depuis le 31 décembre 2018.

The subsection B.13 entitled "Evénements récents propres à l'Emetteur et présentant un intérêt significatif pour

l'évaluation de sa solvabilité" of the section entitled "RÉSUMÉ EN FRANÇAIS (FRENCH LANGUAGE

SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME)" on pages 43 to 44 of the Base Prospectus shall be supplemented with the


B.13 Evénements

récents propres

à l'Emetteur et

présentant un


significatif pour

l'évaluation de

sa solvabilité

Conventions TER avec les Régions Sud, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Grand-

Est, Hauts-de-France et Bretagne : Les conventions de la région Sud

(PACA) pour 2019-2023 et Nouvelle Aquitaine pour 2019-2024

approuvées par le Conseil d’Administration de SNCF Mobilités ont été

signées respectivement le 9 et le 29 avril dernier. Ces conventions fixent les

modalités d’exploitation des lignes TER en vue d’améliorer la performance

du système et de préparer l’ouverture à la concurrence d’une partie des

services TER.

L’exploitation des lignes TER a fait l’objet d’une mise en concurrence

partielle, certaines Autorités Organisatrices ayant publié des avis

d’information durant le premier semestre 2019.

Par ailleurs, un protocole d’accord avec la région Bretagne a été signé le 28

juin 2019 fixant les modalités de la future convention TER pour 2019-2028.

Création de StatioNord (anciennement SEMOP) : Dans le cadre du

projet Paris Gare du Nord 2024, SNCF Mobilités, à travers l’activité Gares

et Connexions, et CEETRUS ont constitué une société d’économie mixte à

opération unique, StatioNord détenue à hauteur de 34% par SNCF

Mobilités. L’objet de cette société sera de réaliser les travaux de

transformation de la gare du Nord et d’assurer l’exploitation et la gestion

des activités commerciales dans l’enceinte de la gare. A ce titre un contrat

de concession de travaux et une convention d’occupation temporaire du

domaine public ont été signés en date du 22 février 2019.

Cession de la filiale Ouibus : Au cours du semestre, le Groupe a cédé sa

filiale Ouibus à Blablacar (BBC), dans le cadre de l’ambition des deux

acteurs de la mobilité de proposer une offre intermodale aux voyageurs.

L’opération n’a pas généré de résultat de cession significatif.

Signature d'un contrat d'achat d'énergie renouvelable : La filiale SNCF

Energie et Voltalia ont signé le 21 juin dernier un contrat d’achat direct de

150 mégawatt d’électricité renouvelable sur 25 ans pour un montant

d’environ 210 M€. Ce contrat de très longue durée est le premier de ce type

en France et l’un des dix plus importants en Europe.


The subsections "Uncertainties regarding the financial position and the future of the Branch Gares &

Connexions" and "Current litigation" in the section entitled "RISK FACTORS" on pages 73 to 75 of the Base

Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

"Uncertainties regarding the financial position and the future of the Branch Gares & Connexions

In a decision dated 3 October 2016, the Conseil d'Etat approved the decision of the ARAFER issued on 17 February

2015 which rejected the proposed charges for the regulated Gares & Connexions services in French railway stations for

2016. In its decision, the Conseil d'Etat confirmed inter alia that (i) Gares & Connexions must take into account

performance and productivity goals which must be mentioned with sufficient details in the stations’ reference document

(document de référence des gares) published by Gares & Connexions in accordance with Article L2123-3-2 of the

French Code des transports and (ii) the setting of access charges for the availability of space in French railway stations

must be determined with reference to general charges and not exclusively with reference to charges paid by shops in the

relevant stations.In the context of the performance contract signed on 20 April 2017 between the Issuer and the French

State (see above for further details), the Gares & Connexions 2016-2025 strategic plan was amended, particularly in

terms of the forecast profitability and investment levels, to take into account the decision of the Conseil d'Etat dated 3

October 2016. It should be noted that the updated 2017-2026 strategic plan is still being based on SNCF Mobilités'

target vision of the pricing model and does not incorporate all of the changes proposed by the ARAFER in its decision

issued on 17 February 2015.

In addition, the French Government’s report on the development of passenger rail station management to the French

Parliament, as provided by law n° 2014-872 of 4 August 2014 relating to the new railway system reform in France (the

Rail Reform Law) was published on 5 August 2014 in the Journal Officiel, to be published within a period of two

years following the Rail Reform Law, has not yet been published as at the date of this Base Prospectus. In July 2016,

the ARAFER published a study on this matter which includes several scenarios for station transfer and management,

including the removal of Gares & Connexions from the SNCF Mobilités scope.

The above elements and uncertainties regarding the economic and financial prospects of Gares & Connexions are

reflected in the auditors' report relating to the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended on 31

December 2017 and in the auditors' limited review report relating to the condensed half-year consolidated financial

statements as at and for the half year ended 30 June 2018 (see "Documents incorporated by reference"), which includes

a qualification, and may have a negative impact on the business and results of the Issuer and the Group.

The table below shows the portion attributable to Gares & Connexions in SNCF Mobilités' financial position on the

basis of the consolidated financial statements of SNCF Mobilités for the financial year ended on 31 December 2018:

In € millions Gares & Connexions SNCF Mobilités %

External revenue 508 31,681 1.6

Gross profit 233 2,358 9.9

Net investments -246 -1,978 12.4

Net debt (*) 684 7,186 N/A

(*) Part of Gares & Connexions in the Group net debt

See also "The Issuer will be subject to significant changes in the context of the New Railway Pact" above in relation to

the changes relating to the Branch Gares & Connexions in the context of the New Railway Pact.

Current litigation

The Issuer is involved in litigation proceedings, most of which have arisen in the ordinary course of its business. The

current litigation proceedings led to the booking of a provision for an amount of €202 million in the consolidated

financial statements for the financial year ended on 31 December 2018, as stated in the note 4.5 of the consolidated

financial statements for the financial year ended on 31 December 2018 of SNCF Mobilités (see "Documents

incorporated by reference"). On 30 June 2019, the amount of this provision is €197 million (see note 4.3 in the Half-

Year Report and Condensed Half-Year Consolidated Financial Statements (in the French language) as at, for the six-

month period ended 30 June 2019)."


The section entitled "Documents Incorporated by Reference" on pages 101 to 104 of the Base Prospectus shall

be deleted and replaced with the following:

The following documents which have previously been published and have been filed with the AMF shall be

incorporated in, and form part of, this Base Prospectus:

(a) the Financial Report 2017 (in the English language), containing the consolidated audited financial statements

for 2017, (FR 2017) of SNCF Mobilités;

(b) the Financial Report 2017 (in the French language), containing the non consolidated audited financial

statements for 2017 (FR 2017 (French)) of SNCF Mobilités;

(c) the Financial Report 2018 (in the English language), containing the consolidated audited financial statements

for 2018, (FR 2018) of SNCF Mobilités;

(d) the Financial Report 2018 (in the French language), containing the non consolidated audited financial

statements for 2018, (FR 2018 (French)) of SNCF Mobilités;

(e) the Half-Year Activity Report and Condensed Half-Year Consolidated Financial Statements (in the French

language) as at, for the period ended 30 June 2019 (CCFS 2019) of SNCF Mobilités;

(f) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 10 to 26 of the base prospectus dated 19 July 2001;

(g) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 11 to 29 of the base prospectus dated 17 July 2002;

(h) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 11 to 29 of the base prospectus dated 26 June 2003;

(i) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 10 to 28 of the base prospectus dated 30 June 2004;

(j) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 30 to 47 of the base prospectus dated

23 December 2005;

(k) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 38 to 61 of the base prospectus dated

22 December 2008 (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier approval number C-07343);

(l) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 38 to 61 of the base prospectus dated

25 January 2010 (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier approval number C-08942);

(m) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 45 to 65 of the base prospectus dated

20 December 2010 (AMF visa number 10-446);

(n) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 50 to 70 of the base prospectus dated

20 December 2011 (AMF visa number 11-586);

(o) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 60 to 85 of the base prospectus dated 26 March 2013

(AMF visa number 13-115);

(p) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 64 to 94 of the base prospectus dated 26 March 2014

(AMF visa number 14-104);

(q) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 69 to 98 of the base prospectus dated 26 March 2015

(AMF visa number 15-113);

(r) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 84 to 113 of the base prospectus dated 27 April 2016

(AMF visa number 16-154);

(s) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 95 to 124 of the base prospectus dated 4 April 2017

(AMF visa number 17-134); and

(t) the terms and conditions of the Notes contained on pages 101 to 130 of the base prospectus dated 21 March

2018 (AMF visa number 18-088).

Save that any statement contained in a document which is incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be

modified or superseded for the purpose of this Base Prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein modifies

or supersedes such earlier statement (whether expressly, by implication or otherwise).

Copies of documents incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus can be obtained from the registered office of the

Issuer and from the specified offices of the Paying Agent. They will also be published on the Issuer's website at and on the Direction de l'information légale et

administrative's website at ( for financial information only. This Base Prospectus (together with

any Final Terms relating to Notes admitted to trading on a Regulated Market and/or offered to the public in France) will

be published on the AMF's website at




2018 (IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE) (FR 2018 (French)).

Annex IV of EC Regulation No. 809/2004, as amended – Minimum disclosure requirements for the debt and derivatives securities registration document

FR 2018 FR 2018 (French)

FR 2017 FR 2017 (French)


Prominent disclosure of risks factors that may affect the issuer's liability to fulfil its obligations under the securities to investors in a section headed "Risk Factors".

Pages 25 to 37



A description of the Issuer's principal activities stating the main categories of products sold and/or services performed.

Pages 6 to 8, 14

to 24

An indication of any significant new products and/or activities.

Pages 14 to 24


A brief description of the principal markets in which the Issuer competes.

Pages 14 to 24


If the Issuer is part of a group, a brief description of the group and of the Issuer's position within it.

Pages 130 to

131, 135 to 139


Audited historical financial information covering the latest two financial years (and any subsequent interim financial period) and the audit report in respect of each year.

Balance sheet (consolidated) Pages 57 to 60

Pages 55 to 56

Balance sheet (non consolidated) Pages 174 to


Pages 164 to


Income statement (consolidated) Pages 55 to 56

Pages 53 to 54

Income statement (non consolidated) Page 176 Page 166

Cash flow statement (consolidated) Pages 59 to 60

Pages 57 to 58

Accounting policies and explanatory notes Pages 61 to 139

Pages 177 to


Pages 59 to 131

Pages 167 to



A statement that the historical financial information has been audited. If audit reports on the historical financial information have been refused by the statutory auditors or if they contain qualifications or disclaimers, such refusal or such qualifications or disclaimers must be reproduced in full and the reasons given.

Pages 140 to


Pages 214 to


Pages 132 to


Pages 204 to



Information on any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which the issuer is aware), during a period covering at least the previous 12 months which are likely to have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on the issuer’s financial position, or provide an appropriate negative statement.

Pages 93 to 96

Pages 95 to 98



CCFS 2019


A description of the principal investments made since the date of the last published financial statements.

Page 28



A description of the Issuer's principal activities stating the main categories of products sold and/or services performed.

Pages 15 to 27

An indication of any significant new products and/or activities. Pages 3 to 6


A brief description of the principal markets in which the Issuer competes.

Pages 15 to 27


Interim and other financial information

If the issuer has published quarterly or half yearly financial information since the date of its last audited financial statements, these must be included in the registration document. If the quarterly or half yearly financial information has been reviewed or audited the audit or review report must also be included. If the quarterly or half yearly financial information is unaudited or has not been reviewed state that fact.

- Pages 36 to 84 (Condensed Half-year Financial Statements)

- Pages 40 to 41 (Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Bilan Consolidé))

- Page 38 (Consolidated Income Statement (Compte de Résultat Consolidé))

- Page 39 (Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income) (Etats du Résultat Global Consolidé))

- Page 43 (Consolidated Cashflow Statement (Etat des Flux de Trésorerie Consolidés))

- Page 42 (Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Etat de Variation des Capitaux Propres Consolidés))

- Pages 41 to 84 (Notes to the Consolidated Accounts (Notes aux Comptes Consolidés Semestriels Résumés))

- Pages 85 to 87 (Statutory auditors’ limited review report)




As contained in the base prospectus dated 19 July 2001 10-26

As contained in the base prospectus dated 17 July 2002 11-29

As contained in the base prospectus dated 26 June 2003 11-29

As contained in the base prospectus dated 30 June 2004 10-28

As contained in the base prospectus dated 23 December 2005 30-47

As contained in the base prospectus dated 22 December 2008 (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier approval number C-07343)


As contained in the base prospectus dated 25 January 2010 (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier approval number C-08942)


As contained in the base prospectus dated 20 December 2010 (AMF visa number 10-446) 45-65

As contained in the base prospectus dated 20 December 2011 (AMF visa number 11-586) 50-70

As contained in the base prospectus dated 26 March 2013 (AMF visa number 13-115) 60-85

As contained in the base prospectus dated 26 March 2014 (AMF visa number 14-104) 64-94

As contained in the base prospectus dated 26 March 2015 (AMF visa number 15-113) 69-98

As contained in the base prospectus dated 27 April 2016 (AMF visa number 16-154) 84-113

As contained in the base prospectus dated 4 April 2017 (AMF visa number 17-134) 95-124

As contained in the base prospectus dated 21 March 2018 (AMF visa number 18-088) 101-130

The Issuer will, in the event of any significant new factor, material mistake or inaccuracy relating to information

included in this Base Prospectus which is capable of affecting the assessment of any Notes, prepare a supplement

to this Base Prospectus or publish a new base prospectus for use in connection with any subsequent issue of



The section entitled "DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER" on pages 145 to 158 of the Base Prospectus shall be

supplemented with the following:

The paragraph entitled "Key Figures" of the first sub-section "SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION"

on pages 145 to 146 of the Base Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

The selected historical key financial information of the Issuer below is extracted from the audited consolidated

financial statements of the Issuer as 31 December 2018 (including comparative information as at 31 December 2017

for which some of the financial information below was restated), and from the Issuer's condensed half-year

consolidated financial statements as at and for the half year ended 30 June 2019, which were subject to a limited

review by the statutory auditors.

The consolidated financial statements of the Issuer were prepared in accordance with international financial reporting

standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

Income Statement

The table below sets out summary information extracted from the Issuer's audited consolidated income statement for

the year ended 31 December 2018 (including comparative information for the year ended 31 December 2017 for

which some of the financial information below was restated) and the Issuer's consolidated income statement for each

of the two half years ended 30 June 2018 and 30 June 2019:

In € millionsFor the six

months ended 30 June 2019

For the six months ended 30 June 2018


For the year ended 31

December 2018

For the year ended 31

December 2017

Revenue 16,960 15,252 31,681 31,831

Infrastructure fees -2,308 -2,045 -4,304 -4,431

Purchase and external charges excluding infrastructure fees

-6,244 -6,373 -13,030 -12,890

Taxes and duties other than income tax -757 -754 -1,117 -966

Employee benefit expense -5,827 -5,595 -11,249 -11,206

Other income and expenses 68 164 376 421

Gross profit 1,892 649 2,358 2,759

Depreciation and amortisation -1,281 -733 -1,687 -1,422

Net movements in provisions 43 185 127 32

Current operating profit/(loss) 653 101 798 1,369

Net proceeds from asset disposals 46 51 751 302

Fair value remeasurement of the previously held interest

- 16 170 31

Impairment losses -6 3,309 3,250 -36

Operating profit/(loss) 693 3,477 4,969 1,666

Share of net profit/(loss) of companies 11 17 32 39

consolidated under the equity method

Operating profit/(loss) after share of net profit of companies consolidated under the equity method

704 3,493 5,002 1,705

Net finance cost of employee benefits 19 4 7 -18

Net borrowing costs and other costs -277 -130 -194 -272

Finance cost -258 -126 -187 -290

Net profit/(loss) before tax 446 3,368 4,815 1,415

Income tax expense -214 -129 -240 -245

Net profit/(loss) from ordinary activities 231 3,239 4,574 1,170

Net profit before tax of discontinued operations

- - - -

Net profit/(loss) for the year 231 3,239 4,574 1,170

Net profit/(loss) for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent

221 3,202 4,502 1,136

Net profit/(loss) of the year attributable to non-controlling interests (minority interests)

10 37 73 33

Recurring net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent(1)

164 -90 320 895

(*) The benchmarking exercise has not been restated following the implementation of the Lease Agreement IFRS 16 standards.

The paragraph entitled "Statement of Financial Position" of the first sub-section "SELECTED FINANCIAL

INFORMATION" on pages 146 and 147 of the Base Prospectus is supplemented with the following paragraph

and table:

"The table below sets out summary information extracted from the Issuer's audited consolidated statement of financial

position for the year ended 31 December 2018 (including comparative information for the year ended 31 December

2017 for which some of the financial information below was restated) and from the Issuer's consolidated statement of

financial position for the half year ended 30 June 2019 which were subject to a limited review by the statutory


In € millions 30 June 2019 31 December 2018 (*) 31 December 2017

Goodwill 2,357 2,330 2,339

Rights of use in relating to lease


3,408 - -

Intangible assets 1,792 1,805 1,776

Property, plant and equipment 16,707 16,725 13,546

Non-current financial assets 5,169 4,964 5,474

Investments in companies consolidated

under the equity method

864 864 671

Deferred tax assets 1,402 1,358 969

Non-current assets 31,699 28,045 24,775

Inventories and work-in-progress 754 663 682

Operating receivables 7,948 7,525 6,906

Operating assets 8,702 8,188 7,588

Current financial assets 1,488 1,229 1,074

Cash and cash equivalents 4,341 4,954 6,394

Current assets 14,532 14,372 15,056

Assets classified as held for sale 0 0 1

TOTAL ASSETS 46,231 42,417 39,831

Share capital 3,971 3,971 3,971

Consolidated reserves 4,453 877 188

Net profit/(loss) for the year attributable

to equity

221 4,502 1,136

Equity attributable to equity holders of

the parent

8,646 9,350 5,295

Non-controlling interests (minority


126 137 134

Total equity 8,772 9,487 5,428

Non-current employee benefits 1,709 1,571 1,572

Non-current provisions 981 998 1,164

Non-current financial liabilities 15,157 15,430 15,883

Non-current lease obligations 2,718 0 0

Deferred tax liabilities 383 399 373

Non-current liabilities 20,948 18,398 18,991

Current employee benefits 95 97 97

Current provisions 150 164 175

Operating payables 11,555 11,080 10,446

Operating liabilities 11,800 11,341 10,717

Current financial liabilities 3,999 3,191 4,693

Current lease obligations 712 0

Current liabilities 16,511 14,531 15,410

Liabilities associated with assets classified

as held for sale

0 0 1


(*) The benchmarking exercise has not been restated following the implementation of the Lease Agreement IFRS 16 standards.

The paragraph entitled "The Board of Directors" of the first sub-section "ADMINISTRATIVE,

MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY BODIES" on pages 154 to 156 of the Base Prospectus shall be deleted

and replaced with the following:


The Board of Directors

In accordance with Title II of the Decree, SNCF Mobilités is managed by a board of directors of 18 members, including together with the chairman of the management board of SNCF:

Four representatives of the French State;

Two persons elected by the French State on the grounds of their competence;

Five persons elected by SNCF in order to represent SNCF; and

Six representatives of the employees.

In accordance with article L.2102-9 of the French Code des transports, the appointment as chairman of the management board of SNCF results in the automatic appointment as chairman of the board of directors of SNCF Mobilités.

1 PEPY Guillaume Chairman of the Management Board of SNCF

Chief Executive Officer of SNCF Mobilités

2 ORIZET François-Régis Representative of the French State appointed upon proposal of the Transport Minister

General Council of Environment and Sustainable Development (Conseil Général de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable)

3 GONTIER Nicole Representative of the French State appointed upon proposal of the Sustainable DevelopmentMinister

Coordinator of the MIGT Paris – Territorial Inspection Mission Paris – General Council of Environment and Sustainable Development (Coordinatrice de la MIGT Paris –Mission d’inspection territoriale Paris - Conseil Général de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable)

4 DANTOINE Hélène Representative of the French State appointed upon proposal of the Economy Minister

Deputy General Director at the l'Agence des participations de l’Etat

5 MANTEL Sophie Representative of the French State appointed upon proposal of the Budget Minister

Head of Department, Assistant to the Budget Director in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment

6 DEBRINCAT Marc Elected by the French State as representative of the passengers railway transport users.

Chief Legal Officer in FNAUT

7 SEGRETAIN Philippe Elected by the French State on the grounds of his competence related to environment protection and mobility

Previously CEO of Transdev

8 COSSA-DUMURGIER Béatrice Elected by SNCF

Chief Executive Officer, in charge of Personal Investors, BNP Paribas

9 ERRA Mercedes Elected by SNCF

Founder of BETC

Executive President of HavasWorldwide

10 FANICHET Christophe Elected by SNCF

Director of Risk and Capital of SNCF

Advisor to the Chairman

11 SAVINAS Marie Elected by SNCF

Director of Human Resources in SNCF

12 TREVISANI Laurent Elected by SNCF

Deputy Chief Executive Officer in SNCF

13 MARTIN Véronique Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

14 COOPER Laurent Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

15 PORTAL Xavier Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

16 SANTINELLI Eric Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

17 LANZILLOTTI Pascal Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

18 MARTY Thierry Representative of the employees of SNCF Mobilités

For the purpose hereof, the business address of each of the members of the Board of Directors is the head office of the



The section entitled "RECENT DEVELOPMENTS" on page 159 of the Base Prospectus shall be supplemented

by the following:

"TER" Agreements with Sud, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Grand-Est, Hauts de France and Bretagne

Regions: The 2019-2023 Sud Region (PACA) and the 2019-2024 Nouvelle-Aquitaine agreements approved

by the Board of Directors of SNCF Mobiltiés were signed on 9 April and 29 April 2019 respectively. These

agreements set out the operating terms and conditions for the TER lines with a view to improve system

performance and prepare for the opening of certain TER services to competition.

The operation of TER lines was partly opened to competition, as certain Organising Authorities published

information notices in the first half of 2019.

Furthermore, on 28 June 2019, a framework agreement was signed with the Bretagne Region to determine

the terms and conditions of the future 2019-2028 TER agreement.

Creation de StatioNord (formerly SEMOP): As part of the Paris Gare du Nord 2024 project, SNCF

Mobilités, through Gares & Connexions, set up a single purpose semi-public company (société d’économie

mixte à opération unique) called StatioNord with CEETRUS. The purpose of this company, which is 34%

owned by SNCF Mobilités, will be to carry out the transformation work at Paris Nord station and ensure the

operation and management of the commercial activities in the station. A work concession agreement and an

agreement for the temporary occupation of public land were signed on 22 February 2019.

Sale of the Ouibus subsidiary: During the half-year, the Group sold its subsidiary Ouibus to Blablacar

(BBC), both mobility players seeking to propose an inter-modal offering to passengers. The transaction did

not generate any significant disposal gain.

Signing of a renewable power purchase agreement: On 21 June 2019, the subsidiary SNCF Energie and

Voltalia signed an agreement for the direct purchase of 150 MW of renewable electricity over 25 years for

around €210 million. This long-term agreement is the first of its kind in France and one of the ten largest

deals in Europe.


The subsection 5 entitled "Significant or Material Change" in the section entitled "GENERAL

INFORMATION" on page 200 of the Base Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced with the following:

"Statements of no significant or material adverse change

Except as disclosed in the Base Prospectus, as supplemented (including the information incorporated by reference),

since 30 June 2019, the last day of the financial period in respect of which the most recent interim financial

information of the Issuer has been published, there has been no significant change in the financial or trading position of

the Issuer. Since 31 December 2018, there has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer except as

disclosed in the Base Prospectus, as supplemented (including the information incorporated by reference)."

The subsection 7 entitled "Auditors" of the section entitled "GENERAL INFORMATION" on page 200 of the

Base Prospectus shall be deleted and replaced by the following:


PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Ernst & Young Audit, the statutory auditors of the Issuer for the 2014 to 2019

financial years, have audited the consolidated financial statements of the Issuer as of and for the year ended 31

December 2017 and the year ended 31 December 2018, which are incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus

and have performed a limited review of the condensed half-year consolidated financial statements of the Issuer as at

and for the six months ended 30 June 2019. The limited review by the statutory auditors does not constitute a full audit.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit and Ernst & Young Audit are registered with the Compagnie Régionale des

Commissaires aux Comptes de Versailles, which complies with the rules issued by the Compagnie Nationale des

Commissaires aux Comptes."


In the name of the Issuer

Declaration by person responsible for this Supplement

The Issuer, having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, confirms that the information contained in

this Supplement is, to the best of its knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect

its import.

Saint-Denis, 2 August 2019

SNCF Mobilités

9, rue Jean-Philippe Rameau

93200 Saint Denis


Duly represented by:

David Sitruk

Directeur Financier

Autorité des marchés financiers

In accordance with Articles L.412-1 and L.621-8 of the French Code monétaire et financier and with the General

Regulations (Réglement Général) of the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF"), in particular Articles 212-31

to 212-33, the AMF has granted to this Supplement the visa n° 19-388 on 2 August 2019. This document may only

be used for the purposes of a financial transaction if completed by Final Terms. It was prepared by the Issuer and its

signatories assume responsibility for it. In accordance with Article L.621-8-1-I of the French Code monétaire et

financier, the visa was granted following an examination by the AMF of "whether the document is complete and

comprehensible, and whether the information it contains is coherent". It does not imply an approval by the AMF of

the opportunity of the transactions contemplated hereby nor that the AMF has verified the accounting and financial

data set out in it. In accordance with Article 212-32 of the AMF's General Regulations, any issuance or admission to

trading of notes on the basis of the Base Prospectus as supplemented shall be subject to the publication of Final

Terms setting out the terms of the securities being issued.

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