Sunrise - 7:00AM Breakfast - 8:00AM Sunday School - 9:00AM… · Years ago in my youth ministry days we had the

Post on 29-Jul-2020






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Sunrise - 7:00AM Breakfast - 8:00AM Sunday School - 9:00AM Resurrection Service - 10:30AM

From the Senior Minister


Expect the Unexpected Years ago in my youth ministry days we had the great opportunity of bringing our teenagers on a short term mission trip with our mis-sionary to Mexico, Juan Mauricio. Every trip was an exciting adven-ture. We learned the difference between a “Mexican Minute” and a regular minute when anyone would say, “wait just a minute” or “un momento.” We learned that salt candy (7-8 of them) will put you in a dehydrated coma if you haven’t been eating and drinking right and refuse to use the “baño.” One night when we were flooded by

a rainstorm in the desert (during the driest month of the year) we learned the first of many lessons about “expecting the unexpected.” Every short term mission trip has this lesson somewhere built into it. As we move through the Old Testament in “The Story,” we have learned over an over on every turn of the page that God chooses to use the unexpected to carry out His Upper Story. From Noah to Abra-ham and Sarah, from Joseph to Moses, and from Gideon and Ruth to Samson and David, God always chooses the person or circumstances we would NEVER guess or choose to carry out His will. Our earthly models have conditioned us to look for the strongest, the biggest, the most talented to carry out the tasks WE THINK need to be done. Unfortunately, what God needs done is sometimes not what is on our radar. But here is the good news: If God delights, and even PREFERS, to use the unexpected, the “not so obvious,” of the ones that the world never thinks measure up or are good enough—that might just describe you! I know it describes me much of the time. Now this doesn’t give us the green light to continue in our sinful ways. God wants us to follow and obey Him. But since most of us tend to think that God can’t use us fill in the blank for whatever has happened in your past that makes you think you are somehow unworthy...what we are learning in The Story, and what we learn from the Old and New Testament, is that is EXACTLY the kind of person God chooses. He uses us, warts and all, so that it brings more HONOR to Him. When a world around us sees God at work using everyday people like you and me, they are drawn to Him. So don’t think for a second that God can’t use you and your past. He PREFERS to use broken people and sketchy pasts to show off to the world that His will and His message still moves forward with people just like you and me that He RESTORES, FIX-ES, and BREATHES new life into. God uses the UNEXPECTED. In His Service, Allen G.

We Have Guests!... In our effort to cooperate with other churches in Tallahassee, and not be the only Christians, but Christians on-ly, we want to welcome a fairly new

church plant in our community. The Legacy Church will be renting our fellowship hall facilities for the next 6 months as they continue to grow and reach out to our community with the love of Christ. If you see some folks that you don’t recognize, it’s probably them. Make sure you intro-duce yourself and give them a warm welcome.

Ladies Bible Study Wednesday 6:30 p.m.

Alternating lesson facilitators are Paula Hubert and Jenny Corlett. The Wednesday night Ladies Bible Study is cur-rently studying from The Story. For more information contact Jenny or Paula.


April 1 - 5:30PM Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal April 1 - 6:30PM Ladies In Touch Easter Baskets April 2 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 2 - 5:45PM Girl Scout Meeting April 3 - 7PM Family Movie Night April 5 - Easter: 7AM SONrise Service, 8AM Breakfast,

9AM Bible Study, 10AM Coffee Break 10:30AM Resurrection Service April 6 - 12-4PM Canasta Club April 6 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 7 - 2:30PM Board Meeting April 7 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 8 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal

April 9 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 11 - 12-4PM TaxAide April 13 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 13 - 6PM Ladies In Touch Dinner Meeting April 14 - 5-9PM TaxAide April 15 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal April 16 - 5:45PM Girl Scout Meeting April 18 - 10AM Student Car Wash April 22 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal April 23 - 8AM Men’s Breakfast April 25 - Family Fun Night April 26 - Senior Potluck April 29 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal


It seems that the older we get, the more we like to hold on to some of our traditions. For many of us growing up, Easter had a number of traditions. We don’t always know where they came from; they are just how we did it. Everyone always dressed up on Easter Sunday and would show off their new clothes or hat. This actually started soon after Christianity began to spread from the Middle East. Early Christians believed the week before Easter was a good time to be baptized, calling it 'White Week.' Those who were baptized were dressed in a white robe as a sign of their new life. They would wear that robe throughout the whole Easter week as a symbol of their new life. Those who had already been bap-tized in prior years did not wear white robes, but would wear new clothes to indicate their share in the new life of Christ. So, the wearing of new clothes at Easter was a symbol of the Easter grace. People came to think that wearing a new piece of clothing on Easter Sunday would bring good luck, and old or used clothes would usher in a year of misfortune. The Roman Emperor Constantine ordered every citizen to wear his or her best clothing to observe the Holy Day. During the Middle Ages in Europe, people in their new Easter clothes would take a long walk after Easter Mass. This was the first Easter Parade.

As children, we always loved Easter Egg hunts, but never thought about why a rabbit would lay colored eggs. The Ger-man settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s introduced the Easter bunny to American folklore. Children considered the arrival of the "Oschter Haws" the next best thing to Christmas. The children believed that if they were good the "Oschter Haws" would lay a nest of colored eggs. The children would build nests in a secluded place in the home, the barn or the garden. Boys would use their caps and girls their bonnets to make the nests. The use of elaborate Easter baskets would come later as the tradition of the Easter bunny spread throughout the country.

Early Christians customarily celebrated Easter Week as days of joy and laughter. They would tell jokes, play pranks, feast on lamb, dance, sing and express humor and joy over this "final joke" on the devil, death and evil. They greeted each oth-er with the phrase, “He is risen!” and the response was always “He is risen indeed!”

Traditions change. We no longer have “switching day” for Easter, where young men swat their sweethearts with red willow switches, or the tradition of sprinkling of pets and homes with Easter water. We don’t even consider that the name Easter is derived from a pagan celebration asking the god Ishtar to bring back the warm days of spring. Our name Easter came about because Ishtar’s name was changed to Eostre in Europe, but the Germans found this difficult to pronounce and the name be-came corrupted to Easter.

The only tradition that really matters is that on this day we recognize the triumph of Jesus Christ over the grave. Matt 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

In His love and service The Elders

Communication From the Leadership


I hope everyone is enjoying the Story. I remember the first time I had gath-ered all the pieces of the biblical timeline. It was really neat seeing how it all fit to-gether and all the events that led to the arrival of the Christ. Within the next few weeks we will enter into a dark time in the history of ancient Is-rael. Shortly after the death of King Solomon, the kingdom is torn apart. Ten of the twelve tribes come together to form the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The remaining

two tribes (Judah & Benjamin) form the Southern Kingdom of Judah. This divide eventually leads to both nations being conquered and led into captivity. Disunity is always caused by sin. It could be by one, both or multiple parties. Perpetuation of sin al-ways leads to destruction of one kind or another. Disunity and perpetuation of sin bring about a slow erosion of morality. Just look at our nation today. The United States is divided spiritually, politically, fi-nancially, racially, economically, ideologically, sexually, as well as a divide between genders. If our culture continues to perpetuate this disunity and sin, it will fall eventually. As discouraging as this is, what I want to focus on is what we can learn from all this. Ephesians 5:15-16 states, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” We make the most of every opportunity by taking Ephesians 5:1-2 to heart, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” As we move forward remember our mission: Love Christ, Love Others, Serve. We can do no wrong if

we stick to this. Hopefully, it will be an example to many and they will know we are Christians by our love.


Children’s Ministry

For more information: call 877-7315 or visit

Join us in Children’s Church for:

Nursery Pre-K & K 1st-2nd Grade 3rd-5th Grade

April 5 Becky Griffin Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Beth Warren

April 12 Charlotte Arons Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Beth Warren

April 19 Debi Smith Don & Linda Meeks Cindy Meeks Beth Warren

April 26 Marilyn Bryan Don & Linda Meeks Wilma Ramos Beth Warren

Nursery K– 5th Grade

April 5 Charlotte Arons Keith Warren / Help Needed

April 12 Debi Smith Keith Warren

April 19 Marilyn Bryan Keith Warren

April 26 Rylee Gonzalez Keith Warren

Children’s Church/Worship

Sunday School


Our Food Pantry provides food for those in immediate need. You can make monetary donations to the pantry by designating ‘Pantry’ on your check and placing it in the offering.

Food Pantry


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fr i Sat

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A p r i l 2 0 1 5A p r i l 2 0 1 5A p r i l 2 0 1 5

7PM Family Movie Night

Happy Birthday:

4 - ’Papa Smurf’ Cain 8 - Marysue Fussell 25 - Steve Critelli 25 - Janis Schmauch

5:30PM Meal & Devotion 6:30PM

Bible Study

6PM Ladies In Touch

12PM SENIOR Potluck

10:30AM Computer Class

Wednesday Meal & Devotion April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29th 5:30PM Family Fun Night - April 25th, 7:00PM Senior Potluck - April 26th, 12PM Resurrection Sunday Services - April 5th, 7:00AM 3

5:45pm Girl Scouts

5:45pm Girl Scouts

5:30PM Meal & Devotion 6:30PM

Bible Study

5:30PM Meal & Devotion 6:30PM

Bible Study

10:30AM Computer Class

12-4PM TaxAide

5-9PM TaxAide

5-9PM TaxAide 5-9PM TaxAide 5-9PM TaxAide

2:30PM Board Meeting

5-9PM TaxAide 5-9PM TaxAide

Resurrection Sunday

8am Men’s Breakfast

5:30PM Meal & Devotion 6:30PM

Bible Study

10:30AM Computer Class

Student Car Wash

Ladies In Touch News Easter Basket filling - April 1 at 6:30PM

In Touch Dinner Meeting - April 13 at 6PM

Mid April—Mid May we will be collecting

items for a Brehon House Shower We will have a ‘needed items’ list available soon

Check your bulletin for the date of our next Ladies Night Out

Contact Donna Gonzalez for more information

Upcoming Events: April 11 - Senior Trip to St. George Island April 26 - Senior Potluck May 19 - Senior Lunch & Learn

Coming this Summer: Peach State Summer Theatre Performances of; Les Misera-

bles, Always...Patsy Cline, & The Little Mermaid

Call the office 850-877-7315 for more information.

10:30AM Computer Class

7PM Family Fun Night

12-4pm Canasta Club

9:30am Foster Parent Planning Meeting

5:30PM Meal & Devotion 6:30PM

Bible Study

Senior Trip

OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORSHIP: Scripture Encounter 9:00 AM Coffee Break 10:00 AM Worship Encounter 10:30 AM Life Group 4:00PM Sunday Evening Small Groups 5:00 PM Wednesday Bible Discussion Groups 6:30 PM

YOUTH & CHILDREN Sunday Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM

OUR STAFF: Allen Gonzalez Senior Minister Keith Warren Family Life Minister Mike Seay Worship Director Trish Rice Administrative Assistant

Leadership: ELDERS: Don Meeks, Homer Rice DEACONS: Dave Sterling, Clayton Wilder


AM Worship 83

GIVING February Budget Need General Giving $14,473.00 $14,948.00 Missions $ 3,370.00 $2,717.00

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ The Deadline for MAY 2015 Newsletter is April 27th

ASL MINISTRY: We are in need of a new ASL Interpreter. Please contact the office if you know of someone who might be available.

“Our purpose is to LOVE CHRIST, LOVE OTHERS and SERVE”

Congratulations Grandparents, Jere-my & Debi Smith on the birth of Hunter Flores Feb. 24th at 11:27 a.m. weighing in at 8lbs 7oz and 19.5 inch-es long!

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