Suncity Amusement Park

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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I here by declare that this project has been solely done by me. This Project work being submitted by me entitled SUNCITY AMUSEMENT PARK SYSTEM is authenticated record of work carried out by me under guidance of ..……Lecturer in Computer Department. I have put my best efforts in this project. I have tried to make every point clear by working on all areas. I have been learned many aspects of this vast computer field. Many people have rendered their precious time and suggestions which prove to be important for completion of this project.




Every piece of creation is originated by zeal of hard work and determination and to put effort into action . A lot many factors may influence. Nothing concrete can be achieved without optimum inspiration and perspiration.

It gives me immense pleasure to express my deepest gratitude towards all those persons who have been a vital part of this creation. But thanking them all specifically seems to be impossible . So in order to fit into framework of words and acknowledgement . I would like to thank the following people for their precious guidance and support.

First and the foremost I would like to thank Almighty for giving me energy and courage for guiding my thoughts and for giving me direction to do this project. I would like to add word of thanks for Mrs. Neelam Kamra Principal, BBK DAV college for women for providing all the facilities and extending unconditional support and guidance throughout the project. I am thankful to my worthy teacher Prof. Kiran Gupta Head Department of Computer Science. Apart from her extremely wise words about the subject. Her wholesome personality diligence, zeal for work and piquancy for her job was a great motivation and support. Words are inadequate both in form and spirit to register the deep sense of gratitude and appreciation that I have for my supervising teacher……,lecturer for his painstaking efforts and whole hearted support. I am highly indebted to him for his invaluable advice and guidance.

I am extremely thankful to Mr. Ramesh Kumar , General Manager of Suncity Amusement Park under whose supervision this project completed its process from initial to successfully running stage. His

way of being encouraging guide apart from being a true professional in terms of skill was the appreciable virtue that helped me in creating this piece of software.

Last but not least I express my deep felt gratitude to my parents and friends without whose moral support and encouragement I would never been able to bring this project to completion that too successful.


In this project ORACLE 8.0 and MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC are being used as back end and front end respectively. The combination of both 8.0 and visual basic makes project

interactive , thus helping the operator to use the application program conveniently.

BACK END: Why I Used Oracle 8.0:

Oracle is back end tool, which connects well with a front end like Visual Basic. I have used oracle 8.0 as back end tool as Oracle 8 is an object relational database management system (ORDBMS). It offers capability of both relational and object oriented database systems. It acts as an interface between the user and the database. Further, it also checks for validation against the data entered by user. The database server or back end is used to manage the database tables optically among multiple clients who concurrently request the server for the same data. Oracle 8.0 offers the following advantages as compares to other back ends available.

1. Client Server Application: Different tables created in oracle

do not get locked on until the user deliberately attempts to do that . Data can be shared by all users until there is no restriction on access to database.

2. User Friendly: Package designed in oracle can be user

friendly to extent that even a layman can operate computer.The tool provided by oracle are so friendly that a person with minimum skill in the field of computer can access them with ease.

3. Easier Programming : Oracle is software that is easy not only for user but also for programmer . This is because there is no need for any codes arranging the icons in oracle which is serious drawback for other software.

4. Faster Access to Data: Oracle access the data faster than FoxPro.

5. High Performance: Oracle maintains high degree of overall

system performance by implementing database tasks in parallel which speed up querying, tuning, maintenance of the database.

6. Scalibility: Oracle supports a large number of concurrent

users data executing a different types of database

application .operating on the same data. Also it helps to add or

remove users without interrupting the other users.

7. An Rdbms Product: Oracle is one of the most popular rdbms product and is available on many platforms and can work for all popular operating system .Also it

offers perfect security and integrity of data.


Interactive SQL is designed to create , access and maintained all data structure like tables and indexes etc.

What Is SQL Used For ?

Using SQL one can create and maintain data manipulation objects such as tables,views,sequences etc. These data manipulation objects will be created or stored on server’s hard disk drive , in a table space, to which user has been assigned.

SQL STATEMENTS In addition to creation of data manipulation objects. The actual

manipulation of data within these objects is done using SQL. The SQL statements can be broadly categorized into three:

DDL:-> The SQL statements that are used to create these objects are

called DDL’s or Data Definition Language. These statements are commonly used by a database designer and database administrator for establishing database structures used by an application .

DML:->The SQL statements which are used to control behavior ,security and permissions of the objects or parts of

database are called DCL or Data Control Language. It defines activities that are not in the categories of those for the DDL and DML such as granting privileges to the users etc.It protects your database from a variety of threats.

DCL:->The SQL sentences used to manipulate data within these objects are called DML or Date Manipulation Language . These statements are used most often by application developers.DML is a part of SQL to be operated on data although most of DML statements are very easy to understand and resembles with ordinary English language sentences .



In this project “SUNCITY AMUSEMENT PARK SYSTEM” Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is used as a front end tool. Visual basic is not just a language. It is an integrated development environment in which you can develop, run, test, and debug your applications. With visual basic you can create many types of applications.

Visual Basic is the most powerful rapid application development tool in the world. It helps the programmer to focus on

the problem as hand rather than technical intricacies of programming in a window environment.

A lot commercial applications available today are written using visual basic. It provides a complete set of built in intelligent tools for creating windows application programs.


Data Access :-> This feature allow user to create databases, front end Applications, and scalable server side components for most popular database formats including Microsoft SQL server and other enterprise level databases.

Active Xtm Technologies :-> This features allows user to use the functionality provided by other

application such as Microsoft Word Processor ,Microsoft excel spreadsheet and other windows applications.

GUI Or Windows Environment :-> An application developed in visual basic has the look and feel of windows application development system.

Event Driven Programming Language:-> Visual basic is event Driven programming language. By event driven programming language we mean defining what would happen.Event is always on what we work. An action recognized by form or control is called an event.

Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to

documents and applications across the internet or intranets from within your applications or to create internet server application.

Visual Basic comes in three Editions:

1.The visual basic learning Edition: It is the introductory edition that lets you easily create windows applications.

2.The visual basic Professional Edition: It is meant

for computer

professionals and introduces advanced features such as tools to develop Activex and Internet controls.

3.The visual basic Enterprise Edition: It is the most advanced edition and is aimed at programmers who build distributed applications in a team environment. It includes all the features of the professional edition, plus tools such as visual Source Safe.


OBJECT:-> An object can be said to be a programmable entity containing both code and data .It is similar as c++ objects class.

PROPERTIES:-> It consists of objects data settings and its attributes. It describes the object, their appearance and behavior. Every control has its own properties.

EVENT:-> Any action recognized by a form or controls called an event. Events are triggers when some aspect of object is


METHODS:-> A method in visual basic is predefined action that Operates on specific object.

DATA CONTROLS:-> Although form are basic building

Blocks, nothing much can be done with form. To make form more interactive an to make front end of the application a totally GUI , controls are added to the form. Example: objects, label buttons, text control button, command button etc. The following are the controls:->

Textbox control sometimes called edit field or edit control display information entered at design time entered by user or assigned to the control in code at runtime.

Label control is a graphical control you can use to display text that User can not change directly.

Frame control provide an identifiable grouping for controls . You can also use frame to subdivide a form functionally.

Command button is used to control to begin, interrupt or end a process. When chosen a command button appear pushed in and so is called push button.

Checkbox control displays an x when selected x disappears when it is cleared. It is used to give True/False or Yes/No option.

Option button control displays an option that can be turned on or off.These controls are used in an option group to display options

from which user selects only one. Combo box control combines features of textbox and list box controls Users can enter information in text box portion or select an item from list box portion of control.

Listbox displays list of items from where user can select one or more.

Timer control can execute code at regular intervals by causing at timer event to occur. The timer control invisible to user is useful for background processing.

Datetime Picker control enables you to provide a formatted date field that allows easy date selection. In addition users can select a date from a dropdown calendar interface similar to Month view Control.

Tab Strip control is like the dividers in notebook or the labels on a group of file folders.

Status bar control provides a window at bottom of parent form through which an application display various kinds of status data.

Tree View control displays a hierarchical list of node objects. It is typically used to display headings in a document.

Toolbar control contain a collection of button objects used to create a toolbar that is associated with an application.

Progress bar control shows the progress of lengthy operation by filling a rectangle with chunks from left to right.

Image List control contains collection of list image object. Each of which can be referred to by its index or key.

Shape control is a graphical control displayed as a Rectangle , square , Oval, circle rounded rectangle or rounded square.

Enter key is used to go to the next command or text box. This key is used to focus on next command button or text box for working.

Microsoft flex grid (MSFlexGrid) MSFG control display and operates on tabular data. It allows complete flexibility to sort, merge and format tables containing strings and pictures.

Scroll bar provide easy navigation through a long list of items or a large amount of information. They can also provide analog representation of current position. You can use scroll bar as a input device or a indicator of speed and quantity.

Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment:

Visual basic integrated development environment is that where we do our programming .The IDE consists of menu bars, tool bars, Project explorer, properties window, form layout, the window and toolbox.

On starting visual basic , different windows appear on screen . The top of screen consists of main window consisting of tool bar and menus. At center of screen form designer is there.

Others windows on opening screen are properties windows, the project explorer window, toolbox and form layout window .On double clicking the form with mouse, the code windows are also opened .This is the place where user will do most of development. The code as the name suggests is used for writing code.

The toolbox contains the objects and controls which user will add to form to create the user interface for user’s project. Controls

like command buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes are the object provided by control components are also known as OCX files. In addition to form , each form has properties associated with it.


The Microsoft visual basic provide features to create various types of forms such as simple forms, dialog, option dialog, login dialog, option dialog, About dialog etc. which can be used for different purposes in any project.

TYPES OF FORMS:-> There are two types of forms available in Visual Basic namely normal form and MDI form (Multi Document Interface).

Normal form can either exists independently or can be a child form of MDI form .A form is a collection of all loaded forms in application All the forms user adds to an application are automatically added to form collection.

Visual basic also provide the facility to add or remove various components form the existing project. The addition or removal of any component will lead to addition or removal of various controls in the toolbox.

Various types of Components are: Microsoft Calender Control,

Microsoft ADO Data Control, Microsoft Data Grid Control, Microsoft Datalist control, Microsoft windows common control etc.

The References tab contains various types of libraries the addition and removal of which can allow or avoid you to add or remove various types of components from the components.

The various types of references are: Microsoft ActiveX Data objects Recordset 2.1 library, Microsoft ActiveX Data objects Recordset 2.5 Library.


The ActiveX data object model is very lean .It is designed to enable programmer to get a set of records from the data source as quickly as possible. Because speed and simplicity is one of the key objectives of ADO.The model is designed to enable you to create a record set object without having to create and navigate numerous others intervening objects along the way.

Special ADO properties: There are six properties of ADO model

Connection String Command text Command type Cursor locations Cursor type Lock type

Connection String : ADO model uses the connection string Property to indicate the OLE DB provider to use to the data store, along with all the details needed to complete the data connection.The typical Connection string has two parts:

Provider=<provider name>;Datasource = <source detail>;

Command Text :-> Command text property of ADO model is the property that hold the actual data request query. The syntax of this data request depends on the provider you are using.


The data environment component lets you design a connection to database and retrieve the desired records. The Data report component allows you to design reports and use them within your applications. Both components are based on visual database tools, and don’t require programming.

The visual IDE is made up of number of components: 1. Title Bar: The title bar of Microsoft visual basic window

displays name of the program as Microsoft visual basic[design].It

also display the name of the project which is currently opened. In title bar there are three buttons . these are minimize button, maximize button, and close button.

2. Menu Bar: The next line or bar of the vb window consists of menu bar. Vb menus are pulled down from menu bar, located across the top of the screen.The menu bar includes the File , Edit , View , Project ,format , Debug , Run , Query, Tools etc.

3. Tool Box:-> Each vb application contains the objects and controls which user will add to form bar has a set of tools that are appropriate for a particular type of task.

4. Project Window:-> This window display the details or the forms present in the opened project.

5. Properties Window :-> This window contain the details of objects , data, Settings and its attributes. every control has its own property.

6. Form Designer:-> It appears at the center of the screen.In the form,Different control button can be added to make the form look attractive.

7. Form Layout:->In this layout of the form is defined.

8. Object browser:-> Everything in vb is an object. In this all information pertaining to objects are displayed.


Menu bar


Oracle products are based on the concept known as’ client/server technology. This concept involves segregating the processing of the application between two systems. One performs all activities related to the database (server) and other performs activities that help the user to interact with the application (client). A client or front-end database application also interacts with the database by requesting and receiving information from the ‘database server’. It acts as an interface between the user and the database. Further, it also checks for validation against the data entered by user. The database server or back end is used to manage the database tables optically among multiple clients who concurrently request the server for the same data. It also enforces data integrity across all client application and controls database access and other security requirements.

The oracle server provides the following features to get effective and

efficient solutions:

1. Client / Server Environments: Oracle allows processing to be split

of between the client application programs and the database server ,the bulk the database processing is done on the backend i.e. Database server that typically has more computing power and better access to data to enhance processing capabilities.this also results in the reduction of the network traffic.

2. Handles large databases and performs space management: Oracle

supports the largest of databases potentially terabytes in

size. To make efficient use of expensive hardware devices. It allows full control of space usage.

3. High performance: Oracle maintains high degree of overall system

performance by implementing database tasks in parallel which speed up querying, Tuning ,Maintenance of the database.

4. Databases and Information management : A database server is key

to solving the problem of information management. In general a server must reliably mange large amount of data in multiuser environment so that many users can concurrently access same data .All this must be accomplished while delivering high performance .A database server must also prevent unauthorized access and provide efficient solutions for failure recovery.

5. Manageable security: To protect against unauthorized database

access and use, oracle provide fail safe security features to limit and monitor data access .these features make it easy to manage even most complex design for data access.

6. Distributed systems: For networked distributed environments

,oracle combines the data physically located on different computers into one logical database that can be accessed by all network users. Distributed systems have same degree of user

transperancy and data consistency as non distributed systems ,yet receives the advantage of local database management.

7. Portability: Oracle can be easily ported to work undet different

operating systems. Like windows 95, windows NT, Mac,Windows 2000 etc.This feature makes the oracle one of the most widely used RDBMS. Oracle allows the applications developed in it to be easily ported to any operating system with little or no modification.

8. Connectibility: Oracle allows different types of computers and

operating system to share information across networks which promotes shareability.

9. Compatibility: Oracle software is compatible with all the industry

standards and all the commonly available operating systems.The application developed are independent of the platform on which they are developed or required little or no modifications.


Amusement Parks is generic term used for collection of rides and other entertainment attractions assembled for purpose of entertaining a large group of people . An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, usually providing attractions meant to cater to adults , teenagers and small children. A theme park is a type of Amusement Park which has been built around one or more themes. Today the terms amusement parks and theme parks are used interchangeably.


Modern Amusement Parks now run differently then those of years past. Amusement Parks are usually owned by a large corporate conglomerate which allows capital investment unknown by the traditional family – owned parks starting with Disneyland in 1950’s the park experience became part of a larger package , reflected

in television show, movies, action figures and finally park rides and costumed characters that make up the “Theme” . These parks offer a world with no violence or social problems. The thrills of theme park are often obscured from the outside by high fences or barriers re-enforcing the feeling of escape , they are kept clean and new thrill rides are frequently added to keep people coming back.



Suncity Amusement Park , a major name in list of amusement park in Amritsar, is oldest theme park in amritsar. Suncity Amusement Park is housed in Amritsar Batala Road. It was Inaugrated on 27 march 1997. It is the most happening place in the city. Suncity has come a long way and has created a niche for itself.

Amusement Park Water Park Party Zone Bulk Tickets

AMUSEMENT PARK:-> Suncity is spread over an area of 50000

Square yards of land It houses 11 immensely popular rides in its premises, along with beautiful water park spread over 10000 square yards of land . Suncity Amusement Park is favourite of children because of its exquisite roller coasters and water slides. Suncity is quite a mini-Disneyland for the people of amritsar. This park has joy rides for people of all ages. The large range of swings and“jhoolas” and rides are available.

The rides here includes the popular1. Toofan Mail2. Sind Bad3. Sun Spin4. Sun Bull5. Sun Flight6. Tot Spot 7. Sun Space8. Jindle Ride9. Thumak Thumak

10.Humpty Dumpty 11.Joy Train

Children love the ride Humpty Dumpty , Thumak Thumak and Joy Train.

There is no specifies number of daily visitors to park. The business is seasonal much depending on the season and the climate and other related factors like school, university examinations and their results , holidays , festivals. However on an average Suncity has around 100-150 visitors per day. There is special arrangement for kitty parties, schools and corporate sectors. Around 80 member team of staff maintained decorum of this park. 75% of amount of ticket is charged by entertainment tax department and Re.1 out of ticket is given to corporation tax. It has a lush green parks maintained by team of gardeners and has its own security staff for maintaining

discipline etc. These parks and gardens are sure crowd pullers because of their serene surroundings and environment. Those of you , who love fun and frolic , should not miss out the Amusement Park of Amritsar.

WATER PARK:-> On 27 march 2004 one of the most places in Amritsar made a quiet entrance into Amritsar hot spots. Water park has added new chapter of history of Suncity . And in crossover from just one season to another ,Water Park has created for itself an image of most happening place in city today. This water park is especially preferred by people to beat off the scorching heat of summers.

Major attraction at water park:

Waves pool:-> a wave pool , to cool you off in summer heat.

The Magic River:-> A long stretch of lazy meandering

river with small Overbridges with

curtains of water through which a person has to pass .

Swimming Pool:-> A huge pool with slides,a bubbler pool

with pressure water jets for the families to

enjoy themselves.

Utility Pool:-> a pool specially for kids where they can enjoy.

Aqua Dance:-> A dome with curtains of rippling watered

light effects under which the more adventurous

can dance to foot tapping music.The couples love to dance and romance in rain dance that are introduced

according to the season.

Facilities at Water Park:->

A fully equipped store , where in swimming costumes for males and females are available on rent. Towels and other accessories like inflatables and floats are also available on nominal charge. Lockers can be rented at nominal charge against a Refundable Security Deposit .There are separate washrooms, changing rooms for ladies and gents.

Water park where in you can dance to your heart ‘s content with rain falling on your heads. If you do not want to get wet and still want to dance in rain raincoats are available.You can dance your way through without getting wet and still be in water.

Party Zone:-> Suncity offers water park in 10000 square yards of

land one that has added a new chapter in history of it and in crossover from just season to another water park has

created for itself image of the most happening place with lot of green plants all over park with river , hi wave, swimming pool , aqua dance etc. which is really in the city today as party zone.

Secondly Suncity offers eating zones with unique interiors to give different colours and themes . It is given on contract basis and is maintained by garden green caterers. Suncity also organize events for general public , and school children by associating with media and press every year. The understanding inhouse and outhoused service team to manage our all happening get together at any time.


Amusement Park Rs.110 for adult and kid. No fare for children below 2 years.

Water Park Rs.175 Water park for adudt and kids (excluding costume and lockers).

Combo Rs.225 water park and amusement park rides for adult and kid

Sun Bull

Extra ticket Rs.10 for adult.


The term System is derived from the Greek word systema, which means an organized relationship among functioning units or components. A system exists because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives. There are more than a hundred definitions of the word system, but most seem to have a common thread that suggests: A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective.

The word component may refer to physical parts (engines, wings of aircraft , car), managerial steps (planning , organizing , directing and controlling), or a subsystem in a multilevel structure. The components may be simple or complex , basic or advanced. They may be a single computer with a keyboard , memory and printer or a series of intelligent terminals linked to a mainframe. In either case , each component is part of total system and has to do its share of work for the system to achieve the intended goal.

The study of systems concepts ,then ,has three basic implications:

1. A system must be designed to achieve a predetermined objective.

2. Interrelationships and inter dependence must exist among the components.

3. The objectives of the organization as a whole have a higher priority than the objectives of its subsystems. For example computerizing personnel applications must conform to the organization’s policy on privacy, confidentiality, and security as well as making data available to the accounting division on request.


The System has some characteristics that are present in all systems: organization (order) ,interaction , interdependence, integration, and a central objective.


Organization implies structure and order. It is the arrangement of components that helps to achieve objectives. In the design of a business system, for example ,the hierarchical relationships starting with president on top and leading downward to the blue-collar workers represents the organization structure. Such an arrangement portrays a system-sub system relationship, defines the authority structure , specifies the formal flow of communication and formalizes the chain of command. Like a computer system is designed around an input device , a central processing unit , an output device and one or more storage units. When linked

together they work as a whole system for producing information.


Interaction refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the system . In an organization, for example, purchasing must interact with production ,advertising with sales, and payroll with personnel .In a computer system ,the central processing unit must interact with the input device to solve a problem . In turn , the main memory holds programs and data that the arithmetic unit uses for computation. The interrelationship between these components enables the computer to perform.


Interdependence means that parts of the organization or computer system depend on one another. They are coordinated and linked together according to a plan . One subsystem depends on the input of another subsystem for proper functioning; that is , the output of one subsystem is the requires input for another subsystem. This interdependence is crucial in systems work.


Integration refers to the holism of systems. Synthesis follows analysis to achieve the central objective of the organization. Integration is concerned with how a system is tied together. It is more than sharing a physical part or

location. It means that parts of the systems work together within the system even though each part performs a unique function.

Central Objective The last characteristic of a system is its central objective. Objectives may be real or stated. Although a stated objective may be the real objective, it is not uncommon for an organization to state one objective and operate to achieve another. The important point is that users must know the central objective of a computer application early in the analysis for a successful design and conversion.


Systems has been classified in different ways. Common classifications are: Physical or abstract Open or closed Man-made information systems

Physical or Abstract Systems

Physical systems are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic in operation. For example, the physical parts of the computer center are the offices , desks, and chairs that facilitate operation of the computer. They can be seen and counted, they are static. In contrast ,a programmed computer is a dynamic system. Data , programs, output and

applications change as the user’s demands or the priority of the information requested changes.

Abstract systems are conceptual or nonphysical entities. They may be as straightforward as formulas of relationships among sets of variables or models- the abstract conceptualization of physical situations.A model is a representation of real or a planned system.The use of models makes it easier for the analyst to visualize relationships in the system under study. The objective is to point out the significant elements and the key interrelationships of a complex system.

Open or Closed Systems

An open system has many interfaces with its environment . It performs action outside its boundaries . It receives input and delivers output to the outside where as closed system is isolated from environmental influences. For example – a nuclear reactor system is an example of closed system.

Man-made Information System

Manmade information system may be design as a set of devices procedures and operating system designed around user based criteria to produce information and to communicate it to user for planning control and performance . In business system manmade information system are classified into three categories:->

Formal System Informal System Computer based Information system

Formal System

It is based on formal communication in the organization. It is concerned with level of authority communication .Work flow information is formally transferred in instruction or reports from top management to concerned user in the organization.

Informal Information System

It is an employ base system related problems. It also passed information upward to indirect channels. It works within the framework of the business and its stated policies.

Computer Based Information System

System depends upon computer for handling business application system analysis relies on computers for problem solving as it is a good source of information. The computer has significant impact on the technique used by management to operate a business.

Lower level management needs internal information details to meet day to day requirements relatively structure control design. Higher level management from whom the long range objective are primary concern, require summarized information from variety of sources to achieve goals.


My project was designed keeping in view the certain goals and objectives that we wish to achieve . Certain features were added to this system that were not present in original system in order to achieve these objectives.

The main objectives are :->

1. To automate the process of recording transactions

2. To make system graphically more user friendly .

3. To make system easy to use.

4. Automatic filling of related information in the form by entering one value.

5. To provide security to database and limit the access to only authorized member.

6. To provide fast access to the information by searching in user friendly manner.

7. To generate reports quickly according to requirements of users.

Flaws In Existing System

Managing all the data with the help of paper will include a lot of paper work . Earlier system manually add the records of items which was cumbersome job . In this concerned authority had to write down each and every record with hand. Multiple entries has to be made of same record again and again which is further a time consuming job.

1. Paper work is very voluminous and bulky.

2. When database gets extremely large it becomes unmanageable.

3. There is no symmetry or order in way the records or information is stored.

4. Storing or entering all the minute details manually is a very

laborious task.

5. Data retrieval is very slow and sometimes becomes tough.

6. Even if register or file is lost it can lead to numerous problems.

7. The manual system requires lot of file work to be done by staff.

8. Redundancy of data stored is very high in manual system .As

large amount of data is stored in different registers and files for

future references.

9. Calculations are done manually which is prone to error.

10. Setting up queries is not easy and is a slow process.

11. Existing system is not reliable and user friendly.

12. There is no provision for maintaining hard copies of reports.

13. Security of data is not maintained.

14. Registers are to be maintained regularly for all business dealings

which is time consuming and tedious job.

15. Manual entry of records are more prone to error i.e. by doing

things manually there is more chances of errors. There can be wrong entry of transaction which may prove harmful for both client and firm.

As we can seen that the existing system has lot of problems.

Almost all the work was done manually which take time . More

manpower is required in manual record keeping. Moreover retrieval

of information is also difficult .


System Development , a process consisting of two major steps of system analysis and design starts when

management or sometimes system development personnel feel that new system or an improvement in existing system is required . The system development life cycle is classically thought of as a set of activities that analysts , designers and users carry out to develop and implementation information system. We isolate and sequence these life cycle activities for learning purposes , but in real life they overlap and highly interrelated. Therfore there can easily be overlap during any phase of the cycle. The system development life cycle consists of the following activities:

1. Recognition of Need 2. Feasibility Study3. System Analysis4. System Design5. Implementation6. Post Implementation and Maintenance

System Analysis Planning Phase

Recognition of Need Need for System

Change Feasibility study

Recognition Of Need :->

One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis for a candidate system is recognition of a need for improving an information system or a procedure . For example , a supervisor may want to investigate the system flow in purchasing , or a bank president has been getting complaints about the long lines in the driven-in. This need leads to a preliminary survey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternative

system can solve the problem. It entails looking into the duplication of effort , bottlenecks, inefficient existing procedures or whether parts of the existing system would be candidates for computerization.

If the problem is serious enough, management may want to have an analyst look at it. Such an assignment implies a commitment, especially if the analyst is hired from the outside. In larger environments, where formal procedures are the norm, the analyst’s first task is to prepare a statement specifying the scope and objective of the problem. He/She then reviews it with the user for accuracy .At this stage , only a rough “ball park” estimate of the development cost of the project may be reached . However an accurate cost of the next phase- the feasibility study –can be produced.

Impetus for System Change

Ideas for change may also come from within the organization- top management, the user , the analyst. As an organization changes its operations or faces advances in computer technology, someone within the organization may feel the need to update existing applications or improve procedures. The examples are:

An organization acquires another organization

Two departments are doing essentially the same work and each department head insists the other department should be eliminated.

Serious problems in operations ,a high rate of lobour turnover , labour intensive activities , and high reject rates of finished goods also prompt top management to initiate an investigation.

Feasibility StudyA feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its work ability, impact on the organization , ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources.

The objective of a feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problems to be included in the system are determined. Consequently , costs and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this stage

The result of the feasibility study is formal proposal. This is simply a report , a formal document detailing the nature and scope of the proposed solution. The proposal summarizes what is known and what is going to be done. It consists of the following:

1. Statement of the Problem:-> A carefully worded statement of

the problem that led to analysis.

2. Summary of Findings and Recommendations:-> A list of major findings and recommendations of the study .It is ideal for the user who requires quick access to the results of the analysis of the system

under study. Conclusions are stated ,followed by a list of recommendations and a justification for them. 3. Details of Findings:-> An outline of the methods and procedures undertaken by the existing system, followed by the objectives and procedures of candidate system. Included are discussions of output reports , file structures and costs and benefits of the candidate system. 4. Recommendations and Conclusions:-> Specific recommendations regarding the candidate system including personnel costs assignments ,project schedules and target dates.

After the proposal is reviewed by management , it becomes a formal agreement that paves the way for actual design and implementation. This is a crucial decision point in the life cycle . Changes in the proposal are made in writing ,depending on complexity , size and cost of the project. It is simply commom sense to verify changes before committing the project to design.

According to the above mentioned aspects, the feasibility study is categorized into following types:-

1. Behavioral Feasibility: This is a most important factor. It checks for the behavior of the employees of “Suncity” towards the computer. My proposed system will provide various benefits to the employees and staff. They can get the balance sheet of their accounts in a printed way and keep it as a record for future references. Thus the time that the staff used to spend in the account system of Suncity has been reduced .

2. Social Feasibility : People are inherently resistant to change and

computers have been known to facilitate change. It is important to study the social applications when a new product or system introduces. A social opposition can make a well-developed system a non-starter. It is made to estimate how strong the reaction the user staff is likely to have towards the development of the new system

3. Economic Feasibility : Our proposed system is totally economically feasible as the installation of computer system reduces the cost of manual work of employees of “Suncity”. It will reduce the chances of error that may occur while

calculations. It will also reduce the time to enter the data. My proposed system will reduce the problems of inefficient storage of the data in the Suncity.

It will not take extra efforts to train the user staff their working , staff is very much willing as they are themselves tired of the tedious procedures of the existing system.

Analysis Phase

Analysis System Definition Existing System Proposed System Information Gathering


Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. A key question is:

What must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related systems. During analysis ,data is collected on available files ,decision points ,and transactions handled by the present system . The tools used in analysis are:

Data flow diagrams Interviews On-site observations Questionnaires

The interview is most commonly used tool in analysis. It requires special skills and sensivity to subjects being interviewed. Training , experience and common sense are required for collection of the information needed to do the analysis. Once analysis is completed ,the analyst has a firm understanding of what is to be done. The next step is to decide how the problem might be solved.

System Design

After the analysis the next step is to decide how the problem might be solved The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is System design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical specifications analogous to engineer’s blueprints that will be applied in implementing the candidate system . It also includes the construction of programs and program testing .System design is a solution that is how to approach the creation of a new System. There are two phases of system design :->

Preliminary Design Structure and Detailed Design

1. Preliminary or General Design:-> In general design, the Features of system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible we move to the detailed design stage.

2. Structure and Detailed Design :-> In general design stage, Computer oriented work begins in earnest. The design phase is transitioned from user oriented to a programmer database personal.

The various steps are involved in system design.

First step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format. Samples of the output area also presented.

Second step is to design the input data and master files (data base) to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The processing phase are handled through program construction and testing ,including a list of the programs needed to meet the system’s objectives and complete documentation.

Finally , details related to justification of the system and an estimate of the Impact of the candidate system on the user and the organization are documented and evaluated by management as a step toward implementation.

In some firms, separate groups of programmers do the programming Whereas other firms employ analyst-programmers who do analysis and design as well as code programs. Analysis and programming are carried out by two separate persons. Operating procedures and documentation must be completed.

Processing of the design

Processing of the design includes Logical Design Physical Design

1. Logical Design:-> The data flow show the logic control of the

system. The outputs to be delivered from system

the database used and the procedures depicting the flow of the data , all in format that is understandable to the user. The design covers the following:

Reviewing the Current Physical System:-> Its data , file contents ,volumes and frequencies.

Preparing Output Specification:-> This is to determine the format , contents and frequencies of reports including terminal specifications and location.

Preparing Input Specification :-> This is a format , contents and most of input.

Preparing Edit ,Control and Security Specification:-> Which includes specifying the back up procedures and controls that ensure file identity .

Specifying implementation plan Reviewing benefits, costs target dates and system


After logical design there comes the turn of physical design that tells the programmer exactly what system must do.

2. Physical Design:-> This phase consists of the following steps:

a. Design of physical system

i. Design the database ii. Specify the input/output media iii. Design physical information flow through the

system and the physical design walks through.

Plan system implementation Prepare a conversion schedule Determine training procedure

Revise the test and the implementation plan and specify new hardware and software.

Update benefits, costs and conversion date and system constraints.


The implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is primarily concerned with user training, site preparation, and file conversion. When the candidate system is linked to terminals or remote sites, the telecommunication network and tests of the network along with the system are also included under implementation.

During the final testing user acceptance is tested , followed by user training. Depending on the nature of the system, extensive user training may be required. Conversions usually take place at about the same time the user is being trained. In the extreme , the programmer is falsely viewed as someone who ought to be isolated from other aspects of system development programming is itself design work. The initial parameters of the candidate should be modified as a result of programming efforts . Programming provides a “Reality test” for assumptions made by the analyst. It is therefore a mistake to exclude programmers from the initial system design.

Post Implementation andMaintenance

After the implementation phase is completed and the user staff is adjusted to the changes created by the candidate system, evaluation and maintenance begin. Like any system , there is an aging process that requires periodic maintenance of hardware and software. If new information is inconsistent with the design specifications, then changes have to be made. Hardware also requires periodic maintenance to keep in tune with design specifications. The importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the new system to standards.

User priorities, changes in organizational requirements or environmental factors also call for system enhancements. The change requires evaluation , program modifications and further testing .

Proposed System

Due to the less interactiveness of the existing manual system the need was felt to switch over to the new system which would cover all possible aspects of Suncity Amusement and Water Park and would be based on an efficient package. Our software project makes all these jobs on mouse click. The operator in the system feels more comfortable as the files are activated whenever the operator clicks any option. Employees will have to just enter data. Proposed system is expected to remove the problem of existing system and provide value aided solution to problem. The proposed system must be presented to the organization with some indication performance keeping in view following factors:-

1. Time :-> Response , Access , Process

2. Accuracy :-> Frequency, Significance, Error correction

3. Reliability :-> Stability, Durability

4. Security :-> Legal access

5. Flexibility :-> Variability, Sensitivity

Proposed system results into following advantages:->

1. Fast research and retrieval of information.

2. Presentation of information in desired form.

3. Reliable information is maintained up to date.

4. The transactions that occur on a particular transaction after a specification can also be worked out.

5. Proposed system is more user friendly than existing


6. Ability to analyse the results quickly.

Proposed system generates more elaborate and meaningful outputs. The major points covered in this project are :->

1. Daily records of tickets are maintained. Reports can be generated for the stored data.

2. All the information of the employees are maintained and reports can be generated

3. Canteen bill is generated and corresponding reports

can be generated for particular date.

4. The information of the incoming, outgoing material is maintained and stored and reports can be generated for particular date.

5. Duty chart of the employees are made on the monthly basis and

corresponding report can be generated.

6. Income record of canteen , bands and costumes are maintained on the daily basis and reports can be generated for the stored data.

User can retrieve the above information as also perform updation, deletion , searching operations by just clicking on respective buttons. Theproposed project aims at removing all the loopholes and drawbacks of the existing system.

System Study

System study involves the investigation of overall problems to be solved as in my system study in “Suncity Amusement and Water Park” the main problem investigated regarding transaction relating to the database handling. A system study involves overall flow and manipulation of data as in our system data flows from one part to another. Data is also manipulated in our system . It is based on handling all the transaction relating to Suncity.

I gathered a lot of information from there by asking the general manager of the Suncity to meet information requirements. It includes the following:

How Suncity works?

How system works and how data flow within the system?

How the registers are maintained to store the


What are the different transactions that staff has to deal with?

What are the different reports generated and how are they prepared?

Information Gathering

Information about working of system should be gathered so that the new and better system can be devised based on findings of the present system. It is art as well as technique. The approach and the manner in which the information is gathered requires a person with sensitivity, skill and common sense about following:

Purpose of gathering information.

What methods to use to gather information.

What kind of information is needed.

From what sources to gather information.

1. Purpose of gathering information:-> There are many

reasons to gather information which can be defined as:

To know overall working of organization by interviewing the employees,staff members, owners and clients. One gets to know the work culture of the organization.

To know how the decision making process is carried out in the organization. What is the hierarchy of decision making authority and how the orders are given to the sub authorities.

To know what kind of decisions are taken by the organization and what are decision making tools used.

To know what are the informational needs of various users and management.

2. Methods and Tools used:-> Information gathered should be accurate , latest and feasible to be processed. The information can be gathered through various tools:

Interviews of the members.

Questionnaires to be filled by employees, owners and other staff members.

Meeting with management and employees.

Manual paper reports and records.

Information starts with interviewing the top level management. An overview of the organization, available information, and objectives to be met by the proposed system are normally gathered from the top level management. The next step is to interview the middle level management and the operational staff. At this level day-to-day operational requirements and information required for current use are gathered. It should be remembered that operational staff at day-to-day working level such as working level such as clerks, store-keepers and foremen can make or break a system. In my project I have used all the above tools and management has been really cooperative with me to provide me the necessary information.

3.What Kind of Information is Needed:-> The information is needed to know the work culture of the organization .The information is mostly about the organizational staff, clients, working of system and results of the system.

Information about the firm Policies of the firm Structures of firm which specifies working

environment and processes of firm. objectives

Information about working Information flow Work methods Procedures and schedules

4.Sources of Information:-> The information sources specify as to from where the information about the firm is to be gathered. There are two main types of sources:

External :-> These resources include the clients, business catalogs and competitors.

Internal :-> These sources include the manual documents and professional staff of the organization.

The other sources of information are:1. User of the system2. Forms and documents used in the

organization3. Procedure manuals and rule books which

specify how various activities are carried out in the organization.

4. Various reports used in the organization5. Computer programs of the existing system.

The information should be obtained from all the above sources. The consistency between them should be checked and then they should be summarized and consolidated.

Cost benefit Analysis:

It is necessary to place money values against benefit that can be achieved. Cost benefit analysis is a tool to determine the actual profit that we get from the automation of the organization against the cost incurred in the computerization process.In my case there is already availability of hardware and much of the softwares. So the only expense that will be incurred in that for oracle and visual basic 6.0 installation. Thus comparing the cost with the benefits the result are that it would be fruitful to have proposed system installed which will remove the limitation of existing system.


As no system design is ever perfect as communication programs , programmers lack of knowledge or time constraints create errors. A perfect project is that in which there are minimum number of key punching. The number and nature of errors in new design depends on several factors. Some of the responsible factors are:->

Communication between the user and the designer.

The programmers ability to generate a code that reflects

exactly the system specifications.

The time frame for the design.

In my project entitled “Suncity Amusement park”. I have tried my best to cover each aspect carefully and accurately on further analysis . The drawbacks of this system may show themselves , which may further require modifications.


No program or system design is perfect, communication between the user and design is always not complete or clear or time is usually short. It results in errors . The

number and the nature of errors in a new design depends on several factors.

Communication between the user and designer.

The time frame for the design.

Personal prejudice on the part of user is disclosing information .

The programmer’s ability to generate code that reflects exactly the system specification.

In the system design entitled “Suncity Amusement Park” , I have tried my best to cover successfully and accurately all the requirements but due to shortage of time and lack of experience following drawbacks are there in my system:->

1. Failure such as hardware failure , power failure may result in unwanted results during execution .

2. Database security is not present in my system that is , I have not encrypted my data in the database .

There are other small errors that can be removed by slight modifications.

Control Measures

After system security risks have been evaluated. The next step is to select the measures those are internal and external to the facility. These measures are generally classified under the following points:-

1. Safety from the unauthorized users.

2. Recovery in case of the crash due to power failure are

hard disk crash.

3. Safety from errors and omissions.

In the proposed system , proper care has been taken of the first data accesses that user may take to the system. Well nothing can be said or done about discrashes or system failures. These are unpredictable and inevitable . Errors and omissions are minimum as user is prompted effectively by the system if he/she commit any mistake.

System Security

The security is the crucial issue in the development of the software as it contains the information which can be valuable and sensitive for an organization . The software should be such that it should prevent the data from the unauthorized access so that unauthorized persons should not be able to modify the content of the data. The data is mostly confidential and only those users should be

able to access the data that are officially authorized to use or access it. As computers have become a part of everyday life and more and more are concerned about the security and integrity of the information residing in these computers. While developing the system proper measures should be taken for maintaining data integrity and controlling security. This involves the use of various features , programs , and procedures to protect the data from the unauthorized access .

In my project the transactions done daily are highly confidential . As the firm does want to disclose the daily sales and income details made. The exact figure of accounts is not disclosed. So for this we should use proper security measures otherwise the software will be useless. So proper measures should be taken time to time for maintaining integrity and security and preventing the system from unauthorized access.

System security can be threatened due to the external as well as internal cases. Some of these are:->

Errors and omissions Fire Natural disasters External encroachments Dishonest and disgruntled employees

When huge amount of information is to be stored in one database, sensitive data can be easily copied. The data can be manipulated without any notice . Information can also be entered directly into the computer without written record or paper authorization and can be changed without trace. A dishonest programmer can bypass control and authorize

his/her own transactions. So various control measures are adapted to guarantee security:

Identification Access control Audit control System integrity

System Maintenance

Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life and tune the system to do any variations in its working environment. It has been seen that there are always some errors found in the system that must be noted and corrected. It also means the review of the

system from time to time. The review of the system is done for:

Knowing the full capabilities of the system.

Knowing the required changes or the additional requirements.

Studying the performance

If a major change to a system is needed , a new project may have to be set up to carry out the change. The new project will then proceed through all the above life cycle phases.

This project is still under the last stage where it is implemented in parallel run and is constantly tested. Certain changes have still to be made as I get to know more about the requirements of firm and the users.

Structural Analysis

Structured analysis is set of techniques and graphical tools that are easily understandable to the users. It is way to focus on function rather than implementation. The traditional approach focuses on cost, benefits and feasibility analysis, project management, hardware and software selection and personnel considerations. In contrast, structures considers tools for analysis. Some of the tools for analysis are :->

Data Flow Diagrams Data Dictionary Structures Analysis Decision Tables Decision Trees

In my system I have used Data flow Diagrams as the tools for analysis Data flow diagramming is technique of representing a system at any level of detail with graphic network of symbols showing data flows , data stores , data processes , data sources and destination .

Graphical means that depict information flow and transform that are applies to the data as it flows from input to output. These show graphical analysis of a software system . There are two types of DFD’s:-

Physical DFD: - The data flow diagram which represent the model of the current system, are called physical DFD’s. These diagrams are drawn when the analyst studies the current working system in detail.

Logical DFD: - The data flow diagram which represents model of the purpose system are known as logical DFD’s. These are drawn from physical DFD’s.


Data flow Diagram (abbreviated as DFD) was introduced by De Marco (1978) and Gane and sarson (1979), and is an important tool used by systems analysis. A data flow diagram models a system by using external entities fron which data flows to a process which transforms the data and creates output data flows which goes to the other processes or external entities or data stores.

The main merit of data flow diagram is that it can provide an overview of what data a system would process, what transformations of data are done , what data are stored and which stored data are used and where the result flows. DFD’s are structured in such a way that starting from a diagram which gives a broad overview at a glance , they can be expanded to a hierarchy of diagrams giving more details.

Symbols Used in DFD: Four symbols are used in drawing data flow diagrams.

1. Circle:-> The circle is used to depict a process. Both inputs and outputs to a process are data flows. The term bubble is used instead of circle.

2. Line Arrow:->Data flow are also represented by a line with an arrow. The arrow shows the direction of flow of data. The name of the data appears next to the line.

3. Rectangle:->The rectangle is used for the external entities that are outside to the system.. Entities supplying data are known as sources and those that consume it are the sinks.

4. Parallel Lines:-> A data store is depicted by two parallel lines.

These are the symbols used in DFD. Data flow can take place between processes from a process to a store , from store to a process , an external entity to a process, from process to an external entity. Data flow can not take place in two external entities.

System Testing

Testing involves operations of the system or applications under controlled conditions. It is process of executing the program with the intent of finding the errors. The validations applied to data are also checked. After codifying the whole programs of system a test plan should be developed and run on given set , a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test sata . The output of the test run should match the expected results.

Need Of Testing:a) Testing checks all the parts of the system and if

logically all the parts of system are working well then system is considered to be successful .Testing is vital to the success of system. So testing is essential to debug the errors.

b) System should be tested for user friendliness before final implementation.

c) Testing leads to software reliability . Identifying and removing faults , during testing can make the software more reliable .This increase user confidence.

Using test data following test run are carried out:-1. Unit Test:-> When programs have been coded and

compiled and brought to working conditions. They must be individually tested with the prepared test data. Any undesirable happening must be noted and debugged.

2.Black Box Testing:-> Testing not based on any knowledge of internal design and code.It is based on requirements and functional .

3.White Box Testing:-> White box testing is based on knowledge of internal log of an application code.

4. Incremental Integration Testing:-> Continuous testing of an application as new functionality is added.

5. Integrated Testing:-> The next level of testing is often

called Integration testing. In this way tested modules are combined into sub-systems, which are then tested. The goal here is to see if the modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules. This activity can be considered as testing the design, and hence the emphasis on testing module interaction.

6. Functional Testing:-> Testing geared to functional


7. End to End Testing:-> The system is tested in its complete environment that is close to the real world. Such as interaction with the database and using network communication.

8. Sanity Testing:-> Testing for sometime to determine the

software is performing well to be accepted for further testing.

9. Regression Testing:-> Re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment . Automated

testing tools can be applied here.

10. Acceptance Testing:-> Acceptance testing is performed

with realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactory. Testing here focus on external behaviour of the system. Final testing based on specification of end user or customer.

11. Security Testing:-> To show how well the system protects itself against unauthorized internal or external access.

12. Usability Testing:-> The software is tested to determine if it

is user friendly or not.

When it is ensured that the system is running error free , the users are called with their own actual data so that system could be shown running as per their requirements.


For testing to be successful, proper selection of test cases is essential. There are two different approaches to selecting cases :-

1. Functional Testing2. Structural Testing

In functional testing the software or the module to be tested is treated as a black box, and the test cases are decided based on the specifications of the system or the module. For this reason this type of testing is also called “black box testing”. The focus here is on testing the external behaviour of the system.

In structural testing, the test cases are decided based on the logic of the module to be tested. A common approach here is to achieve some type of coverage of the statements in the code. One common coverage criterion is statement coverage, which requires that test cases be selected so that together they execute each statement exactly once.


As a part of my course ,I have taken up the assigned topic of automation of “Suncity Amusement and Water Park” in Oracle/Visual Basic 6.0 as a major project. Working on this project , an effort has been made to define the problem , study existing system and provide a better proposed system.

In this system Oracle has been taken as back end which works on Windows 98 as on operating system. As I have taken oracle as a back tool so SQL-Pus is an interface between Oracle database and user. Hence all the commands are written in SQL. Here Visual Basic 6.0 has been taken as an Application Development tool and hence all the forms , menus and reports are made in same and data is entered , stored in SQL tables in oracle database.

After studying this project report, you will be able to understand How the computerization of the “SUNCITY AMUSEMENT Park “ is carried out . I have done my work with best of my abilities and I hope you will be satisfied with my work. I have put in my best efforts in this project.

How Proposed System Is better thanExisting System

1. Manpower Requirements:-> More man power is required in case of manual record keeping system. Separate staff is required to keep track of each anomaly present in transaction records. But in Proposed system all the work is done by computers itself so there is no need of separate staff to be maintained. So Less man power is required as compared to existing system.

2. Record Search:-> In existing system all the work is done manually . paper files are very bulky and difficult to manage. Huge files are to be maintained and stored in special cupboards. So there is inconvenience while searching for a particular file.

But in my system the search is done with the help of computer extra efforts are not to be put in maintaining or storing the files so the required data is searched with just a click of


3. Errors:-> Manual entry of records makes them more prone to Errors . There can be wrong entry of transaction which may prove harmful for both client and firm. But in my system errors are virtually eliminated as the computer do not make any errors unless hacked or due to the inefficient programming skills.

4. Data Redundancy:-> It is very difficult to controlin manual System. As human memory is not capable of remembering each and every record so there can be duplication of data.Also same information is to be stored in different files. But in new approach data redundancy is minimized to a very high degree. A separate table is maintained so that redundancy is eliminated . Also tables are connected and database is so designed that any changes at one place will be reflected at the other place also.

5. Cost:-> The large number of labourers are required to keep

records of various transactions is a costly affair. Initial cost of computer system may be large but in long run it proves to be cost effective as it may required only one person to replace the job of number of persons.

6. Retrieval of Information:-> The records need to be sorted in any order and manual sorting is time consuming process. Due to the huma inefficiency if large records are to be searched then problem occurs.

While on the other side computerized system that I

have proposed will take only fractions of seconds to retrieve any information. As no pencil work is involved in this so retrieval cost is reduced.

7. Retrieval of Reports:-> Generation of reports is nery difficult and lengthy procedure. If the user requirements change then the reports have to be designed from the starting that is very cumbersome.

Retrieval of reports according to the requirements of user is very easy with the use of computers as the generation of reports is quite flexible.

8. Recovery of Information:-> Acoount books are

maintained which are subjected to wear and tear and their back up is cumbersome task. If files are manipulated then thereis no scope for their recovery. To solve the problem found in the above system we have hard disk that can store a large amount of data. Floppy disk and cd’s are used for back up hence recovery is very easy in this case.

Hardware And SoftwareRequirements

The following are the hardware and software requirements which should be met for developing and installing the software:

Hardware Requirements:

Processor: Proceesor compatible with Pentium-2 or above

Operating System: Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or any latest version etc.

RAM: 32 MB or above

Hard Disk: For Typical installation 10 GB

Printer: Inkjet 600

Monitor and Floppy Disk: VGA and 1.44 MB

Speed: 1.33 MHz or above

Software Requirements:

Oracle 8.0

Visual Basic 6.0

Form Design

The actual design of database start with designing of form. After this we start with output design i.e. Report Generation

Forms are used to input data and view the adapt stored in the database. Form application presents data in online format consisting of series of fields laid down in one or more windows. Forms provide a way to feed and change information. A simple form relates to a record and a record is a series of data fields. An application may use many forms and the form may include many records. The records can be managed using tools in a form such as insert, delete, update and search etc.

Advantages of using Forms:

Build client-server application

Event processing with methods.

Interaction with other methods.

Integration with other tools and buttons.

top related