Summits on The Air - ARM for USA (WØC) · Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC) 1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 3 1 Change Control Date

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Summits on the Air

U.S.A. (WØC)

Association Reference Manual

Document Reference S46.1

Issue number 3.1

Date of issue 1-December-2018

Participation start date 01-May-2010

Authorised Date: 01-May-2010 obo SOTA Management Team

Association Manager Matt Schnizer KØMOS

Summits-on-the-Air an original concept by G3WGV and developed with G3CWI


“Summits on the Air” SOTA and the SOTA logo are trademarks of the Programme. This document is copyright of the Programme. All other trademarks and copyrights referenced herein are acknowledged.

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 2

Table of Contents

1 Change Control .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2 Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Copyright Notices ........................................................................................................................................... 4 4 Association Reference Data ........................................................................................................................... 5 5 Program derivation ......................................................................................................................................... 6 6 General information ........................................................................................................................................ 6

6.1 Final Access, Activation Zone, and Operating Location Explained .......................................................... 7 6.2 Rights of way and access issues .............................................................................................................. 7 6.3 Maps and navigation ................................................................................................................................. 8 6.4 Safety considerations ............................................................................................................................... 8 6.5 Search and Rescue in Colorado ............................................................................................................... 9 6.6 Navigation and Weather ........................................................................................................................... 9 6.7 Environmental Considerations ................................................................................................................ 10 6.8 Foreign Amateurs ................................................................................................................................... 10 6.9 Association Awards ................................................................................................................................. 11 6.10 Process to maintain summit lists ........................................................................................................ 11

7 Summit Reference Data ............................................................................................................................... 12 7.1 Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Front Range (FR) ........................................................... 12 7.2 Region Reference – Central Colorado: La Garita Wilderness Area (LG) ............................................... 21 7.3 Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Mt Zirkel Wilderness Area (MZ) ...................................... 25 7.4 Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Park Range (PR) ........................................................... 31 7.5 Region Reference – South Central Colorado: Rio Grande (RG)........................................................... 37 7.6 Region Reference – Western Colorado: Roan Plateau (RP) ................................................................. 44 7.7 Region Reference – Southwestern Colorado: San Juan (SJ) ............................................................... 49 7.8 Region Reference – South Central Colorado: San Luis (SL) ................................................................. 56 7.9 Region Reference – South Central Colorado: Sangre De Cristo (SC) ................................................... 58 7.10 Region Reference – Southwest Colorado: San Miguel (SM) ................................................................. 63 7.11 Region Reference – Central Colorado: South Park Region (SP) ........................................................... 67 7.12 Region Reference – Central Colorado: Sawatch Region (SR) ............................................................... 72 7.13 Region Reference –Southwest CO: Uncompahgre (UR) ...................................................................... 79 7.14 Region Reference – West Central CO: West Elk Mts (WE) .................................................................. 82

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 3

1 Change Control

Date Version Details

01-May-10 1.0 First formal issue of this document

01-Aug-11 2.0 Updated Version including all qualified CO Peaks, North Dakota, and South Dakota Peaks

01-Dec-11 2.1 Corrections to document for consistency between sections.

31-Mar-14 2.2 Convert WØ to WØC for Colorado only Association. Remove South Dakota and North Dakota Regions. Minor grammatical changes. Clarification of SOTA Rule 3.7.3 “Final Access”.

Matt Schnizer K0MOS becomes the new W0C Association Manager.

04/30/16 2.3 Updated Disclaimer

Updated 2.0 Program Derivation: Changed prominence from 500 ft to 150m (492 ft)

Updated 3.0 General information: Added valid FCC license

Corrected conversion factor (ft to m) and recalculated all summits

1-Apr-2017 3.0 Acquired new Summit List from 64 new summits (37 for P500 ft to P150 m change and 27 new) and 3 deletes due to prom corrections. Net new total: 1,805 summits.

1-Dec-2018 3.1 Retired:

• W0C/LG-031 – does not satisfy requirements

Reactivated: W0C/FR-025 McCurdy Mountain – Was made inactive in 2013 by mistake

Correction: W0C/FR-028 Windy Peak – should be Windy Mountain and 8Pts. Deactivated W0C/FR-028 Windy Peak and added new summit W0C/FR-230 Windy Mountain

Correction: Names of W0C/SP-127 and W0C/SR-026 are mixed up. Since neither summit is activated yet, names were swapped out. W0C-SP-127 is now Emma Burr Mountain W0C/SR-026 is now Mount Emma

2 Disclaimer

Hiking and mountain climbing are potentially hazardous activities particularly in Colorado with its extreme elevations, considerable climb exposures and quick weather changes. Activators take part in the Program entirely at their own risk, and the Program and its volunteers in their entirety shall accept no responsibility for injury, loss of life or any other loss. Activators are reminded that hill climbing is an inherently hazardous activity. Accidents can and do happen in the mountains and the risk is neither increased nor mitigated by the SOTA Program. The inclusion of a summit in this Reference Manual does not indicate that it is safe, legal or even possible to climb to the summit. The Summit Reference data is not guaranteed to be accurate and sole reliance should not be placed upon it. All participants must be sure to check applicable local, state, and federal laws to be sure that a hike or climb up to any of the summits listed in this manual is legal and safe. Some summits may reside in private

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

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hands and all activators must respect private property rights. Other summits are located on restricted government owned land (e.g. military bases, gunnery ranges and bombing ranges) where trespass is not only illegal but could result in death. Under no circumstances should a summit be activated without the requisite permissions. Participation in the SOTA Awards program is at your own risk. Many Colorado Mountains are technically very demanding and require considerable traditional climbing experience, rope climbing skills, and competent knowledge of route selection and the associated risks. Mountain climbing in Colorado is a dangerous sport as the numerous climbing deaths attest. Technical climbing competency is a requirement for many peaks as many routes are technically graded 5.10 or greater based on the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS). Many routes offer poor protection with long runouts where a fall could result in serious injury or death. Proper training, experience, and personal capability assessment is required. Skills-based training is readily available from many world-recognized climbing groups including the Mazamas and the Seattle Mountaineers. Do not become a statistic!

3 Copyright Notices

”Summits on the Air” SOTA and the SOTA logo are trademarks of the Program. This document is copyright of the Program. Some of the source data used in this document herein is from John D. Kirk ( and is used with his permission. All other trademarks and copyrights referenced herein are acknowledged.

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 5

4 Association Reference Data

Association U.S.A. (W0C)

Commencement date 01 May 2010

Regions: Colorado

Region Name Peak Count















Total WØC ARM SOTA Peaks 1,805

Association parameters 1

Summit operation criteria Operation must be within 82 vertical feet of the summit

Colorado Scoring Points Elevation Banding Nr of Peaks

Band 1, score 1 point < 8000 ft) 192

Band 2, score 2 points >=8000 ft asl <9000 ft asl 263

Band 3, score 4 points >=9000 ft asl <10500 ft asl 355

Band 4, score 6 points >=10500 ft asl <12500 ft asl 456

Band 5, score 8 points >=12500 ft asl <13500 ft asl 353

Band 6, score 10 points >=13500 ft asl 182

Total: 1,805

1 See the SOTA General Rules for parameter definitions

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 6

Seasonal bonus Yes

Bonus rationale Winter period with highest probability of freezing temperatures, ice and snow

Min. height for bonus CO: Winter bonus - 3 Points for activations >=9000 ft asl

Bonus period dates 1 December to 31 March inclusive

Association sponsored awards No Association Awards at this time

Association Manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

5 Program derivation

The WØC SOTA awards program is based upon and conducted in accordance with the generalized SOTA program originating in the United Kingdom. Participants in the WØC SOTA program must meet the qualifications stated in the SOTA General Rules, and must participate in accordance with these rules. In cases where information in this reference document is in conflict with the General Rules, the General Rules shall take precedence. The full text of the SOTA General Rules can be found at Summits are qualified for inclusion in the WØC SOTA program on the basis of topographic prominence which requires a minimum of 150 meters (492 feet) of vertical rise “above the lowest contour line encircling it and no higher summit in order to qualify. Summit scoring is based upon the summit’s height above sea level. If the reader finds a summit which he/she believes meets the qualifications of the SOTA program, or if he finds a mistake in this ARM he should contact the Association Manager. Summits cannot be counted for points until a reference number has been allocated by the Association Manager. If an activator wishes to activate a summit that has not been issued a reference number by the Association, then he/she should notify the Association Manager and supply the following information:

1. Name of summit (If none available note approx. distance and direction from a named location). 2. The Latitude and Longitude of summit expressed in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. 3. The altitude of the summit in meters (or feet) above sea level.

The Association Manager will check whether the summit meets the qualification criteria and, if it does, will issue a reference number for the summit. The decision of the Association Manager is final regarding the interpretation of the criteria and the inclusion or exclusion of a summit. Summits that are activated before a reference number is issued cannot be claimed for SOTA awards.

6 General information

The WØC SOTA dataset was derived from the USGS NED database. This dataset contains both named and un-named mountains (where the number is the elevation in feet) which meet the prominence requirements of SOTA. The goal of this ARM is to publish a list of SOTA-qualifying summits for the WØC Association.

All participants (activators and chasers) in the SOTA Program must have an amateur radio license from the FCC or similar authority of other countries.

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Final Access, Activation Zone, and Operating Location Explained

The SOTA General Rules state that the method of final access to the radio operating location must be non-motorized. The General Rules do not specify the distance, either vertical or horizontal, that this final access must cover. The use of non-motorized vehicles (e.g. bicycle) or pack animals to enter the Activation Zone (AZ) is permitted. Operations must not be in, or in the close vicinity of a motor vehicle, cannot use a permanent electrical power source, nor use a fossil fuel generator in any fashion. No part of the station may be connected in any way with the motor vehicle. All equipment must be operated from portable power source (batteries, solar cells, etc). The SOTA general rules also state that radio operations must take place within a summit’s Activation Zone (AZ) which, in the case of the WØC association, is an area within 25 vertical meters (82 feet) of the actual physical summit point. The Activation Zone is a single “unbroken” area that can be visualized by drawing a closed shape on a map following a contour line 25 meters (82 feet) below the summit point. The operating position must be within this zone but antennas may extend well beyond. Activators should feel free to contact the Association Manager should further clarification be deemed necessary or if any doubt exists in an activator’s mind as to whether their activation will be valid for SOTA credit.

Rights of way and access issues

Some of the summits listed in this manual may be on private land with no public access. Private lands in the USA are NOT open to camping and hiking by default. While European activators may be accustomed to the privileges of “Every Man’s Right” laws, these laws do not exist in the USA. No SOTA activator should ever trespass across private lands. If an activator does manage to receive permission from a private landowner for to activate a private summit, the activator must remember he may be the landowner’s only contact with SOTA or ham radio and the activator must adhere to the highest standards of politeness and professionalism in his activation so as to pave the way for future activators to be authorized. The SOTA website is an excellent repository of summit access information, and all activators are encouraged to submit any mapping, trail, access permission or other specific summit advice they can acquire. Please be sure to respect intellectual property law when adding information to the SOTA watch site.

Trail maps for WØC-Colorado summits can be hard to locate. The Association Manager suggests that the potential activator not only searches state government park websites for information on peaks, but also conducts Yahoo and Google searches for the specific regions and summits he is interested in. Such internet searches may yield links to private hiking groups that are responsible for the maintenance of trails within the region both on private and public lands. These local hiking groups are likely to sell maps of the trails in their regions at reasonable rates as a method of fundraising. When sources of these maps are discovered by potential activators, the association strongly encourages that this data be listed on the SOTA website to assist future activations. Both and are excellent resources for activators.

When in valleys, and especially near farms and livestock, it is essential to keep to trails at all times. There is no excuse for straying from the trail. This is of particular importance in some states such as Maine, where summits such as Cadillac Mountain are home to many rare and protected plant species that can be devastated by the feet of careless hikers that stray from established trails.

Any SOTA operation in which it is shown that the participants failed to keep to paths in environmentally sensitive zones, or failed to behave in a way that reflects positively on the SOTA program and ham radio, is likely to be

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disallowed by the Association Manager or SOTA management in the UK. It is strongly recommended that footpaths are used whenever possible. This is particularly important in the WØC Association, as this association is home to many deadly hazards. Colorado on average has 12 deaths per year resulting from hiking and climbing the Rocky Mountains.

Maps and navigation

US Geological Survey (USGS) maps are considered the standard for backcountry travel. USGS topographic maps accurately represent the natural and man-made features of the land to stringent National Map Accuracy Standards. USGS maps of the 7½ Minute Series (covering 7½ x 7½ minutes of geographic arc) show most maintained trails and contour intervals of 40 ft. at a scale of 1:24,000. Carrying these maps as a primary or backup source of navigation information is strongly recommended, even if you are familiar with the terrain. USGS maps of the 30 x 60 Minute Series, with a scale of 1:100,000, are commonly referred to as “land use maps” and are useful in determining what lands are publicly and privately owned, and which government agency is responsible for managing a particular publicly owned area. Also useful are US Forest Service, National Park, and State Park maps which show parking, camping, toilet, trash, and other visitor facilities. It is easy to get disoriented! Only the foolhardy will venture onto the mountains without adequate navigation equipment and the knowledge to use it. By itself a GPS device is not an adequate substitute since batteries do run down. Potential activators and chasers need only enter a summit’s decimal coordinates into Google Maps to see a topographic, satellite or road map of a summit or to find driving directions to the closest roads.

Safety considerations

Mountaineering and back-country hiking is an inherently risky endeavor. The consequences of thoughtless actions can be tragic. While the risks you assume by participating in SOTA activities can never be dismissed, they can be greatly diminished through knowledge, preparation and experience. The WØC Association contains vast expanses of remote, undeveloped land. Trail-heads may be located many miles from the nearest town, highway or home. Many areas have no cellphone coverage. Be sure your vehicle is appropriate for the roads you intend to travel, and is in good condition. Carry enough food and water to be stranded for a few days while waiting for help to come. The most mountainous or backcountry areas are an inhospitable environment with scarce resources to sustain your life. The “Ten Essentials” is a list of essential items hiking authorities deem necessary for safe travel in the back-country. The Ten Essentials were first described in the 1930s by The Mountaineers, a Seattle-based organization for climbers and outdoor adventurers. Many regional organizations and authors recommend that hikers, backpackers, and climbers rigorously ensure they have the Ten Essentials with them. Carrying these basic items improves the chances that one is prepared for an unexpected emergency in the outdoors. The Mountaineer’s updated "systems" approach made its debut in the seventh edition of its seminal text on climbing and outdoor exploration, Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (The Mountaineers Books, 2003):

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1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 9

Updated Ten Essential "Systems"

• Navigation Systems (map, compass, GPS, etc)

• Sun protection (clothing, hats, sunglasses, skin protection creams)

• Insulation (extra clothing)

• Illumination (headlamps, LED flashlights, extra long-lasting batteries, solar panels)

• First-aid supplies

• Fire (matches, firestarters)

• Repair kit and tools

• Nutrition (extra food)

• Hydration (extra water, purification capability)

• Emergency shelter and signaling devices (mirrors, radios, Spot devices) A bear can destroy your car for a morsel of food left inside. The sting of a scorpion can hospitalize you. The bite of a rattlesnake can be fatal in the back-country. A mountain lion can track and attack you. Understanding the range and behavior of these animals and adapting your plans accordingly will greatly decrease your risk. The hiking or climbing approaches to many WØC SOTA summits can be long and technical. Assess your skill and fitness levels realistically and travel well within your limitations. Remember, once you make the summit, you are only half the way home. Often the down climb is where most accidents occur due to fatigue and lack of focus! "It's a round trip. Getting to the summit is optional, getting down is mandatory." (Ed Viesturs, first American to summit all 14 peaks over 8,000 meters).

Search and Rescue in Colorado

Colorado's organized search and rescue teams are volunteer organizations and do not charge for their services. Team members contribute their time to help anyone who needs assistance. The actual money spent may be as little as the fuel for vehicles to respond, or as much as many thousands of dollars if the mission lasts many days and involved aircraft. Ultimately, any expenses are borne by county sheriff or the SAR team. The Colorado Mountain Club has member insurance benefits including field rescue and extraction. Colorado SAR teams do not, and Colorado sheriffs may not, charge for SAR services. Remember, don't delay calling for help because you are afraid of a bill. Call as soon as necessary so help can be sent your way. If you, a member of your party or an immediate relative is a Colorado-licensed hunter or fisherman, have registered a boat, snowmobile or off-road vehicle, or have purchased a "Colorado Outdoor Recreation SAR Card," the county sheriff and the SAR units can be reimbursed for expenses by the Colorado SAR Fund, which is funded by those sportsmen and recreationalists. Possessing a current fishing license will aid authorities with funding your rescue should the need arise. A Colorado sheriff might ask a volunteer fire department to perform SAR for the county. However, a fire protection district (the legal format usually used in rural and frontier counties) is allowed, by state statute, to charge a fee only for "Ambulance Service" and "Emergency Medical Service" (CRS 32-1-1002(1)(e)); there is no authority to charge for any other service a fire protection district might perform (CRS 32-1-1001(1)(j)(I)).

Navigation and Weather

Mountaineering is an inherently risky endeavor. The consequences of thoughtless actions can be tragic. While the risks you assume by participating in SOTA activities can never be dismissed, they can be greatly diminished through knowledge, preparation and experience.

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 10

Mountain roads are often unstable and subject to temporary closure. The condition of access roads through forest, park, or BLM lands should be confirmed by contacting the managing agency. Highway travel conditions can be checked by calling 511 or visiting: Mountain weather in Colorado can vary from blazing heat to blowing snow at a single location in a single 12 hour period. Be prepared to travel and to stay for 1 unplanned day in any type of weather you may encounter. NOAA forecasts should be checked at before any travel commences. Current conditions and local hazardous weather warnings should be monitored on NOAA Weather Radio, with frequencies available at Flash flooding is a deadly threat in narrow canyons, foothills and desert areas. Observe posted warnings. Lightning is always a present danger above timberline! Know the early signs of weather associated with lightning. Avoid ridges, summits and out-crops. Do not stand under the highest tree. Seek safety by descending altitude if safe to do so. Many hikers succumb to dehydration and glucose depletion. Carry sufficient food and water. The approaches to many WØC-Colorado SOTA summits are long and technical. Assess your skill and fitness levels realistically and travel well within your limitations. Remember, once you make the summit, you are only half the way home. Often the down climb is where most accidents occur due to fatigue and lack of focus!

Environmental Considerations

FOLLOW ALL POSTED FIRE RESTRICTIONS OR YOU MAY END UP IN PRISON. Burn area restoration, use impact recovery, threatened species habitat preservation, and wildfire risks are common in public lands of Colorado and are subject to temporary use restrictions and area closures. Such changes to access are always advertised and well posted. Check with the administering agencies and NEVER violate these restrictions. Forest fires are common in the Colorado summertime and many Forest Service or BLM roads may be closed temporarily. Check with the nearest District Forest Service office for detailed information.

Foreign Amateurs

(Taken from the ARRL.ORG website)

Foreign Amateurs who wish to operate in the US may do so if the country of which they are a citizen and amateur licensee has entered into a bilateral or multilateral reciprocal operating agreement with the US. Such agreements can include a reciprocal licensing agreement, CEPT license, or IARP permit. No additional permit is required -- simply bring your original license, issued by your home country when you visit the US; and be sure to identify your station while operating by the US call district identifier (e.g., followed by your non-US call sign (WØ/G1ABC). For full details of operating in the USA with a foreign license, please see the ARRL website at The ARRL is America’s and perhaps the world’s largest ham radio club and is an invaluable resource of operating information for foreign and domestic ham radio operators. In general the FCC welcomes foreign amateurs and receiving operating permission should be reasonably easy. In the USA FCC regulations should be strictly adhered to.

Band plan information can be found here:

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1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 W0C Association Reference Manual Page 11

Additionally, the Association Manager is not aware of any customs regulations addressing the importation of ham radios to America, and in general FCC type acceptance standards are loose enough to allow for operation of foreign type accepted amateur radios and even homebrew radios.

Finally, foreign hams should be sure to read and understand ARM section 1.3 Rights of Way and Access Issues.

If no agreement exists, it is possible for foreign citizens to take the U.S. ham radio exam to receive their FCC issued license. Any individual can take the exam except agents of foreign governments. Dates and locations of license exams can be found here:

Please note, it will take at least two weeks for a newly licensed ham to receive his license and operating privileges, and it is advisable that a foreign ham allow much more time. Also remember that in the U.S. a ham must carry his license on his person whenever he is operating ham radio gear, his license cannot be left at home or in his hotel.

Association Awards

There are no W0C Association awards at this time. The SOTA Shop has a number of awards, trophies, and merchandise available.

Process to maintain summit lists

The WØC-Colorado Association Manager shall make available to all interested parties a process to petition for the addition, correction, or removal of summit listings. A summit is to be added to the list if the petitioner demonstrates that it meets the qualification of prominence and that public access is available. A summit listing is to be corrected if the petitioner demonstrates that the factual information presented is incorrect. A summit is to be deleted if the petitioner demonstrates a permanent lack of public access to, or prohibition on radio operations from, its location. Petitions are to be reviewed and appropriate action taken at least once per calendar year.

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7 Summit Reference Data

Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Front Range (FR)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Front Range (WØC/FR-XXX)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional Notes

The Front Range is Colorado’s longest range and extends 175 miles from the Wyoming border to the Arkansas River Valley to the south. As one of Colorado's great ranges it rises as much as 8,000 feet above the eastern plains. The western border of the Front Range, which is not as well defined as the eastern border, is generally bound by North Park, Middle Park and South Park. The Continental Divide passes through the northern portion of the range before heading west into the Mosquito Range. Grays Peak of the Front Range is the highest point on the Continental Divide in both Colorado and the Rocky Mountains.

Table of Summits

Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/FR-001 Mount Lincoln 14286 4354 39.3514 -106.1112 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 3862

W0C/FR-002 Grays Peak 14270 4349 39.6338 -105.8175 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2770

W0C/FR-003 Mount Evans 14264 4348 39.5884 -105.6434 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2764

W0C/FR-004 Pikes Peak 14110 4301 38.8406 -105.0444 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 5530

W0C/FR-005 Mount Silverheels 13822 4213 39.3394 -106.0053 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2280

W0C/FR-006 Bard Peak 13641 4158 39.7203 -105.8042 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1701

W0C/FR-007 Rosalie Peak 13575 4138 39.5561 -105.6065 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 675

W0C/FR-008 Hagues Peak 13560 4133 40.4845 -105.6463 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2420

W0C/FR-009 Ypsilon Mountain 13514 4119 40.4572 -105.6812 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1116

W0C/FR-010 Fairchild Mountain 13502 4115 40.4685 -105.6643 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 922

W0C/FR-011 Apache Peak 13441 4097 40.0584 -105.6509 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1101

W0C/FR-012 Mount Alice 13310 4057 40.2392 -105.6635 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 850

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W0C/FR-013 Mount Audubon 13223 4030 40.0990 -105.6162 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 843

W0C/FR-014 Copeland Mountain 13176 4016 40.1820 -105.6464 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1156

W0C/FR-015 Mount Jasper 12923 3939 39.9947 -105.6831 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1023

W0C/FR-016 Mount Ida 12900 3932 40.3717 -105.7792 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-017 Mount Logan 12870 3923 39.4958 -105.6314 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1210

W0C/FR-018 Hallett Peak 12713 3875 40.3028 -105.6861 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 733

W0C/FR-019 Sundance Mountain 12466 3800 40.4083 -105.7106 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1166

W0C/FR-020 Kataka Mountain 12441 3792 39.5293 -105.6609 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 701

W0C/FR-021 Bison Peak 12431 3789 39.2385 -105.4978 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2451

W0C/FR-022 Peak X 12429 3788 39.3680 -105.6053 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1759

W0C/FR-023 Almagre Mountain 12367 3769 38.7913 -104.9935 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1317

W0C/FR-024 Mount Evans 12335 3760 39.5508 -105.6937 8 1/5/2010 31/01/2013 317

W0C/FR-025 McCurdy Mountain 12168 3709 39.2194 -105.4683 8 1/5/2010 31/01/2099 789

W0C/FR-026 Saint Vrain Mountain 12162 3707 40.1610 -105.5856 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 902

W0C/FR-027 Cameron Peak 12127 3696 40.6247 -105.8947 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1107

W0C/FR-028 Windy Peak 12608 3843 37.4661 -106.402 6 1/5/2010 30/11/2018 543

W0C/FR-029 North Tarryall Peak 11902 3628 39.3119 -105.6106 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 882

W0C/FR-030 Chief Mountain 11709 3569 39.6757 -105.5228 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1049

W0C/FR-031 Black Mountain 11654 3552 38.7184 -105.6873 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2234

W0C/FR-032 Buffalo Peak 11589 3532 39.2755 -105.3681 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 929

W0C/FR-033 Saxon Mountain 11546 3519 39.7233 -105.6695 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 566

W0C/FR-034 Mount Rosa 11499 3505 38.7541 -104.9480 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1199

W0C/FR-035 Meridian Hill 11490 3502 39.5564 -105.4864 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 830

W0C/FR-036 Bighorn Mountain 11463 3494 40.4296 -105.6200 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 803

W0C/FR-037 East Twin Sisters Peaks 11428 3483 40.2885 -105.5174 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2298

W0C/FR-038 South Tarryall Peak 11206 3416 39.1549 -105.4410 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1186

W0C/FR-039 Estes Cone 11006 3355 40.2951 -105.5672 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 746

W0C/FR-040 Mount Garfield 10940 3335 38.8076 -104.9475 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 840

W0C/FR-041 Dicks Peak 10722 3268 38.7954 -105.6405 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 702

W0C/FR-042 Santa Fe Mountain 10537 3212 39.7105 -105.4715 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1077

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W0C/FR-044 Green Mountain 10421 3176 39.3052 -105.3001 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1859

W0C/FR-045 Mount Pisgah 10390 3167 38.7558 -105.2180 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 940

W0C/FR-046 West White Pine Mountain

10305 3141 40.6052 -105.4717 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1445

W0C/FR-047 Mount Judge 10301 3140 39.6673 -105.4563 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 521

W0C/FR-048 Thunder Butte 9836 2998 39.1717 -105.1975 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1376

W0C/FR-049 Centralia Mountain 9795 2986 39.8284 -105.3705 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1055

W0C/FR-050 Lily Mountain 9786 2983 40.3191 -105.5411 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 846

W0C/FR-051 Devils Head 9748 2971 39.2603 -105.1013 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1248

W0C/FR-052 Ormes Peak 9727 2965 38.9506 -104.9350 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1221

W0C/FR-053 Cheyenne Mountain 9565 2915 38.7371 -104.8807 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1111

W0C/FR-054 Douglas Mountain 9550 2911 39.7518 -105.6761 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 810

W0C/FR-055 Kenny Mountain 9290 2832 40.2916 -105.4170 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 710

W0C/FR-056 Panorama Peak 9284 2830 40.3520 -105.4087 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1224

W0C/FR-057 Crosier Mountain 9250 2819 40.4322 -105.4248 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1270

W0C/FR-058 Emerald Mountain 9237 2815 40.3307 -105.5872 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 537

W0C/FR-059 Little Scraggy Peak 9192 2802 39.3148 -105.2754 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 772

W0C/FR-060 Berrian Mountain 9147 2788 39.5549 -105.2923 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 927

W0C/FR-061 Taylor Mountain 9134 2784 40.1957 -105.4678 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 754

W0C/FR-062 Mount Bailey 9089 2770 39.4152 -105.4597 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 549

W0C/FR-063 Mount Herman 9063 2762 39.0818 -104.9264 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 643

W0C/FR-064 West Crosier 9020 2749 40.4291 -105.4384 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-065 Doublehead Mountain 8980 2737 39.5620 -105.2580 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 720

W0C/FR-066 Tappan Mountain 8954 2729 39.0732 -105.3908 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 547

W0C/FR-067 Crescent Mountain 8945 2726 39.8930 -105.3136 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 965

W0C/FR-068 Eagle Cliff Mountain 8906 2715 40.3585 -105.5757 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 686

W0C/FR-069 Prospect Mountain 8900 2713 40.3596 -105.5219 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 840

W0C/FR-070 Castle Mountain 8834 2693 40.3895 -105.5502 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 534

W0C/FR-071 Long Scraggy Peak 8812 2686 39.3493 -105.2019 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1272

W0C/FR-072 Mount Olympus 8808 2685 40.3748 -105.4617 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 828

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W0C/FR-073 Redskin Mountain 8783 2677 39.3587 -105.3639 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 763

W0C/FR-074 Bear Mountain 8629 2630 39.6229 -105.2902 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 809

W0C/FR-075 South Boulder Peak 8549 2606 39.9537 -105.2992 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1089

W0C/FR-076 Evergreen Mountain 8536 2602 39.6104 -105.3609 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 556

W0C/FR-077 Sugarloaf Peak 8501 2591 39.2493 -105.3057 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 561

W0C/FR-078 Banner Peak 8500 2591 39.4192 -105.2958 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 680

W0C/FR-079 Mount Ethel 8471 2582 40.6354 -105.3528 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1145

W0C/FR-080 Sheep Mountain 8450 2576 40.4121 -105.3108 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1108

W0C/FR-081 Button Rock Mountain 8450 2576 40.2534 -105.3853 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 830

W0C/FR-082 Triangle Mountain 8415 2565 40.4648 -105.4513 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 595

W0C/FR-083 Eldorado Mountain 8340 2542 39.9129 -105.2926 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 640

W0C/FR-084 Palisade Mountain 8264 2519 40.4403 -105.3108 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1084

W0C/FR-085 Green Mountain 8144 2482 39.9821 -105.3014 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 524

W0C/FR-086 Coffintop Mountain 8060 2457 40.1976 -105.3563 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 760

W0C/FR-087 Bennett Mountain 8045 2452 39.3861 -105.1245 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 545

W0C/FR-088 Mount McConnel 8020 2444 40.6720 -105.4645 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-089 Cheesman Mountain 7946 2422 39.2338 -105.2707 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 766

W0C/FR-090 Christ Mountain 7919 2414 40.5753 -105.2847 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 539

W0C/FR-091 Blue Mountain 7888 2404 40.3353 -105.2810 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1108

W0C/FR-092 Mount Morrison 7881 2402 39.6691 -105.2198 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 741

W0C/FR-093 Bald Mountain 7881 2402 39.1377 -104.8489 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 661

W0C/FR-094 North Greyrock 7681 2341 40.7274 -105.3008 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1101

W0C/FR-095 Greyrock Mountain 7613 2320 40.7158 -105.2925 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 753

W0C/FR-096 Rattlesnake Butte 7575 2309 39.1967 -104.8444 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 585

W0C/FR-097 Sheep Mountain 7555 2303 40.6820 -105.4248 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 695

W0C/FR-098 Cook Mountain 7540 2298 40.2153 -105.4057 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-099 Livermore Mountain 7504 2287 40.757 -105.2924 1 40183 31/12/2099 644

W0C/FR-101 Dawson Butte 7481 2280 39.3003 -104.9378 1 40183 31/12/2099 711

W0C/FR-102 Horsetooth Mountain 7255 2211 40.5395 -105.1967 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 595

W0C/FR-103 Alexander Mountain 7105 2166 40.4277 -105.2511 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 605

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W0C/FR-104 Bonner Peak 6944 2117 40.7393 -105.2045 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1014

W0C/FR-105 Timber Mountain 6896 2102 38.5680 -104.8791 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 526

W0C/FR-106 Milner Mountain 6881 2097 40.4974 -105.1824 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1119

W0C/FR-107 Green Mountain 6855 2089 39.7010 -105.1779 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 675

W0C/FR-108 Indian Mountain 6591 2009 40.2623 -105.2506 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 611

W0C/FR-109 North Table Mountain 6575 2004 39.7789 -105.2204 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 580

W0C/FR-110 Longs Peak 14255 4345 40.2550 -105.6152 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2940

W0C/FR-111 Chiefs Head Peak 13579 4139 40.2497 -105.6416 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 719

W0C/FR-112 North Arapaho Peak 13502 4115 40.0264 -105.6502 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1665

W0C/FR-113 Kiowa Peak 13276 4047 40.0478 -105.6243 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 736

W0C/FR-114 Arikaree Peak 13150 4008 40.0467 -105.6384 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/FR-115 Ogalalla Peak 13138 4004 40.1700 -105.6667 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 718

W0C/FR-116 Isolation Peak 13118 3998 40.2024 -105.6778 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 938

W0C/FR-117 Mount Julian 12928 3941 40.3711 -105.7575 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/FR-118 Stones Peak 12922 3939 40.3544 -105.7206 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 902

W0C/FR-119 Comanche Peak Wilderness HP

12716 3876 40.5509 -105.6847 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1456

W0C/FR-120 McReynolds Peak 12450 3795 38.8126 -105.0803 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 540

W0C/FR-121 Sheep Mountain 12397 3779 38.7931 -105.0547 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 567

W0C/FR-122 Skyscraper Peak 12383 3774 39.9597 -105.6808 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 636

W0C/FR-123 Trail Ridge 12355 3766 40.4296 -105.7572 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 528

W0C/FR-124 11859 11859 3615 40.5791 -105.7253 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 639

W0C/FR-125 Sheep Mountain 11820 3603 40.6820 -105.9339 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-126 Crown Benchmark 11637 3547 40.6153 -105.6627 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/FR-127 Signal Mountain 11262 3433 40.5255 -105.5115 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 802

W0C/FR-128 Confluence Peak 11220 3420 40.4994 -105.7494 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/FR-129 Cow Mountain 11143 3396 38.7580 -105.0847 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/FR-130 Killpecker Mountain 11020 3359 40.7703 -105.7160 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1880

W0C/FR-131 10980 10980 3347 40.5351 -105.7789 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/FR-132 Trachyte Knob 10862 3311 38.7733 -105.1068 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 532

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W0C/FR-133 Big Bull Mountain 10832 3302 38.7153 -105.1123 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 842

W0C/FR-134 Tuckaway Mountain 10820 3298 38.8140 -104.9712 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/FR-135 Bull Hill 10808 3294 38.7361 -105.1399 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 607

W0C/FR-136 Rhyolite Mountain 10780 3286 38.7826 -105.1668 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 690

W0C/FR-137 10720 10720 3267 40.5139 -105.4465 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/FR-138 Cameron Cone 10707 3263 38.8312 -104.9545 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 527

W0C/FR-139 10654 10654 3247 39.2206 -105.3776 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 634

W0C/FR-140 10650 10650 3246 38.7267 -104.9880 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 670

W0C/FR-141 10620 10620 3237 39.2545 -105.3939 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-142 Raspberry Mountain 10605 3232 38.9071 -105.1244 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/FR-143 Brind Mountain 10492 3198 38.6941 -105.1169 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/FR-144 Knights Peak 10490 3197 38.7254 -104.9463 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/FR-145 McGregor Mountain 10486 3196 40.4136 -105.5768 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 956

W0C/FR-146 East White Pine Mountain

10248 3124 40.6048 -105.4463 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 628

W0C/FR-147 10148 10148 3093 40.8080 -106.0032 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 516

W0C/FR-148 Buckeye Mountain 10140 3091 39.9219 -105.5626 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-149 Green Mountain 10140 3091 38.6966 -104.9634 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-150 Thunder Peak 10134 3089 40.3135 -105.5674 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 554

W0C/FR-151 Bull Mountain 10082 3073 40.9175 -105.8346 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1106

W0C/FR-152 The Needles 10068 3069 40.4155 -105.5512 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 928

W0C/FR-153 Ely Hill 10045 3062 39.8047 -105.4207 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1105

W0C/FR-154 10020 10020 3054 40.6410 -105.8185 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-155 Deer Mountain 10013 3052 40.3793 -105.5844 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1073

W0C/FR-156 9986 9986 3044 40.6035 -105.8073 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 806

W0C/FR-157 Black Mountain 9949 3032 40.8719 -105.6390 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 689

W0C/FR-158 9880 9880 3011 38.6581 -105.1586 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/FR-159 Little Pisgah Peak 9808 2989 38.6754 -105.1808 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/FR-160 Pierson Mountain 9803 2988 40.3025 -105.4748 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 703

W0C/FR-161 The Castle 9691 2954 39.3113 -105.3806 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 591

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W0C/FR-162 Crystal Peak 9637 2937 38.9961 -105.2893 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 577

W0C/FR-163 9595 9595 2925 38.7848 -105.2198 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 605

W0C/FR-164 Visitor Point 9501 2896 39.8274 -105.3973 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 681

W0C/FR-165 Signal Butte 9459 2883 39.0583 -105.2229 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 559

W0C/FR-166 Riley Peak 9428 2874 39.4844 -105.2812 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 888

W0C/FR-167 Blue Mountain 9420 2871 39.8749 -105.3542 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-168 9410 9410 2868 38.7178 -104.8944 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 710

W0C/FR-169 Middle Mountain 9344 2848 40.7591 -105.8717 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 764

W0C/FR-170 Blue Benchmark 9322 2841 39.8768 -105.3379 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 702

W0C/FR-171 Green Mountain 9245 2818 40.9600 -105.6315 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/FR-172 9166 9166 2794 40.6209 -105.4173 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 506

W0C/FR-173 Rollins Benchmark 9153 2790 39.9156 -105.4872 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 573

W0C/FR-174 Bald Mountain 9147 2788 40.0254 -105.4517 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 527

W0C/FR-175 9128 9128 2782 39.5263 -105.2867 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 828

W0C/FR-176 Red Mountain 9103 2775 40.9945 -105.9350 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 883

W0C/FR-177 Popeye Peak 9008 2746 40.2305 -105.5195 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 548

W0C/FR-178 Sheeprock 8877 2706 39.1896 -105.3304 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 977

W0C/FR-179 8849 8849 2697 40.2269 -105.4571 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/FR-180 8812 8812 2686 39.4611 -105.3131 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/FR-181 Scar Top Mountain 8780 2676 39.9097 -105.3270 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/FR-182 South Sheeprock 8740 2664 39.1650 -105.3302 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-183 8740 8740 2664 40.9021 -105.5565 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-184 Twin Sisters Peak 8738 2663 39.9728 -105.3846 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 598

W0C/FR-185 Centennial Cone 8679 2645 39.7524 -105.3591 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 779

W0C/FR-186 8588 8588 2618 40.1402 -105.3511 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 728

W0C/FR-187 Cathedral Spires 8580 2615 39.4224 -105.2559 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/FR-188 8488 8488 2587 40.6978 -105.6376 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 548

W0C/FR-189 8422 8422 2567 40.1838 -105.3781 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 762

W0C/FR-190 Coffee Pot Hill 8346 2544 39.4874 -105.1807 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/FR-191 8315 8315 2534 40.1525 -105.3457 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

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W0C/FR-192 8310 8310 2533 40.4040 -105.3418 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 876

W0C/FR-193 South Sheep Mountain 8300 2530 40.2086 -105.4263 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-194 Genesee Mountain 8284 2525 39.7032 -105.2938 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 624

W0C/FR-195 Raleigh Peak 8191 2497 39.3955 -105.2149 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 651

W0C/FR-196 8161 8161 2487 40.8144 -105.4739 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 594

W0C/FR-197 Flat Top Mountain 8100 2469 39.4987 -105.1648 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-198 7980 7980 2432 40.6738 -105.3689 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 802

W0C/FR-199 7965 7965 2428 39.5998 -105.2101 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 705

W0C/FR-200 7955 7955 2425 39.5748 -105.2063 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/FR-201 7835 7835 2388 40.7815 -105.4153 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 775

W0C/FR-202 Raspberry Butte 7740 2359 39.2196 -104.9092 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/FR-203 7660 7660 2335 40.6070 -105.2444 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 965

W0C/FR-204 7635 7635 2327 38.1254 -104.9863 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 705

W0C/FR-205 7612 7612 2320 40.6875 -105.4570 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/FR-206 Larkspur Butte 7535 2297 39.2263 -104.8666 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/FR-207 7521 7521 2292 40.5901 -105.2354 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 541

W0C/FR-208 7509 7509 2289 40.2737 -105.3502 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 769

W0C/FR-209 7501 7501 2286 40.7185 -105.3587 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 575

W0C/FR-210 7383 7383 2250 40.3581 -105.3079 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 523

W0C/FR-211 7335 7335 2236 40.3686 -105.2752 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/FR-212 7260 7260 2213 40.6363 -105.2586 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/FR-213 7220 7220 2201 40.9069 -105.3857 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-214 Table Mountain 7074 2156 40.9415 -105.1742 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/FR-215 South Ralston 6980 2128 39.8327 -105.2585 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-216 6823 6823 2080 40.7170 -105.2160 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 643

W0C/FR-217 6700 6700 2042 40.2514 -105.2689 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 920

W0C/FR-218 6674 6674 2034 40.4018 -105.2379 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 694

W0C/FR-219 Booth Mountain 6470 1972 38.4876 -104.8733 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/FR-220 6380 6380 1945 40.8485 -105.1465 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/FR-221 Weaver Peak 6250 1905 40.7588 -105.1578 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 580

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W0C/FR-222 10715 10715 3266 38.7452 -105.7255 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/FR-223 10472 10472 3192 40.5669 -105.8198 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 492

W0C/FR-224 10140 10140 3091 38.7809 -105.5206 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 600

W0C/FR-225 Agate Mountain 10002 3049 38.7889 -105.7883 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 502

W0C/FR-226 Rams Horn Mountain 9556 2913 40.3347 -105.5468 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 496

W0C/FR-227 8555 8555 2608 40.8364 -105.5466 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/FR-228 8037 8037 2450 40.6221 -105.3030 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 497

W0C/FR-229 7875 7875 2400 40.6592 -105.3333 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/FR-230 Windy Mountain 12608 3843 37.4661 -106.402 8 1/12/2018 31/12/2099 543

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Region Reference – Central Colorado: La Garita Wilderness Area (LG)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region La Garita WA (LG) WØC-Colorado (W0C/LG-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

One of Colorado's lesser known wilderness areas, the La Garita Wilderness is, in fact, one of the state's original five. Lagarita means "the lookout" in Spanish, and this wilderness amply deserves the name. From the summit of this wilderness's two fourteeners climbers can gaze across the upper Rio Grande Valley and down the long stretch of the San Luis Valley. About 35 miles of the Continental Divide lie well above a sprawling forestland that provides ideal habitats for huge numbers of elk and mule deer. La Garita's gentle alpine terrain offers refuge to thriving herds of elk, mule deer and bighorn sheep. Hikers are likely to encounter elk in the open alpine bowls along the divide. Many trailheads open onto approximately 175 miles of pathways, almost all especially well suited for horsepacking. Large expanses of untracked forests blanket La Garita's lower elevations, providing habitat for pine marten and other wilderness dependent species. The primeval spruce and fir forests of Wason Park and Silver Park on the south slopes of the La Garita Mountains comprise a singularly important undisturbed habitat. Like much of the San Juans, the La Garita Mountains consist of multiple layers of volcanic rocks. The most recent were laid down approximately 25 million years ago in deep layers of highly fluid basalt lava flows. As these cooled and shrunk, they formed vertical columns resembling the logs of a stockade. The lower, western slopes of Stewart and San Luis peaks show prime examples of these stacked hexagonal towers of basalt. The La Garita Mountains around the Wheeler Geologic Area contain volcanic deposits of a different sort. Here, the action of water, wind, and snow has eroded soft, rosy-hued volcanic tuff into ghostly pinnacles, spires and other fluted shapes. How unexpected it is to scramble through the forest to treeline only to encounter delicate formations more commonly associated with the arid deserts of the Colorado Plateau!

Table of summits

Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/LG-001 Crestone Peak 14294 4357 37.9667 -105.5853 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 4554

W0C/LG-002 Kit Carson Mountain 14165 4317 37.9797 -105.6025 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1025

W0C/LG-003 Stewart Peak 13983 4262 38.0230 -106.9233 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 883

W0C/LG-004 Organ Mountain 13801 4207 37.9912 -106.8952 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 694

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W0C/LG-005 Baldy Alto 13698 4175 38.0053 -106.9215 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/LG-006 Pico Aislado 13611 4149 37.9442 -105.5589 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 831

W0C/LG-007 13546 13546 4129 38.0035 -105.6190 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 646

W0C/LG-008 13490 13490 4112 38.1212 -105.6855 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 990

W0C/LG-009 Mount Herard 13340 4066 37.8492 -105.4949 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2040

W0C/LG-010 Mount Owen 13340 4066 38.1389 -105.7136 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/LG-011 Antora Peak 13269 4044 38.3249 -106.2180 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2409

W0C/LG-012 Medano Peak 13153 4009 37.8614 -105.4924 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 653

W0C/LG-013 13062 13062 3981 38.0949 -105.6895 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 842

W0C/LG-014 Pyramid Mountain 13054 3979 38.0601 -105.6589 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 594

W0C/LG-015 Mesa Mountain 12980 3956 37.9044 -106.6348 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/LG-016 12883 12883 3927 37.8735 -105.4861 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 663

W0C/LG-017 Gibson Peak 12878 3925 38.0731 -105.7126 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 658

W0C/LG-018 Boot Mountain 12422 3786 37.9204 -106.5414 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 682

W0C/LG-019 Whale Hill 12162 3707 38.3217 -106.1034 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1142

W0C/LG-020 Sawtooth Mountain 12147 3702 38.2739 -106.8671 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1927

W0C/LG-021 Hayden Peak 12130 3697 38.2750 -106.1040 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 750

W0C/LG-022 12086 12086 3684 37.9223 -106.7332 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 706

W0C/LG-023 Sheep Mountain 12085 3684 37.9467 -106.7317 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 905

W0C/LG-024 Flagstaff Mountain 12072 3680 38.2756 -106.1996 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 532

W0C/LG-025 Long Branch Baldy 11974 3650 38.3221 -106.4740 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1474

W0C/LG-026 Table Mountain 11900 3627 38.0017 -106.7810 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/LG-027 Sargents Mesa 11724 3573 38.2878 -106.3845 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 544

W0C/LG-028 Razor Creek Dome 11530 3514 38.3160 -106.7169 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1310

W0C/LG-029 Lookout Mountain 11516 3510 37.9871 -106.4798 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 936

W0C/LG-030 11504 11504 3506 38.0912 -106.7396 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1004

W0C/LG-031 Lujan Benchmark 11361 3463 38.252 -106.5896 6 1/8/2011 30/11/2018

W0C/LG-032 Blue Mountain 11322 3451 37.8338 -106.4780 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1142

W0C/LG-033 Mount KIA/MIA 11282 3439 38.3667 -106.2056 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 582

W0C/LG-034 11236 11236 3425 37.9873 -106.3308 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1292

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W0C/LG-035 11140 11140 3395 38.1258 -106.9570 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/LG-036 Cochetopa Dome 11132 3393 38.2267 -106.7146 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1742

W0C/LG-037 Tracy Mountain 11017 3358 38.0192 -106.2998 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 717

W0C/LG-038 10998 10998 3352 38.1986 -106.5825 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 858

W0C/LG-039 10989 10989 3349 38.2291 -106.5547 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 653

W0C/LG-040 10936 10936 3333 38.3381 -106.5943 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 996

W0C/LG-041 Green Mountain 10930 3331 38.2903 -106.6478 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/LG-042 Spruce Mountain 10866 3312 38.0353 -106.3575 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/LG-043 Storm King Mountain 10849 3307 37.9497 -106.4142 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 886

W0C/LG-044 10805 10805 3293 38.3561 -106.6291 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/LG-045 10718 10718 3267 37.9164 -106.3443 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 698

W0C/LG-046 Hat Mountain 10630 3240 38.0186 -106.5139 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/LG-047 10610 10610 3234 38.2549 -106.9802 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/LG-048 10551 10551 3216 38.2044 -106.1576 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 651

W0C/LG-049 Saguache Peak 10550 3216 38.1514 -106.1078 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 610

W0C/LG-050 North Twin Mountains 10530 3210 37.7767 -106.4714 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 990

W0C/LG-051 Eagle Mountain 10462 3189 37.8158 -106.4070 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 842

W0C/LG-052 Mount Lion 10402 3171 38.0566 -106.4073 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 622

W0C/LG-053 10396 10396 3169 38.1566 -106.6368 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 616

W0C/LG-054 Big Hill 10243 3122 38.3660 -106.5734 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 663

W0C/LG-055 10150 10150 3094 37.8716 -106.4086 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 610

W0C/LG-056 Trickle Mountain 10132 3088 38.1561 -106.3953 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 912

W0C/LG-057 9610 9610 2929 37.8214 -106.3663 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 830

W0C/LG-058 9532 9532 2905 38.2149 -106.0351 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 712

W0C/LG-059 9519 9519 2901 38.1564 -106.4376 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 699

W0C/LG-060 Houghland Hill 9512 2899 38.1309 -106.2939 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 852

W0C/LG-061 9403 9403 2866 38.4084 -106.7049 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 693

W0C/LG-062 9292 9292 2832 37.8812 -106.3072 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/LG-063 9175 9175 2797 37.9133 -106.2661 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/LG-064 9033 9033 2753 37.8041 -106.3383 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

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W0C/LG-065 9020 9020 2749 37.7631 -106.4080 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/LG-066 8938 8938 2724 38.0584 -106.1808 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 628

W0C/LG-067 8790 8790 2679 37.7625 -106.3545 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 500

W0C/LG-068 11380 11380 3469 38.2541 -106.5888 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 840

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Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Mt Zirkel Wilderness Area (MZ)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Mt Zirkel WA WØC-Colorado (WØC/MZ-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The Mount Zirkel Wilderness is located in North Central Colorado near the towns of Walden, Steamboat Springs, and Clark Colorado, just south of the Wyoming border. The wilderness lies within the Routt National Forest on 160,648 acres of land which straddle the Continental Divide and includes the Park Range and the southern edge of the Sierra Madre Range.The rugged peaks of the Sawtooth Range and the headwaters of the Elk, Encampment, and North Platte Rivers also lie within the wilderness. The highest point is the wilderness is the peak of Mount Zirkel at 12,180 feet, one of 15 peaks in the wilderness over 12,000 feet elevation. The wilderness contains over 70 lakes.

Table of summits

Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/MZ-001 Big Agnes Mountain 12060 3676 40.8297 -106.6923 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/MZ-002 Mount Hobbs 11577 3529 40.6521 -106.7151 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 637

W0C/MZ-003 South Buck Mountain 11396 3474 40.8679 -106.7389 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1576

W0C/MZ-004 11085 11085 3379 40.0249 -107.0319 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/MZ-005 10970 10970 3344 40.5817 -106.7302 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/MZ-006 McFaddin Peak 10879 3316 40.7635 -107.0575 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2182

W0C/MZ-007 Farwell Mountain 10860 3310 40.8243 -106.8486 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1240

W0C/MZ-008 10778 10778 3285 40.1857 -106.6778 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 758

W0C/MZ-009 Gore Mountain 10687 3257 40.2234 -106.6570 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 947

W0C/MZ-010 Mount Oliphant 10670 3252 40.8139 -107.3784 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/MZ-011 West Bears Ears Peaks 10577 3224 40.7773 -107.2493 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1037

W0C/MZ-012 Meaden Peak 10561 3219 40.7674 -107.0778 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 581

W0C/MZ-013 Walton Peak 10559 3218 40.3545 -106.6993 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1019

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W0C/MZ-014 Green Ridge 10555 3217 40.1314 -106.7925 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1535

W0C/MZ-015 Dome Peak 10524 3208 40.8719 -106.8209 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 824

W0C/MZ-016 Black Mountain 10454 3186 39.9870 -106.6535 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1354

W0C/MZ-017 Diamond Peak 10428 3178 40.8030 -107.0750 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 768

W0C/MZ-018 10387 10387 3166 40.2859 -106.6915 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 887

W0C/MZ-019 Cougar Mountain 10335 3150 40.7735 -107.3023 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/MZ-020 Nipple Peak 10324 3147 40.8728 -107.0382 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1144

W0C/MZ-021 10296 10296 3138 40.3265 -106.7118 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 596

W0C/MZ-022 Columbus Mountain 10253 3125 40.8797 -107.1921 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1913

W0C/MZ-023 10252 10252 3125 40.8377 -107.0510 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 952

W0C/MZ-024 King Mountain 10180 3103 39.9901 -106.8509 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1040

W0C/MZ-025 Sugar Loaf Mountain 10100 3078 40.7819 -107.1860 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/MZ-026 Saddle Mountain 10057 3065 40.7997 -107.1528 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 917

W0C/MZ-027 9995 9995 3046 40.8253 -107.0274 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 815

W0C/MZ-028 Shield Mountain 9921 3024 40.9154 -107.0725 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 981

W0C/MZ-029 Brush Mountain 9869 3008 40.8768 -107.2491 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1289

W0C/MZ-030 Pilot Knob 9858 3005 40.6507 -107.1018 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 998

W0C/MZ-031 Iron Mountain 9725 2964 40.8575 -106.9886 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 825

W0C/MZ-032 9705 9705 2958 40.0272 -106.7198 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 645

W0C/MZ-033 9678 9678 2950 40.9026 -107.0477 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 618

W0C/MZ-034 Diamond Peak 9660 2944 40.9504 -108.8782 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2845

W0C/MZ-035 Anthracite Ridge 9620 2932 40.6898 -107.0952 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/MZ-036 9588 9588 2922 40.8323 -106.9626 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 528

W0C/MZ-037 Middle Mountain 9559 2914 40.9772 -108.9458 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1139

W0C/MZ-038 City Mountain 9557 2913 40.8816 -107.0023 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 697

W0C/MZ-039 9529 9529 2904 40.8140 -106.7925 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 949

W0C/MZ-040 Bakers Peak 9444 2879 40.9180 -107.4565 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1606

W0C/MZ-041 9354 9354 2851 40.6362 -106.8409 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/MZ-042 Quaker Mountain 9330 2844 40.6965 -107.1608 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 726

W0C/MZ-043 Piney Mountain 9315 2839 40.9479 -107.1145 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1495

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W0C/MZ-044 Grouse Mountain 9281 2829 40.8112 -106.9054 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 901

W0C/MZ-045 Long Mountain 9273 2826 40.9244 -107.3217 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1453

W0C/MZ-046 Circle Ridge 9243 2817 40.8915 -107.1550 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 703

W0C/MZ-047 9218 9218 2810 40.8410 -106.9855 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/MZ-048 Picket Mountain 9212 2808 40.7163 -107.0161 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/MZ-049 Wolf Mountain 9180 2798 40.5891 -107.1110 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 960

W0C/MZ-050 McAlpin Mountain 9180 2798 40.7392 -106.9965 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/MZ-051 9180 9180 2798 40.6215 -106.8378 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/MZ-052 9140 9140 2786 40.2414 -107.0509 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/MZ-053 9100 9100 2774 40.7456 -106.7835 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 706

W0C/MZ-054 Three Forks Mountain 9096 2772 40.9736 -107.0893 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1281

W0C/MZ-055 9070 9070 2765 40.7836 -106.7945 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 770

W0C/MZ-056 Kleins Hill 9048 2758 40.9873 -109.0261 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 707

W0C/MZ-057 Woodchuck Hill 8971 2734 40.2575 -106.8153 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1071

W0C/MZ-058 Thorpe Mountain 8970 2734 40.2999 -106.9147 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1470

W0C/MZ-059 8940 8940 2725 40.2348 -106.9995 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/MZ-060 8934 8934 2723 40.6940 -106.8667 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 514

W0C/MZ-061 Wild Mountain 8860 2701 40.6456 -109.0392 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1640

W0C/MZ-062 Buck Mountain 8860 2701 40.6871 -107.0090 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 580

W0C/MZ-063 Lester Mountain 8900 2713 40.7794 -106.9007 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/MZ-064 East Gibraltar Peak 8810 2685 40.8996 -107.2047 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/MZ-065 Elk Mountain 8744 2665 40.5693 -106.9669 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1672

W0C/MZ-066 Tanks Peak 8717 2657 40.4258 -108.7659 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2267

W0C/MZ-067 8710 8710 2655 40.7545 -106.9463 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/MZ-068 Blacktail Mountain 8681 2646 40.2989 -106.8410 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1261

W0C/MZ-069 8673 8673 2644 40.7552 -109.0453 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 522

W0C/MZ-070 South Limestone Ridge 8636 2632 40.8322 -108.7569 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/MZ-071 Hackens Benchmark 8624 2629 40.5952 -109.0195 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 644

W0C/MZ-072 Slippery Sides Mtn. 8612 2625 40.5612 -107.0598 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 912

W0C/MZ-073 Diamond Mountain 8587 2617 40.7096 -108.9422 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1619

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W0C/MZ-074 Limestone Ridge 8581 2615 40.6076 -108.9187 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1201

W0C/MZ-075 Buena Vista Peak 8580 2615 40.4408 -108.9251 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1120

W0C/MZ-076 Squaw Mountain 8545 2605 40.9776 -107.2301 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1005

W0C/MZ-077 Diamond Benchmark 8542 2604 40.7322 -108.9533 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1122

W0C/MZ-078 Bible Back Mountain 8523 2598 40.9461 -107.3549 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 703

W0C/MZ-079 Twin Buttes 8512 2594 40.9690 -107.2077 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 812

W0C/MZ-080 Moose Head Mountain 8495 2589 40.3171 -108.8635 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1035

W0C/MZ-081 West Gibraltar Peak 8452 2576 40.9266 -107.2483 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/MZ-082 Copper Ridge 8436 2571 40.5464 -106.8397 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 576

W0C/MZ-083 Camel Back Mountain 8422 2567 40.9463 -107.3405 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 562

W0C/MZ-084 8420 8420 2566 40.2984 -107.4741 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 571

W0C/MZ-085 Beaver Mountain 8411 2564 40.9588 -107.1783 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 791

W0C/MZ-086 Williams Benchmark 8327 2538 40.3539 -107.3689 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 859

W0C/MZ-087 8322 8322 2537 40.3494 -107.1549 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 742

W0C/MZ-088 8272 8272 2521 40.7788 -109.0393 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 812

W0C/MZ-089 Gray Hills 8260 2518 40.2239 -108.0963 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1280

W0C/MZ-090 Quarry Mountain 8260 2518 40.4639 -106.8724 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/MZ-091 Thornburgh Mountain 8255 2516 40.2310 -107.7085 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1275

W0C/MZ-092 Sand Mountain 8253 2516 40.5521 -107.0877 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 513

W0C/MZ-093 8196 2498 8196 40.3341 -108.7297 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 495

W0C/MZ-094 Offield Mountain 8175 2492 40.6833 -108.9562 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/MZ-095 8138 8138 2480 40.7485 -108.9946 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 822

W0C/MZ-096 Lookout Mountain 8120 2475 40.8641 -108.4837 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1228

W0C/MZ-097 Chavez Benchmark 8106 2471 40.4294 -107.0927 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1046

W0C/MZ-098 Round Mountain 8102 2469 40.6887 -106.9242 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 602

W0C/MZ-099 Perusek Benchmark 8067 2459 40.5645 -108.7505 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 567

W0C/MZ-100 8047 8047 2453 40.7918 -109.0358 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 507

W0C/MZ-101 Escarpment Peak 8020 2444 40.2977 -108.1281 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/MZ-102 Allred Peak 7980 2432 40.5271 -108.5558 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/MZ-103 Juniper Mountain 7874 2400 40.4494 -108.0295 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1254

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W0C/MZ-104 Tepee Benchmark 7828 2386 40.5341 -108.6554 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 638

W0C/MZ-105 Cross Mountain 7804 2379 40.5221 -108.3816 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1674

W0C/MZ-106 North Bears Ears 7710 2350 40.7499 -108.6220 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 864

W0C/MZ-107 Wapiti Peak 7710 2350 40.3740 -108.2808 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 730

W0C/MZ-108 7700 7700 2347 40.5737 -106.9105 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/MZ-109 7684 7684 2342 40.5211 -108.5203 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 574

W0C/MZ-110 7670 7670 2338 40.6089 -108.9767 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 690

W0C/MZ-111 7660 7660 2335 40.6901 -108.9120 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/MZ-112 7589 7589 2313 40.6677 -108.8649 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 819

W0C/MZ-113 Black Ridge 7580 2310 40.6544 -108.9417 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/MZ-114 7580 7580 2310 40.5561 -107.2447 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/MZ-115 Iles Mountain 7540 2298 40.3716 -107.6709 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1040

W0C/MZ-116 Cedar Mountain 7524 2293 40.5763 -107.6083 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 704

W0C/MZ-117 West Vermillion Bluffs 7519 2292 40.8454 -108.5500 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 644

W0C/MZ-118 7510 7510 2289 40.3547 -107.0710 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/MZ-119 7509 7509 2289 40.6839 -108.8929 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 689

W0C/MZ-120 Wolf Mountain 7460 2274 40.3711 -108.1668 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1220

W0C/MZ-121 7425 7425 2263 40.8212 -108.7245 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 765

W0C/MZ-122 Deer Mountain 7425 2263 40.5332 -106.8962 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 565

W0C/MZ-123 7420 7420 2262 40.7540 -108.9619 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/MZ-124 7312 7312 2229 40.7950 -108.7235 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/MZ-125 Elk Springs Ridge 7277 2218 40.3635 -108.3718 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 547

W0C/MZ-126 7259 7259 2213 40.3094 -107.6428 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 507

W0C/MZ-127 Monument Butte 7248 2209 40.2984 -107.6621 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 548

W0C/MZ-128 Godiva Rim 7243 2208 40.6141 -108.2156 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 693

W0C/MZ-129 Bald Mountain 7228 2203 40.6835 -108.1197 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 658

W0C/MZ-130 North Pinyon Ridge 7110 2167 40.2960 -108.3929 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/MZ-131 Duffy Mountain 7100 2164 40.3691 -107.7685 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/MZ-132 7071 7071 2155 40.5296 -108.9153 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 611

W0C/MZ-133 6975 6975 2126 40.2824 -108.7569 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 635

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W0C/MZ-134 6968 6968 2124 40.4330 -107.6743 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 588

W0C/MZ-135 South Cross Mountain 6830 2082 40.4571 -108.3444 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/MZ-136 Warm Springs Cliff 6820 2079 40.5277 -108.9299 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1120

W0C/MZ-137 6820 6820 2079 40.4460 -107.8236 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/MZ-138 Lone Mountain 6727 2050 40.5754 -108.4702 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/MZ-139 6682 6682 2037 40.7576 -108.9200 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 702

W0C/MZ-140 6340 6340 1932 40.4898 -108.8755 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/MZ-141 Jenny Lind Rock 6100 1859 40.5265 -108.9739 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/MZ-142 8540 8540 2603 40.4289 -108.8243 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 1002

W0C/MZ-143 7529 7529 2295 40.5349 -108.4852 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

W0C/MZ-144 6799 6799 2072 40.5214 -108.9125 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

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Region Reference – North Central Colorado: Park Range (PR)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Park Range WØC-Colorado (WØC/PR-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

North Park is a high, sparsely populated basin (approximately 8800 ft in elevation) in the Rocky Mountains in north central Colorado in the United States. It encompasses a wide valley in Jackson County rimmed by mountain ranges at the headwaters of the North Platte River and several smaller tributaries, including the Michigan River, Illinois River, and Canadian River. On the east side, it is rimmed by the Medicine Bow Mountains, the Never Summer Mountains and Rabbit Ears Range to the south, and the Park Range to the west. The continental divide rims the Park along the south and west.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/PR-001 Clark Peak 12951 3947 40.6067 -105.9300 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2771

W0C/PR-002 Mount Richthofen 12951 3947 40.4694 -105.8950 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2691

W0C/PR-003 Byers Peak 12804 3903 39.8644 -105.9472 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1272

W0C/PR-004 Ute Peak 12303 3750 39.7854 -106.0772 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1123

W0C/PR-005 Parkview Mountain 12296 3748 40.3303 -106.1361 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2676

W0C/PR-006 Lulu Mountain 12228 3727 40.4799 -105.8627 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 897

W0C/PR-007 Mount Epworth 11843 3610 39.9224 -105.6952 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 503

W0C/PR-008 Gravel Mountain 11769 3587 40.2751 -105.9956 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1389

W0C/PR-009 Elk Mountain 11422 3481 40.1619 -106.1284 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2162

W0C/PR-010 Owl Mountain 10957 3340 40.4684 -106.0426 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1309

W0C/PR-011 Hahns Peak 10839 3304 40.8427 -106.9297 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1619

W0C/PR-012 Mount Werner 10565 3220 40.4561 -106.7403 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 505

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W0C/PR-013 Torreys Peak 14267 4349 39.6427 -105.8211 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/PR-014 Quandary Peak 14265 4348 39.3972 -106.1063 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1125

W0C/PR-015 Mount Bierstadt 14060 4285 39.5826 -105.6687 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/PR-016 Pacific Peak 13950 4252 39.4231 -106.1231 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/PR-017 Crystal Peak 13852 4222 39.4345 -106.1144 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 632

W0C/PR-018 Square Top Mountain 13794 4204 39.5933 -105.7631 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 814

W0C/PR-019 Bald Mountain 13684 4171 39.4448 -105.9705 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2099

W0C/PR-020 Gray Wolf Mountain 13602 4146 39.6173 -105.6606 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 582

W0C/PR-021 Mount Parnassus 13574 4137 39.7202 -105.8227 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 537

W0C/PR-022 Grizzly Peak 13427 4093 39.6441 -105.8487 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 847

W0C/PR-023 Eagles Nest 13420 4090 39.7756 -106.3504 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/PR-024 Mount Wilcox 13408 4087 39.6157 -105.7569 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 548

W0C/PR-025 Rogers Peak 13391 4082 39.6156 -105.6176 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 515

W0C/PR-026 Engelmann Peak 13362 4073 39.7455 -105.8006 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 542

W0C/PR-027 Mount Silverthorne 13357 4071 39.6540 -106.1892 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1097

W0C/PR-028 McHenrys Peak 13327 4062 40.2631 -105.6572 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 907

W0C/PR-029 Peak G 13260 4042 39.7326 -106.3220 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/PR-030 Peak Z 13245 4037 39.7142 -106.2498 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 785

W0C/PR-031 Mount Sniktau 13234 4034 39.6785 -105.8576 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/PR-032 Peak Q 13230 4033 39.7191 -106.2867 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 730

W0C/PR-033 Peak L 13213 4027 39.7421 -106.2796 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 753

W0C/PR-034 Jacque Peak 13205 4025 39.4549 -106.1972 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2065

W0C/PR-035 Red Peak 13189 4020 39.6365 -106.1711 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 929

W0C/PR-036 Kelso Mountain 13164 4012 39.6589 -105.8002 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 784

W0C/PR-037 Keller Mountain 13085 3988 39.6900 -106.2316 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 745

W0C/PR-038 Peak R 12995 3961 39.7216 -106.2779 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/PR-039 Tenmile Peak 12933 3942 39.5358 -106.1211 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 793

W0C/PR-040 The Elephant 12865 3921 39.7439 -106.3065 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 565

W0C/PR-041 Howard Mountain 12810 3904 40.4269 -105.8989 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/PR-042 Hopi 12780 3895 40.0637 -105.6738 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

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W0C/PR-043 12763 12763 3890 39.8305 -105.8726 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 623

W0C/PR-044 Coon Hill 12757 3888 39.6889 -105.9458 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 577

W0C/PR-045 Sprague Mountain 12713 3875 40.3467 -105.7364 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 573

W0C/PR-046 Mount Nimbus 12706 3873 40.3966 -105.9038 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 646

W0C/PR-047 Bills Peak 12703 3872 39.8558 -105.9627 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 643

W0C/PR-048 Dwarf Pyramid 12664 3860 39.7613 -106.3251 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 724

W0C/PR-049 South Rawah Peak 12644 3854 40.6592 -105.9558 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 864

W0C/PR-050 Independence Mountain 12614 3845 39.5816 -105.9100 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 754

W0C/PR-051 Andrews Peak 12565 3830 40.2439 -105.7098 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1185

W0C/PR-052 Bowen Mountain 12524 3817 40.3605 -105.9333 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1271

W0C/PR-053 Ptarmigan Peak 12498 3809 39.6907 -106.0263 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 721

W0C/PR-054 Mount Mahler 12493 3808 40.4715 -105.9091 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 513

W0C/PR-055 Specimen Mountain 12489 3807 40.4447 -105.8083 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1731

W0C/PR-056 Copper Mountain 12441 3792 39.4689 -106.1570 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/PR-057 Hiamovi Mountain 12395 3778 40.1584 -105.6958 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 895

W0C/PR-058 Watanga Mountain 12375 3772 40.1689 -105.7135 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 595

W0C/PR-059 Cascade Mountain 12311 3752 40.3396 -105.9601 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 835

W0C/PR-060 Snowdrift Peak 12274 3741 40.3103 -105.7431 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/PR-061 Iron Mountain 12265 3738 40.5067 -105.8525 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1005

W0C/PR-062 Paprika Peak 12253 3735 40.3864 -105.9361 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 553

W0C/PR-063 Nakai Peak 12216 3723 40.3435 -105.7758 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 636

W0C/PR-064 Mount Zirkel 12180 3712 40.8314 -106.6631 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3470

W0C/PR-065 Flattop Mountain 12118 3694 40.8047 -106.6355 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 578

W0C/PR-066 12111 12111 3691 39.7325 -106.0022 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 728

W0C/PR-067 Mount Cindy 12047 3672 40.4181 -105.9403 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 627

W0C/PR-068 East Twin Peaks 11957 3644 40.1644 -105.7527 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/PR-069 Lost Ranger Peak 11932 3637 40.6905 -106.6724 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1192

W0C/PR-070 Peggy Peak 11931 3637 40.8343 -106.6306 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 631

W0C/PR-071 Mount Ethel 11924 3634 40.6480 -106.6803 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 544

W0C/PR-072 North Diamond Peaks 11852 3612 40.5214 -105.9108 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 872

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W0C/PR-073 Goosenest 11810 3600 40.8588 -106.6647 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/PR-074 Ptarmigan Peak 11773 3588 39.9060 -105.9480 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 833

W0C/PR-075 Mount Irving Hale 11754 3583 40.1377 -105.7202 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 574

W0C/PR-076 Jackstraw Mountain 11704 3567 40.3874 -105.8122 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 524

W0C/PR-077 Williams Peak 11617 3541 39.8772 -106.2063 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2049

W0C/PR-078 Bear Mountain 11601 3536 40.7828 -106.6117 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/PR-079 Griffith Mountain 11568 3526 39.7017 -105.6739 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 508

W0C/PR-080 The Forehead 11543 3518 40.6580 -106.6565 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 523

W0C/PR-081 Rabbit Ears Divide Peak 11522 3512 40.3300 -106.3112 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 635

W0C/PR-082 Squaw Mountain 11500 3505 39.6801 -105.4939 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/PR-083 Haystack Mountain 11495 3504 40.3272 -106.1892 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1075

W0C/PR-084 Ute Benchmark 11490 3502 39.7257 -105.6477 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 519

W0C/PR-085 Mount Patterson 11424 3482 40.3008 -105.7874 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/PR-086 Davis Peak 11422 3481 40.9205 -106.7006 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 922

W0C/PR-087 Poison Ridge 11417 3480 40.3392 -106.2478 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 517

W0C/PR-088 11362 11362 3463 40.3103 -106.3260 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 542

W0C/PR-089 Sheep Mountain 11361 3463 40.3088 -106.2408 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 741

W0C/PR-090 South Corral Peaks 11252 3430 40.1962 -106.1581 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 752

W0C/PR-091 Radial Mountain 11241 3426 40.3594 -106.0518 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1421

W0C/PR-092 Gray Jay Mountain 10965 3342 40.3617 -105.8322 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/PR-093 Buffalo Ridge 10936 3333 40.9619 -106.7150 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 756

W0C/PR-094 10881 10881 3317 39.9280 -106.2698 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/PR-095 10854 10854 3308 40.0266 -105.7584 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/PR-096 10833 10833 3302 40.8408 -106.0926 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 964

W0C/PR-097 Dirt Benchmark 10811 3295 40.1713 -106.6256 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1631

W0C/PR-098 Swan Mountain 10796 3291 39.5693 -106.0216 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1136

W0C/PR-099 Black Mountain 10787 3288 40.9354 -106.7696 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1287

W0C/PR-100 Blue Ridge 10731 3271 39.9544 -105.9786 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 831

W0C/PR-101 Elmo Benchmark 10692 3259 40.4383 -106.6340 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 792

W0C/PR-102 Little Haystack Mountain 10681 3256 40.3797 -106.3809 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

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W0C/PR-103 Sheep Mountain 10671 3253 39.9533 -105.9216 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 931

W0C/PR-104 10626 10626 3239 40.0592 -105.7637 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

W0C/PR-105 10593 10593 3229 40.2697 -106.2844 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 893

W0C/PR-106 Pass Benchmark 10530 3210 40.0726 -106.5442 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1002

W0C/PR-107 10450 10450 3185 39.5320 -105.9838 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/PR-108 Gould Mountain 10390 3167 40.5231 -105.9911 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/PR-109 Apiatan Mountain 10340 3152 40.2476 -105.9430 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/PR-110 Green Mountain 10313 3143 40.2962 -105.8222 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 893

W0C/PR-111 La Fevre Ridge 10152 3094 40.4080 -106.0212 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/PR-112 Whiteley Peak 10115 3083 40.3178 -106.4934 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1215

W0C/PR-113 Granby Peak 10004 3049 40.1138 -105.8040 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 744

W0C/PR-114 Bald Mountain 9994 3046 39.7925 -105.5546 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/PR-115 Green Ridge 9979 3042 40.4137 -106.2406 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 549

W0C/PR-116 Slide Mountain 9940 3030 40.1429 -106.2262 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/PR-117 9905 9905 3019 40.0554 -106.0134 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1001

W0C/PR-118 Mount Pence 9903 3018 39.6765 -105.4265 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 718

W0C/PR-119 9900 9900 3018 40.0663 -105.8222 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 595

W0C/PR-120 Dice Hill 9853 3003 39.9349 -106.4393 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 864

W0C/PR-121 Bear Mountain 9845 3001 40.3650 -106.5347 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1095

W0C/PR-122 Independence Mountain 9796 2986 40.9182 -106.4458 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1253

W0C/PR-123 9726 9726 2964 40.9229 -106.5932 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 516

W0C/PR-124 Bull Mountain 9708 2959 40.5672 -106.0062 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 568

W0C/PR-125 Ninemile Mountain 9681 2951 39.9983 -105.9531 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/PR-126 Spicer Peak 9664 2946 40.4454 -106.3958 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 774

W0C/PR-127 9525 9525 2903 40.2793 -106.3497 4 1/8/2011 31/03/2017 345

W0C/PR-128 9427 9427 2873 40.9177 -106.4079 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 537

W0C/PR-129 Sheep Mountain 9422 2872 40.7714 -106.5078 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1092

W0C/PR-130 San Toy Mountain 9420 2871 40.0025 -106.4424 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1120

W0C/PR-131 9398 9398 2865 40.0187 -105.9000 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 749

W0C/PR-132 Tyler Mountain 9373 2857 40.1961 -106.5187 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 633

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W0C/PR-133 North Mexican Ridge 9370 2856 40.4997 -106.5541 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/PR-134 Trail Mountain 9380 2859 40.1899 -105.9646 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/PR-135 9328 9328 2843 40.0820 -105.8494 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 628

W0C/PR-136 Buffalo Ridge 9312 2838 40.4832 -106.2921 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 544

W0C/PR-137 Delaney Butte 9307 2837 40.7015 -106.4867 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1057

W0C/PR-138 Pinkham Mountain 9270 2825 40.9361 -106.2504 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/PR-139 Pole Mountain 9234 2815 40.5228 -106.4817 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/PR-140 Wolford Mountain 9182 2799 40.1181 -106.3914 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1283

W0C/PR-141 9180 9180 2798 40.1400 -105.9871 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/PR-142 Sentinel Mountain 9082 2768 40.8970 -106.2625 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 772

W0C/PR-143 Lawson Ridge 9065 2763 39.9794 -106.3305 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 725

W0C/PR-144 Green Ridge 9012 2747 40.1878 -105.8331 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 632

W0C/PR-145 8862 8862 2701 40.2066 -106.3517 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 602

W0C/PR-146 Junction Butte 8764 2671 40.0283 -106.3525 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1064

W0C/PR-147 Watson Mountain 8704 2653 40.9194 -106.3340 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 594

W0C/PR-148 8595 8595 2620 39.7289 -105.4117 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 655

W0C/PR-149 8373 8373 2552 39.9320 -106.5695 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 913

W0C/PR-150 Floyd Benchmark 8232 2509 39.7459 -105.4213 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 532

W0C/PR-151 12386 12386 3775 40.5816 -105.9245 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 526

W0C/PR-152 11820 11820 3603 40.7740 -106.6476 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 840

W0C/PR-153 Sheep Mountain 11819 3602 40.3610 -106.2656 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 1792

W0C/PR-154 9660 9660 2944 40.2504 -106.3339 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 640

W0C/PR-155 Table Mountain 8860 2701 40.1632 -105.9043 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 520

W0C/PR-156 8420 8420 2566 40.0373 -106.2207 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 606

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Region Reference – South Central Colorado: Rio Grande (RG)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Rio Grande WØC-Colorado (W0C/RG-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The gateway to the San Juan Mountains, Rio Grande County is one of the highlights of the San Luis Valley. The county covers 913 square miles ranging from around 7,000 feet on valley floor to numerous 13,000-foot peaks. The scenic landscape and close community make Rio Grande County a great place to vacation, work and live. There are three municipalities within the county, Monte Vista, Del Norte, and South Fork and all have been historically developed along the rail line that follows the Rio Grande River. The newest town in Rio Grande County is South Fork. South Fork is surrounded by the Rio Grande National Forest. In the early 1880's Rio Grande County ranked third in the State in the production of gold, the county's chief metal. Gold output of the county through 1947 was about 257,600 ounces (about $7 million worth) ; however, from 1949 through 1958 it was only 135 ounces. Small amounts of silver, copper, and lead valued at about $330,000 have been recovered from the gold ores.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/RG-001 Uncompahgre Peak 14309 4361 38.0716 -107.4621 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 4242

W0C/RG-002 Redcloud Peak 14034 4278 37.9409 -107.4217 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1436

W0C/RG-003 Wetterhorn Peak 14015 4272 38.0607 -107.5109 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1635

W0C/RG-004 Sunshine Peak 14001 4268 37.9227 -107.4254 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/RG-005 Phoenix Peak 13895 4235 37.9363 -106.8663 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1515

W0C/RG-006 Jones Mountain 13860 4225 37.8965 -107.5264 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RG-007 13832 13832 4216 37.9472 -107.3982 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 812

W0C/RG-008 Rio Grande Pyramid 13821 4213 37.6796 -107.3924 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1881

W0C/RG-009 13811 13811 4210 37.9546 -107.3783 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 551

W0C/RG-010 Niagara Peak 13807 4208 37.8892 -107.5336 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 587

W0C/RG-011 Pole Creek Mountain 13716 4181 37.7958 -107.4306 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1536

W0C/RG-012 Silver Mountain 13714 4180 38.1067 -107.4496 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1054

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W0C/RG-013 13681 13681 4170 38.1204 -107.4576 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/RG-014 Quarter Peak 13674 4168 37.8809 -107.4580 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/RG-015 Northwest Pole 13660 4164 37.8141 -107.4464 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/RG-016 Carson Peak 13657 4163 37.8574 -107.4020 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1237

W0C/RG-017 Coxcomb Peak 13656 4162 38.0801 -107.5335 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 796

W0C/RG-018 Redcliff 13642 4158 38.0872 -107.5331 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/RG-019 Matterhorn Peak 13590 4142 38.0651 -107.4960 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/RG-020 13581 13581 4139 37.8367 -107.3955 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 681

W0C/RG-021 Gudy Peak 13566 4135 37.9746 -107.4604 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 746

W0C/RG-022 Whitecross Mountain 13542 4128 37.9307 -107.4933 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 562

W0C/RG-023 13540 13540 4127 37.9617 -107.4957 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RG-024 13535 13535 4125 37.9179 -107.5324 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 515

W0C/RG-025 13510 13510 4118 37.9663 -107.0706 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1570

W0C/RG-026 Ute Ridge 13455 4101 37.7111 -107.4576 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 962

W0C/RG-027 Baldy Cinco 13383 4079 37.9555 -107.1030 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 843

W0C/RG-028 13342 13342 4067 37.7019 -107.4806 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 726

W0C/RG-029 13340 13340 4066 38.0986 -107.4961 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 745

W0C/RG-030 Coney Benchmark 13334 4064 37.8603 -107.3469 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 994

W0C/RG-031 Sunshine Mountain 13321 4060 37.9958 -107.5087 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1101

W0C/RG-032 13300 13300 4054 37.9535 -106.9424 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RG-033 Fools Pyramid 13278 4047 37.6877 -107.3748 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 633

W0C/RG-034 Darley Mountain 13260 4042 37.9827 -107.5881 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RG-035 Broken Hill 13256 4040 38.0430 -107.4718 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 798

W0C/RG-036 Weminuche Peak 13220 4029 37.6105 -107.4599 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/RG-037 13201 13201 4024 38.0389 -107.5250 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 661

W0C/RG-038 13180 13180 4017 37.9965 -107.3957 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 524

W0C/RG-039 Conejos Peak 13172 4015 37.2887 -106.5709 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1912

W0C/RG-040 South River Peak 13148 4008 37.5741 -106.9817 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2448

W0C/RG-041 13111 13111 3996 37.9693 -106.9872 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 811

W0C/RG-042 13106 13106 3995 38.0711 -107.4209 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 726

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W0C/RG-043 13091 13091 3990 38.0726 -107.3878 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 591

W0C/RG-044 13034 13034 3973 37.9468 -107.0083 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 654

W0C/RG-045 13016 13016 3967 38.1244 -107.4148 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 676

W0C/RG-046 Chief Mountain 13014 3967 37.6364 -107.2090 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1594

W0C/RG-047 13010 13010 3965 37.6061 -107.2446 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1790

W0C/RG-048 Mesa Lato 12988 3959 37.6003 -107.3996 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1128

W0C/RG-049 12952 12952 3948 37.9525 -107.0311 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 532

W0C/RG-050 12917 12917 3937 38.1338 -107.5022 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/RG-051 Ute Benchmark 12892 3929 37.6502 -107.4239 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 849

W0C/RG-052 12882 12882 3926 37.6103 -107.4406 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/RG-053 Table Mountain 12868 3922 37.8981 -107.0509 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 968

W0C/RG-054 Fisher Mountain 12865 3921 37.6569 -106.9375 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1205

W0C/RG-055 12848 12848 3916 37.5008 -107.0260 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1068

W0C/RG-056 Pintada Mountain 12840 3914 37.4967 -106.4023 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/RG-057 Mount Hope 12834 3912 37.5435 -106.8706 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1094

W0C/RG-058 Red Mountain 12826 3909 37.9786 -107.3334 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1006

W0C/RG-059 Mesa Seco 12800 3901 38.0333 -107.2445 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1500

W0C/RG-060 12783 12783 3896 37.9791 -107.1071 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 643

W0C/RG-061 12780 12780 3895 37.5976 -107.2806 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/RG-062 Beautiful Mountain 12764 3890 37.6174 -106.9274 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 798

W0C/RG-063 North Mountain 12754 3887 37.4507 -106.6045 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1214

W0C/RG-064 Dunsinane Mountain 12742 3884 38.1297 -107.5390 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 602

W0C/RG-065 12740 12740 3883 37.6361 -107.1635 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/RG-066 Indian Ridge 12740 3883 37.7352 -107.4785 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/RG-067 Bristol Head 12706 3873 37.7933 -107.0550 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1206

W0C/RG-068 12690 12690 3868 37.3419 -106.6544 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/RG-069 Velvet Benchmark 12657 3858 37.3076 -106.6541 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 797

W0C/RG-070 12645 12645 3854 37.5394 -107.0126 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 745

W0C/RG-071 Calf Creek Plateau 12644 3854 38.1264 -107.2073 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 909

W0C/RG-072 Pagosa Peak 12640 3853 37.4439 -107.0667 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1020

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W0C/RG-073 12603 12603 3841 37.4737 -107.0569 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 743

W0C/RG-074 Sugarloaf Mountain 12593 3838 37.5253 -107.0920 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1053

W0C/RG-075 12580 12580 3834 37.4754 -107.0351 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/RG-076 Cropsy Mountain 12578 3834 37.4088 -106.5964 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1078

W0C/RG-077 12555 12555 3827 37.2770 -106.5231 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/RG-078 12550 12550 3825 37.4038 -106.6746 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/RG-079 Graham Peak 12531 3819 37.4972 -107.3762 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2551

W0C/RG-080 12500 12500 3810 37.5997 -107.0467 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/RG-081 Toner Mountain 12495 3808 37.5078 -107.1103 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 795

W0C/RG-082 12473 12473 3802 37.4623 -107.0237 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 533

W0C/RG-083 Lookout Mountain 12448 3794 37.3895 -106.5928 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 628

W0C/RG-084 Borns Benchmark 12401 3780 37.5044 -106.8950 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/RG-085 Del Norte Peak 12400 3780 37.5897 -106.5634 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1020

W0C/RG-086 Sheep Mountain 12369 3770 37.4800 -106.9020 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/RG-087 12334 12334 3759 37.6653 -107.3031 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 594

W0C/RG-088 12330 12330 3758 37.5542 -107.0539 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/RG-089 Piedra Peak 12328 3758 37.5752 -107.0188 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 828

W0C/RG-090 Flag Mountain 12323 3756 37.5420 -107.3676 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 783

W0C/RG-091 71 Mountain 12305 3751 37.9378 -107.2678 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 524

W0C/RG-092 Finger Mesa 12300 3749 37.7828 -107.3220 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1560

W0C/RG-093 Cornwall Mountain 12285 3744 37.3811 -106.4920 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1744

W0C/RG-094 Sheepshead 12260 3737 37.3871 -106.6234 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/RG-095 Turret Ridge 12260 3737 38.1453 -107.5390 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RG-096 Hogback Mesa 12260 3737 37.5041 -106.5751 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/RG-097 Bald Mountain 12255 3735 37.5514 -107.3348 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/RG-098 12247 12247 3733 37.5469 -107.0613 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 507

W0C/RG-099 Slumgullion Benchmark 12210 3722 37.9656 -107.2412 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/RG-100 Flat Benchmark 12187 3715 37.0897 -106.5213 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 927

W0C/RG-101 Courthouse Mountain 12152 3704 38.1350 -107.5739 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1172

W0C/RG-102 Granite Peak 12147 3702 37.4689 -107.4114 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 607

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W0C/RG-103 Eagle Peak No 2 Benchmark

12137 3699 37.4336 -107.0093 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 557

W0C/RG-104 Mineral Mountain 12097 3687 38.0239 -107.0059 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 597

W0C/RG-105 Saddle Mountain 12029 3666 37.4405 -106.9580 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 649

W0C/RG-106 Red Mountain 12018 3663 37.3442 -106.4400 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1518

W0C/RG-107 Snowshoe Mountain 12007 3660 37.7497 -106.9013 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1267

W0C/RG-108 11985 11985 3653 37.5379 -107.1669 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 885

W0C/RG-109 Cooper Mountain 11966 3647 37.6996 -106.8852 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 626

W0C/RG-110 Trout Mountain 11950 3642 37.6631 -106.7920 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 650

W0C/RG-111 Treasure Mountain 11910 3630 37.4559 -106.8239 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1090

W0C/RG-112 Black Mountain 11861 3615 37.8367 -107.2257 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1161

W0C/RG-113 11820 11820 3603 37.4418 -106.7170 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/RG-114 11620 11620 3542 37.3697 -106.6155 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/RG-115 Klondike Mountain 11561 3524 37.3567 -106.5795 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 581

W0C/RG-116 Fox Mountain 11530 3514 37.5060 -106.7437 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1350

W0C/RG-117 Beaver Mountain 11528 3514 37.6011 -106.6253 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/RG-118 Mammoth Mountain 11385 3470 37.3364 -106.5131 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 765

W0C/RG-119 11300 11300 3444 37.4586 -106.7335 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RG-120 11206 11206 3416 37.5196 -106.6182 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 506

W0C/RG-121 Black Mountain 11201 3414 37.1748 -106.4190 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 981

W0C/RG-122 Green Ridge 11163 3402 37.4440 -106.2822 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 943

W0C/RG-123 11153 11153 3399 37.6087 -106.5145 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 544

W0C/RG-124 Slide Mountain 11114 3388 37.4327 -107.4155 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 814

W0C/RG-125 Elk Mountain 11094 3381 37.7103 -106.7778 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 554

W0C/RG-126 Pinorealosa Mountain 10984 3348 37.0603 -106.3767 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 764

W0C/RG-127 Ribbon Mesa 10912 3326 37.5328 -106.6773 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 852

W0C/RG-128 Neff Mountain 10888 3319 37.0301 -106.4391 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 508

W0C/RG-129 Park Benchmark 10852 3308 37.7500 -107.2142 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/RG-130 Cattle Mountain 10842 3305 37.5731 -106.6995 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 942

W0C/RG-131 10807 10807 3294 37.5759 -106.6777 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

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W0C/RG-132 10780 10780 3286 37.7772 -107.2110 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/RG-133 Shotgun Mountain 10731 3271 37.7665 -107.1958 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 551

W0C/RG-134 Demijohn Peak 10690 3258 37.5608 -106.6711 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 750

W0C/RG-135 10671 10671 3253 37.3434 -106.3459 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 571

W0C/RG-136 10664 10664 3250 37.7570 -107.1737 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1074

W0C/RG-137 Goodrich Peak 10595 3229 37.6247 -106.7467 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/RG-138 10580 10580 3225 37.4460 -107.4769 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/RG-139 10454 10454 3186 37.4206 -106.8596 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 514

W0C/RG-140 10434 10434 3180 37.3966 -106.3637 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 542

W0C/RG-141 10299 10299 3139 37.3881 -106.3499 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 599

W0C/RG-142 Long Ridge 10260 3127 37.7863 -107.0890 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/RG-143 10220 10220 3115 37.5594 -106.4549 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/RG-144 Rock Mountain 10182 3103 37.4872 -107.1330 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 692

W0C/RG-145 Antelope Mountain 10172 3100 37.7486 -107.0503 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/RG-146 Sentinel Peak 10161 3097 37.6749 -106.6883 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1221

W0C/RG-147 9908 9908 3020 37.7045 -106.6642 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 728

W0C/RG-148 9890 9890 3014 37.5031 -107.1945 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/RG-149 Los Mogotes 9818 2993 37.0777 -106.1723 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 668

W0C/RG-150 9733 9733 2967 37.8182 -106.8347 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 553

W0C/RG-151 9666 9666 2946 37.7074 -106.6319 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 537

W0C/RG-152 Dog Mountain 9658 2944 37.6050 -106.3464 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1038

W0C/RG-153 Chiquito Peak 9641 2939 37.3512 -106.2447 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1021

W0C/RG-154 Piñon Hills 9476 2888 37.1396 -105.8238 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1718

W0C/RG-155 9223 9223 2811 37.6182 -106.4084 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 563

W0C/RG-156 Flat Top 9211 2808 37.2123 -105.8081 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1321

W0C/RG-157 Trail Ridge 8965 2733 37.4818 -107.2184 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 745

W0C/RG-158 8893 8893 2711 37.6356 -106.3525 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 628

W0C/RG-159 8865 8865 2702 37.7368 -106.3640 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 575

W0C/RG-160 East Butte 8812 2686 37.7398 -106.3485 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 557

W0C/RG-161 South Piñon Hills 8703 2653 37.0709 -105.8084 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 893

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W0C/RG-162 8348 8348 2544 37.2486 -105.7993 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 618

W0C/RG-163 8308 8308 2532 37.2633 -105.7841 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/RG-164 Twin Benchmark 8284 2525 36.9974 -105.7929 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 609

W0C/RG-165 Sierro del Ojito 8190 2496 37.2843 -105.7959 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/RG-166 13162 13162 4012 37.9537 -107.0792 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 493

W0C/RG-167 12114 12114 3692 37.7508 -107.3838 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

W0C/RG-168 11961 11961 3646 37.8693 -107.0193 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 621

W0C/RG-169 11820 11820 3603 37.4991 -106.8162 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RG-170 10620 10620 3237 37.7748 -107.1678 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RG-171 Grouse Mountain 10195 3107 37.5922 -106.7009 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/RG-172 8673 8673 2644 37.1598 -105.8210 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 503

W0C/RG-173 8588 8588 2618 37.7176 -106.3898 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 493

W0C/RG-174 Saritas Benchmark 8284 2525 37.0268 -105.9130 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 502

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Region Reference – Western Colorado: Roan Plateau (RP)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Roan Plateau WØC-Colorado (WØC/RP-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The Roan Plateau, located in western Colorado, USA, near Rifle, contains a variety of natural resources and scenic terrain: high ridges, deep valleys, waterfalls, cutthroat trout, mountain lions, bears, rare plants -- and oil and natural gas. In this largely arid environment, irrigation enables crops to thrive, evidenced by the relative greenness of the orchards and lawns around Grand Junction, Colorado. Immediately north of Grand Junction, the land is pale beige, characteristic of a high desert. This desert landscape extends westward into Utah, as well as southeast of the city. East of Grand Junction, however, Grand Mesa (partially obscured by clouds) is well-forested with conifers. The dramatic changes in elevation throughout the Roan Plateau provide habitat to many of the area’s wild species, when combined with the landscape, are popular attractions for hikers, four-wheelers and wildlife enthusiasts.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/RP-001 Flat Top Mountain 12354 3765 40.0146 -107.0833 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 4054

W0C/RP-002 Big Marvine Peak 11879 3621 39.9500 -107.3409 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 819

W0C/RP-003 Black Mountain 10860 3310 40.7833 -107.3690 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2440

W0C/RP-004 Sunlight Peak 10580 3225 39.4253 -107.3798 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1360

W0C/RP-005 Zenobia Peak 9005 2745 40.6069 -108.8701 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2395

W0C/RP-006 Sheep Mountain 12241 3731 39.9223 -107.1328 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1061

W0C/RP-007 Derby Peak 12186 3714 39.9736 -107.1253 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 606

W0C/RP-008 Orno Peak 12133 3698 40.0821 -107.0966 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 753

W0C/RP-009 Trappers Peak 12002 3658 39.9414 -107.2508 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 822

W0C/RP-010 Shingle Peak 11996 3656 39.9011 -107.2065 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 736

W0C/RP-011 South Little Marvine Peaks

11947 3641 39.9830 -107.3242 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 967

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W0C/RP-012 Pyramid Peak 11532 3515 40.1230 -107.1690 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/RP-013 Blair Mountain 11460 3493 39.7944 -107.4175 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1736

W0C/RP-014 Timber Mountain 11425 3482 39.8947 -107.3584 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 685

W0C/RP-015 White River Plateau 11368 3465 39.7530 -107.3815 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 828

W0C/RP-016 North Mamm Peak 11123 3390 39.3864 -107.8661 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3103

W0C/RP-017 Pagoda Peak 11120 3389 40.1397 -107.3334 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 777

W0C/RP-018 Sand Peak 10853 3308 40.1155 -107.3792 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 713

W0C/RP-019 Sleepy Cat Peak 10848 3306 40.1275 -107.5338 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2348

W0C/RP-020 Bald Mountain 10740 3274 39.3463 -107.7898 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/RP-021 Flagpole Mountain 10607 3233 39.3359 -107.5109 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1227

W0C/RP-022 Bald Mountain 10361 3158 39.3958 -107.4276 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 821

W0C/RP-023 Dunckley Flat Tops (HP) 10270 3130 40.2089 -107.1615 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 650

W0C/RP-024 Williams Peak 10079 3072 39.3894 -107.3712 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 619

W0C/RP-025 Porter Mountain 9967 3038 39.1974 -107.6587 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 867

W0C/RP-026 Big Mountain 9900 3018 39.7669 -107.8491 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 960

W0C/RP-027 Compass Mountain 9895 3016 39.3819 -107.3402 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 579

W0C/RP-028 Reno Mountain 9741 2969 39.2550 -107.5650 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 521

W0C/RP-029 Piñon Mesa HP 9700 2957 38.8261 -108.7717 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2680

W0C/RP-030 Hightower Mountain 9555 2912 39.2654 -107.6367 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1055

W0C/RP-031 Sawmill Mountain 9462 2884 40.0854 -107.6628 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 802

W0C/RP-032 9460 9460 2883 39.5415 -107.2024 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1200

W0C/RP-033 9454 9454 2882 39.5961 -107.2736 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 834

W0C/RP-034 Horse Mountain 9433 2875 39.7155 -107.8272 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 573

W0C/RP-035 9325 9325 2842 39.8541 -107.8419 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/RP-036 Horse Mountain 9289 2831 39.3227 -108.0340 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1069

W0C/RP-037 Gardner Benchmark 9286 2830 39.5672 -107.9098 4 1/8/2011 31/03/2017 300

W0C/RP-038 West Benchmark 9276 2827 38.7482 -108.8420 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 627

W0C/RP-039 Horse Mountain 9241 2817 40.1971 -107.4119 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 781

W0C/RP-040 Monument Peak 9196 2803 39.7197 -107.9164 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1536

W0C/RP-041 Ellison Mountain 9180 2798 40.0642 -107.5972 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

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W0C/RP-042 Baldridge Point 9135 2784 39.2142 -107.7141 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 515

W0C/RP-043 Haystack Mountain 9084 2769 39.2708 -107.4764 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 544

W0C/RP-044 Shale Benchmark 8951 2728 39.4384 -108.1705 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 669

W0C/RP-045 Lenna Peak 8881 2707 39.2326 -107.6986 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/RP-046 8873 8873 2704 39.6211 -108.8528 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 613

W0C/RP-047 8851 8851 2698 39.7590 -107.9228 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/RP-048 Campbell Mountain 8815 2687 39.2339 -107.8066 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 755

W0C/RP-049 Storm King Mountain 8793 2680 39.5896 -107.4008 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 533

W0C/RP-050 8780 8780 2676 39.5859 -108.8370 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/RP-051 Thimble Rock Point 8769 2673 38.7608 -108.7206 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 669

W0C/RP-052 Yellow Jacket Benchmark

8718 2657 40.1573 -107.7637 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1180

W0C/RP-053 8702 8702 2652 39.8031 -107.9185 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 556

W0C/RP-054 8700 8700 2652 38.5678 -109.0423 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RP-055 Danforth Hills 8700 2652 40.1649 -107.8950 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1200

W0C/RP-056 8658 8658 2639 39.3956 -108.5911 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 758

W0C/RP-057 Three Points Mountain 8651 2637 40.1584 -107.6264 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 711

W0C/RP-058 Lookout Mountain 8643 2634 39.5415 -107.2571 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 823

W0C/RP-059 West Cow Ridge 8620 2627 39.4088 -108.6063 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RP-060 Oil Spring Mountain 8580 2615 39.7155 -108.8760 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 562

W0C/RP-061 8568 8568 2612 40.0993 -107.7955 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1068

W0C/RP-062 Lo 7 Hill 8532 2601 39.9511 -107.8924 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 654

W0C/RP-063 East Horse Mountain 8517 2596 39.3835 -108.4462 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 781

W0C/RP-064 Brushy Point 8503 2592 39.7310 -108.7320 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 563

W0C/RP-065 8460 8460 2579 40.0813 -107.7456 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1040

W0C/RP-066 Texas Mountain 8455 2577 39.7756 -108.8526 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 715

W0C/RP-067 Mount Logan 8413 2564 39.4016 -108.1888 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 993

W0C/RP-068 Oak Ridge 8420 2566 39.9702 -107.7394 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/RP-069 8375 8375 2553 39.6716 -107.6544 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/RP-070 Joe Bush Mountain 8371 2551 39.8969 -108.0073 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1151

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W0C/RP-071 8332 8332 2540 39.7493 -107.9722 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 992

W0C/RP-072 Castle Peak 8302 2530 39.2711 -108.0945 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 642

W0C/RP-073 Calamity Ridge 8288 2526 40.0452 -108.5502 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 548

W0C/RP-074 8276 8276 2523 39.3677 -108.5671 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 705

W0C/RP-075 Horse Mountain 8269 2520 39.5404 -107.4417 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1048

W0C/RP-076 East Cow Ridge 8256 2516 39.4190 -108.3479 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 796

W0C/RP-077 8197 8197 2498 40.1053 -107.8914 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 537

W0C/RP-078 8180 8180 2493 39.3636 -108.5525 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/RP-079 Chalk Mountain 8100 2469 39.1293 -108.2140 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/RP-080 Corcoran Peak 8076 2462 39.3102 -108.5087 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1176

W0C/RP-081 8057 8057 2456 39.6072 -107.6948 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 917

W0C/RP-082 Andgee Benchmark 8061 2457 39.6129 -107.7182 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1561

W0C/RP-083 8028 8028 2447 39.3210 -108.4117 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 888

W0C/RP-084 8025 8025 2446 40.1319 -107.9296 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 565

W0C/RP-085 7940 7940 2420 39.3407 -108.5104 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/RP-086 7902 7902 2409 38.7548 -108.8108 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 522

W0C/RP-087 7860 7860 2396 39.6312 -107.7905 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/RP-088 Jerry Benchmark 7846 2391 39.6032 -107.6426 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1426

W0C/RP-089 Horsethief Mountain 7844 2391 39.2769 -108.1331 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 664

W0C/RP-090 7835 7835 2388 39.6044 -107.6771 1 1/8/2011 31/03/2017 335

W0C/RP-091 Red Mountain 7818 2383 39.2205 -107.9109 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 678

W0C/RP-092 Burning Mountain 7730 2356 39.5927 -107.6055 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/RP-093 Rabbit Mountain 7650 2332 39.8883 -108.9781 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/RP-094 7620 7620 2323 40.0669 -107.9251 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/RP-095 7553 7553 2302 39.4355 -107.2018 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/RP-096 7540 7540 2298 39.6374 -107.5609 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/RP-097 7460 7460 2274 39.4349 -107.2822 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/RP-098 Black Mountain 7205 2196 40.1001 -108.1232 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/RP-099 Park Mountain 7201 2195 39.8333 -108.9805 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 751

W0C/RP-100 7150 7150 2179 40.1248 -108.3313 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 740

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W0C/RP-101 Gilsonite Hills 7110 2167 39.9159 -108.9925 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 500

W0C/RP-102 White Face Butte 7003 2135 39.7613 -109.0321 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 703

W0C/RP-103 6808 6808 2075 39.6132 -107.5633 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 708

W0C/RP-104 6740 6740 2054 39.3427 -108.6909 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RP-105 6719 6719 2048 38.7314 -108.9722 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099

W0C/RP-106 Knight Benchmark 6701 2042 39.2507 -108.3998 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 641

W0C/RP-107 Mount Lincoln 6661 2030 39.1302 -108.3526 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 921

W0C/RP-108 6654 6654 2028 39.1999 -108.0825 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 674

W0C/RP-109 6580 6580 2006 38.8993 -108.2699 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/RP-110 Star Mesa 6580 2006 38.7917 -108.3925 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/RP-111 Blue Mesa 6530 1990 38.5112 -108.8692 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 540

W0C/RP-112 6521 6521 1988 40.1711 -108.7919 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 541

W0C/RP-113 Shavetail Benchmark 6285 1916 40.0155 -108.8982 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/RP-114 Coal Ridge 6245 1903 40.2055 -108.5595 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/RP-115 6230 6230 1899 39.3230 -108.1354 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/RP-116 6100 6100 1859 39.1603 -108.3226 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/RP-117 Rabbit's Ear Mesa 5723 1744 39.1932 -108.9482 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 875

W0C/RP-118 RB-18 Benchmark 5700 1737 38.8744 -108.4065 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/RP-119 5398 5398 1645 39.1840 -108.8506 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 808

W0C/RP-120 Roan Plateau 9300 2835 39.5868 -107.8946 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 1497

W0C/RP-121 9060 9060 2761 39.6589 -108.6524 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 880

W0C/RP-122 8460 8460 2579 40.3270 -107.2334 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/RP-123 8206 8206 2501 39.4181 -108.6581 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 506

W0C/RP-124 8203 8203 2500 40.1113 -107.8709 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 703

W0C/RP-125 7988 7988 2435 39.3188 -108.4455 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 528

W0C/RP-126 7634 7634 2327 39.6194 -107.7446 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

W0C/RP-127 Mack Benchmark 5324 1623 39.1974 -108.8728 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

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Region Reference – Southwestern Colorado: San Juan (SJ)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region San Juan (SJ) WØC-Colorado (W0C/SJ-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The San Juan Mountains are a high and rugged mountain range in the Rocky Mountains in southwestern Colorado. The area is highly mineralized (the Colorado Mineral Belt) and figured in the gold and silver mining industry of early Colorado. Major towns, all old mining camps, include Creede, Lake City, Silverton, Ouray, and Telluride. Large scale mining has ended in the region, although independent prospectors still work claims throughout the range. The last large scale mines were the Sunnyside Mine near Silverton, which operated until late in the 20th century and the Idarado Mine on Red Mountain Pass that closed down in the 1970s. Famous old San Juan mines include the Camp Bird and Smuggler Union mines, both located between Telluride and Ouray. The Summitville mine was the scene of a major environmental disaster in the 1990s when the liner of a cyanide-laced tailing pond began leaking heavily. Summitville is in the Summitville caldera, one of many extinct volcanoes making up the San Juan volcanic field. One, La Garita Caldera, is 35 miles (56 km) in diameter. Large beds of lava, some extending under the floor of the San Luis Valley, are characteristic of the eastern slope of the San Juans.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SJ-001 Handies Peak 14048 4282 37.9129 -107.5044 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1908

W0C/SJ-002 Vermilion Peak 13894 4235 37.7994 -107.8285 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2105

W0C/SJ-003 Half Peak 13841 4219 37.8645 -107.4671 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1501

W0C/SJ-004 Trinity Peak 13805 4208 37.6849 -107.5813 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 945

W0C/SJ-005 San Miguel Peak 13752 4192 37.7792 -107.8647 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1332

W0C/SJ-006 Gilpin Peak 13694 4174 37.9865 -107.7933 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 720

W0C/SJ-007 La Junta Peak 13472 4106 37.8968 -107.7871 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 612

W0C/SJ-008 Hesperus Mountain 13232 4033 37.4450 -108.0889 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2852

W0C/SJ-009 Bennett Peak 13203 4024 37.4833 -106.4340 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1743

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W0C/SJ-010 Snowdon Peak 13077 3986 37.7079 -107.6889 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1337

W0C/SJ-011 Engineer Mountain 12968 3953 37.6992 -107.8065 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1428

W0C/SJ-012 Alberta Peak 11870 3618 37.4559 -106.7950 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 730

W0C/SJ-013 Mount Lamborn 11396 3474 38.8029 -107.5227 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1616

W0C/SJ-014 Leon Peak 11236 3425 39.0794 -107.8440 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 776

W0C/SJ-015 Crag Crest 11189 3410 39.0606 -107.9436 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 969

W0C/SJ-016 Ute Peak 9979 3042 37.2839 -108.7786 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 4039

W0C/SJ-017 Horse Mountain 9947 3032 37.3080 -107.2864 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1887

W0C/SJ-018 Klutter Mountain 8738 2663 37.0898 -106.9440 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1038

W0C/SJ-019 Park Point 8571 2612 37.2805 -108.4615 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1631

W0C/SJ-020 Gibbler Mountain 7628 2325 38.8270 -108.5175 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 528

W0C/SJ-021 Youngs Peak 7420 2262 38.7114 -107.6064 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SJ-022 The Palisade 7045 2147 38.7090 -108.9747 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1035

W0C/SJ-023 Tiffany Peak 6992 2131 37.0112 -107.5528 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 602

W0C/SJ-024 Black Mountain 6596 2010 39.2161 -108.1767 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1056

W0C/SJ-025 Chimney Rock 6110 1862 37.0779 -108.7188 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 690

W0C/SJ-026 Horse Mountain 5988 1825 39.0697 -108.3349 1 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 528

W0C/SJ-027 Mount Eolus 14083 4292 37.6219 -107.6226 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1023

W0C/SJ-028 Windom Peak 14087 4294 37.6212 -107.5919 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2187

W0C/SJ-029 Pigeon Peak 13972 4259 37.6323 -107.6462 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1152

W0C/SJ-030 Vestal Peak 13864 4226 37.6893 -107.6028 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1124

W0C/SJ-031 Turret Peak 13835 4217 37.6274 -107.6399 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 735

W0C/SJ-032 Jagged Mountain 13824 4214 37.6456 -107.5840 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 964

W0C/SJ-033 Arrow Peak 13803 4207 37.6928 -107.6102 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 943

W0C/SJ-034 Animas Mountain 13786 4202 37.6431 -107.6291 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1086

W0C/SJ-035 Ulysses S. Grant Peak 13767 4196 37.8247 -107.8067 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 747

W0C/SJ-036 Storm King Peak 13752 4192 37.6765 -107.5595 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 612

W0C/SJ-037 Animas Forks Mountain 13722 4182 37.9437 -107.5553 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1062

W0C/SJ-038 Peak Six 13705 4177 37.6603 -107.5852 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 685

W0C/SJ-039 Rolling Mountain 13693 4174 37.7660 -107.8259 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 913

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W0C/SJ-040 Mount Oso 13684 4171 37.6070 -107.4937 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1664

W0C/SJ-041 Lookout Peak 13661 4164 37.8623 -107.7802 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 841

W0C/SJ-042 Mount Silex 13628 4154 37.6703 -107.5480 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 808

W0C/SJ-043 White Dome 13627 4154 37.7041 -107.5465 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 967

W0C/SJ-044 The Guardian 13617 4150 37.6635 -107.5403 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 557

W0C/SJ-045 Greylock Mountain 13575 4138 37.6175 -107.5701 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/SJ-046 Tower Mountain 13552 4131 37.8574 -107.6230 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1652

W0C/SJ-047 Leviathan Peak 13528 4123 37.6529 -107.5746 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 588

W0C/SJ-048 Graystone Peak 13489 4111 37.6892 -107.6196 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/SJ-049 Storm Peak 13487 4111 37.8594 -107.6475 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 627

W0C/SJ-050 Canby Mountain 13478 4108 37.7995 -107.5457 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 938

W0C/SJ-051 T 10 13477 4108 37.8979 -107.7492 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 537

W0C/SJ-052 Peak Two 13475 4107 37.7083 -107.5759 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/SJ-053 Hanson Peak 13454 4101 37.9079 -107.6098 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 914

W0C/SJ-054 Kendall Peak 13451 4100 37.7871 -107.6182 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1151

W0C/SJ-055 Mountaineer Peak 13434 4095 37.7717 -107.6078 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SJ-056 East Twin Sisters 13432 4094 37.7716 -107.7858 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1332

W0C/SJ-057 Vallecito Mountain 13428 4093 37.6503 -107.5663 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 568

W0C/SJ-058 Mount Soso 13417 4090 37.5963 -107.4863 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 677

W0C/SJ-059 Little Giant Peak 13416 4089 37.7967 -107.5987 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 556

W0C/SJ-060 Peak Four 13410 4087 37.6597 -107.6075 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/SJ-061 Peak Nine 13402 4085 37.6697 -107.5601 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 582

W0C/SJ-062 South Lookout Peak 13380 4078 37.8361 -107.7904 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-063 Dome Mountain 13370 4075 37.8608 -107.5999 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 670

W0C/SJ-064 Sultan Mountain 13368 4075 37.7858 -107.7038 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1868

W0C/SJ-065 Proposal Peak 13330 4063 37.8825 -107.6243 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/SJ-066 Aztec Mountain 13310 4057 37.5918 -107.6160 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 610

W0C/SJ-067 13308 13308 4056 37.7026 -107.4944 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 606

W0C/SJ-068 P 2 13302 4054 37.6260 -107.5136 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 722

W0C/SJ-069 Summit Peak 13300 4054 37.3506 -106.6968 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2760

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W0C/SJ-070 P 3 13300 4054 37.6249 -107.5034 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SJ-071 Electric Peak 13292 4051 37.6990 -107.6173 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 832

W0C/SJ-072 Sheep Mountain 13292 4051 37.7833 -107.5180 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 632

W0C/SJ-073 Bonita Peak 13286 4050 37.8970 -107.6239 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 506

W0C/SJ-074 13230 13230 4033 37.6754 -107.4981 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 770

W0C/SJ-075 Irving Peak 13218 4029 37.5949 -107.5094 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 638

W0C/SJ-076 Mount Nebo 13205 4025 37.6763 -107.5083 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/SJ-077 Tuttle Mountain 13203 4024 37.9340 -107.6128 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SJ-078 Babcock Peak 13180 4017 37.4295 -108.0792 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SJ-079 13169 13169 4014 37.6590 -107.4893 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 989

W0C/SJ-080 Amherst Mountain 13165 4013 37.5651 -107.5594 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1225

W0C/SJ-081 Stony Pass Peak 13165 4013 37.7907 -107.5528 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 577

W0C/SJ-082 Twilight Peak 13158 4011 37.6629 -107.7271 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2338

W0C/SJ-083 V 5 13156 4010 37.8260 -107.7699 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 616

W0C/SJ-084 Montezuma Peak 13150 4008 37.3731 -106.6914 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 690

W0C/SJ-085 West Needle Mountain 13062 3981 37.6502 -107.7206 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 562

W0C/SJ-086 V 7 13042 3975 37.7815 -107.7501 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 942

W0C/SJ-087 Overlook Point 12998 3962 37.5835 -107.6762 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 778

W0C/SJ-088 Bear Mountain 12987 3958 37.7947 -107.7328 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 567

W0C/SJ-089 12887 12887 3928 37.2867 -106.6845 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1578

W0C/SJ-090 Long Trek Mountain 12866 3922 37.3859 -106.6803 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/SJ-091 Snow Benchmark 12815 3906 37.2652 -106.6892 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 715

W0C/SJ-092 McMillan Peak 12804 3903 37.8801 -107.6898 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 704

W0C/SJ-093 Sheridan Mountain 12795 3900 37.5358 -107.5848 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 655

W0C/SJ-094 Banded Peak 12778 3895 37.1045 -106.6271 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1313

W0C/SJ-095 Lewis Mountain 12740 3883 37.4220 -108.0145 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1120

W0C/SJ-096 12727 12727 3879 37.2590 -106.6860 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 547

W0C/SJ-097 Anvil Mountain 12537 3821 37.8378 -107.7073 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 597

W0C/SJ-098 Grayrock Peak 12504 3811 37.6739 -107.8628 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 764

W0C/SJ-099 Blackhead Peak 12500 3810 37.2889 -106.7742 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

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W0C/SJ-100 Silver Mountain 12500 3810 37.3868 -108.0296 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1360

W0C/SJ-101 12492 12492 3808 37.3001 -106.6768 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/SJ-102 Endlich Mesa 12490 3807 37.5142 -107.5976 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/SJ-103 Sand Mountain 12410 3783 37.3184 -106.7755 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/SJ-104 12410 12410 3783 37.3360 -106.7320 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

W0C/SJ-105 Gramps Peak 12340 3761 37.1600 -106.6169 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SJ-106 Fets Peak 12127 3696 37.1744 -106.6459 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 747

W0C/SJ-107 Chalk Benchmark 12031 3667 37.1418 -106.7500 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1971

W0C/SJ-108 Chama Peak 12021 3664 37.0403 -106.6289 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1281

W0C/SJ-109 Coal Benchmark 11905 3629 37.3248 -106.8259 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 925

W0C/SJ-110 Potato Hill 11871 3618 37.6725 -107.7665 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1251

W0C/SJ-111 Squaretop Mountain 11775 3589 37.2585 -106.8063 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1115

W0C/SJ-112 11755 11755 3583 37.1806 -106.7303 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 975

W0C/SJ-113 Bald Knob 11637 3547 37.3998 -107.9966 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/SJ-114 11100 11100 3383 37.3928 -106.7336 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-115 Baldy Peak 10866 3312 37.3493 -108.0374 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 686

W0C/SJ-116 Monument Hill 10848 3306 37.4392 -107.9446 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 588

W0C/SJ-117 10822 10822 3299 37.6180 -107.8526 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1014

W0C/SJ-118 Indian Mountain 10477 3193 37.3711 -107.4789 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 577

W0C/SJ-119 Baldy Mountain 10140 3091 37.3495 -107.4201 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SJ-120 9911 9911 3021 37.3853 -107.6342 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 571

W0C/SJ-121 Middle Mountain 9716 2961 37.3376 -107.2345 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 576

W0C/SJ-122 9589 9589 2923 37.3658 -107.9626 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 529

W0C/SJ-123 9488 9488 2892 37.3859 -107.6770 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 588

W0C/SJ-124 9374 9374 2857 37.6050 -107.7959 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 554

W0C/SJ-125 Archuleta Mesa 9220 2810 37.0234 -106.9632 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1680

W0C/SJ-126 9205 9205 2806 37.3760 -106.9212 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 525

W0C/SJ-127 9204 9204 2805 37.3103 -108.0299 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 704

W0C/SJ-128 9060 9060 2761 37.3079 -108.0765 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SJ-129 8999 8999 2743 37.3455 -107.6649 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1099

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W0C/SJ-130 8980 8980 2737 37.1935 -107.4631 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1200

W0C/SJ-131 Chris Mountain 8900 2713 37.2945 -107.1878 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/SJ-132 Jackson Mountain 8900 2713 37.3464 -106.9827 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SJ-133 Vosburg Pike 8899 2712 37.3266 -107.7024 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 919

W0C/SJ-134 Blue Mountain 8895 2711 37.1957 -106.8599 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/SJ-135 Wickenson Mountain 8792 2680 37.3209 -107.5133 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 772

W0C/SJ-136 8761 8761 2670 37.2467 -107.4719 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/SJ-137 Vigil Mesa 8831 2692 36.9987 -106.8269 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 601

W0C/SJ-138 Barnroof Point 8723 2659 37.3167 -107.9614 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1103

W0C/SJ-139 Kearns Benchmark 8695 2650 37.1418 -107.2210 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1515

W0C/SJ-140 8682 8682 2646 37.3140 -107.9273 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1102

W0C/SJ-141 Shaefer Mountain 8646 2635 37.3198 -107.5441 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 746

W0C/SJ-142 Oak Brush Hill 8628 2630 37.1843 -107.0909 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1088

W0C/SJ-143 8620 8620 2627 37.0527 -106.8630 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SJ-144 8615 8615 2626 37.2457 -107.3916 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 915

W0C/SJ-145 Los Pinos Benchmark 8600 2621 37.2557 -107.4087 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 820

W0C/SJ-146 Sandoval Mesa 8491 2588 37.1037 -107.3240 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 861

W0C/SJ-147 Coyote Hill 8460 2579 37.3301 -107.1077 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-148 Bridge Timber Mountain 8380 2554 37.1715 -107.9999 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 950

W0C/SJ-149 8300 8300 2530 37.3062 -107.5271 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-150 8285 8285 2525 37.3135 -107.6304 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 551

W0C/SJ-151 8260 8260 2518 37.1637 -107.0754 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SJ-152 Basin Mountain 8245 2513 37.2056 -107.9548 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 625

W0C/SJ-153 8244 8244 2513 37.0326 -107.0382 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 304

W0C/SJ-154 Ludwig Mountain 8191 2497 37.3157 -107.5928 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 731

W0C/SJ-155 Eightmile Mesa 8176 2492 37.1715 -106.9973 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 796

W0C/SJ-156 8175 8175 2492 37.2795 -107.8247 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 755

W0C/SJ-157 Animas City Mountain 8180 2493 37.3261 -107.8639 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1200

W0C/SJ-158 Cat Benchmark 8149 2484 37.1022 -107.1077 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 729

W0C/SJ-159 Newton Mesa 8100 2469 37.1395 -107.0961 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

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W0C/SJ-160 7975 7975 2431 37.0427 -107.2795 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/SJ-161 Haystack Mountain 7956 2425 37.2226 -107.2407 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 896

W0C/SJ-162 7954 7954 2424 37.2977 -107.8200 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SJ-163 Chimney Rock 7903 2409 37.1945 -107.3009 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1043

W0C/SJ-164 Carbon Benchmark 7844 2391 37.2322 -107.8933 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 866

W0C/SJ-165 Montezuma Mesa 7780 2371 37.0631 -107.0599 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 873

W0C/SJ-166 7740 7740 2359 37.2062 -107.2189 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-167 Smelter Mountain 7725 2355 37.2620 -107.9060 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/SJ-168 Carracas Mesa 7665 2336 37.0000 -107.3409 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 685

W0C/SJ-169 7660 7660 2335 37.2333 -107.3648 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-170 Mesa Mountains (HP) 7650 2332 37.0784 -107.7694 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/SJ-171 Round Top Mountain 7336 2236 37.0868 -107.9297 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 615

W0C/SJ-172 13795 13795 4205 37.9088 -107.4810 10 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/SJ-173 Wasatch Mountain 13555 4132 37.8901 -107.7957 10 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/SJ-174 Peak Three 13478 4108 37.6963 -107.5773 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 498

W0C/SJ-175 T 7 13359 4072 37.9341 -107.7232 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

W0C/SJ-176 T 8 13315 4058 37.9420 -107.7161 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/SJ-177 Uncompahgre Butte 9679 2950 38.5766 -108.6472 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

W0C/SJ-178 Winter Hills 8419 2566 37.1772 -106.8878 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 493

W0C/SJ-179 Rocky Ridge 7940 2420 37.2422 -108.6244 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SJ-180 Sinbad Ridge 7315 2230 38.4573 -108.9509 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

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Region Reference – South Central Colorado: San Luis (SL)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region San Luis (WØC/SL-XXX)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional Notes

The San Luis Valley is part of the Rio Grande Rift system that extends from central Colorado southward through New Mexico and West Texas into northern Mexico. The San Luis Valley of southern Colorado has been called the highest, largest, mountain desert in North America (Trimble 2001). The rift system began to form in the Oligocene, as a large graben sank along deep bounding faults. At the same time, tremendous volcanic eruptions and associated intrusions built up the San Juan Mountains to the west and intrusions took place to the east. Conejos Peak in the southern San Juan mountains is one to visit and climb. It stands guard over the center of the beautiful South San Juan Wilderness. Although not a difficult or visible, the attraction is the great views of the wilderness. Conejos Peak is mostly known for being the Conejos County highpoint; otherwise, the mountain is somewhat obscure. The mountain ranks 90th in prominance in the state. It is very difficult to see the mountain from a road, and is best seen from other summits or from the west. Conejos Peak is not a difficult mountain to climb. In fact, there is a road to 11,600 ft.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SL-001 Blanca Peak 14345 4372 37.5775 -105.4857 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 5326

W0C/SL-002 Culebra Peak 14047 4282 37.1222 -105.1857 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 4827

W0C/SL-003 Mount Lindsey 14042 4280 37.5837 -105.4448 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1542

W0C/SL-004 Huerfano Peak 13828 4215 37.6004 -105.4477 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 688

W0C/SL-005 Vermejo Peak 13723 4183 37.0942 -105.1911 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 761

W0C/SL-006 Purgatoire Peak 13676 4168 37.0725 -105.2108 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 849

W0C/SL-007 North Twin Peaks 13580 4139 37.5899 -105.5190 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SL-008 13565 13565 4135 37.1401 -105.1754 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/SL-009 Trinchera Peak 13517 4120 37.2891 -105.1648 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 977

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W0C/SL-010 Cuatro Peak 13487 4111 37.2584 -105.1545 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 707

W0C/SL-011 Alamosito 13466 4104 37.0843 -105.2086 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 557

W0C/SL-012 Beaubien Peak 13184 4018 37.1966 -105.1663 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/SL-013 Huerfanito 13081 3987 37.5846 -105.4643 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/SL-014 State Line Peak 12867 3922 36.9964 -105.2967 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 847

W0C/SL-015 12843 12843 3915 37.0467 -105.2215 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 623

W0C/SL-016 12794 12794 3900 37.2240 -105.1985 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1094

W0C/SL-017 Teddys Peak 12580 3834 37.3408 -105.1663 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SL-018 Slide Mountain 12306 3751 37.6395 -105.3703 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 966

W0C/SL-019 12026 12026 3666 37.2921 -105.2574 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 726

W0C/SL-020 11994 11994 3656 37.2578 -105.2399 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 614

W0C/SL-021 11682 11682 3561 37.0302 -105.1891 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 702

W0C/SL-022 Harrison Peak 11598 3535 37.4009 -105.1721 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 538

W0C/SL-023 Iron Mountain 11411 3478 37.6374 -105.2537 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1951

W0C/SL-024 10962 10962 3341 37.2909 -105.3059 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 582

W0C/SL-025 Elk Benchmark 10761 3280 37.4668 -105.2319 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1301

W0C/SL-026 10557 10557 3218 37.4023 -105.2822 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 737

W0C/SL-027 10553 10553 3217 37.5839 -105.2223 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1173

W0C/SL-028 10418 10418 3175 37.5274 -105.3737 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 918

W0C/SL-029 10322 10322 3146 37.4280 -105.1856 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 782

W0C/SL-030 9742 9742 2969 37.1519 -105.3152 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 682

W0C/SL-031 9305 9305 2836 37.1033 -105.3336 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 525

W0C/SL-032 San Pedro Mesa 9250 2819 37.0518 -105.4484 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 780

W0C/SL-033 8941 8941 2725 37.3715 -105.3852 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 721

W0C/SL-034 San Luis Hills 8585 2617 37.2474 -105.7029 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/SL-035 Music Mesa 8576 2614 37.2346 -105.6764 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 681

W0C/SL-036 8521 8521 2597 37.2475 -105.6091 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 716

W0C/SL-037 11037 11037 3364 37.3949 -105.2181 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 497

W0C/SL-038 Boyd Mountain 10394 3168 37.3350 -105.1044 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

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Region Reference – South Central Colorado: Sangre De Cristo (SC)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Sangre De Cristo (SC) (WØC/SC-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The Sawatch Range, in central Colorado, contains the highest mountains in the Rockies. The range tops out at 14,440' Mount Elbert. It contains 15 fourteeners and more than 300 peaks above 12,000' elevation. About one third of Colorado's 100 highest ("centennial") peaks lie in the Sawatch. The Sawatch Range covers a lot of ground north to south, measuring over 100 miles long. A long and high portion of the North American Continental Divide winds through the Sawatch. However, all but one of the Sawatch fourteeners lie east of the Divide.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SC-001 Humboldt Peak 14064 4287 37.9761 -105.5551 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1204

W0C/SC-002 San Luis Peak 14014 4271 37.9869 -106.9313 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 3114

W0C/SC-003 Mount Adams 13931 4246 38.0075 -105.6048 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 871

W0C/SC-004 Rito Alto Peak 13794 4204 38.1028 -105.6614 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1134

W0C/SC-005 Tijeras Peak 13604 4146 37.9244 -105.5404 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 744

W0C/SC-006 Cottonwood Peak 13588 4142 38.2190 -105.7565 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1128

W0C/SC-007 Eureka Mountain 13507 4117 38.0789 -105.6411 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 807

W0C/SC-008 Venable Peak 13334 4064 38.0550 -105.6296 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 634

W0C/SC-009 Antora Peak 13269 4044 38.3249 -106.218 8 40183 31/01/2013

W0C/SC-010 Bushnell Peak 13105 3994 38.3413 -105.8892 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2405

W0C/SC-011 Greenhorn Mountain 12347 3763 37.8814 -105.0133 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 3768

W0C/SC-012 Mount Zwischen 12006 3659 37.7912 -105.4552 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2266

W0C/SC-013 California Peak 13849 4221 37.6142 -105.4989 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 629

W0C/SC-014 Colony Baldy 13705 4177 37.9955 -105.5603 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 925

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W0C/SC-015 West Spanish Peak 13626 4153 37.3756 -104.9935 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3685

W0C/SC-016 Electric Peak 13598 4145 38.1818 -105.7083 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 938

W0C/SC-017 Broken Hand Peak 13573 4137 37.9569 -105.5667 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 673

W0C/SC-018 Fluted Peak 13554 4131 38.0245 -105.6014 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/SC-019 Gibbs Peak 13553 4131 38.1637 -105.6663 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 693

W0C/SC-020 Peak of the Clouds 13524 4122 38.1174 -105.6576 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 624

W0C/SC-021 Horn Peak 13450 4100 38.0386 -105.5862 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 710

W0C/SC-022 Lakes Peak 13375 4077 38.1997 -105.7270 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/SC-023 De Anza Peak 13362 4073 38.1669 -105.6870 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 622

W0C/SC-024 Marble Mountain 13266 4043 37.9550 -105.5332 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

W0C/SC-025 Eagle Peak 13205 4025 38.2294 -105.7224 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/SC-026 Hunts Peak 13071 3984 38.3831 -105.9457 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 891

W0C/SC-027 North Twin Sisters 13012 3966 38.3525 -105.9019 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/SC-028 Red Mountain 12994 3961 38.3678 -105.9205 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 614

W0C/SC-029 East Spanish Peak 12683 3866 37.3936 -104.9201 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2383

W0C/SC-030 Nipple Mountain 12199 3718 38.2664 -105.7970 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 659

W0C/SC-031 Saint Charles Peak 11784 3592 38.0201 -105.1162 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1124

W0C/SC-032 Waugh Mountain 11710 3569 38.6022 -105.6955 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2320

W0C/SC-033 11580 11580 3530 37.9557 -105.0845 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SC-034 Deer Peak 11572 3527 38.0413 -105.1852 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 872

W0C/SC-035 Mount Mestas 11569 3526 37.5829 -105.1472 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2229

W0C/SC-036 Dead Benchmark 11451 3490 38.6021 -105.6317 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 871

W0C/SC-037 Stoney Face Mountain 11386 3470 38.5817 -105.7409 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 646

W0C/SC-038 Green Mountain 11380 3469 37.6620 -105.3889 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SC-039 Raspberry Mountain 11241 3426 37.4122 -105.1287 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1181

W0C/SC-040 Loco Mountain 11218 3419 38.5733 -105.6433 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 598

W0C/SC-041 Rough Mountain 11138 3395 37.6023 -105.1599 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/SC-042 Wixson Mountain 11121 3390 38.0965 -105.2129 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 701

W0C/SC-043 Jack Hall Mountain 11060 3371 38.5437 -105.7856 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/SC-044 10890 10890 3319 37.8698 -105.0369 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

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W0C/SC-045 Gobblers Knob 10781 3286 38.0787 -105.1670 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 601

W0C/SC-046 Sheep Mountain 10635 3242 37.6824 -105.1920 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1495

W0C/SC-047 Arkansas Mountain 10570 3222 38.1192 -105.2639 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 820

W0C/SC-048 Silver Mountain 10522 3207 37.6154 -105.1032 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1262

W0C/SC-049 Hardscrabble Mountain 10402 3171 38.1917 -105.1962 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1502

W0C/SC-050 Rudolph Mountain 10334 3150 38.1397 -105.1564 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 994

W0C/SC-051 10271 10271 3131 37.1084 -105.1079 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 611

W0C/SC-052 Round Top Mountain 10180 3103 38.1115 -105.1099 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SC-053 10175 10175 3101 38.1132 -105.1311 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 515

W0C/SC-054 10116 10116 3083 37.5119 -105.1710 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 656

W0C/SC-055 10105 10105 3080 38.2236 -105.2219 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 565

W0C/SC-056 Burned Timber Mountain

10082 3073 38.4603 -105.7575 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 782

W0C/SC-057 Nipple Mountain 10050 3063 38.6400 -105.1255 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 700

W0C/SC-058 West Antelope Mountain

10006 3050 38.6653 -105.5867 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 666

W0C/SC-059 10010 10010 3051 38.6273 -105.8362 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/SC-060 Green Mountain 9988 3044 38.5349 -105.6604 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 765

W0C/SC-061 Park Mountain 9986 3044 38.4981 -105.7385 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/SC-062 9973 9973 3040 37.1348 -105.0965 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 513

W0C/SC-063 9934 9934 3028 38.0901 -105.1013 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 514

W0C/SC-064 Tercio Benchmark 9906 3019 37.0309 -105.0723 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 756

W0C/SC-065 9852 9852 3003 38.0253 -105.0716 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/SC-066 9835 9835 2998 37.6589 -105.1954 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 605

W0C/SC-067 9694 9694 2955 38.1725 -105.2767 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/SC-068 Curley Peak 9660 2944 38.3214 -105.3046 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1800

W0C/SC-069 Fishers Peak 9627 2934 37.0982 -104.4626 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1847

W0C/SC-070 Little Sheep Mountain 9610 2929 37.7204 -105.2112 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 910

W0C/SC-071 Bear Peak 9590 2923 38.1900 -105.3279 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 740

W0C/SC-072 9358 9358 2852 37.5567 -105.1552 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 578

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W0C/SC-073 Tanner Peak 9340 2847 38.3625 -105.3145 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SC-074 Arkansas Mountain 9275 2827 38.4251 -105.7243 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 535

W0C/SC-075 Table Mountain 9192 2802 38.4699 -105.6296 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/SC-076 Cooper Mountain 9146 2788 38.5871 -105.1571 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

W0C/SC-077 9145 9145 2787 38.4895 -105.6632 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 605

W0C/SC-078 Ute Hills 9052 2759 37.1028 -105.0193 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 792

W0C/SC-079 Falls Gulch Mountain 9042 2756 38.4092 -105.7209 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/SC-080 McKinley Mountain 9030 2752 38.2389 -105.3051 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SC-081 Big Baldy 9002 2744 38.6467 -105.3207 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 662

W0C/SC-082 8974 8974 2735 38.5453 -105.5171 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 634

W0C/SC-083 8970 8970 2734 38.2204 -105.3185 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SC-084 Badito Cone 8942 2726 37.7775 -105.0193 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1042

W0C/SC-085 Bear Mountain 8900 2713 38.4568 -105.6612 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SC-086 Delilah Peak 8874 2705 38.6335 -105.5011 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SC-087 8759 8759 2670 38.4778 -105.8235 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1059

W0C/SC-088 Round Mountain 8709 2655 38.1456 -105.4248 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 559

W0C/SC-089 Gem Mountain 8685 2647 38.2848 -105.5514 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 825

W0C/SC-090 Bull Domingo Hills 8675 2644 38.1812 -105.4377 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 685

W0C/SC-091 Pete Hills 8644 2635 37.1956 -105.0088 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 504

W0C/SC-092 Buck Mountain 8625 2629 38.2403 -105.5272 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 719

W0C/SC-093 8543 8543 2604 38.3951 -105.4752 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 923

W0C/SC-094 Democratic Mountain 8540 2603 38.2651 -105.5347 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SC-095 8540 8540 2603 38.2661 -105.5590 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

W0C/SC-096 Lookout Mountain 8500 2591 38.3506 -105.5547 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/SC-097 Deer Mountain 8500 2591 38.3274 -105.4985 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SC-098 8462 8462 2579 38.3819 -105.3988 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 962

W0C/SC-099 Mitchell Mountain 8440 2573 38.2366 -105.4482 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 590

W0C/SC-100 Laviz Benchmark 8416 2565 37.2699 -104.8216 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 641

W0C/SC-101 8385 8385 2556 38.5981 -105.4548 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 645

W0C/SC-102 8380 8380 2554 38.4947 -105.8801 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

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W0C/SC-103 8260 8260 2518 38.4243 -105.4547 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SC-104 8234 8234 2510 38.2648 -105.3852 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SC-105 8108 8108 2471 38.1658 -105.0547 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 568

W0C/SC-106 Scrapping Ridge 8060 2457 38.3382 -105.3454 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SC-107 Goemmer Butte 8043 2452 37.4732 -105.0426 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 583

W0C/SC-108 7930 7930 2417 37.4075 -104.7485 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 540

W0C/SC-109 South Twin Mountain 7901 2408 38.5152 -105.3080 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 721

W0C/SC-110 Gribble Mountain 7896 2407 38.5677 -105.4140 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 716

W0C/SC-111 Eightmile Mountain 7896 2407 38.5386 -105.3487 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 596

W0C/SC-112 Cotopaxi Peak 7873 2400 38.3532 -105.6809 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/SC-113 7860 7860 2396 38.4234 -105.4352 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SC-114 7845 7845 2391 38.4185 -105.3982 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 585

W0C/SC-115 7757 7757 2364 38.4256 -105.6055 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 617

W0C/SC-116 Horseshoe Mountain 7730 2356 38.3931 -105.3524 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 670

W0C/SC-117 Little Crampton Mountain

7701 2347 38.5578 -105.4428 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 721

W0C/SC-118 Table Mountain 7423 2263 38.5672 -104.9800 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 803

W0C/SC-119 Cactus Mountain 7410 2259 38.5124 -105.3795 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1030

W0C/SC-120 7380 7380 2249 38.2003 -105.0866 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SC-121 Fremont Peak 7233 2205 38.4487 -105.2829 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 813

W0C/SC-122 YMCA Mountain 6940 2115 38.4263 -105.2874 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 840

W0C/SC-123 Mesa de Maya 6902 2104 37.1228 -103.7272 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 992

W0C/SC-124 Comanche Peak 13277 4047 38.0428 -105.6149 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 497

W0C/SC-125 Bull Ridge 9022 2750 38.4647 -105.6045 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 522

W0C/SC-126 8704 8704 2653 38.2044 -105.3790 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

W0C/SC-127 Beckwith Mountain 8549 2606 38.1990 -105.5178 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

W0C/SC-128 8277 8277 2523 38.4489 -105.5883 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 497

W0C/SC-129 7150 7150 2179 38.1923 -105.0445 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 561

W0C/SC-130 The Hogback 6584 2007 37.4269 -104.5100 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 499

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Region Reference – Southwest Colorado: San Miguel (SM)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region San Miguel (SM) (WØC/SM-XXX)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The San Miguel Mountains, often considered separate from the San Juans, are a high, rugged, and compact range to the west of Lizard Head Pass. From just about any vantage point, they are a powerful group of peaks, with three 14ers (plus one almost-14er) close together, all combining to create a majestic panorama many consider unequaled in Colorado. The San Miguel peaks are among the most difficult to climb in Colorado. Mount Wilson is a strong contender for the title of "most difficult 14er", and Lizard Head Peak is widely considered the most difficult single peak in Colorado to climb, requiring YDS 5.6 rock climbing skills.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SM-001 Mount Wilson 14246 4342 37.8391 -107.9915 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 4024

W0C/SM-002 Wilson Peak 14017 4272 37.8603 -107.9847 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 877

W0C/SM-003 Gladstone Peak 13913 4241 37.8452 -107.9840 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/SM-004 Grizzly Peak 13738 4187 37.7562 -107.8619 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 758

W0C/SM-005 13540 13540 4127 37.8568 -108.0014 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SM-006 Middle Peak 13300 4054 37.8536 -108.1080 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1960

W0C/SM-007 Dolores Peak 13290 4051 37.8402 -108.0964 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 710

W0C/SM-008 Lizard Head 13113 3997 37.8359 -107.9506 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1133

W0C/SM-009 Sunshine Mountain 12930 3941 37.8583 -107.9342 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 830

W0C/SM-010 Blackhawk Mountain 12681 3865 37.6853 -107.9876 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1461

W0C/SM-011 Dunn Peak 12620 3847 37.8475 -108.1256 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SM-012 Lone Cone 12613 3844 37.8879 -108.2555 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2273

W0C/SM-013 Hermosa Peak 12579 3834 37.7098 -107.9284 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1079

W0C/SM-014 Sharkstooth Peak 12462 3798 37.4598 -108.0730 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

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W0C/SM-015 Elliott Mountain 12340 3761 37.7344 -108.0581 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2240

W0C/SM-016 Anchor Mountain 12327 3757 37.6964 -108.0809 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 747

W0C/SM-017 Telescope Mountain 12201 3719 37.7167 -108.0059 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 741

W0C/SM-018 Groundhog Mountain 12165 3708 37.8350 -108.2187 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1265

W0C/SM-019 Black Face 12147 3702 37.8236 -107.9217 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 647

W0C/SM-020 Flattop Mountain 12098 3687 37.7458 -107.9483 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 798

W0C/SM-021 Little Cone 11981 3652 37.9276 -108.0908 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1841

W0C/SM-022 Madden Peak 11972 3649 37.3823 -108.1059 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/SM-023 Helmet Peak 11969 3648 37.4110 -108.1272 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 549

W0C/SM-024 San Bernardo Mountain 11861 3615 37.8471 -107.9089 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 961

W0C/SM-025 Black Mesa 11603 3537 37.7853 -108.1909 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 943

W0C/SM-026 Burro Mountain 11580 3530 37.4856 -108.1065 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SM-027 Gray Head 10982 3347 37.9914 -107.9730 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 538

W0C/SM-028 Willow Divide 10410 3173 37.7514 -108.1634 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/SM-029 North Mountain 9980 3042 37.9108 -108.4026 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1360

W0C/SM-030 9900 9900 3018 37.7275 -108.2593 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1160

W0C/SM-031 Flattop Mountain 9740 2969 37.7917 -108.3180 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1000

W0C/SM-032 9660 9660 2944 38.0093 -108.0157 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/SM-033 Belmear Mountain 9660 2944 37.7509 -108.3894 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1160

W0C/SM-034 Hastings Mesa 9620 2932 38.0584 -107.9686 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SM-035 South Mountain 9478 2889 37.7905 -108.3987 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 578

W0C/SM-036 Black Mountain 9414 2869 37.2688 -108.8049 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1314

W0C/SM-037 Beaver Mountain 9310 2838 37.7164 -108.3682 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 714

W0C/SM-038 Glade Benchmark 9264 2824 37.7675 -108.5715 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1147

W0C/SM-039 Lone Mesa 9215 2809 37.7662 -108.4789 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 595

W0C/SM-040 Big Baldy 9201 2804 37.9975 -108.2220 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/SM-041 Bald Hill 9170 2795 37.6542 -108.3285 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 950

W0C/SM-042 Elston Mountain 9143 2787 37.6941 -108.5091 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 953

W0C/SM-043 9140 9140 2786 38.0401 -108.0719 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/SM-044 Horse Mountain 9100 2774 37.2658 -108.7834 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

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W0C/SM-045 Narraguinnep Mountain 9031 2753 37.7182 -108.5561 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 781

W0C/SM-046 Hamilton Mesa 8980 2737 37.9827 -108.4229 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 657

W0C/SM-047 8971 8971 2734 37.7277 -108.5253 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 681

W0C/SM-048 8944 8944 2726 37.7459 -108.5176 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 574

W0C/SM-049 8926 8926 2721 37.9025 -108.5162 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 866

W0C/SM-050 The Knees 8900 2713 37.2201 -108.8072 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SM-051 Menefee Mountain 8867 2703 37.3407 -108.2306 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 927

W0C/SM-052 8810 8810 2685 37.7454 -108.4310 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/SM-053 Thomas Mountain 8770 2673 37.7961 -108.5013 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 990

W0C/SM-054 8666 8666 2641 37.8861 -108.4564 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 726

W0C/SM-055 Marble Mountain 8572 2613 37.2980 -108.7941 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/SM-056 8485 8485 2586 37.2983 -108.2135 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/SM-057 Point Lookout 8427 2569 37.3157 -108.4187 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 607

W0C/SM-058 Prater Ridge 8418 2566 37.2998 -108.4309 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/SM-059 8210 8210 2502 37.9156 -108.8367 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1300

W0C/SM-060 Weber Mountain 8202 2500 37.2773 -108.3335 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1262

W0C/SM-061 Dolores Canyon Overlook

8010 2441 37.8056 -108.7932 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 960

W0C/SM-062 7775 7775 2370 37.5911 -108.6117 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 845

W0C/SM-063 7710 7710 2350 37.2252 -108.6375 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/SM-064 Summit Point 7565 2306 38.0063 -108.9944 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 755

W0C/SM-065 Joe Davis Hill 7490 2283 37.9420 -108.8078 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SM-066 Hamm Benchmark 7330 2234 38.0975 -108.7819 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/SM-067 Island Mesa 7180 2188 38.1522 -108.9742 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/SM-068 Goodman Point 7170 2185 37.3698 -108.7716 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SM-069 Grassy Hills 7090 2161 38.1241 -108.9127 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/SM-070 Mesa Benchmark 6884 2098 37.0430 -108.6391 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 504

W0C/SM-071 Cape Horn 6576 2004 38.0919 -108.8766 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 506

W0C/SM-072 6491 6491 1978 37.0398 -108.5831 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 511

W0C/SM-073 Squaw 6410 1954 37.1262 -108.6894 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 630

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Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

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Region Reference – Central Colorado: South Park Region (SP)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region South Park (SP) (WØC/SP-XXX)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional Notes

South Park is a high inter-mountain grassland basin, approximately 10,000 ft (3,000 m) in elevation, in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado. It encompasses approximately 1,000 square miles (2,590 km² or 640,000 acres) around the headwaters of the South Platte River in Park County approximately 60 mi (100 km) southwest of Denver. It is the southernmost of three such large mountain valleys in Colorado, along with North Park and Middle Park. The largest town in the basin is Fairplay, which sits near the northern end. In 2009, South Park was designated as a National Heritage Area. Geologically, the valley is a wide faulted syncline sitting between the Front Range to the east and the Sawatch Uplift to the west. The Mosquito Range forms a high barrier along the western side of the valley.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SP-001 La Plata Peak 14336 4370 39.0294 -106.4729 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1836

W0C/SP-002 Mount Oxford 14153 4314 38.9647 -106.3387 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 653

W0C/SP-003 Missouri Mountain 14067 4288 38.9476 -106.3784 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 847

W0C/SP-004 Grizzly Peak 13988 4264 39.0423 -106.5976 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1928

W0C/SP-005 Ice Mountain 13951 4252 38.9149 -106.4371 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1011

W0C/SP-006 Emerald Peak 13904 4238 38.9290 -106.3812 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 564

W0C/SP-007 Cronin Peak 13870 4228 38.6553 -106.2833 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1050

W0C/SP-008 Mount Buckskin 13865 4226 39.3186 -106.1467 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 679

W0C/SP-009 Rinker Peak 13783 4201 39.0368 -106.4401 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 923

W0C/SP-010 Magdalene Mountain 13762 4195 38.9071 -106.3676 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 822

W0C/SP-011 Sayres Benchmark 13738 4187 39.0092 -106.4981 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 958

W0C/SP-012 Grizzly Mountain 13708 4178 38.6457 -106.3113 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 568

W0C/SP-013 West Apostle 13568 4136 38.9144 -106.4481 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 508

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W0C/SP-014 13472 13472 4106 38.4477 -106.2407 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1172

W0C/SP-015 Pear Peak 13462 4103 38.9106 -106.4020 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 562

W0C/SP-016 Monumental Peak 13369 4075 38.5927 -106.3580 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1229

W0C/SP-017 Hoosier Ridge 13352 4070 39.3858 -106.0153 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 932

W0C/SP-018 West Buffalo Peak 13326 4062 38.9920 -106.1245 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1986

W0C/SP-019 Lake Fork Peak 13322 4061 38.9987 -106.5541 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 902

W0C/SP-020 13317 13317 4059 38.7378 -106.3054 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 737

W0C/SP-021 Geneva Peak 13266 4043 39.5537 -105.8234 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 926

W0C/SP-022 Sheep Rock Mountain 13255 4040 38.9542 -106.4971 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/SP-023 Jones Mountain 13218 4029 38.7733 -106.3940 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 638

W0C/SP-024 Gladstone Ridge 13209 4026 38.7824 -106.3481 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 949

W0C/SP-025 London Mountain 13194 4022 39.2844 -106.1582 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SP-026 Pomeroy Mountain 13151 4008 38.6272 -106.3415 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 611

W0C/SP-027 13147 13147 4007 38.6047 -106.3376 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 527

W0C/SP-028 Fitzpatrick Peak 13112 3997 38.6981 -106.4517 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 958

W0C/SP-029 Middle Mountain 13100 3993 39.0128 -106.5758 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SP-030 Boreas Mountain 13082 3987 39.4062 -105.9488 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 923

W0C/SP-031 13078 13078 3986 38.7394 -106.3321 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 738

W0C/SP-032 Whale Peak 13078 3986 39.4944 -105.8664 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 982

W0C/SP-033 13050 13050 3978 38.7133 -106.3964 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/SP-034 Pennsylvania Mountain 13006 3964 39.2647 -106.1420 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 699

W0C/SP-035 12956 12956 3949 38.8384 -106.3707 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 576

W0C/SP-036 12954 12954 3948 38.6513 -106.4293 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 614

W0C/SP-037 12934 12934 3942 38.9938 -106.5662 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 714

W0C/SP-038 12885 12885 3927 38.6767 -106.4377 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/SP-039 12876 12876 3925 38.6826 -106.3967 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 936

W0C/SP-040 Chrysolite Mountain 12822 3908 38.6659 -106.3449 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 722

W0C/SP-041 Sheep Mountain 12818 3907 39.1936 -106.1120 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 758

W0C/SP-042 12792 12792 3899 38.8087 -106.4226 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/SP-043 Mount Chapman 12755 3888 38.6254 -106.3854 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 615

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W0C/SP-044 12748 12748 3886 38.6625 -106.3940 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 648

W0C/SP-045 Pahlone Peak 12667 3861 38.4806 -106.2581 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1162

W0C/SP-046 Volz Benchmark 12589 3837 39.3848 -105.9267 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 569

W0C/SP-047 12505 12505 3812 38.8441 -106.2693 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 605

W0C/SP-048 Mount Poor 12442 3792 38.6398 -106.4011 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/SP-049 South Twin Cone Peak 12340 3761 39.4150 -105.6822 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/SP-050 Geneva Mountain 12335 3760 39.5508 -105.6937 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 715

W0C/SP-051 Madonna Dome 12331 3758 39.4033 -105.9833 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 631

W0C/SP-052 Peak Y 12274 3741 39.3608 -105.5900 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 534

W0C/SP-053 Mount Peck 12208 3721 38.4772 -106.3033 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 588

W0C/SP-054 Little Baldy Mountain 12142 3701 39.3286 -105.9481 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1002

W0C/SP-055 12132 12132 3698 39.0398 -106.1437 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/SP-056 Windy Peak 11970 3648 39.3025 -105.4397 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1510

W0C/SP-057 Sheep Mountain South 11939 3639 38.7917 -106.2717 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 679

W0C/SP-058 South Monarch Ridge 11898 3627 38.4957 -106.3187 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/SP-059 North Sheep Mountain 11858 3614 38.8008 -106.2834 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/SP-060 Tarryall Peak 11780 3591 39.1891 -105.4358 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 920

W0C/SP-061 Payne Benchmark 11780 3591 39.3694 -105.5431 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SP-062 Topaz Mountain 11762 3585 39.2850 -105.5817 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 662

W0C/SP-063 Marmot Peak 11730 3575 38.9403 -106.1114 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 750

W0C/SP-064 Methodist Mountain 11707 3568 38.4522 -106.0175 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 807

W0C/SP-065 Puma Peak 11570 3527 39.1572 -105.5815 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2260

W0C/SP-066 Thirtynine Mile Mountain

11548 3520 38.8325 -105.5552 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2088

W0C/SP-067 11460 11460 3493 39.2086 -105.4441 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SP-068 11423 11423 3482 39.2650 -105.5115 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 603

W0C/SP-069 Lake Park Peak 11403 3476 39.1764 -105.4258 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SP-070 11356 11356 3461 39.4888 -105.7474 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 616

W0C/SP-071 Schoolmarm Mountain 11332 3454 39.1153 -105.5942 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 632

W0C/SP-072 Badger Mountain 11295 3443 39.0490 -105.5126 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1595

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W0C/SP-073 11230 11230 3423 39.2637 -105.4344 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1090

W0C/SP-074 Burntop 11085 3379 39.1900 -105.5832 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/SP-075 11060 11060 3371 39.3049 -105.5366 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 579

W0C/SP-076 11038 11038 3364 38.6899 -106.1925 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 538

W0C/SP-077 Cameron Mountain 10993 3351 38.6300 -105.9156 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1506

W0C/SP-078 10874 10874 3314 39.1260 -105.5484 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 854

W0C/SP-079 Stoll Mountain 10873 3314 38.9923 -105.5010 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1373

W0C/SP-080 Saddle Mountain 10794 3290 38.8318 -105.4665 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1254

W0C/SP-081 Kaufman Ridge 10765 3281 38.8505 -105.9428 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1145

W0C/SP-082 Black Mountain 10756 3278 39.5320 -105.3981 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 776

W0C/SP-083 Big Baldy Mountain 10742 3274 38.5587 -105.8932 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 962

W0C/SP-084 Aspen Ridge 10740 3274 38.6945 -105.9700 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/SP-085 North Kaufman Ridge 10667 3251 38.8706 -105.9653 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1037

W0C/SP-086 Lost Platte Peak 10657 3248 39.3577 -105.4779 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 767

W0C/SP-087 Black Mountain 10568 3221 39.1058 -106.0172 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 848

W0C/SP-088 South Reinecker Ridge 10558 3218 39.2214 -105.9002 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 818

W0C/SP-089 10525 10525 3208 38.9176 -106.1007 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 505

W0C/SP-090 Crooked Top Mountain 10465 3190 39.4594 -105.5125 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 926

W0C/SP-091 10462 10462 3189 39.1452 -105.5284 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 682

W0C/SP-092 The Pulverizer 10380 3164 39.0210 -105.5293 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SP-093 Indian Benchmark 10368 3160 39.2389 -105.7347 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 978

W0C/SP-094 10350 10350 3155 38.8779 -106.0324 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/SP-095 Thirtyone Mile Mountain

10295 3138 38.7025 -105.5466 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1235

W0C/SP-096 10214 10214 3113 38.8680 -105.5559 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/SP-097 Cover Mountain 10157 3096 38.7408 -105.4718 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1137

W0C/SP-098 10140 10140 3091 39.4591 -105.5312 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SP-099 10123 10123 3085 38.7788 -105.9952 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SP-100 Mexican Ridge 10122 3085 39.2334 -105.8637 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 602

W0C/SP-101 10090 10090 3075 38.8319 -105.6513 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 510

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W0C/SP-102 Observatory Rock 10073 3070 39.2630 -105.6964 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 533

W0C/SP-103 10069 10069 3069 39.0186 -105.5520 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 649

W0C/SP-104 Castle Mountain 10066 3068 38.8049 -105.4294 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 686

W0C/SP-105 10055 10055 3065 39.5229 -105.4618 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/SP-106 Hammond Peak 10052 3064 38.7174 -105.6105 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/SP-107 Threemile Mountain 10020 3054 38.8613 -105.6370 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SP-108 Witcher Mountain 9994 3046 38.7610 -105.4315 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 694

W0C/SP-109 McQuaid Butte 9943 3031 38.9658 -105.9943 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 563

W0C/SP-110 Maria Benchmark 9898 3017 39.0779 -105.7484 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/SP-111 9889 9889 3014 38.9350 -105.4561 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 829

W0C/SP-112 Castle Rock 9792 2985 38.8282 -105.9805 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/SP-113 Eagle Rock 9710 2960 39.2234 -105.6642 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 500

W0C/SP-114 Cleveland Mountain 9704 2958 38.4856 -106.0991 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/SP-115 Bald Mountain 9607 2928 38.7811 -106.0332 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 547

W0C/SP-116 McIntyre Mountain 9572 2918 38.7856 -105.4035 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 712

W0C/SP-117 Midland Hill 9556 2913 38.8415 -106.0965 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 696

W0C/SP-118 Spinney Mountain 9524 2903 38.9868 -105.6130 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 814

W0C/SP-119 9472 9472 2887 38.7493 -105.5643 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 612

W0C/SP-120 9420 9420 2871 38.8271 -105.3698 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SP-121 Sulphur Mountain 9339 2847 39.0330 -105.6415 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SP-122 9260 9260 2822 39.4632 -105.4248 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SP-123 Blue Mountain 9230 2813 38.9299 -105.3533 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 570

W0C/SP-124 9083 9083 2768 39.0414 -105.3634 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 779

W0C/SP-125 9036 9036 2754 39.0780 -105.3591 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 536

W0C/SP-126 8722 8722 2658 39.3835 -105.4137 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 742

W0C/SP-127 Emma Burr Mountain 13538 4126 38.7336 -106.4167 10 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 1238

W0C/SP-128 Little Puma 11449 3490 39.1652 -105.5702 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/SP-129 Bradley Peak 9489 2892 39.1712 -105.4943 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 495

W0C/SP-130 H-44 Benchmark 8232 2509 38.6466 -106.0635 2 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 492

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Region Reference – Central Colorado: Sawatch Region (SR)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Sawatch Region (SR) W0C-Colorado (W0C/SR-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional notes

The Holy Cross Wilderness encompasses 122,797 acres and is part of the Sawatch Range. Of this, only 9,489 acres is within the Leadville Ranger District of the San Isabel National Forest. The name comes from Mt. of the Holy Cross (14,007'), which dominates the north end of the Sawatch Range and has a 1,150 foot tall "cross" of snow facing to the northwest. Holy Cross is an alpine and sub-alpine wilderness of tremendous beauty. Centered around Mount of the Holy Cross, this Wilderness has about 25 peaks that rise above 13,000', long ridges that rise above U-shaped, glacier-carved valleys, and aspen groves everywhere that glisten with gold in the fall color season. About 164 miles of trails traverse the area, several of them forming loops if you don't mind a short shuttle to connect the trail-heads. One of them, the Cross Creek Trail, runs up a glacial valley to cross Fancy Pass and then drops slowly down the valley of Fall Creek, and is rated as one of Colorado's finest short backpacking trips (about 28 miles).

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/SR-001 Mount Elbert 14433 4399 39.1178 -106.4451 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 9093

W0C/SR-002 Mount Harvard 14420 4395 38.9244 -106.3205 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2360

W0C/SR-003 Mount Antero 14269 4349 38.6741 -106.2462 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2503

W0C/SR-004 Mount Shavano 14229 4337 38.6192 -106.2393 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1619

W0C/SR-005 Mount Princeton 14197 4327 38.7494 -106.2424 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2177

W0C/SR-006 Mount Belford 14197 4327 38.9606 -106.3609 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1337

W0C/SR-007 Mount Yale 14196 4327 38.8442 -106.3138 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1896

W0C/SR-008 Mount Columbia 14073 4289 38.9039 -106.2974 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 893

W0C/SR-009 Mount of the Holy Cross 14005 4269 39.4668 -106.4817 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2111

W0C/SR-010 Huron Peak 14003 4268 38.9453 -106.4379 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1423

W0C/SR-011 Mount Ouray 13971 4258 38.4228 -106.2249 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 2671

W0C/SR-012 Fletcher Mountain 13951 4252 39.4032 -106.1287 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 611

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W0C/SR-013 French Mountain 13940 4249 39.1285 -106.4824 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/SR-014 Mount Hope 13933 4247 39.0211 -106.4198 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 873

W0C/SR-015 Casco Peak 13908 4239 39.1141 -106.4939 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 648

W0C/SR-016 Clinton Peak 13857 4224 39.3682 -106.1486 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 517

W0C/SR-017 Mount Edwards 13850 4221 39.6364 -105.7933 10 1/5/2010 1/8/2011 470

W0C/SR-018 Mount Aetna 13745 4189 38.5863 -106.3205 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1245

W0C/SR-019 Argentine Peak 13738 4187 39.6121 -105.7770 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 638

W0C/SR-020 Twining Peak 13711 4179 39.1345 -106.5633 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1251

W0C/SR-021 Mount White 13667 4166 38.6562 -106.2386 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 847

W0C/SR-022 Taylor Mountain 13651 4161 38.5834 -106.2995 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 631

W0C/SR-023 Mount Mamma 13646 4159 38.6694 -106.3179 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 546

W0C/SR-024 Mount Powell 13580 4139 39.7600 -106.3408 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 3000

W0C/SR-025 Pettingell Peak 13553 4131 39.7287 -105.9047 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1563

W0C/SR-026 Mount Emma 13581 4139 37.9749 -107.7902 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 561

W0C/SR-027 Boulder Mountain 13528 4123 38.6803 -106.2927 10 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 588

W0C/SR-028 Quail Mountain 13461 4103 39.0180 -106.3947 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 921

W0C/SR-029 Parry Peak 13391 4082 39.8380 -105.7133 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1731

W0C/SR-030 Mount Guyot 13370 4075 39.4586 -105.9377 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1324

W0C/SR-031 James Peak 13294 4052 39.8519 -105.6901 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 714

W0C/SR-032 Turner Peak 13233 4033 38.8199 -106.3787 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1173

W0C/SR-033 Fairview Peak 13214 4028 38.6831 -106.5366 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1234

W0C/SR-034 Teocalli Mountain 13208 4026 38.9606 -106.8840 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 788

W0C/SR-035 Mount Flora 13146 4007 39.8073 -105.7355 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 686

W0C/SR-036 Savage Peak 13139 4005 39.3804 -106.5204 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1153

W0C/SR-037 Mount Owen 13058 3980 38.9090 -107.1250 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1358

W0C/SR-038 Peak 8 12987 3958 39.4728 -106.1025 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 607

W0C/SR-039 Mount Sopris 12953 3948 39.2612 -107.1646 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1453

W0C/SR-040 Vasquez Peak 12947 3946 39.7961 -105.8550 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1007

W0C/SR-041 Buckeye Peak 12867 3922 39.3456 -106.2536 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1527

W0C/SR-042 Mount Baldy 12805 3903 38.9936 -107.0462 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1545

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W0C/SR-043 Buffalo Mountain 12777 3894 39.6166 -106.1428 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 877

W0C/SR-044 Mount Gunnison 12719 3877 38.8120 -107.3825 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 3549

W0C/SR-045 Uneva Peak 12522 3817 39.5571 -106.1961 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1022

W0C/SR-046 Stanley Mountain 12521 3816 39.7858 -105.8228 8 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 821

W0C/SR-047 Cinnamon Mountain 12293 3747 38.9947 -107.0708 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 713

W0C/SR-048 Mount Axtell 12055 3674 38.8380 -107.0364 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1355

W0C/SR-049 Arkansas Mountain 11853 3613 39.0847 -107.1114 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 553

W0C/SR-050 Snodgrass Mountain 11145 3397 38.9333 -106.9900 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 845

W0C/SR-051 Dakota Hill 10929 3331 39.8692 -105.5536 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 713

W0C/SR-052 Thorodin Mountain 10540 3213 39.8845 -105.4281 6 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1480

W0C/SR-053 Fairburn Mountain 10390 3167 39.8594 -105.5056 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 570

W0C/SR-054 Tremont Mountain 10388 3166 39.8664 -105.4367 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 928

W0C/SR-055 Pewabic Mountain 9940 3030 39.7690 -105.5294 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-056 Green Mountain 9418 2871 39.8899 -106.3269 4 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1438

W0C/SR-057 Blowout Hill 8700 2652 39.6836 -107.0368 2 1/5/2010 31/12/2099 1453

W0C/SR-058 Mount Massive 14421 4396 39.1874 -106.4756 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1961

W0C/SR-059 Mount Democrat 14148 4312 39.3397 -106.1398 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 768

W0C/SR-060 Capitol Peak 14130 4307 39.1501 -107.0830 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1750

W0C/SR-061 Mount Sherman 14036 4278 39.2249 -106.1699 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 896

W0C/SR-062 Pyramid Peak 14018 4273 39.0715 -106.9502 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1638

W0C/SR-063 Cathedral Peak 13943 4250 39.0343 -106.8590 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 523

W0C/SR-064 Horseshoe Mountain 13898 4236 39.1858 -106.1850 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 758

W0C/SR-065 Mount Oklahoma 13845 4220 39.1788 -106.5062 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 785

W0C/SR-066 Lackawanna Peak 13823 4213 39.0935 -106.5122 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 883

W0C/SR-067 Mount Arkansas 13795 4205 39.3324 -106.1783 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 575

W0C/SR-068 Mosquito Peak 13781 4200 39.3003 -106.1825 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 561

W0C/SR-069 Deer Mountain 13761 4194 39.1575 -106.5210 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 941

W0C/SR-070 Mount Sheridan 13748 4190 39.2091 -106.1848 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 608

W0C/SR-071 13736 13736 4187 39.1404 -106.5236 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 676

W0C/SR-072 Mount Jackson 13670 4167 39.4853 -106.5367 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1810

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W0C/SR-073 13537 13537 4126 39.0147 -106.9125 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 757

W0C/SR-074 K 49 13535 4125 39.1521 -106.5006 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 555

W0C/SR-075 13460 13460 4103 39.0046 -106.5946 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SR-076 Siberia Peak 13420 4090 39.1249 -107.0872 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SR-077 Willams Mountains (HP) 13382 4079 39.1806 -106.6103 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1682

W0C/SR-078 Gold Dust Peak 13380 4078 39.4787 -106.5964 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 920

W0C/SR-079 East Geissler Mountain 13380 4078 39.1486 -106.5731 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SR-080 Buckskin Benchmark 13370 4075 39.1136 -106.9906 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 908

W0C/SR-081 Finnegan Peak 13346 4068 39.4973 -106.5927 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 806

W0C/SR-082 13336 13336 4065 39.1229 -106.9738 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 636

W0C/SR-083 William Benchmark 13312 4057 39.1675 -106.6324 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/SR-084 Mount Daly 13300 4054 39.1722 -107.0687 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/SR-085 13300 13300 4054 39.1671 -106.5349 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-086 Tabor Peak 13282 4048 39.0602 -106.6606 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 822

W0C/SR-087 Truro Peak 13282 4048 39.0459 -106.6316 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 822

W0C/SR-088 Whitney Peak 13276 4047 39.4329 -106.4688 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 696

W0C/SR-089 Peak C 13220 4029 39.7500 -106.3366 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/SR-090 Homestake Peak 13209 4026 39.3675 -106.4146 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1474

W0C/SR-091 Mountain Boy Peak 13198 4023 39.0794 -106.5769 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 658

W0C/SR-092 Mount Valhalla 13180 4017 39.6614 -106.2183 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SR-093 Pika Peak 13126 4001 39.4686 -106.5918 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 506

W0C/SR-094 13100 13100 3993 39.4407 -106.5775 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-095 Mount Solitude 13090 3990 39.6860 -106.2612 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 710

W0C/SR-096 Ribbed Peak 13085 3988 39.4326 -106.5626 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 625

W0C/SR-097 North Traverse Peak 13079 3986 39.6710 -106.2392 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 659

W0C/SR-098 East Partner Peak 13057 3980 39.6994 -106.2773 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 557

W0C/SR-099 West Partner Peak 13041 3975 39.7058 -106.2917 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/SR-100 13003 13003 3963 39.2124 -106.5677 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SR-101 13001 13001 3963 39.1638 -106.5677 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/SR-102 12980 12980 3956 39.4027 -106.5609 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

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W0C/SR-104 Fools Peak 12947 3946 39.4508 -106.5993 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 647

W0C/SR-105 Star Mountain 12941 3944 39.0616 -106.5334 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 561

W0C/SR-106 12940 12940 3944 39.4025 -106.5062 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SR-107 Difficult Benchmark 12934 3942 39.0782 -106.6987 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 754

W0C/SR-108 12921 12921 3938 39.1505 -106.6707 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1080

W0C/SR-109 Deming Mountain 12902 3933 39.6022 -106.1849 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1162

W0C/SR-110 Galena Mountain 12893 3930 39.3151 -106.4321 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 593

W0C/SR-111 South Peak 12892 3929 39.1220 -106.2061 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 952

W0C/SR-112 Christiana Peak 12878 3925 39.1693 -107.1023 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 818

W0C/SR-113 Grouse Mountain 12820 3908 39.5172 -106.5086 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SR-114 Hawk Peak 12796 3900 39.1374 -107.1717 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 696

W0C/SR-115 Green Mountain 12791 3899 39.1094 -106.6541 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 811

W0C/SR-116 Sievers Mountain 12780 3895 39.1152 -106.9451 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 760

W0C/SR-117 West Deming 12736 3882 39.6039 -106.2061 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 676

W0C/SR-118 12734 12734 3881 39.3195 -106.4744 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 994

W0C/SR-119 Corner Peak 12709 3874 39.7520 -106.3626 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 649

W0C/SR-120 Elk Mountain 12693 3869 39.4541 -106.2383 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 673

W0C/SR-121 The Spider 12692 3869 39.7094 -106.3129 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 632

W0C/SR-122 Middle Mountain 12618 3846 39.4408 -106.5243 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 638

W0C/SR-123 Prospect Mountain 12614 3845 39.2789 -106.2371 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 554

W0C/SR-124 12558 12558 3828 39.3639 -106.4940 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 618

W0C/SR-125 12494 12494 3808 39.1356 -107.1504 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 674

W0C/SR-126 Lyle Benchmark 12489 3807 39.2966 -106.5026 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 589

W0C/SR-127 12453 12453 3796 39.3465 -106.5050 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 513

W0C/SR-128 12380 12380 3773 39.7041 -106.3364 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-129 12306 12306 3751 39.0706 -106.1966 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/SR-130 12220 12220 3725 39.3050 -106.5258 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-131 12174 12174 3711 39.3063 -106.5481 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 834

W0C/SR-132 12161 12161 3707 39.5477 -106.5122 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/SR-133 Bald Mountain 12136 3699 39.6783 -106.3299 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 516

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W0C/SR-134 Wildcat Mountain 12094 3686 39.2794 -106.5427 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 874

W0C/SR-135 Red Table Mountain 12037 3669 39.4181 -106.7712 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2017

W0C/SR-136 Chalk Mountain 12020 3664 39.3769 -106.2049 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SR-137 Wingle Ridge 11977 3651 39.5191 -106.2552 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 717

W0C/SR-138 Red Benchmark 11816 3602 39.6014 -106.3014 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1036

W0C/SR-139 11780 11780 3591 39.4244 -106.8462 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/SR-140 Mount Yeckel 11765 3586 39.2866 -106.6998 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 708

W0C/SR-141 Battle Mountain 11710 3569 39.5688 -106.2923 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 730

W0C/SR-142 11643 11643 3549 39.5449 -106.5932 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SR-143 Piney Peak 11573 3527 39.8185 -106.4977 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1313

W0C/SR-144 Cottonwood Peak 11484 3500 39.8475 -106.5314 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 744

W0C/SR-145 11340 11340 3456 39.3657 -106.5906 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/SR-146 Castle Peak 11300 3444 39.7721 -106.8305 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3040

W0C/SR-147 Red and White Mountain

11260 3432 39.7020 -106.5054 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1600

W0C/SR-148 Hardscrabble Mountain 11180 3408 39.5196 -106.8063 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1720

W0C/SR-149 Burnt Mountain 11178 3407 39.3847 -106.6281 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 638

W0C/SR-150 Mount Eve 11158 3401 39.4925 -106.7014 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 938

W0C/SR-151 Adam Mountain 11144 3397 39.5047 -106.7092 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 564

W0C/SR-152 Slate Mountain 11129 3392 39.7604 -106.4287 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/SR-153 Sheep Mountain 11089 3380 39.8784 -106.4325 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 709

W0C/SR-154 East Twin Peaks 10927 3331 39.2993 -107.3895 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 827

W0C/SR-155 Basalt Mountain 10866 3312 39.4129 -107.0118 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1326

W0C/SR-156 Porphyry Mountain 10856 3309 39.5359 -106.6787 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 796

W0C/SR-157 Lake Ridge 10806 3294 39.2310 -107.3167 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 746

W0C/SR-158 10614 10614 3235 39.2239 -107.2641 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1474

W0C/SR-159 Sloane Peak 10502 3201 39.3525 -106.8905 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 842

W0C/SR-160 Red Mountain 10423 3177 39.2208 -106.8126 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 643

W0C/SR-161 10260 10260 3127 39.3610 -107.3762 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/SR-162 10010 10010 3051 39.8075 -106.7654 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 630

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W0C/SR-163 Greenhorn Mountain 9911 3021 39.7597 -106.8943 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 571

W0C/SR-164 9732 9732 2966 39.4749 -106.3490 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/SR-165 9725 9725 2964 39.3521 -107.3303 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 625

W0C/SR-166 9700 9700 2957 39.8279 -106.7074 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/SR-167 Yarmony Mountain 9516 2900 39.9130 -106.6401 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1616

W0C/SR-168 9385 9385 2861 39.7761 -106.6098 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 765

W0C/SR-169 Coffin Mountain 9310 2838 39.5562 -106.7864 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/SR-170 East Bellyache Ridge 9289 2831 39.6552 -106.6779 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 669

W0C/SR-171 9116 9116 2779 39.2475 -106.9207 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 616

W0C/SR-172 8983 8983 2738 39.2994 -107.2491 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1083

W0C/SR-173 8919 8919 2719 39.3442 -107.2772 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1099

W0C/SR-174 Crown Benchmark 8882 2707 39.3445 -107.1273 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 782

W0C/SR-175 8819 8819 2688 39.3105 -106.9485 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1237

W0C/SR-176 Pisgah Mountain 8740 2664 39.8749 -106.7671 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/SR-177 Horse Mountain 8643 2634 39.5877 -106.7332 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/SR-178 8526 8526 2599 39.3235 -107.0031 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1106

W0C/SR-179 8410 8410 2563 39.6223 -107.0521 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 750

W0C/SR-180 7618 7618 2322 39.7312 -107.0414 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 558

W0C/SR-181 Keefe Peak 13516 4120 39.0325 -106.9042 10 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 496

W0C/SR-182 13033 13033 3972 39.1480 -106.6418 8 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 493

W0C/SR-183 12472 12472 3801 38.7093 -106.5829 6 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 492

W0C/SR-184 10415 10415 3174 38.7310 -107.2726 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 595

W0C/SR-185 East Three Knobs 9874 3010 38.7717 -107.3989 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 494

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Region Reference –Southwest CO: Uncompahgre (UR)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region Uncompahgre (UR) (WØC/UR-XXX)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional Notes

The Uncompahgre Plateau, an amazing and unique landscape, is the site of the Uncompahgre Plateau Project. The word Uncompahgre is a Ute Indian word with many connotations describing water – “Dirty Water” or “Rocks that make Water Red”. Geologic formations of Precambrian granite, Morrison and Dakota sandstones and Mancos shale dominate the Plateau, creating some of the beautiful colored canyons and formations. Located in Southwest Colorado, the Uncompahgre Plateau is a high domed upland rising from the Colorado River (4600’), peaking at 10,300’ at the top of Horsefly Peak, and running approximately 90 miles southeast to the base of the San Juan Mountains. The summit ridge of the Plateau is relatively flat with an average elevation of 9,500’ that runs southeast to northwest. The summit ridge drops off quickly on the west side and more gradually slopes downward on the east side. The Plateau is incised by many deep canyons separated by relatively flat mesas that generally run perpendicular to the summit ridge. Large canyons such as Big Red, Tabeguache, Spring Creek, Roubideau, Escalante, Big Dominquez, and Unaweep expose numerous geologic layers. The Plateau watersheds include four major drainages of the Colorado River (Dolores, Gunnison, San Miguel and Uncompahgre Rivers). The project area is divided into 20 principal watersheds.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/UR-001 Mount Sneffels 14150 4313 38.0036 -107.7923 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3050

W0C/UR-002 Teakettle Mountain 13819 4212 38.0006 -107.7618 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 759

W0C/UR-003 Dallas Peak 13809 4209 37.9882 -107.8234 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 869

W0C/UR-004 Potosi Peak 13786 4202 37.9897 -107.7493 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 806

W0C/UR-005 Cirque Mountain 13686 4171 38.0038 -107.7715 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 546

W0C/UR-006 13510 13510 4118 37.9175 -107.7377 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 610

W0C/UR-007 Mears Peak 13496 4114 38.0094 -107.8620 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 556

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W0C/UR-008 Whitehouse Mountain 13492 4112 38.0202 -107.7380 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/UR-009 Brown Mountain 13339 4066 37.9209 -107.6377 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 639

W0C/UR-010 Wildhorse Peak 13266 4043 38.0133 -107.5775 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 966

W0C/UR-011 S 8 13252 4039 38.0147 -107.8911 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 552

W0C/UR-012 South Hayden Mountain 13206 4025 37.9545 -107.7025 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 549

W0C/UR-013 North Hayden Mountain 13139 4005 37.9679 -107.6892 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 519

W0C/UR-014 13132 13132 4003 37.9931 -107.5974 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 512

W0C/UR-015 Cow Benchmark 13111 3996 38.0201 -107.6211 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 531

W0C/UR-016 Red Mountain No. 3 12890 3929 37.9017 -107.6892 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1150

W0C/UR-017 Red Mountain No. 1 12592 3838 37.9103 -107.6623 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 652

W0C/UR-018 Dexter Mountain 12441 3792 38.0543 -107.6100 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 501

W0C/UR-019 Crater Peak 11327 3452 39.0395 -107.6627 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2307

W0C/UR-020 Chalk Mountain 11146 3397 39.1125 -107.6592 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 766

W0C/UR-021 11010 11010 3356 39.0437 -107.7713 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 550

W0C/UR-022 Spruce Mountain 10833 3302 39.1972 -107.5219 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1688

W0C/UR-023 Landsend Peak 10806 3294 38.7708 -107.5517 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1306

W0C/UR-024 Horsefly Peak 10347 3154 38.1935 -107.9316 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1437

W0C/UR-025 Electric Mountain 10304 3141 39.0786 -107.5608 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1004

W0C/UR-026 10012 10012 3052 38.3167 -108.2149 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 882

W0C/UR-027 South Saddle Peak 10005 3050 38.7052 -107.5156 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1585

W0C/UR-028 9980 9980 3042 38.2736 -108.1037 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 600

W0C/UR-029 9904 9904 3019 38.2224 -108.0348 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 524

W0C/UR-030 9868 9868 3008 38.4783 -108.5686 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 928

W0C/UR-031 South Baldy 9829 2996 38.0788 -107.8331 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 689

W0C/UR-032 West Baldy 9766 2977 38.1178 -107.9002 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 866

W0C/UR-033 Poverty Mesa 9716 2961 38.4726 -107.6189 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1736

W0C/UR-034 9266 9266 2824 38.4267 -107.5015 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1246

W0C/UR-035 Poison Spring Hill 9040 2755 38.5552 -107.6446 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1060

W0C/UR-036 Coffee Pot Hill 9020 2749 38.4909 -107.6601 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/UR-037 Pine Ridge 8940 2725 38.5147 -107.5873 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

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W0C/UR-038 8787 8787 2678 38.9318 -107.6006 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 703

W0C/UR-039 Cimarron Benchmark 8678 2645 38.4461 -107.5367 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 618

W0C/UR-040 Green Mountain 8563 2610 38.5949 -107.7355 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 765

W0C/UR-041 8203 8203 2500 38.3075 -107.7280 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 663

W0C/UR-042 McKenzie Butte 8017 2444 38.2585 -107.7896 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 547

W0C/UR-043 7955 7955 2425 38.2826 -107.7221 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 575

W0C/UR-044 Needle Rock 7874 2400 38.7245 -107.5498 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 694

W0C/UR-045 7841 7841 2390 38.1847 -107.7272 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 541

W0C/UR-046 Red Rock Benchmark 7802 2378 38.5879 -107.7996 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1052

W0C/UR-047 Sewemup Mesa 7500 2286 38.4726 -108.9457 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 720

W0C/UR-048 Black Ridge 7470 2277 38.6713 -107.7995 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/UR-049 Naturita Ridge 7383 2250 38.1583 -108.6139 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 833

W0C/UR-050 Coke Benchmark 7364 2245 38.1879 -108.6729 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 794

W0C/UR-051 Skein Mesa 7140 2176 38.2540 -108.8776 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 690

W0C/UR-052 7113 7113 2168 38.6187 -107.8482 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 563

W0C/UR-053 6991 6991 2131 38.7003 -107.8515 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 821

W0C/UR-054 6955 6955 2120 38.3026 -108.7757 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1145

W0C/UR-055 Nyswonger Mesa 6713 2046 38.3157 -108.9229 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 533

W0C/UR-056 Buck Mesa 6310 1923 38.1961 -108.9458 1 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 620

W0C/UR-057 Muleshoe Bend 5606 1709 38.2408 -108.9337 1 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 496

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Region Reference – West Central CO: West Elk Mts (WE)

Association USA (WØC-Colorado)

Region West Elk Mts (WE) (WØC/WE-xxx)

Region manager Matt Schnizer - K0MOS

Regional Notes

The West Elk Mountains are a mountain range in the west-central part of the US state of Colorado. They lie primarily within the Gunnison National Forest, and part of the range is protected as the West Elk Wilderness. The range is primarily located in Gunnison County, with small parts in eastern Delta and Montrose counties. The West Elks are completely surrounded by tributaries of the Gunnison River. The range is bounded on the north by the North Fork of the Gunnison and on the east by the East River, another tributary of the Gunnison. On the south and west it is contiguous with Black Mesa and Fruitland Mesa, both part of the uplift in which sits the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. On the northeast it is contiguous with the Elk Mountains, being separated from them by Anthracite Creek and Coal Creek. Nearby towns include Gunnison, Paonia, and the ski resort of Crested Butte.

Table of summits

SOTA Ref Nr Name Elev Ft Elev m Latitude Longitude Points ValidFrom ValidTo Prom ft

W0C/WE-001 Castle Peak 14265 4348 39.0097 -106.8612 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2365

W0C/WE-002 Maroon Peak 14156 4315 39.0708 -106.9889 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2336

W0C/WE-003 Snowmass Mountain 14092 4295 39.1188 -107.0664 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1152

W0C/WE-004 Anderson Peak 13631 4155 39.0122 -106.6299 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 971

W0C/WE-005 13550 13550 4130 38.9944 -106.8780 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/WE-006 White Rock Mountain 13540 4127 38.9807 -106.9275 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 800

W0C/WE-007 Treasure Mountain 13528 4123 39.0242 -107.1228 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2821

W0C/WE-008 Star Peak 13521 4121 38.9796 -106.7995 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 816

W0C/WE-009 Petroleum Peak 13505 4116 39.0244 -106.6489 10 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 525

W0C/WE-010 Treasury Mountain 13462 4103 39.0142 -107.0991 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 522

W0C/WE-011 Taylor Peak 13435 4095 38.9920 -106.7826 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 815

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W0C/WE-012 Jenkins Mountain 13432 4094 38.9651 -106.5431 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 692

W0C/WE-013 Prize Benchmark 13384 4079 38.9956 -106.6110 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/WE-014 Precarious Peak 13380 4078 39.0168 -106.9620 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/WE-015 Italian Mountain 13378 4078 38.9452 -106.7524 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1358

W0C/WE-016 Pearl Mountain 13362 4073 38.9809 -106.8343 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 582

W0C/WE-017 Tellurium Peak 13300 4054 39.0443 -106.6555 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/WE-018 Grizzly Peak 13281 4048 38.9424 -106.5220 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 581

W0C/WE-019 Henry Mountain 13254 4040 38.6856 -106.6211 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1674

W0C/WE-020 Belleview Mountain 13233 4033 39.0444 -106.9986 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 693

W0C/WE-021 Sheep Mountain 13168 4014 38.1588 -107.4659 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 592

W0C/WE-022 13062 13062 3981 39.0933 -107.0301 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 642

W0C/WE-023 West Elk Peak 13035 3973 38.7179 -107.1995 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3095

W0C/WE-024 Purple Mountain 12958 3950 38.9916 -107.1034 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1218

W0C/WE-025 Broncho Mountain 12834 3912 38.6856 -106.5895 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 667

W0C/WE-026 12809 12809 3904 38.7371 -107.2049 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 509

W0C/WE-027 12789 12789 3898 38.9940 -107.1290 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 609

W0C/WE-028 Chair Mountain 12721 3877 39.0580 -107.2822 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2467

W0C/WE-029 American Flag Mountain

12713 3875 38.9328 -106.7181 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/WE-030 12665 12665 3860 39.0638 -107.0613 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 605

W0C/WE-031 Afley Peak 12646 3855 38.9211 -107.1189 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 626

W0C/WE-032 Ragged Peak 12641 3853 39.0366 -107.2818 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 541

W0C/WE-033 Crystal Peak 12632 3850 39.0358 -107.0881 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 532

W0C/WE-034 Gothic Mountain 12625 3848 38.9562 -107.0107 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1645

W0C/WE-035 12620 12620 3847 38.5983 -106.3964 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/WE-036 Mount Daly 12610 3844 39.1034 -107.1501 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 710

W0C/WE-037 Napoleon Mountain 12563 3829 38.6988 -106.4645 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 543

W0C/WE-038 Augusta Mountain 12559 3828 38.9722 -107.1062 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 539

W0C/WE-039 12540 12540 3822 39.0266 -107.2580 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 640

W0C/WE-040 Whetstone Mountain 12516 3815 38.8222 -106.9800 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2456

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W0C/WE-041 Richmond Mountain 12501 3810 38.9516 -107.1123 8 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 681

W0C/WE-042 Forest Hill 12444 3793 38.8964 -106.6785 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1184

W0C/WE-043 East Beckwith Mountain

12432 3789 38.8464 -107.2234 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2492

W0C/WE-044 12430 12430 3789 39.0259 -106.7404 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 502

W0C/WE-045 Fossil Ridge 12427 3788 38.6482 -106.6671 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 567

W0C/WE-046 Mount Emmons 12392 3777 38.8864 -107.0511 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 572

W0C/WE-047 12386 12386 3775 39.0245 -106.6931 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 566

W0C/WE-048 Anthracite Range (HP) 12385 3775 38.8145 -107.1444 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2125

W0C/WE-049 Matchless Mountain 12383 3774 38.8342 -106.6450 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1763

W0C/WE-050 South Baldy Mountain 12380 3773 38.6655 -107.1973 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 503

W0C/WE-051 12374 12374 3772 38.6453 -106.6221 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 514

W0C/WE-052 South Matchless Mountain

12233 3729 38.8167 -106.6614 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 733

W0C/WE-053 Cement Mountain 12200 3719 38.8072 -106.8136 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1580

W0C/WE-054 North Double Top 12191 3716 38.8866 -106.8389 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1131

W0C/WE-055 West Beckwith Mountain

12185 3714 38.8601 -107.2739 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1485

W0C/WE-056 Crested Butte 12162 3707 38.8833 -106.9437 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2582

W0C/WE-057 Schuylkill Mountain 12146 3702 38.9403 -107.0884 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 526

W0C/WE-058 Park Cone 12100 3688 38.7967 -106.6031 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2040

W0C/WE-059 Carbon Peak 12079 3682 38.7941 -107.0431 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2179

W0C/WE-060 Mount Guero 12052 3673 38.7197 -107.3860 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2432

W0C/WE-061 11961 11961 3646 39.0296 -107.2188 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 621

W0C/WE-062 11942 11942 3640 38.7097 -107.3368 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1482

W0C/WE-063 Huntsman Ridge 11852 3612 39.1920 -107.3666 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 3072

W0C/WE-064 Lime Ridge 11842 3609 38.4355 -106.3222 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 782

W0C/WE-065 11841 11841 3609 38.6701 -107.4257 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1541

W0C/WE-066 Storm Ridge 11814 3601 38.7900 -107.2051 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 757

W0C/WE-067 Bald Mountain 11787 3593 38.6610 -107.4101 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 727

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W0C/WE-068 11725 11725 3574 38.6870 -107.3181 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 785

W0C/WE-069 Coal Mountain 11705 3568 38.7868 -107.4837 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1715

W0C/WE-070 Boston Peak 11702 3567 38.8519 -106.7445 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 682

W0C/WE-071 Soap Benchmark 11700 3566 38.6905 -107.2263 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/WE-072 11672 11672 3558 38.6746 -107.3602 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 652

W0C/WE-073 Red Mountain 11660 3554 38.7650 -106.9409 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1120

W0C/WE-074 Sheep Mountain 11660 3554 39.0651 -107.1231 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 880

W0C/WE-075 Bonfisk Peak 11629 3545 38.6458 -107.2693 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 729

W0C/WE-076 Cimarron Ridge 11602 3536 38.2594 -107.5943 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1488

W0C/WE-077 11590 11590 3533 38.2035 -107.4334 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 610

W0C/WE-078 11562 11562 3524 38.4779 -106.3465 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 702

W0C/WE-079 North Cimarron Ridge 11550 3520 38.2691 -107.6142 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/WE-080 11536 11536 3516 38.7077 -107.2531 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 556

W0C/WE-081 South Cimarron Ridge 11526 3513 38.2127 -107.5809 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 666

W0C/WE-082 Alpine Plateau 11514 3509 38.2197 -107.3457 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 894

W0C/WE-083 Tomichi Dome 11465 3495 38.4849 -106.5289 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2325

W0C/WE-084 Marcellina Mountain 11348 3459 38.9298 -107.2438 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 2728

W0C/WE-085 Quartz Dome 11296 3443 38.5975 -106.5686 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 604

W0C/WE-086 Browning Ridge 11220 3420 38.7882 -107.4110 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 960

W0C/WE-087 Lookout Mountain 11103 3384 38.5464 -106.5609 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 843

W0C/WE-088 11095 11095 3382 38.6865 -107.3926 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 635

W0C/WE-089 Middle Chain Mountains

11056 3370 38.7789 -107.4356 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1064

W0C/WE-090 Tater Heap 10984 3348 38.7266 -107.4239 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 964

W0C/WE-091 West Chain Mountains 10935 3333 38.7772 -107.4561 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 609

W0C/WE-092 Round Mountain 10889 3319 38.7787 -106.8533 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 898

W0C/WE-093 Dawson Ridge 10822 3299 38.4667 -106.4632 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1082

W0C/WE-094 10794 10794 3290 38.6121 -106.7276 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 734

W0C/WE-095 10655 10655 3248 38.6307 -106.7560 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 522

W0C/WE-096 Flat Top 10572 3222 38.7103 -106.9089 6 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1072

Summits on the Air – ARM for U.S.A. (WØC)

1 December 2018 Revision 3.1 Page 86 of 86 Document S46.1

W0C/WE-097 10460 10460 3188 38.5100 -106.4528 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 514

W0C/WE-098 Big Sand Mountain 10452 3186 38.7483 -107.4764 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 752

W0C/WE-099 Strand Hill 10380 3164 38.8739 -106.8758 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 560

W0C/WE-100 10260 10260 3127 39.2438 -107.4297 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/WE-101 10060 10060 3066 40.6616 -105.8311 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/WE-102 Slide Down 9978 3041 38.6919 -107.4410 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 518

W0C/WE-103 Buck Mesa 9836 2998 38.9982 -107.4542 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 1696

W0C/WE-104 Moseley Ridge 9706 2958 38.8226 -107.3011 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 766

W0C/WE-105 9706 9706 2958 38.2509 -107.1824 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 516

W0C/WE-106 Iris Benchmark 9676 2949 38.4290 -106.8336 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 686

W0C/WE-107 Tolvar Peak 9481 2890 38.3118 -107.1400 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 851

W0C/WE-108 Fitzpatrick Mesa 9420 2871 38.4122 -107.4296 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 716

W0C/WE-109 9420 9420 2871 38.7132 -106.8107 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 680

W0C/WE-110 Iron Hill 9245 2818 38.2533 -107.0533 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 545

W0C/WE-111 Antelope Benchmark 9227 2812 38.6504 -106.9904 4 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 527

W0C/WE-112 Quartz Benchmark 8892 2710 38.5074 -106.6800 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 530

W0C/WE-113 Sheep Mountain 8850 2697 39.0891 -107.4505 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 750

W0C/WE-114 8730 8730 2661 38.4912 -106.7403 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 520

W0C/WE-115 West Flatiron 8580 2615 38.8947 -107.4159 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 675

W0C/WE-116 Bull Mountain 8185 2495 39.0574 -107.3960 2 1/8/2011 31/12/2099 725

W0C/WE-117 Soap Mesa 10060 3066 38.5514 -107.3601 4 1/4/2017 31/12/2099 720

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