Subspace 2009b

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  • 8/14/2019 Subspace 2009b


    The Great Void Which Is Unconditioned


    (Subspace 2009)(c) 2009 by Clete Goffard

    One: The Expanding Universe.

    I.Ants on a Balloon, Both the Ant and the Balloon expand. II.The Fundamental Mass Unit

    Hypothesis, A Cause of Mass? III.The Minkowski Coordinate System, There is No Common

    Dimension of Time, The Special Theory of Relativity. IV.The Expanding Earth Theory.

    [A Special Note: The view being presented herein is an alternative world view developed by

    its author, and should not be taken as an exposition of 'legacy' physics. C.G.]


    Ants On A Balloon.The idea of an expanding universe occurred to Edwin Hubble in the early 1920's, when he

    examined 'nebula', faint smudges of distant light, with a newer and more powerful telescope at

    Mt. Wilson, California. The smudges resolved into galactic shapes. He discovered from

    interpreting their spectra that not only did the emission lines of atoms show a lower frequency, orred-ward shifting compared to closer light sources, but that the further away the galaxy was

    estimated to be, the greater the red-ward shift. This was interpreted to mean that the galaxies were

    moving away from one another like ants on the surface of a balloon that is being inflated.

    Georges Lemaitre proposed that cause of this expansion was that all matter and energy hadonce been concentrated in a "Primeval Atom," which exploded in a titanic "Big Bang."

    The Big Bang theory did require modification as time went on. For one thing, subsequent

    calculations showed that the expansion needed to be many times faster at the beginning than later,

    and the "Inflationary model", which went through several changes, was born. Later it wasdiscovered that rather than slowing down as a result of gravity, the rate of expansion was

    increasing.This highly unexpected result might be explained, it was supposed, by positing a

    "dark" energy" that was pushing the galaxies apart.

    All of this is mainly to explain the red-ward shifting of light coming from very distant sources.

    The kind of expansion thought to be occurring has been called gauge invariant, because it

    presumes that material objects retain the same scale. A commonly used analogy is that of ants on

    an expanding balloon: the balloon inflates, and the ants (galaxies) move apart creating relative

    space, but the ants remain at a the same size as a result of gravity.

    But it is also a hypothesis of convenience, for if size or gauge, within the galaxy remains

    constant, local physics do not have to be changed.

    Both the Ant and the Balloon Expand.We propose that an entirely distinct kind of expansion, one we shall call universal gauge

    expansion, in which the ant is expanding at the same rate as the balloon.* To make the analogy

    more apt, we shall imagine that the ant drawn in ink. But in this kind of expansion, the galaxies

    would not actually be moving apart, disregarding relative motions. Everything would simply be

    getting bigger--not only the space between the galaxies, but the galaxies themselves, and even the

    atoms within the galaxies. The ant would grow in size with the balloon.

    This idea of a universe in which everything expands uniformly can be laid at the doorstep of

    Roger Joseph Boscovich, a contemporary of Newton and Leibniz. Boscovich was a Jesuit, and

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    the Vatican's "science guy." In an exposition of his system (in which atoms were like points), he

    said it was conceivable that the universe could expand and contract in size daily without our

    being aware of it.

    A simple analogy which ought to convince us that this could actually 'work,' is to imagine

    ourselves as part of an image which is being enlarged or decreased by a zoom lens. Everything inthe image, all objects and the space between them, can be enlarged with the twist of the lens. The

    relation of elements, one to the other within the image, does not change. We are a part of theimage being zoomed--a view the expansion from outside introduces a distortion.

    Suppose our universe, without our being aware of it, expanded to twice its previous size.

    Could we tell the difference? We'd probably notice it if the length of the second remained the

    same. If we measured the speed of light we would find that it was only half of what we expected

    it to be (since it had to travel twice as far).But if the zooming of space had been accompanied by

    a zooming of time so that the second was also twice as long, the measurement would come out


    Boscovich apparently did not develop the his speculations about expansion further (in which

    case he would have had to deal with the time aspect), although the statement implies a

    relationship between time and space which we call the gauge rule. A convenient rule-of-thumb is:

    the bigger the clock, the slower it runs.

    But the time used in the gauge rule is not measured by the standard clock of physics, wherewe assume that the number of standard seconds is the quantity of time, and as space increases,

    the number of standard seconds increases proportionately.We are proposing that the length of the

    second expands.

    In the gauge rule, if one deals with length as a fundamental unit which can increase ordecrease in size, then the fundamental unit of time, the second, can be imagined to expand and

    contract, as well. In other words, the rate of change of length divided by the the rate of change of

    time equals a constant. Since units of measurement are arbitrary, the constant may be set as c, the

    observed speed of light.

    Use of the gauge rule is restricted: one can't simply scale up size and expect time to be slower.

    Something more fundamental is involved, and that something is the behavior of what we call the

    "self-enclosed wave," a fundamental, pulsating, pattern, which we shall deal with in the next

    section.Dewey B. Larson, an engineer, earlier developed what he called the Reciprocal System, in

    which a relation quite similar to what we have called the gauge rule plays a pivotal part: the

    concept of space (length) and time (seconds) as reciprocals of one another. Larson also conceived

    of an expanding universe, but one consistent with the current (ant-on-a-balloon) view. And his

    reciprocal system seems to be based on length as defined by the number of standard units, and

    time as the number of standard seconds.Because he saw universal expansion as having magnitude

    (speed) but no (actually an infinite number of) linear direction (s), he called it scalar, rather than

    vector motion.* *

    * Our personal inclination is to call it zoom expansion.* *The official site for Larson's system is:,Dr. Bruce Peret, proprietor.

    II.The Fundamental Mass Unit Hypothesis.

    We can measure space with a rule and time with a clock, apparently directly. But mass, a

    property of matter, cannot be so measured; we measure instead resistance to acceleration, and

    posit that some attribute of matter gives rise to the resistance.

    But resistance to acceleration is a relation and not a something which can exist independently

    of relation. Now one would think that in this case there must be a somethingness to mass, and that

    this somethigness is involved in the relation. If it only exists as a relation, then what is its status

    when it is not relating? If it can't be measured, in other words, does it exist? We prefer to deal

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    with material substance, then, as a persisting something which exists independently of relations,

    one of the relations of which is mass.

    It is a common truism that the the total rest mass of an object can be divided by dividing the

    material in the object. Half of the loaf is about half the mass of the whole loaf. We can take the

    division to the size of atoms, at which point we must either stop or break the atom up intosmaller parts. The atom has mass, and the parts of the atom, electrons, neutrons and protons, as

    well as the "pieces" they are broken into. It seems that the atomic level is not the primary level oforganization, for below that are the elusive quarks.

    Where does divisibility end? Does the final product of division, itself, have mass, or is mass a

    relation created between parts at an even finer level? Fortunately, for the purposes of our

    discussion, we do not need to know. What we shall do is to employ a working hypothesis, which

    can be described in these terms:

    There is a unit of materiality that we shall call the fundamental mass unit which is the smallest

    (observable) amount of gravitational and inertial mass.Note that the fmu need not be an actual

    particle--that's not important here--its merely the smallest, concrete, unit of mass to which we

    have need to make reference.

    Our purpose for positing the fmu is this. Physics, in considering mass as a fundamental

    quantity, is defining mass in terms of relative amounts of mass. Relative amounts of mass can be

    measured and compared.What we want to do is to explore relations the relations of mass as athing of itself, and the relations of that to other masses.

    We can say that the proper mass of an object is the sum of the fmu's it contains: m=n(fmu).

    For example, when Newton's apple fell, we can more properly say that gravity acted not on the

    mass as a quantity, but upon each fmu individually. It is the individual fmu that is accelerated, andhence the accelerated speed of falling is not determined by the quantity of fmu's it contains, but

    on the acceleration of each individual fmu.

    Or, let us consider the famous Law of Gravitation, F=Gm1m2/d^2. Why multiply one mass by

    the other?( one might ask). While m1m2 is a product, it is also a sum. The first mass, m1,

    contains n1 fundamental mass units, and the second, n2, fmu. Each fmu of n1 has n2 relations

    with the second mass. The sum of all the relations of the fmu's of m1 with m2 is simply m1m2.

    Suppose a solid object in our vicinity suddenly disappeared, or shall we say, dematerialized.

    What happens to the mass? We can imagine that the mass becomes imaginary, which is anotherway of saying not detectable. The framework of our thinking is structured on detectability. If it

    cannot be measured, it does not exist, is a rule of thumb for physical reality.

    It is necessary, for our purposes, to borrow a term from the physics of energy and posit kinetic

    mass and potential mass. The energy of an object raised to a higher elevation, for example, is

    considered to be potential.

    Following this line of thought, we will conceive of the mass of a disappearing object

    becoming potential. The need for doing this will soon be clear when we consider the possibility

    of a physical object being phase-shifted. If it is moved slightly ahead, or backward in the time

    cycle, it would, no doubt, disappear from our environment. We can then consider that its' mass

    has become potential, rather than ceasing to exist.

    A Cause of Mass?

    As a result of the "zoom" expansion we have suggested, any two physical objects in the

    present instant are further apart than they were in the previous instant. A slight lag in expansion

    would be equivalent to their being slightly accelerated backward in time toward a closer

    conjunction.Hence, it might seem to the observer that they attracted one another gravitationally.But how do we account for a backward motion? It is the mass, after all, that is the evidence of

    the expansion. We think that we must posit a varying rate of expansion. The expansion is not

    linear, but speeds up and slows down as we expect cyclical time to do. If the rate of expansion

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    increases, then each second will be slightly longer. A driver of an accelerating automobile will

    feel a backward force on their body resulting from inertia. Inertial mass, thus, means a minimum

    amount of energy is continually required to change the time path.

    If, on the other hand, the rate of expansion is decreasing, or increasing, there also will be an

    inertial effect.But there is another analogy which might be more to the point: a point on a the edge of a

    spinning disc is continually changing direction. If the Brahman wave* is spinning dimensionally,it is making a continual deviation in direction.

    What we are certain about at this point is this: Inertial mass, in our scheme, is the resistance to

    diverting the time path of the gauge pulse.*

    * This and other terms will be explained shortly.


    The Minkowski Coordinate System.

    In 1908, Hermann Minkowski unveiled a coordinate system of four dimensions, x,y,z+t, inwhich time was treated in the same

    way as the three spatial dimensions.A three-dimensional point became a world linebecause of its

    dimensional extension in time.Minkowski used a commonplace mathematical assumption, that aninfinite number of points can be placed on a line. For any two points, the thinking goes, a third

    point can be imagined to be interposed between them. For the purposes of pure math this is

    satisfactory but when applied to a physical model it has led physics into, we believe, what

    Whitehead called "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness," commonly expressed as "mistaking themap for the territory."

    We know there are no infinitely small parcels of mass, matter, or energy. What are we to make

    of an infinitely small time or length? Can there be such a thing in a world that seems to be

    otherwise quantized?

    In the view we are presenting, there are no infinitely large or small quantities in the relative

    world of materiality and forces.Hence we must conclude that there is a grain to space and to time

    as well, a minimal extension.Hence, we would replace Minkowski's world-point with a world-

    minimum. A second objection that we entertain to the Minkowski system is the assumption that the future

    is an extension of the past. We can see the near past as an extension of the less near past, and it is

    convenient to project this forward beyond the present instant to a future we have not yet

    experienced, but which is as real as the past. We think there is reason to believe that the future,

    that is, the future we will experience, exists only in potential.*

    There is an important distinction to be made.In the view we have developed and are presenting

    here, there are multiple waves of time, one behind the other. These waves ripple through a

    medium we call subspace and leave a slowly damping-out effect. The residue of one wave

    modifies the probabilities of the next which increases the liklihood that its' content will be similar.

    *If we are applying the coordinate system to the past, or hypothetically,this objection may bedisregarded.

    There Is No Common Dimension of Time.

    When speaking of the expansion of the universe, it is fundamental mass units that are actually

    separating. As they do, the relative space between them increases, or is "created."

    We will assume that the expansion is radial, like an expanding balloon. So a concentration of

    fmu's will separate as they expand outward.The direction of expansion is the fmu's dimension of

    time. But we might treat the overall expansion as scalar, because each fmu has a different


    But one must not confuse the 3+1, Classical, approach with the gauge expansion model

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    presented here, where everything gets bigger, like the zoomed image, without relative motion

    within the image.We propose that a four-dimensional, expansion is occurring, so that the overall

    increase in size also occurs in the fourth, or temporal dimension..The expansion is occurring at

    the observed speed of light (3x 10^8 m/s).

    An analogy we find useful in understanding relative motion, is that of two speedboatstraveling at an identical speed, v, across a lake. One of the boats, by means of its rudder, diverts

    its course by a certain angle. Each boat will see the other begin to drift away at a constant speed.Two objects at relative rest are like the boats when their courses are parallel. The forward

    motion is not noticeable (one boat compared to the other). But the divergence is noticeable. What

    we propose is that the forward motion is the direction of expansion, and that is the boats'

    dimension of time. Note that the speed of the boats is always v. The speed of drifting apart is

    relative motion. So when the time lines of two objects diverge, they have relative relative motion

    to one another,.There is the additional condition that the divergence be quantised, and so there

    would be a minimum unit of divergence, which must be an important physical constant.

    If the two boats do not diverge, they will both be traveling in the same direction.What seems

    to be a common dimension of time is actually units of materiality traveling together with minimal

    divergence at a common group speed.They are at rest, relative to one another, in time. A "unit of

    materiality" will always travel at a rate of c, and does not change its direction without the

    application of a force ( this is essentially a restatement of Newton's First Law of Motion). Whatthe application of force does is to change the object's time path of expansion. The amount of force

    is equal to the angle of divergence, which is directly proportional to the relative speed produced.

    There is no common dimension of time. Every object has its own time path. Objects at rest

    relative to one another are traveling on parallel time paths which makes it seem as if there is acommon dimension. The time path is the direction through subspace.

    The Minkowski 3+1 coordinate system, must be treated very carefully. The universal

    expansion creates more of a "world cone," than a world line. But more fundamental than that, the3+1 viewpoint assumes that mass, and matter, have a real existence, whereas in our approach,

    materiality is a gauge effect in subspace.

    The Special Theory of Relativity.A well known thought-experiment of the special theory of relativity involves an accelerating

    space ship and an earthly observer.

    The observer, watching the spaceship depart through a telescope is limited, for information, to

    electromagnetic energy emitted by the spaceship.He sees the light from the ship progressively

    spread out in wavelength, that is, shift red-ward. As the speed of the ship increases, the distant

    observer will see the frequency diminish through the infrared to invisibility. If an image of a

    clock were transmitted, the seconds would be seen becoming longer and longer.

    Relying on the Special Theory, he interprets this to mean that time on board the ship is

    slowing down, and it seems as if the mass is increasing. But this is an inference because he

    actually has no knowledge about the mass nor any way of actually measuring it. His conclusion isthat the ship will never pass light speed, because if it should reach it, the mass would become

    infinitely large. It is assumed that the motive power of the spaceship remains constant, so if thelight waves shift redward in frequency, it is assumed that it is because of a slowdown of time. The

    acceleration of the ship is decreasing, and hence its mass is increasing.

    The special theory predicts a dimensional rotation in space-time. What we are proposing is that

    it is the spaceship's time dimension (time path) that rotates. Its' time dimension is simply the

    direction through subspace.

    It is our conclusion that the primary weakness of the special theory of relativity is the

    unqualified assumption of a common time dimension which allows the observer's frame of

    reference to be projected onto the observed.

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    The problem lies not in the math, but the assumption that the observer's frame of reference can

    be projected onto the moving spaceship.In its' own way, a very subtle misinterpretation has

    occurred due to the limitations of the 3+1 classical perspective.

    Hence the observer does not see the true state of affairs due to an observational limitation, but

    he is projecting these limitations onto what he is seeing. He explains the lengthening ofwavelength as an increase in size and a slowing down of time and an increase in the mass of the

    spaceship.But an observer on the spaceship sees exactly these same conditions applying to the world of

    the distant observer. If one accepts the implication of relative motion, one must accept this. If the

    spaceship is leaving the galaxy at the speed of light, the galaxy is leaving the spaceship at the

    speed of light. Of course, we of the galaxy are not aware of the departing spaceship, and consider

    time and mass as constant as ever.

    There is a special condition involving light necessary in our view, and that is that light is

    received from the past, and emitted into the future at an angle of 45 degrees. It travels, in other

    words through both time and space. If one draws a chart, at light speed the emitted light is

    parallel to the time path of the observer. Receding relative motion decreases this angle, reddening

    the light and approaching relative motion increases the angle makes it bluer (the converging

    Andromeda Galaxy shows a slight blue shift). While the time path of the spaceship rotates, the

    observer cannot see the new direction of the time path as time, but sees it as space.We propose that the observation of a rapidly accelerating, departing, spaceship will show that

    as the observed speed of light is approached the light frequencies are spread out (reddened) to an

    infinite wavelength, and the spaceship will fade from view. This is an observational limitation

    which has no effect whatsoever on the spaceship which can continue to accelerate to well beyondlight speed.An observer on the spaceship, however, will continue to measure the speed of light as

    c with on board equipment. There is an apt illustration of observational limitation in the Dopplershift of frequencies. Christian Doppler stood beside a railroad track listening to the increase in

    pitch of horn players on an approaching flatcar, and the decreasing pitch as the flatcar moved

    away, and attributed the change in pitch to the speed of the flatcar and not a foreshortening or

    lengthening of time itself.

    Relying on the Special Theory, the observer concludes the results correspond to a dimensional

    rotation of the spaceship. Unknown to him, it is the time path (or individual time dimension)which has rotated.

    Rather than saying that physical object cannot exceed the speed of light, we would qualify the

    statement by adding "relative to observation."

    The captain of a spaceship can continue to accelerate, as long as fuel allows, to and beyond the

    speed of light. But the catch is that an inboard light speed measuring device will always show

    light speed to be 3x10^8 m/s faster than the ship (which can be considered to be at rest for the

    measurement). Hence, the Second Postulate will be found to hold.The ship can never reach light

    speed, as (most) kittens cannot catch their tail.

    At this point the reader may bring up the failure of laboratory attempts to accelerate a particle

    to faster than light speeds. But if the particle is accelerated by equipment at rest, the force exertedon the particle diminishes as speed increases,-- which would seem to be equivalent to its "mass"

    increasing.If we recall correctly, Whitehead logically deduced a similar rotation of time in "Science and

    the Modern World."

    IV.Expanding Earth Theory.

    If a four-dimensional gauge expansion is occurring, then our planet is also expanding at the

    speed of light.

    Since the planet's gravity is greatest near the surface, we might expect--if gravity results from

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    a lag in that expansion--that the lag is greater there than in the interior. If one, thus, has an

    expanding sphere of which the surface expands at a slightly slower rate than the interior, one

    might conclude that the surface would be subjected to cracking. If we follow this line of thought

    backward, we can easily imagine how the continents came into being.

    At some remote time in its history, we imagine, the planet was completely covered byprimeval ocean, and what are now the continents formed its sea bed. Slowly, although faster at

    some time than others, the sea bed cracked in great circle lines and slowly the ocean subsided intothe widening cracks.

    Land life could not develop before this occurred, and for a long duration the emerging

    continents would have been subjected to daily flooding and drying as a result of tides.

    If the above is true, then the edges of the continents should show great circle cracks of a

    smaller diameter planet. It is also unavoidably implied that the continents would be found upon

    examination, to fit together as the surface of a smaller diameter sphere--this is our interpretation

    of what we have found to be an idea of some provenance.

    Main stream geophysics seems to be progressing in this direction, most notably the work of

    James Maxlow (there are a growing number of others). The actual expansion occurs along the

    edges of the continental plates which are slowly separating, and as they do so, molten rock oozes

    up to fill the crack created, in a process known as sea floor spreading. Dr. Maxlow's approach

    involves the fact that the earth's magnetic field periodically reverses. The molten rock acquiresthe magnetic polarity of the field as it cools, and hence bands of opposing polarities (magnetic

    striping) are created. These bands show a general outline of the continental plates at the edges,

    and they can be tracked backward to show that continents separate because the sea floor has been

    getting larger rather than the continental plates drifting as in Alfred Wegener's scheme. Accordingto Maxlow, 200 million years ago the land mass of the earth was united as a single continent (the

    entire crustal surface) of the Earth which was estimated to be about 52% of its current size. But

    this value (apparently derived from calculating the size of a sphere with a surface area equal to

    the current continental area) does not take into account our proposal of gauge expansion.

    An enthusiastic proponent of the expanding earth idea is noted cartoonist Neal Adams, who

    has produced several videos of the proposed process (q.v.).

    * * * * * *

    Two: The Gauge Pulse Cosmology.

    I. An Introduction to Subspace. II. The Self-Enclosed Wave, the Brahman Wave, the Gauge

    Pulse. II.The Pyramid Model, An Idea About Time(1): Henri Bergson, An Idea About Time(2):Philip K. Dick. IV. Phase Shifting, Light.


    An Introduction to Subspace.We shall turn our attention to space, itself, which in its true nature we have given the name

    subspace to avoid confusion with relative space-time. But, since four dimensions of space are

    required, and each dimension may be space-like or time-like (Euclidean) , one has the option of

    4+0, 0+4, and three 3+1 spaces. Hence, what is called 'hyperspace', which we take to be a 4+0

    space, is a specific conception of subspace.

    Subspace is substantive, rather than a metrical nothingness. But it is, as we have said, not

    relative space. Since it is vibratory and composed of discrete units, it can support wave motion. In

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    some respects subspace resembles an aether with the important distinction that: subspace is not

    something in space, but space itself.

    This space is considered to be boundless.It is also grainy. The closely packed grains are

    bubble-like, vibrating, wave motions which vibrate backward and forward in four simple

    harmonic motions, and in doing so, contain, or enclose themselves. We call this special sort ofwave the self-enclosed wave, and consider it to be the fundamental pattern of physical

    existence.It is smaller and vibrates faster than any physically detectable vibration.Could we see it,it possibly would appear to us as a bubble. It is a wave that might appear to be a thing.

    The S.E.W., or self-enclosed wave, follows what we call the gauge rule , so that l/t=k, (where

    k is the observed speed of light, l is spatial size, and t is the length of the second). In other words,

    the ratio of space to time is a constant, c.So as the SEW increases in size, its' time slows, and vice versa.When Boscovich's universe

    gets smaller, its time runs faster because its seconds are not as long. The gauge rule is essential to

    maintain the observed speed of light as a constant in a universe which may change in size. The

    reader may see that we are adopting the Second Postulate of the STR, which establishes the

    observer's measurement of the speed of light, c, as a fundamental constant.The gauge rule is actually implicit in our current world view, for there is the assumption that

    ratio between the scale of space and the length of the second is unvariably constant. We do not

    know the two do not vary, but we know that if they do, they must vary in such a way to beunnoticeable.

    Subspace is much too dense to allow for any kind of materiality to pass through it.What can

    pass through is a type of wave motion we call the gauge wave. Since subspace is composed of

    discrete vibrating units, any wave motion will be broken up into quantized gauge pulses. As wemay repeatedly say herein, "the gauge rule applies."

    Subspace, is not the relative space with which we are familiar. The "ground floor" conception

    of the world of naive human experience, the current culture and even science, is still local 3+1

    space and linear time. Dimensionality as a pure abstraction, in our opinion, has little meaning

    except as a coordinate system applied to materiality. Local space is relative.

    While we might believe that we have a fairly clear idea of what space is, time is a persisting

    mystery. We can call it a dimension, and measure it with a clock, but it is not exactly the same

    kind of dimension as the other three spatial dimensions. One can walk across a park with ease,but it is practically impossible to stroll into the park of yesterday or tomorrow. C. Howard Hinton,

    a 19th century mathematician (and son-in-law of George Boole for those who like such gossip)

    noted that although time may be an extension, it is also motion along that extension.

    This prompts an idea--perhaps we can't walk into tomorrow because the motion of time is so

    rapid that we can't walk fast enough. If everything in our vicinity is expanding at the speed of

    light, then that's really the rate at which things change, and so we shall propose that that's the

    speed of time. In this way, clocktime and the expansion of the universe are differing perspectives

    of the same event. So we might modify Hinton's insight to read that the direction of motion

    through subspace is the dimension of temporal extension.

    Many years ago, while musing on the nature of space and time, we idly jotted down thesequence: A,B,C,+D with A, B, and C representing dimensions of space while D represented

    time.It occurred to us that if we allowed ourselves the latitude of treating the dimensional

    extensions of space and time as entirely equivalent (Euclidean), the possibilities of B,C,D +A ,

    A,C,D +B, and A,B,D +C worlds becomes obvious. So from four equivalent dimensions, one can

    construct four worlds, each with its' own time dimension. Here the nascent idea languished for a

    year or so, until we began to consider the possibility that rather than four distinct dimensions of

    time there was instead a four-dimensional hyperspace and that time was a motion with a

    dimensional spin that cycled it through all four worlds successively.Rather than static condition

    of the first insight, this created a dynamic world of frequency and motion.

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    The English philosopher, Samuel Alexander, thought that the basis of all physical reality wasmotion, and we find considerable insight in this view which was later embraced by Dewey B.


    II.The Self-Enclosed Wave (S.E.W.)

    The self-enclosed wave is our version of the perennial Monad, the One Element, of theancients, from which all else is compounded.

    Leibniz developed a monadology in which the basic unit of existence was a 'soul.' There were

    three kinds of monads, human souls, animal souls, and the souls which created matter.

    Leibniz's conception followed that of Giordano Bruno, the fiery 16th century advocate of the

    Copernican system who was burned alive in Rome in 1600 for his heresies, especially that of

    promoting the Copernican doctrine. Bruno says, inDe Minimus, (thanks to the translations ofDorothy Waley Singer), "The minimum is the substance of all things, and thou will await it at

    length as the largest of things. This is the monad, the atom."

    He also says, inDe Magica (again, Singer), "Thus...the soul of the individual is continuouswith the soul of the universe."

    Bruno believed in the substantive nature of space, saying that it was, "not matter, but what we

    think to call matter." So there is reason for thinking that Bruno's space was, if not entirelycomposed of, minima.

    Leibniz, who originally held with Newton's view of space later modified it to a relative view.

    Leibniz's monads formed matter, not space. Our own view is closest to that of Brother Jordanus

    (Bruno's nom de plume) in that it is substantive and formed of monadic units which are notmatter, but a special kind of wave which vibrates back-and-forth in time as well as in space, and

    is consequently hyperdimensional.

    We might use the model of an expanding and contracting sphere to illustrate four-

    dimensionality. But rather than a material object, let's consider it as a pure wave motion. All times

    in our approach are cyclical, specifically, simple harmonic motion, or SHM.

    If all four vibrations are in phase with one another, one can imagine a spherical wave which

    increases to a certain size, slows, stops, and then decreases once again. This wave doesn't spread

    out indefinitely-- it attains a certain size in the positive time of its' cycle,and then contracts whenits time becomes negative (an expansion in negative time is equivalent to a contraction in positive

    time). All four dimensions are undergoing a vibration of the same frequency, but with a phase

    displacement relative to one another. Hence, it encloses, or contains, itself.

    If the vibration were very, very, fast (and it is), and could we see it from our dimension of

    time, it might appear as a bubble. An Oriental might be inclined to say, perhaps, a pearl.

    The universe of our conception, then, is a vast field of closely packed self-enclosed waves of

    minimum size and maximum frequency. This field is much too dense for a physical object to

    move through, and furthermore does not have overall, universal, dimensions of space and time.

    The phenomenal universe is created by a self-enclosed wave of the lowest frequency and

    maximum size, whiich we call the Brahman wave, whose vibrations sweep out across the minimaof the field creating interference effects. The discontinuous nature of the field breaks up these

    vibrations into gauge pulses. We conceive that these gauge pulses entirely define the physicaluniverse.

    As we have said, this is pure wave motion, so the S.E.W. is something of a bubble, whose size

    is always proportional to its rate of vibration. The gauge rule applies. So we have an eternal wave

    which doesn't go anywhere, but which has the characterics of a particle. The gauge pulses do go

    somewhere--they ride the vibrations, radially outward at the observed speed of light. And that

    speed is always the speed of the universal expansion. All relative motion resolves down to a

    change in the radial direction of expansion of the gauge pulses.

    The self-enclosed wave is conceived to be eternal and individual, a continuous wave which

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    continually turns back on itself in an endlessly repeating pattern. It is the substance of all things.

    Jumping up" from one level to another is equivalent to moving from point-to-point along a

    line. The difference results from attempting to squeeze 4 dimensions into a 3-dimensionalframework.

    Stephen Hawking, in "A Brief History of Time,"discusses a four-dimensional universe ofEuclidean space-time which is, in his terms, self-contained, without beginning or end.

    The Brahman Wave.

    In the view of Bernard (or Baruch) Spinoza, the third great European monadologist, the

    Monad was Divine, and the laws of nature were the laws of Divinity. Spinoza's view seems to be

    closer to the concept of Brahman than theBible Deity, and is close to our concept of the Brahmanwave, which also a Self-Enclosed Wave, the fundamental unit of consciousness as well as


    Srila Prabhupada, in The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, gives four definitions for Brahman: (1): the

    individual [spirit]-soul (Atman), (2) the impersonal all-pervasive aspect of the Supreme, (3) the

    Supreme Personality of the Godhead, (4) the mahat-tattva, or total material substance.In our conception, mahat-tattva includes the material of all four phase rooms, which we also

    believe are the "Four bodies of Brahma[n]."

    The Brahman Wave is the field of consciousness of the universe, and certainly in this sense, it isBrahman, the totality. It is our conception that the individualized consciousness of humans, the

    Atman, is also a self-enclosed wave. Without the distinction of space and time, which the self-

    enclosed waves create, all SEWs might be considered to be differing states of a single pattern. It

    is in this sense, we believe, that Atman is Brahman. This echos Bruno's conception of the soul ofthe individual as continuous with the soul of the universe.

    We conceive of the beginning of the universe as the outward expansion of a very long cycle

    self-enclosed wave (the Brahman wave) spreading outward. However, the energy creating the

    Brahman wave is thought to be too great to be dispersed in one shell of quantized gauge pulses,

    so there is an endless wave train of these pulses, one behind the other.

    Gauge waves, having longitudinal as well as transverse components, in certain ways are

    comparable to ordinary sound, so we are describing an omniverse which the sound of Creation is

    more of a continuing "Big Aum," than a singular "Big Bang." The intoned Aum sounds like aharmonic hum of, On, and is similar to three successive C's (if one will) sounded on a piano.

    These are the first second and fourth harmonics, an arrangement we shall consider later in

    stacking patterns of self-enclosed waves.

    Russian mystic and writer, P. D. Ouspensky, tells us in A New Model Of The Universe, of avision of the form of the universe. He saw a beautiful flower, a lotus, whose petals continually

    unfolded from its center, traveling outward as they grew, and folded back under the flower to be

    eternally recycled. The flower was filled with activity, light, and sound, and had the vision been

    even more complete, a voice told him, "it would have been Brahma[n], Himself."

    The Gauge Pulse.Let's consider an analogy to show the propagation of the gauge pulse: Suppose we go to an

    amusement park and find a novel ride being offered. The ride appears to be similar to a group ofround cafe tables pushed together. These discs are continually expanding and contracting in phase

    with one another, in simple harmonic motion. At minimum expansion they are barely large

    enough to stand on, but at maximum expansion their edges touch. To ride this arrangement, one

    steps onto the edge of a disc at maximum expansion, rides to to minimum, steps over center and

    rides it outward to the next disc. And so on. With a little practice one can ride the disc field at

    constant speed, s.

    The expansion of the universe results from the Brahman wave, broken up into quantized pulses

    propagating through four-dimensional subspace.The propagation is both an increase in scale, each

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    cycle, plus a dimensional spin, and is at the observed speed of light.But, as we have said, the field

    is densely packed, so the field S.E.W.'s cannot simply expand without restriction. But there is a

    way in which this can happen.

    Suppose we scoop up a handful of soft wet snow and compacts it into a snowball and replace it

    in the cavity created by the removal of snow. If we can compress, or squeeze a quantity ofS.E.W.'s into a smaller, denser,size, then presumably, the cavity will be filled by surrounding

    S.E.W.'s which expand to larger than normal gauge to form a shell with a dense center. By thegauge rule, the center will be higher in frequency and it will be surrounded by a low frequency

    shell. This leads us to suppose that the electron shell of an atom is in the future of the nucleus (as

    it ought to be).

    Another analogy: suppose we dig a hole in a sandy beach and pile the excavated sand around

    the hole. We thus have created three levels of sand: that of the pile, that of the original beach, and

    the hole. Since gauge expansion is a transition from higher to lower frequency (its getting bigger),

    the shell (pile of sand) will be in the future of the hole (dense center). In other words a gauge

    effect has been created in subspace. This gauge pulse in propagating radially outward creates the

    expanding of the universe. The gauge pulse is also expanding, but the radial motion is one

    dimensional.All relative motion involves the divergence of these radii.


    The Pyramid Model.

    There is a model at hand to show the relationship we have been discussing, which is also one

    of the most common forms to come down to us from antiquity: the pyramid.

    Two separate motions are combined: dimensional spin and universal

    expansion.We can imagine the combination of the two to be as a conical helix

    descending ina clockwise motion. The increase in size from top to bottom shows the


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    while the (descending) circular path around the pyramid shows the

    dimensional spin

    (of course, only two dimensions can be shown) which takes the gauge

    pulse through

    four successive phase states, each with its unique time dimension.

    What we know as clock

    time, and that which defines a phase room, is the path down one faceof the pyramid.

    Hence a phase room is a succession of phase states.

    We've replaced the arbitrary A,B,C+D notation with a diurnal


    familiar to all.

    An Idea About Time(1): Henri Bergson

    The French philosopher and writer, Henri Bergson, was struck by the idea that the world we

    know was like a movie-- it did not exist continuously, but was composed discrete instants

    (frames). Some took the movie analogy seriously. Bertrand Russell commented that he attended

    his first movie to explore Bergson's theory of time!

    One would expect that the technology of the motion picture was the genesis of Bergson's idea.Perhaps we might extend it to create an analogy. What we know as the atom may be a sequence

    of several phase state instants.Thus although we may occasionally refer to Bergsonian time as a

    path down a face of the pyramid, it has the potential of adding confusion in the mind of the

    reader. In De Broglie's wave model of the atom, the atom is not the vibrations, per se, but a

    persisting pattern of nodes and anti nodes formed by standing waves. So we must be careful notto over extend the movie frame analogy. But having said that, let's expand the Bergsonian idea a


    Suppose we took four separate movies, cut the frames apart, and reassembled them in the

    sequence a1,b1,c1,d1,a2,b2,c2, and so on, to make one film out of the four. If we projected thisaltered film, and had special glasses with shutters that opened every quarter of a cycle, we could

    see any of the four films with a slight adjustment of the shutters (of course, the projection lamp

    would have to be four times as bright, and the projector would have to run four times faster). Thepoint we wish to make here, is that our brains and nervous systems may be capable of directly

    perceiving events in other phase rooms, and there is more than a hint in paranormal reports that

    living creatures may have the ability to phase shift , that is, move from one phase room to


    The descending helical path of the gauge pulse (re:the pyramid model), is a combination of

    two distinct motions. One is the overall expansion, and the second is the dimensional spin that

    takes it through the dayside, twilightside, nightside and dawnside states in an endless sequence. In

    each one of the sides it is traveling in a different dimension of time. We shall call its position on a

    side a phase state and a succession of phase states a phase room. Hence, our 3+1 universe is the

    dayside phase room.

    What we know as ordinary time is not smooth but made up, as we have seen, of a sequence of

    discrete jumps. The other three phase rooms could be said to be multiplexed in between instantsof our clock time.

    The other three sides of the pyramid model show states of materiality entirely comparable to

    that which we know in the dayside phase room.While the gauge pulses forming our world travel through all four phase states endlessly-- we

    must entertain the notion that parts of the atom are strung out in time and phase--we can expect

    that there will be gauge pulses which form units of materiality, which are continually out-of-

    phase, and to a certain degree undetectable from the dayside phase room. One might think of an

    auto traveling round and round a spiral ramp, appearing in only one of four phase rooms

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    (compass points)at a time. There is room for four such autos, one behind the other, all of which

    all travel at the same speed. Each has a different dimension of time (which is space-like to us),

    and its own clock time.

    The twilights, nightside and dawnside phase rooms may form, as far as we can see, their own

    planetary bodies (indeed, their own solar systems and universes as well). Hence, one has acondition is which our planet has four times more surface area than we know of (which is attested

    to by the comments of yogis who say that we can only see a quarter of the universe)*. Eachsurface is a phase room and has a different dimension of time.

    All four phase rooms form greater materiality--but our experience is largely limited to the

    phenomena of one "side."

    A variation of the pyramid model can be found in the Upanishads, where the twilight side isdesignated as the astral plane, the nightside as the mental plane, etc.

    *Or, let's consider a comment by channel Jane Robert's voluble 'Seth' " is erroneous tothink in terms of one physical universe. You now exist in four different ones at this moment." TheSeth Material, 1972 paperback, p.120.

    An Idea About Time(2): Philip K. Dick.

    Noted science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, a number of whose novels and short stories havebeen made into the movies-- Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, and

    others--believed that he interacted with a culture from a realm whose time ran at right angles

    (orthogonally) to our own physical clock time.Dick reportedly was able to see these individuals

    occasionally, much to their surprise.He thought they were engaged, among other things, indropping chunks of their history into our time line. His experiences prompted him to take up

    writing stories about the world of the visitors.

    While we must take him at his word that his visitors did come from an orthogonal time realm,

    the idea of time that runs at right angles to our own, is what our interpretation of the pyramid

    model tells us.The twilightside, nightside, and dawnside phase rooms have orthogonal time with

    respect to us. In other words the four dimensions of A,B,C and D independently change from

    time to space and back to time endlessly. So the orthogonal time dimension of another room is a

    space dimension in our own dayside room. Yet, we have to remember that rather than fourautonomous realms, the four phase rooms, are more like four distinct sides of the same


    Here is part of a sequence we will use in "Lost In The Shadows:"

    P>2>3>4>P>2>3>4>P> >

    The "P's" (for proton) designate our phase state.The sequence represents a clockwise path

    around the base of the pyramid model.This is the dimensional spin of the gauge pulse.A P is

    generated once each cycle, and a the sequence of these P's form the Bergsonian sequence that is

    our phase room.

    The P in the center of the sequence shows a specific instant, so, relative to us, three of those

    shown (to the right ofP )are ahead of us in sequence and three behind or below us. Hence thereare seven* planes altogether. One is advised to note that those above us are mirrored by those

    below, so one has a higher 2 twilight side or "Astral", and a lower 2 twilightside or "Astral," etcetera.But this is relative, for each of the other phase states has a similar sequence of its own.

    Now one might think, off-handedly, that these separate orthogonal times would quickly

    diverge from one another, but such is not the case. It is as if two automobiles are traveling down

    a highway, and one turns off onto a side road, and after an additional hour of traveling the cars are

    still the same distance apart!

    Let us attempt to explain this circumstance in this manner: suppose the two automobiles above

    are following one another around the same spiral ramp in a parking garage. Once every circuit

    each of the cars takes a photo of the outside through one of four window openings. The car

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    labeled 'N' takes a picture of the north openings, et cetera. After an hour of this (were parking

    garages that tall), the cars are still one behind the other, but there are four sequences of photos

    (which we call phase states) each of which shows a sequence in an entirely different dimension

    from the others. So the four phase rooms stay in step with one another.

    While the pyramid model is invaluable, it is only a 3+1 rendition of a four-dimensionalperspective-- the base is obviously only two-dimensional. In subspace, there is no preferred

    direction--one can have gauge pulses traveling in any direction. The diagram below shows twotime lines crossing one another at p .

    This is much simpler to understand if we go back to the idea of universal expansion. The real

    motion is not one-dimensional, but four-dimensional, overall, although each gauge pulse travels

    in only one direction at a time. Hence each Pis a shell within a slightly larger2 shell, which iscontained within a 3 shell, and so on.

    2 3 4 P 23 42 3 4 P 23 4 P = dayside (physical,

    proton)2 3 4 P 2 3 4 2 = twilight side (astral)

    2 3 4 P2 3 4>>>> 3 = nightside (mental)2 3 4P 2 3 4 4 = dawnside ('etheric')

    2 3 4 P 2 3 42 3 4 P 2 3 4

    Orthogonal Sequences of phase states

    Every phase room (a) sees itself as the center of universal expansion, and (b) sees itself as

    "normal". In a view from the twilight side, we are the dawnside. Since we assume that subspace isrelatively uniform, a simple interpretation is that the relationships are relative. They are not "built

    into" space, but are characteristics of the gauge pulse locomoting through space, expanding and

    dimensionally spinning as it does.

    There may be a little confusion at this point regarding perspective. What we are calling the

    gauge pulse is not an independent entity. The motion belongs to the Brahman wave. We may

    visualize a smooth uniform wave, such as that on the surface of a still pond, but this wave is also

    quantized, because the disturbance must pass from molecule to molecule (which is what the pondconsists of ). We don't see the individual motions of the molecules, but the effect of a large

    number of them moving in a pattern. In the formation of materiality, gravity and other forces

    cause large numbers of these pulses to clump together to form sub atomic particles, whichthemselves clump together. And so one has concentrations of materiality with seemingly empty

    space between them. But this is at the cost of having their time paths diverted, and so these

    particles must have relative motion to one another--spin, or vibration, for example.

    In attempting to visualize four-dimensional activity in 3+1 terms, it is necessary to cheat a

    little, or use several partial models. In this case we have used the visualization of expanding

    bubbles. But since the bubbles are packed together, there is no room for them to expand! That is

    why we have them nested in shells. Having said that, we can also use another partial model to

    describe them as well. That is to simply replace one of the spatial dimensions with the time

    dimension. In this case, there is simply a linear sequence.

    *Later we shall introduce a variation of this, which the reader need not be concerned about atthis point, in which every other P is an N, making a larger organization of 15 great planes, as

    well as an organization of 7 planes.For the esoteric term "plane" one may read "phase room".

    IV.Phase Shifting.

    In phase-shifting, a physical body would, by a minimal advance or retreat in the time helix

    move from our phase room to one of the others. Conversely, an object in some other phase room

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    might be moved into ours.*

    What would it be like to experience such a shift? Off hand, we would think it would be like the

    story of someone who had unknowingly passed through a portal and found himself in a strange

    landscape.A denizen of that phase room, no doubt would think that he had suddenly popped into

    existence.While another phase room would be expected to have largely the same content as our phase

    room, it can also contain matter not present in ours (which is permanently out-of-phase with ourmatter).

    In phase shifting an object, we must remember that it is the individual units of matter that are

    individually shifted. This would seem to require a field to phase shift a complex object. Lets

    consider an object phase shifted from the ABC+D day side room to the BCD+A (the letter

    designations are only nominal) twilight side room. Our time dimension,D, becomes a space

    dimension in the BCD+A room, and one of our space dimensions (A) becomes their time

    dimension. The corners of the pyramid model designate light paths, so at a certain point,

    theoretically, the object could be in the "doorway" of both phase rooms at once.

    *We expect that someone may wonder about the rotation of the time path proposed in our

    discussion of the STR ,and its relation to phase shifting. Phase shifting (to another room)corresponds to a 90 degree rotation of the time path.


    If one proposes that everything in our vicinity is expanding at the speed of light, then the

    problem of how light can possibly reach our eye at all, arises.We have taken pains to use theexpression "the observed speed of light," for it would seem that light would actually have to have

    a speed of csqrt2. Thus, the light path could be thought of as the hypotenuse of a right angletriangle with equal legs of c.

    This being the case, then light must reach our eye at a 45 degree angle from the past, and be

    reflected at a 45 degree angle into the future. If the reception angle is less than 45 degrees, the

    light will be proportionately reddened.

    This relationship is shown by the pyramid model. If we draw the diagonals of the base

    through the corners, we will find they form angles of 135 degrees (90+45) with the sides. So thediagonals and their parallels show all of the incident and reflection angles.

    If our interpretation is correct, it means that light must travel between phase rooms. It also

    seems to indicate that any phase room can only received light emitted in itself or the phase room

    immediately ahead of it, which one can show for oneself with a simple diagram. In the case of

    our day side phase room, the next phase room ahead of us is the twilightside phase room. We

    could not see light emitted from the dawnside phase room immediately behind us. A visitor from

    that realm phase-shifting toward our room would thus appear black or shadowy, while a similar

    visitor from the twilight side might appear glowing.

    There is an interesting paranormal aspect to this interpretation. Some of the very large, non-

    terrestrial craft reported by witnesses (the Phoenix Lights is an example) are reported as anarrangement of visible lights attached to what seems to be a transparent framework through

    which one can see stars. This is exactly how a craft operating between the twilight side phaseroom and our dayside room ought to appear.We can not quite see the matter the ship is composed

    of, but we can see the emitted light. On the other hand, the black or shadowy apparitions --the

    shadow people--belong to the dawnside. Their light cannot reach us, nor can our light be reflected

    back to us.Note that if an object moved from (say) the abc+d phase room to the bcd+a phase

    room, dimensions b and c remain constant, so one might say that any two of the phase rooms

    have a two-dimensional (plane) interface with each other.

    Our conception of the nature of light frequencies also differs from the conventional view.

    Rather than separate frequencies, there is only a single disturbance, or wave. The frequency is not

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    in the wave itself, but of the gauge level at which the light producing event travels.Red light is

    emitted in the future of blue light, which suggests that it is more easily emitted, that is, it requires

    less energy.

    An implication of this is that the twilight side phase room is less energetic than ours, so the

    overall effect of time is to progress from in a 'hot' to a 'cooler' direction, and from a faster to aslower direction.

    So one might see why a photon's momentum ought to be described in terms of its intrinsicenergy (times) the number of levels (frequency).

    But what is the photon? First of all, there is a 'nice' distinction to be made. What science

    measures, and hence considers to be the photon, is a most likely an effect created in subspace, not

    the entity creating the effect.

    The transmission speed of subspace has been set at c, and we will note that csqrt2 is thediagonal of a right angle triangle with equal legs of c. It would seem, that the photon must have

    two components, one in each phase room. A possible arrangemment would be two components,

    ninety degrees out of phase with one another.

    Let's use the ABC+D and BCD+A phases. Dimensions B and C remain space-like, while A

    and D are locked in a spin which alternately makes them time-like or space-like. Rather than

    traversing all four phase states, the pair spins between two of them.

    It is tempting to assign electromagnetic values to the four phases. If the dayside in taken to beelectronegative, the nightside, 180 degrees ahead or behind can be taken as electropositive.This

    leaves the twilights and the dawnside as magnetic, 180 degrees opposed to one another, but 90

    degrees displaced from the electric. This would seem to make the gauge pulse electromagnetic,

    with both tranverse and longitudinal components. If we substitue the value of csqrt^2 for "v" in the Newtonian expression, E=1/2m(v)^2, we

    obtain E=mc^2.Suppose that rather than light traveling through space to our eye, that our eye expands to

    encounter the light? This is an idea that keeps popping up in our development and keepsgetting rejected because it presents difficulties,(e.g.) if the observer were watching light passing

    from a source to another location and thence to his eye.

    * * * * * *

    Three: Lost In Shadows.

    I: Our Forgotten Heritage, The Shifting Crust Theory and the Great Flood, the Antediluvian

    World, Relics of the Past. II: The Tai-chi T'u, Shiva Natarajah, The Fylfot, The Hexagram. III.

    Beyond Occult Chemistry, A Neutron/Proton Alternation? IV. More on Phase Rooms.


    Our Forgotten Heritage.Modern man has likely existed 200,000 years, or more. What have we been doing with

    ourselves all of that time? The most ancient civilizations of the history books seemed to be justgetting started about the end of the last ice age, 10 or 15 thousand years ago. The Bishop of

    Usher, a few centuries ago, derived his oft-quoted date of 4004 B.C. as the beginning of the

    world using Bible chronology. Either way, a long blank time is unaccounted for.

    Giorgio di Santillana, a professor of the history of science, spoke inHamlet's Millof thefallacy of thinking of cultural development as an extension of biological evolution. Our own

    culture has progressed from very primitive conditions to space travel (of a sort) in ten thousand

    years, during which minimal biological improvement has occurred.

    One plausible answer to the question posed is that at least one ancient civilization did exist, or

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    perhaps a series of them, which failed to continue.Many of the present cultures have legends of

    prehistoric greatness tens of thousands of years in the past.Perhaps we err in believing that a

    civilization, once established, will continue on in perpetuity rather than having a natural lifespan.

    We can easily see that the unit of physical life, the biological cell, must be finite in size--the three

    dimensions of space-- and bounded by a wall or containment, to function and survive. Yet we areapt to think that the time extension can be endless, as if life were no more than a mechanical

    repetition.When a civilization has sung its songs, thought its thoughts, lost its will to survive, and

    depleted its energy and karma, its day on stage is finished. But as we will see in the "Embedded

    Self," there will be another day after a night. Until then it rests in sleep. The civilization or era

    will be once again reborn on the next wave of time when it can hopefully have learned from the

    past and avoid some of the mistakes of its previous existence.

    The Shifting Crust Theory and the Great Flood.

    The name "Atlantis" is often used as a comprehensive term for the antediluvian world, which,

    legend says, sank into the ocean. Most of the ancient world does lie beneath the waves.

    For eighty to a hundred thousand years, in the last Interglacial period, the ocean levels were

    hundreds of feet lower than at present. If we take the civilization of the era as somewhat like our

    early history, cities and villages would have been founded at the mouths of rivers and at sealevel.If we look at a relief globe of the Earth, we can see that quite a bit of land area of the

    continental shelves, now submerged, would have been above water. These include large areas in

    the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, the North Sea, England, Ireland, France and Spain, the basin

    of the Mediterranean Sea, regions of the East China Sea, and western India off the mouth of theIndus river, to cite some of them.

    A number of relics of the past, and ancient habitations, have been found beneath sea level in

    oceans off coasts, and in the Mediterranean Sea. The melting of the ice sheets of the last glacial

    period did raise ocean levels hundreds of feet. But the conventional explanation of ice ages

    requires a slow decline of ocean levels as the glaciers and ice sheets expand, and a slow melt off.

    Perhaps this does not seem a violent enough scenario to account for wholesale cultural

    destruction. But there is another explanation which is considerably more promising in this regard.

    Engineer Hugh A. Brown, dissatisfied with the conventional theory that massive glaciersinched their way across the northern landscape during the ice ages, was taken by the idea that the

    buildup of ice and snow at the poles eventually caused the planet to up end "like an overloaded

    canoe" at times.

    Charles H. Hapgood, professor of the philosophy of science at a small New England college,

    thought Brown's "overturning canoe" concept would work with a few changes. In the self-

    published, The Earth's Shifting Crust, he proposed that the lithosphere, floating on the mantle,was continually moving as a unit, perhaps a few inches a year, in response to rotational

    imbalances. About 98 to 99 per cent of Earth's mass is contained in the mantle and core of the

    planet, so the crust is relatively little more than a shell.

    At certain periods, said Hapgood, the transition layers between the mantle and crust liquefiedas a result of increased temperature and pressure and the motion could be much more

    pronounced. Albert Einstein, who wrote the Introduction to the book (a similar edition was putout as The Path of the Pole), was interested in the idea and said it merited further consideration.

    Rather than tipping over like a canoe, the Hapgood scenario would have the "skin" of the

    Earth slip a little, perhaps 10 to 15 degrees, the polar ice (of both poles) would move away from

    the poles to a warmer latitude, and begin to melt. The North pole would then occupy a new

    physical location, as a result of slippage, but the axis of rotation would be unchanged, and remain

    pointing in the direction of Polaris. But since the axis of Earth's rotation would pass through the

    crust in a different location, one could validly say that a "pole shift," had occurred.The North and

    South poles would be in different geophysical locations.

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    An ice age, in this scheme, begins with the slipping crust. The lower temperatures of the the

    ice age result from melting of massive sheets of ice, which might take millena to fully melt. Many

    of the giant mammals of the interglacial period died out, it has been said, at the end of the last ice

    age. In the Hapgood scheme, this means they died out at the time the crust slipped, for the ice age

    actually begins with the displacement and the melt off.Hence, in the last interglacial period, large areas of continental shelves, now submerged, would

    have been above water for tens of thousands of years. In the current view the subsidence of oceanlevel would have taken much longer as the evaporated water fell on land as snow and remained

    frozen.Hapgood's shifting crust theory is not essential to our thesis, but, we freely admit, fits it

    better than the current theory.

    The Biblical Flood may have been the retelling of the sudden inundation of the shores of the

    Black (Euxine) Sea when the rising Mediterranean broke through a land bridge, as has been

    proposed. Or it might have been the submergence of islands in the Mediterranean basin. But the

    real flood that destroyed the past was the rising waters of the oceans as the great ice sheets

    melted, slowly driving the residents of many ancient cities of the world to increasingly higher


    The Antediluvian World.

    What would life have been like in those days? First of all, it would not been a civilizationlimited to one island, as in the myth of Atlantis. It would have been a number of separate nations

    and cultures which probably shared a common technology and science.

    A sea-faring culture slowly flooded out by rising water. Perhaps catastrophic episodes and

    continually rising sea levels forced evacuation of cities.Cayce has the Great Pyramid built bysurvivors from Atlantis. Zahi Hawass, Supreme Director of Egyptian Antiquities thinks the Great

    Pyramid was built by Egyptians--but perhaps the some of the survivors from Atlantis became the


    In the Americas, the Gulf of Mexico, including a large area off the Yucatan peninsula now

    submerged would have been above or at water level.In India, the Indus river, legendary home to

    India, would have emptied into the ocean through now submerged lands.Considerable areas on

    the south and west coasts of China, and much of Indo-China would have been above water.

    They had technology, but not really as we think of it.This was not a politically and sociallydemocratic society, from what legends tells us.Very likely they were ruled by Kings and a

    priesthood.It was an earth-centered culture which explained things in naturalistic ways. It was a

    culture of skilled artisans and geniuses--Tesla would have been at home, there. Over a period of

    thousands of years, marvelous devices might have been created by trial and error.

    Colonel Don Bernardo O'Higgins, (a namesake of the 'Liberator' of Chile) related an account of

    how he and his squad, while serving as a hired soldiers for the French, entered a locally taboo

    cave in Indo-China and found glowing green tubes attached to the upper walls or ceiling of a

    passageway. One of the soldiers shot down a piece of the tubing and they found it to be a solid,

    glass-like material that continued to glow when broken into pieces.Other explorers, notably

    Colonel Percy Fawcett, have reported seeing these green, light emitting, tubes.The tubes may have been simply radium suspended in a glassy matrix, and although the Curies

    could have produced something like that at the end of the 19th Century, they would be a little tooadvanced to have been made in the last few thousand years.

    Relics of the Past.

    Much of the remaining, publicly acknowledged evidences of the antediluvian civilization,

    especially one of a kind manuscripts have been lost though natural destruction,by fire, rot, flood,

    and oblivion.But much of it was destroyed deliberately, often by dictators and monarchs.They

    may have claimed that their main reason was to destroy errors of the past, but more likely it was

    to destroy the opinion that the past had anything of social value. Some of the greatest destroyers

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    were religious fanatics set on eliminating perceived threats to their religion

    The Library of Alexandria estimated in the second century to contain a million volumes, was

    destroyed by the Arabs in the Seventh Century. The library of Carthage destroyed by the Romans

    said to have contained half a million volumes. European clergy destroyed historical records in the

    Americas, and their countrymen defaced monuments for the gold fittings.Heisenberg, in his autobiography, notes that if the word "fire" is replaced with the word

    "energy," most of the ideas of Heraclitus can be accepted as is by modern science.And what do we know of the ancient Greek mind? Dr. Hapgood, speaking in his area of

    professional expertise, tells us that many of the early philosophers are known to us only because

    Aristotle saw fit to mention them in criticizing their ideas. And what do we know of Aristotle?

    Much of it comes from notes made by his students.

    Monuments of stone are longer lasting, as are symbols with religious significance. And of

    course, the pyramid form was found throughout the world of antiquity.

    Two other ways of preserving the past is to incorporate knowledge into religious symbols or

    games. The main cultural traditions we have been able to draw upon are Egyptian, Chinese, and

    Indian (Vedic). Our thesis is that the symbols are the bits and pieces of a single unified

    cosmology which existed in the distant past on this planet. It is always the oldest representation

    which is significant and has provenance. Later versions are often made after the significance of

    the original arrangements was forgotten.But as useful as these symbols have been as guides and detail, it was not until we had reached

    a certain understanding in the development of the ideas herein presented, that we began to see, a

    little, what they were about. The we began to learn from them. Previous to this, theI Ching,

    Shiva, the pyramid form, and the Vedas were simply remnants of the past . A true understandingof these symbols has not been openly available for the last four or five thousand years. We can do

    little more here than to open the door.


    The Tai-chi T'u.

    The title "T'ai chi T'u, has been translated as, "Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate."

    The version we are familiar with consists of the famous yin-yang symbol surrounded by eight

    trigrams arranged in a circle. Part of this design, with four of the trigrams, can be found on theflag of South Korea. This assemblage--we have used a version taken from the design of an ink

    cake-- is enclosed in an octagon.

    According to the neo-Confucians, this is the ultimate statement about the universe.

    It is, in other words, the Monad. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that it fascinated one of the

    great monadologists, Gottfried von Leibniz. When Jesuits first brought knowledge of theI Chingback to Europe, Leibniz concluded that the trigrams represented a binary number system.

    An early arrangement of trigrams in circular form is attributed to Fu Hsi (2205?B.C.), which is

    the version that we find significant.

    There are four ways of reading the trigrams as binary numbers: letting either the solid or

    broken line represent the significant digits, and either reading in (downward) or out (upward).

    After a few trials we concluded that the intended method was reading down if free standing, or

    down and in, if in circular form. Either of the first two methods listed are valid, as we mightexpect--one can read the numbers as either yin or yang, and the sum of the two will be seven.

    We call the solid line interpretation the yang method, and the broken line approach, the yin


    The following should be adequate for those not familiar with this method of counting: Imagine

    that one has a file cabinet with three drawers. The drawers must be either full or empty. The topdrawer has a capacity of one. the second drawer has a capacity of two, and the bottom drawer has

    a capacity of four. Thus if all the drawers are full, the trigram has a value of seven.

    If only the center drawer is full, it has a value of two. [This is a method well suited to a

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    calculating device such as an abacus].

    _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ value is 1 or 0

    _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ value is 2 or 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ value is 4 or 0

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Binary interpetation of trigrams using Yang Method_ _ = space, ___= digit. Read down.

    If we apply the yang method to the Fu Hsi trigram wheel, we get the following


    [ the reader is asked to imagine that a circle is being portrayed]


    6 3

    5 2

    4 1


    Now it is obvious from the yin/yang symbol that a spin is indicated. The simplest interpretaion

    of what the wheel shows is a compound spin composed of two spins at right angles to one

    another. In the depiction of the trigram wheel above one can see that the sequence runs from 0 to

    3, at which point it crosses over the center of the circle and runs clockwise from 4 to 7, at which

    point it crosses over the center again to 0.A rotating wheel turns clockwise if viewed from one side, and counterclockwise from the other

    side. So the diagram indicates a rotation of 180 degrees, then a flip to the opposite side (where it

    will be seen to rotate in the opposite direction), another rotation of 180 degrees and then another

    flip of 180 degrees. Hence there are 360 degrees of 'flip' and 360 degrees of rotation.We must

    think of the flips as a uniform rotations, not sudden changes.

    The proper way to construct the yin/yang symbol (we have concluded) is to draw two tangent

    circles of diameter rwithin a larger circle of diameter2r, and to color in the small circles andtheir 'tails'. This power-of-two sequence is consistent with a binary interpretation.

    If the dots were just mentioned are considered to be an extension of the pattern, there will be

    four yet smaller circles of diameter r/2. But this is identical to the pattern of the self-enclosed


    Since this version is over 4,000 years old, we think it likely that cultural corruption has

    replaced 'least' with 'youngest', and 'greatest' with 'first.'

    The symbol itself obviously indicate the spin of a duality, and this generates the kind of

    vibration called Simple Harmonic Motion, with frequencies differing from one another in


    First Harmonic G Youngest (least) Son frequency = 1 Second harmonic E F Second Son frequency = 2 Fourth Harmonic A B C D First (greatest) Son frequency =4

    The arrangement above will be more intelligible in conjunction with the table of conventional

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    I Ching values below.

    Yang Method Yin Method Family value0 7 mother (K'un)

    1 6 youngest son (Ken)

    2 5 second son (K'an)3 4 first daughter(Sun)

    4 3 first son (Chen)

    5 2 second daughter (Li)

    6 1 youngest daughter(Tui)

    7 0 father (Ch'ien)

    There is an interesting relationship in the yin/yang symbol we shall refer to later. That is the

    length of the semicircle of the large circle from side-to-side is 1/2 pi 2r. But this is also the lengthof the path by the half circumferences of the smaller circles (1/2 pi r)+(1/2 pi r), from side toside. This relationship holds true for however small the division. We call this relationship

    Equivalent Paths, and it is important because it allows compound objects composed of differing

    gauge sizes to locomote without coming apart. *In some notations, the first harmonic (above) is called the fundamental, and the second

    harmonic, above, would be the fiirst harmonic.

    Shiva, King of the Dancers.There is a fascinating correspondence between the Hebrew Shiv' ah, which designates seven,

    and the Hindu god Shiva orSiva. Might Shiva have anything to do with seven?Most assuredly. He and a number of other gods of the Hindu pantheon have 1 head, 2 feet, and

    4 arms. They have four arms (or eight, or sixteen) because what is being represented is a version

    of the monad, which we have referred to as the self-enclosed wave.

    When we think of the King of the Dancers, we may think of the famous brass statuette of

    Shiva dancing with his head sash flying. In our interpretation of his dance, his head is moving

    from-side-to-side at frequency = 1, he is moving from foot-to-foot at frequency = 2, and his armsare moving at frequency = 4. Not so evident is the circumstance that each hand can have two

    positions for frequency = 8, and then there are the wrist and finger positions as well of which

    could represent even more octaves.Our intuition tells us that the statuette is a surviving member

    of a set of sixty-four--there may be others extant which are unknown to the public. Each would

    show Shiva in a different position.

    It would be interesting to see Shiva Natarajah actually dance.What is additionally significant is that the inner arms are crossed. This is represented by the

    interchange of B and C below

    G Youngest (least) SonE F Second Son

    A C B D First (greatest) Son

    This arrangement is shown in a number of Hindu and Buddhist Yanta's in the form of triangles

    within triangles. If G, A and D are the apices of an equilateral triangle and line EB is drawn

    parallel to GD, FC is drawn parallel to GA, and a third line is drawn parallel to AD where EB

    and FC cross, one will have a design with a total of seven triangles.

    It is also significant because the Vedic description of the four bodies of Brahma does not runearth, water, air, fire as one might expect, but earth, air, water, fire.If one consults the Fu Hsi

    trigram wheel above, one can see it is this sequence of double rotation that is being shown. 7 to 0

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    is earth to air, 0 to 3 is air to water, water crosses over to fire, and 4 to 7 is fire.

    One can represent Shiva with a seven-pointed star drawn with seven equidistant points on the

    circumference of a circle:

    1G 1G7D 4A This corresponds to: 2E 3F

    6C 5B 4A 6C 5B 7D2E 3F

    Shiva's Star cross-armed S.E.W.

    Note that the clockwise star sequence of G-A-B-F-E-C-D-G corresponds to every other

    letter in the cross-armed S.E.W. in a counter-clockwise path. It takes two circuits to complete the


    The S.E.W. is a complex organization of harmonic sequences, which we call loops.

    The Fylfot (or Swastika).

    This symbol represents the four arms of Shiva.It is found in both a "left-handed" and a "right-

    handed" design (mirror images of one another), implying a clockwise or counter-clockwisespin.But as we note elsewhere, clockwise or counterclockwise is determined by the side it is

    viewed from.

    As symbol it is to be found in many cultures, including the Hindu and the American Indian,

    and it was used in days past as a "fylfot" in English windows to fill up space in the corners of

    windows (literally " fill foot.").The swastika design certainly indicates a wheel-like spin, and the

    four arms correspond to the pyramid model base of four sides.But another duality may be

    involved if we consider that the original design might have been three-dimensional.In that case

    one would have a pair of two-dimensional spins at right angles to one another.

    The Hexagram:

    A variant (cross-armed) presentation of: the seveness stacking pattern may also be displayed as

    the familiar hexagram, or six pointed star, which also can be laid out on the perimeter of a circle;

    the circle itself being G: +E


    +2E -3F -B. . . . . -D

    +4A +6C -5B -7D

    +A. . . . . +C


    If the plus and minus signs are taken to be the positive and negative wave positions, then the

    previous form is only one of a sequence of eight:G G G G G G G


    E F E F E F E F E F E F E F

    E F A C B D A C B D A C B D A C B D A C B D A C B D A C B D

    A C B D

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


    This is another version of the 720 degree spin.

    A remarkable discovery of planetary science, as we mention elsewhere, has been the hexagon

    formed at the north pole of the planet Saturn. Such standing wave patterns are common with

    sound vibrations.

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    Beyond Occult Chemistry.

    Beginning in 1895, two luminaries of the Theosophical Society in England, Charles

    Leadbeater and Annie Besant, used their clairvoyant abilities to practice asiddha of yogadescribed as 'making oneself infinitesimally small or as large as the Earth', to conduct an

    examination of the chemical elements.Their studies continued for years, and the results were published in various editions ofOccult

    Chemistry.The smallest physical particle, from assemblages of which all of the chemical elements were

    compounded, was a spinning, heart-shaped entity made up of ten spiral lines of "force" tightly

    coiled .They named this the U.P.A., or ultimate physical atom.

    Each of the lines of force would form a circle if straightened out, and each was composed of

    an even tighter spiral of of 1680 lines and that of an even tighter spiral, so that if the entire

    structure were unraveled, one would have ". . . a huge circle of the tiniest imaginable dots like

    pearls threaded on an invisible thread." The number of dots was estimated at 49^6


    The U.P.A. existed in two chiral forms the clairvoyants called male and female, and which

    differed from one another in the direction the lines of force coiled.The entire chemical atom existed inside a bubble in a very dense substratum Leadbeater and

    Besant called the koilon. They reported that these bubbles seemed to be under a great deal of

    pressure. Various sub-assemblies of atoms were enclosed in yet other bubbles.

    The book went through a number of editions and remained little more than a curiosity until1980 when a particle physicist named Stephen Phillips came upon a copy in a used book store.

    Phillips thought the U.P.A. might be a subquark. He renamed the U.P.A. the omegon (The ESP ofQuarks, TPH,Wheaton,IL. 1980).

    One of the problems that he had with the Leadbeater-Besant diagrams was that the particles

    forming the atoms seemed to be double the number his calculations predicted. The element

    hydrogen, for example, was shown as having the appearance of a pair of triangles spinning

    around one another. The apices of the triangles seemed to be composed of what would seem to be

    quarks. Three omegons formed either a u ordquark, and three quarks formed either a proton orneutron depending on the ratio ofu quarks to dquarks. Thus, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom,

    being a proton, should be composed of 9 omegons, but had been determined by the pair of

    investigators to have 18.

    The other atomic diagrams that Phillips looked at were also "doubled up."

    There were other uncertainties. The two clairvoyant's description of male and female U.P.A.

    was rooted in 19th Century physical concepts, and there was an ambiguity about what these terms

    meant. Magnetic as well as electrical differences were crucial from Phillip's quantum perspective.

    The doubling up in the hydrogen atom shows, in a naive interpretation, what one would take to

    be a neutron and a proton, whereas Phillips interprets them as a pair of protons which is

    consistent with his doubling up hypothesis.The doubling up also carries through to the chemical compounds. Leadbeater and Besant did

    see deuterium, which they called adyarium.The reader may also wish to consult"Occult Chemistry Re-Evaluated" by E. Lester Smith

    (TPH,Wheaton,IL. 1982) from which much of the information above was taken.

    A Neutron/Proton Alternation?

    To avoid misunderstanding we must state this: Dr.Phillips thought the doubled hydrogen

    nucleus was formed from two distinct atoms fused together by

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