SUB.JECT: HISTORY ASSIGNMENT NO.: 3 Nazism and Rise … HISTORY ASSIGNMENT NO.: 3 Nazism and Rise of Hitler Multiple Choice Questions:

Post on 25-May-2020






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Nazism and Rise of Hitler

Multiple Choice Questions:

Q1. In January 1933, Adolph Hitler assumed the post of Reich Chancellor:

a) By means of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch.

b) By seizing control of the government.

c) After his party received a plurality of votes in a democratic election.

d) After he overthrew the Weimar Republic.

e) By staging a coup against General von Hindenburg, president of the republic.

Q2. The Weimar Republic [1919-1933], despite a valiant attempt to introduce democracy toGermany, failed to gain support of the German people because!

a) The Nazis maintained a wide following throughout the 1920s and 1930s.

b) Von Hindenburg's presidency was marred by his personal corruption.

c) Monarchists, supporters of the abdicated Kaiser, and militarists, humiliated by defeat in WWI, opposed the WeimarRepublic from the start.

d) The government was unable to stabilize the economy or maintain law and order.

e) A conspiracy of Jewish-capitalist-Communist bankers weakened the government.

Q3. Which of the following was not a goal of Hitler?

a) Promoting racial elite of Aryans.

b) Expanding Germany to the south and east.

c) Nationalizing the banks, railroads and heavy industries.

d) Implementing a policy of genocide against the Jews.

e) Reducing unemployment through public works and rearmament.

Q4. Country attacked by Germany that marked the beginning of the Second World War:

a) Poland --.........

b) Soviet Union

c) Czechoslovakia

d) France

Q5. US base at Pearl Harbor was bombed by:

a) Japan

b) Germany

c) Austria

d) Soviet Union


Q6. Name of secret police service during Nazi rule:

Q7. Nazi youth group for children below 14 years of age:

QB. Community executed by the Nazis:

Q9. Car introduced in Nazi Germany:

Q10. Massacre of the Jews by the Nazis:

DESCRIPTIVEQ11. How did Germany recover from 1923 onwards?

Q12. Why did Hitler and Nazis hate the Jews?

Q13. How was Hitler able to gain complete power in Germany from 1929 to 1934?

Q14. What role did women play in Nazi Germany?

Q15. Why is Hitler's attack on Soviet Union regarded as historic blunder?


Q15. "The Versailles Treaty gave birth to the Nazis; the Great Depression gave them power." Defend or refute this statement.

Q16. The retribution meted out to the Naziz after World War 11 was far short in extent of their crimes. Why?

PROJECT:Make a power point presentation on Hitler and his rise to power.


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