Student Enrollment Profile The Citadel: Enrollment by ... › ... › fall_10_profile.pdf · Student Enrollment Profile Fall 2010 The Citadel: Credit Hours and Full-time Equivalency

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The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Enrollment by Residency

Residency In-State Out-of-State Total

Active Duty Students 59 10 69

Cadets 1,042 1,120 2,162

Evening Undergraduate Students 135 1 136

Exchange Students 2 2

Fifth Year Day Students 24 26 50

Graduate Students 862 85 947

Off Campus Cadets Enrolled in Citadel Courses 4 4

Transient Students 7 4 11

Veteran Students 15 6 21

Total of Residency 2,144 1,258 3,402

* Students who receive in-state tuition include residents of SC, military personnel and their dependents, faculty and administration employees and their dependents, retired persons and their dependents, academic common market, scholarships approved by board of trustees, reciprocity agreements as approved by the General Assembly, and non-resident aliens in an approved VISA classification.

* Off campus cadets include cadets studying abroad, studying away in the US, and those serving an internship.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Enrollment by Gender

Gender Female Male Total

Active Duty Students 4 65 69

Cadets 142 2,020 2,162

Evening Undergraduate Students 62 74 136

Exchange Students 2 2

Fifth Year Day Students 2 48 50

Graduate Students 559 388 947

Off Campus Cadets Enrolled in Citadel Courses 4 4

Transient Students 3 8 11

Veteran Students 21 21

Total of Gender 772 2,630 3,402

* Off campus cadets include cadets studying abroad, studying away in the US, and those serving an internship.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity


American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian

Black or African

American HispanicMore Than

1 Race

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


Alien White Total

Active Duty Students 1 1 5 8 1 53 69

Cadets 15 52 181 102 43 2 28 1,739 2,162

Evening Undergraduate Students

3 24 2 1 106 136

Exchange Students 2 2

Fifth Year Day Students 4 6 2 38 50

Graduate Students 2 11 85 16 6 10 817 947

Off Campus Cadets Enrolled in Citadel Courses

4 4

Transient Students 2 9 11

Veteran Students 2 1 18 21

Total of Race/Ethnicity 18 71 303 132 52 2 38 2,786 3,402

* Off campus cadets include cadets studying abroad, studying away in the US, and those serving an internship.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Credit Hours and Full-time Equivalency (FTE) Data by Student Type

Credit Hours FTE

Active Duty Students 1,127 93.92

Cadets 39,272 3,272.67

Evening Undergraduate Students 869 72.42

Exchange Students 18 1.50

Fifth Year Day Students 483 40.25

Graduate Students 5,437 604.11

Off Campus Cadets Enrolled in Citadel Courses 21 1.75

Transient Students 22 1.83

Veteran Students 304 25.33

Total 47,553 4,113.78

* Off campus cadets include cadets studying abroad, studying away in the US, and those serving an internship.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Credit Hours by Department

Department and Subject Area 1 Lower Division 2 Upper Division 3 Graduate Total

Aerospace Studies Air Force ROTC 228 579 807

Total of Department 228 579 807

Biology Biology and Biological Science 2,176 448 163 2,787

Total of Department 2,176 448 163 2,787

Chemistry Chemistry 2,128 55 2,183

Total of Department 2,128 55 2,183

Civil and Environ Engineering Civil Engineering 511 1,755 123 2,389

Total of Department 511 1,755 123 2,389

Elect and Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering 366 844 1,210

Total of Department 366 844 1,210

English English Language and Lit 3,780 351 189 4,320

Fine Arts and Art Studies 399 399

Liberal Arts and Sci Other 51 51

Philosophy 99 99

Total of Department 4,278 402 189 4,869

Health Exercise Sport Science Kinesiology and Exer Science 6 510 516

Phys Ed Teaching and Coaching 1,727 792 2,519

Total of Department 1,727 798 510 3,035

History Geography 72 36 108

History 2,385 888 132 3,405

Total of Department 2,457 888 168 3,513

Math and Computer Science Computer and Info Sciences 757 129 36 922

Mathematics 2,365 156 27 2,548

Total of Department 3,122 285 63 3,470

Military Science Army ROTC 1,040 1,878 2,918

Total of Department 1,040 1,878 2,918

Modern Language Lit and Cult Chinese Language and Lit 246 246

French Language and Lit 243 90 333

German Language and Lit 297 60 357

Spanish Language and Lit 1,884 219 2,103

Total of Department 2,670 369 3,039

Naval Science Navy and Marine ROTC 389 466 855

* Data includes consortium hours.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Credit Hours by Department

Department and Subject Area 1 Lower Division 2 Upper Division 3 Graduate Total

Naval Science Total of Department 389 466 855

Orientation/Leadership Liberal Arts and Sciences 925 925

Total of Department 925 925

Physics Astronomy 33 33

Physics 1,302 121 1,423

Total of Department 1,335 121 1,456

Politcal Sci Criminal Justice Anthropology 63 63

Crim Just and Law Enf Admin 438 1,188 30 1,656

Political Sci and Government 816 1,203 39 2,058

Sociology 120 120

Total of Department 1,437 2,391 69 3,897

Psychology Psychology 705 364 1,038 2,107

Total of Department 705 364 1,038 2,107

School of Business Admin Business Admin and Management

1,413 3,063 1,605 6,081

Total of Department 1,413 3,063 1,605 6,081

School of Education Secondary Ed and Teaching 363 135 1,635 2,133

Total of Department 363 135 1,635 2,133

Total Overall 27,270 14,841 5,563 47,674

* Data includes consortium hours.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Full-time Equivalency (FTE) Data by Department

Department and Subject Area 1 Lower Division 2 Upper Division 3 Graduate Total

Aerospace Studies Air Force ROTC 19.00 48.25 67.25

Total of Department 19.00 48.25 67.25

Biology Biology and Biological Science 181.33 37.33 18.11 236.78

Total of Department 181.33 37.33 18.11 236.78

Chemistry Chemistry 177.33 4.58 181.92

Total of Department 177.33 4.58 181.92

Civil and Environ Engineering Civil Engineering 42.58 146.25 13.67 202.50

Total of Department 42.58 146.25 13.67 202.50

Elect and Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering 30.50 70.33 100.83

Total of Department 30.50 70.33 100.83

English English Language and Lit 315.00 29.25 21.00 365.25

Fine Arts and Art Studies 33.25 33.25

Liberal Arts and Sci Other 4.25 4.25

Philosophy 8.25 8.25

Total of Department 356.50 33.50 21.00 411.00

Health Exercise Sport Science Kinesiology and Exer Science 0.50 56.67 57.17

Phys Ed Teaching and Coaching 143.92 66.00 209.92

Total of Department 143.92 66.50 56.67 267.08

History Geography 6.00 4.00 10.00

History 198.75 74.00 14.67 287.42

Total of Department 204.75 74.00 18.67 297.42

Math and Computer Science Computer and Info Sciences 63.08 10.75 4.00 77.83

Mathematics 197.08 13.00 3.00 213.08

Total of Department 260.17 23.75 7.00 290.92

Military Science Army ROTC 86.67 156.50 243.17

Total of Department 86.67 156.50 243.17

Modern Language Lit and Cult Chinese Language and Lit 20.50 20.50

French Language and Lit 20.25 7.50 27.75

German Language and Lit 24.75 5.00 29.75

Spanish Language and Lit 157.00 18.25 175.25

Total of Department 222.50 30.75 253.25

Naval Science Navy and Marine ROTC 32.42 38.83 71.25

* Data includes consortium hours.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel: Full-time Equivalency (FTE) Data by Department

Department and Subject Area 1 Lower Division 2 Upper Division 3 Graduate Total

Naval Science Total of Department 32.42 38.83 71.25

Orientation/Leadership Liberal Arts and Sciences 77.08 77.08

Total of Department 77.08 77.08

Physics Astronomy 2.75 2.75

Physics 108.50 10.08 118.58

Total of Department 111.25 10.08 121.33

Politcal Sci Criminal Justice Anthropology 5.25 5.25

Crim Just and Law Enf Admin 36.50 99.00 3.33 138.83

Political Sci and Government 68.00 100.25 4.33 172.58

Sociology 10.00 10.00

Total of Department 119.75 199.25 7.67 326.67

Psychology Psychology 58.75 30.33 115.33 204.42

Total of Department 58.75 30.33 115.33 204.42

School of Business Admin Business Admin and Management

117.75 255.25 178.33 551.33

Total of Department 117.75 255.25 178.33 551.33

School of Education Secondary Ed and Teaching 30.25 11.25 181.67 223.17

Total of Department 30.25 11.25 181.67 223.17

Total Overall 2,272.50 1,236.75 618.11 4,127.36

* Data includes consortium hours.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Residency

Residency In-State Out-of-State Total

1st Year Cadet 351 313 664

2nd Year Cadet 256 266 522

3rd Year Cadet 209 272 481

4th Year Cadet 223 266 489

5th Year Cadet 3 3 6

Total of Residency 1,042 1,120 2,162

* Students who receive in-state tuition include residents of SC, military personnel and their dependents, faculty and administration employees and their dependents, retired persons and their dependents, academic common market, scholarships approved by board of trustees, reciprocity agreements as approved by the General Assembly, and non-resident aliens in an approved VISA classification.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Gender

Gender Female Male Total

1st Year Cadet 51 613 664

2nd Year Cadet 26 496 522

3rd Year Cadet 34 447 481

4th Year Cadet 31 458 489

5th Year Cadet 6 6

Total of Gender 142 2,020 2,162

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity


American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian

Black or African

American HispanicMore Than

1 Race

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


Alien White Total

1st Year Cadet 9 26 80 31 2 1 8 507 664

2nd Year Cadet 12 37 23 12 8 430 522

3rd Year Cadet 3 5 35 25 14 8 391 481

4th Year Cadet 2 8 29 23 15 1 4 407 489

5th Year Cadet 1 1 4 6

Total of Race/Ethnicity 15 52 181 102 43 2 28 1,739 2,162

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major - 1st Concentration - 2nd Concentration 1st Year Cadet

2nd Year Cadet

3rd Year Cadet

4th Year Cadet

5th Year Cadet


BA Chemistry (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

2 1 3

Total of Major 2 1 3

Criminal Justice (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

99 76 81 64 320

Total of Major 99 76 81 64 320

English (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

7 10 12 12 1 42

Total of Major 7 10 12 12 1 42

History (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

56 32 29 35 152

Total of Major 56 32 29 35 152

Mathematics (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Modern Language French (No 2nd Conc.)

1 1

Spanish 1 1

German (No 2nd Conc.)

1 1

Spanish (No 2nd Conc.)

2 1 2 5

French 1 1

Total of Major 2 2 5 9

Political Science (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

58 40 18 1 117

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs

(No 2nd Conc.)

2 13 24 46 2 87

Poli Sci Law and Legal Studies

(No 2nd Conc.)

2 3 11 9 25

Political Sci American Govt

(No 2nd Conc.)

1 2 4 7

Total of Major 62 57 55 60 2 236

Psychology (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

26 15 22 17 1 81

Total of Major 26 15 22 17 1 81

Total of Degree 254 192 202 193 4 845

BS Applied Physics (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

7 6 8 4 25

Total of Major 7 6 8 4 25

Biology (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd 41 18 20 25 104

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major - 1st Concentration - 2nd Concentration 1st Year Cadet

2nd Year Cadet

3rd Year Cadet

4th Year Cadet

5th Year Cadet


BS Biology Conc.)

Secondary Biology Teaching

(No 2nd Conc.)

4 4

Total of Major 45 18 20 25 108

Chemistry (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

5 1 4 1 11

Biochemistry (No 2nd Conc.)

3 2 1 6

Total of Major 8 3 5 1 17

Computer Science (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

15 4 3 8 30

Total of Major 15 4 3 8 30

Education Social Studies

(No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

5 5

Total of Major 5 5

Mathematics (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

1 3 1 1 6

Total of Major 1 3 1 1 6

Physical Education Phys Educ Health and Wellness

(No 2nd Conc.)

36 41 29 28 134

Phys Educ Sprts Mgt and Admin

(No 2nd Conc.)

5 9 8 7 29

Physical Education Teaching

(No 2nd Conc.)

4 2 6

Total of Major 41 50 41 37 169

Pre Education Social Studies

(No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

8 8 3 4 23

Total of Major 8 8 3 4 23

Pre Physical Educ Teaching

(No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

9 9 18

Total of Major 9 9 18

Total of Degree 134 101 81 85 401

BSBA Business Administration

(No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

2 51 101 154

Business Administ Accounting

(No 2nd Conc.)

7 24 31

Total of Major 2 58 125 185

Pre Business Administration

(No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

156 147 73 17 2 395

Total of Major 156 147 73 17 2 395

Pre Business Adminstra (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd 4 2 6

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major - 1st Concentration - 2nd Concentration 1st Year Cadet

2nd Year Cadet

3rd Year Cadet

4th Year Cadet

5th Year Cadet



Total of Major 4 2 6

Total of Degree 160 149 133 142 2 586

BSCE Civil Engineering (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

67 51 42 41 201

Total of Major 67 51 42 41 201

Total of Degree 67 51 42 41 201

BSEE Electrical Engineering (No 1st Conc.) (No 2nd Conc.)

49 29 23 28 129

Total of Major 49 29 23 28 129

Total of Degree 49 29 23 28 129

Total Overall 664 522 481 489 6 2,162

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Secondary Major

Secondary Major and Concentration 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet

Total of Secondary


Biology 2 2

Criminal Justice 2 2

French 1 1

German 2 1 1 4

History 1 1 2

Modern Language French 3 1 3 1 8

Spanish 2 5 4 8 19

German 1 4 5

Physical Education Phys Educ Health and Wellness 1 1

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs 1 1

Poli Sci Law and Legal Studies 1 1

Political Science 1 1

Pre Business Administration 1 1

Pre Education Social Studies 1 1

Psychology 1 1 2

Spanish 1 1

Total 8 13 15 16 52

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Minor

Minor 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet Total of Minor

Applied Physics 1 1

Biology 2 2 4

Chemistry 1 1

Computer Science 1 1 1 3

Criminal Justice 2 1 3 6

East Asian Studies 1 1 1 3

Electrical Engineering 1 1 2

French 7 5 6 18

German 2 3 3 2 10

Health Education 1 1 2

History African American 1 1 2

History Diplomacy and Military 2 2

History European 1 1 2

History International Relation 2 1 1 4

History Latin Amer Non West 1 1

History United States 1 1 2 4

History World 1 1

Leadership Studies 1 3 4

Management Info Systems 3 1 6 10

Mathematics Applied 1 1 2

Molecular Biol and Biochm 1 1

Philosophy 1 2 2 5

Poli Sci Amer Politics Democ 1 1 2

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs 3 7 7 17

Poli Sci Law and Legal Studies 1 1 2

Poli Sci Nonwestern Studies 1 1 2

Psychology 6 1 7

Spanish 1 8 10 12 31

Total 5 36 48 60 149

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by State at Time of Admission

State 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet 5th Year Cadet Total of State

Alabama 2 5 7 4 18

Arizona 2 1 6 9

Arkansas 2 1 2 5

California 11 6 9 14 40

Colorado 5 6 4 15

Connecticut 3 5 3 3 14

Delaware 1 3 1 5

Florida 45 36 39 31 151

Georgia 41 40 24 39 144

Idaho 1 1 2

Illinois 4 6 3 5 18

Indiana 6 1 2 3 12

Iowa 1 1 2

Kansas 1 2 3

Kentucky 4 3 2 3 12

Louisiana 3 1 4

Maine 3 4 1 8

Maryland 17 11 16 12 56

Massachusetts 5 2 4 3 14

Michigan 3 5 6 7 21

Military Europe 1 2 3 6

Military Pacific 1 1 2

Minnesota 3 1 1 5

Mississippi 1 1 1 3

Missouri 1 2 3 2 8

Nebraska 2 2

Nevada 2 2

New Hampshire 1 3 4 8

New Jersey 7 13 15 12 47

New Mexico 2 1 1 4

New York 13 6 12 10 41

North Carolina 35 34 45 34 1 149

North Dakota 1 1

Ohio 7 6 12 8 33

Oklahoma 2 1 1 4

Oregon 2 1 3

Pennsylvania 13 8 14 12 47

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by State at Time of Admission

State 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet 5th Year Cadet Total of State

Rhode Island 1 1 2

South Carolina 348 248 200 205 1 1,002

Tennessee 16 11 8 5 40

Texas 13 11 11 16 51

Unknown 4 5 12 4 25

Vermont 3 1 1 5

Virginia 27 19 9 18 73

Washington 1 2 2 2 7

West Virginia 3 1 4

Wisconsin 3 1 2 6

Wyoming 1 1

Total 656 514 473 485 6 2,134

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by South Carolina County at Time of Admission

SC County 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet 5th Year Cadet Total of County

Abbeville 1 1 2

Aiken 8 7 2 2 19

Anderson 17 14 3 7 41

Bamberg 2 2 4

Barnwell 1 1

Beaufort 17 4 3 6 30

Berkeley 21 24 14 10 69

Calhoun 2 1 3

Charleston 47 41 28 38 154

Cherokee 2 2 4

Chester 3 2 2 1 8

Chesterfield 1 1 2

Clarendon 2 1 3 1 7

Colleton 6 2 1 9

Darlington 8 4 3 15

Dillon 5 3 2 10

Dorchester 18 13 10 12 1 54

Edgefield 4 1 5

Fairfield 3 4 1 2 10

Florence 11 4 14 7 36

Georgetown 6 4 3 2 15

Greenville 28 9 20 15 72

Greenwood 9 7 4 5 25

Hampton 1 3 2 6

Horry 5 7 2 6 20

Jasper 1 1 1 3

Kershaw 5 5 2 12

Lancaster 4 1 5

Laurens 2 2 3 7

Lee 2 2

Lexington 27 16 14 11 68

Marion 1 1 2 3 7

Marlboro 1 1

Newberry 2 2 1 5

Oconee 1 3 1 2 7

Orangeburg 1 4 2 2 9

Pickens 3 5 4 2 14

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by South Carolina County at Time of Admission

SC County 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet 5th Year Cadet Total of County

Richland 26 24 19 26 95

Saluda 2 1 3

Spartanburg 19 15 11 10 55

Sumter 10 5 10 6 31

Union 1 1

Williamsburg 3 4 7

York 17 11 11 10 49

Total 348 248 200 205 1 1,002

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

South Carolina Corps of Cadets: Enrollment by Country of Citizenship for International Students

Country 1st Year Cadet 2nd Year Cadet 3rd Year Cadet 4th Year Cadet Total of Country


CANADA 1 2 3









TAIWAN 3 3 3 1 10


Total 8 8 8 4 28

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Residency

Residency In-State Out-of-State Total

Undergraduate Evening Undergrad Student 134 1 135

Senior Citizen Undergrad 1 1

Total of Student Level 135 1 136

Graduate Graduate Student 857 85 942

Senior Citizen Graduate 5 5

Total of Student Level 862 85 947

Total of Residency 997 86 1,083

* Students who receive in-state tuition include residents of SC, military personnel and their dependents, faculty and administration employees and their dependents, retired persons and their dependents, academic common market, scholarships approved by board of trustees, reciprocity agreements as approved by the General Assembly, and non-resident aliens in an approved VISA classification.

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Gender

Gender Female Male Total

Undergraduate Evening Undergrad Student 62 73 135

Senior Citizen Undergrad 1 1

Total of Student Level 62 74 136

Graduate Graduate Student 555 387 942

Senior Citizen Graduate 4 1 5

Total of Student Level 559 388 947

Total of Gender 621 462 1,083

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity


American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian

Black or African

American HispanicMore Than

1 Race


Alien White Total

Undergraduate Evening Undergrad Student

3 24 2 1 105 135

Senior Citizen Undergrad

1 1

Total of Student Level 3 24 2 1 106 136

Graduate Graduate Student 2 11 85 16 6 10 812 942

Senior Citizen Graduate

5 5

Total of Student Level 2 11 85 16 6 10 817 947

Total of Race/Ethnicity 2 14 109 18 7 10 923 1,083

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Degree Program

Undergraduate Students

Degree - Major - Concentration Evening Undergrad Student Senior Citizen Undergrad Total

BSBA Business Administration (No Conc.) 23 23

BSCE Civil Engineering (No Conc.) 32 32

BSEE Electrical Engineering (No Conc.) 23 23

NDG Undeclared Undergraduate (No Conc.) 57 1 58

Total Undergraduate 135 1 136

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Degree Program

Graduate Students

Degree - Major - Concentration Graduate Student Senior Citizen Graduate Total

CERT Leadership Certificate (No Conc.) 14 14

Sport Management Certificate (No Conc.) 2 2

Student Affairs Certificate (No Conc.) 12 12

TechProject Mgmt Certificate (No Conc.) 16 16

Total of Degree 44 44

EDS Educational Leadership (No Conc.) 8 8

School Psychology (No Conc.) 51 51

Total of Degree 59 59

MA Biology (No Conc.) 19 19

English (No Conc.) 6 6

History (No Conc.) 12 12

Psychology Clinical Counseling (No Conc.) 73 73

Social Science (No Conc.) 19 1 20

Total of Degree 129 1 130

MAED Mathematics Teacher Education (No Conc.) 4 4

Total of Degree 4 4

MAT Physical Education (No Conc.) 13 13

Secondary Educ Social Studies (No Conc.) 26 26

Secondary Education Biology (No Conc.) 6 6

Secondary Education English (No Conc.) 25 25

Secondary Education Math (No Conc.) 5 5

Total of Degree 75 75

MBA Business Administration (No Conc.) 283 283

Total of Degree 283 283

MED Counselor Education Counselor Educ Student Affairs 7 7

Counselor Education Elementary 23 23

Counselor Education Secondary 30 30

Educational Leadership Elementary Administration 50 50

Secondary Administration 38 38

Literacy Education (No Conc.) 25 25

Total of Degree 173 173

MS Computer and Informa Sciences (No Conc.) 4 4

Health Excercise Sport Science (No Conc.) 60 60

Project Management (No Conc.) 14 14

Total of Degree 78 78

NDG Counselor Educ Elementary (No Conc.) 2 2

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Degree Program

Graduate Students

Degree - Major - Concentration Graduate Student Senior Citizen Graduate Total

NDG Counselor Educ Secondary (No Conc.) 2 2

Elementary Administration (No Conc.) 2 2

Secondary Administration (No Conc.) 2 2

Undeclared Graduate (No Conc.) 89 4 93

Total of Degree 97 4 101

Total Graduate 942 5 947

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Secondary Major

Undergraduate Students

(No evening undergraduate students are enrolled with a secondary major this semester.)

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

The Citadel Graduate College: Enrollment by Minor

Undergraduate Students

(No evening undergraduate students are enrolled with a minor this semester.)

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Gender

Gender Female Male Total

Active Duty Marine 1 29 30

Active Duty Navy 3 36 39

Total of Gender 4 65 69

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity


American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian

Black or African

American HispanicMore Than

1 Race White Total

Active Duty Marine 1 2 4 23 30

Active Duty Navy 1 3 4 1 30 39

Total of Race/Ethnicity 1 1 5 8 1 53 69

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major- Concentration Active Duty Marine Active Duty Navy Total

BA Chemistry (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Criminal Justice (No Conc.) 1 1

Total of Major 1 1

English (No Conc.) 1 1 2

Total of Major 1 1 2

History (No Conc.) 4 2 6

Total of Major 4 2 6

Modern Language French 1 1

Total of Major 1 1

Political Science (No Conc.) 2 2 4

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs 4 4

Political Sci American Govt 1 1

Total of Major 7 2 9

Psychology (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Total of Degree 16 7 23

BS Applied Physics (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Biology (No Conc.) 1 1

Total of Major 1 1

Chemistry (No Conc.) 1 1

Total of Major 1 1

Computer Science (No Conc.) 1 1

Total of Major 1 1

Physical Education Phys Educ Health and Wellness 6 6

Phys Educ Sprts Mgt and Admin 1 1

Total of Major 7 7

Total of Degree 7 5 12

BSBA Business Administration (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Pre Business Administration (No Conc.) 7 1 8

Total of Major 7 1 8

Total of Degree 7 3 10

BSCE Civil Engineering (No Conc.) 14 14

Total of Major 14 14

Total of Degree 14 14

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major- Concentration Active Duty Marine Active Duty Navy Total

BSEE Electrical Engineering (No Conc.) 10 10

Total of Major 10 10

Total of Degree 10 10

Total Overall 30 39 69

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Secondary Major

(No active duty students are enrolled with a secondary major this semester.)

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Active Duty Students: Enrollment by Minor

Minor Active Duty Marine Active Duty Navy Total of Minor

Computer Science 2 2

History International Relation 1 1

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs 1 1

Spanish 2 2

Total 2 4 6

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Veteran Students: Enrollment by Gender

Gender Male Total

Veteran Cadet 11 11

Veteran Student 10 10

Total of Gender 21 21

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Veteran Students: Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity HispanicMore Than

1 Race White Total

Veteran Cadet 2 1 8 11

Veteran Student 10 10

Total of Race/Ethnicity 2 1 18 21

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Veteran Students: Enrollment by Degree Program

Degree - Major - Concentration Veteran Cadet Veteran Student Total

BA Criminal Justice (No Conc.) 3 1 4

Total of Major 3 1 4

History (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Political Science (No Conc.) 1 1

Poli Sci Intl and Mlty Affairs 1 1

Total of Major 2 2

Total of Degree 7 1 8

BSBA Business Administration (No Conc.) 4 4

Total of Major 4 4

Pre Business Administration (No Conc.) 2 2

Total of Major 2 2

Total of Degree 4 2 6

BSCE Civil Engineering (No Conc.) 3 3

Total of Major 3 3

Total of Degree 3 3

BSEE Electrical Engineering (No Conc.) 4 4

Total of Major 4 4

Total of Degree 4 4

Total Overall 11 10 21

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Veteran Students: Enrollment by Secondary Major

Secondary Major and Concentration Veteran Cadet Total of Secondary Major

History 1 1

Total 1 1

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

The CitadelStudent Enrollment ProfileFall 2010

Veteran Students: Enrollment by Minor

Minor Veteran Cadet Total of Minor

History World 1 1

Total 1 1

The Citadel ~ Office of Institutional Research

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