Structure I_Pertemuan 6_Modul 9_ Meiliza.pptx

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Structure I6th Class : 19th of September 20151Meiliza FitriUniversitas Terbuka Korea Selatan

meiliza.fitri@ymail.com1Class 6Modul 9Simple PastPast ContinuousPast PerfectPast Perfect Progressive

2Simple Past Tensee.g. I went to office yesterday.

nowpastfutureSimple Past TenseFungsiContohMenyatakan kegiatan yang dimulai dan diakhiri pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau, walaupun pembicara tidak menyebutkan waktunyaAlexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.Biasanya diikuti keterangan waktuI played football last week.S + V2Simple Past TensePolaContohPositiveS + V2S + was/were + adj/adv/nounI cooked fried rice this morning.I was late this morningNegativeS + did not + V1S + was/were not + adj/adv/nounI didnt cook fried rice this morning.I was not late this morning.QuestionDid+ S + V1 .?Was/Were + S + adj/adv/noun .?

Wh-Question + did + S + V1?Wh-Question + was/were + S + adj?Did you go to the library?Were you tired yesterday?

What did you do last night?Who was late this morning?Did not didntWas not wasntWere not werentPast Continuouse.g. She was talking on the phone.nowpastfuture

Past ContinuousFungsiContohMenyatakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung beberapa saat (waktunya biasanya tidak ditentukan) di masa lampau.He was sleeping.They were playing football.S + was/were + VingPast ContinuousPolaContohPositiveS + was/were + VingThey were cooking.NegativeS + was/were not + VingI was not driving.QuestionWas/Were + S + Ving.?

Wh-Question + was/were + S + Ving?Were you sleeping?

Who was laughing just now?Was not wasntWere not werentPast Continuous + Past Tense Dalam kalimat, disatukan dengan Past Tense untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian terjadi di saat kejadian lainnya berlangsung (kedua kejadiannya di masa lampau)ContohI was sleeping when he came to my house.While I was sleeping, he came to my house.

I was sleeping nowpastfuturehe came to my houseWhile vs WhenWhen + Past tenseI was sleeping when he came to my house.While + Past ContinuousWhile I was sleeping, he came to my house.I was sleeping while my sister was cleaning the house.

Past Perfect nowpastfuture

Britney arrivedJennifer called meBritney had arrived when Jennifer called mePast PerfectFungsiContohMenyatakan suatu kejadian telah terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau.When I arrived at home, the thief had broken into my house.Dapat menyatakan sebab akibat apabila digabungkan dengan simple past tenseHe passed the exam because he had studied very hard.

S + had + V3Past PerfectPolaContohPositiveS + had + V3She had finished her homework before she went shopping.NegativeS + had not/hadnt + V3I had not eaten. I was very hungry this morning.QuestionHad+ S + V3.?

Wh-Question + had + S + V3?Had you finished your homework before you went shopping?

Who had finished the homework before weekend?Present Perfect vs Past PerfectPresent Perfect Past PerfectMenyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan sebelum saat ini.Menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan sebelum masa lampau.Jane eats lunch12 PMJane is not hungry 1 PMJane said: I am not hungry, I have already eaten my lunch.4 PMJane said: I was not hungry (at 1 PM), I had already eaten my lunch.Past Progressive vs Past PerfectPast ProgressivePast Perfect7 7.30 AM : eating breakfast7.15 AM : Someone knock the door7 7.30 AM : eating breakfast7.45 AM : Someone knock the door8 AM : I was eating my breakfast when someone knocked the door.8 AM : I had eaten my breakfast when someone knocked the door.Kejadian 1 masih berlangsung ketika kejadian 2 terjadiKejadian 1 sudah selesai ketika kejadian 2 terjadi;jsessionid=4E78C3862E62DF00D5AC985A160F75AF?cc=kr&selLanguage=ko

15Past Perfect Progressive nowpastfutureShe looked exhausted because she had been running for 10 kilometers.Running for 10 kmLook exhaustedPast Perfect ProgressiveFungsiContohMenyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan terus berlangsung pada masa lampau.She looked very tired because she had been running.Menyatakan berapa lama suatu kejadian telah berlangsung sebelum kejadian sebelumnya terjadi.tenseWe had been playing the game for 2 hours when our mother came.

S + had been + VingPast Perfect ProgressivePolaContohPositiveS + had been + VingShe had been studying for 20 hours.NegativeS + had not been + VingHe had not been sleeping before QuestionHad+ S + been + Ving.?

Wh-Question + had + S + been + Ving?Had you been running before you came here?How long had you been studying Korean before you came here?Past Perfect Progressive vs Past ProgressivePast Perfect Progressive Past Progressive5 7.45 : raining8 AM: get up8.05 AM : look out the window5 8.30 : raining8 AM: get up8.05 AM : look out the window

1 PM: When I got up this morning, I looked out the window. It had been raining1 PM: When I got up this morning, I looked out the window. It was rainingnowpastfuturenowpastfuture


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