String of pearls

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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2. It is the term given by U.S analysts to Chinas doctrine for securing its SLOC (Sea Line Of Communication) String of pearls refers to series of ports and infrastructure built covering China SLOC. Each pearl refers to the nodes of economic and millitary influence of China generally in form of ports. At present it has ports in Hanin , Sittwe (Myanmar) , Hambantota (Srilanka) , Chittagong (Bangladesh) and Gwadar (Pakistan). Efforts are there from China to include Maldives , Thailand , Malaysia in its doctrine. Introduction 3. Hu Jintao former president of China in 2003 once stated his apprehensions regarding the vulnerability of its SLOC. He termed his apprehensions as Malacca Dilemma String of Pearls is a doctrine to extricate China from its Malacca dilemma. To understand String of Pearls it is imperative to understand this apprehension. WHY STRING OF PEARLS ? 4. MALACCA DILEMMA Malacca strait is in Indian ocean which connects Indian and pacific ocean and worlds 25% of trade passes through this strait. Countries like China , Japan , South Korea are heavily depended on this sea route for all their supply especially energy. 5. In picture above, dark blue line shows the sea route through which Chinas energy supplies passes. You can clearly see the bottleneck feature of Malacca strait . This sea route is lifeline to Chinas rapid industrialization and economic growth but China have negligible strategic control over this sea route. 6. China fears that any hostile country can choke it supplies at strait of Malacca . The bottleneck feature of the strait allows easy blockade. Chinas naval admiral Zhang Ming once said that India could use Andaman and Nicobar islands as iron curtain to block Chinas supplies at strait of Malacca. China knows that India have tremendous control over Indian ocean as well as significant strategically advantage over Chinese Navy. Moreover ,USA operates from small island Diego Garcia at the center of Indian ocean and it can easily block the Chinese ships. The use of air force and land based batteries can easily deny China use of this vital sea route. 7. China , to limit its dependency on this sea route tried several alternatives like pipelines from Pakistan to Xinjiang and also from Iran to China passing from India , Pakistan . But all those were not put into action due to several reason such as length of pipeline , difficult terrain and international objection China presently has pipeline from Mynamar but it is very vulnerable due to volatile situation of the country. China has good links with Junta government but the recent closeness with western countries is making China uneasy . It must be noted that soon after taking office as president of USA , Barack Obama visited Mynamar. So China is completely dependent on strait of Malacca for delivery of more than 4 million barrel of crude oil per day . China requires about 5.62 million barrel of crude per day. So , this is Chinas Malacca delimma 8. STRING OF PEARLS AND ITS STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS FOR INDIA AND CHINA AS we can see red line is what we gets when we join all ports in string of pearls and it is quite clear that it completely run parallely through its SLOC ( Sea Line Of Communication) . 9. China claims its entry in Indian ocean will bring harmony in the region and it has no intention to encircle India and negates its influence. It further reiterates its old statement of wanting peaceful rise. India should not fall for it as the same sweet statements from China in 1950s ended as war in 1962 . Port at Myanmar will cut down Chinas distance by 3000km from Bay of Bengal which is controlled by India. Moreover it will make Strait of Malacca in easy reach of China . An airstrip in Myanmar will provide effective air cover for its supplies and also in event of blockade. Port at Sri Lanka will prove handy in reconnaissance of Indian navy. Gwadar port in Pakistan controlled by China will make India vulnerable in the Arabian ocean and will pose problem if India tried to take step against Pakistan like it did in 1971 and 1999 to block Karachi port. China 10. India rules the roost in Indian ocean but Chinas entry will prove detrimental for India . Indias relation with China had never been hunky-dory . And Chinas entry in Indian ocean will make the matter worse as India had always been stabilizing agent in the worlds one of the most strategic location of Indian ocean. Several Chinese controlled ports in backyard will make Indian navy uneasy . As for now there had been no confirmed news of military capabilities of the ports and its for commercial use only. But India has not recovered from 1962 dogma and is not in position to overlook Chinas treading in Indian ocean . Chinas policy of helping Pakistan , an arch rival of India in terms of military , infrastructure makes India much more suspicious of China . China even helped Pakistan to build its nuclear weapons . China still has not settled border issues with India which it has done with all other countries. China spent more than 2 billion dollars in developing Gwadar port which is recently transferred to China by Pakistan. India 11. Indias floundering foreign policy is the main cause because of which China was able to build ports in neighbouring countries of India. India was not able to settle boundary issues with China when it was at its weakest in 1950s Lack of attention towards Mynamar has caused and will cause trouble in future. Mynamar is most strategic place for containing China. Indias bilateral relation with Srilanka is dicey . Once Mahela Rajapakshe was asked about their new found friend China and alienation towards India .to which Mhela replied that what was offered to China was offered to India first. 12. India should make foreign policy stringent and think more pragmatic . India should take advantage of Chinas dicey bilateral relation with its neighbors for example Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan. If India is able to improve relation with above mentioned countries then China will be in same situation as India and this will potentially break String Of Pearls. Recently India witnessed sudden warmth in bilateral relation between India and Japan and it has elicited desperate comments from government run press of China. COUNTERING STRINGS OF PEARL 13. THANK YOU

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