Streamlining the Recruitment Process

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Streamlining the Recruitment Process. Kent McMackin, Senior Vice President Physician Services Cogent HMG. Crisis. Is there a physician shortage in the United States? Has your organization internalized whether or not there is a physician shortage; if yes, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Streamlining the Recruitment

ProcessKent McMackin, Senior Vice President

Physician Services Cogent HMG

CrisisIs there a physician shortage in the

United States?Has your organization internalized

whether or not there is a physician shortage; if yes,

Has your organization created a physician recruitment program that is reflective of a physician shortage.

CrisisHave you internalized that there is

a physician shortage; if yes,Have you evaluated how this

shortage will affect your ability to be successful as a recruiter; if yes,

Have you made any changes to your processes to insure that they are reflective of a physician shortage?

CrisisNearly 1/3 (265,000) of all doctors

will retire in the next decade15 million patients will become

eligible for Medicare32 million younger Americans will

become newly insured.Reference: AAMC (2010)

Physician Shortage

YearPhysician Supply (all specialties)

Physician Demand (all specialties)

Physician Shortage (all specialties)

Physician Shortage (nonprimary care)

2010 709,700 723,400 13,700 4,700

2015 735,600 798,500 62,900 33,100

2020 759,800 851,300 91,500 46,100

Simplification Defined

Performance of steps comprising a work in a manner (in terms of effort, money, and time) and consistent with the objective of the work.

SimplificationOpportunity Profile



Automation of Systems

Opportunity ProfileSWOT Analysis for Physician

RecruitmentResidency and Fellowship ProgramsCommunityHospital/Physician OrganizationPracticeSite VisitRetention

Recruitment ProcessOpportunit

y Profile• Opportunity Profile (Justify and approve the need)

Sourcing• Sourcing

Screening• Screen Candidate

Interview• Interview

Site Visit• Site Visit


• ContractCredentiali

ng• Credentialing

Enrollment• Enrollment


• Onboarding

Recruitment ProcessFlow chart the recruitment process

(this needs to include all of the people who are involved, from opportunity profile to Onboarding).

Remove non-value added steps in the process.

Remove departmental silos.Strive for an integrative process.


Site Visits





TimeTime management is concerned with behavior that require intentions to complete tasks within a given period or sequence, include valuations of the importance of the task (necessity), allow for using external aids to help reduce cognitive load or competing demands and require monitoring of time and its relation to task completion (Macan, 2010).

TimeTime is a competitive tool, a

commodity to be controlled.Time management intervention is

for situations where time management influences key job outcomes.

How do individuals perceive time; how does their culture and personality affect the use of time? (Nonis, 2005)

Time and ProcrastinationOrganizations and researchers are

studying how procrastination affects behavioral economics.

Procrastination is an irrational delay, where we put off a task despite being worse off (cognitive dissonance).

Cognitive Dissonance is considered an irrational delay. Even after we make a decision we delay taking action.

Time and ProcrastinationProcrastination causes people to put off tasks with long term rewards because they are impulsively distracted by short-term goals (Steel, 2010).

Time and EmailEmail and internet are the largest

external sources of personal information overload.

Performance of knowledge workers is hindered by their lack of control over information flow.

77% of workers check email regularly resulting in excessive interruptions that adversely affect productivity.

Time and Email51% of workers do not feel in

control of information flow.41% do not believe that

organizations offer assistance.Employees lives are characterized

by an accelerated pace that intensifies time pressure; email adds to this pressure.

Time ManagementTime management is defined as

types of behavior aimed at effective use of time, “undertaking goal directed activities.”

Organization’s role is to include time assessment, planning, and the monitoring of behavior.

Time management helps the employee gain the feeling of time control (Huang, 2010)

Automation of SystemsWhether a big or small

organization; the automation of the physician recruitment process is imperative.

If you don’t have a system develop one.

If you have an existing system; evaluate it to insure that it will make you competitive in the battle for physician talent.

Automation of SystemsThe goal of an automated system

is to be able to track the recruitment process from opportunity profile through to onboarding.

To implement an automated system it is important to identify critical success factors that will guide how the project is defined.

A critical success factor is completion of a significant event and involves time duration.

Automation of SystemsMinimization of risk: Any

implementation contains a number of associated risks at both the technical and business level. The key aim is to practically minimize and actively mitigate those risks in order to have a low risk project which will pan out according to plan in terms of timelines and budget. “What does that mean?”

Automation of SystemsBusiness Value and Performance

Measurement: The ultimate goal of a system initiative is to provide a solution capable of delivering the requisite business functionality to the end users. At the end of each stage it is important to be able to measure the success of each projected improvement.

Automation of SystemsExecutive involvement: One of the

key characteristics of a successful implementation is early executive sponsorship and on-going senior management involvement throughout the transformation.

Automation of SystemsCross Departmental Participation: A

project means sharing data which may be resisted initially by users. Organizations need to promote the project as an initiative that is important to each department’s success. “Remove silos.”

Automation of SystemsResources: A successful

implementation team will the include individuals with strong business knowledge in addition to technical skills. Without the correct team and an in depth solution knowledge, a project cannot be deployed. “Must have buy-in.”

ConclusionPhysician Shortage CrisisHave you internalized the physician

shortage and do your processes reflect this crisis.

Work SimplificationRecruitment Process: Use the

opportunity profile to identify your universe. Flow chart the process, remove silos, and create a team.

ConclusionFocus on why you are losing

physicians and why they withdraw as much as you celebrate the signing of a physician.

Time Management: competitive tool; cue significant events; get down to the individual level; be aware of procrastination; manage your email systems; and finally this is the organization’s responsibility; not the individuals.

ConclusionImperative to success. Correlate

the cost of system to the amount of money you lose by not filling a position.

Minimize risk; business value and performance; executive involvement; cross departmental participation; resources

QuestionsMany thanks to PracticeMatch and you for allowing me to be a part of venue in one of the most exciting industries in America.

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