STRATEGIC PLAN (2011-2015) - ProSAVANA€¦ · STRATEGIC PLAN (2011-2015) Maputo, July 2011. Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM) STRATEGIC PLAN (2011-2015) Maputo,

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Ministry of Agriculture Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM)

STRATEGIC PLAN (2011-2015)

Maputo, July 2011

Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM)

STRATEGIC PLAN (2011-2015)

Maputo, July 2011

Technical Information

Tit le: Strategic Plan of the IIAM 2011 - 2015 General

Coordination: Calisto Bias (Director General)

Technical Coordination:

Strategic Management Team (Rafael Nemba Uaiene, Roseiro Mário Moreira, Antonieta Elias Nhamusso e Esperança Rosita Elias Chamba)

Regist ry: Disp. Reg/GABNFO-DEC/2006 financing : ABC, EU and USAID

Consultancy : Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)

Graphic Production : Pixell Design e Serviços Edition : 500 copies

Address : Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) Avenida das FPLM, N° 2698. P.O.Box 3658. Bairro de Mavalane. Tel.: (+258) 21 462241 – Fax: (+258) 21461581 Maputo – Moçambique E-mail: Website:

Maputo, July 2011


After its establishment in 2004, due to the reform process of public Institutions for agricultural and livestock research, training and testing, by the decree of the Cabinet, the Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM) has always sought to provide a strategic direction that will check out a place of importance to contribute to the fight against hunger, food insecurity and poverty in the framework of policies and priorities of the Government of Mozambique. Counting on the valuable experience of its entire staff and partners and the perspective of having a new platform of work, there were several actions and teams that have contributed in order to have this guidance document: Strategic Plan of IIAM 2011-2015 . This is the first Strategic Plan of IIAM. It is the possible outcome of all consultations and work assignments in which each of us will be able to remember for having been somehow involved. It is our guiding document that with some impatience we always believed that we would have it to be our guidance either on the management of the top of IIAM, either on the accomplishment of our actions at the scientific-technical, operating and general support levels. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the urgent task now is to make this strategic document bring the results that we dream about. So once again we are all called to commit ourselves unselfishly in implementing this Strategic Plan. This document challenges us to implement courageously some actions of structuring dimension, which can transform our organizational model and management as an agricultural research institution. The plan challenges us to basing the enhancement of professional competence and knowledge, that with a growing social responsibility, are important organizational pillar to better accomplish the ambitious, but achievable, institutional mission to “create knowledge and technological solutions for sustainable development of agribusiness, nutritiona l and food security”. We will certainly have, weaknesses and threats to remove; strengths and opportunities to capitalize, expectations to cover and fears to make up. This is the dynamics of the development that we are all seeking for. This Strategic Plan sets these challenges in just five years (2011-2015). In pursuit of its compliance, we believe that this document will be followed by others with better quality, always putting forward the demands of research and institutional development for its operation. To conclude, my personal feeling is that this document will be opened in your hands beseeching you, wherever you are, you make it your own tool for the development of the agricultural research in Mozambique within these five years 2011-2015. For a more prosperous IIAM! Maputo, July 2011 The Director General of IIAM Calisto António Laurinda Francisco Bias (PhD)


The Strategic Plan of IIAM was designed in a participative manner, under the

leadership of the Strategic Management Group (SMG) established by the

Director General of IIAM. This plan is a result of the effort of the IIAM

Professional staff, public and private partners who have given their support

throughout its preparation. Thus, it is important to acknowledge here the efforts

of all, who in one way or another has given their financial, material, time and

knowledge contribution so that the IIAM could have its first Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Management Group

Contents Message of the Director General III Acknowledgements IV Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 7

I. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 9

II. Situational Analysis ................................................................................................... 11

III. Strategy Formulation ................................................................................................ 15

III.1 The strategy of the IIAM .................................................................................... 15

III.2 The Vision ............................................................................................................ 16

III.3 Mission ................................................................................................................. 16

III.6 Strategic Objectives ........................................................................................... 17

III.7 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................. 18

III.8 Structural Strategic and Specific Objectives for Internal Environment ...... 23

III.9 Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation ................................... 30

V. Annexes ...................................................................................................................... 34

Table 1. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per objective – Scenario 1 (Millions of Meticais)....................................................................................................................... 35

Table 2. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per objective – Scenario 2 (Millions of Meticais)....................................................................................................................... 36

Table 3. List of institutional Outcomes .................................................................... 37

Acronyms ABC Brazilian Cooperation Agency AGRA Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency AusAID Australian Agency for International Development BMGF Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BMZ/GTZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and

Development CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program MTFF Medium Term Fiscal Framework IARCs International Agricultural Research Centers CZC Central Zonal Center CZNordeste Northeast Zonal Center CZNoroeste Northwest Zonal Center CZS South Zonal Center DARN Agronomy and Natural Resources Directorate DCA Animal Sciences Directorate DFDTT Training, Documentation & Technology Transfer Directorate DTMA Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa EMBRAPA Brazilian Company for Agricultural and livestock Research FSNS Food Security and Nutritional Strategy R&D Research and Development IIAM Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency MCA Millennium Challenge Account GB Government Budget SP Strategic Plan PEDSA Strategic Plan for Agricultural Sector Development ESP Economic and Social Plan PIAIT Platform for Agricultural Research and Technological

Innovation in Mozambique SADC Southern African Development Community STABEX Stabilization Systems for Export Revenue EU European Union USAID United States Agency for International Development WEMA Water Efficient Maize for Africa

I. Introduction

This is the first Strategic Plan (SP) of the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM). The SP is the main strategic planning tool of IIAM for five years 2011-2015. With the SP, the IIAM will start a cycle that aims to incorporate into its Institutional culture, strategic planning aiming to meet technological solutions to cause significant impacts to Mozambican agriculture. The Plan presents a brief situational analysis and forecasting, before indicating the proposed strategies. The current situation of the agriculture in Mozambique is still characterized by low productivity and quality in most of the chains. There are huge challenges in the management and sustainable use of natural resources. As a result of poor performance of the agricultural sector, agriculture still predominantly of subsistence and hunger still persists in the country. The Vision, Mission and Objectives set out in the Strategic Plan of IIAM, are in line with the priorities and guidelines of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique. The SP herein presented is consistent with the policies, programs, plans and national and regional strategies relevant to development and performance of agricultural research in Mozambique. Nationally, this consonance can be seen, among others, the Strategic Plans of the Agricultural Sector Development and Science and Technology, with the Action Plan for Poverty Reduction (PARP), with the strategies of the Green Revolution, of Nutritional and Food Security, Rural Development and Environment for Sustainable Development of Mozambique as well as with the Government's Five Year Programme. Regarding the regional level, the SP of IIAM is in line with the declarations of Dar-es-Salaam and the African Union on Agriculture and Food Security in SADC and Africa as well as the Comprehensive Program for Agricultural Development in Africa, NEPAD / African Union. In its connection with the global level, the SP of IIAM contributes locally to respond to the challenges posed by climate change, sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals. With this SP, IIAM aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its intervention in the noble mission of creating knowledge and innovative technology solutions for both the sustainable development of agriculture and for the management and sustainable use of natural resources to which the country is rich.

II. Situational Analysis The IIAM was established by the Decree No. 47/2004 of 27 October, of the Cabinet. IIAM is a public entity which carries out research, development and dissemination of agricultural technology in Mozambique. IIAM consists of central and local units of research.

At central level IIAM has one Directorate General and four Technical Directorates:

1. Agriculture and Natural Resources Directorate (DARN); 2. Animal Sciences Directorate (DCA); 3. Training, Documentation and Technology Transfer Directorate (DFDTT);

and 4. Planning, Administration and Finance Directorate (DPAF);

At the local level the testing units (fields, laboratories, offices and stations) of IIAM are grouped into four Agricultural Research Zonal Centers, namely:

• South Zonal Center (CZS) – focused on the agricultural research in semi-arid region of southern Mozambique;

• Central Zonal Center (CZC) – focused on the agricultural research in the central region, covering Beira Corridor and Zambezi Valley;

• Northeast Zonal Center (CZNordeste) - focused on the agricultural research in the region of the Nacala Corridor and part of the region of Pemba-Lichinga Corridor;

• Northwest Zonal Center (CZNoroeste) - focused on the agricultural research in the plateau zone and partially covers Pemba-Lichinga Corridor

The IIAM Zonal Centers were established based on agro-ecological zones of Mozambique. The food demand, grains and bio-fuels, is increasingly growing in Mozambique. This growing demand occurs at a time when there are challenges of climate change and concerns about the environment. These factors increase the pressure on research institutions like the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique. As such, this institution must create and provide technology solutions that contribute to feed an increasingly growing and demanding population, as to the development and improvement of the raw material for industry and energy, preserving, however, the environment. The Future framework of the Mozambican agriculture show:

• Rise in the incidence of extreme events (floods, droughts, cyclones) due to variations and / or climate change;

• Rise in the demand for food, grains and bio-fuels for both domestic consumption and external;

• Rise of the production costs due to rising costs of production inputs such as energy, fertilizers and fossil fuels, and

• Greater consumer concerns about the quality of products and services. From the situational analysis and prospective of the external environment of the IIAM, there are some opportunities to register:

• Low productivity of all productive chains; • Lack of varieties and adapted breeds; • Low soil fertility; • Variations and / or climate change; • Rise in production costs; • Rise in the costs of production inputs; • Poor knowledge of agricultural techniques; • High demand of food, grains and bio-fuels; • Inadequate management of natural resources, and • Low quality of food.

The main threats highlighted are:

• High transaction and transportation costs for the products and agricultural inputs;

• Insufficient investment in human resources and infrastructure for the development of research, innovation and knowledge transfer and technologies;

• High competition for the limited staff of researchers; • Risk circumvention of the best talent and the loss of critical mass in

strategic areas for IIAM or the country; • Foreign dependence (mainly funds); and • Poor coordination between the IIAM and other stakeholders in R&D.

The weaknesses are the focus of action of IIAM for its improvement and self-improvement, aiming to become able to meet adequately the demands imposed on them. The strengths represent the enhancement for the use of opportunities raised by the external environment of IIAM. The weaknesses of IIAM are related to its organizational structure, its infrastructure, its human resources, performance and operation, the financial resources allocated to it (Figure 2), and the process of planning, monitoring and evaluation Research and Development. IIAM has 1087 employees, of which 182 are researchers (Figure 1). Only 19 of IIAM researchers are Post Doctoral (PhD) and most of them are in the Agronomy and Natural Resources Directorate (DARN), followed by the Animal Sciences Directorate (DCA), the Central Zonal Center (CZC), South (CZS) and Northeast (CZNordeste) and the Training, Documentation and Technology Transfer Directorate (DFDTT). The Northwest Zonal Center (CZNoroeste) does not have PhD staff. As well as human resources of IIAM, which are few and still need better and qualified staff, expertise and distribution, financial resources allocated to the Institute are also relatively few. The strengths and weaknesses were then used to formulate structuring objectives and core structuring for organizational change of IIAM, in order to fit it to the demands of a modern institution of research and development.

Figure 1. Number of researchers, location and educa tion level per Technical Directorate or Zonal Center.

Figure 2. Financial resources allocated in IIAM 200 6 to 2010

III. Strategy Formulation This Strategic Plan provides the Vision, Mission, Values, Principles and Objectives of IIAM. The SP shows the priority areas and challenges of agricultural research over the next five years. During this period, IIAM will focus on certain basic chains and income in specific ecosystems and finding technological solutions to the problems of consumers. The basic productive chains to be focused by IIAM in the next five years are: crops (maize, rice, sorghum, millet and wheat), grain legumes (beans and peanuts), roots and tuber vegetables (cassava and sweet potatoes), vegetables (tomato, onion and cabbage), fruit (citrus, papaya, banana, mango and pineapple), chicken and eggs. The prioritization exercise SP defined as relevant and priority, the chains of income(market oriented) of cotton, peanuts, cashew nuts, timber, fuelwood, sesame, potato, soybean, sunflower, copra, milk, meat beef or small ruminants, with emphasis on goats. For its social, economic and ecological importance, will be considered as strategic focus of action of IIAM in the next five years, the ecosystems of Miombo, Mopane, Coastal Dunes and Mangroves. On regards to consumers, it was found that the availability, access, use, utilization, adequacy and promptness of food supply, pillars of food and nutritional security, as defined in the Strategy for food and nutritional security - ESAN II (2007 ) in Mozambique, are still fragile, resulting in food insecurity. Many of the problems faced by consumers as high prices of food, regularity of demand and food quality can be minimized through the intervention of an efficient system of agricultural research. Thus, offering technological solutions to these problems can be a great opportunity for the IIAM.

III.1 The strategy of the IIAM

The IIAM Strategy aims to contribute to the vision and objectives defined in the Government Programme and the Strategic Development Plan of the Agricultural Sector 2011-2020 (PEDSA), following the precepts of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). The IIAM's strategy consists of the vision that is shown in Section III.2, the Purpose which is shown in Section III.3, and the Strategic Objectives which are presented in Section III.4.

III.2 The Vision

The vision of the IIAM defined according to the strategic planning process is: To be a research organization and innovation of excellence, dynamic, motivated , which contributes to meet the food needs, agribusiness development and sustainable use of natural resources.

III.3 Mission

Create knowledge and technological solutions for sustainable development of agribusiness and food and nutritional security. This mission is achieved taking into consideration certain values and guiding principles that guide the actions of the staff of IIAM. III. 4 VALUES OF THE IIAM: 1. Professional Ethics - the IIAM staff are committed to ethical conduct in the

performance of their duties. 2. Valorization of professional skill - commitment to human resource training,

self-growth and enhancement of skills and talents. 3. Valorization of knowledge - the knowledge produced by the Institute should

be enhanced through innovation and the level and / or degree of adoption of the technologies developed.

4. Transparency - commitment to the introduction and use of flow transparent systems of technological information and human, financial and material resource management.

5. Plurality and intellectual diversity - respect for diversity of ideas and methods of work and protection of intellectual property.

6. Social responsibility and devotion to the nation - IIAM has responsibility in the dissemination of technology and social and economic development of the country.

III. 5 GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF THE IIAM: 1. Organizational efficiency and effectiveness - development of working

methods that encourage creativity, innovation, scientific rigor and quality of research products and services.

2. Multidisciplinary - integration of the different disciplines inherent to the process of agricultural research in the creation, development and transfer of agricultural technologies.

3. Decentralization and deconcentration - the decision making about the management of the research will take place at headquarters and Agricultural Research Zonal Centers.

4. Participation - use of participative methods in the research, monitoring and evaluation.

5. Commitment to the environment - development of research for the creation and adaptation of technologies that promote environmental protection.

III.6 Strategic Objectives

In line with the diagnosis and prognosis (scenarios of agribusiness of Mozambique) conducted and as a result of the analysis of internal and external environment, were set seven strategic objectives for the IIAM for a period from 2011 to 2015. The first five strategic objectives are orientated to the demand response and the other two (structuring strategic objectives) refer to the change and institutional development. The following are the five strategic objectives oriented to the demand. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Contribute to the productivity, production stability and sustainability of the basic productive chains.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: Contribute to the competitiveness of the productive chains for the market-oriented.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: Contribute to the food and nutritional security of consumers.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: Contribute to the productive and sustainable use of natural resources.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5: Enhance the interaction and integration for the institutional sustainability of IIAM.

All of the objectives of the IIAM cover research and technology transfer to the main productive chains of Mozambique (basic chains and income). Considered as major performance challenges of such chains: the increase of productive efficiency, promptness of the supply and product quality of the productive chains that generate food, as well as the competitiveness of the productive chains that generate income and employment for the country The strategic Objectives 1 will contribute to the achievement of Strategic Objective 3, which is oriented to the matter of food security of the population. The benefits obtained from the Strategic Objectives 1 and 2 will be reflected in social progress for consumers of Mozambique in terms of good quality of food at more affordable prices.

The strategic Objective 4 focuses environmental issues and the need to encourage the use of natural resources, ensuring both the genetic conservation of wild plants and wild animals, and the preservation of biodiversity and the integrity of natural ecosystems. It is intended with this objective to promote the adoption of silvicultural practices and management to ensure sustainable use of natural resources. Moreover, the recognition of ecological services and products including carbon sequestration for the benefit of rural communities is only possible with the development of instruments and methodologies that allow a quick assessment, but needs, the potential use of land taking into account the existing natural capital.

The Strategic Objective 5 relies on the interfaces between the IIAM and their institutional partners. It is an objective with motivation for the articulation, negotiation and adjustment of political, administrative and management relations.

III.7 Specific Objectives

The strategic objectives were targeted at specific objectives. Each refers to a specific set of constraints identified in the external environment of the IIAM. The specific objectives represent guidelines to guide the programming of research and technology transfer of the IIAM. Therefore, they were quantified within the time of the Strategic Plan (five years), determining strategic goals for each of the strategic objectives. The specific objectives by Strategic Objective, and respective targets, defined for the scope of the Mission of the IIAM for the next five years are as follows:


Objective 1 Contribute to increase productivity, production sta bility and sustainability of basic chains.

Specific objective 1

Develop production systems of high efficiency, adapted to different agro-ecological conditions

Target Increased on average in 10% the productivity of the production system adapted, within 5 years.

Specific Objective 2

Develop propagating material adapted to different agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions.

Target Adapted at least 2 more productive breeds of chickens; Target Released 20 varieties of vegetable material validated within 5


Specific Objective 3

Improve the nutritional content, health, preservation and food processing.

Target Produced 2 processing systems and storage free of contaminations

Target Produced 2 processing systems of animal products Target Produced 4 more nutritious varieties and validated within 5


Specific Objective 4

Develop knowledge and technologies for adaptation to climate change and food production.

Target Developed 1 scenario and 2 production systems with potential for adaptation.

Specific Objective 5

Contribute to increase productivity, competitiveness and trading.

Target 10 studies of systems / productive chains Completed.

Specific Objective 6

Develop systems for transfer of technologies / knowledge, innovation and adaptation.

Target Developed 1 animal production system; Target Developed 1 vegetable production system.

Strategic Objective 2

Contribute to the competitiveness of the productive chains for the market

Specific Objective 7

Develop production systems of high efficiency and competitiveness adapted to different agro-ecological conditions.

Target Increased the productive efficiency of the adapted production systems on average in 25% within 5 years.

Specific Objective 8

Develop propagating material adapted to different agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions.

Target Adapted at least 2 more productive breeds of goats; Target Released 20 varieties of vegetal material validated in 5 years. Specific Objective 9

Improve the quality of products to meet standards required by the market.

Target Developed two harvesting and processing solutions to improve the quality of products;

Target Developed validated technology for the production of quality meat.

Specific Objective 10

Develop knowledge and technologies for adaptation of the production of agro-livestock and forestry to climate change

Target Developed 1 scenario and 2 production systems with potential for adaptation.

Specific Objective 11

Develop competitive agro-industrial production system for bio energy

Target Developed 1 competitive agro-industrial production system with bio ethanol;

Target Developed 1 competitive agro-industrial production system; Target Developed 1 competitive agro-industrial production system with

wood fuel.

Specific Objective 12

Contribute to increase the productivity, competitiveness and trading

Target 5 studies of systems / production chains completed.

Strategic Objective 3

Contribute to nutritional and food security of consumers

Specific Objective 13

Contribute to the supply of more nutritious foods and free of contamination for the country's population

Target Reduced the contamination of food by 50%. Specific Objective 14

Contribute to the stability of supply and decrease of food prices

Target Reduced the period of shortage of food to 2 months; Target Increased the contribution to cost reduction of food production in

at least 15%.

Strategic Objective 4

Contribute to sustainable and productive use of nat ural resources and biodiversity

Specific Objective 15

Assess and monitor the biodiversity loss and the degradation of the environment in order to protect, rehabilitate and manage the ecosystems

Target 2 ecosystems evaluated; Target Established 1 Georeferenced Database. Specific Objective 16

Develop systems for collection, characterization, preservation and use of germplasm to support the improvement effort of propagating material and biodiversity

Target Collected, characterized and 50 species preserved; Target Available in the gene pool, native species of 3 types of rare

vegetation and / or threatened by economic importance. Specific Objective 17

Develop knowledge management for the sustainable use of natural resources

Target Developed two management systems.

Specific Objective 18

Develop knowledge about the products of the biodiversity and its sustainable and economic use

Target Identified 5 new products of biodiversity with market potential Specific Objective 19

Increase the potential of the use of timber and non-timber species by developing agro-industrial processing technologies

Target Identified processing techniques and utilization of three products;

Target Propagation techniques developed to encourage domestication of three wild species.

Strategic Objective 5

Increase interaction and integration for the instit utional sustainability of the IIAM

Specific Objective 20

Develop mechanisms of integration and coordination with funding bodies for the regularization of the financial flows

Target The process designed and operationalized. Specific Objective 21

Develop mechanisms for raising funds from alternative sources of funding

Target Increase of funds from alternative sources in 20%.

Specific Objective 22

Develop communication mechanisms and policy, institutional and social coordination

Target The process designed and operationalized.

III.8 Structural Strategic and Specific Objectives for Internal Environment

The strengths and weaknesses that emerged from the analysis of the internal environment of the IIAM were categorized into two Structural Strategic Objectives, guiding of the required organizational change in the Institute to meet the current needs of research and development: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 6 : Enhance the interaction and integration with the partners of the Institute; STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 7 : Strengthen, develop and manage the institutional

capacity of the IIAM. These objectives are designed over so that the IIAM is made leader and strategic guide in the challenge of productivity growth, competitiveness, reduction in food insecurity and of the sustainable use of natural resources. This will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Action Plan for Poverty Reduction as well as for the annual growth of the agricultural sector, set by the Strategic Plan of the Development of the Agricultural Sector. The Strategic Objective 6: improve the interaction and integration with the partners of IIAM, it is related to the entire institutional action for the identification and assessment demands of partners, communication with these social groups and evaluating the effectiveness of IIAM in meeting its needs.

The Strategic Objective 7: Strengthen the institutional development of IIAM, aims to provide the Institute with skills and resources to operate properly, showing the expected performance by its external environment. Then, these structuring strategic objectives were deployed in specific objectives, considering also, for this deployment, the nature of each strength and / or weakness identified in the analysis of the internal environment. Below are presented the structuring strategic objectives and specific objectives attached to them. Strategic Objective 6: Improve the interaction and integration with the partners of IIAM. Specific Objective 6.1 : Create and improve capacity and mechanisms for direct interaction with partners. Specific Objective 6.2 : Systematically, create the knowledge about the demands of customers and beneficiaries, and impacts of generated technologies. Specific Objective 6.3 : Develop an information system about the projects and generated technologies. Specific Objective 6.4 : Improve the liaison of the Institute with institutions of generation and dissemination of national and international technology. Among the relevant outcomes, the following are highlighted:

• Reviewed the liaison with International Agricultural Research Centers (IARCs), especially those based in Mozambique;

• Established joint plans of research with IARCs; • Improved liaison of the Institute with institutions of dissemination of

technologies; • Improved liaison between IIAM and institutions of agricultural education.

Strategic Objective 7: Strengthen, develop and mana ge the institutional capacity Specific Objective 7.1 : Develop human resources. The researchers and the entire staff of the Institute are the most important capital of the institution. Agrarian researchers have unique occupational characteristics. The human resource development, aims to ensure mechanisms to attract, develop, retain and effectively use the human resources endowed with specific skills, attitudes and motivation to enable the organization to achieve its strategic objectives in an effective and efficient way.

The following results are expected in this specific objective: • Determined, charted and documented the institutional needs in human

resources; • Developed and operationalized procedures of human resource

management; • Developed and implemented performance and management systems that

incorporate individual performance evaluation; • Developed and operationalized mechanisms that influence the attraction,

retention, motivation and performance of staff; • Developed and implemented information systems and staff management.

Specific Objective 7.2 : Strengthen and maintain the infrastructure The results expected in this specific objective are as follow:

• Prepared and operationalized the plans of construction and refurbishment of infrastructure to support research;

• Developed and operationalized strategies of acquisition, development and management of physical resources;

• Developed and operationalized systems, procedures and policies for allocating, sharing, use and maintenance of infrastructures.

Specific Objective 7.3 : Adapt and revise the organizational framework of the Institute The effective accomplishment of the mission of IIAM requires the review of the organizational framework of the Institute. In the process of implementation of the Strategic Plan and taking into account the strategic objectives and the institutional weaknesses identified, the framework of the Institute either centrally or locally will be reviewed. Thus, the following results are expected:

• Reviewed the organizational framework of IIAM in order to meet to mission;

• Proposed and operationalized the new framework of IIAM. Specific Objective 7.4 : Develop supplies, processes and products of Research and Development. For this objective the following results are targeted:

• Diagnosed the impacts to the research of disruption / irregularity of resources and negotiate appropriate financial resources for its operation with the Government of Mozambique;

• Created mechanisms for raising additional resources with other research funders;

• Increased the capacity of generating revenue for IIAM;

• Created and implemented mechanisms (procedures, tools and criteria) for planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and portfolio of projects (programs) of IIAM, strategically, tactically and operationally.


Structuring Objective Structuring Project Objective of Project

establishment and improvement of capacity and mechanisms for direct interaction with partners

Interaction with partners of IIAM: alliances and communication

Improving procedures of interaction with partners of IIAM, through their participation, strategic alliances and dissemination of the Institute results.

Systematically, create the knowledge about the demands of customers and beneficiaries, and impacts of generated technologies

Evaluation of demands and impacts of generated technologies

Conduct prospecting technological demands and non-technological, aiming at building R & D agendas and evaluation of impacts (economic, social and environmental) of technologies generated by IIAM.

Development of information system about the projects and technologies generated by IIAM

Development of information system in R&D

Develop an integrated information system on the process of IIAM project management, the features of these projects, its results and generated technologies, able to meet the information needs of managers of the Institute and external partners

Review and adjustment of organizational framework of IIAM

Review of the organizational framework

Review and adjust the organizational framework of IIAM so as to facilitate the achievement of the Institute strategic objectives

Strengthening of IIAM infrastructure

Strengthening of infrastructure

Build and rehabilitate supporting infrastructure to research and facilities for employees; Purchase and provide equipment maintenance.

IIAM Human resource development

Human resource development

Review and implement procedures and tools for human resources

Structuring Objective Structuring Project Objective of Project management in IIAM.

Supplies, processes and products of IIAM R & D

Negotiation and obtaining financial resources and materials for IIAM Increasing the capacity of service provision

Diagnose the impacts to the research of disruption / irregularity of resources and negotiate appropriate financial resources for its operation with the Government of Mozambique; Created mechanisms for raising additional resources with other research funders; Increase the capacity of generating revenue for IIAM

Institutionalizing the process of planning, monitoring and evaluation of R & D in IIAM

Create and implement mechanisms (procedures, tools and criteria) for planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and portfolio of IIAM projects (programs), strategically, tactically and operationally.

III.9 Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Implement ation

The IIAM Strategy is implemented through programs and two types of projects: (i) projects (and portfolios) of Research and Development, which turn into reality the general objectives and specific objectives and (ii) the programs and projects that turn into reality the strategic objectives and structuring specific objectives. All projects and portfolios must be constantly monitored, aiming to adapt the conditions of implementation and incentives efforts in the desired direction, by researchers of IIAM. Based on this continuous monitoring there will be adjustments in the priorities of different specific strategic objectives, aiming to target the Institute to comply with its mission. For the programs and projects of the strategic objectives and structuring specific objectives, these are implemented in order to cause changes in the institute to improve its performance as well as its interaction with external partners and meet its demands. In this perspective, for each of the structuring specific objectives are defined one or more projects. In this case, from the specific objectives set were outlined eight projects as indicated below. An evaluation of medium-term and another final evaluation should be conducted to review and evaluate the accomplishment of the SP. The evaluations will be internal and external. Progress reports and the national agricultural statistics should support the audit process for the Plan. For the operationalization, will be developed detailed plans of Agricultural Research Zonal Centres and implementation plans covering the same period of IIAM Strategic Plan (2011-2015). The implementation plans will be materialized through annual operating plans and budgets, where the activities and the relevant indicators will be presented. In this planning it is important to note that the research projects have a long development period and do not fit into short cycles of planning.

Through its national research network, IIAM will participate in the promotion and development of value chains for agricultural products based on 6 corridors defined as PEDSA, as mentioned below:

� Pemba-Lichinga - with technological support from the Northwest Zonal Center, based in Lichinga and focus on potatoes, wheat, beans, maize, soybeans, cotton, tobacco and chickens;

� Nacala - with technological support from the Northeast Zonal Center, based in Nampula and focus on cassava, maize, cotton, fruit trees, chickens and peanuts;

� Vale do Zambeze - with technological support from the Central Zonal Center, based in Sussundenga / Manica and focus on rice, maize, potatoes, cattle, goats, chickens and cotton;

� Beira - with technological support from the Central Zonal Center, based in Sussundenga / Manica and focus on maize, wheat, vegetables, soya, rice, cattle and chickens;

� Limpopo - with technological support from the South Zonal Center, based in Chokwe and focus on rice, vegetables, cattle and chickens;

� Maputo - with technological support from the Umbeluzi Agricultural Research Station / South Zonal Center and focus on rice, vegetables, cattle and chickens.

The same way that happens with projects aiming to achieve the strategic objectives of IIAM, its structuring projects must be submitted to monitoring and periodic evaluation, which aims to adjust them and ensure the correct implementation of the Institute's strategy. Table 3, in the annexes, indicates the range of results to be achieved in the next years. In this regard, implementation and management teams of these projects will be appointed by the Board of IIAM.

IV. Indicative Budget The Government of Mozambique, recognizing that agricultural research is essentially a public good, has continuously funding the IIAM. Thus, it is expected that the Government of Mozambique to be the largest financing entity of the Institute Strategic Plan. For IIAM to carry out the SP, successfully, huge investments have to be made both in human resources (recruit, train, professionalize, retain and motivate) as in finance. The indicative budget is presented in Annex (Table 1 and Table 2). This budget will be reviewed annually in the performance of medium-term and annual planning. Tables 1 and 2 show two budget scenarios proposed to IIAM for the next 5 years. This budget is split by objectives. The strategic objective 1 is the most important of all since it contributes directly to the pillar of availability of food through effective and efficient local production. It is expected that large resources are allocated for the institutional development target (human resources, infrastructure). This is reflected in the two scenarios with 25% and 15% of the total proposed budget. It is expected that the IIAM budget almost triplicates by the end of 5 years, i.e. from the current 130 million meticais to 960 million during the first year, growing slowly to about de1240 million meticais. It is expected that the actions that are consistent with the SP herein presented are essentially financed through the Government Budget (GB) and external sources. Thus, programs and projects will be registered in the national planning systems, including the Medium Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF) and the Economic and Social Plan (ESP) and the said Budget. Recognizing that current funding for agricultural research is far from the needs (only 0.24% of Gross Domestic Product of agriculture), the Strategic Plan of IIAM foresees that there will be a significant improvement in its funding to contribute to the increasing of the productivity, competitiveness, sustainable management of natural resources and a sustainable development of human resources. It is expected that the budget of IIAM reaches at least 0.67% of GDP of agriculture to the current scenario and it reaches the average of Sub-Saharan Africa (0.72%) at the end of 5 years, for the second scenario.

V. Annexes

Table 1. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per objective – Scenario 1 (Millions of

Meticais) Table 2. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per objective – Scenario 2 (Millions of

Meticais) Table 3: List of Institutional Outcomes

Table 1. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per objecti ve – Scenario 1 (Millions of Meticais)

Objective 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total %

Strategic Objective 1. Contribute to the productivity, production stability and sustainability of the basic productive chains

100 125 150 175 175 725 0.29

Strategic Objective 2. Contribute to market-oriented competitiveness of productive chains

50 60 75 80 80 345 0.14

Strategic Objective 3. Contribute to food and nutritional security of consumers

25 30 40 50 50 195 0.08

Strategic Objective 4. Contribute to the productive and sustainable use of natural resources

50 75 80 85 100 390 0.16

Strategic Objective 5. Enhance the interaction and integration for the institutional sustainability of IIAM

20 25 25 35 40 145 0.06

Strategic Objective 6. Enhance the interaction and integration with the partners of the Institute

25 35 45 40 30 175 0.07

Strategic Objective 7. Strengthen, develop and manage the institutional capacity of the IIAM

75 100 100 125 125 525 0.21

Total 345 450 515 590 600 2500 1.00


Table 2. Indicative Budget of IIAM’s SP per object ive – Scenario 2 (Millions of Meticais)

Objective 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total %

Strategic Objective 1. Contribute to the productivity, production stability and sustainability of the basic productive chains

150 175 225 250 275 1075 0.31

Strategic Objective 2. Contribute to market-oriented competitiveness of productive chains

75 80 85 100 125 465 0.14

Strategic Objective 3. Contribute to food and nutritional security of consumers

50 60 60 65 65 300 0.09

Strategic Objective 4. Contribute to the productive and sustainable use of natural resources

100 125 125 150 175 675 0.20

Strategic Objective 5. Enhance the interaction and integration for the institutional sustainability of IIAM

30 40 45 45 50 210 0.06

Strategic Objective 6. Enhance the interaction and integration with the partners of the Institute

30 35 45 50 50 210 0.06

Strategic Objective 7. Strengthen, develop and manage the institutional capacity of IIAM

50 75 100 125 150 500 0.15

Total 485 590 685 785 890 3435 1.00


Table 3. List of institutional Outcomes

Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiab le

Indicators (2015) Means of Verification Assumptions

General Objective: contribute to food security, income and profitability of agricultural producers and increasing market-oriented agricultural production, in a fast, competitive and sustainable way.

Growth of the sector, 6% is attributed to the agricultural research.

1. Reports of sector Impacts;

2. Reports of economic surveys.

The government policies contribute to the positive development of the agricultural sector and especially to the research.

Mission: Create and promote knowledge and technological solutions for sustainable development of agribusiness and for food and nutritional security of Mozambicans.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Contribute to the productivity, production stability and sustainability of the basic productive chains.

Increased 10% the agricultural productivity in the Basic productive chains allocated to the adoption of knowledge, information and technologies.

1. Government reports;

2. Institutional reports; 3. Internal evaluation

and Impact evaluation reports;

4. Reports of the research programmes.

1. positive environment for productivity growth, competitiveness and trade;

2. Continuous political and social stability.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: Contribute to market-oriented competitiveness of productive chains.

Increased 10% the agricultural competitiveness allocated to the adoption

The same The same


Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiab le Indicators (2015)

Means of Verification Assumptions

of knowledge, information and technologies.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: Contribute to food and nutritional security of consumers.

reduce 50% the food contamination and contribute to the reduction of production costs of food to least 15%

The same The same

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: Contribute to the conservation and productive and sustainable use of natural resources.

1. Increased 25% of knowledge and information on natural resource management;

2. Improvement of the use and management of genetic resources.

The same The same

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5: Enhance the interaction and integration for the institutional sustainability of IIAM.

Developed a system of communication and efficient information

The same The same

Institutional Outcomes 1. Technologies and innovations to

selected chains of food crops and 1. 50 technologies

and innovations The same The same


Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiab le Indicators (2015)

Means of Verification Assumptions

market-oriented generated and promoted.

2. Development and promotion of livestock production chains.

developed and promoted along the productive chains

2. 25 Technologies developed and promoted adapted to the livestock chain.

3. Improved the use and sustainable and integrated management of natural resources

1. 10 technologies and innovations related to natural resources generated and promoted;

2. Increased 25% the capacity of research in natural resources;

3. Increased 25% the creation of knowledge and information on natural resource management

The same The same


Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiab le Indicators (2015)

Means of Verification Assumptions

3. Enhanced the capacity of agricultural research of IIAM.

1. Increased 30% the number of researchers with desired skills, knowledge and attitudes;

2. Increased 100% the funds for IIAM;

3. Increased 25% the physical infrastructure of IIAM;

4. Improved the maintenance of the infrastructure and equipment

5. Improvement of the use of socio-economic information and applied statistics in research.

The same The same

Improved availability of knowledge, information and technologies for valuable agricultural chains.

1. Increased 25% the communication

The same The same


Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiab le Indicators (2015)

Means of Verification Assumptions

products; 2. Increased 25%

the production of knowledge and institutional information.

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