Strategic City-on a peninsula, Constantinople overlooked the Bosporus, the narrow strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Water protected.

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Chapter 11 Byzantine The New Roman

Strategic City-on a peninsula, Constantinople overlooked the Bosporus, the narrow strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea.

Water protected the city from the Germanic invaders.

The strait made it perfect for trade.


Mediterranean SeaBalkan PeninsulaRussiaBlack SeaCaucasus Mountains

Geography of Byzantine

Rome and Byzantine

The Roman empire divided in A.D. 395.The eastern half became known as Byzantine

Empire.Constantinople is the perfect location

between Europe and Asia. Constantinople is the capital of the “Eastern


What made the Byzantine Empire rich and powerful?Strong imperial leadershipStrategic location of its capital.Successful military conquest.Strong ties to church

Emperor Justinian

Emperor Justinian – Ruled the Byzantine Empire at its height in A.D. 527.

Justinian tried to restore the old Roman Empire ( it was very expensive)

Theodora- wife, empress was very intelligent. She helped to shape his polices. She built homes for poor and helped the status of women.

Emperor Justinian

Justinian’s CodeJustinian’s Code

Corpus Juris Civilis: 1. Digest 2. Code 3. Institutes 

Justinian Code of Law

Corpus of Civil Law- Justinian reformed the Roman Laws and appointed a commission to organize and classify the laws.

Later the Justinian Code became the basis for most European legal system.

Justinian’s Empire at its Peak

Justinian’s Empire at its Peak

Justinian Rule

Justinian was plagued by attacks by the Persians and the Germanic invaders. (Ostrogoths in Italy and Spain, Visigoth is Southern Spain and the Lombard in Northern Italy.)

Hagia Sophia, 6th C. Byzantine Church in Istanbul

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Emperor Justinian chose two Greek mathematicians to design.

Combines Greek balance and proportion with Roman engineering skills.

The Church is a vast rectangle and in the center is a huge dome.

The dome seems to look like it is floating in the heavens.

Byzantine Religion

Byzantine Emperors appointed Church officials and used the wealth of the Church for government purpose.

Justinian tried to unify the Church under one Christian faith, this led to persecution of the Jews and non- Greek Christians.

Religious structure

Clergy- Church people, priest, ministers etc…Laity- Church goers, people that go to

church.Conflicts over use of Icons- Some argued that

the Bible prohibits such images and others said they were symbols of God’s presence in human affairs.

Icons Disputes

Emperor Leo- (A.D. 726) Believed icons encouraged superstitions and the worship of idols. His supporters became known as Iconoclast or image breakers.

IconThe word icon is Greek

for “image”. In Byzantine art the image on an icon is of a holy person.

Conflicts between Byzantine Emperors and the Pope of RomanRefusal to help Pope with military protection

against the Germanic Lombard’s in Italy. The Pope then turned to the Franks,

Germanic Catholic people in Western Europe. The Pope gave Charlemagne, the leader of

the Franks, the title of emperor. Schism - Separation

Schism1054 A.D. doctrinal,

political, and geographical differences finally led to a schism.

Split of the Christian church: Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.

Chapter 11-13 Test

Carolinian MinisculeClovisBattle of ToursVikingWilliam the ConquerCardinalsSerfsFiefsFeudalismExcommunicationSaldein

CuriaPope Urban IIBattle of HastingsHenry IIChivalryCharlemagneMagna CartaHeresyInquisitionInterdictvassals

Middle Ages (Between Dark Ages and Renaissance)

Ch.13 Frankish Rulers

Medieval Age

Germanic invasions destroyed the Roman Empire by A.D. 476

Dark Age- trade declined, money was no longer used, law and order did not exist, education almost disappeared. ( Transition between ancient and modern times.)

Franks- Clovis was king of the Franks who settled in France and Western Germany. Clovis was the first Frankish ruler to accept Catholicism. Louis

Merovingian Rulers

Frankish rulers divided the kingdom among their heirs until the political power had passed from the kings to the government officials known as mayor of the palace.

Charles Martel

Charles Martel- Mayor of the Palace in A.D. 714, he had defeated the Muslims and gained much respect.

Battle of Tours

Battle of Tours

Pepin the Short

Pepin the Short- son of Charles Martel became King of the Franks in A.D. 752.

The pope anointed Pepin and had the Church’s blessing.

Pepin forced the Lombard's out of Rome. He then gave the pope a piece of land in central Italy. Papal States

Charlemagne- son of Pepin the Short became king in A.D. 768. Charlemagne is one of Europe’s greatest monarchs. He started the Carolingian dynasty. He doubled the Frankish kingdom and reinstated law and education of the Old Roman days.


Charlemagne’s Coronation

Pope Leo III – Charlemagne defended him against the Roman nobles. To thank him, the pope, crowned Charlemagne the New Holy Roman Emperor.

Charlemagne’s Legacy

Counts- local officials who Charlemagne depended on…..Missi Dominici to spy on the counts.

Education for boys and girlsCarolingian miniscule-form of writingRaised armies for the emperorCharlemagne’s three grandsons fought for

control of empire and finally agreed in the Treaty of Verdun to divide the Carolingian lands.

Carolingian Miniscule

Treaty of Verdum

Charlemagne’s empire was divided between his grandchildren.

Louis the German-Charles the Bald-

FranceLothair- Italy

Vikings Terrorized Europe

Raided Ireland to Russia.

Norsemen, Northmen or Vikings

Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, & Denmark)

Eric the RedLeif Erickson-



Norwegians settled in Greenland an Iceland and North America.

Danes settled in England and established Normandy in northwestern France.

The Swedes settled in present-day Ukraine and Russia.

Vikings Moved into France

Normandy-Northern France

Vikings Age Came to an End

Europeans finally worked out a way to defend themselves. Castles

Europeans learned to respond quickly.

Vikings converted to Christianity.

Europe’s climate got warmer.

Medieval Life

Feudalism – political system

Manorialism- economic system

Fiefs- Estates with peasants given to the cavalry of Charles Martel in return for their service.

Feudalism System

Mutual alliances between monarchs and nobles. It was based on giving land to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military aid.



Castles were built to protect the lord and his land.

Origins in early Byzantine EmpireMuslim conquerors of Spain built similar

structures.Spread to France in the 1100’s and were

used as private fortresses and homes.

Life in Castles

Purpose was for military security

Castles were dark and dingy and not very “warm” and were made of thick stone walls.

Life of Nobility was not luxurious. (Lords, Ladies, and Knights)

Lay Investiture

In the feudal system investiture was the ceremonial transfer of a fief by an overlord to a vassal.

The lord invested the vassal with a fiefdom, by giving a symbol of the land or office conveyed in return for an oath of fealty.

How to Become a Knight

Knights- train for knighthood at age 7 by becoming a page or assistant.

Squire at age 15 a boy had to prove himself worthy to be a knight.

Chivalry was the code for knights to be brave in battle, fight fairly, and treat noblewoman in a courteous manner.

Tournaments- Mock battles between knights.

Vassals-A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance.


Manorialism- System of agricultural production among lords and peasants. The Manor would include the lord’s manor house, pastures, fields, forest, and a village for the peasants to live in. Peasants worked in return for food, shelter, and protection.


Serfs- most peasants were: they were bound to the manor and could not leave without permission. They were not slaves, they could not be sold.

Improvements of farming: heavier plow and dividing plots of land into three instead of two fields and they left one field unplanted.

Women During the Medieval AgeThe role of women

changed.Eleanor of

AquitaineLimited home or

conventIt was in marriage

that a woman had the greatest power/ independence

Medieval Social Ladder

Medieval society was a hierarchy based on leaders from the top to bottom. Each medieval person’s duties were based on his/her position in life. People did not question their standing in life.


Towns in Medieval Period

Fairs- served as centers of trade in Medieval Europe

Attracted merchants form all over the Western Europe.

Held four times a year: winter, Easter, midsummer, and October.

The Medieval Church:

Uniformity- goal of the Medieval church to unify Western Europe Center of most people’s lives during the Medieval Ages was the Catholic Church.

It became the religious support, spiritual guidance, education, medical care and charity of the people.

The Church taught that all people were sinners and they depended on God’s grace or favor through the Sacraments or church rituals.

These seven sacraments are still taught through the Catholic Church.

Baptism, penance, Eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, anointing of the sick, and holy orders.

Latin was the language of the Church and few people understood it.

Medieval Church

Priests were uneducated and the people could not read or write, people learned about the Christian faith from the statues and painting on the walls of the churches.

Secular clergy- Latin for “ in the world”; pope, bishops, and priests

Regular clergy- included monks and nuns who lived apart from society.


Benedict- A.D. 529 a Roman official founded a monastery in Monte Cassino in Italy. Model for other monasteries and drew up a list of rules for monks.

Monks- life of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Abbot.

Nuns – same vows as monks only direction of the Abbess.

Monks and Nuns

Monks and Nuns preserved ancient religious works, copied classical books by hand, illuminated manuscripts books, provided schools, hospitals, food, guest houses for travelers, and missionaries.

Interesting Fact….

Pretzel – creation of medieval monks to give to children as rewards for memorizing prayers. Latin for “Pretiola”, or small reward. The shape represented the folded arms of children in prayer.

National Cathedral


Henry II – William’s grandson who set up the system of common law, grand jury, and a petit jury.

Eleanor of Aquitaine – wife of Henry and she owned vast lands in southwestern France. Sons were Richard I ( the lionhearted) and John.

Magna Carta Magna Carta – Balanced power in

government, placed clear limits on royal power and bound the king to law. Example: the king could no longer collect taxes without the people’s consent. It also assured all freemen the right of trial by jury.

King John of England

John- un-liked and unpopular because he increased the taxes and punished enemies without a trial. Nobles forced him to sign the Magna Carta

English Government

Parliament – Knights, burgesses (townspeople) were added to the Great Council that advised King Henry III.

1400 Parliament divided into two chambers.House of Lords – nobles and clergyHouse of Commons – knights and burgesses

Estates- general- assembly of nobles, clergy, and townspeople but was never as powerful as the English Parliament started by Louis IX’s grandson, Philip IV.

The Crusades

Series of military expeditions undertaken by European Christians to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

1050-1270 A.D.Jerusalem- Holy city for Jews, Christians, &

Muslims, the city fell to the Arabs.Pope Urban II in 1096 called for a Crusade

Crusader’s Goals

Pope goal- unite all Christians (Byzantine & Rome)

Knights goal- Forgiveness sins ( glory & wealth)

Merchants goal- trade ( Genoa, Piza, Venice)

First Crusades

Caused tension among the Christians and non Christians.

Crusaders massacred most of the Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem in 1099.

Second Crusade

50 years after the First Crusade the Seljuk Turks conquered part of the Crusader states. They were not successful


In 1187 he united the Muslim forces & captured Jerusalem.

Third Crusades started by the rulers of Germany, France, & England.

Results of the Crusades

All forces of religion, feudalism, & chivalry got together.

New trade Europe, Middle East, & AsiaNew spices, technologyEnd of the Middle AgesNew inventions.The crusades helped to speed up the changes

that were already in play.

Chapter 14

Early merchants used the Barber system:

The money economy replaced it.This led to the development of banking.

Serfs-began to buy their freedom feudalism declined.

Bubonic Plague

Black Death killed Europeans from 1348-1350.

25% of Europeans died.

Cause of the plague?The Black Plague was

caused by infected rodents carrying the virus.

“Grim Reaper”

The first symptoms of the bubonic plague often appear within several days: headache and a general feeling of weakness, followed by aches and chills in the upper leg and groin, a white coating on the tongue rapid pulse, slurred speech, confusion, fatigue, apathy and a staggering gait. A blackish pustule usually will form at the point of the flea bite. By the third day, the lymph nodes begin to swell. The swelling will be tender, perhaps as large as an egg. The heart begins to flutter rapidly as it tries to pump blood through swollen, suffocating tissues Subcutaneous hemorrhaging occurs, causing purplish blotches on the skin. The victims nervous system begins to collapse, causing dreadful pain and bizarre neurological disorders, from which the "Dance of Death" rituals that accompanied the plague may have taken their inspiration. By the fourth or fifth day, wild anxiety and terror overtake the sufferer-and then a sense of resignation, as the skin blackens and the rictus of death settles on the body (Smithsonian, 70).

Ring Around the Rosie”

This nursery rhyme began about 1347 and derives from the not-so-delightful Black Plague which killed over twenty-five million people in the fourteenth century. The "ring around a rosie" refers to the round, red rash that is the first symptom of the disease. The practice of carrying flowers and placing them around the infected person for protection is described in the phrase, "a pocket full of posies." "Ashes" is a corruption or imitation of the sneezing sounds made by the infected person. Finally, "we all fall down" describes the many dead resulting from the disease.

Medieval Education

Universities spread the advancement of literature and art.

One of the earliest literary works was “Beowulf”

Arabs- had established universities 200 years earlier than the Europeans.


1100’s traveling poet-musicians who composed poems and songs about love and the accomplishments of knights.

Romance referred to the narratives written in the Vernacular.

Vernacular- everyday language or speech.

Hundred Years’ War 1337-1453England and

France fought a series of conflicts. Reason) The English tried to keep the French lands that they had received from the Normans.


Hundred Years’ War

Conflict began when the England’s Edward III claimed the French crown.

The English were successful at first because they had weapons of firearm and the longbow.

Joan of Arc 1412-1431

She believe to hear voices- telling her to save France.

dauphin gain the French throne

She is considered the First French hero.

Maid of Orleans She was captured and

burned to a stake.

Joan of Arc

Joan heard a voices telling her to place Charles VL”s son on the throne.

Dauphin- french term for crown princeReims-Charles VII was crownedJoan was captured and burned at the stake.Gabella- tax on saltBatliffs-

Results of the Hundred Years WarKnights are outdated (old school)Kings replaced knights with national armies.England monarch’s power was limited by

Parliament.Conflict arose between the English nobility

for control of the throne.

War of the Roses

Rose symbols of the rival families involved.

House of York—white roseHouse of Lancaster- red roseEdward, Duke of York, became King

Edward IV.At the time of his death, two brothers

were given the throne.Their uncle Richard proclaimed himself

King.Uncle Richard had his nephews murdered.Henry Tudor, conquered Richard,

became the first Tudor King.

King Ferdinand of AragonQueen Isabella of Castile1492 Both

Ferdinand and Isabella kicked out the Muslims from Spain.

Spain use the Spanish Inquisition to enforced Catholic teachings.


The Holy Roman Empire

During the Middle Ages it was made up of German, Italian, and Slavs.

The Hapsburgs- a family of nobles in Austria.They will become the most powerful

European royal family.

The Great Schism 1377

Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome form Avignon.

Mobs of people forced the College of Cardinals to elect an Italian pope.

They elected a second pope-who settled in Avignon.

Two popes now led the church. 1414 another council met in Germany –

forced the two popes to resign. Pope Martin V was elected the new pope.

Pope statements

Bulls- official statement from the pope.Unam Sanctam- a pope statement that there

were only two powers:Temporal-earlySpiritual- heavenly

John Wycliffe

Englishman WycliffeTrue head of the church was Jesus Christ, not

the pope. Priests should not own land or wealth.Bible only authority not the pope.Translated the New Testament in English.

Jan Hus

Hus BohemiaHe argued that the

Bible was the only way to seek God.

He was declared a Heretic and burned at the stake.

Moscow’s princes united RussiaMoscow- Volga, Dnieper, and Con RiversIvan I “Great PrinceKremlin- Fortress or citadelUral MountainsBoyars- princesIvan the Terrible

Study Guide for Chapter 14

Henry II Richard the Lionhearted Boyars Kremlin Ural Henry Tudor War of the Roses Dauphin Joan of Arc Ivan the Terrible Reconquista Hundred Years War

Normandy Parliament Bulls Batliffs Great Schism John Hus Bubonic Plague John Wycliffe Estates General King John Magna Carta Burgesses Unam Sanctam

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