Storyboard and trailer

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Firstly, I am not a very good drawer. So it was likely that the drawings were not going to best when I first started to make my storyboard. Also, the photos of the storyboard are not the best quality, but they are good enough to compare to the trailer shots. Above, I think that I have stuck to my storyboard well, the first shot I decided to have was of the main character cooking in her kitchen, and this is the shot that I filmed when it came to filming my trailer.

I decided to have a mobile phone ringing from an unknown number next. This is the next shot that I went with filming. I thought it would be best to position the phone on more of an angle so that it filled more of the frame, and so that the whole phone fit in the shot.

On this shot, the protagonist has answered the phone and is scared because there is someone on the other end, but they’re not saying anything. On this shot I have followed what I initially wanted to do when planning on the storyboard.

On this shot I had the idea for the antagonist to speak to the character, this is why I drew the character talking now. When filming I still decided to go through with this idea and had the antagonist speaking to the protagonist on the phone.

The shot which I added into the trailer of the female protagonist ringing the male character was never initially planned, so there was never anything drawn on a storyboard to do with this shot – this was just something that I thought of whilst filming.

The plan for the next shot, which I went through with, was to have the male character on the phone to the female character. I followed this shot from planning to constructing too.

Not very good at drawing stairs – but here is evidence of me planning a shot of the male character walking up stairs in one of the characters houses. This was initially, on my storyboard, not supposed to be the next shot, but once I had filmed and looked at all of the footage, I realised that it looked better with this shot being placed where it is now.

I planned to have the male character come looking through one of the doors in the house, he is looking for the female character. I went ahead and filmed this part, keeping it in the final trailer because I thought it was important to make the viewers realise that he was looking for her.

When drawing my storyboard, I thought that it would be a great idea to have a part where the female characters dog was barking into the darkness. Because this then enhanced the point to the viewers that there was someone in the house.

This part where the female character asks her dog what he is barking at and then proceeds into the dark room was something which wasn’t included on my storyboard when planning my trailer. But I decided on filming this part so it shows the audience that she goes to investigate what the dog has seen or heard.

This part was also not included the planning stages of my trailer. But once I had looked at my storyboard again and I was into the stages of filming. I realised that for the next shot, I needed to have this shot beforehand to show the audience that the character and the dog were both at the door where the figure is about to pop up.

It is very hard to see, but I have filmed the part which I had planned – a figure popping up outside the glass doors once the character has left the room and she has turned the light off. I knew that I defiantly had to include this because it was something which would scare the viewers and it is very unexpected.

On my storyboard which I drew, I had planned to have a scene at the end where the male character looks inside the cupboard sees a figure in there, he then reaches inside and gets grabbed in. I didn’t include this is in the final cut.I had actually filmed the parts for this, but I realised that it looked very unrealistic and just overall ridiculous. So I decided against including this part in the final trailer.

This is another shot which I knew defiantly had to be included in the final trailer from the point I drew it out on the storyboard – the cupboard opening on its own. I needed to include this part because it was something else which was going to scare the audience and it is also, again, unexpected for them when they’re watching.

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