Storm of Chaos

Post on 05-Oct-2015






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The Storm of Chaos History / Diary log for Warhammer Fantasy


Day 0: Though some claimed the doomsayers were merely being alarmist, our worst fears have been realized

Day 0: Though some claimed the doomsayers were merely being alarmist, our worst fears have been realized. From the north, a great horde has come upon our lands. Count Todbringer has assured us that help is on the way and that the threat, whilst dangerous, will be overcome.

Our correspondents in Altdorf have sent word that the army of the Emperor is ready to march. Some have even witnessed the young miracle of Valten, who some claim is Sigmar Reborn! Here at the Amber Fang, we have our doubts, yet we pray to Ulric that they prove unfounded.

We are still awaiting reports from Kislev, and our agents in the city of Erengrad. Early letters suggested that the Tzarina had withdrawn troops from the city to bolster the defense of her capital. With sightings of horrifying warriors descending upon Zundap, we must assume the worst and accept that Erengrad has already fallen.

Day 1: The dread legions of the Lord of the End Times have fallen upon the lands of the Empire with a thirst for carnage and destruction unseen before. Against this tide of barbarism, the soldiers of Boris Todbringer and his allies have begun well, holding firm against the first onslaught. Within the shattered walls of Wolfenburg, the scattered defenders have waylaid and destroyed the warbands of Archaon with ruthless determination, and in Ferlangen bands of huntsmen have taken a heavy toll of the Chaos forces advancing on the town through the thick woods. However, both these brave defences cannot hold forever, and as more Chaos warriors and bloodthirsty marauders descend upon the realm, the fighting will become ever more desperate.

At Zundap and Bohsenfels, the fighting has been fierce indeed, the warriors of the Dark gods barely held in check by the supreme efforts and sacrifices of the men of the Empire. In Kurst, the presence of the malfunctioning but mobile Steam Tank Von Zeppel has been instrumental in keeping the Chaos hordes at bay, but disturbing rumours are spreading quickly that monstrous hellcannons are being brought to the village to deal with the mechanical beast.

Day 4: Nordland and Ostland are aflame from north to south, as the forces of Archaon burn and pillage their way toward Middenheim. Tens of thousands of brutal warriors, twisted beasts and horrific monsters have fallen upon the brave defenders of the Empire. Under this onslaught, the Imperial defence is weakening. In Zundap, the soldiers of Count von Raukov have been pushed back to the west, their fortified positions on the old steam mill having been overrun by mighty Dragon Ogres and mutated Giants. Slowly, the cultists, marauders and warriors of the Dark Gods are pushing their way through the ruins of Wolfenburg, every inch of their advance paid for in blood.

The keep at Bohsenfels is holding strong. Having retained possession of the catacombs that stretch up to the castle's foundations, the defenders now hold the walls against the vicious assaults of the enemy. At Ferlangen the initial successes of the defenders are beginning to fade into memory as the hunters of Nordland are driven back towards their homes, while some have even retreated to lodges in the mountains, expecting the settlement to soon fall.

Most dramatically, a detonation in the boiler of the von Zeppel steam tank rendered the war machine immobile, allowing the Chaos forces attacking Kurst to pour forwards in great numbers, overwhelming the defenders. Kurst is now reduced to a shattered, burning husk as the weight of the Chaos attack crushed those foolish enough to stand in its path.

Meanwhile, far to the north and east, reports from Kislev claim that Garagrim Ironfist and his host of Slayers have now crossed the Lynsk and are fighting hard against the Chaos warbands and beasts pouring South in the wake of Archaon's advance.

Day 5: Bitter fighting has continued within the blasted walls of Wolfenburg as bands of brave troops roam the streets, attacking from cellars and ruined buildings before disappearing again. These hit and run attacks have stalled the Chaos advance considerably, buying valuable time for those defenders further west.

At Castle Bohsenfels, a strange quiet has descended, with intermittent forays from the forests against the keep, as Melekh the Changer marshals his forces for an overwhelming attack. The screams of those sacrificed to Tzeentch echo from the forests through the night, as the sorcerous Melekh gathers more magical power with which to assault the defiant troops within the castle. It is unlikely that the defenders could withstand a solid surge from the Chaos troops.

Ferlangen is weakening, and the Empire's generals must decide whether to send fresh troops to bolster its defence, weakening their forces in other areas, or to surrender the town (and quite possibly Bohsenfels) to the invaders, retreating to hold the paths into the mountains.

Fighting has passed to and fro through Zundap, with the town changing hands three times over the last couple of days. As with other battlefields, a concerted effort by the followers of Strykaar could crush the last remaining vestiges of resistance.

Day 6: While fighting continues across the northern Empire, the forces of Chaos are on the brink of victory at a number of battlefields as their numbers begin to grow ever stronger. At Wolfenburg, ever-increasing numbers of warriors are pouring into the ruined city, while the Castle at Bohsenfels is now cut off from aid and it is only a question of time before it falls.

Looking further afield, the Beastmen that have strayed into Loren forest have been met with a storm of ambushes and traps, killed in droves by the arrows and blades of the Wood Elves. Even now it is rumoured that Orion is mustering his followers into an army to smash the invaders and drive them from his sacred realm.

The Tomb Kings have made large gains, the armies of Settra marching north from Numas and Khemri to claim ancient tombs around the Marshes of Madness, and towards the Sour Sea. However, resistance is growing as they advance north and eastwards. Goblins from around Red Cloud Mountain have met the Undead in the foothills of the World's Edge Mountains whilst Orcs and Beasts from the inner Badlands fall back before their glittering hosts. In the dank jungles of Lustria, the Dark Elves and their barbaric allies have pushed south past Tlaxtla, fighting running battles with skink ambushers, mighty reptilian beasts and the jungle itself. The Slaan are rousing themselves to this latest intrusion and it can be only a matter of time before the Lizardmen strike back with vengeance until then, every temple looted and shrine desecrated aids the Dark Elves' cause.

Day 7: After hard fighting for seven days, Count von Raukov has passed word to the brave bands of fighters in Wolfenburg to withdraw from the Ostland capital. A few brave souls are remaining behind to continue to harass the combined forces of Archaon, Feytor and Haargroth, laying traps and ambushes as more and more twisted followers of the Dark Gods pour into the ruins of the city. Overwhelmed by the sheer size of the Chaos attack, the Elector Count has conceded his city in order to draw up a more stbale defence at Castle Lenkster and ther bridge it protects. Already well-barricaded and reinforced, the extra time bought at Wolfenburg means this new position will be all the harder to take.

Unfortnately, holding Castle Lenkster may not be enough. If Zundap were to fall soon, then the hastily-thrown together defences of Struhelspan are unlikely to keep the tide of dark warriors at bay for long, allowing the forces of Chaos into the heart of Middenland and the capital of Hochland, Hergig.

Surrounded and assailed from outside and below, Bohsenfels may not hold for much longer. Arcane magic unleashed by Melekh the Changer have begun to take effect, corrupting and mutating those defiant men guarding the northern approaches to the Middle Mountains. Knowing that behind them, Ferlangen is similarly pressured, the soldiers of the keep will fight to their deaths, which may not be long in coming.

*Day 8: The line has held for over a week, battered and bruised but unbowed. However, as more and more of Archaons minions assail the strongholds of the Empire, things are looking grim. Should this weakening line break, perhaps at Zundap, then the fertile lands of Middenland are ripe for reaping.Bohsenfels continues to hold whilst commanders debate whether to withdraw their forces to Ferlangen. The longer the discussions rage, the greater the chance that the poor defenders of Ferlangen will be caught by a sudden influx of attackers.Zundap is now little more than a shattered ruin, the skeletal remains of the steam mill a grim testimony to the ferocity of the fighting. It is a wonder that it has held when Kurst fell so swiftly.And now Castle Lenkster stands as the next bastion of hope, a rock to break the swell of the Chaos tide. Should Lenkster fall, then Breder will surely be next, opening the path for the Nordbergbruche to be attacked from two directions. Though Ferlangen and Castle Lenkster are separated by many leagues, their fates appear to be intertwined.

Day 11: Dire news from the north. Though the central keep still remains in Imperial hands, the walls of Bohsenfels have been strongly contested these last few days. Such has been the carnage that the defenders are now numbered only in their dozens. Surely such bravery has cost the forces of Chaos dearly.

In Zundap, the continuing pressure of repeated Chaos attacks is beginning to take a heavy toll of the Imperial soldiers, a situation not helped by the recent arrival of Grimgor Ironhide and his Ardboyz. There is probably little hope left that the remarkable display of defiance at the small village will be sustained against this new onslaught.

Prepared by their steady withdrawal from Wolfenburg, the soldiers of Count von Raukov have weathered the first attacks on Castle Lenkster with minimal casualties. Further heartened by news of continued resolve in Bohsenfels, the defenders are prepared to sell their lives dearly before Archaon and his devoted minions can cross into Middenland. Only a full scale assault is likely to take the castle swiftly.

While Bohsenfels remains unbowed, the less protected defenders of Ferlangen are now hard-pressed by a relentless assault. Should Ferlangen fall, it is possible that Melekh's army will be able to march south without Bohsenfels falling.

Day 12: After days of bitter fighting, the forces of Chaos have made hard-won breakthroughs in the north and in the south. In the foothills of the Middle-mountains, the town of Ferlangen is now in the hands of Kordel Shorgaar, standard bearer of the Lord of the End Times. The northern host has paused in its advance, awaiting news from Bohsenfels, and rumour has it that Archaon is exceptionally displeased with Melekh's lack of success thus far. There is even the possibility that Archaon himself will head to the north to personally deal with Melekh.

In the south, the steam mill of Zundap has been turned into a torture palace for the delights of Strykaar, beloved of Slaanesh. While Imperial forces regroup at Struhelspan, the follower of the Dark Prince indulges his unnatural passions with those captured in the fighting. However, it will not be long before Archaon urges his lieutenant to press onwards towards Middenheim.

Day 13: Archaon arrived in the twilight hours outside the besieged castle of Bohsenfels, with him the dread riders of the Sword of Chaos. There was a lull in the fighting as he summoned the warriors of Melekh to pull back from the walls and hearken to his words. There were jeers from the defenders, loudest amongst them from the mercenaries that had initially been paid to hold the castle and yet now fought merely to survive. Archaon brought the curses of the gods upon the followers of Tzeentch for failing to take the castle, and as an example, five hundred warriors were slain by the Swords of Chaos. As the heads of the dead Tzeentch followers were piled onto a great pyre, Archaon confronted Melekh himself. The Slayer of Kings screeched with delight as it bit deeply into the sorcerer's neck, severing his head in one blow. A grim silence has descended as Archaon commanded Melekh's son, the mutated Cyspeth, to leave only a holding force and advance through Ferlangen to the Nordbergbruche. There was no need to warn of what would befall his new champion should Cyspeth fail as his father did.

With the fall of Zundap, Imperial forces were pulled back to command the eastern end of the bridge at Struhelspan. The excesses that Strykaar and his Slaaneshi host indulged in allowed a little time for these retreating forces to gather themselves again and join with the garrison at Struhelspan. When Strykaar's demented warriors fell upon the defenders of the bridge, they found their initial assaults blunted with devastating cannon and handgun fire, and have been pushed back into the forests for the moment.

Chaos warriors, bolstered by Beastmen from the Middle Mountains, marched speedily along the pass from Ferlangen to the Nordbergbruche, the glimmering sides of the Nordberg stretching above them. The scattered hunters and Imperial troops, hurriedly gathered to repulse the attack, but succeeded only in slowing it for a few hours. In particular, the defenders of the Empire found themselves outflanked and waylaid by a force of Skaven that had been pivotal in the fall of Ferlangen, led by a Grey Seer named Skoll. It looked as if the Nordbergbruche might fall quickly. That was until a contingent of dwarfs, gathered from the small mines and holds of the Middle Mountains, gathered at the bridge itself, no doubt with much muttering about shoddy Elven workmanship as they crossed. These allies have helped stem the initial Chaos advance.

At Castle Lenkster, the brave efforts of Lord Jared von Strudt stifled an assault intended to cross the river upstream. Under a covering bombardment from the von Brunel, Lord Jared, amongst others, fought a valiant defence until a sortie from the castle garrison pushed back the invaders. His position reinforced with the soldiers of Captain Kaufmann, Lord Jared them spearheaded a counter-attack that drove the attackers from northern castle wall. Von Raukov, Count of Ostland, remains in overall command of the castle, and for the time being it seems as if the Lenkster bridge is secure.

Far to the south, beyond the knowledge of even the most travelled Imperial soldier, the unliving warriors of Settra continue to wage war against the greenskins and scattered human communities of the Badlands. Though slow to react at first to the threat, tribes from the Dragonback Mountains and small armies of Marsh Goblins have begun to gather, halting the advance of the Tomb Kings across the open wilderness. However, Settra continues to push his army north and east, towards the Sour Sea, for whatever goal he seeks in that blighted region.

Day 14: Deep in the Middle mountains, at the Nordbergbruche, Chaos forces have made considerable headway, aided by ratmen allies using hidden paths and tunnels to outmanoeuvre the defenders of the arcing bridge. However, reaching the bridge itself will not be as difficult as taking the narrow crossing. Overlooked by Imperial mortar positions, and situated along a narrow defile that will prevent the Chaos and their Skaven allies massing their weight of numbers, it seemed likely that only a determined push or a battle of attrition will carry victory for the minions of Archaon.

South of the mountains, protecting the southern route to the Nordbergbruche, the Men, Elves and Dwarfs at Castle Lenkster are continually being pressed by successive Chaos attacks. After his summary dispatch of the weakling Melekh, Archaon is said to be returning to Lenkster to oversee the assault personally. Given the object example he set at Bohsenfels his arrival is bound to signal a significant increase in the ferocity and strength of the attacks directed at the fortress and the School of Engineers gunships that protect it.

Meanwhile, at Struhelspan, Grey Seer Verminous Fang has begun putting into action a devious plan to tunnel under the river itself and assault the enemy from behind. Initial attacks on the bridge fortifications themselves were lacklustre and the men of Ostland and Middenland have been able to strengthen their defences However, momentarily sated by his excesses in the ruins of Zundap, Slaaneshi Champion Strykaar has roused himself and his army marches on Struhelspan with wicked intent.

Far from the woes of Middenland, more grim events are unfolding. In the World's Edge Mountains to the east, the forces of Crom the Conqueror have moved up into Peak Pass, overrunning two defensive positions created by the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin. In the next day or two, the vanguard of his huge Kurgan host is likely to encounter the battle line prepared by Ungrim Ironfist to hold the crest of the pass. If the defence should falter here, the Slayer King may well have to retreat back to his Hold to regroup.

In the South, beyond the Grey Mountains, Athel Loren has become a place of fear and terror for the thousands of Beastmen that have been drawn by Chaos under the eaves of this perilous forest. The Wood Elves have responded to this invasion with speed and ferocity, slaying dozens of misshapen beasts with every swift ambush. Now the horn of Orion sounds out amongst the boles of the ancient trees as he gathers the Wild Hunt to sweep away the interlopers in a wave of ancient fury.

Day 15 Results: The Middle Mountains echo to the constant sound of battle, through day and night. Kordel Shorngaar led an early charge against the bridge, which threatened to break through the cordon of Imperial troops and doughty Dwarfs, but was held before the standard bearer of Archaon could set foot on the arcing span. Pulling back his forces, Shorgel awaits the arrival of Cyspeth and his Tzeentchian army, while the Skaven that have come forth to exploit the peril of the Empire continue to fight in the valleys around the pass.

At Lenkster, the arrival of the School of Engineers' expeditionary force has stemmed the recent attacks, while Count von Raukov continues to exhort the defenders of the castle to repel the latest assault. A dread rumour has begun to spread through the Imperial camp, that Archaon himself marches for Lenkster with his Hellcannons. The walls of Castle Lenkster will not stand long against such devastating arcane machines.

A new fervour has entered the fighting at the Struhelspan, with the arrival of Strykaar, favoured of Slaanesh. He has spoken to his warriors of the villages and towns that lie beyond the river, and has promised his warriors free reign to do as they will if they can break through within 5 days. Such promises of looting and wanton debauchery have driven the devoted of Slaanesh into a ardent frenzy.

Across the Great Ocean, past the isle of Ulthuan, the jungles of Lustria have become a blood-slicked killing field. Morathi's allied marauders have made a great incursion towards the ruins of Xhotl, whilst her Slaaneshi cultists remain embattled in the outlying temples of Tlanxla. In the pools beneath the mighty edifices of the Slaan, new spawnings of stronger, deadlier Saurus warriors are emerging. The desperate battle continues

Day 18: All across Middenland, the Middle Mountains and Ostland, the forces of Chaos are baying at the gates of the Empires towns and Castles, like hounds at the hunt. Yet, the defenders of the City of the White Wolf hold on grimly to their lands, refusing to give an inch of ground to the relentless attacks by the invaders. The armies of Archaon and his champions have been further embattled by roaming bands of greenskins. It seems that, through whatever means they possess, the Orcs and Goblins have come down from the mountains and out of the woods to defy Archaon, master of Crom, in support of the mighty Warlord Grimgor. The Ironhide himself is said to be fighting his way to Castle Lenkster, picking up odds and ends of tribes and warbands along the way, in his efforts to prove himself mightier than Archaon by reaching Middenheim first. What his appearance will mean to the greenskins is for anybody to guess, and perhaps even they do not know what it is they will do next.

As expected, fighting at Bohsenfels has degenerated into smaller skirmishes and forays by the mercenaries holding the walls into the catacombs below. With Cyspeth now turning the attention of his Tzeentchian warbands towards Nordbergbruche, it appears that the few survivors of the early onslaughts might possibly live to see the end of the Storm of Chaos, and perhaps a determined sally from within the castle walls may yet cause problems for those moving south in support of the attack in the Middle Mountains.

Supported by scattered bands of Elves and Dwarfs, the Empire's soldiers at Struhelspan have forced back numerous attacks led by Strykaar, the devoted servant of Slaanesh. His depraved warriors appear to be tiring of the attritional war, as the ceaseless battling fails to excite their over-developed senses and keeps them from other, more pleasurable, pursuits.

But what of Feytor? The thrice-blessed of Nurgle has not been seen since the fall of Kurst, though many of his warriors now assault Castle Lenkster. Is there perhaps still some twist to this tail by the hand of the rotted one?

And far to the north, in the wild tundra of Kislev, the armies of the Tzarina now battle against the hordes of d'Aggorn the Exalted, as the forces of the Chaos Champion press ever closer to the capital. Messengers have been sent far and wide, searching for the Slayer army of Garagrim to come to their aid, for surely the chance to earn honourable death against the twisted, mutated creatures assailing the Ice Queen's city will bring the orange-haired death-seekers to battle.

Day 19: The bombardment of Castle Lenkster began just after dawn. The air itself was torn by tortured screaming as the first arcane blasts from the Hellcannons screeched through the air, and impacted upon the keeps walls, shattering stone and flesh in equal measure. For half a day now the infernal cannonade has continue, and parts of the east tower are in ruins, while the northern wall is breached in several places. Yet despite this damage, Archaon holds back his forces, waiting perhaps for some signal, some sign from the gods, that it is time to launch the final assault.

In the depths of the Middle Mountains, mutant rat-things and barbaric warriors are almost upon the span of the Nordbergbruche. Desperate fighting by men and Dwarfs alike keeps them from the bridge, but without the support of the Middenland mortars, which are running low on ammunition and cannot be supplied due to Skaven infiltrators, it seems that the bridge will hold for only a few more days. A determined attack now will see the enemy crushed, unable to pull its forces back from the east, they will be cut down as they try to retreat.

At Struhelspan, the fighting has been somewhat tame, as the defenders are content to stem the tide of warriors advancing upon them, whilst Strykaar appears to idle away the hours in other pursuits, distracted from the fighting. Such behaviour will not go unnoticed for long by the Lord of the End Times.In Athel Loren, Orions horn calls echo through the trees as the Wood Elves continue the slaughter of the foul Beastmen corrupting their lands.

Important! Until further notice, all Beasts of Chaos armies can Ambush one less unit than normal.

Across the Great Ocean, in the fly-ridden, dank swamps of Lustria, the Slann have stirred from their contemplation as brutal marauders and pale-skinned Druchii sack the ruins of the temples surrounding Tlanxla and Quetza. Disturbed from their efforts by these distractions, the Realm of Chaos has grown further, and occurrences of Daemonic intrusions are increasing. This does not bode well, for surely the most fell of Daemons rides upon these magical winds the Dark Master, BeLakor!

Important! Daemons suffering instability may roll three D6 and choose the lowest two, until further notice.

Day 20: It began as darkness fell. At first, it was a spluttering cough heard in the still of the night. Then another, and another along the wall as soldiers fell to their knees, wracked by choking spasms. Gasping for breath, their bowels ached and writhed as they spewed the contents of their guts over the castle walls. Even the doughty Dwarfs that had raised their axes in defence of Castle Lenkster were afflicted by the strange malaise, their legendary constitutions no safeguard against the unnatural disease. As the wracking affliction swept through the castle's defenders, the Hellcannons roared once again and in the light of their sorcerous blasts, a tide of besiegers swept forwards, storming the breaches in the walls. It was only through the efforts of the Imperial Engineers and their gunboats that the bridge was not taken immediately, allowing Count von Raukov to muster some semblance of a retreat from the rout that has threatened. The Elector's brave words had been for nought, as he fell back towards Breder in Middenland.

Ahead of this retreat, a small force of Bretonnians was seen heading north to Middle Mountains, directed by their Lady to defend the Nordbergbruche. They were met by the warriors of the Tzeentch warlord Asil Yarp, who unleashed the horror of a Hellcannon upon them for the first time, scattering the brave knights to the wind. With this counter-attack foiled, it seems inevitable that Cyspeth and his Skaven allies will cross the bridge within hours.

To the south, the river under the Struhelspan is quickly filling with bodies as a new offensive is launched by Strykaar's followers. Goaded on by his promises of glory and indulgence, the maddened warriors of Slaanesh have repeatedly hurled themselves at the defenders, whose strength has been weakened by requests for more troops at Lenkster. However, their efforts have been to no avail, and the bridge is still held.

Day 21: While the Middenlanders and White Wolves of Count Todbringer marched forward to reinforce the defences at Esk, Count von Raukov, driven from his homeland, seethed at Breder. Was it perhaps a small measure of guilt at his hubris on the walls of Lenkster that gnawed at him, or merely a righteous anger at the bestial creatures and barbaric warriors that were despoiling his lands? Whatever the reason, von Raukov gathered together his men and launched a determined assault to reclaim the castle at Lenkster. Though a bold plan, it was folly, for the forces of Archaon and Feytor had crossed the river in considerable numbers during the night, and dawn saw them advancing rapidly on Breder. Caught unprepared, the soldiers of Breder were hard-pressed to hold back the avalanche of howling warriors and roaring monsters that descended on their town, and Archaon, sensing victory, has urged his warriors to press home whilst they hold the advantage.

A small force has been despatched by Feytor to hold ground near Esk, and early fighting has broken out along the road and paths leading to the village. Meanwhile, to the north of Breder, there is more bad news for the bold defenders of the Empire. The Nordbergbruche has fallen!

Suddenly assailed from the far end by Skaven that had tunnelled around their defences, the dwarfs and men holding the bridge were caught in a vicious trap. The magic of Tzeentch filled the valley as Cyspeth and his coven of sorcerous allies unleashed the raw power of change upon the foe, rending their enemies with glittering bolts of energy and mutating them into twisted, mewling wrecks. The sheer ferocity and speed of the onslaught swept away all resistance, and within an hour the bridge was taken. The victory celebrations were muted however, for the warriors of Tzeentch knew that they had done only a little to rebuild their reputation in the eyes of their master, and ahead lay one of the greatest challenges. If Bohsenfels proved so problematic, what fate awaited them at the forbidding walls of Brass Keep?

Though thinly defended, the bridge at Struhelspan still holds, in greater part due to the lacklustre nature of the attacks thrown against it. What should have proven to be little more than a minor delay in the advance of Strykaar has been turned into the last bastion of the defence of the south by the indolent nature of the Slaaneshi champions attacks. Valuable time has been wasted, time that would be preciously needed if the forces were to take the bridge and assault the much stronger positions at Hergig and Fort Schippel.

Day 22: A province-wide counter-offensive, led by Boris Todbringer and Count von Raukov, has stemmed the advancing Chaos host, from Esk in the south, at Breder, to the Brass Keep in the Middle Mountains. Pulling forces from the west, the Count of Middenland has ridden forth with a contingent of White Wolves and Teutogen Guard, blessed by ar-Ulric. At Brass Keep, a sortie by the Knights Panther smashed the vanguard of Cyspeth as it marched through the mountains from the Nordbergbruche. Reinforcements to the growing battle are slow, from both sides, as the winding columns of troops negotiate the harsh terrain of the Middle Mountains.

In the south, Strykaar has struck. Frustrated by the lack of mettle shown by his warriors, he led the next attack personally, in a demonstration of his personal power and favour by Slaanesh. The fighting was bitter yet brief, as the deadly Champion of Slaanesh cut down all who would oppose him. Even this assault, unprecedented in its fury, may not have been enough to carry the tide, and it was as more Imperial troops were rushing to the west end of the bridge that disaster befell them. A large part of the ground gave way beneath them, plunging dozens of soldiers into a great tunnel beneath. Here they were set upon by vicious vermin-beasts, who boiled forth from the pit in a great tide. The smoking ruins of his tunnelling machine still beneath the ground, Verminous Fang watched proudly as his loyal Clanrats and Stormvermin swept away the last soldiers trying to resist. Struhelspan was his!

In Breder, the initial assaults of Archaon and Haargroth pushed back the forces of von Raukov, and without his leadership it seemed as if the town would be swept away in the first onslaught. As the sun climbed to Noon, something glittered in the north, moving towards Breder. At first the defenders were fearful, thinking it to be more attackers marching from Nordbergbruche. Their fear turned to hope as they saw that the approaching host were no enemies, but a force of Elves. Led by Talaananthes Silverfall, the Elves immediately attacked, engaging a force of Khornate thugs and warriors. With these unexpected reinforcements, the defenders took heart and now the forces of Chaos have been pushed back tot he edges of the town once more.

Pushed further and further west, the forces of Dwarfs, men and Elves defending Middenheim have been stretched to breaking point. However, as their own supply lines shorten and the veterans of previous battles join those waiting at the next line of defence, their resistance is stiffening once again. No truer is this than at Esk, a potentially weak spot in the battleline. A small village with barely a defensible wall, it is now garrisoned by a force several thousand strong. Beyond lie the rich pickings of central Middenland, and ultimately Middenheim itself. Intent on claiming this prize for themselves, the initial attacks at Esk have been fought not by the warriors of the Dark gods, but by the vile ratmen of Chaos, in the form of Clan Deathbite under the leadership of Chieftain Skritchskritch. Combined with the success of Verminous Fang at Struhelspan, it seems that the convoluted, and possibly conflicting agendas being pursued by the Skaven may yet come to fruition.

Day 25: Khazrak attacks! From the depths of the Drakwald, the one-eyed Beastlord has struck at the Imperial lines of defence. In the darkest hours of the night, his force comprising of many warbands, assailed the walls of Untergard. Taken unawares the defenders were unable to stop the rampaging Gors, Ungors and Minotaurs, and their efforts to repulse the attack were crushed by the appearance of two mighty Dragon Ogre Shaggoths. Khazrak has fought his way to the bridge, and now awaits the arrival of other warbands to help him cross the river and complete the sacking of Untergard.

Important! Beastmen may now ambush as normal.

It is rumoured that Boris Todbringer has already ordered his men to start withdrawing from Breder, although Count von Raukov has insisted on staying to defend the town. With supplies low, having been lost to an attack several days ago, it is doubtful whether the Ostlanders can hold on unaided. Such division surely cannot be beneficial for the defenders, as both Electors try to assert their dominance. Sensing his victory is close, Archaon is rumoured to have departed for Esk to turn the tide at the village, leaving the fate of Breder in the hands of the murderous Haargoth, Blooded One of Khorne.

Brass Keep stands defiant against the hordes of Cyspeth, despite advances made by the tzeentchian horde and their rat-like allies. The last real bastion of defence between the attackers and Middenheim, it is doubtless that here the fate of Archaon's campaign could be decided. Meanwhile at Esk, the initial forays by Feytor and his Nurglesque warbands have succeeded in reaching the village itself, and a determined push by the attackers will surely see the village fall quickly.

At Fort Schippel, the advancing warriors of Slaanesh have made small gains, facing a network of well-constructed barricades and emplaced cannons and mortars. Aided by Dwarfs from other areas of the Empire, the defenders of Fort Schippel sit confidently behind their Dwarf-cuilt walls and redoubts. Just as daunting is the great wall of Hergig, capital of Hochland, where Styrkaar is now preparing his next assault, no doubt filled with visions of the hedonistic pleasures he can enjoy with the thousands of people trapped inside the city by the fighting.

The purpose of Settra's advance becomes clearer, as the Tomb Kings continue to press north and eastwards across the Badlands. The ruins of several ancient settlements have already been reclaimed, and yet the Eagle of the Desert continues advancing, his army now within sight of the Sour Sea. Beyond lays the ancient, terrible citadel of Nagashizzar. Perhaps Settra intends more than simple conquest.

In the amongst the mangroves and swamps of Lustria, the Khaine-worshippers of Morathi are beginning to feel the debilitating effect of the Lizardmen's realm. Attacks by Skink scouts and now a more coherent defence by columns of Saurus warriors have stopped the Druchii just northeast of Quezta. Help may be a long time in coming as the Hag Queen's barbaric allies suffer losses to disease, predators and the Lizardmen attacks.

The Wild Hunt is in full force in Athel Loren, as Orion inflicts a bloody cull on the Beastmen hiding under the eaves of the immense forest. Aided by the twisting, shifting wood itself, the Wood Elves have broken apart many beastmen warbands and destroyed them at their leisure, and it appears the mutated kin of Chaos are powerless to form any semblance of an army to threaten their foes.

North of the border, a dispossessed noble of Erengrad has begun to rally the scattered forces of the Tzarina. Alexi Makarev, son of a now-dead Boyar of Erengrad, has issued a call to arms to all men of Kislev. As the armies of D'Aggorn the Exalted press closer to Kislev itself, while Praag itself is almost besieged once more, it is a time for the people of Kislev to once again rise against adversity and protect their homes, as they have done for countless years.

Day 26: The withdrawal from Breder by Count Todbringer has left the men of von Raukov in a tight spot. With Chaos forces pressing hard, the town is likely to fall within a matter of hours, and the Count of Ostland has been seen mustering his men for a speedy march to Esk. It is likely that there will be little respite at the village, as it seems that Boris Todbringer is intent not on defending the small villages in the east of Middenland, and his forces are even now continuing to move westward along the Old Forest Road. It is doubtful that the defenders will have much chance to regroup, as the warlord Leth-Dar, emmissary of Cyspeth the Gifted, has gathered an army to the north of the town and will no doubt fall upon any troops trying to move out of the beleaguered settlement. Other forces are even now drawing away from the doomed town, advancing swiftly to other targets. If the Chaos armies can advance quickly, then Krudenwald and Immelscheld may well topple soon after the fall of Esk.

As expected, initial attacks against Brass Keep have been wary, testing the considerable defences. One initial foray was met by the Dwarfen warriors of Ragargrim Skund, his Thunderers and war machines taking a heavy toll and even destroying a Greater Daemon that had manifested from the strengthening magical field surrounding the Tzeentchian host. So far no weakness has been found by these probing attacks, as the defenders settle in for a lengthy siege. It will certainly take a monumental effort by the forces of Cyspeth to carry the castle quickly.

Recovering quickly from the shock of Khazrak's surprise attack, forces around Untergard have moved into the town and assaulted the area around the bridge in an attempt to dislodge the many Beastmen now lurking within the half-ruined storehouses and the sprawling coaching station that dominates the end of the bridge itself. An assault along the bridge itself was repulsed by a counter-attack from the mutated beasts of the Dark Gods, but it seems likely that the One-eye may yet again be forced to hatch some cunning escape plan. Unless, of course, Khazrak wants Boris Todbringer to think he has the Beastlord trapped

With Count Leudenhof now in residence, the defence of Hergig continues. Not entirely at home in the ongoing siege. Leudenhof is said to be planning a sally forth with the Jaegerkorp, in an attempt to break out through the attackers' lines and start battling against the foes that are even now marching to the Hochland capital. How the decadent Styrkaar will respond to such an attack can only be guessed at.

Though not as daunting as Brass Keep, Fort Schippel is still a formidable bastion standing in the way of the twisted legion of Styrkaar. Knowing full well the fate that will befall them should they be captured by the followers of Slaanesh, the defenders of the castle have vowed to die fighting, and it seems that the devoted of the dark Prince are happy to oblige, launching several assaults in quick succession, including attacks through the night.

Day 27: As expected, the defences at Breder have been overrun by the forces of Harrgoth the Blooded One. Bestial, rage-driven warriors have poured into the streets, slaughtering all in their path. The disorganised remnants of the defending army have now been pushed back to Esk, with the frenzied fighters of the Lord of skulls close behind.

Brass Keep has seen an escalation in the fighting, as more forces from both sides pour into the Middle mountains; the army of Cyspeth on the one hand desperate to win a quick advantage, the defenders knowing that behind them stands an almost open road to Middenheim itself.

The panic and confusion at Esk, caused by von Raukov's rapid retreat, has enabled Feytor and his foetid minions to make gains against the defenders, destroying several outlying buildings and moving into the village itself.

The foray by Count Leudenhof from Hergig has been put on hold, as Chaos forces threaten to overwhelm the north gate of the city. Every man, elf and dwarf is needed for the walls, and the Count has listened to the impassioned advice of his war council and decided to remain within his capital. However, it will probably take many more days of constant fighting before the fate of Hergig is decided.

The attacks at Fort Schippel continue to be probing and small, as both sides try to muster a plan to outwit their foe. With troops now freed from the fighting at Breder, the Kommandant of the Fort, Kristophe Gohlinghost looks warily to the north to see whether fresh enemies will arrive at his gate, or press on to the much weaker defences as Esk.

To the west, Khazrak one-eye has managed to push his bestial warriors onto the bridge at Untergard, and break out into the remainder of the town. With the river held, the divided forces of the Beastlord have captured supplies intended for Middenheim, and are now armed with weapons stolen from the barges intended for Boris Todbringer's host.

Day 28: In the mid-morning, the brassy clarion calls of many trumpets could be heard echoing along the forest roads of Middenland. Outriders and scouts reported a great host moving from the southeast; an army of knights thousands-strong, bedecked in the full panoply of war and bearing the heraldry of the Bretonnian Dukes. At their head rode Duke Bohemond, the Beast-slayer, commander of King Loencoeurs vanguard. As yet, no meeting has taken place between these new reinforcements and the commanders of the Empires armies, but where their sword falls is likely to be at their choosing, and not their allies.

Continued fighting at Brass Keep has maintained pressure on the defenders, but as yet the forces of Cyspeth have yet to penetrate the outer defences. The rat-like allies of the Tzeentch warlord have been quiet of late, leading to much speculation that they are indulging in some nefarious endeavour out of sight of Grand Master Kohlspier, leader of the Knights Panther and Brass Keeps defence.

As Boris Todbringer continues to head westward to confront Khazrak One-eye, a force of Knights of the White Wolf led by the Grand Master have turned back and made a valiant stand on the outskirts of Esk. The heroic efforts by these ferocious knights has allowed the rout from Breder to be slowed to an orderly retreat, as Empire forces disengage from the enemy now circumnavigating the village to attack their rear lines.

Fort Schippel and its human and Dwarf defenders continues to hold against the inhuman forces assailing its walls. Several assaults have been launched, most of them beaten back before their ladders were raised and their siege engines were close to the castle. However, there are those amongst the defenders that are well aware of the fate that befell Fort Lenkster and the Kommandant is wary of overconfidence.

In Hergig, an attempt has been made on Count Leudenhofs life. An inhuman assailant, described by the count as a vermin-creature the height of a man, entered the counts chamber as he read reports of the fighting. A keen hunter, the Count was kept alive only by his iron nerve and the finely crafted hunting rifle always kept by his side. The attacker was wounded but fled and avoided capture.

Khazrak continues to fight fiercely for possession of the bridge in Untergard, despite an near-overwhelming number of troops being sent to the town to prevent his escape. The timing of Khazraks attack, launched to coincide with a fresh offensive at Breder and Esk, can not be pure coincidence, and though Boris Todbringer is reminding his officers and men of the reward for Khazraks death, commanders in Untergard are cautious and wary of allowing themselves to be caught by surprise again.

Day 29: The rearguard by Knights of the White Wolf held at Esk, but for barely long enough to allow their comrades to retreat westwards towards Krudenwald. However, as the troops fell back to their next defences, they were struck from the north by a green thunderbolt Grimgor Ironhide! Attacking from the foothill of the Middle Mountains, the Orc warlord set upon the marching army in a furious assault. Count von Raukov was wounded in the fighting but fought his way clear, and now the route to Krudenwald is wide open. Grimgor appears to have a head start over Haargoth, and undoubtedly the two bloodthirsty warriors will be eager to outdo the other in their assaults on Krudenwald.

A coordinated attack at Untergard has succeeded in pushing the forces of Kharak One-eye away from the bridge, allowing more troops to be brought up the river. The fighting has broken down into vicious street-to-street battling, as the roaming bands of Beastmen waylay their foes before seeking safety in the ruined buildings of the war-torn town. If reinforcements do not arrive soon, though, the net closing on the Beastlord will continue to tighten.

As expected, the castles of the Empire have proved to be formidable defences, as both Brass Keep and Fort Schippel continue to hold back their attackers from the walls. As yet the dreaded Hellcannons have yet to be seen at either battlefield, for which the defenders offer thanks to the gods daily.

Unshaken by the attempt on his life, Count Leudenhof of Hochland has rallied his men at the walls of Hergig, staving off successive assaults from the north and east. These attacks have been haphazard and short-lived, and it seems that Styrkaar is wary of making an all-out attack, though such desperate measures may be needed against the provincial capital.

Day 32: Be'Lakor! A name that has spread across the northern Empire in recent times, spoken in terrified whispers. Now the nightmare hinted at by the doomsayers has become a reality. The magical winds have been increasing in strength for many days now, and omens of evil have been plaguing Middenheim and the surrounding area. At Krudenwald, a great magical storm enveloped the town for several hours, culminating in the sky splitting asunder and pouring forth a tide of daemonic beasts spawned from the twisted imaginings of a madman. At their head soared the Dark Master, a palpable wave of terror spreading out before him. Now the town is set upon by three beings intent on its destruction Be'Lakor, Grimgor Ironhide and Haargoth the Blooded One. Which will prove his might by being the first to conquer the town? It seems that time may be short for the unfortunate defenders. It remains to be seen how Archaon will respond to the arrival of his incorporeal rival. Von Raukov has sent messengers to King Leoncoeur of Bretonnia to request his intervention at the beleaguered town.

Important! The bonuses to Daemon instability (from the Lustria sub-campaign) are no longer in effect.

Important! Defenders at Krudenwald are at 1 Ld (after other modifiers) when taking Panic tests.

Sensing the change in the winds of magic, the Shamans of Khazrak have urged the leader to strengthen his efforts to hold Untergard, advising that soon his uneasy allies will break through to him. The renewed fighting has seen the Beastlord push back towards the town's bridge, although resistance has been growing steadily each day.

Brass Keep stands defiant against the Skaven and Tzeentchian warriors besieging it. Gateway to Middenheim, this is the sorest test of its defences, but they are still holding strong. The Knights Panther have led the defence admirably, their presence bolstering the confidence of the State Troops garrisoned with them. The Dwarfs of the Middle Mountains are also proving invaluable allies, repairing broken barricades and erecting new and even more deadly redoubts and batteries of guns to hold back the invaders.

Though progress has been slow, the forces attacking Fort Schippel have now made their first assault against the walls. Under cover of newly constructed siege towers, baying warriors and twisted mutants reached the south wall, and although several hundred managed to storm the parapet they were driven back after vicious fighting. Several siege towers were destroyed in the attack, but it is a matter of time before more make an appearance.

Meanwhile, the capital of Hochland, Hergig, continues to hold strong against the depraved warriors of Slaanesh. Count Leudenhof has led the Jaegerkorps on a daring sally forth to destroy several war machines under construction outside the range of the city's cannons. This set back will surely prolong the siege even longer, testing the patience of Styrkaar to the limit.

The fighting at Bohsenfels continues to a limited degree, as occasional forays into the catacombs or counter-attacks by the defenders spill more blood on the already crimson ground. It is doubtful whether such fighting will affect the battles being fought o the west and east, but for those continuing to battle at the castle, it has become a matter of pride rather than strategy.

Smoke has been seen rising from the canopy of Athel Loren, as the pyres of burning Beastmen continue to grow ever larger. The taint of Chaos has so far been prevented from spreading to the inner glades, while Orion continues to reap a bloody harvest of the bestial warriors flooding into his realm.

A counter-attack against the Khaine-worshippers of Morathi has been stemmed, as her Dark Elf warriors held ground and awaited the armies of the Lizardmen. Having weathered this assault, they are once more advancing on the temple cities of Lustria, although the further into the jungle they venture, the more casualties they are bound to suffer.

While legions of skeletal warriors continue to battle against the greenskins of the Badlands, a new foe has emerged to stop the advance of Settra and his army. On the shores if the Sour Sea, an Undead host led by fell vampires encircled the greatest of Tomb Kings. Pressing on towards Nagahshizzar, Settra and his unliving warriors fought their way through the shambling defenders, but progress has slowed as more and more Undead minions of the ancient evil dwelling in Cripple Peak stand in their path.

Day 33: It appears that the attempted assassination of Count Leudenhof of Hochland was not a solitary event, but rather part of a grander scheme. While the Count sallied forth successfully to destroy battering rams and siege towers being constructed by the warriors of Styrkaar, a more sinister threat was growing within the forests. Now the vile rat-men allies of the Slaanesh worshippers have unleashed their arcane machineries at the walls of Hergig, slaying many of the defenders. The wall yet stands intact, while soldiers desperately fight against maddened, frothing-mouthed rat-kin.

Having given up on reclaiming the bridge at Untergard, Khazrak has led his forces northwards, his two mighty Dragon Ogre Shaggoths at the forefront of his attempted breakout. Perhaps this was his plan all along, as he heads towards Immelscheld, while in Krudenwald, the massive assault by Orcs, Daemons and the mortal followers of the Dark Gods threatens to sweep away all resistance. While von Raukov defends the town valiantly, his rival Boris Todbringer is inspecting the defences of Immelscheld, awaiting the inevitable breakthrough. However, if Krudenwald falls and Khazrak breaks out of Untergard, the Count of Middenland may well become trapped between the two advancing forces something the One-eye will no doubt take full advantage of.

Brass Keep has become a slaughter field, as thousands of human and inhuman attackers throw themselves at its impervious walls in the hope of gaining some purchase that can be later exploited. The apparent quietness of Cyspeths rat-like allies perhaps bodes some as yet unforeseen assault from a hidden quarter.

Unlike the poor unfortunates that died at Castle Lenkster, the defenders of Fort Schippel have so far been free from the unnatural poxes and diseases unleashed by Feytor, beloved of Nurgle. With three wells and a sizeable storehouse, the defenders are yet to feel the true deprivation of a siege, and the desultory attacks by Feytors men have caused little casualties. If the Champion of decay was looking for his god to lay low the defenders, he seems to have been mistaken, and should remember that the gods look to those who look after themselves.

And far to the east, another great battle has taken place. The forces of Crom the Conqueror have attacked one of the outlying bastions of Karak Kadrin, less than ten leagues from the Dwarf hold. Aided by the slave-trains from Zharr-Naggrund and the enormous war machines that they have brought, Vardek Crom sent his warriors forth into the breached walls, but found the stubborn resistance of the Dwarfs too much for them to overcome and, as night fell, Crom and his army were pushed back into the valet and withdrew out of range of the grudgethrowers and cannons of the half-shattered bastion. As more and more arcana from the east is dragged into position, it is only a matter of time before Crom launches his next attack.

Day 34: Ferocious fighting has beset the walls of Brass keep, as the Knights Panther and their comrades were finally forced to fight hand-to-hand against their foes by a determined assault led by Cyspeth himself. The eastern drawbridge was destroyed in the fighting, but the gap has been filled with the bodies of the dead as the warriors of Tzeentch pushed forwards to gain a foothold on the walls. They were eventually driven back by a determined counter-attack, but more such successful attacks will see the castle taken.

In Hergig, fighting has broken over the walls in several places, with a renewed determination from Styrkaar and his followers after the success of his Skaven allies' attack. As yet only small bands of Slaaneshi warriors and ratmen skirmishers have broken into the city, but these may well be the trickle that precedes the flood.

At Krudenwald, the appearance of the Dark Master has dramatically swung the tide against the defenders. Disheartened by the apparition of a screaming, tormented Volkmar writhing upon the Daemon prince's banner has disheartened the men of the Empire, sapping their resolve.

At Fort Schippel, things are relatively quiet. Perhaps too quiet you know, that sort of quiet you get before something really nasty happens

Khazrak has ransacked and burned much of Untergard during his breakout, and it looks as if he may yet elude capture. The bridge itself has been badly damaged in the fighting, stemming the number of reinforcements crossing from the west to joint he fighting around Hergig and Fort Schippel, which may yet prove costly.

Day 35: While the offensive of the past several days has been promising for Archaon and his minions, it seems that this period of focused slaughter has passed and, for a while at least, the brave defenders of Middenheim have regained the advantage.

Hergig has suffered badly during renewed assaults led by the nefarious Skaven and their infernal war machines. Fighting on the western wall broke out during the day and continued into the night, and fires have been seen burning in the centre of the city, set by unknown and unseen assailants.

At Brass Keep another monstrous assault by Cyspeth and his host has seen another vicious battle taking place around the castle. Weary and bloodied, the defenders staved off the attack, but have been severely weakened. However, there is still much fighting and dying to be done before the fate of Brass Keep is decided, and most of the dying is likely to be done by the attackers.

At the moment of triumph, it seems that the forces of Grimgor, the Dark Master and Haargoth have conceded victory to each other, with no one inhuman attacker able to complete the final assault on the town. Certainly the defiance of Valmir von Raukov has held the attackers in check for the last few days, but dissent amongst those vying for the glory of being Krudenwalds doom has gifted the Elector of Ostland with valuable time to shore up his defences and prepare a retreat. If allowed another day, von Raukov may well be able to withdraw in good order and meet up with Count Todbringer in Immelscheld.

Khazrak is still at large in the forests around Untergard, and has waylaid several caravans of black powder and food destined for Imperial troops and their Dwarf allies defending the town. The hunt for the Beastlord is drawing away troops that some would say are better used to the east; these nay-sayers claiming that Khazraks army is now a spent force and poses little threat. Count Todbringer, on the other hand, knows from bitter experience not to underestimate the One-eye, and has ordered his capture or death at any cost.

Fort Schippel has seen little activity. Perhaps Feytor is awaiting reinforcement - maybe even the arrival of the infamous Hellcannons - before making his final assault.

Day 36: The continued fighting in and around Untergard has taken a heavy toll of defenders in the area, with Khazrak and his beastherds leading the men of the Empire into all manner of ambushes and traps, whilst continually eluding the patrols and huntsmen sent out to find him. In a daring act, he has doubled-back on the town and launched a surprise raid on the bridge from down stream, destroying the crossing and preventing more troops from coming across the river from the west. His task complete the One-eye has vanished back into the forests and with the bridge gone Boris Todbringer has begun to recall his troops to Immelscheld to bolster the defence there. The bodies of hundreds of Beastmen, Men, Dwarfs and others litter the streets of the half-ruined town and the surrounding woods, a testament to the long and bloody fighting for possession of its vital crossing.

Many leagues to the east, the walls of Hergig have been sorely tested by the devastating warpstone-powered machines of the Skaven, and Styrkaar of Slaanesh has led another successful assault, this time against the northern gate towers. Its supplies mysteriously fouled and officers being killed in their beds, the army of Count Leudenhof is beginning to disintegrate as weary men fall back from the walls under the now relentless assault.

The outer wall of Brass Keep has been taken by a determined attack, aided by a mine being collapsed by Skaven under the southern ramparts. The defenders, sensing the impending attack, pulled back quickly from the assault, surrendering wall with few casualties and barricaded themselves inside the keep itself. Though this victory is significant, taking the Brass Keep may prove an even bloodier endeavor than taking the curtain wall.

Fluctuating magical energies around Krudenwald have seen the appearance and disappearance of daemonic warriors in many places, while the shadow of Be'lakor still lies over the town. Grimgor Ironhide has slain dozens of foes himself over the days of fighting and still seems determined to single-handedly storm the defences before any other warrior. Haargoth has not been seen for several days, perhaps hunting troops in the forests or maybe he has been summoned by Archaon for some as yet unknown purpose.

As yet the tainted champion Feytor has not made a significant move at Fort Schippel, though noxious fumes and strange noises have begun emanating from the woods around the citadel. In the cold north, the dispossessed Boyar Alexi Makarev is said to be leading his forces south to link up with the Gryphonne Legion Makarevat Bohsenfels. Aided by other forces of the North Kislev Alliance, Makaver is planning a series of raids on the attackers, if her can break through the thin cordon at Bohsenfels.

In Makarev's homeland, the Slayers following Garagrim Ironfist have fought a large battle in the foothill of the Worlds Edge Mountains near to High Pass. Garagrim was wounded by a vicious bear-like mutant, but is recovering from the injury, much to his disappointment.

In the east, strange lights have been reported from the area around Drakenhof Castle in Sylvania. What this might bode is not known, but few believe it to be a good omen for the men of the Empire and their allies.

Day 39: Krudenwald has fallen to the combined attacks of Haargoth, Be'lakor and Grimgor. This monstrous host has swept onwards to Immelscheld, and the line of troops assembled by Boris Todbringer. Though the army of Middenland stands ready, the ground is unfavourable and Immelscheld provides little in the way of defences. Confident of victory here, Archaon is reputed to have left the host and moved northwards to the Middle Mountains.

Important! The Daemonic legion of Be'lakor has moved on to Immelscheld. The -1 Ld penalty for defenders taking Panic tests now applies to Immelscheld.

In a final devastating assault, backed up by the arcane war engines of the Skaven, Styrkaar has broken through the wall of Hergig, forcing the defenders to retreat. With the city in the hands of the Slaaneshi lord, and Count Leutendorf retreating towards Talabheim, the southern force is now free to turn westwards and continue the march on Middenheim.

With the fall of Untergard, Imperial troops have been fighting all over Middenland, against pockets of Beastmen as well as warbands that have forayed westwards ahead of the larger armies. So far the fiercest fighting has been around Grimminhagen, as warped creatures and demented warriors assault the town in the hopes of cutting off Count Todbringer's retreat to Middenheim.

At Brass Keep, the relentless attacks have now secured the courtyard around the citadel and battering rams have been brought up from the valley below. Though the defenders pour bolt and bullet into the attackers, filling the courtyard with piles of the dead, Cyspeth urges his warriors on to greater acts. Perhaps it is desperation, or perhaps the favoured of the Lord of Magic has been gifted with some small prescience of the Keep's fate.

Day 40: After the successes of previous days, the attackers of Middenheim appear to have let their advances stall, with desultory attacks occurring at Brass Keep and Immelscheld. It appears that Archaon's sudden departure has allowed his chosen lieutenants a respite, though upon his return he is unlikely to be happy with their lack of progress. Meanwhile, Count von Raukov has fallen back with his forces to Grimminhagen under cover of Boris Todbringer's army protecting Immelscheld. This sudden influx of soldiers has driven out the Beastmen that were attempting to seize control of the town's outskirts.

At Immelscheld itself, the initial assaults were easily repulsed as twisted warriors and their inhuman allies quickly marched to the attack but were defeated piecemeal. Scattered Orc attacks, against both the defenders and the attackers, have proved similarly indecisive. However, it is certain that should Haargoth, Be'lakor or Grimgor commit fully to the attack, the small village will not hold for long.

The appearance of the Hellcannons at Fort Denkh has inspired fear in the defender, yet though the bombardment has been effective, the Chaos Dwarfs crewing the weapons lack the numbers required to carry the battle to those inside the castle. Should reinforcements join them soon, then the tide may turn against those loyal to the defence of Middenheim.

Perhaps spent by their efforts over the previous days, the attackers at Brass Keep have relented slightly in their assault, giving the defenders valuable time to shore up battered obstacles and tend to their wounded. With Archaon rumoured to be on his way to the castle, it is clear that Cyspeth and his rat-like allies will need to make every effort to avoid the wrath of the Everchosen.

Fighting continues to move back and forth at Fort Schippel, as Feytor seems to have settled in, content with a lengthier siege. However, with news now arriving of Karl Franz and Valten at Talabheim, time may be short and warriors committed to attacks here and at Schoppendorf may move further north to join the fighting closer to Middenheim.

Meanwhile, at Bohsenfels, the North Kislev Alliance led by Alexi Makarev has broken through the few attackers remaining at the castle. From here it is the Boyar's intention to attack the rear of the armies at Brass Keep, or perhaps to move further south to aid in the fighting beyond the Middle Mountains. His attack was aided by the arrival of the Gryphon Legion from the west, and support by cannons sent from the city of Kislev. Forged from the bells of the city's cathedrals, these cannons are believed to be blessed by the gods, although the frail brass of the cannons is liable to crack and break under intense firing.

Important: Kislev armies may take Great Cannons as Rare choices. Attacks by these blessed cannons are considered to be magical, but they are at -1 to rolls on the Misfire table.

Day 41: Grimminhagen has suffered a strong assault, as the forces of darkness attempt to break through the town and on to Middenheim itself. Should the defences of the town fall, the attackers will be at the walls within hours.

Boris Todbringer, fearing that Grimminhagen may fall and cut off his retreat, has started to pull his forces out of Immelscheld. If allowed to withdraw intact, he will be able to link up with von Raukov in Grimminhagen, under the cover of a Knights of the White Wolf rearguard as before. Should Haargoth or Grimgor attack while the army is in transit, the Middenlanders could fare badly.

The bombardment of Fort Denkh continues, as the terrified defenders await the assault that could easily sweep them away. The chanting of Hashut worshippers drones constantly alongside the daemonic screaming of the Hellcannons.

Renewed fighting at Brass Keep has seen the first Chaos troops attacking the walls of the inner citadels. Despite rocks and hot oil dropped by the defenders, battering rams were pushed forwards and attacked the gatehouse of the keep. The attack was eventually driven back, and in the quiet that descended, ominous scratching and rumbling noises could be heard from below the ground. The commandant of Brass Keep has ordered that no one drink from the wells, fearing sabotage by hidden assailants.

A burst of vigour by Feytor has seen gains made in the attack on Fort Schippel. Joined by attackers moving west from Hergig, the Champion of Nurgle has unleashed his sorcerers against the defenders of the south wall. Men, Dwarfs and Elves have suffered from the unholy contagion, and even the stones themselves have started to crumble and crack under the withering magical decay.

Day 42: The retreat from Immelscheld continues, while attacks from Grimgor Ironhide threaten the north of the village. Fighting between the Orcs and Haargoth's Khorne warriors stalled the assault, during which the Dark Master Be'lakor made a foray into the town, but was repulsed by a contingent of Dwarfs alongside Teutogen Guard and numerous warriors priests of Ulric.

As troops from Immelscheld arrive in the area around Grimminhagen, fighting has intensified. Sensing that the opportunity to break through quickly to Middenheim may be passing, Khazrak One-eye has attacked out of the forest, leading a force of Beastmen and Chaos Warriors. Attempts to waylay the columns pulling back to the town have so far proved relatively unsuccessful though.

A valiant sally from Fort Denkh has destroyed one of the Hellcannons raining daemonic fire onto the castle. Knights of Sigmar's Blood, along with woodsmen of Middenland, attacked under cover of darkness, scattering the crew of the infernal machine. The machine broke loose from its chains and attacked the knights before rampaging along the Chaos Dwarfs lines before eventually detonating in an explosion of magical energy.

Brass Keep has fallen to a deadly combined attack overland, underground and even from the air! Whilst the warriors of Cyspeth assailed the citadel gate, Skaven tunnellers of Clan Deathbite erupted from the storage cellars beneath the castle. As the defenders fell back from the walls to combat this threat, a group of strange warpstone-powered aircraft made from crashed Dwarfen Gyrocopters raked the walls with ratling gun fire. Though all of these flying machines eventually crashed or were destroyed, the aerial assault planned by Verminous Fang certainly contributed to the castle's fall. However, upon entering the keep it was found that many of the defenders had already evacuated along a hidden tunnel that the Skaven had missed, and were already regrouping in Sokh. Cyspeth's forces must gather their strength and then push on quickly if they are to meet their rendezvous with destiny at Middenheim.

At Fort Schippel, an attack was led against the castle by one of Feytor's champions name Putrious. As diseased warriors and hideous daemons assaulted the walls, a valiant defence led by Captain Heisner succeeded in holding the rampart against the tide of foulness.

In the south, as almighty Settra pushed on towards Nagashizzar, the armies of Amun II, of the Third Glorious Dynasty of Khemri, and King Ximhotep have pushed north and west towards Mount Bloodhorn. Both armies have met stiffening resistance in the form of Black Orc Warboss Uzgor Scabgrit, who has so far fought the advancing Undead to a standstill.

Day 43: The Imperial line between Immelscheld and Grimminhagen has been sorely tested as more troops moved westwards towards Middenheim. Boris Todbringer has not been seen since the retreat began and is believed to be in the woods around Grimminhagen, leading the search for his arch-foe Khazrak. It appears that the differences between Todbringer and von Raukov have been resolved, as the Elector of Ostland was seen sending messengers to coordinate the defence of both locations.

Dark magic has been unleashed on the poor settlement of Sokh. An incantation from the overly-titled Lightbringer, Lord of the Black Star, Chosen of Tzeentch and Champion of the Chamber, has corrupted the woods around the village, turning them into a dark, writhing place where Empire soldiers disappear and retreat to Middenheim will be highly risky.

The fighting continues at Fort Denkh and the Middenstag while a force known as t he Scions of Darkness have struck hard at Fort Schippel, with a series of attacks starting at the darkest part of the night and continuing into the day. One of the dreaded Hellcannon arrived to assist their efforts, along with Skaven from Clan Pestilens, in an effort to bring the defenders to their knees... and if that fails, to allow the diseases of Clan Pestilens and Nurgle to corrupt the defenders from within.

Several Hellcannon have arrived at Emperor's Hammer, along with a regiment of Chaos Dwarfs. Bombardment started on the fortified inn, but as the screaming inferno descended on the inn, a rousing chorus could be heard from the walls:

Men of Ulric stop your dreamingCan't you see their spear points gleaming?See their warrior pennants streamingTo this battlefield.

Men of Ulric stand ye steadyIt cannot be ever said yeFor the battle we're not readyStand and Never Yield!

Off the hills reboundingLet this song be soundingSummon all to Ulric's callThe mighty force surrounding

Men of Ulric onto GloryThis will ever be your storyKeep these fighting words before yeMiddenland Never Yields!

Important Any Middenland or Cult of Ulric player that sings this (all verses) while deploying may add +1 to their dice roll when determining who has choice of first turn!

And at the Far Edge of the World, the settlement of Port Reaver has been visited by emissaries of the Slaan. Hooded and cloaked, the messengers of the temple-cities have brought gold and gems in an attempt to hire mercenaries to intercept Marauder longships that are now approaching the east coast, and the poorly defended shoreline near the ruins of Xahutec.

Day 46: With news that Karl Franz and Valten have arrived at Talabheim, Boris Todrbinger gave the order to withdraw to the outer defences of Middenheim as men, Dwarfs and Elves pulled back from Grimminhagen. A solid charge led by King Louen Leoncoeur of Bretonnia scattered the pursuing Chaos forces. In the melee that followed, the Bretonnian King and his knights engaged the Daemonic host of Be'lakor. As Louen battled bravely against the Dark Master, an anguished cry was heard over the battlefield. Filled with inhuman strength, Volkmar the Grim ripped free of the chains binding him to Be'lakor's army standard and laid about the daemons with those self-same enchanted chains. Bloodied but unbowed, Volkmar was carried free upon the back of the King's hippogryph and has been taken to the temple of Shallya in Middenheim.

Priests of Sigmar and Ulric called upon their gods to lift the dark curse upon the woods around Sokh, the sorceries of Tzeentch eventually dispelled by their efforts, though four of their number lost their lives in the ritual. With this binding magic gone, the defenders of Sokh were able to withdraw to safety before the attackers realised their foes had escaped them.

Meanwhile, there has been double cause for celebration at the Emperor's Hammer. The Chaos Dwarfs artillery that had been bombarding the coaching inn has been moved on towards Middenheim itself, and the army that accompanied the Hellcannons has passed by, leaving the fortified tavern still standing. Not only that, but a group of Dwarfs moving along the Old Forest Road towards the City of the White Wolf have, in an act of unparalleled generosity, gifted the brave defenders with three barrels of Bugman's Owd Bearbaiter. Prince Saneth of Ulthuan, commander of a small contingent of Elves that had been passing through the inn's locale when it had been attacked, kindly passed their rations on to the other defenders.

As the armies of Archaon and his Lieutenants begin to close on the city, cannons mounted on the walls, along with mortars and other war machines, have begin to pound the approaching attackers. Every few hours, the ground trembles and the sky reverberates with a monstrous roaring as the gigantic Ulric's Thunder fires its house-sized balls at the foe. The cannon's Giant loader, affectionately known to locals as Thunderball, has been working hard since the siege began, although at such distances it is hard for the engineers to target accurately.

Important at the start of any game the defending player may choose to fire a barrage from Ulric's Thunder. At the very start of the defender's first turn, place the small Blast marker anywhere along the defender's board edge this is the cannon ball from Ulric's Thunder. Nominate a direction of travel and roll an Artillery dice. Multiply the dice roll by five and move the marker this many inches in the direction of travel. If a Misfire is rolled, do not move the marker at all. This is the point of impact and the cannon ball will now bounce like normal cannon fire, a distance equal to an Artillery dice multiplied by 5. Any model that the template touches (even partially) takes a Strength 10 hit doing D6 wounds, with no Armour Saves allowed. As with other cannon fire, if a Misfire is rolled on the second Artillery dice, the ball does not travel and will only affect models that it has landed directly on. Ulric's Thunder may cause Panic tests if it inflicts 25% casualties on a unit. Another assault against the barricades thrown up by the Dwarfs of King Ungrim Ironfist has been bloodily repulsed, but not before several hundred mounted warriors broke through the Dwarf line. As these raiders rode down through Peak Pass into the Empire, they were met by an unexpected foe the masters of Sylvania. After a brief battle, the Kurgan riders suffered the same fate as those that had gone before them, and the ranks of the von Carsteins have been swelled by the reanimated bodies of several thousand marauders. This army of the dead was last seen turning westwards, towards Middenheim.

Several villages near to the Forest of Loren have been saved by mysterious guardians. With their knights and men-at-arms away in the north, these villages were ripe for plundering by Orcs and Beastmen. However, stories have begun to spread of how villagers have awoken in the morning to find mounds of dead creatures not far from their settlements, while other tales repeat the story of a long hornblast being heard in the depths of the night, all across the Dukedom of Quenelles.

And far to the south, in the Badlands, Settra's advance has been halted as ghoulish creatures and Undead have pushed out of Nagashizzar and fought the legion of the King of Khemri to a standstill in a large battle on the shores of the Sour Sea.

Day 47: After the first day of the siege, the defenders have rallied under Boris Todbringer and Valmir von Raukov. Von Raukov has been overseeing two counter-attacks made against the Chaos armies and Skaven swinging in from the northeast, while a stern defence of the northern causeway has held the outer gatehouse, forcing Haargroth to fall back out of cannon range to gather his scattered forces.

As Archaon led the attack against the eastern causeway, the ancient magiks bound within the stones of the bridge were unleashed. Each of the causeways is enchanted to collapsed when the ritual was performed, to prevent an attack reaching the city itself. As the priests of Ulric prayed and the wizards of the Elector made their incantations, the ancient Dwarf-hewn stones began to crumble. Cracks appeared along the roadway and blocks began to shear from its sides, plummeting hundreds of feet into the Chaos army below. Siege towers and battering rams were flung from the causeway as it began to shatter under the spell, but it was then that Archaon's sorcerers responded to the hex. Summoning the vast magiks of Chaos, unearthly vines of metal barbed with stone thorns erupted from the ground, binding the shattering causeway together. However, despite the efforts of his shamans, Archaon was forced to retreat to the foot of the causeway as debris rained down to the ground and his arcane war machines were cast aside. The magical battle still continues for control of the causeway and so Archaon has now started a bombardment with the Hellcannons, his first assault having been repulsed. As the magical screaming bolts of the Chaos Dwarfs' machineries batter the walls, thousands of Flayerkin have been gathered in the rear of the Chaos lines, preparing for the next attack.

At first the south-eastern wall and southern causeway looked to have been breached as the horde of Kordel Shorgaar dared the cannon and mortar fire to approach hidden entrances to the catacombs. Things looked dire indeed when an Orc force led by Grimgor Ironhide seemed to join the attack. Two mighty war machines, Da Godz, were pushed towards Middenheim by hundreds of Trolls, as the air crackled with Waaagh! power around the Idol of Gork. As Kordel neared his goal, Grimgor turned northwards, driving his army like a spear into the side of Kordel's advance. The Black Orc Warlord believed that Kordel, bearing the banner of Archaon, would be near his master. His disappointment to find only another of the Lord of the End Times' lackeys was vented in a murderous rage that saw Grimgor slaying everything in his path. Faced with the green behemoth, Kordel was left no option but to retreat and allowed the Orcs to set up camp at the base of the causeway into the city. Delayed to the east, Styrkaar of Slaanesh is only now arriving at Middenheim, but the arrival of his forces in the south will surely bolster the Chaos attack.

To the west, Khazrak and the Dark Master have launched their attacks, alongside Feytor of Nurgle. These three unholy terrors have made significant advances towards the city, but both Feytor and Be'lakor have been stalled in their efforts by valiant attacks. Continuing the battle he began previously, King Leoncoeur of Bretonnia has once more faced the Dark Master and lived. Protected from the evil Chaos sorceries of the Daemon Prince by enchantments of the Lady, King Louen led a charge of dozens of Pegasus Knights against the Dark Master and his vile followers. Though Be'lakor himself remains unharmed, he was forced to expend much power maintaining the breach into the Realm of Chaos that allows his legion to exist. Meanwhile, the arrival of Boyar Makarev and his North Kislev Alliance provided timely reinforcements to hold back Khazrak's Shaggoths.

In the east, beyond the dark lands of Sylvania, Greenskin warriors have been pouring from the mountains in their hundreds, drawn by exciting news. Some thought that Grom the Paunch had returned after his expedition to give the Elves a good kicking, but soon realised that they had misheard. It wasn't Grom, it was Crom, the spiky northman that had given Grimgor such a hard time. As word spread from tribe to tribe, many warlords began sharpening their choppas, knowing that if they could beat Crom, the Godz would see that they were even harder than Grimgor!

Day 48: The last desperate hours have seen mixed success for the defenders of Middenheim. Following the partial destruction of the eastern causeway, a contingent of White Wolves led by Boris Todbringer pushed into the scattered army of Archaon. Despite Archaon rallying his scattered followers, the eastern approaches to the city appear safe once more.

The same cannot be said for the south and west, were numerous foes are closing on the city. Under the cover of a seething dark mist raised by the Champion of Tzeentch called the Lightbringer, the armies of the Lord of Magic have marched forwards and into the shelter of the North West cliff. Protected against the artillery on the walls above by the overhanging rocks, Cyspeth and his horde are now searching for a route into the catacombs beneath the city.

Important! Ulric's Thunder cannot fire at attackers fighting in the North West Cliff battle site.

Further trouble has beset the disparate defenders of the western causeway, as Kislevites, Bretonnians, Dwarfs and the men of Middenheim muster their courage to confront the Daemonic Host of Be'lakor. This army of malevolence incarnate has been further bolstered by further daemonic intrusions, led by a Daemon Prince the defenders have started calling Shadowstalker, a darkly angelic being that has already killed dozens of foes.

Khazrak One-eye has moved his army against the cliffs to the south west of Middenheim, awaiting the arrival of Feytor. Given the Beastlord's experience and knowledge of his greatest foe's city, it is likely that he knows of some secret path of passage that will take him into the city.

Meanwhile, Archaon's woes have increased with an unorthodox attack by the Orcs of Grimjaw Ironfang and other nearby tribes. Cannons scavenged from the ruins of Brass Keep have been put into action by the Greenskins. Many of the stolen artillery pieces have exploded, others have been significantly Orcified' so that they fire explosively flatulent Squigs, while one or two actually rain down cannon balls onto the warriors following the Lord of the End Times.

Day 49: Ulric's Thunder silenced! Despite the valiant efforts of Enthardon, Prince of Nagarythe, and his bands of Shadow Warriors, shadowy assailants have struck from the depths of the Ulricsberg catacombs. In the darkest hour of the night, the stealthy saboteurs crept into the massive warehouse that serves as bedchamber to the Giant Thunderball. As the gently behemoth slept, warpstone-laced cursestones were placed upon his gigantic form. The city was awoken before dawn by enraged bellowing and the cacophony of splintering wood and stone. The warpstone had mutated Thunderball, his body becoming a writhing mass of pustules and tentacles, his small mind broken by the corrupting influence of the raw stuff of Chaos. As Thunderball rampaged through the streets, he was attacked by gunners from Boris Todbringer's household, but was eventually felled by the intervention of Valmir von Raukov, who shot the Giant through the eye with his Dragon Bow, felling him. Without Thunderball, Ulric's Thunder cannot be loaded, for the mechanism was broken up to construct other defences.

Important! Ulric's Thunder can no longer fire.

Angered by the attack of the Orcs against his forces around the southern causeway, Archaon has ordered Styrkaar to launch an all-out attack, despite the fact that the army of Slaanesh has only recently arrived from its forced march. Fearful of Archaon's gaze should he fail, Styrkaar led the attack himself, cutting down not only Greenskins, but breaking through to attack the Empire lines that lay beyond. However, Grimgor and his Orcish allies were not idle and a counter-attack by the Greenskins drove back Styrkaar's army so that much of the day's gains were lost.

A fierce cannonade from the walls of the city have driven back the attacking forces assembling near the western causeway. Under cover of this bombardment, Priests of Sigmar, Ulric and Shallya have begun preparations for a ritual that will break some of the power currently sustaining the Daemonic legions of Be'lakor and the Shadowstalker.

Further to the south, a rival to Khazrak has emerged from the forests. Allied to the rat-men of Plaguelord Nilax, Braylord Morurghur was successful in summoning a Great Unclean One to break the army defending the south west cliff. The Greater Daemon of Nurgle caused horrendous damage, breaking through the Imperial line and enabling the Braylord to push closer to the city, before eventually being banished back to the Realm of Chaos.

Across the Great Ocean, the war of the temples of the Old Ones has moved back and forth as the Mage-Priests awaken from their slumbers to turn their might against the raiding Dark Elves and their Hung allies. Mercenaries from Port Reaver have also aided the fight in return for Lizardmen gold, and the Saurus armies of Hexaotl have crushed a large force of Morathi's Devotees of Slaanesh near the Macu Peaks, and now threaten to cut off the Dark Elves' route back to Naggaroth.

In Kislev, Garagrim Ironfist has faced a gigantic troll-beast from the Northern Wastes, and unfortunately has lived to tell the tale. Though the gigantic creature, ten times the height of a Dwarf, slew scores of Slayers, the War-mourners' axes were to prove its bane and the creature was felled, its legs shorn in two beneath its knees. Garagrim has now turned westwards towards Praag, looking for a foe that can best him.

The Sea of Claws has also been the site of a great battle, as several Norse tribes combined their fleets to launch an attack against the cost of Nordland. However, the flotilla was surrounded by a glittering mist several miles from the shore and was set upon by the Hawkships of Lord Aislinn. Confused by the magical fog, the Norsemen were unable to close with their more maneuverable foes and were eventually sunk or driven back to the north by several hours of merciless bolt thrower volleys.

Day 50: Unimpressed by the challenge posed by Styrkaar and his horde of Slaanesh, Grimgor has quickly tired of his fighting at the southern causeway. Turning to the east, he has once more assaulted the army of Kordel Shorgaar in an attempt to break through to the east and a chance at confronting Archaon himself. As yet, it appears the Lord of the End Times is content to allow his lieutenants the opportunity to defeat the troublesome Greenskins, though if they are unsuccessful, he may be forced to turn his attention away from Middenheim to deal with this savage threat.

Unsure as to the intentions of their Orc allies' the Men of Middenheim and a large contingent of Dwarfs from the Middle Mountains have been biding their time at the walls. With the Greenskins now moving on, this force has pushed forward again to occupy the gate towers at the foot of the causeway. A swift attack by Styrkaar may well catch them unprepared as they try to make defensive positions from the ruins left by Grimgor and his horde.

At the western causeway, an attack led by Baron-General Adelbert Wessbecker has succeeded in outflanking the legion of the Daemon Prince Shadowstalker. Unknown to the Imperial commander, his attack was aided by a dark ally, emerging from the catacombs of Ulricsberg. Clan Virulus, pursuing their own agenda, cut through the daemonic forces surrounding the western causeway and battled their way through the beasts attacking the cliffs to the south west. Though his ultimate goal is unclear, it appears that Grey Seer Skritchit thinks it is in the interests of Clan Virulus that the Chaos attack fail.

The counter-attack had fallen to Wessbecker due to a disturbing event the previous night, involving Count von Raukov. One of his closest aides, Jeffrey Tier, was revealed to have been tainted by Chaos, and was used as a vessel by daemonic forces to attack the priests currently creating a ritual to banish the daemonic horde. Several priests were slain or wounded before the dragonbone-tipped arrows of the Elector Count slew the possessed man.

While Clan Virulus is heading southwards, another Skaven force

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