Stone Fox Chapters 5 & 6 situation, recommended, hopeless, saliva, tonic, fee, stunned, amateurs, strutted, unison, moccasins, granite, cunning, legend,

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Stone Fox Chapters 5 & 6situation, recommended, hopeless,

saliva, tonic, fee, stunned, amateurs, strutted, unison, moccasins, granite, cunning, legend, reservation

situationDefinition:1 a : the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings b : site 2 a : a position or place of employment b : position in life 3 : position with respect to conditions and circumstances <the military situation>4 : relative position or combination of events and conditions at a particular moment

\ˌsi-chə-ˈwā-shən\sit·u·a·tion noun

KFD: a problem

hopeless \ˈhō-pləs\hope·less adjective

1 a : having no expectation of good or success b : incurable 2 a : giving no reason for hope : hopeless situation> b : incapable of solution or accomplishment ; a hopeless task>

KFD: having no point

saliva \sə-ˈlī-və\ sa·li·va noun

def. - a fluid containing water, protein, salts, and often a starch-splitting enzyme that is secreted into the mouth by salivary glands

KFD: drool or spit

tonic /ttän-ik/ton·ic noun

1 a : a medicine that increases body tone b : a liquid to be used on the hair or scalp c chiefly New England : soda pop d : tonic water

2 : the first tone of a scale

KFD: a medicine drink

fee \ˈfē\1 : a set charge <admission fee> <license

fee>2 : a charge for a professional service <a doctor's fees>

KFD: a price

1 : to make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow2 : to overcome with astonishment or disbelief <stunned by the news>

KFD: shocked

stunned \ˈstən\sunned stunning transitive verb

amatuers \ˈa-mə-chər\

1 : a person who takes part in an activity (as a study or sport) for pleasure and not for pay2 : a person who engages in something without experience or skill <mistakes made only by an amateur>

KFD: a nonprofessional

am·a·teur noun

Strutted \ˈstrət\strut·ted strut·ting verb

1 : to walk in a stiff proud way2 : to parade (as clothes) with a show of pride

KFD: to walk with swagger

unison \yü-nə-sən\ noun

1 : sameness of musical pitch2 : the condition of being tuned or sounded at the same pitch or at an octave <sing in unison rather than in harmony>3 : exact agreement

KFD: speaking or acting all at once

moccasins \ˈmä-kə-sən\moc·ca·sin noun

noun adjective

1 a : a soft leather shoe without a heel and with the sole and sides made of one piece b : a similar shoe with a separate sole2 : WATER MOCCASIN

KFD: a soft native American shoe

granite \ˈgra-nət\ gran·ite noun 1 : a very hard rock that can be polished and

is used in buildings and monuments2 : unyielding firmness (as of character, will, or opinion)

KFD: a large piece of rock that is used for counter tops

cunning \ˈkə-niŋ\cun·ning adjective

1 : very good or very clever at using special knowledge or skills or at getting something done <a cunning detective>2 : showing keen understanding <a cunning observation>3 : marked by deception and trickery

KFD: sly, sneaky

legend \ˈle-jənd\ leg·end


1 : a story coming down from the past whose truth is popularly accepted but cannot be checked2 a : writing or a title on an object b : CAPTION 2 c : an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart

KFD: a local hero

reservation \re-zər-ˈvā-shən\res·er·va·tion noun

1 : the act of reserving2 : an arrangement to have something (as a motel room or a seat on a plane) held for one's use3 : something reserved for a special use; especially : an area of public lands so reserved (as for use by American Indians)

KFD: land set aside for American Indians

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