Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 2: God and His Creation (part 1)

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Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 2: God and His Creation (part 1). Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012. Creation (Gen. 1-2:3). In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth . Genesis 1:1 . Creation (Gen. 1-2:3). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Step By Step: Old TestamentLesson 2: God and His Creation (part 1)

Rev. Christopher J. RespassAntioch Bible Institute

Fall 2012

Creation (Gen. 1-2:3)

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Creation (Gen. 1-2:3)

A. arb “bara”: create or bring into existence.

B. This word is used three (3) times to refer to God’s work to create the heavens & earth, every living thing and human beings.

C. Only God creates, man manufactures.

Creation (Gen. 1-2:3)

What Did God Create?Day 1 : God created Light and separated it

from darkness, causing night and day.(Gen. 1:3-5)

Day 2: Heavens (or sky) (Gen. 1:6-8)

Day 3: Land, Seas and Seed-bearing Vegetation (Gen. 1:9-13)

Creation (Gen. 1-2:3)

Day 4: Sun, Moon Stars--their purpose is to provide light

on the Earth.

Day 5: Fish & Birds (Gen. 1:20-23)

Day 6: Animals & Humans (Gen. 1:24-31)

Creation (Gen. 1-2:3)

Day 7:

He Rested!!(When Do You Rest?)

Creation from a Human Perspective(Gen. 2:3-25)

Much of what we understand about family and relationships originates in Genesis 1-2. Where Genesis 1 tends to focus on creation from the “universal” standpoint, Genesis 2 focuses on creation from the “human” standpoint.

Creation from a Human Perspective(Gen. 2:3-25)

A. Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:10-14)1. In the East2. From Eden flowed a river which divided into four (4) other rivers.

A. Pishon (Havilah)B. Gihon (Cush)C. Tigris (Assyria)D. Euphrates

Creation from a Human Perspective


Creation from a Human Perspective

Creation from a Human Perspective(Gen. 2:3-25)

B. Two Key Trees are located within the Garden of Eden:

1. Tree of Life

2. Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil

Creation from a Human Perspective(Gen. 2:3-25)

C. God’s Instruction to Man (Gen.2:16-17).1. You may eat of every tree of the garden (including The Tree of Life).

2. You shall not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of God and Evil. You will die.

D. God makes woman and institutes marriage (Gen. 2:18-25).1. Marriage originates with God, not the legislature.

Creation from a Human Perspective(Gen. 2:3-25)

E. What Conclusions can we draw from Gen. 2:3-25?1. God made us to work (Gen. 2:15)2. God has given us free choice (Gen. 2:16-17).3. God has made us for companionship—with him and others (Gen. 2:18)4. God instituted and ordained marriage as an exclusive, heterosexual, committed relationship. (Gen. 2:24-25).

The Fall (Gen. 3)

A. The Anatomy of a Tragic Fall1. The Set-up—Cast Doubt (Gen. 3:1)

2. The Stumble: Incomplete or inaccurate understanding of God’s Word (Gen. 3:2-3)

3. The Tantalizing Deception (Gen. 3:4-5).

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life….” 1 John 2:16

The Fall (Gen. 3)

4. The Fall: Man Rebels, Disobeys and Sins (Gen. 3:6-7).

“For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.”

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

The Fall (Gen. 3)

B. Major Consequences of the Fall1. Spiritual and physical death.2. Damaged/Destroyed relationship and fellowship with God.3. Damaged relationships between man, woman and animal (“Blame Game”)(Gen. 3:14-19).

The Fall (Gen. 3)4. Specifics for Man, Woman and Serpent

a) Man: hard labor with poor results

b) Woman:pain in childbearingpower struggle with husband

c) Serpent:crawl on its bellyenmity between it and humans

The Fall (Gen. 3)

5. Destroyed/Damaged intimacy with God

a) In Gen. 2:8-9, God is looking for Adam.

b) In Gen 3:23-24, God is driving the man and his wife out of the Garden.

The Fall (Gen. 3)

C. Mercy, Grace & Hope—even in the OT1. Mercy: God did not require immediate

death. There would have been no opportunity for repentance and redemption.

2. Grace: God prepares the skins of aslaughtered animal for clothing. God does this in spite of Adam’s and Eve’s sin. (Gen. 3:21).

The Fall (Gen. 3)

3. Hope: The “Seed Plot” (Gen. 3:15)

“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.“

Genesis 3:15

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