Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Health Final Project


Stealthy Tips for

Healthy Chips By Yuqing (Carrie) Wang, Reecan Juarez, Anthony Nebel, and Cassandra Wong

This book is dedicated to Ms. Olmedo, our parents, peers, and editors.

Thanks for cheering us on.


We would like to express our gratitude to Ms. Olmedo, our health teacher, for helping us produce this book. We also want to say thanks to for hosting this book on their server. Without you guys, this never would have been accomplished.



1. General Health and Wellness

2. Physical Activity and Fitness

3. Nutrition and Healthy Weight

4. Eating Disorders and Body Image

5. Mental and Emotional Health

6. Stress Management

7. Self Esteem

8. Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

9. Social Health


Pages 8-13

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

Pages 14-19

Pages 20-25

Pages 26-31

Pages 32-37

Pages 38-43

Pages 44-49

Pages 50-55

Pages 56-61


Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

1. Take a break once in a while. Everyone has a busy life. Sometimes, we may feel overwhelmed by our work. Many students now give up their sleep to finish homework, complete a project, or study for an upcoming test. However, it is highly

inefficient that way. Sleep plays an important role in learning. Studies have found that when people are sleep deprived, their “focus, attention, and vigilance drift, making it more difficult to receive information.

Without adequate sleep and rest, over-worked neurons can no longer function to coordinate information properly, and people lose their ability to access

previously learned information.” So instead of overworking yourself, take a break and rest. Your body and brain will appreciate you a lot.


General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

2. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

We all heard that phrase, and it is actually proven to be true. Eating an apple, for example, will give you your vitamin C and other vital nutrients that are vital to your health. Not just eating an apple, but eating healthy overall will have a huge impact on your life and

future. It helps set your habits and will help improve your immune system so you won’t get sick as often.

Bottom line, eat healthy to have a better future.


General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

3. Drink your H2O.

Your body needs it, and it also has its healthy benefits. It contains no calories so it’s a great

alternatives to soda and since your body is about 70% water, you need to replenish that water throughout the day. Water also helps you cool down your body, it helps flushes toxins out of your vital organs, and helps

carry nutrients throughout your body.

Water isn’t bad for you, so get going and drink some water now!


General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

4. Wash your hands often.

It is advisable to stay healthy and away from germs by washing your hands. Most germs usually reside in our

hands due to touching everything and spreading it everywhere such as touching a laptop to touching your phone. It is especially important to wash after you go into the restrooms and before you eat because you do

not want to spread the bacteria and digest it by accident. Plus, it would be pretty gross if you shook someone’s hand not knowing they didn’t wash their



General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

5. “Laughter is the best medicine.”

You may have heard this phrase tossed around quite often-but it’s said for a very good reason, because laughter IS the best medicine that there is! Besides smiling, laughing also boosts your immune system and lowers your blood pressure. Other benefits of laughing include pain relief, lowered stress levels, and weight

loss. Scientific studies have shown us that laughing for 15 seconds adds 2 days to your lifespan.

So search for the things in your life that just make

you want to smile, brighten up, and laugh!


General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

6. Turn up the radio!

Many people these days listen to a lot of music. But did you know that-besides an emotional effect-music can also have a health effect on our bodies? In fact, there is a unit in the field of clinical health called “music therapy,” which is entirely devoted to using music’s effects to improve/maintain people’s health.

Music has been shown to have psychological benefits, such as preventing depression/anxiety, canceling out the

stress response, and even building creativity and happiness. Additional benefits are lowered blood

pressure, ease of muscle tension, and reduced risk of stroke.


General Health and Wellness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

7. Strol l and you won’t have to pay a tol l.

A single car toll is about $6 across a bridge. Travelling back and forth while paying the toll would total $60 a week. If a person paid this amount for a year, he would spend approximately $3120 on car tolls. With

expensive gas price added, people will spends thousands of dollars travelling on cars, which does not contribute anything to a healthier lifestyle. If a person can choose to walk instead of driving around all day

long, he or she can save thousands per year.

So move, walk, and don’t drive a car if you don’t have to! It’s bad for the environment as well.


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

8. Run for a longer life.

Just doing a medium type of aerobic activity, such as walking or running, for 30 minutes a day can help you live longer. Studies from CDC show that “Only a few

lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity. People who are physically active for about 7 hours a week have a 40 percent lower risk of dying early than those who are active for less than 30 minutes a week. “ Besides a longer lifespan, it can help give you energy throughout the day and help prevent you from being overweight.


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

9. Don’t be a couch potato.

There are much more productive things than to sit on the couch and watch T.V. all day long. Join a sports team, take a walk in the park, or even go shopping with your friends but just do some type of physical activity. Exercising can be just as fun as watching T.V. with working hard towards a goal or just playing

games with your friends. There are a lot more benefits such as getting a better sleep, having a better sex life, and even having more energy throughout the

day. Go out and play!


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

10. Don’t stay inside al l the time.

There are much more productive things than to sit on the couch and watch T.V. all day long. Join a sports team, take a walk in the park, or even go shopping with your friends but just do some type of physical activity. Exercising can be just as fun as watching T.V. with working hard towards a goal or just playing

games with your friends. There are a lot more benefits such as getting a better sleep, having a better sex life, and even having more energy throughout the day. In addition, the sunlight naturally makes people

feel better. Go outside today!


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

11. Exercising your f ingers means nothing.

Every part of you needs some form of exercise. While some teenagers say that they are getting a form of exercise from being on the computer (‘strengthening’ their fingers by typing a lot), it doesn’t count. You need to go out and exercise your whole body.

Exercising can be a powerful antidepressant and can also help lower and maintain cholesterol, blood

pressure, and weight.

So turn off your computer and get going!


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

12. Push, don’t pol lute.

A great and popular alternative to using a car to commute is to skateboard. Since a skateboard uses no gas and requires a physical push to move around, you are doing two things: 1. decreasing air pollution in your area, and 2. getting a good workout. Gillian Markson writes in her well-known fitness blog: “Skateboarding provides flexibility, increases coordination, and builds cardiovascular stamina.” Because riding a skateboard mostly focuses on the use of your legs, your quads will become strong and toned after sessions of rides.

And you’ll look cool doing it, too. :)


Physical Activity and Fitness

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

13. We need them al l – carbs, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and water.

Our bodies need six types of nutrients to survive. They are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and water. Carbohydrates provide the primary energy for our bodies. Consisting of sugar and starches, carbohydrates provide 4 calories of energy per gram. Proteins also provide 4 calories of energy per gram while fats

provide 9 calories per gram. Minerals and vitamins also play important role in our overall health, as they contribute everything to bone formation and the

wellbeing of our eye sight. Water is the primary fluid in our bodies, because they are everywhere in our blood. In order to survive, we need all six nutrients. Follow

the food pyramid!


Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

14. Not too much, not too little – just right.

It is essential to have the right balance of eating habits. Too much of a good thing will still lead to negative

effects. For instance, too much carbohydrates intake will lead to the storage of fats, having been converted from sugar in the liver. An excessive intake of sugar can also lead to health problems such as diabetes. The

storage of extra sugar and protein will result in weight gain and possible clotted arteries, thus increasing a

person’s risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is important to have a right, balanced

meal every day.


Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

15. Know the power of exercise.

Are you overweight and concerned on how to lose it? Well, it all starts off with a healthy diet and

physical exercise. A healthy diet helps provide you the right amount of calories your body needs without going overboard. Physical exercise also helps get rid of fat to help make you look slimmer. Exercise also makes you look longer, so you can kill two birds with one stone. The sooner you start, the faster you can look



Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

16. Taste the rainbow.

Just like the rainbow, you should have a variety of different foods with different colors. Multiple foods is vital for your body, especially if you eat with the right amount of balance. If your body has too much of one type of food, you will get over the nutrients you need and do the opposite results of what it is intended

for. By having the right nutrients, you will be able to start a habit of eating the right amounts of food and

help you lose weight.


Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

17. Don’t eat to your heart’s content. With the improvements in technology over many centuries,

humans have been able to produce tons of food every year. Because of this surplus of food, people are

always eating more than they can handle (i.e. eating like a “king”). Even the restaurants do this, serving

customers huge portions of food that’s calorie content is high enough to feed 2 grown men. However,

overeating can be detrimental to your health. According to nutritionist Josh Tam, “Overeating often leads to obesity and all problems associated with it from cosmetic to medical. Besides affecting your

weight, overeating can also lead to acne and loss of hair from vitamin deficiencies.”


Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

18. Screw soda? No duh. Soda is a carbonated soft drink. It is extremely popular around the world-with five out of seven people drinking some sort of soda every day. But in recent years, the

public has become concerned with soda and its nutritional value. In March 2012, a study linking

drinking sugary liquids like soda to heart attacks in men made headlines for a week. Instead of drinking a Coke to refresh yourself during the day, drink some

water instead. Water is full of natural minerals and has virtually no calories, where as a regular can of Coke contains 160 calories with many artificial chemicals.


Nutrition and Healthy Weight

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

19. You’re perfect the way you are. A lot of teenage girls about how they look. They are constantly worry about their weights, and thus go to

the extent of extreme weight losing. This will eventually result in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. About 3 in 100 American teens are diagnosed

with eating disorder every year and about 50% of anorexic people die each year. Anorexia has grown

about 36% since 1950. With these alarming facts, it is important to know that you are fine the way you are, regardless of what other people might say. You are living this life for yourself and nobody else, so why cares about other people’s opinions? You are already perfect, so don’t hurt your body by not eating. Enjoy

this life you are living now.


Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

20. Here, have a bite. People go to the severe extreme as to starve themselves

in order to lose weight. However, eating disorders will and have resulted in many death cases. A Boston Ballet dancer died at the age of 22 due to anorexia and starvation. Starvation causes harms to the body.

Blood pressure drops due to a reduced intake of foods. In addition, liver and heart failures can also be resulted from starvation. The production of estrogen shuts down

in women’s bodies when they starve themselves, therefore causing bones to become more weak and

fragile. Girls, people, listen to your body's’ cries! We need to eat in order to survive! Starving yourself is

simply another way of committing suicide! Have a bite, it will cause you no harm!


Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

21. What matters is on the inside.

Everyone has heard of this phrase, and there is some truth to it. You should be proud of who you are, and change to someone everyone wants to be. There are times that a better personality is better to have than a better body. Also, while you may think that your

appearance may matter the worst, the organs inside of your body have to take some consequences so don’t change because people want you to, but be who you are. In reality, being truly yourself make you feel truly



Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

22. Flaws? You must mean adorable mistakes.

Everybody has flaws. Yes, even the model you see on Vogue with almost to no pores has flaws as

well. Humans tend to make mistakes in their lives and its up to them to actually learn from them and never makes it again to succeed in life. Not only

does it help you, but you can also learn your mistakes to help others who encountered the same

problem. This could be with your friends, family, and even relatives.


Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

23. What ‘they’ say doesn’t matter.

You shouldn’t take into consideration what other people might say and you should just be yourself. Conforming to what society wants may lose your real identity and who you really are. Instead of being a person to become popular, you should just be yourself and find friends like that to get true with yourself. That is why you shouldn’t concern with your body weight because if you are too concerned, you may get eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa which is not healthy for you. So remember, just be yourself.


Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

24. The case of uncontrol lable nomnomnoms...

Binge eating disorder, or BED, is not a well-known eating disorder amongst the public. But with 5.5% of the

American population diagnosed with BED, it is the most common eating disorder amongst Americans. A notable symptom of BED is eating unnecessarily large portions of food and being unable to control the amount of food that the person he or she eats. This usually transitions

to obesity and related conditions.


Eating Disorders and Body Image

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

25. When in doubt, ask a friend.

People like to keep secrets among themselves for multiple purposes such as not getting hurt, you don’t want people changing, and to help protect someone. But

when your in trouble, it may be better to ask a trusted adult or friend. It is better to have two heads thinking

of a solution than one. It is also okay to relieve some stress by telling your friends what happened such as a change in a relationship so when in doubt, ask a



Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

26. A strong body has a strong mind.

People who have a strong mental health aren’t people who haven’t gone through disappointment, loss, or change but have a strong resilience that helps them control and adapt. There are multiple ways to strengthen it by self disciplining yourself, or by accepting change as part of reality. Having a healthy mind is connected to

having a healthy physical body.


Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

27. Happiness is the key to survival.

Just try to be happy because happiness has a bunch of positive aspects. Some aspects are gaining mental health and becoming physically healthy. According to the article The Six Life Benefits of Happiness, “Happy

people are more likely to have stronger immune systems, researchers find.” This can help you prevent some diseases in the future and live longer. Also, it can give you less depressions and suicidal thoughts which will help you with living a positive life and

longer. So, remember, just smile more to live longer.


Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

28. Live, love, laugh.

Enjoying life is one of the most important things to do. If you are doing something you do not enjoy, then try to find an alternative to the solution so that you can have some fun. Not everything is fun and games, but try to make the most of your life because remember, you only have one life and you should use it wisely. With that life, you can either enjoy yourself fully or lead a

very depressing life.


Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

29. Bul lying is bad.

Bullying is using power or force to to harm or intimidate those that are weaker. Bullying is known to inflict serious mental and emotional consequences on the

person that is being bullied. Those that are perceived as “different” to others are most vulnerable to being bullied. If you are being bullied, the best thing to do is to tell a responsible person, since they can handle the problem best. But if that’s not an option, then

stand up for yourself!


Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

30. FaceBook is not a friend. FaceBook is a popular social networking site designed to connect people’s social lives with other people that they

know. In the few years that FaceBook has been around, it has grown to a massive 175 million

members (and counting). It’s quite possible that YOU are a member of this website as well. However,

studies have shown that it can be detrimental to one’s psychological health. Research done by Utah Valley

University claims that people become depressed after a brief skim of their news feed. Their research has

become known as “FaceBook Depression,” which is a phenomenon in which a person perceives his or her friends on FaceBook as being apparently happier and

having a better life than said person. However, all your friends are just like you. A good way to fight Facebook

depression is to avoid the website all together.


Mental and Emotional Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

31. Stop, stand, breathe. Many people don’t know how to cope with stress correctly.

They either deprive themselves of sleep or they overeat. Others even go to the extent of abusing

themselves with alcohol and tobacco. Relieving one with stress is easier than what everyone thinks it is. Just stop your work, stand up from your chair, and stretch your body. Then take a deep breath and go outside. Exercising helps. You can also try reading some jokes. This lessens the tension of your muscles. Studies

have found that smiling only requires the movements of three facial muscles while frowning or other expressions require much more. A good laugh can relieve you with

tons of stress. :)


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

32. Learn how to manage your time. Procrastination is a major thing teenagers, especially when

they’re in high school, do. Procrastination will lead to a lot of stress if you are doing a project late at night, or studying for a test. You will be pressured because the deadline is coming closer, and a bunch of stress will make you worried. Stress is also harmful for your body, so instead of harming your body, use your time wisely and start doing your work overtime instead of

the last minute.


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

33. Don’t fear change. Change will always be a part of life, whether it be a death in the family, moving to another state, or just

changing schools, it is always going to affect you. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean you have to not deal with it. You should learn to face it head on or try to find solutions than not do anything. It is also part of you when you start to grow up into an adult such as going to college so instead of running away, grow up and accept it.


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

34. Make up with your friends. Just by arguing with your friend can be very stressful, especially when your correct. Arguing with him would not be the answer, and you should try to make up with him or try to find the solution instead of arguing that your right because in most cases, that’s what your friend thinks as well. So to make your social life less stressful, just remember to make up with them so you

can enjoy hanging out with them again.


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

35. Meditate. Meditation is the practice of meditating, which is to think

deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time. Meditation is commonly used for spiritual and religious purposes, but it can also be used to provide stress relief. When stressed out, sit down in a quiet place, free of sight and hearing distractions. Close your eyes, and breathe normally. Center all your thoughts into one

spot and concentrate until you feel relaxed.


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

36. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat. When you’re a bit stressed out, pause for a moment. Inhale deeply, and then exhale. You should be feeling better now! :) Controlled breathing is one of the simplest ways to relieve yourself of stress. However,

holding in your breath is NOT. In fact, it’s one of the worst techniques of stress relief, as holding in your breath forces your body to work harder to keep the balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen. It’s

important to practice breathing exercises, for both your stress and your respiratory health.


Stress Management

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

37. Magazines are liars. People have low self-esteem because they are not satisfied with their body image. They think they are overweight and fat, and they constantly compare

themselves to the thin, skinny models portrayed by mass media. However, what many forget is the fact that pictures depicted by magazines and TV can be cropped and edited so that the models will look skinnier. The sole purpose of such doing is the

generate revenues for their products, either magazines or weight loss pills. Remember, you look BEAUTIFUL the way you are. Magazines are liars that want nothing but money from you. Exercise and healthy eating habits alone are able to give you the healthy body that you want. Why compare yourself to others when you are

fine the way you are?


Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

38. Stay positive. You should always be happy instead of having negative

thoughts because studies show that you live longer, you are able to have more sales, you can deal with stress more easily, have a wider perspective of the world, you have a better potential to have more

friends, and have a better success at marriage. So instead of being pessimistic, you should improve your

life quality by being happy instead.


Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

39. Have more confidence in yourself. Don't worry if your not perfect because it is natural for

humans to make mistakes from time to time. From time to time, have some more confidence in yourself because that’s what people want. It is especially

important in relationships to take a step forward. In life, if you don’t act confident enough, some people will start to question what you are communicating

instead of what you are actually saying.


Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

40. C onsult your worries.

To help boost your self - esteem, help talk to a trusted adult, a friend, or a professional to help you find out what’s wrong. Just by talking with a friend, you can

have more than one person help diagnose the problem. This means you can solve the solution a lot



Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

41. You can do it.

A big drain for one’s self esteem is a lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is a feeling or trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement. Take for

example, you are trying to pass a test. If you study, of course you will pass-but if you lack self-confidence,

you’re more likely to fail it. But if you’re full of confidence before the test, you will definitely ace it! Having confidence will help you succeed in your

endeavors, and as a result, boost your self-esteem. :)


Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

42. Be yourself.

Stop paying attention to what people think of you! Allowing judgement to change who you are will NOT

help you with self-esteem. In fact, it will actually lower your self-esteem because you are abandoning who you really are for fake you. Start analyzing yourself and spot the flaws. Change yourself to live up to YOUR

standards, not others’ standards.


Self Esteem

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

43. Use them, don’t abuse them.

Everyone gets sick once in awhile, so medicines become a necessity in those situations. Yes, you should definitely take medicines and use them to your advantages in

curing your illnesses. However, don’t abuse prescription drugs. Studies have found that 1 in 12 high school

seniors have reported using Vicodin, a prescription drug, for nonmedical use. The side effects of abusing

prescription drugs include but are not limited to negative effects on personal relationships, employment difficulties,

and financial loss. Seek help from a doctor or a psychiatrist if you realize an increasing dependency on

a prescription drug.


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

44. Crack is wack. There are other things instead of resorting to crack to find

pleasure, relieve stress, or just to look “cool”. Don’t fall under peer pressure, just be who you want to be and you will find your friends who you can get along with. There are also ways to relieve stress with time

management and there are other fun and more productive things in your life that are less harmful and

more productive.


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

45. Beer from peers is bad.

Don’t fall under peer pressure from your friends, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol like beer. Alcohol

has many bad side effects that can infect you, such as possibly having a liver failure in the future. Thats why its better to never do it because once you try it, it will

be hard to stop drinking again. It can also pose many problem such as malnutrition and other

diseases. There is also a bigger possibility of cancer arising when you drink too much.


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

46. Face your problems.

Never resort to drugs if you’re feeling depressed or sad. What happens is that once you take a drug,

you start to become addicted to it. When you become addicted, you won’t be able to stop and would need to take more of it. You start to zone out on your goals

and just want to relax your whole life. Just by resorting to drugs doesn’t mean you’re solving them. All it means is that your just running

away. So don’t take drugs to not face stressful situations.


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

47. Don’t give in to heroin.

Heroin (a.k.a. speed) is a derivative of morphine. It is an opiate drug that is obtained from the Asian opium poppy plant. Several ways in which heroin can be

abused are by snuffing, drinking, smoked, or-the most popular-injection. When taken, heroin causes an

extreme feeling of euphoria. But eventually, the body builds resistance to the drug, so the user will require more doses of heroin to achieve that “euphoric”

feeling. This is very dangerous, as the user will be more susceptible to an overdose. Some consequences of using heroin are acquiring HIV, infection of the

heart, pulmonary complications, and permanent damage to vital organs.


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

48. O TC’s are not right for me and you.

Over-the-counter drugs, or OTC drugs for short, are drugs that can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription. They are relatively easy to get since they are mass produced and sold in many pharmacy stores. Though their availability is advantageous, their availability can also be dangerous; as people can buy huge amounts of these OTC drugs and abuse them. Studies from the CRC Health Group show that in the last 10 years of the 21st century, 1 in 10 teenagers have abused OTC meds that contain dextromethorphan (DSM). Instead of using OTC drugs, save your money and cook up some

good ol’ chicken soup!


Medicines and Psychoactive Drugs

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

49. Talk to someone in real life, not social networks.

With the increasing prevalence of social networks, more and more people, especially teens, are turning to social networks such as FaceBook for communication. They are less prone to talk to someone in real life. These teens will have some degrees of difficulty when it

comes to communicating themselves clearly and politely towards others. Moreover, social networks can contribute to an increasing rate of cyber-bullying. Communication

proves to be an essential skill necessary for the survival in the current society. Real-life conversations

have a lesser tendency of bearing lies.


Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

50. Find friends for free.

Trusted friends are friends who you don’t have to pay money to get along with. Talking and socializing with your friends actually have a lot of benefits, including raising your self - confidence and self - esteem, reduce stress, and possibly help set goals for

you. Not only does it help you mentally, it helps you socially where you can talk to a friend when you are

lonely or facing a hard time.


Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

51. Don’t hate.

If you have enough time to hate someone, use that time to find some love. You should rechannel your negative energy into a peaceful and loving time. Find your partner for life, and help devote your energy into something you and your partners want, not for revenge. Love also has health benefits including

healthier kids in the future and less hospital visits due to less stress. You can also improve your lifespan by

just loving someone.


Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

52. The Internet could be your worst enemy.

Just by staring at the internet and becoming Level 10000 in a video game doesn’t mean that you are as

amazing in real life. The amount of time you were playing could have been exercising to help improve

your cardiovascular muscles and help prevent diseases. You also use that time to chat with people in real life. Just by chatting with your friends, you

can have fun without resorting to computers.


Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

53. And then you meet depression, your second worst enemy.

By becoming depressed, you start developing an antisocial personality which could make it very hard to make

friends. If you don't have friends, you start to isolate yourself. When you start to isolate yourself, you start to become lonely. When you become lonely, you become suicidal. Depression is a leading cause for

deaths due to it leading to suicides, especially in young teens where they are influenced easily. Don’t become



Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

54. Popularity isn’t everything.

“Popular person” is a clichéd term, but your typical popular person is usually the school socialite: friends with every “cool person,” admired by everyone in

school, and is the top of the social food chain. You may think that you’re at the very bottom, but that’s not true at all! In fact, there’s no such thing as a

social food chain. Everyone has their own preferences, and therefore, likings to different people. Not everyone is going to be your cup of tea. So don’t be jealous of

the popular person in the hallway who’s always surrounded by jocks and cheerleaders. It may turn out that they may not be the right type of friends for you.


Social Health

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips

Bibliography Sleep, learning, and memory. (2007, December 18). Retrieved from

Physical activity and health. (20qq, February 16). Retrieved from

Traffic/toll data. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mikaela Conley, M. C. (2012, January 19). 1 in 5 americans suffer mental illness. Retrieved from

Stress statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Topics in brief: Prescription drug abuse. (2011, December). Retrieved from

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Yuqing Wang, more commonly known as Carrie, is a rising junior at the Bronx High School of Science. She has been living in NYC with her parents for almost three years now. Carrie has won numerous awards for her other books, such as the National Book Awards for her long novel Truth. In her free time, Carrie enjoys sketching, playing the guitar, or simply surfing on the web.

Reecan Juarez is a current student of the Bronx High School of Science (‘15). Residing in the borough of Queens, she is known in her neighborhood as the “weird, Asian, curly-haired girl down the street.” Her interests include drawing, writing, tumblr (a blogging social network), and her two-piece band, Nuke the Whale.


Anthony Nebel, more famously known as the “Author of Ants,” is going to be a sophomore at the Bronx High School of Science in 2012. Currently living in the boroughs of Queens, he finds inspiration on what he sees. Living here for 4 years now, NYC has become a huge part of his life. He is most famously known for getting a Pulitzer Prize award on his famous book, “The Life of Ants.”


Cassandra Wong was born and raised in Queens, New York City, New York. She currently attends the Bronx High School of Science and will be a sophomore in September, 2012. She considers sleeping a hobby despite what anyone tells her and it is her favorite. Her favorite place in the world is Hong Kong.


Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips by Yuqing (Carrie) Wang, Reecan Juarez, Anthony Nebel, and Cassandra Wong

s J. K. Rowling read this book, she smiled to herself and thought, “I never

knew that stressing could do such much damage to my body!” The book,

Stealthy Tips for Healthy Chips, gives advice in different areas, such as stress

management and self esteem, to anybody who needs it. As one tip in the

book says, “Relax - it’s fine!” and enjoy the short book that can and will help

you feel great and lead a happier lifestyle.


“Amazing.” - Scholastic

“A fantastic and fun read. This book made my day. ” – New York Times

“I feel better already. ” – Stephen King

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