Status and Management of the Harlequin Duck BIO 586 Kayle Baker.

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Status and Management of Status and Management of the Harlequin Duckthe Harlequin Duck

BIO 586 Kayle Baker


• Kingdom- Animalia• Phylum- Chordata• Subphylum- Vertebrata• Class- Aves• Order- Anseriformes• Family- Anatidae• Genus- Histrionicus Lesson• Species- Histrionicus histrionicus

Origin of NameOrigin of Name

• From the latin word “histrio” • Meaning “actor”• Named for french and italian comic actors

who dress up in colorful costumes• Similar to American vaudeville

General DescriptionGeneral Description

• Diving duck• Size: small• Length: approximately 12 inches• Wingspan: 26 inches• Has dark wings• Weight: 18-26 ounces• Sexual maturity: 2-3 years

Adult MalesAdult Males

• Bluish gray body• White area

surrounding bill• White cheek spots• White streaking on

body and face• White scapula• Brown sides• Black tail

Adult FemalesAdult Females

• Dull coloration (brown)

• Pale stomach• Splotchy white

crescent around bill

• White cheek spots

Breeding and Wintering Breeding and Wintering RangesRanges

• Wintering occurs in coastal marine areas

• Harlequin ducks

winter at rocky

coasts in the

northern U.S. and


Breeding and WinteringBreeding and Wintering

• Winter in the rocky coastal areas of the northern U.S. and Canada.

• In May-June, they migrate to streams with fast moving water for breeding.

• Males leave in June-July to moulting sites and are followed by the females after incubation of eggs.

• Migrate back to wintering area in October-November

Female BreedingFemale Breeding

• Females are generally ground or crevice nesters.

• Nests are hidden. Often under low brush or fallen trees.

• Nests are lined with down, which is uncommon for ground nesters, but effective for the Harlequin duck, because of it’s dull color.

Female Breeding cont’dFemale Breeding cont’d

• Females typically lay 3-8 eggs• Egg laying lasts for 2-4 days• Eggs are pale cream colored• Incubation lasts 28-32 days• Females are thought to possibly use their nest

site for more than one year• Female will take ducklings to water within 24

hours of hatching• Ducklings have been seen playing in rapid

moving water and near waterfalls.• Ducklings begin flying within 40-50 days of


Distribution RangeDistribution Range

• There are two major populations of the Harlequin duck:

The Atlantic and Pacific • These two populations are then

subdivided into four regional populations: The Eastern North American, The

Greenlandic, The Icelandic and the Pacific Population

• Each of the four populations has it’s own conservation status

Population StatusPopulation Status

• Although the population status of the Pacific is the most stable of the four populations, it is considered to be in decline, with an estimated population of 1 million ducks.

• The Icelandic and Greenlandic populations are estimated to have around 5000 ducks each.

• The Eastern North American population is the smallest of the four with around 1000 ducks.

• All populations are protected against hunting

Status Cont’dStatus Cont’d

• The Harlequin Duck has been protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act in Canada since 1917.

• The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated the Eastern North American Population of Harlequin Ducks as “Endangered” in 1990.

• In 2001, the Eastern Population was reclassified as a population of Special Concern due to numbers rising to a more acceptable level.

Causes of DeclineCauses of Decline

• Harlequin Ducks have a relatively small clutch size and in certain years, it has been estimated that only half of sexually mature adults will breed.

• Reduction in food availability due to pollution killing aquatic invertebrates (duck’s main food source)

• Human interaction and incidental harvesting.• Oil spills • Hydroelectric plants• Low- level flying disturbances

Management EffortsManagement Efforts

Harlequin Duck (Eastern Population) Recovery Plan

• Approved in 1994• Created by The Harlequin Duck Recovery

Team, a 22 member committee• Designed to rebuild eastern population

to at least 3,000 ducks by 2010.• Addresses concern about population

isolation and discrepancies in population estimation.

Recovery Plan StrategiesRecovery Plan Strategies

• Recovery strategies fall into three broad Categories:

Harlequin Duck Recovery Plan

Population Analysis

Habitat Management

Law Enforcement/ Education

Population AnalysisPopulation Analysis

• New population studies to determine accurate numbers in wintering and breeding ranges

• Studies to evaluate population trends• Comprehensive studies in the fields of

biology, ecology and genetics to further determine recovery needs.

• Modeling, to assess the effects of management efforts

Timeline for ResearchTimeline for Research

• 1994: monitoring resulted in sighting of 1,000 or more ducks. Sponsorship of a survey questionnaire to identify unknown breeding areas;

• 1994-1995: Canada and U.S. worked together to create a wintering survey plan;

• 1995-1996: Wintering and Breeding surveys conducted; populations estimated;

• 1995-1996: research started to determine reproductive success;

• 1997-1998: genetic studies conducted on Pacific and Atlantic populations determine that they are different. There is no difference determined between Atlantic populations. Studies continue because the sample size was very small.

Habitat ManagementHabitat Management

• Habitat protection • Preventing oil spills:

Wintering Ranges of the Harlequin duck are often located in oil rich areas or on shipping routes.

• Preventing pollution of streams: acid rain causes reduced numbers of aquatic invertebrates and in turn can affect breeding.

• Hydroelectric plants: effect water flow. Harlequin ducks are notoriously habitual about their breeding grounds.

Law Enforcement/ EducationLaw Enforcement/ Education

• Law enforcement to prevent hunting• Education programs to prevent the

accidental harvest of harlequin duck and disturbance of it’s habitat (harassment of the ducks)

• Handouts are given to hunters to help them distinguish between female and Juvenile harlequin ducks and other species such as scoters.


• Although the Harlequin duck is protected by law, it is still a species in decline and of concern.

• The Harlequin Duck Recovery Plan is a comprehensive effort to maintain and rebuild population status, but the process is slow and often depends on human participation.

• The main goal of the Recovery Plan is to re-establish a population in Eastern North America of at least 3000 ducks, by 2010.

• Further studies on genetic isolation between the Eastern populations are pending.

The EndThe End

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• Hinterland Who’s Who

• Species at Risk

• Alaska Department of Fish and Game

• Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia

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