
Startup IncubatorEarly Stage Seed Funding


High Tech Startup is a newly created technological company

Started by 1 or more founders, who has technological background

and vision for product

Is in the phase of research for markets and development

Need some financial help to develop an idea

and prepare a prototype

Early Stage IncubatorsUSA, EUROPE, INDIA

Y Combinator TechStarsLaunch Box



DreamIT Ventures

Shotput Ventures

Capital Factory

Next Start


SeedRocketMorpheusOpenFund iAccelerator

Application process

Applicants are young, 17-27 years old, and energetic entrepreneurs!

Team consists of 2 or 3 (technical) founders

Project = idea + (optional) product definition + (optional) prototype.

No business plan required.

Team submits a project application

Committee considers to fund selected projects for 10 – 16 weeks

of development

Incubation Process

Optional workspace and legal services. Seed funding in exchange

for 2% - 10% of equity

Mentoring, teaching and providing expert


Weekly status meeting and dinner

with experts

Connection with the network of angel investors, VC funds and

partner companies

From idea to company!

Spirit of entrepreneurship

Bootstrapping and co-working with smartest people in the field

Financial help is only a small (and not mandatory)

part of the support from incubators

Founders don’t have to spend time and effort on anything

except the actual development

Experts help with vision

Angels network supports further development

Funding size

US average$12.000 - $20.000

3 month5%-7% of shares

India average$10.000

3-4 month10%-15% of shares

Europe average€20.000 - €30.000

3-4 month8%-10% of shares

Incubator’s alumni

• Reddit - social news website

• DropBox - file hosting service

• - travel and vacation planning

• Loopt - cell-phone based GPS sharing

• Disqus - discussions over the web

• Scribd - document sharing website

• - comics on the web

• Posterous - simple blogging platform

Startup Perspectives in Armenia

Limited, not well developed funding environment


No connections with global angel investors and VC funds network

Limited development and management resources

Local market is in the initial state of evolution

Idea of Armenian Early Stage Incubator

Everything big starts from the small

Call for applications from teams with 2-3 persons

Select some for funding and promotion


$1000 - $4000 total

3 month program

for 2% - 10% of shares

Weekly meetings with experts

Connection with US and Europe: IncubatorsCompanies

Angel investors VC funds

Promotion and Marketing

Young, enthuziastic and eager to create?

Respond Now!

Key to success

Spirit of entrepreneurship

Desire to create and innovate

Will to achieve goals

Results to be proud of

Thanks for your attention!

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