
Meridith RoyOctober 2010Scratch Projects Difficulties

My first—and possibly most pressing issue at this point—is that Fredrick Law Olmstead was hidden, as you can see in the last part of the code, and I cannot get him to reappear. Each time I click the “when clicked” box, one of the starlings starts his lines.

I’m also having trouble multiplying the starlings. I used the stamp method you suggested, but it made another sprite and I just want “stand ins,” if you will, to illustrate the 60 starlings released in the 1800s, then the 40 released subsequently, then their multiplication and expansion across the United States. I tried the other method you suggested (just duplicating them), but that didn’t work correctly. I don’t remember why exactly, but it didn’t.

I also want to be able to make the excess birds disappear and reappear when I want them to. Since I’ve had so much success with the hide function and Olmstead…

You can see below that the 9th starling sprite is a clone made by the stamp function, but he also does and says what the one before him does, and it just isn’t working.

I inserted all of the location I want to have in this project: Central Park, Mississippi (the steamboat), San Francisco, and a shot of the western hemisphere so I can show the starling’s distribution.

I can’t seem to figure out how to make them shift in and out as the backdrop in coordination with the starlings’ lines. I tried to space the starlings lines by having them “wait” so that—hopefully—they’ll synchronize with the backgrounds as they come and

go, but I feel like there must be a way to trigger them to say a certain thing when they are against a certain backdrop.

And this is just a shot of the steamboat with the starlings in it. I changed the background manually. I now need to figure out (once I figure out all the aforementioned stuff) how to make them fly into the sky when this image shows up as the background so they are walking on water.


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